IDSA - Lesson 1
IDSA - Lesson 1
IDSA - Lesson 1
Y 2021 – 2022
I. Data Science & Analytics
II. Project Sparta
III. The Roles in Analytics / The Analytics Job Families
IV. Data Science Table No 1. Projected DSA Workforce Demand in Select Economies
V. History of Data Science and Analytics Projected DSA
Current DSA Percent
VI. Evolution of Data Science and Analytics Economy Workers
Workers Change
VII. A Brief History of Data Science Needed
VIII. Data Mining
4,000 20,000
Malaysia²⁴ 400%
(2016) (2020)
LEGEND The 147,420 340,880
Note: Delete this once transes is done. 131%
Philippines²⁵ (2016) (2022)
SOURCE COLOR CODE 9,300 15,000
Singapore²⁶ 61%
(2015) (2018)
Powerpoint #000000 33,600 43,300
Canada²⁷ 33%
(2016) (2020)
Lecture #0b5394
United 2,350,000 2,720,000
States²⁸ (2015) (2020)
Book #a64d79
computer science
● Ensure that data from centralize
data repositories are in sync with
the various data sources
● Responsible to make sure that
the data infrastructure are
available to stakeholders during
agreed times
● Related job titles:
○ ETL Developer
○ Data Architect
○ Data Warehousing
○ Big Data Engineer
● Creates mathematical models
and algorithm
● Leverage statistical techniques
● Creates analytical models to
derive new insight from
quantitative and qualitative data
● Expertise: mathematics,
● Have keen eyes to find trends and
patterns from current and
historical pieces of information
● Allows them to make predictions
on what could potentially happen
● Related job titles:
○ Statistician
○ Statistical Modeler
○ Advanced Analytics
ROLE DESCRIPTION ● Interpret the model produced by
the modelers
● Domain expert ● Utilize data and leverage on
● Expert in legal matters in data derived insights to help
gathering organizations make better
● Develop, enforce, and maintain an decisions on a specific functional
organization’s data governing domain
process, data usage, data ● Expertise: business, industry
security policy to ensure data domains
assets provide the organization ● Domain expertise that will
with high quality data Business/Functional validate the insights derived by
● Expertise: business, industry Analyst the data scientist
Data steward domain ● Make final prescriptions ot the
● Data gatekeeper leadership team and they bring
● Most knowledgeable in the leader of the organization to
determining how to deal with make better decisions
missing or fixed uncleaned data ● Related job titles:
● Related job titles: ○ Research Analyst
○ Data Privacy Officer ○ Human Resource Analyst
○ Data Security Officer ○ Marketing Analyst
○ Data Governance Manage ○ Financial Analyst
○ Data Curator ○ Operations Analyst
○ Data Librarian
● Develop and guide data driven
● Usually graduates of computer projects from initiation to
science planning, execution to
● Design, construct, and maintain performance monitoring
data infrastructures including ● Expertise: project management
apps that extract, clean Project Manager/
Data engineer ● Brings the analytics team
transform and load data from the Analytics Manager
together with knowledge and
data sources to centralize data what to expect from each team
repositories member
● Expertise: information ● Ensures the successful delivery of
technology, information science, analytics projects
Levels Other Name/s DEFINITIONS ● Business and industry (or organization) competencies
● Pre-defined tasks and works ○ Data stewards
Level 1 Entry
under guidance ○ Functional Analysts
● Formulate and solve tasks ● Technical Competencies
to achieve a wide-range of ○ Data engineers
organizational goals. ○ Data scientists
● Works independently on the ● Business, industry and technical competencies
Level 2 Intermediate
solutions, development and
○ Data Manager
● All of them needs to have proficiency to the 21st Century
● Can identify new skills
approaches and application
areas to achieve
organizational goals. Data Science
● Assess multiple alternative
solutions based on a Data Science Skill Set
Level 3 Expert structured analysis,
experience and can propose
new approaches if
Domain 3 1 2 3 3
Knowledge ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★
Data 3 2 2 2 3
Governance ★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★★
Operational 3 3 3 3 3
Analytics ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★ ★★★
Data 2 2 3 3
Visualization ★★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★
Research 1 1 3 1 3 ● Data science, due to its interdisciplinary nature, requires an
intersection of abilities:
data per second). saang sites ka nagpupunta. They’re tracking it and selling it to
● Big data was conceptualized as data science and real time others.
