Iso 1408 1995
Iso 1408 1995
Iso 1408 1995
Third edition
ISO 1408:1995
Reference number
ISO 1408: 1995(E)
ISO 1408:1995(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(1EC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
0 ISO 1995
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International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-121 1 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
WARNING - Persons using this international Standard should be familiar with normal laboratory
practice. This Standard does not purport to address all of the safety Problems, if any, associated
with its use. lt is the responsibility of the User to establish appropriate safety and health practices
and to ensure compliance with any national regulatory conditions.
- ethylene-propylene copolymer;
2 Normative references
- ethylene-propylene terpolymer;
The following Standards contain provisions which,
- polyethers; through reference in this text, constitute provisions
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
- polyethylene-derived polymers; cation, the editions indicated were valid. All Standards
are subject to revision, and Parties to agreements
- Silicone rubbers; based on this International Standard are encouraged
ISO 1408:1995(E) 0 ISO
to investigate the possibility of applying the most re- Oxidation of the carbon black to carbon dioxide. The
cent editions of the Standards indicated below. residue is cooled and reweighed. The loss in mass
Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of cur- represents the carbon black.
rently valid International Standards.
4 Method A
ISO 383: 1976, Laboratory glassware - Interchange-
able conical ground joints. WARNING - All recognized health and safety
precautions shall be in effect when carrying out
ISO 1407:1992, Rubber - Determination of solvent
this method. All evaporations shall be carried out
extrac t. in a fume cupboard (hood).
3.1 Method A During the analysis, unless otherwise stated, use only
reagents of analytical reagent grade (or equivalent)
A weighed test piece of the rubber is extracted with and only distilled water or water of equivalent purity.
acetone and, if bitumen is present, with dichloro-
methane. The extracted rubber is pyrolized in a com- 4.1.1 Nitrogen, dry and free from Oxygen.
bustion boat at 850 “C in a stream of nitrogen. The
boat containing the non-volatile residue is cooled and NOTE 1 Commercial “Oxygen-free” nitrogen may require
further purification.
The carbon black is then burnt off in air or Oxygen in 4.1.2 Oxygen or air, gaseous, dry.
a furnace at the same temperature. The boat and its
contents are cooled and reweighed. The loss in mass
represents the carbon black.
4.1.3 Xylene, general laboratory grade.
4.1.4 Acetone.
3.2 Method B
4.1.5 Dichloromethane.
ISO 1408:1995
A weighed test piece of the rubber is extracted with
4.1.6 Ethanol-toluene
acetone. The organic components are destroyed67c26fa3ec00/iso-1408-1995
by azeotrope (ETA).
Oxidation with nitric acid, the acid-soluble inorganic
Mix 7 volumes of absolute ethanol with 3 volumes of
components dissolving simultaneously in the nitric
toluene. Alternatively, mix 7 volumes of commercial-
acid. The residue, which consists of carbon black and
grade ethanol with 3 volumes of toluene and boil the
acid-insoluble mineral fillers is filtered, washed and
mixture with anhydrous Calcium Oxide (quicklime) un-
then dried to constant mass at 850 “C in a nitrogen
der reflux for 4 h. Then distil the azeotrope and collect
atmosphere to avoid Oxidation of the carbon black.
the fraction with a boiling range not exceeding 1 “C,
The weighed residue is reheated at the same tem- for use in the test.
perature (850 “C) (to avoid further Change in mass of
the inorganic matter) but this time in air so as to Cause 4.2 Apparatus
Oxidation of the carbon black to carbon dioxide. The
residue is cooled and reweighed. The loss in mass Ordinary laboratory apparatus, plus the following:
represents the carbon black.
4.2.1 Combustion boat, made of silica, of length
50 mm to 60 mm, with handle.
