MELCS How Rocks Turn Into Soil
MELCS How Rocks Turn Into Soil
MELCS How Rocks Turn Into Soil
into Soil
Module in Science 5
Quarter IV, Week 1
Published by the
Learning Resource Management and Development System
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The developer wishes to give due credits to the following for their untiring
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To the family members of the developer who are always at her back giving all
aspects of support while doing her given assignment and responsibility in making this
Above all, to the Almighty God for the strength, wisdom and all that made her
always in good health so she was able to finish this module.
OIC- Schools Division Superintendent
Have you ever wondered where the soil comes from? Can you imagine how
rocks turn into soil?
In this module, you will find out how rocks could become soil. As you go along
the activities, you will learn that there are different factors that contribute to the
breaking down of rocks. This will result in the formation of soil and different landforms.
It is also the reason we have amazing rock formations.
The table below will help you understand the parts of the learning module
which you need to read and undergo.
WHAT I NEED a brief introduction of the content of the
TO KNOW module. It contains the instructions for the
learner and the facilitator. Also, it contains
the learning objectives which you need to
WHAT I Pre-assessment of what you know.
KNOW Prior-knowledge
Find out how much you already know about the topics in this module.
Choose the correct answer and write the letter of your answer on a separate sheet.
Please answer all items. Take note of the items or questions that you incorrectly
answered and try to find the correct answer through the module.
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answer in a
clean sheet of paper.
1. Rocks could be broken no matter how hard it is. What do we call the
process of breaking down of rocks into fragments?
a. Erosion b. flooding
c. run off d. weathering
3. There are two types of how rocks are being broken. What do we call the
type of weathering that involves change in the composition of rocks?
a. Chemical b. mechanical
b. none d. physical
7. Plants are among the agents of weathering. How do roots of plant break
down rocks?
a. The roots absorb rock particles
b. The roots leave materials on the rocks.
c. The roots split the rocks apart.
d. The stones hit the rocks.
9. Some animals like the rabbits and moles dig up soil for shelter or to find
food. How does this activity contribute to the breaking down of rocks?
a. Animals will enjoy staying in the dug holes and cause the rising of
temperature inside.
b. The digging or burrowing of animals breaks the rocks into small
c. The food that these animals bring underground causes the breaking
of rocks.
d. Small rocks that be exposed to sunlight.
10. Water, people, animals wear away bits of rocks. when this happens, which
of these could possibly happen?
a. rock fragments will become soil b. rocks become bigger
c. rocks form a mountain d. rocks turn into water
This time let us try to recall some of your past lessons. This will surely help you
to continue the lesson that you are going to learn in this module. Do the suggested
activity below;
1. The kind of rock that is formed from molten rock. A. sedimentary rock
2. The kind of rock that is changed from other rocks. B. sandstone
3. Shale is an example of this kind of rock. C. igneous rock
4. A metamorphic rock formed from limestone. D. metamorphic
5. A sedimentary rock formed from pressed sand. E. marble
Have you ever noticed how the soles of your slippers change and become
thinner the longer you use them? Have you observed how a ball changes its
appearance and texture after it has been used for months, even years?
Changes also happen to rocks and other materials on earth. Take a look on the
pictures below, why do you think that the rocks have different shapes or are broken?
Unscramble the letters to form the word that can possibly cause the change of the
shape or break the rocks. Write the formed word on the blank provided.
ertwa ashmun
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ewsav sltpan
___________________ ____________________
What have you got from the activity? Are there other forces that cause the
breaking down of rocks into pieces? Let’s go deeper in understanding the topic by
studying carefully the following information:
• Rocks are hard, compact and solid. They continuously break into small pieces.
This process is called weathering. There are factors that cause the breaking
down of rocks to small pieces and finally become soil.
• Different factors act constantly of rocks to break and change them to soil.
These factors include heat, air, water, plants, animals and man.
• In weathering, the rock may just crumble down into smaller process or it may
produce some other new substances.
• Plants may break down rocks. Some plants grow on rocks. When they die and
decay, they give off acid which slowly breaks them down. Roots of plants may
find their way into cracks become wider, this can cause the rock to break apart.
• Man and animals help in breaking rocks are digging mountains and rocky
places for mining and quarrying activities. Animals breakdown rocks with their
claws and hooves as they move around and their waste materials help in the
decay of rocks.
• Weather elements also help in breaking down rocks. The alternate heating
and cooling of rocks for a long time cause them to break apart. When the wind
blows, it picks up sand and hurts them against the rocks, as they hit the rocks,
the rock wear away. Fast moving water carrying soil and bigger ocean waves
crash onto the shore and pound against big rocks causing the rocks to break
down into smaller pieces. These are only some of the forces that help in
breaking down of rocks.
This time, we will do some activities that would help you understand better
the lesson. Read, understand and do carefully each step in the activities below.
Answer these:
1. What happened to the rocks where the plants grow?
2. Do roots have something to do with in the breakdown of rocks? How?
3. Describe the rocks that you saw in the place where people and animals often
walk-through. How do they look, like? Why?
Were you able to get the correct answer in the previous activity? Read the paragraph
Man, animals and plants contribute to the breaking down of rocks. Some of the
activities of men that help in breaking rocks are digging mountains and rocky places
of mining and quarrying activities. Animals break down rocks with their claws and
hooves as they move around.
Some plants grow on rocks. When they die and decay, they give off acid which
slowly breaks them down. Roots of plants may find their way into cracks. As the roots
grow bigger, the cracks become wider; this can cause the rocks to break apart.