analysis were now required in industries. ● In the growth of the internet, the IoT and exponential growth
● E.g., of data volume available to enterprises has been a flood of
○ Before, to know the traffic situation, you have to go to new information or the Big Data. Once the doors were opened
the website called to know which roads are by businesses seeking to increase profits and drive better
congested. Now, we just use Waze. decision making, the use of big data has started being
○ Google Maps have been improved, allowing applied to other fields such as medicine, engineering, and
turn-by-turn navigation. It sometimes has overlays of social sciences.
the actual buildings or the augmented reality. ● Data Science has become an important part of business and
○ But take note, the difference between Google Maps and academic research. Technically, this would include machine
Waze: translation, robotics, speech recognition, and search engines
■ Waze has a real time traffic situation, and adjust (in fact, you could even search now just using your voice if
accordingly depending on which road you are you have your digital assistance with you).
taking in consideration of the traffic situation. ● In terms of research areas, data science has expanded to
■ In Google maps, wala, point A to point B. If you;re include biological sciences, healthcare, medical informatics,
going to change direction or course somewhere in humanities, and social sciences. Data Science now
between, it will just again redirect you going to influences economics, governments, budisness, and finance.
point B, without considering the traffic situation. ● The needs of the industry, as demanded by the fast moving
● If you’re going to go to provinces and expect that there will realities of the present time, also evolve the analytics.
be no internet but you would want a navigation capability, ● Noon, puro reporting lang and analysis ng konti using Excel; you
what you can do is to download (available in App have your monitoring because you have your Dashboards
Store and Google Play). and Scoreboards. In 2010, we already used predictive
○ - provide offline navigation provided that you analytics.
download the map; also has maps for other cities ● E.g.,
○ According to Octa Research, by the end of February, 1000
cases a day.
Evolution of Data Science and Analytics ○ How did they do that? Because of predictive analytics.
● Take note that, what are you going to do with all that day can
only be answered if you know your domain.
Evolution of Analytics
● Where do we use it?
● E.g., Shopee - Will I meet my committed packaged deliveries
to my customers?
- used in trying to select who would be the one to
endorse your brand
● Analytics - is a process; an art of bringing sense of the data
to bear on decision-making
● Successful use of analytics and data mining requires both an
understanding of the business context/field of expertise
where value is to be captured and understanding of exactly
what the data mining methods do. Found in logistics:
● E..g., Lazada, Showbusiness, Mining, Medicine
● It already has a wide scope.
● E.g., Connection between north luzon and south luzon
expressway - so many changes in the design before the final
output; because of the ever-changing data
What happened?
Descriptive ● Describes historical data
● Helps understand how things are going
Why did it happen?
● Helps understand unique drivers
● Segmentation, Statistical, and
Sensitivity analysis
What could happen?
Predictive ● Forecast future performance, events,
and results
How to make it happen?
Prescriptive ● Analysis that suggest a prescribed
What to do, why, and how?
● Remember: Right now, we don’t just need the information, ● Proactive action
but we need the insights. We have predictive analytics there. Cognitive ● Learn at scale
But the aim is for us to have descriptive analytics. How do we ● Reason with purpose
optimize? (one of the questions to be answered) ● Interact naturally
● Information - to answer what happened, where exactly is the
problem, what needs attention ● Analytics is used in several cases. It can be used in stocks,
● Insights - to answer why is this happening, what’s the next Facebook, and other social media algorithms. In Facebook, it
best action (predictive modeling), what’s the best thing that uses analytics for establishing your social bubble. (Kung sino
could happen (optimization)? lang ‘yung madalas mo viniview, sila lang ‘yung madalas mo
● E.g., vs Waze makita). Your timeline is based on your interests
○ - provides information only; shows which
ones are actually heavy with traffic
○ Waze - can show you where to go, providing with the Data Mining
shortest route or fastest time to get there (can provide
insights); can also give alternative routes ● Finding useful pattern in a data
● It is the process of knowledge discovery, machine learning ● The objective of this class of data mining
and predictive analytics techniques is to find patterns in data
● Extracting Meaningful Patterns based on the relationship between data
● Building Representative Models points themselves
● Combination of Statistics, Machine Learning, and Computing ● Hindi lang input and output but between your
Algorithms data points
● Used within the business industry
● Based on current research, this is the most widely used
form of data mining model because of its various
advantages which solved the system problems in the data
mining industries
● Drawbacks: does not perform project management
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