3.3 Method C
After swelling of a test piece by hot 4.2.2 Tube furnace assembly see figure 1, com-
p-dichlorobenzene, the organic matter is oxidized by prised of the following component Parts:
tert-butyl hydroperoxide. The undissolved carbon
black and mineral fillers are filtered, washed and then Combustion tube, made of quartz or of
dried to constant mass at 850 “C in a nitrogen at- impervious aluminous porcelain, and fitted with
mosphere to avoid Oxidation of the carbon black. means for advancing and withdrawing the combustion
boat (4.2.1). The inside diameter shall be sufficient to
The weighed residue is reheated at the same tem- allow the combustion boat to enter the tube and
perature (850 “C) (to avoid further Change in mass of move easily through it. The tube shall be 30 cm longer
the inorganic matter) but this time in air so as to Cause than the tube furnace ( One end of the tube
0 ISO ISO 1408:1995(E]
shall be provided with a gas-inlet System for nitrogen, 4.4.2 Weigh the test piece to the nearest 0,l mg
the opposite end with a suitable outlet System for the (mass m& Record this mass. Wrap the test piece in
vapours produced during the pyrolysis. filter Paper and extract with acetone (4.1.4) for 4 h or
until the solvent in contact with the test piece is Horizontal-tube furnace, having an inside colourless. If bitumen is present in the compound,
diameter sufficiently large to allow the combustion extract with dichloromethane (4.1.5) for 4 h or until
tube (Lc.2.2.1) to enter the heated section of the fur- the solvent in contact with the test piece appears
nace. The furnace shall be electrically heated, colourless.
thermostatically maintained at 850 “C -+-25 “C and
fitted with a temperature-indicating device. Wncured coumpounds cannot be extracted with
dichloromethane. ETA (4.1.6) may be used instead of
acetone or dichloromethane. Silica glass rod with hook, of length suf-
ficient to resch through the combustion tube NOTE 2 Extraction with dichloromethane is only necess-
( and inlet tube (, and of diameter suf- at-y if materials not completely soluble in acetone, such as
ficient to make tight contact with the rubber tube in bitumen, are present.
the inlet tube.
Extraction tan be facilitated by comminuting the test Inlet tube, with side tube for nitrogen supply piece before weighing. To do this, pass it through a
and with a short length of rubber tubing in which the mill with minimum clearance between the rolls.
silica glass rod ( is held by an airtight joint but
tan slide in and out of the combustion tube ( 4.4.3 Remove the extracted test piece from the filter
The tubing used for the gas-inlet System shall be Paper and dry in an oven maintained at
made of plasticized PVC or other material having a low 100 “C + 3 “C until the solvent is completely re-
permeability to Oxygen and water vapour. moved.
iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Vapour absorption equipment, consisting
for the connection of(
4.4.4 Quantitatively transfer the dried test piece to
of rubber tubing the outlet sys- the combustion boat (4.2.1) and place the boat in the
tem of the combustion tube ( with a trap for combustion tube ( near the nitrogen inlet sys-
readily condensable vapours, two gas-washing bottles ISO 1408:1995tem.
containing xylene (4.1.3),
and flowmeters and flow-
controllers for nitrogen or Oxygen or air supplies. 4.4.5 Close the tube with the entry fitting and con-
nett to the nitrogen supply (4.1 .l). Introduce the
4.2.3 Suitable extraction apparatus, as specified combustion tube into the furnace ( heated to
in ISO 1407. 850 “C + 25 “C but keep the boat in the cool part of
the combustion tube. Connect the opposite end of the
4.2.4 Desiccator. tube to the vapour absorption equipment (
4.2.5 Muffle furnace, electrically heated, thermo- 4.4.6 Pass nitrogen through the tube at about
statically controllable at 850 “C +- 25 “C. 200 cm3/min for 5 min or more to eliminate the air
contained in the combustion tube.
4.3 Sampling
4.4.7 Reduce the rate of nitrogen flow to about
Cut a test Sample of at least 1,5 g from the laboratory 100 cm3/min and move the boat slowly into the
Sample, preferably from more than one place, so that heated zone of the combustion tube over a period of
proper representation of the whole Sample is about 5 min.
4.4.8 Leave the boat in the hot zone for a further
4.4 Procedure 5 min in Order to complete the pyrolysis.
4.4.1 Prepare the test Sample by passing the rubber 4.4.9 Withdraw the boat to the cold part of the tube
six times between the rolls of a laboratory mill set to and allow to cool for 10 min, while still maintaining
a nip not exceeding 0,5 mm. Cut from the sheet a the flow of nitrogen.
test piece having a mass of approximately Q,l g to
0,5 g. If it is not possible to pass the Sample through 4.4.10 Transfer the boat to the desiccator (4.2.4),
the mill, the Sample may be tut into pieces less than complete the cooling and weigh to the nearest
1 mm per side. 0,l mg (mass m,). Record this mass.
