Mary S Boy Child

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Words and Music by


B Gm Cm 7 F B F7 B
3fr 3fr


B E Cm 7 F7 B
3fr 3fr

1. Long time a - go in Beth - le - hem so the Ho - ly Bi - ble say,

Shep - herds watched their flocks by night, they saw a bright, new, shin-ing star and

B 7 E Cm 7 B /F F7 B
3fr 3fr

Ma - ry’s boy child, Je - sus Christ, was born on Christ - mas day.
heard a choir from Heav-en sing, the mu - sic came from a - far.

Copyright © 1956 by Bourne Co.

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E F B Gm E F7 B B 7 /D
3fr 3fr 3fr

Hark now hear the an - gels sing, new King’s born to - day, and man will live for -

E Cm 7 B /F F7
3fr 3fr

-ev - er - more be - cause of Christ - mas

B F 7sus F7 B Gm 7

day. 2. While Jo - seph and his

3. Now,

End of Preview

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