journal homepage:
Keywords: Background: The front-of-pack label Nutri-Score is currently proposed as the system of choice in seven EU
Front-of-pack logos countries. However, there is still much scientific debate about the validation and efficacy of Nutri-Score and
FOPL there is much discussion about author affiliation and study outcome.
Methods: To address these issues, we conducted a complete PubMed search on Nutri-Score which resulted in n =
Publication bias
180 results and selected all papers that address the relevance of the evidence for the validation of Nutri-Score (n
= 104).
Results: Our main observations are that the large majority of studies that support the Nutri-Score are carried out
by the developers of Nutri-Score. In contrast, the majority (61%) of studies that are carried out independently
from the developers of Nutri-Score showed unfavourable results. A second observation is that even though the
theoretical effect of Nutri-Score is validated on a multi-nutrient algorithm (FSA-NPS), there is no real-life evi
dence of any beneficial effects of Nutri-Score on this algorithm in a complete supermarket range. In conclusion,
there is insufficient scientific evidence to support the use of Nutri-Score as an effective public health tool.
Discussion: Overall, the available evidence is limited and biased, and more research is needed to substantiate or
disprove the effectiveness of Nutri-Score.
Abbreviations: ESL, Electronic shelf labels; FBDGs, Food-based dietary guidelines; FOPL, Front-of-Pack label; FSA-NPS, Food Standard Agency-Nutritional Profiling
System; FSAm-NPS, modified Food Standard Agency-Nutritional Profiling System; HETI, Healthy trolley index; MTL, multiple traffic light; RCT, randomized
controlled trial; SSBs, sugar-sweetened beverages; EREN, l’Equipe de Recherche en Epidémiologie Nutritionelle; Inserm/Inrae/Cnam/Université Sorbonne Paris
Nord, developers of Nutri-Score.
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author at: Food Safety & Nutrition Consultancy, 3703 EE Zeist, the Netherlands.
E-mail addresses: (S. Peters), (H. Verhagen).
Received 21 December 2023; Received in revised form 1 February 2024; Accepted 2 February 2024
Available online 13 February 2024
2213-4344/© 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Peters and H. Verhagen PharmaNutrition 27 (2024) 100380
The Nutri-Score system, however, is not without scientific contro The paper by Besancon et al. [6] concluded that “a study is 21 times
versy. As we have shown in our recent article, Nutri-Score lacks an more likely to find unfavourable results about the nutrition label
essential part of its scientific substantiation as there is no evidence yet of Nutri-Score if the authors declare a conflict of interest or the study is
a beneficial effect on real-life supermarket purchases [4]. In addition, funded by the food industry”. This figure was based on the following
there is much opposition against the application of the current calculation: 111 out of 134 papers selected were favourable of the
Nutri-Score among nutrition scientists. An example of this can be seen Nutri-Score system and of those 111 only 2 included declarations of a
against the backdrop of the opposition in the Netherlands. In 2019, 180 conflict of interest or indicated that the authors had received funding
Dutch nutrition scientists requested the Dutch Ministry of Health not to from the food industry: 2 / 111 = 1.8%. In addition, out of 23 scientific
introduce the Nutri-Score because it is not in line with Dutch papers that were unfavourable towards Nutri-Score, in total 9 (9/23 =
food-based-dietary guidelines. This led to the appointment of an inter 39.1%) included a conflict of interest by the authors or reported that the
national scientific committee to change the algorithm behind the study had received funding from the food industry. By dividing these
Nutri-Score. Their task was to bring Nutri-Score more in line with figures 39.1% / 1.8% = a suggestive figure of 21 times was achieved.
food-based dietary guidelines. This committee was chaired by the de We do not want to question the quality of individual papers that
velopers of Nutri-Score with the conclusions published in 2022. Subse appeared in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as peer-reviewing is an
quently, the Dutch Health Council, who was also part of this scientific implicit quality indicator. However, we found out that the table that
committee, wrote a report on the adaptations made by the European Besancon et al. [6] added in their supplementary material in their paper
Scientific Committee in charge of upgrading the algorithm (http is not based on a systematic scientific search in Pubmed but rather only
s:// on the literature list on the website of the developers of Nutri-Score (htt
ion-et-activite-physique/documents/rapport-synthese/update-of-the-n ps:// (accessed July 22nd
utri-score-algorithm-for-beverages.-second-update-report-from-the-sc 2023)). That list on the Nutri-Score blog is far from complete and does
ientific-committee-of-the-nutri-score-v2–2023). The Dutch Health not mention all peer-reviewed papers about Nutri-Score and in partic
Council concluded that the algorithm still fails to bring the Nutri-Score ular lacks papers unfavourable towards Nutri-Score. In addition, the
sufficiently in line with the Dutch food-based dietary guidelines for Besancon et al. paper only looked at outcomes ‘favourable’ or ‘unfav
different food groups. Based on this report, again almost all Dutch ourable’, without looking at the content of the papers, nor did they
nutrition scientists and, in addition, the two Dutch dietitian associations evaluate the relevance of the papers for the validation of Nutri-Score. To
wrote an ‘alarming letter’ to their Ministry of Health with, again, a address these limitations and to cover all applicable data, we conducted
request to not introduce the Nutri-Score until the critical points made by a full and complete PubMed search on Nutri-Score/NutriScore i.e.,
the Health Council are resolved (https://voedingsjungle.files.wordpress without deleting any pertinent study. Subsequently, all studies that were
.com/2022/12/20221211_oproep-aan-van-ooijen-nutriscore-aan-te- relevant for the validation of Nutri-Score were selected and reported in a
passen-voorafgaand-invoering_def.pdf). Nevertheless, the Netherland’s complete literature table (Supplementary material Table 1). Based on
Ministry of Health declined the appeal of the Dutch food scientists and this table, an evaluation is made on the relationship between author
decided to introduce the Nutri-Score as a voluntary front-of-pack logo in affiliation and publication outcome.
