Proyecto de Ingles 4
Proyecto de Ingles 4
Proyecto de Ingles 4
1. Agradecimientos
2. Índice
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical aspects
3. Objectives
4. Materials and method
5. Results
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
8. Summary
9. Bibliographic references
10. Annexes and appendix
Flight controls have advanced considerably throughout the years. In the earliest biplanes flown by
the pioneers flight control was achieved by warping wings and control surfaces by means of wires
attached to the flying controls in the cockpit. Figure 1.1 clearly shows the multiplicity of rigging
and control wires on an early monoplane. Such a means of exercising control was clearly
rudimentary and usually barely adequate for the task in hand. The use of articulated flight control
surfaces followed soon after but the use of wires and pulleys to connect the flight control surfaces
to the pilot’s controls persisted for many years until advances in aircraft performance rendered the
technique inadequate for all but the simplest aircraft
The flight mechanics system of an aircraft consists of four main elements: the wings, the engines,
the fuselage and the control systems. The wings are responsible for generating the lift needed to
keep the aircraft in the air, while the engines provide the power needed to propel the aircraft
forward. The fuselage is the main body of the aircraft and houses the crew and passengers, as well
as equipment and cargo. Control systems include the devices that allow the pilot to control the
direction and speed of the aircraft, such as the ailerons, rudder and flaps.
The flight mechanics system also consists of various auxiliary systems, such as the hydraulic
system, the electrical system and the fuel system. These systems are essential to the operation of
the aircraft and must be carefully monitored and maintained to ensure the safety of passengers and
In clearer words, the flight mechanics system is a complex set of systems and controls designed to
allow the controlled movement of the aircraft in the air.
• WINGS: Provide lift through the airfoil. Ailerons at the wing tips control roll.
• AILERONS: They are located at the rear of the wings and are used to control the roll of
the aircraft.
• STEERING RUDDER: It is located at the tail of the aircraft and controls the turning
movement around the vertical axis.
• ELEVATOR: Located in the tail, they control the pitching movement (upward or
downward inclination).
2) Principles of Flight Control
All aircraft are governed by the same basic principles of flight control, whether the vehicle
is the most sophisticated high-performance fighter or the simplest model aircraft. The
motion of an aircraft is defined in relation to translational motion and rotational motion
around a fixed set of defined axes. Translational motion is that by which a vehicle travels
from one point to another in space. For an orthodox aircraft the direction in which
translational motion occurs is in the direction in which the aircraft is flying, which is also
the direction in which it is pointing. The rotational motion relates to the motion of the
aircraft around three defined axes: pitch, roll and yaw. See Figure 1.3. This figure shows
the direction of the aircraft velocity in relation to the pitch, roll and yaw axes. For most of
the flight an aircraft will be flying straight
and level and the velocity vector will be parallel with the surface of the earth and proceeding upon
a heading that the pilot has chosen. If the pilot wishes to climb, the flight control system is required
to rotate the aircraft around the pitch axis (Ox) in a nose-up sense to achieve a climb angle. Upon
reaching the new desired altitude the aircraft will be rotated in a nose-down sense until the aircraft
is once again straight and level. In most fixed wing aircraft, if the pilot wishes to alter the aircraft
heading then he will need to execute a turn to align the aircraft with the new heading. During a
turn the aircraft wings are rotated around the roll axis (Oy) until a certain bank is attained. In a
properly balanced turn the angle of roll when maintained will result in an accompanying change
of heading while the roll angle (often called the bank angle) is maintained. This change in heading
is actually a rotation around the yaw axis (Oz). The difference between the climb (or descent) and
the turn is that the climb only involves rotation around one axis whereas the turn involves
simultaneous coordination of two axes. In a properly coordinated turn, a component of aircraft lift
acts in the direction of the turn, thereby reducing the vertical component of lift. If nothing were
done to correct this situation, the aircraft would begin to descend; therefore in a prolonged turning
manoeuvre the pilot has to raise the nose to compensate for this loss of lift. At certain times during
flight the pilot may in fact be rotating the aircraft around all three axes, for example during a
climbing or descending turning manoeuvre. The aircraft flight control system enables the pilot to
exercise control over the aircraft during all portions of flight. The system provides control surfaces
that allow the aircraft to manoeuvre in pitch, roll and yaw. The system has also to be designed so
that it provides stable control for all parts of the aircraft flight enve lope; this requires a thorough
understanding of the aerodynamics and dynamic motion of the aircraft. As will be seen, additional
control surfaces are required for the specific purposes of controlling the high lift devices required
during approach and landing phases of flight. The flight control system has to give the pilot
considerable physical assistance to overcome the enormous aerodynamic forces on the flight
control surfaces. This in turn leads to the need to provide the aircraft controls with ‘artificial feel’
so that he does not inadvertently overstress the aircraft. These ‘feel’ systems need to provide the
pilot with progressive and well-harmonised controls that make the aircraft safe and pleasant to
handle. A typical term that is commonly used today to describe this require ment is ‘carefree
handling’. Many aircraft embody automatic flight control systems to ease the burden of flying the
aircraft and to reduce pilot workload.
