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Psychoanalytic Theory of Sigmund Freud

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technique for treating hysteria through

Psychoanalytic hypnosis.
Theory of Sigmund In 1886 after he returned from Paris,
Freud where he had learned about male
hysteria from Charcot. He assumed that
this knowledge would gain him respect
and recognition.

Breuer taught Freud about catharsis,

the process of removing hysterical
symptoms through “talking them out.”

While using catharsis, Freud gradually

Overview and laboriously discovered the free
association technique, which soon
 The twin cornerstones of
replaced hypnosis as his principal
psychoanalysis, sex and therapeutic technique.
 The theory was spread Breuer had discussed in detail with
beyond its Viennese origins. Freud the case of Anna O, a young
 Freud’s brilliant command of woman Freud had never met, but whom
language Breuer had spent many hours treating
Freud’s understanding of human for hysteria several years earlier.
personality was based on his
experiences with patients, his analysis Freud urged Breuer to collaborate with
of his own dreams, and his vast him in publishing an account of Anna
readings in the various sciences and O and several other cases of hysteria.
– Freud believed that causality After his professional disagreement
influences what personality we use with Breuer, Freud then turned to his
today. (Our past experiences) friend Wilhelm Fliess, a Berlin
physician who served as a sounding
Biography of Freud board for Freud’s newly developing
– Born on May 6, 1856 in Freiberg, ideas.
Moravia now part of Czech Republic.
– Died on Sept 23, 1939 in London. Freud’s Personal Crises
– Firstborn favorite child out of 7 of He had begun to analyze his own
Jacob and Amalie Nathanson Freud dreams, and after the death of his
though his father has 2 grown sons father. He initiated the practice of
from previous marriage. analyzing himself daily.

Notable Experiences of Freud He realized that he was now middle-

In 1885, he received a traveling grant aged and had yet to achieve the fame he
from the so passionately desired.
University of Vienna and decided to
study in Paris with the famous French He abandoned his theory that neuroses
neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot. He have their etiology in a child’s
spent 4 months with Charcot, from seduction by a parent.
whom he learned the hypnotic
– It is the only level of mental life
directly available to us. This refers to
Freud’s Professional mental elements in awareness at any
Relationships given point in time.
In 1902, Freud invited a small group of – Ideas can reach consciousness from
somewhat younger Viennese two different directions: external world
physicians to meet in his home to and preconscious.
discuss psychological issues. These
five men—Freud, Alfred Adler,
Wilhelm Stekel, Max Kahane, and Provinces of the Mind
Rudolf Reitler—formed the 1. Id: Pleasure Principle
Wednesday Psychological Society. In – The id has no contact with reality, yet
1908, this organization adopted a more it strives constantly to reduce tension
formal name—the Vienna by satisfying basic desires.
Psychoanalytic Society. – It seeks gratification of needs without
regard for what is possible or what is
3 Levels of Mental Life
1. Unconscious 2. Ego: Reality Principle
– contains all those drives, urges, or
– It is the only region of the mind in
instincts that are beyond our awareness
contact with reality. The ego becomes
but that nevertheless motivate most of
the decision- making or executive
our words, feelings, and actions.
branch of personality.
Ex. A man may know that he is
– When performing its cognitive and
attracted to a woman but may not fully
intellectual functions, the ego must take
understand all the reasons for the
into consideration the incompatible but
equally unrealistic demands of the
id and the superego together with the
He believes: external world
– unconscious is the explanation for the
meaning behind dreams, slips of the 3. Superego: Moral Principle
tongue, and repression. – It has no contact with the outside
Repression – certain kinds of world and therefore is unrealistic in its
forgetting. demands for perfection.
– a portion of our unconscious – A well-developed superego acts to
originates from the experiences of our control sexual and aggressive impulses
early ancestors that have been passed through the process of repression. It
on to us through hundreds of cannot produce repressions by itself,
generations of repetition which he but it can order the ego to do so.
called phylogenetic endowment.

