B2 12 Geography Key Notes CH 04 Human Settlements
B2 12 Geography Key Notes CH 04 Human Settlements
B2 12 Geography Key Notes CH 04 Human Settlements
Human Settlements
General: cluster of dwellings of any type or size where human beings live.
They vary in size from hamlet to metropolitan cities, they may be small and large closed or
spaced, they may practice primary / secondary / tertiary activities
Semi-clustered settlements
1. Formed due to result from tendency of clustered in restricted area of dispersed
2. Segregation of large settlement may also cause
3. Some may be forced to live separately from the main village
4. Dominance group live in the center of the village
5. People of lower strata live in out skirt of the village
6. Most common in GUJ. RAJ
Hamleted settlements
1. Physically separated and located in different place having common name
2. They are locally called panna, para palli,nagla ,dhani
3. They are motivated by social and ethnic factors
4. Found mostly in middle and lower ganga valley
Urban settlements
1. Compact and large in size
2. Non Agriculture, eco, admin activities
3. Exchange of goods and services
4. Directly linked with rural settlements
Evolution of cities
Ancient towns:
1. Developed as religious and cultural towns.
2. Over 2000 years’ old
3. Patna, Varanasi, Madurai, are examples
Medieval towns:
1. They are the headquarters of kingdoms
2. There are more than 100 towns
3. They are fort towns developed over ruined forts
4. Delhi, HYD, Jaipur, Lucknow, Agra and Nagpur
Modern town:
1. They are developed by British and other Europeans
2. Generally located on the coast
3. They were forts constructed by Europeans
4. Ex. Surat, DD, Goa, Pondy, Mumbai. Madras, Calcutta
Administrative HQ Chandigarh, BBSR, Gandhinagar, Dispurplanned cities developed after
Urbanization in India
1. Percentof urbanization in India is 28%
2. Urbanization developed 11 fold during 20th century
3. It is due to development of planned cities