Power Plant and Transmission System Protection Coordination: Technical Reference Document
Power Plant and Transmission System Protection Coordination: Technical Reference Document
Power Plant and Transmission System Protection Coordination: Technical Reference Document
1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Goal of this Report ....................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Scope ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. Coordination Definition ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.4. Multi-Function Protective Relays ................................................................................................................ 4
1.5. Assumed System Stressed Voltage Level ...................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Modeling Considerations ............................................................................................................................. 5
This Technical Reference Paper was approved by the NERC Planning Committee on December 9, 2009.
Revision 1 of this Technical Reference Paper was approved by the NERC Planning Committee on July 30,
Appendix B — Step Response of Load Rejection Test on Hydro Generator ..................................................... 160
Appendix C — TR-22 Generator Backup Protection Responses in Cohesive Generation Groups .................. 161
Appendix E — Supporting Calculations and Example Details for Section 3.1 .................................................. 165
List of Tables
Table 3 Excerpt — Function 27 (Gen. Prot.) Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ....................................... 53
Table 2 Excerpt — Function 27 (Plant HV System Side) Protection Coordination Considerations .................. 63
Table 3 Excerpt — Function 27 (Plant HV System Side) Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ................... 64
Table 3 Excerpt — Function 50 / 27 (Inadvertent Energization) Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ....... 92
Table 3 Excerpt — Function 50BF Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ..................................................... 100
Table 2 Excerpt — Functions 51T / 51TG Protection Coordination Data Exchange Requirements ............... 111
Table 3 Excerpt — Functions 51T / 51TG Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ......................................... 112
Table 3 Excerpt — Function 51V Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ....................................................... 123
Table 3 Excerpt — Functions 59GN / 27TH Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ...................................... 131
Table 2 Excerpt — Functions 81U / 81O Protection Coordination Considerations .......................................... 153
Table 3 Excerpt — Functions 81U / 81O Data to be Exchanged Between Entities ............................................ 153
Table 2 Excerpt — Functions 87T / 87G / 87U Protection Coordination Data Exchange Requirements ........ 157
Table 3 Excerpt — Functions 87T / 87G / 87U Data to be Exchanged Between Entities .................................. 157
List of Figures
Function 50/ 50
21 24 27 32 40 46 51V 59 78 81 87T Total
Type 27 BF
Number of
8 1 35 8 13 5 7 1 20 26 7 59 4 96 290
For each protective function listed in Table 1, the number of generators on which that protective
function operated on August 14, 2003 is presented. There is limited information available that
directly addresses which of those protective function operations were appropriate for the Bulk
Electric System (BES) conditions, and which were undesired operations. There also is limited
information available as to which protective operations directly tripped generating units and
which operated after a turbine trip. However, some undesired generator trips by these protective
functions did contribute to expanding the extent of the blackout. This Technical Reference
Document addresses the coordination of each one of these generator protection functions
depicted in Figure 1.1with the transmission system protection.
Gen Protection Protection
PRC-001 Coordination
Turbine / Boiler
Feedback on coordination
problems found in stability studies.
Function 81U / 81O Feedback on problems found
Relay settings and time delays None between underfrequency settings
and UFLS programs
Function 87G – Generator
None None
Function 87T – Transformer
None None
Function 87U –
Overall Differential None None
Based on initial work of the Project 2007-06, System Protection Coordination (PRC-001-2) standard drafting team.
This information is required to gain a complete understanding of the protection schemes in place
for all involved entities and, if necessary, allow the Planning Coordinator to include the plant
protection in models for system studies.
Based on initial work of the Project 2007-06, System Protection Coordination (PRC-001-2) standard drafting team. Loadability
C37.102 presents a range of likely acceptable settings for the impedance function of
150 percent to 200 percent of the generator MVA rating at rated power factor as
settings that will not operate for normal generator outputs. This setting can be re-
stated in terms of ohms as 0.66 – 0.50 per unit ohms on the machine base. The
methods in this document go beyond these requirements by examining generator
output under stressed conditions. Most exciters have a field forcing function [2] (see
appendix A, reference 2 in IEEE Standard 421.1-2007) that enables the exciter to
operate beyond its full load output. These outputs can last 10 seconds or more before
controls reduce the exciter field currents to rated output.
Section 4.2.1 of C37.102 states (emphasis added):
“The field winding may operate continuously at a current equal to or less
than that required producing rated-kVA at rated power factor and voltage.
For power factors less than rated, the generator output must be reduced to
keep the field current within these limits.
The capability curves as defined in IEEE Std 67-1990 are determined on
this basis. Under abnormal conditions, such as short circuits and other
system disturbances, it is permissible to exceed these limits for a short
time. IEEE C50.13-2005, lists the short-time thermal capability for
cylindrical-rotor machines. In this standard, the field winding short-time
thermal capability is given in terms of permissible field current as a
function of time as noted below.”
Time (seconds) 10 30 60 120
Field current (percent) 209 146 125 113
A generator impedance function has a time delay much less than 10 seconds. Time
coordination with any excitation control that activates to lower field current is not
likely. The 10 second limit is 209 percent of rated field current at full load (Amperes
Field Full Load (AFFL)). AFFL is typically approximately 250 percent of Ampere
This setting, including a reasonable margin, should not exceed the two apparent
load impedances that are calculated from the generator terminal voltage and stator
current. Two operating conditions are examined and used to calculate the
apparent load impedances: (1) when the unit is at rated active power out in MW
with a level of reactive power output in Mvar of 150 percent times rated MW
(some level of field forcing) and (2) when the unit is at its declared low active
power operating limit (e.g. 40 percent of rated load) with a level of reactive power
output in Mvar of 175 percent times rated MW (some additional level of field
forcing). Both conditions are evaluated with the generator step-up transformer
high-side voltage at 0.85 per unit.
During extreme system contingencies it is likely that the power system generators
may swing with respect to each other. It is essential that functions that can
respond to stable swings do not trip the generator unnecessarily. The 21
impedance function is such a function.
3.1.5. Examples Proper Coordination
In this example, the impedance function is required to protect the generator and
provide transmission line relay failure backup protection. The example is based on a
904 MVA generator connected to a 345-kV system by three transmission lines (see
Figure 3.1.1).