ISO 1408:1995(E) 0 ISO
4.4.11 Place the boat in the combustion tube again served with the use of acids and solvents. All
and close the tube; connect the inlet System of the operations shall be carried out in a properly ven-
tube to the Oxygen or air supply (4.1.2) and pass the tilated fume hood, and safety glasses shall be
gas through the tube at about 100 cm3/min. Move the worn during digestions, extractions and
boat to the heated zone and keep it there until all washings.
traces of carbon black have been removed.
5.1 Reagents
4.4.12 As an alternative to 4.4.11, heat the boat in
the muffle furnace (4.2.5) at 850 “C -+ 25 “C until all Reagents specified in 4.1, plus the following:
traces of carbon black have been removed.
5.1.1 Nitrit acid (p = 1,42 Mg/m3).
4.4.13 Transfer the boat to the desiccator and allow
to cool to room temperature. 5.1.2 Hydrochlorit acid solution.
5.1.3 Chloroform.
4.4.15 Carry out the determination in duplicate.
5.1.4 Acetone-chloroform mixture, 1 + 1 (V/V).
4.5 Expression of results
5.1.5 Sodium hydroxide Solution, 250 g/dm3.
Calculate the carbon black content, as a percentage
by mass, from the formula 5.1.6 Sodium hydroxide Solution, 150 g/dm3.
WARNING - Because of possible health and 5.3.2 Quantitatively transfer the dried test piece to
safety hazards inherent in this method, recog- a 100 cm3 beaker containing about 10 cm3 of nitric
nized health and safety precautions shall be ob- acid (5.1 .l); cover with a watch-glass.
0 ISO ISO 1408:1995(E)
5.3.3 The Oxidation reaction usually Starts after a 5.3.10 Wash the insoluble matter in the beaker with
few minutes at room temperature. If it does not, three portions of 10 cm’ of chloroform (5.1.3), filtering
warm the beaker gently on a boiling water bath until the washings through the Gooch crucible and main-
the reaction Starts. Complete the first step of the re- taining the greater part of the insoluble matter in the
action at room temperature with occasional heating bea ker.
on the boiling water bath, if necessary.
WARNING - Under basic conditions, mixtures of
5.3.4 Make up to 50 cm3 by washing the Walls of chloroform and acetone may explode. Thoroughly
the beaker with nitric acid (5.1 .l) and complete the wash out the filter flask with acetone and then
oxidative reaction by heating the beaker on the boiling water before proceeding to 5.3.11.
water bath for 2 h with occasional stirring. The
Oxidation is complete when no bubbling or foam is 5.3.11 Add to the beaker 25 cm3 of 250 g/dm3
observed on the surface of the liquid. sodium hydroxide solution (5.1.5) and heat on a boiling
water bath for 30 min with occasional stirring.
NOTE 5 Heating times and conditions mentioned in 5.3.3
and 5.3.4 must be adhered to strictly. Insufficient Oxidation
will Cause the carbon black to be overestimated, owing to 5.3.12 Dilute with 35 cm’ of warm water and filter
the presence of unoxidized polymer. Prolonged heating, on the mixture through the Gooch crucible, quantitatively
the other hand, will Cause loss of carbon black by Oxidation transferring the insoluble matter into the crucible.
to carbon dioxide, as in the determination of styrene content
by nitration (ISO 5478:1990, Rubber - Determination of
styrene content - Nitration method), where more vigorous 5.3.13 Wash the beaker and the Gooch crucible with
heating conditions are used to partially or completely re- three portions of 10 cm3 of 150 g/dm3 sodium hy-
move carbon black. Such Poss of carbon black is particularly droxide Solution (5.1.6).
likely to occur with carbon blacks of fine particle size.
iTeh STANDARD 5.3.14
5.3.5 Filter the warm Solution through the Gooch
PREVIEW Complete the quantitative transfer of the in-
soluble matter into the Gooch crucible by washing the
crucible (5.2.1) with the aid of a moderate vacuum,
beaker and the crucible with hydrochloric acid Solution
maintaining the greater part of the insoluble residue
in the beaker. (5.1.2).
ISO 1408:1995
5.3.6 Wash the residue in the beaker three times 5.3.15 Wash the Gooch crucible with 10 cm3 of
with three portions of 10 cm3 of warm nitric acid acetone (4.1.4).