2. Preconscious Two subsystems of Superego:

– contains all those elements that are • Conscience
not conscious but can become – tells us what we should not do (If
conscious either quite readily or with unmet, it results to guilt)
some difficulty • Ego Ideal
– The contents of the preconscious tells us what we should do (If unmet, it
come from two sources: from the results to inferiority)
unconscious and conscious perception.
3. Conscious
 A pleasure-seeking person –Usually occurs during puberty when
dominated by id (Id is their libido is redirected back to their
superior) ego as they become preoccupied with
 A guilt-ridden or inferior- appearance and other self-interests.
feeling person dominated by
the superego (Superego is Love
superior) – Develops when people invest their
 A psychologically healthy libido on an
person dominated by the ego object or person other than themselves.
(balance of id and superego) Example:
Children’s first sexual interest is the
Dynamics of Personality person who cares for them, generally
the mother.
“To Freud, people are motivated
to seek pleasure and to reduce Sadism
tension and anxiety.” – The need for sexual pleasure by
– This motivation is derived from inflicting pain or humiliation on
psychical and physical energy that another person.
springs from their basic drives. – Carried to an extreme, it is
– Drives operate as a constant considered a sexual perversion, but in
motivational force which comes from moderation, sadism is a common need
the id and is controlled by the ego. and exists to some extent in all sexual
These two drives are: Sex and relationships.
Aggression – It becomes perverted when the sexual
aim of erotic pleasure becomes
1. Drive secondary to the destructive aim.
– It is the motivational principle, to
explain the driving forces behind
people’s actions. It originates in the id,
– The need to experience sexual
but they come under the control of the
pleasure from suffering pain and
humiliation inflicted either by
a. Sex or Eros themselves or by others.
– The aim of the sexual drive is – It becomes a perversion when Eros
pleasure, but this pleasure is not limited becomes subservient to the destructive
to genital satisfaction. Freud believed drive.
that the entire body is invested with
libido; all pleasurable activity is
traceable to the sexual drive. b. Aggression or Thanatos
– Besides the genitals, the mouth and –It is considered as the destructive
anus are especially capable of drive. The aim of this drive is to return
producing sexual pleasure and are the organism to its inorganic state
called erogenous zones. which is death, and the final aim is self-
Four Manifestations of Sex or destruction.
Narcissism 2. Anxiety
– Only the ego can produce or feel
• Primary Narcissism anxiety, but
–Usually occurs during infancy
the id, superego, and external world
because infants are self centered. each are involved in one of three kinds
• Secondary Narcissism of anxiety—
extremes, it can lead to compulsive,
3 Kinds of Anxiety repetitive, and neurotic behavior.
1. Neurotic Anxiety
(depends on id) 10 Types of Defense
– The ego’s dependence on the id Mechanisms
results in neurotic anxiety. 1. Repression
– Defined as apprehension about an – What happens to these impulses after
unknown danger. The feeling itself they
exists in the ego, but it originates from have become unconscious?
id impulses. 1. The impulses may remain unchanged
Ex. People may experience this anxiety in the unconscious.
in the present of police, teacher or any 2. They could force their way into
other person with authorities figures consciousness in an unaltered form
because they previously experienced 3. They are expressed in displaced or
unconscious feelings of destruction disguised forms.
against one or both parents.
2. Denial
– It involves denying the existence of
2. Moral Anxiety some external threat or traumatic event
(depends on superego) that has occurred.
– The ego’s dependence on the Ex.
superego produces moral anxiety. It Parents of a child who has died may
stems from the conflict between the continue to deny the loss by keeping
ego and the superego. the child’s room unchanged.
failure to behave consistently with what 3. Reaction Formation
they regard as morally right, like failing – It is adopting an exaggerated disguise
to care for aging parents. than its original form.
A young woman who deeply resents
and hates her mother. Because she
3. Realistic Anxiety knows that society demands affection
(depends on outer toward parents, such conscious hatred
world) for her mother would produce too
– The ego’s dependence on the outer much anxiety.
world leads to realistic anxiety. It is
defined as an unpleasant, nonspecific 4. Displacement
feeling involving a possible danger – Redirection of unacceptable urges
which is closely related to fear.
into a variety of people or objects so
that the original impulse will be
We may experience realistic anxiety
disguised or concealed.
while driving in heavy, fast-moving
traffic in an unfamiliar city, a situation
A man who is angry at his wife may
fraught with real, objective danger.
displace his
anger onto his employee.
Defense Mechanisms
– Defense mechanisms are normal and 5. Fixation
universally used. When carried to
– It is remaining in the current 10. Rationalization
psychological stage due to anxiety. – It involves reinterpreting our
Ex. behavior to make it seem more rational
– People who continually derive and acceptable to us. We excuse or
justify a threatening thought or action