Line Zone 2 + zone 2 time delay + breaker fail time + CB trip time
Optional Device 21 “zone 1” set to see
120% of generator step up transformer and
short of shortest lines zone 1 without
including the effects of infeed from other
Figure 3.1.2 —Time Coordination Graph for Generator Thermal Backup Protection System Faults – Generator Trip Dependability
Figure 3.1.3 demonstrates time and reach coordination of the Function 21 with
transmission line relays when the function 21 is set to detect faults at the end of
the longest transmission line connected to the station high voltage bus.
Line Zone 2 + zone 2 time delay + breaker fail time + CB trip time
Optional Device 21 “zone 1” set to see
120% of generator step up transformer and
short of shortest lines zone 1 without
including the effects of infeed from other
Initial Relay Setting:
Provides 0.5 pu Reach at
Rated Power Factor
0.5 1.0
Method 1
Operating Points
Zone 2 Blinders
Set at ± 0.15 pu
Figure 3.1.5- — Simulated Apparent Impedance Plotted against Zone 1 and Zone 2
Function with Blinders
It is important to note that even though the zone 2 setting with blinders provides
security for the two operating points used to assess relay loadability, the setting
still encroaches on the generator capability curve. Figure 3.1.5 includes the
generator capability curve in the R-X plane overlaid on the phase distance
protection settings and operating points derived in this example. In this figure,
the area above the generator capability curve represents the region in which the
generator is operating within its capability. This figure illustrates that under
certain operating conditions the generator apparent impedance may enter inside
the blinders of the zone 2 operating characteristic. This condition would occur
with the generator operating at a low active power (MW) level and high reactive
power (Mvar) level. In this particular example the apparent impedance would
Bus A R
Add Blinders
Offset Zone 2
Loadability jX
jX Loadability
improvement (ohms) improvement
(ohms) Bus C
40 Ω Bus C
Zone 2
40 Ω
Bus B
Z3 0°
ad Z 30°
Lo Bus B ad
60 Ω
Zone 1
60 Ω
Bus A Bus A R
(ohms) (ohms)
Excessive flux may also cause excessive eddy currents in the generator
laminations that result in excessive voltages between laminations. This may
cause severe overheating in the generator or transformer and eventual
breakdown in insulation.
24 Loadability
There are no coordination issues related to loadability for this function.
3.2.5. Examples
Figure 3.2.3 shows a setting example for overexcitation protection using definite time and
inverse time overexcitation (V/Hz) functions.
Generator and transformer manufacturers should be consulted for the information on
overexcitation withstand capability. An example withstand curve shown in Figure 3.2.3
is given in the Table 3.2.1.
130 Generator
Inverse Time Curve
P e rc e n ta g e V /H z
Definite Time
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Operating Time in Minutes
Figure 3.2.3 — Setting Example with Inverse and Definite Time V/Hz Relays Proper Coordination
Proper coordination between the overexcitation setting and the generator or
transformer withstand characteristic can be demonstrated on a plot of excitation
versus time. Coordination between the overexcitation protection and the UFLS
program design cannot be demonstrated in this traditional manner; a transient stability
study is necessary to demonstrate this coordination (see section 3.14 for further
information). A transient stability study is necessary due to the time varying nature
of the voltage and frequency, which may vary significantly prior to and following
UFLS operation and between different locations within the system. The protection
and UFLS program should be evaluated for all expected recoverable events to assure
coordination. This includes conditions where high voltage and low frequency occur
that may require mitigation actions such as tripping capacitor banks. UFLS design
parameters (threshold settings, block size, time delays, etc) and resultant voltage-
frequency relationships should be checked against the overexcitation function setting
characteristics. If tripping a generator by overexcitation protection is unavoidable,
IEEE Standard C37.102, “IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection,” does not
recommend use of the 27 function for tripping, but only to alarm to alert operators to
take necessary actions.
Undervoltage alarms as experienced
Tripping units on undervoltage
by hydro, fossil, combustion and
is not recommended by the
nuclear units are an indicator of
IEEE C37.102 guide on possible abnormal operating
generator protection. conditions such as excitation
problems and thermal issues within the unit. Other alarms from Resistance
Temperature Detectors (RTDs) and hydrogen pressure are better indicators of thermal
concerns. Manufacturers recommend operator action up to and including reduction in
unit output rather than a unit trip. Tripping units on undervoltage is not
recommended by the IEEE Standard C37.102 guide on generator protection. Rather,
GSU System
27 Alarm Faults
There are several considerations for use of the 27 function:
The undervoltage function should never trip for any transmission system
fault condition.
The Transmission Owner needs to provide the longest clearing time and
reclosing times for faults on transmission system elements connected to
the high-side bus. Loadability
As noted above, the preferred method is to alarm only with the undervoltage
function. If the undervoltage function is used to trip the unit, the additional
coordination issues must be addressed by the Transmission and Generator
1. The Transmission and Generator Owners exchange and utilize the
information below to analyze the coordination of the undervoltage
a. Setpoint and time delay should be given to the Transmission
2. This coordination should be validated by both the Generator Owner and
Transmission Owner.
V27 = 87% of Vnominal = 0.87 x 120 V = 104 V with a coordinated time delay
Note: An 87 percent setpoint was chosen because the power plant is not capable
of continued operation at this voltage level, and allows for a reasonable margin
for extreme system contingencies. Examples Proper Coordination
If the undervoltage function is set to trip the generator, a threshold setting below
90 percent voltage at the generator terminals and an adequate time delay is
necessary to allow system recovery above this level.
Power Supply
Service Auxiliary
G Loadability
Step 1 — If the undervoltage function is used to trip the auxiliaries system which
would lead to tripping the generator, the Transmission and Generator Owners
exchange and utilize the information below to analyze the coordination of the
undervoltage protection.
a. The setpoint and time delay should given to the Transmission Owner
b. The Transmission Owner needs to provide the longest clearing time
and reclosing times for faults on transmission system elements
connected to the high-side bus.
Step 2 — Check to see that the auxiliary system trip level will not preclude the
unit from riding through a recoverable extreme system event defined as:
a. A transmission system voltage of 0.85 per unit at the high-side of a
system-connected auxiliary transformer.
b. A transmission system voltage of 0.85 per unit at the high-side of a
generator step up transformer for generator-connected auxiliary
The Generator Owner should consider auxiliary motor contactor low voltage drop
out points when reviewing undervoltage protection on the plant auxiliary systems.
NRC design basis studies are required to determine the undervoltage level
setpoints. (Standard IEEE 741 and 765) see section
Motor applications that cause voltage drops during starting that approach
80 percent may require a lower setting. This consideration should be
applied based on the specific application. Examples Proper Coordination
Undervoltage function (27) calculation:
A time delay of two to three seconds should allow system protection to act
first to remove the adverse/fault condition.