3) Flight Control Surfaces
The requirements for flight control surfaces vary greatly between one aircraft and another,
depending upon the role, range and agility needs of the vehicle. These varying requirements may
best be summarised by giving examples of two differing types of aircraft: an agile fighter aircraft
and a typical modern airliner The (Experimental Aircraft Programme) EAP aircraft is shown in
Figure 1.4 and represented the state of the art fighter aircraft as defined by European Manufacturers
at the beginning of the 1990s. The EAP was the forerunner to the European Fighter Aircraft (EFA)
or Eurofighter Typhoon developed by the four nation consortium comprising Alenia (Italy), British
Aerospace (UK), CASA (Spain) and DASA (Germany)
4) Primary Flight Control
Primary flight control in pitch, roll and yaw is provided by the control surfaces described below.
Pitch control is provided by the moving canard surfaces, or foreplanes, as they are sometimes
called, located either side of the cockpit. These surfaces provide the very powerful pitch control
authority required by an agile high performance aircraft. The position of the canards in relation to
the wings renders the aircraft unstable. Without the benefit of an active computer-driven control
system the aircraft would be uncontrollable and would crash in a matter of seconds. While this
may appear to be a fairly drastic implementation, the benefits in terms of improved
manoeuvrability enjoyed by the pilot outweigh the engineering required to provide the computer-
controlled or ‘active’ flight control system. Roll control is provided by the differential motion of
the foreplanes, augmented to a degree by the flaperons. In order to roll to the right, the left foreplane
leading edge is raised relative to the airflow generating greater lift than before. Conversely, the
right foreplane moves downwards by a corresponding amount relative to the airflow thereby
reducing the lift generated. The resulting differential forces cause the aircraft to roll rapidly to the
right. To some extent roll control is also provided by differential action of the wing trailing edge
flaperons (sometimes called elevons). However, most of the roll control is provided by the
foreplanes. Yaw control is provided by the single rudder section. For high performance aircraft
yaw control is generally less important than for conventional aircraft due to the high levels of
excess power. There are nevertheless certain parts of the flight envelope where control of yaw (or
sideslip) is vital to prevent roll–yaw divergence.
5) Secondary Flight Control
High lift control is provided by a combination of flaperons and leading edge slats. The flaperons
may be lowered during the landing approach to increase the wing camber and improve the
aerodynamic characteristics of the wing. The leading edge slats are typically extended during
combat to further increase wing camber and lift. The control of these high lift devices during
combat may occur automatically under the control of an active flight control system. The penalty
for using these high lift devices is increased drag, but the high levels of thrust generated by a fighter
aircraft usually minimises this drawback. The Eurofighter Typhoon has airbrakes located on the
upper rear fuselage. They extend to an angle of around 50 degrees, thereby quickly increasing the
aircraft drag. The airbrakes are deployed when the pilot needs to reduce speed quickly in the air;
they are also often extended during the landing run to enhance the aerodynamic brake effect and
reduce wheel brake wear.
6) Commercial Aircraft
• Primary Flight Control
An example of flight control surfaces of a typical commercial airliner . Although the
example is for the Airbus Industrie A320 it holds good for similar airliners produced by
Boeing. The controls used by this type of aircraft are described below. Pitch control is
exercised by four elevators located on the trailing edge of the tailplane (or horizontal
stabiliser in US parlance). Each elevator section is independently powered by a dedicated
flight control actuator, powered in turn by one of several aircraft hydraulic power systems.