pleasure from eating, smoking, or
by persuading ourselves there is a
talking may have an oral rational explanation for it.
fixation. Ex.
– Those who are obsessed with – The person who is fired from a job
neatness and may rationalize by saying that the job
orderliness may possess an anal wasn’t a good one anyway.
fixation. – The loved one who turns you down
now appears to have many faults.
6. Regression
– It is a reversion to an earlier stage Freud’s Stages of
because of stress and anxiety. It is Development
usually temporary. – Freud's developmental theory is
Ex. almost exclusively a discussion of early
A completely weaned child may childhood. To Freud, the first 4 or 5
regress to demanding a bottle when a years of life, or the infantile stage, are
baby brother or sister is born. the most crucial for personality
7. Projection
– It is attributing the unwanted impulse Oral Stage
to an external object, usually to another – The sexual aim of early oral activity
person. is to incorporate or receive into one’s
Ex. body the object-choice, that is, the
A cheating spouse who suspects their nipple.
partner is being unfaithful. Instead of Phases of Oral Stage
acknowledging their own infidelity,  Oral-receptive phase
they transfer, or project, this behavior – Infants feel no ambivalence toward
onto their partner. the pleasurable object and their needs
are usually satisfied with a minimum of
8. Introjection frustration and anxiety.
– Incorporation of positive qualities of  Oral-sadistic phase
another person into their own ego. – Infants usually respond through
– Such an introjection gives the biting, cooing,
adolescent an inflated sense of self- closing their mouth, smiling, and
worth and keeps feelings of inferiority crying. Their first autoerotic experience
to a minimum. is thumb sucking, a defense against
anxiety that satisfies their sexual but
9. Sublimation not their nutritional needs.
– Repression of genital aim by
substituting a cultural or social aim. Erogenous zone: Mouth
– The sublimated aim is expressed – Infants obtain life-sustaining
most obviously in creative cultural nourishment through the oral cavity,
accomplishments such as art, music, but beyond that, they also gain pleasure
and literature. through the act of sucking.
Anal Stage anxiety wherein he will discover the
Erogenous zone: Anus female doesn’t have penis and will
realize that it might be because of their
– This period is characterized by
inappropriate sexual desires.
satisfaction gained through aggressive
– He will now see his father as a model
behavior and through the excretory
of determining right or wrong rather
than to be in the place of his father.
Early Anal period
Children receive satisfaction by Female Oedipus complex /
destroying or losing objects. At this Electra complex (for girls)
time, the destructive nature of the – Involves the envious feelings of a girl
sadistic drive is stronger than the erotic to a boy knowing that they have
one, and children often behave something extra. Girls feel cheated and
aggressively toward their parents for they have desires to have a penis too.
frustrating them with toilet training. Penis envy is expressed to be a boy or
to wish to have a baby and eventually
Children who grow into anal act of giving birth especially to a boy.
– A girl establishes an identification
characters: with her mother similar to that
- overly resistant to toilet training developed by a boy; that is, she
- often holding back their feces and fantasizes being seduced by her
prolonging the time of training beyond mother. These incestuous feelings,
that usually required. according to Freud, are later turned into
hostility when the girl holds her mother
Adult who grows into anal responsible for bringing her into the
characters develops anal triad. world without a penis.
Orderliness– quality of being arranged – Her libido is then turned toward her
& neat. father, who can satisfy her wish for a
Stinginess– madamot penis by giving her a baby.
Obstinacy– stubborn – The Electra complex is resolved
when a girl gives up masturbatory
Phallic Stage activity, surrenders her sexual desire
for her father, and identifies once again
Erogenous zone: Genitals with her mother.
– This stage is marked for the first time
by a dichotomy between male and
female development, a distinction that Girl’s superego is usually weaker
Freud believed to be due to the because:
anatomical differences between the Boys: Oedipus complex - castration
sexes. anxiety (castration complex)
Girls: Penis Envy (castration complex)
-Electra complex
Oedipus complex (for boys)
– Identification where the boy would Latency Stage
like to be his father and later develops a – Parents during this stage attempts to
sexual desire for his mother. He then punish or discourage sexual activity.
sees his father as a rival of his mother's Success of suppression would lead to
love. transfer of energy to friendships,
– Later on, a boy experiences castration hobbies, school and other activities.
complex in the form of castration
Genital Stage
Erogenous zone: Genitals
• Adolescents give up autoeroticism
and direct their sexual energy toward
another person instead of toward
• Reproduction is now possible.
• Although penis envy may continue to
linger in girls, the vagina finally
obtains the same status for them that
the penis had for them during infancy
and boys now see the female organ as a
sought-after object rather than a source
of trauma.

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