Point of
27 Faults
Undervoltage functions sensing transmission voltages can alarm for system faults.
Undervoltage functions may alarm for phase-ground faults and multi-phase faults.
The generator operator should then, upon alarm, focus attention on in-plant
alarms; especially per generator manufacturer recommended plant alarm
conditions. Loadability
PCC undervoltage functions should alarm for stressed system conditions. This
means that these functions should alarm for 0.85 per unit system voltage or less.
System studies may be performed to quantify and qualify the likely nature of the
system undervoltage function alarms to assert based on the severity of stressed
system conditions. Since this function should only alarm, it should be immune to
loadability tripping.
V27 = 85% of Vnominal = 0.85 x 120 V = 102 V with a coordinated time delay
Note: An 85 percent setpoint was chosen to allow for a reasonable margin for
extreme system contingencies. Examples
In this example a stressed system condition is occurring. The Generator Operator
observes the condition and measures the PCC voltage. The Generator Operator
contacts the Transmission Operator requesting information and conveys the plant
PCC voltage value to the Transmission Operator. As per joint training, including
simulation training, the Generator Operator conveys plant status to the Transmission
Operator and both agree on the next step in plant operations based on all alarm and
status information both inside the plant and within the transmission system.
Power Supply
Service Auxiliary
27 27
Unit auxiliary transformer fed auxiliary system — Degraded system voltage is 0.85
per unit, generator voltage is at 0.87 per unit due to field forcing, 0.05 per unit voltage
drop yields a 0.82 per unit voltage at the motor terminals. If the trip setting is at 0.80
per unit, the motors will not be tripped.
Power Supply
Service Auxiliary
Plant System
Service Auxiliary
shaft, gear box, etc.) in the event of failure of the prime mover.
Figure 3.4.1 — Reverse Power Flow Detection Loadability
In general, there are no loadability issues with this function.
The time delay should be set long enough that the unit will not trip for a system
transient condition or power swing condition where a momentary reverse power is
possible for short duration.
Further discussion is given in Section A.2.9 of C37.102-2006 (Guide for AC Generator
If the generator is operating at full load, stator currents can be in excess of 2 per
unit; and, because the generator has lost synchronism, high levels of slip-
frequency currents can be induced in the rotor. These high current levels can
cause dangerous overheating of the stator windings and cores of the rotor and
stator within a short time.
A loss of field condition causes devastating impact on the power system as a loss
of reactive power support from a generator as well as creating a substantial
reactive power drain from the system. On large generators this condition can
contribute to or trigger a wide area system voltage collapse.
When the excitation (field) is reduced or lost, the terminal voltage begins to
decrease and the stator current increases, resulting in a decrease in impedance
(Z=V/I) viewed from the generator terminals. Also, the power factor changes
from Lagging to Leading. The impedance moves into the fourth quadrant from
first quadrant due to the Var (reactive power) flow from the system into the
generator. For detecting this impedance change, there are two basic relaying
schemes as shown in figures 3.4.1 (dual offset mho characteristics type) and
3.4.2 (dual offset mho characteristics with directional element).
The LOF relays can misoperate during system disturbances and power swing
conditions if they are not set properly considering coordination with generator
The purpose of section 3.4 is to describe the coordination issues with the setting
of Loss of Field relaying and certain system conditions which can cause
inadvertent tripping of the unit. The field current in the generator could also be
Figure 3.5.1 shows the problems associated where the swing results in a stable operating
point is outside the excitation capabilities of the machine, resulting in a necessary trip of
the loss-of-field function.
Zone‐1 Capability Curve
Figure 3.5.1 — (1) Locus of Swing Impedance during Light and Heavy
Loads for Loss-of-Field, and (2) Relationship between Minimum Excitation
Limiter (MEL) or Underexcitation Limiter (UEL) Loadability
Step 1 — The Generator Owners confirms that the loss-of-field function setting
coordinates with the generator reactive capability and the excitation system capability
to ensure that the loss-of-field function does not restrict operation of the generating
Step 2 — A light load system study is completed in which the generator is taking in
vars. A sufficient number of operating conditions and system contingencies are
evaluated to identify the worst case operating condition for coordination with the
loss-of-field function setting. The output of this study is provided to the Generator
Owner to evaluate whether the worst case operating load condition(s) lies outside the
loss-of-field characteristic.
Xd 40 Fault
Figure 3.5.3 — “Two Zone Offset Mho with Directional Element” type Loss-of-
Field Relay Charactersitic
Figure 3.5.3 Notes:
A — 0.9 lagging Power Factor 1.0 per unit Load Impedance
B — Three Phase Fault Location
C — Apparent Impedance immediately after fault is cleared
A-B-C-D-E-F — Locus of Swing Impedance for lagging 0.9 power factor with fault
clearing at critical switching time
The negative sequence component of current is similar to the positive sequence system,
except that the resulting reaction field rotates in the opposite direction to the dc field
system. Hence, a flux is produced which cuts the rotor at twice the rotational velocity,
thereby inducing double-frequency currents in the field system and in the rotor body.
The resulting eddy currents can be very large and cause severe heating of the rotor.
Negative Sequence Overcurrent protection often includes two settings: one very sensitive
setting that alarms for operator action, and a less-sensitive setting that results in tripping.
Unbalanced faults will result in negative sequence currents until the fault is
If there is alarm, both the Transmission Owner and Generator Owner must work
together to resolve the alarm.
3.6.5. Example Proper coordination
The Generator Negative Sequence Protection when set according to the IEEE Guide
C37.102 will generally coordinate with system protection for unbalanced fault
conditions due to the setpoint time delay. Even at 100 percent negative sequence
current it will take seconds for the protection to trip the generator. The Generator
Owner and Transmission Owner need to discuss the magnitude of negative sequence
current resulting from open phases, untransposed lines and other operational
unbalances exhibited by the transmission system, and ensure that the generator
This time delay is much longer than the second zone transmission line phase-to-phase
fault protection time delay including the breaker failure time. The coordination is not
a concern.
When a generator is off-line on turning gear and is inadvertently energized from the
power system, it will develop an inrush current (similar to an induction motor start) that
can be as high as 300 percent to 400 percent of the generator name plate (rating). This
inrush current subjects the turbine shaft and blades to large forces, and with rapid
overheating of the stator windings and potential for damage due to the excessive slip
frequency currents. The impedance of the transformer and the stiffness of the system
dictates the level of inrush current.
