5.1 Living Standards

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Development Economics
5.1 Living standards
1. Identify two components of the HDI. (2) TB


2. Identify two influences on living standards. (2) TB



3. Explain why real GDP per head is a better measure of the standard of living in a country than
nominal GDP. (4) TB








4. Discuss whether or not HDI is a good measure of living standards. (8) TB










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5. Analyse the causes of differences in the level of income between countries. [6]

6. Analyse how living standards in Nigeria compare with living standards in Ethiopia in 2017. [4]

7. Explain two reasons for differences in living standards between countries. [4] ON2022/p23/Q5b









8. Analyse the effects on income distribution and tax revenue of an increase in indirect taxes. [6]














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9. Discuss whether or not having a lower GDP will be a disadvantage to an economy. [8]

























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10. Discuss whether or not a decrease in the average hours worked is likely to have an impact on a
country’s HDI. (6) TB
























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11. Analyse how a rise in labour productivity can increase living standards. (6) TB

12. Discuss whether or not the discovery of oil is likely to increase living standards in Guyana. [6]
























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