(5.1.1) filtering the washings through the Gooch
crucible and maintaining the greatest patt of the in-
5.3.16 Dry the Gooch crucible at 850 “C +- 25 “C in
soluble matter in the beaker.
a nitrogen atmosphere using the tube furnace and
5.3.7 Discard the filtrate and wash the filter flask associated apparatus (4,2.2). Cool in the desiccator
thoroughly with water to remove all traces of nitric (4.2.4) and weigh to the nearest 0,l mg (mass m,).
acid. Record this mass.
WARNING - Nitrit acid and acetone may react 5.3.17 Disconnect the nitrogen flow to the tube fur-
and Cause an explosion nace and replace it with air or Oxygen (4.1.2). Heat the
Gooch crucible again at 850 “C + 25 “C until all traces
5.3.8 Wash the insoluble matter in the beaker three sf carbon black have disappeared. Cool the Gooch
times with three portions of 10 cm3 of acetone crucible in the desiccator and weigh to the nearest
(4.1.4), filtering the washings through the Gooch 0,l mg (mass mJ Record this mass.
crucible and maintaining the greater part of the in-
soluble matter in the beaker.
5.3.18 lt is essential to check the experimental pro-
cedure by first carrying out the complete procedure
5.3.9 Wash the insoluble matter in the beaker three
on a Sample containing a known amount of a similar
times with three portions of 10 cm3 of acetone-
grade of carbon black.
chloroform mixture (5.1.4) filtering the washings
through the Gooch crucible and maintaining the
greater part of the insoluble matter in the beaker. 5.3.19 Carry out the determination in duplicate.
ISO 1408:1995(E) 0 ISO
5.4 Expression of results 6.2.1 Flat-bottomed flask, capacity 150 cm3, with
conical ground-glass joint, 34/35, female, complying
Calculate the carbon black content, as a percentage with the requirements of ISO 383.
by mass, from the formula
6.2.2 Air condenser, with conical ground-glass joint,
ml - m2
x 100 34/35, female, complying with the requirements of
ISO 383.
6.2.3 Water-cooled condenser, length 250 mm,
mo is the mass, in grams, of the test piece with conical ground-glass joint, 34/35, male, comply-
(see 5.3.1);
ing with the requirements of ISO 383.
is the mass, in grams, of the Gooch
crucible and its contents after drying at 6.2.4 Hotplate, capable of being maintained at
850 “C in nitrogen (see 5.3.16); 200 “C.
0 ISO ISO 1408:1995(E)
6.3.7 Filter through the Gooch crucible (6.2.5) under 64. Expression of results
moderate vacuum, and wash the flask three times
with three portions of 10 cm3 of toluene (6.1.3), fil- Calculate the carbon black content, as a percentage
tering the washings through the Gooch crucible. If any by mass, from the formula
Problem occurs with the filtration, repeat the deter-
mination, but use acetone (4.1.4) instead of toluene ml - m2
x 100
(6.1.3) in 6.3.5 and 6.3.7. Check that the filtrate is free mo
from carbon black, then discard the filtrate.
6.3.8 Wash the flask three times with three portions is the mass, in grams, of the test piece
of 10 cm3 of acetone (4.1.4), filtering the washings (see 6.3.1);
through the Gooch crucible.
m1 is the mass, in grams, of the Gooch
6.3.9 Discard the filtrate and wash the filter flask crucible and its contents after drying at
with water. 850 “C in nitrogen (see 6.3.14);
WARNING - Nitrit acid and acetone may react m, is the mass, in grams, of the Gooch
and Cause an explosion crucible and its contents after heating at
850 “C in air or Oxygen (see 6.3.15).
6.3.10 Wash the flask and the Gooch crucible three
times with three portions of 10 cm3 of warm nitric NOTE 8 Any matter volatile at 850 “C in the carbon black
acid (5.1 .l). (as purchased) will be lost during the pyrolysis in nitrogen.
The final result for the mass percentage of carbon black will
therefore be low by this amount. In cases where the carbon
6.3.11 Wash the flask and the Gooch crucible with black type and origin are known, a suitable correction tan
the hydrochloric acid solution (5.1.2) and complete the
quantitative transfer of the insoluble matter to the
be made.
6.3.16 lt is essential to check the experimental pro- f) any Operation not included in this International
cedure by first carrying out the complete procedure Standard or in the International Standards to
on a Sample containing a known amount of a similar which reference is made, as well as any Operation
grade of carbon black. regarded as optional;
6.3.17 Carry out the determination in duplicate. 9) the date of the test.