This protection is required when the unit is off-line and may or may not be armed when
the unit is in service and connected to the system.
50 27 Loadability
There are no loadability concerns with this protection function.
3.7.5. Example Proper Coordination
Undervoltage supervision settings of less than 50 percent of nominal voltage, or
lower, and more than two seconds of time delay will reduce the possibility of
undesired tripping. Note: Inadvertent Energizing schemes will be initiated when a
Breaker failure protection must be provided for large generators such that the generator is
isolated in the event its breakers fail to open subsequent to receiving a signal to trip.
When a generator unit breaker fails, it is required to initiate the tripping of backup
breaker(s) for isolation of the failed breaker. Figures 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 describe breaker
failure relaying as it relates to generator and transmission line breaker failures.
52 – G
Trip Coil
62BF 86-T
50BF-G tpu
OR 0
Trip CB 52 - T
86BF TT 52-R
52 – L
Trip Coil
62BF 86BF
50BF-L tpu
OR 0
•Trip Adjacent
Circuit Breakers
•Initiate Line
Transfer Trip Loadability
There are no loadability issues to be addressed.
This chart is excerpted from the IEEE Std. C37.119-2005 “Guide for Breaker Failure Protection of Power Circuit
Clearing time issues are addressed further in Sections 4.7 and A.2.11 of C37.102-
2006 — Guide for AC Generator Protection.
Refer to Section 3.1 for coordination of upstream protective function 21 with the
breaker failure scheme.
4 5
3 1 Z1
BF BF 21 21
Auxiliary RAT
F1 F2
51TG 67I/T
Figure 3.9.1 — Phase and Ground Backup Overcurrent Relays on Generator Step-
Up Transformer Generator Step-Up Transformer Backup Ground
Overcurrent Protection — Function 51TG
The ground overcurrent function 51TG, as shown in Figure 3.9.1, is used to provide
generator and generator step-up ground backup overcurrent protection for uncleared
system ground faults. The ground backup overcurrent function 51TG is connected to
detect the ground current provided by the generator step-up transformer when
connected as a ground source. It has no loading requirements, so it can be set for
fault considerations. However, it should accommodate the worst-case system
imbalance anticipated at the generator step-up transformer. From a time/overcurrent
perspective, the 51TG needs to coordinate with the longest clearing time of the
transmission ground protection systems as required by its application and the
generator step-up transformer damage curve.
The 51T must be set to pickup for the worst-case fault on the transmission system
based on the application. See the loadability section for complete requirements to
determine 51T pickup.
The 51T must have sufficient time delay with adequate margin to coordinate with
the worst-case clearing time of the transmission protection with breaker failure
clearing times included.
The 51T must be set such that the generator has the ability to produce the fault
current long enough to complete the overcurrent backup function.
The 51T must meet the loadability requirements outlined in section
The 51TG is used to backup uncleared system faults and must meet the following
considerations for fault coordination:
The 51TG must be set to pickup for the worst-case fault on the transmission
system based on the application. The pickup value for the 51TG must also be
capable of accommodating the greatest system imbalance with margin anticipated
at the generator step-up transformer.
The 51TG must have sufficient time delay with adequate margin to coordinate
with the worst-case clearing time of the transmission protection with breaker
failure clearing times included. Loadability
The 51T function has the following loadability requirement:
The 51T must have as a minimum setting equal to 200 percent of the generator
MVA rating at rated power factor.
The above requirement allows a generator to remain online through extreme
operating system events, by allowing a generator to utilize it full capability of field
Note: Any 51 function utilized from the generator or generator step-up transformer
multi-function protective relays must meet the above loadability requirement.
The 51T must have a minimum current pickup of twice the generator MVA rating
at rated power factor.
The 51T must operate slower with margin than the slowest transmission
protection system that it must coordinate with based on protection design
including breaker failure time.
The 51T must sense the required fault based on the transmission protection design
with the fault current available from the generator in the time frame that it is set to
The Generator Owner must determine the setting for the 51T that coordinates with
the transmission protection will also coordinate with the generator protection
systems for the fault current available from the transmission system.
The 51TG must operate slower with margin than the slowest transmission
protection system that it must coordinate with based on protection design
including breaker failure time.
3.9.5. Example Proper Coordination
For the system shown in Figure 3.9.2 below, coordination of the generation and
transmission protection is described with the following assumptions. It will be
assumed for the system shown that the transmission protection systems are
overcurrent non-redundant schemes. It is also assumed that the line with fault
locations F1 and F2 presented the worst-case coordination requirements for the
generator backup protection. Also, the line used for a reserve auxiliary transformer
(RAT) for the unit is out of service during normal operation. The line shown without
a breaker termination at the remote terminal supplies a nearby load with no fault
contribution. Current transformer ratio for the HV side generator step-up transformer
and the line protection are 3Y-2000/5A (CTR=400:1), multi-ratio CTs. The generator
loadability requirement will be twice the unit MVA rating which is equal to twice the
generator step-up transformer rating.
Auxiliary RAT
F1 F2
51TG 67I/T
Figure 3.9.2 — Phase and Ground Backup Overcurrent Relays on Generator Step-
Up Transformer
Time in Seconds
CT= 120/1
Time Dial= No 2.25
A Phase-to-gnd
Fault= 7557.5A
Current in Amperes
Fault= 7557.5A
Current in Amperes
In the voltage-restrained relay, the current pickup varies as a function of the voltage
applied to relay. In one type of relay with zero voltage restraint, the current pickup is
25% of the pickup setting with 100% voltage restraint. On units that have a short,
short-circuit time constant, the 51V voltage-restrained overcurrent relay should be used.
The 51V voltage element setting should be calculated such that under extreme
emergency conditions (the lowest expected system voltage), the 51V relay will not trip.
However, during faults, within the protection zone of the relay, the relay will be
enabled (51VC), or sensitized (51VR), to trip with the expected fault current level.
Figure 3.10.1 — Application of 51V System Backup Relays – Unit Generator-
Transformer Arrangement Loadability
For the 51V-C function, the voltage function must prevent operation for all
system loading conditions as the overcurrent function will be set less than
generator full load current. The voltage function setting should be calculated such
that under extreme emergency conditions (the lowest expected system voltage),
the 51V function will not trip. A voltage setting of 0.75 per unit or less is
For the 51V-R function, the voltage function will not prevent operation for system
loading conditions. The overcurrent function must be set above generator full
Note that 51V functions are subject to misoperation for blown fuses that result in
loss of the voltage-control or voltage-restraint.