This arrangement is dictated by the high integrity requirements placed upon flight control
systems. The entire tailplane section itself is powered by two or more actuators in order to
trim the aircraft in pitch. In a dire emergency this facility could be used to control the
aircraft, but the rates of movement and associated authority are insufficient for normal
control purposes. Roll control is provided by two aileron sections located on the outboard
third of the trailing edge of each wing. Each aileron section is powered by a dedicated
actuator powered in turn from one of the aircraft hydraulic systems. At low airspeeds the
roll control provided by the ailerons is augmented by differential use of the wing spoilers
mounted on the upper surface of the wing. During a right turn the spoilers on the inside
wing of the turn, that is the right wing, will be extended. This reduces the lift of the right
wing causing it to drop, hence enhancing the desired roll demand. Yaw control is provided
by three independent rudder sections located on the trailing edge of the fin (or vertical
stabiliser). These sections are powered in a similar fashion to the elevator and ailerons. On
a civil airliner these controls are associated with the aircraft yaw dampers. These damp out
unpleasant ‘Dutch roll’ oscillations which can occur during flight and which can be
extremely uncomfortable for the passengers, particularly those seated at the rear of the
• Secondary Flight Control
Flap control is effected by several flap sections located on the inboard two thirds of the
wing trailing edges. Deployment of the flaps during take-off or landing extends the flap
sections rearwards and downwards to increase wing area and camber, thereby greatly
increasing lift for a given speed. The number of flap sections may vary from type to type;
typically for this size of aircraft there would be about five per wing, giving a total of ten
in all. Slat control is provided by several leading edge slats, which extend forwards and
outwards from the wing leading edge. In a similar fashion to the flaps described above,
this has the effect of increasing wing area and camber and therefore overall lift. A typical
aircraft may have five slat sections per wing, giving a total of ten in all. Speed-brakes are
deployed when all of the over-wing spoilers are extended together which has the effect of
reducing lift as well as increasing drag. The effect is similar to the use of air-brakes in the
fighter, increasing drag so that the pilot may adjust his airspeed rapidly; most airbrakes are
located on rear fuselage upper or lower sections and may have a pitch moment associated
with their deployment. In most cases compensation for this pitch moment would be
automatically applied within the flight control system. While there are many identical
features between the fighter and commercial airliner examples given above, there are also
many key differences. The greatest difference relates to the size of the control surfaces in
relation to the overall size of the vehicle. The fighter control surfaces are much greater
than the corre sponding control surfaces on an airliner. This reflects its prime
requirements of manoeuvrability and high performance at virtually any cost. The
commercial airliner has much more modest control requirements; it spends a far greater
proportion of flying time in the cruise mode so fuel economy rather than ultimate
performance is prime target. Passenger comfort and safety are strong drivers that do not
apply to the same degree for a military aircraft.
The main objective of this research is to analyze in detail the flight mechanics system of an aircraft,
including its main and auxiliary components, as well as its operation and maintenance. It also seeks
to identify the main challenges and risks associated with this system, as well as the best practices
to ensure its safety and efficiency.
In order to carry out this research, an exhaustive bibliographic review of the available literature on
the subject was carried out. Various sources were used, including books, scientific articles and
specialized technical publications. Experts in the field of flight mechanics and aviation were also
consulted for additional information and perspectives on the subject.
The results of this research indicate that the flight mechanics system of an aircraft is a critical
component for its safe and efficient operation. Several challenges and risks associated with this
system were identified, including engine failures, control system problems, and human error. To
minimize these risks, a series of preventive maintenance practices, adequate crew training and
constant monitoring of aircraft performance are recommended.
The discussion of the results indicates that the safety and efficiency of the flight mechanics system
are highly dependent on proper maintenance and crew training. The importance of advanced
technology in improving system safety and efficiency, such as real-time monitoring systems and
control system automation, was also highlighted.
In conclusion, the flight mechanics system is a critical component for the safe and efficient
operation of an aircraft. Several challenges and risks associated with this system were
identified, but best practices to minimize these risks were also presented. While there are
many identical features between the fighter and commercial airliner examples given above,
there are also many key differences. The greatest difference relates to the size of the control
surfaces in relation to the overall size of the vehicle. The fighter control surfaces are much
greater than the corresponding control surfaces on an airliner. This reflects its prime
requirements of manoeuvrability and high performance at virtually any cost. The
commercial airliner has much more modest control requirements; it spends a far greater
proportion of flying time in the cruise mode so fuel economy rather than ultimate
performance is prime target. Passenger comfort and safety are strong drivers that do not
apply to the same degree for a military aircraft.
The flight mechanics system of an aircraft is critical to its safe and efficient operation.
This system is composed of several elements that work together to keep the aircraft in the air and
control its movement in three-dimensional space. In this research, a detailed review of the
theoretical aspects of the flight mechanics system was presented, as well as the objectives,
materials and methods used for its study. The results obtained were discussed, conclusions and a
summary of the most relevant findings were presented.
Anexos y Apéndice:
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