Assessment 1
Direction: List down at least 5 human or animal activities that contributes to
the breaking down of rocks.
4. _________________________________________________________________
What to do:
1. Observe one rock with your naked eye.
2. Hold the rock with the tongs.
3. Put the rock over the flame of the lighted candle for about I minute.
4. Observe what happens to the rock.
5. Heat the rock again for about 1 minute, then drop it into the cold water.
6. Take the crook out of the water, wipe it dry, and examine it.
7. Record your observation in your notebook.
Answer these;
1. Describe what happened to each rock when you applied heat.
4. What is the effect of heating and cooling rocks?
Did you get the correct answers? Read the paragraph below.
At daytime, the rocks expand because the sun heats the surface. At night, it is
cold, so the rocks contract, crack or break. The continuous heating and cooling of
rocks break them up.
Some rocks have holes and cracks in them. Water enters through the holes and
cracks when it rains. When the rocks become cold, the water in these holes and cracks
freezes and the rocks cracks. When this process continues for many years, the rocks
break into pieces
Assessment 2
Direction: Explain or give an example on how each of the following below
contribute to the breaking down of rocks:
1. Water- ____________________________________________________________
2. Wind- _____________________________________________________________
3. Man- ______________________________________________________________
4. Plants- ____________________________________________________________
5. Ice - ______________________________________________________________
What to do:
Step 1. Put the small and soft rock Step 3. Remove the cover of the glass
samples that you have prepared jar. Replace it with the piece of cloth
inside the glass jar half-filled with tied at the brim of the bottle with the
water then cover it tightly. use of the rubber band as shown in
the illustration.
Step 2. Shake the glass jar for about Step 4. Turn the glass jar upside
2 minutes. down to empty the water in the bottle
as shown in the illustration below.
Step 5. When the water is gone, remove the piece of cloth in the glass jar and
examine the rock samples that you placed inside. record your observation in your
1. What happened to the rock samples that you have placed inside the glass jar?
2. Where did the small particles in the glass jar come from?
4. Are these small particles look the same with the soil?
Assessment 3
Direction: From your activity above, fill in the flow chart with the correct order
on how rocks turn into soil. Choose the statement to fill in the box.
a.The small particles look like tiny bits and finally look the same the soil.
b. The water caused the rocks to break into small pieces.
c. The soft rock samples were put inside the jar-filled with water.
d. The rocks became smaller after shaking for two minutes.
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What can you say about the previous activities? Did you enjoy answering
them? I’m sure you did. In the next activity, you are going to apply what you
have learned to solve real life situations.
Direction: In 1 to 3 sentences, answer the following questions. Write the
answer in your notebook.
1. Your father bought a hundred pieces of concrete hollow blocks for your
house to be constructed soon. Where will you store them to preserve
their strength? Why?
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the answer in a
clean sheet of paper.
1. which of the following activities of man contribute to the breaking down of
a. Fishing b. mining
c. sky diving d. studying
3. Rocks could be broken no matter how hard it is. What do we call the
process of breaking down of rocks into fragments?
a. erosion b. flattering
c. run off d. weathering
5. Some animals dig up soil for shelter or to find food. How does its activity
contribute to the breaking down of rocks?
a. Animals will enjoy staying in the dug holes and cause the rising of
temperature inside.
b. The digging or burrowing of animals breaks the rocks into small
c. The food that these animals bring underground causes the breaking
of rocks.
d. Small rocks that be exposed to sunlight.
6. Water, people, animals wear away bits of rocks. when this happens, which
of these could possibly happen?
a. rock fragments will become soil
b. rocks become bigger
c. rocks turn into water
d. rocks become bigger
7. What do you call the process by which humans extract stones from the
mountains for construction purposes?
a. Digging b. flattering
c. weathering d. quarrying
9. Plants are among the agents of weathering. How do roots of plant break down
a. The roots absorbed rock particles
b. The roots leave materials on the rocks
c. The roots split the rocks apart
d. The stones hit the rocks
10. Animals are also agents of weathering. Which among the animals’ activities
could not cause rocks to break down?
a. a cat eating its food on a plate
b. a chicken scratching for food
c. a horse stepping on stones
d. a pig burrowing into the soil
Additional Activity
After doing series of activities, you may still do an additional one to enhance
the knowledge that you have gained.
Direction: Collect pictures of beautiful sceneries that have obviously undergone
weathering and can be found within our locality. Make an album.
( An example of this is the “Matangili Rocks” found at Regimental, Magulon, Lamut, Ifugao)
What I Know What’s In What’s New
1. d 1. C water humans
2. d 2. D
3. a 3. A waves plants
4. a 4. E
5. d 5. B
6. b
7. c
8. c
9. b
10. a
What I Have Learned
A. (answers may be in any order) B.
Animals 1. continuous
Wind 2. T
Plants 3. T
Water 4. T
Humans 5. water
What I Can Do Assessment
1. Answers vary 1. b 6. a
2. Answers vary 2. d 7. d
3. d 8. c
4. a 9. c
5. b 10. a
Answer Keys
Sarte Evelyn T, Lopez, Eliza A., dela Cruz, mary Jean G., Arradaza, Harold A. and
Garcia Ednaliza R. Science Beyond Borders.Vibal Group, Inc. 2016
For inquiries and feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education
Cordillera Administrative Region
Schools Division of Ifugao
Lagawe, Ifugao
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