In C37.102 (see Appendix A reference), the undervoltage setting for the example is 75
percent of rated voltage. Seventy five percent of rated voltage is considered acceptable to
avoid generator tripping during extreme emergency conditions.
The transmission system is usually protected with phase distance (impedance) relays.
Time coordination is attained between distance relays using definite time settings. The
51V functions have varying time delays based on their time versus current time to operate
curves. Time coordinating a 51V and a 21 lends to longer clearing times at lower
currents. The 51V functions are often used effectively on generator connected to
distribution system where distribution feeders are protected with time inverse
The relatively low power factor (0.80 to 0.85) results in very high reactive current
components in response to the exciter trying to support the system voltage.
The slower response of the rotating exciters in both increasing and decreasing
field current in those instances results in a longer time that the 51V function will
be picked up, which increases the chances for tripping by the 51V.
The overcurrent function should not start timing until the undervoltage
function drops out.
Time coordination should be provided for all faults on the high-side of the
generator step-up transformer, including breaker failure time and an
agreed upon reasonable margin. Time coordination must also include the
For the 51V-R function, the voltage function will not prevent operation for system
loading conditions. The overcurrent function must be set above generator full
load current. IEEE C37.102 recommends the overcurrent function to be set 150
percent above full load current.
3.10.5. Example
Proper Coordination (From C37.102 Appendix A: Sample Calculations for Settings of
Generator Protection Functions)
Current pickup = 50% of I Rate = (0.5) (3.945-A) = 1.97 A ==> Use 2.0 A tap
Coordination must be attained for a fault on the high-side of the generator step-up
transformer cleared in high speed time + breaker failure time. Time coordination
must also include the time overcurrent protection for all elements connected to the
generator high-side bus for which the 51V function will operate. All coordination
must include reasonable margin, for example 0.5 seconds.
Coordination must be attained for a fault on the high-side of the generator step-up
transformer cleared in high speed time + breaker failure time. Time coordination
must also include the time overcurrent protection for all elements connected to the
generator high-side bus for which the 51V function will operate. All coordination
must include reasonable margin, for example 0.5 seconds.
51V-R operating
curve with ≤ 25%
voltage (fastest 51V-R
operating time) range of 51V-R operating
operation curve with full
from 100 voltage (slowest
to 25 % operating time)
Phase OC on
Line - 51LINE 0.5 s or
Fault Current
on Line
Current in Amperes
Insulation of Surge
Stator Arrester
Figure 3.11.1 — Overvoltage Relay with Surge Devices Shown Connected to the
Stator Windings
59 Loadability
If a long-time setting of 1.1 per unit nominal voltage with significant time delay (as
an example 10 seconds or longer) is used to trip, coordination with recoverable
extreme system events with overvoltage should be considered. This suggests that for
credible contingencies where overvoltage may occur, that shunt reactors near the
generator should be placed in service and/or that capacitor banks near the generator
should be removed from service prior to the 10 second trip limit on the generator.
3.11.5. Example Proper Coordination
The following is an example of setting the 59T and 59I function time delays.
Step 1 — VNominal = (20,000V) (120/20,000) = 120V
Step 2 — 59T =105% of 110% of VNominal =1.05x 1.10 x 120V =139V (1.155 pu),
with a time delay of 10 seconds or longer.
Step 3 — 59I =105% of 130% of =1.05 x 1.30 x 120V =184V (=1.365 pu)
Figure 3.11.3 is a typical load rejection response curve of a voltage regulator for an
example of a hydro turbine generator. The regulator causes the generator to operate
back near nominal voltage in about two seconds, well before any action by the
overvoltage protection.
Figure 3.11.3 — Typical Example Load Rejection Data for Voltage Regulator
Response Time
As noted in the preceding sub-clause, differential relaying will not provide ground fault
protection on high impedance-grounded machines where primary fault current levels are
limited to 3 A to 25 A. Differential relaying schemes may detect some stator phase-to-
ground faults depending upon how the generator is grounded. Figure 4-18 illustrates the
approximate relationship between available ground fault current and the percent of the
stator winding protected by a current-differential scheme. When the ground fault current
level is limited below generator rated load current, a large portion of the generator may
be unprotected.”
“Generator faults are always considered to be serious since they may cause severe and
costly damage to insulation, windings, and the core; they may also produce severe
mechanical torsional shock to shafts and couplings. Moreover, fault currents in a
generator do not cease to flow when the generator is tripped from the system and the
field disconnected. Fault current may continue to flow for many seconds because of
trapped flux within the machine, thereby increasing the amount of fault damage.”
The stator ground function 59GN is intended to detect a ground fault on the stator
windings of a generator connected to a delta-connected winding on the generator step-up
transformer. Loadability
There are no loadability issues with this protection function.
3.12.5. Example
Examples are not necessary for function 59GN/27TH because coordination is
accomplished with time delay of 5 seconds or greater on the 59GN/27TH function.
On large machines the swing travels through either the generator or the
main transformer. This protection may also be required even if the
electrical center is out in the system and the system relaying is slow or
cannot detect a loss of synchronism. Transmission line pilot-wire
relaying, current-differential relaying, or phase comparison relaying will
not detect a loss of synchronism. For generators connected to lower
voltage systems, overcurrent relaying may not be sensitive enough to
operate on loss of synchronism.”
78 Loadability
There are no coordination issues related to loadability for this function.
Studies must be used to verify that the out-of-step protection operates only for
unstable conditions and that it does not operate for load conditions or stable swing
conditions. The critical conditions for setting the function are the marginal
condition representing the unstable swing that is closest to a stable condition and
the fastest swing typically resulting from the most severe system condition.
Typically the out-of-step settings are developed by calculating initial settings for
blinders, time delay, etc. using a graphical approach. The settings are then refined
as necessary based on transient stability simulations to ensure dependable tripping
for unstable swings and secure operation for stable swings. This process requires
an exchange of information between the Transmission Owner, the Generator
Owners, and the Planning Coordinator.
X maxSG1
1.5 X TG
Swing Locus
X ´ X TG X max SG1
d d x tan (90 / 2)
The reverse reach (toward the system) should be greater than the generator
step-up transformer reactance (Xt).
A power system stability study should be performed for the relay time delay
3.13.5. Examples Proper Coordination
Several types of out-of-step algorithms and relay characteristics exist and details for
developing settings are specific to the particular relay used. The following example
illustrates the setting details associated with one particular relay type and provides an
overview of the process used to ensure proper coordination.
Power system
Positive sequence impedance during maximum generation on 100 MVA (MVAS)
and 138kV base:
Z max S1 = 0.000511+j0.010033 pu
To calculate the setting we will convert all data to the generator base.
X TG = X T = 0.11607 pu
Since the system base voltage is different from the transformer base voltage, it is
necessary to first convert the system impedance values to the transformer base
and then to the generator base. The resulting calculated system impedance is:
The generator CT primary line base current is 14202.8 A. Thus, the base current
for the relay (or CT secondary) is given by:
I B _ relay
= CT primary current/CT ratio = 14202.8/3600 = 3.945 A.
The base impedance based on the relay secondary quantities is given by:
V LN _ B _ relay
Z B _ relay = = 69.28 V/3.95 A = 17.56 Ω
I B _ relay
Converting all reactances to CT and VT secondary quantities gives:
The blinder distance (d) = (( X d' + X TG + X max SG1 )/2) x tan (90-(δ/2)),
where δ is the angular separation between the generator and the system at which
the relay determines instability. If a stability study is not available, this angle is
typically set at 120˚.
The diameter of the mho unit is (2 x X d' + 1.5 x X TG ) = 10.3 Ω and the
impedance angle of the mho unit is 90˚. The resulting out of step relay
characteristic is shown in Figure 3.13.5.
The time delay for the out of step function based on the simulation results in
Appendix F can be set as 250 msec.
Swing Locus
(X'd )
2 X d' =7.2 C
The timing of the trip output from the relay should be verified for the unstable
swings to ensure that the circuit breaker is not opened when the generator is
180 degrees out-of-phase with the transmission system.
If the above simulations do not result in both secure and dependable operation the
relay characteristic and trip timer settings should be adjusted to obtain the desired
operation. The simulations listed above represent a minimal set of simulations.
The degree of confidence in the relay settings is improved by running more
simulations which may be based on other contingencies and sensitivity to
parameters such as fault type, fault impedance, system load level, and pre-fault
generator loading.
Stable swings have slow oscillations where the angles between two voltage
sources vary, usually less than 1 Hz, with 0.5 Hz to 0.8 Hz being common
(greater than 1-s period of oscillation)
Many power swings are caused by short circuits, auto-reclosures, line switching,
and large changes in load(s)
A swing causes voltage phase shift between the system (Es) and generator voltage
(Eg) as defined previously in Figure 3.13.6. Consequences of the swing include
variation in system frequency, voltage, and power flow. Heavy load transfers in a
power network can contribute to portions of the system losing stability.
Figure 3.13.7 shows three different types of swing characteristics for the apparent
impedance measured at the terminals of the generator. Loadability
There are no coordination issues related to loadability for this function.
3.14.5. Example Proper Coordination
The following Figure 3.14.3 illustrates an example of how generator protection
settings are coordinated with the turbine capability and the underfrequency protection
setting limits for generating units. In this example the protection setting must be set
above the green curve which defines the turbine capability provided by the
manufacturer and on or below the red curve that defines the applicable generator
underfrequency protection setting limits. In this example the protection is set with an
Frequency (Hz)
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (sec)
Generator Capability Generator UF Protection Limit Generator Protection Setting-Inst Generator Protection Setting-TD
87G Loadability
There are no loadability issues with this protection function.
3.15.5. Example Proper Coordination
No coordination required.
Table 3 Excerpt — Functions 87T / 87G / 87U Data to be Exchanged Between Entities
Generator Owner Transmission Owner Planning Coordinator
Function 87G — Generator
Differential None None
Figure B-1
Figure B-2
The cohesive generator group can experience lower voltage, underfrequency, and large power
flows brought on by large angles across its ties to the Interconnection. In the cascade, a number
of relaying schemes intended to trip generators for their own protection operated. Examples
include: inadvertent energization protection, volts/hertz overexcitation, voltage restrained
overcurrent, undervoltage, and loss of excitation relays. The operations of these relays are
sensitive to abnormal voltages and frequencies.
Number of
Initiating Tripping Relay Generators
Inadvertent energizing 6
Volts/Hertz 10
Voltage restrained overcurrent 4
Undervoltage 25
Overcurrent 15
Loss of excitation 11
Inadvertent energizing is a protection scheme intended to detect an accidental energizing of a
unit at standstill or a unit not yet synchronized to the power system. Two schemes used to detect
inadvertent energizing are frequency supervised overcurrent and voltage supervised overcurrent.
In frequency supervised overcurrent schemes, the underfrequency relays are set to close their
contacts when the frequency falls below a setting, which is in the range of 48 – 55 Hz, thus
enabling the overcurrent relay. Voltage supervised overcurrent schemes use under and
overvoltage relays with pick-up and dropout time delays to supervise instantaneous overcurrent
tripping relays. The undervoltage detectors automatically arm the overcurrent relays when its
generation is taken off-line. Overvoltage relays disable the scheme when the machine is put
back in service.
Volts/Hertz relays are used for overexcitation protection of generators. These relays become
more prone to operation as frequency declines, given a particular voltage.
The loss of excitation relay protects a generator in the event of an exciter failure. As with the
Volts/Hertz relay, the loss of excitation relay should coordinate with generator excitation
controls when these controls are functioning properly and exciter failures have not occurred.
51V Voltage Controlled Overcurrent protection is backup protection to use when overcurrent
does not provide adequate sensitivity. It can discriminate between load current and steady state
fault current. The latter can be smaller than full load current due to the large Xd and AVR
constraints. It is susceptible to operation for sustained undervoltage conditions as confirmed
during pre-blackout disturbance.
Recommendation TR–22
TR-22. NERC should evaluate these protection schemes and their settings for appropriateness
including coordination of protection and controls when operating within a coherent
generation weakly connected to an interconnection or in as an electrical island.
Generators directly connected to the transmission system using a 51V should consider
the use of an impedance relay instead.
Figure D-1 — R-X Diagram
= VLL2 , prim
= VLL2 , prim 2 2
2 2 2 2
= VLL2 , prim
= VLL2 , prim 2
2 2 2 2
2+ Q
Figure D-2 — P-Q Diagram
jXs jXTR
EG V1 V2
In this equation θ12 is the angle across the step up transformer. If V2 is assumed to have the
reference angle of 0 degrees then θ12 can be expressed as θ1 and it is an unknown in the equation.
Power System Analysis, Hadi Sadat, McGraw Hill Publishing, pp 26 - 28
V 1 I 1*
V1 90
VV 1 2
90 1
S 12
V2 will have a magnitude of 0.85 per unit and V1 1 will be calculated based on the two
generator load conditions with the stressed system.
Using the above equation an iterative process can be developed to calculate the following
parameters: generator terminal voltage, V1 and its corresponding angle, θ1. From these quantities
the generator phase current, I1 and the apparent impedance, Z that is presented to the relay for the
stressed system condition can be calculated algebraically. This process is delineated in the
following equations, beginning with the equation above that defines the quantities in Figure E-1.
V 1 I 1*
V1 90
VV1 2
90 1
Eq. (1) S 12
Starting from equation (1), we can derive two equations: one for the real components and one for
the imaginary components.
2 2 2
Im[ j
VV 1 2
90 1]
1 2
sin 90 1
1 2
cos 1
Eq. (3) Q 12
V 1 V 1 V 2 cos 1
Eq. (4) Q X 12 TR
Subtracting Q12XTR from both sides of equation (4) yields a quadratic equation for V1:
0 V 1 V 1 V 2 cos 1 Q
Eq. (5) X TR
Eq. (6) 1
V1V 2
cos 1 cos 2 1 4 Q
V 2 V 2 12 X TR
Eq. (7) V 1
Note: By inspection, the solution of V1 formed by the sum is the desired root of the
quadratic equation (the sum will be near unity and the difference will be near
The known values of P12, Q12, V2, and XTR and an initial guess for a value of V1 (e.g. 1.0) can be
used to solve equation (6) for Θ1 The calculated value of Θ1 can then be used to solve equation
7 for V1. The calculated value of V1 can be used as the next guess for V1 in equation (6) and this
process may be repeated until the value of V1 calculated from equation (7) is the same as the
previous guess. This process typically converges in two to three iterations.
Once V1 and Θ1 are calculated, calculation of the generator phase current, I1 and the apparent
impedance, Z are straight-forward using equations (8) and (9):
V1 V2
Eq. (8) I1
Eq. (9) Z
This mathematical process will be used to calculate the stressed system condition apparent
impedance operating points necessary to validate coordination for method 1.
Machine Data:
904 MVA unit at 0.85 power factor
Operating Condition (1) - Generator at rated MW and a Mvar value of 150 percent
times rated MW output; (768 MW + j1152 Mvar); with the stressed system
condition of 0.85 per unit voltage on the high-side of the generator step-up
Operating Condition (2) - Generator at 40 percent of rated MW and a Mvar value of
175 percent times rated MW output; (307 MW + j1344 Mvar); with the stressed
system condition of 0.85 per unit voltage on the high-side of the generator step-up
XS, the synchronous reactance is 1.725 per unit on the generator base
XTR, the generator step up transformer reactance is 0.1 per unit on the generator
Calculate the impedance measured by a function 21 set at 0.50 per unit during a stressed system
condition to assure that the relay as set will not trip the unit.
The test applies 0.85 per unit steady state voltage on the terminals of the generator step-up
transformer and then calculates Vrelay/Irelay, where Vrelay equals the generator terminal voltage and
Irelay equals the generator stator current. The stator current is calculated based on the two
operating conditions: (1) generator at rated MW and a Mvar value of 150 percent times rated
MW output (768 MW + j1152 Mvar), and (2) generator at 40 percent of rated MW and a Mvar
value of 175 percent times rated MW output (307 MW + j1344 Mvar). In both cases the
generator terminal voltage is based on the stressed system condition of 0.85 per unit voltage on
the high-side of the generator step-up transformer.
Operating Condition 2
1. SRated = PRated + j QRated = 768 + j477 MVA = 90431.8 MVA (pf = 0.85)
2. System stressed such that VHI = 293-kV = 0.85 pu (Vrated = 345 kV)
3. Unit at stressed level output = 307+ j1344MVA = 1378.677.13 MVA (pf = 0.223) =
1.52577.13 MVA
Using the above mathematical process, 1 and V1 can be solved iteratively and will then result in
the solution of I1 and Z.
Operating Condition 1
Solving iteratively,
1 = 5.88º
│V1│ = 0.9761
Operating Condition 2
Solving iteratively,
1 = 2.30º
│V1│ = 0.9983
I1 = 1.528 -74.82º
Figure E-3 plots the apparent impedance for the two operating points calculated for the stressed
system condition defined in the example above against a mho circle with a maximum torque
angle of 85º and a reach of 0.50 pu at the machine rated power factor angle (31.8º), set per the
IEEE recommended range for the maximum reach for a backup impedance relay. It also plots
the reduced reach characteristic required to meet the restriction of the calculated operating points
with margin.
The equation below adjusts the reach at the rated power factor angle to the calculated apparent
impedance (load) angle. The cosine term in the denominator converts the reach at the rated
power factor angle to the reach at the maximum torque angle, and the cosine term in the
numerator converts the reach from the maximum torque angle to the apparent impedance angle.
cos( MTA LoadAngle)
Z Z RatedPF
cos( MTA RatedPFAngle)
The relay reach at the generator load angle calculated for operating condition (1), 768 + j1152
MVA = 1384.5356.31 MVA, is 0.7322 per unit.
The relay reach at the generator load angle calculated for operating condition (2), 307+
j1344MVA = 1378.6277.13 MVA, is 0.8268 per unit.
Both of the calculated apparent impedances in this example fall within the relay characteristic.
The relay characteristic must be modified to coordinate with the loadability requirements
calculated above and include adequate margin. Therefore the more restrictive load operating
point must be determined. This will be accomplished by calculating the reach of a mho
characteristic at 85° that passes through each of these operating points to determine which is
more restrictive.
Operating point (1): Z85 = 0.6217/(cos(85º - 56.31º)) = 0.7087 85º pu
Operating point (2): Z85 = 0.6533/(cos(85º - 77.12º)) = 0.6595 85º pu
Based on this comparison at the common 85 degree angle operating point (2) is more restrictive.
The reach of the distance relay at 85 degrees, the maximum torque angle(MTA), needs to be
adjusted to this point plus margin, e.g. 15 percent margin or 0.85 times this value.
ZReach at MTA = 0.85 x 0.6595 = 0.5606 85º pu
To calculate the reach at rated power factor use:
ZRated Power Factor = 0.5606 (cos (85º -31.8º) = 0.3358 31.8º pu
With the revised setting the calculated apparent impedance is outside the relay characteristic and
provides 15 percent margin, as illustrated in Figure E-3.
A typical time delay setting for this element would be similar to the zone 3 remote backup
element time delay used for transmission relays. This provides time coordination between the
generator phase distance backup protection and the protection systems on the transmission lines
connected to the generator step-up transformer high-side bus, including breaker failure. In this
example, a 1.5 second setting is selected.
Initial Relay Setting:
Provides 0.5 pu Reach at
Rated Power Factor
0.5 1.0
3 phase fault
V relay
1.0 pu
Z reachat 56.31
Z max reachangle cos( max reach 56.31) 1.883 cos(85 56.31) 1.652 pu
The calculated apparent impedance at the full load operating point in this example is well inside
the relay characteristic. Similarly, for the low operating limit the resulting apparent impedance
Z reachat 77.12
Z max reachangle cos( max reach 77.12) 1.883 cos(85 77.12) 1.865 pu
The calculated apparent impedance at the low operating limit operating point in this example
also is well inside the relay characteristic. The relay characteristic must be modified to
coordinate with the loadability requirements. The modification applied above for the relay set to
provide generator protection only in Example 1 cannot be applied in this case because reducing
the reach of the relay will not provide trip dependability for faults on all elements connected to
the generator step-up transformer high-side bus.
Given that the desired relay setting does not meet the relay loadability requirement, the
Generator Owner has a number of options. The first option is to set the relay to provide only
thermal protection for the generator as described above in Example 1. The second option is to
modify the relay characteristic. In this example it is assumed that the Generator Owner desires
to provide trip dependability for uncleared transmission system faults and elects to modify the
relay characteristic. With this option the Generator Owner has the choice to modify the relay
characteristic to meet the conservative operating points defined in Method 1 or to utilize Method
2 to determine generator specific operating points from dynamic modeling of the apparent
impedance trajectory during simulated events. The simulations should model the effect of
stressed system conditions that results in 0.85 per unit voltage on the high-side of the generator
step-up transformer prior to field forcing. An example utilizing this process is described below.
Section provides a number of methods that could be applied to modify the relay
characteristic in a manner that meets the loadability requirement while maintaining the reach
necessary for system relay failure backup coverage. Some methods are better suited to
improving loadability around a specific operating point, while others improve loadability for a
wider area of potential operating points in the R-X plane. The operating point for a stressed
system condition can vary due to the pre-event system conditions, severity of the initiating event,
and generator characteristics such as reactive power support capability (field forcing). For this
reason, adding blinders or reshaping the characteristic provide greater security than load
encroachment or off-setting the zone 2 mho characteristic.
In this example the Generator Owner elects to utilize blinders to modify the relay characteristic.
If the Generator Owner utilizes Method 1 two potential concerns would be identified. The first
is that setting the blinders to meet the loadability operating points calculated above would result
in narrow blinder settings. Providing some reasonable margin from the loadability operating
point, for example 15 percent, would result in a resistance setting of 0.075 per unit on the
generator base as shown in Figure E-6. The second potential concern is that with only one zone
of protection the backup clearing time for generator step-up transformer faults and high-side bus
faults would be relatively long; typically on the order of 1.5 seconds. This is because time
coordination must be provided between the generator phase distance protection and the
protection systems on the transmission lines connected to the generator step-up transformer high-
Method 1
Operating Points
Zone 2 Blinders
Set at ± 0.15 pu
Several plots from the transient stability runs can be obtained for a myriad of applications. For
setting out-of-step functions the most important information is the plots of Rotor Angle vs. Time
and R + j X vs. Time. From the respective plots it can be observed that in Case 1, with a clearing
time of 90 milliseconds, the system remains in synchronism. In Case 2, G1 and the system are
still in synchronism with a clearing time of 180 milliseconds. For case 3, G1 loses synchronism
with a clearing time of 190 ms. From the above it is evident that the critical time to clear the
fault is equal to 180 ms after fault inception.
The rotor angles for the three cases are shown in Figure F-4, from which it can be seen that the
critical angle is approximately 140°. The time for the swing locus to travel from the critical
angle to 180° is approximately 250 milliseconds. Therefore the time delay setting should be set
to 250 milliseconds. The most severe transmission fault should be simulated to verify
dependable operation. The swing for this fault represents the fastest unstable swing which must
be differentiated from a change in apparent impedance associated with application of a fault.
This figure also illustrates the benefit of having voltage regulator and voltage governor responses
which are shown with the continuous lines. Under these conditions, the performance of the
system is much better than that of the case when there are no controls or the controls in manual
Figure F-4 — Rotor Angle vs Time from the Three Cases Considered
R vs. X diagrams for the three cases show the trajectory followed by the impedance seen by the
relay during the disturbances. When there is an oscillation in the generator which is stable, the
swing locus does not cross the impedance line.
When generator goes out-of-step, the transient swing crosses the system impedance line each
time a slip is completed and the relay should trip the generator. Figures F-5.1 through F-5.3
show the diagram R vs. X for cases 1, 2, and 3. In the first two cases it is clear that the load
point does not cross the system impedance line. For case 3, the load point crosses the system
impedance line indicating that the synchronism is lost and therefore out-of-step tripping must be
allowed. Figure F-6 shows the diagrams for all the three cases.
X (Ohm)
-0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
-10.0 -5.0 0.0 5.0 10.0
X (Ohm)
-1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
X (Ohm)
-10.0 -8.0 -6.0 -4.0 -2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
X (Ohm)
R (Ohm)
1 July 30, 2010 Section 1: Added a reference to generator auxiliary system undervoltage
protection; added additional explanation of Table 1.
Section 3: Added additional explanation of references to Functional
Model entities.
Section 3.1 and Appendix E: Phase distance protection methodology and
examples modified to provide more comprehensive guidance on
generator relay loadability.
Sections and Added discussion of the need for
undervoltage protection and adjustable speed drives to ride through
voltage depressions associated with transmission system faults.
Section 3.10: Added a description of boundary conditions for
coordinating voltage‐restrained overcurrent in the text and annotation
of Figure 3.10.5; updated coordination examples.
Section 3.5: Updated Figures 3.5.1 and 3.5.3.
Section 3.13: Updated coordination examples.
General: Modifications to achieve common usage of terms; removed
discrepancies between and among Tables 2 and 3 and the excerpts from
these tables; corrected formatting problems.