the Netherlands starting in January 2024. Also, in Poland there is no
consensus among nutrition experts about the applicability and efficacy 2. Materials and methods
of Nutri-Score. In a recent Poland-wide expert opinion study using a
cross-sectional design survey among 75 experts with on average 18 years 2.1. Literature search
of experience in the medical and agricultural field similar opinions were
concluded as among the Dutch scientists. While more than half of the The PubMed database was searched on 22 July 2023 with the key
respondents believed that the Nutri-Score provides an overall assess words [Nutri-Score] and [NutriScore]. In total, 180 papers were iden
ment of a product’s nutritional value and might facilitate quick pur tified, of which n = 104 addressed some kind of validation of the Nutri-
chasing decisions, it falls short in helping consumers compose a Score system. We are aware that many more papers address nutrient-
balanced diet and cannot be applied to all product groups. The experts profiling systems and their validation but we decided to focus explic
also expressed concerns about the system’s ability to account for a itly on “Nutri-Score”, the subject of this investigation. This is in line with
product’s degree of processing, full nutritional value and carbon foot the borders set out in Besancon et al. [5]. Hence, we have included all
print. In conclusion, according to the Polish experts, the Nutri-Score pertinent papers on “Nutri-Score”; those date from 2016 onwards, the
requires significant and deep changes and validation against national year the term “Nutri-Score” was introduced, unlike earlier names of a
guidelines and expert expectations before implementation [5]. In addi preceding similar system.
tion, the Nutri-Score system also caused a scientific controversy in Italy
(see in particular the position paper of the scientific committee of the
2.2. Selection of studies
Italian government and
expert-opinion-on-front-of-pack-labels-cnbbsv-2022.pdf). The Italian
An overview of our complete investigation is summarised in Sup
scientific committee concluded that the studies that associate the
plementary material Table 1 and Fig. 1 (flow Diagram as per Prisma
adoption of a FOPL with an improvement of health status are very few,
2009). To this end, we have copied the Table from Besancon et al. (2023)
mainly applied in virtual settings or to pre-existing cases: none of these
[6] and added articles that we have found in our full PubMed search, but
are longitudinal and are able to identify a causal link between the
that were not included in the original Besancon et al. table. These
adoption of the FOPL and the change in health changes.
additional papers can be found in blue letters in Supplementary material
In the polarised debate, there is also discussion about bias of the
Table 1.
peer-reviewed scientific articles. Recently, Besancon et al. [6] suggested
that the food industry is opposed to the Nutri-Score system and,
consequently, publishes papers that are unfavourable to Nutri-Score on 2.3. Data appreciation
a preferential basis. However, the authors of that commentary paper did
not conduct a comprehensive search of the literature, and moreover, A check in line with the paper of Besancon was carried out on the
their analysis was limited only to the outcome of the studies (favourable nomination “favourable” or “unfavourable”: when we were in
versus unfavourable), without considering the content of the papers or disagreement with Besancon et al. [6] we have written the deviant
their relevance for the validation of Nutri-Score. The paper by Besancon denomination in red. Furthermore, we have added additional columns
et al. [6] formed the starting point of the present study. into the Supplementary material Table 1, namely:
S. Peters and H. Verhagen PharmaNutrition 27 (2024) 100380
Fig. 1. Prisma Flow Diagram for review Nutri-Score search based on Pubmed search d.d. July 22nd 2023.
• [relevant for the validation of Nutri-Score]: yes or no. 2.4. Validation versus validation stage
• [method] paper methodology: what kind of study (e.g. cohort study,
RCT, review etc). Based on the total overview of studies mentioned in Supplementary
• [validation stage] (e.g. validation versus the UK Food Standard material Table 1, we have assigned the 104 relevant papers in terms of
Agency nutrient profiling system (FSA-NPS). their place into the validation stage which can be found in Table 1. This
• [products] with what products has the study been carried out (if table has been structured in such a way that the lower the row in the
any). table the higher the relevance for the substantiation of the effectiveness
• [real-life] has the studied been carried out in real-life circum of Nutri-Score.
stances?: yes or no. The first three rows are relevant for the theoretical substantiation of
• [additional remarks]. the potential health effects of Nutri-Score. “Alignment with food-based
dietary guidelines” means that the authors conclude that Nutri-Score is
Subsequently, we distributed the validation of Nutri-Score over sufficiently or not in line with food-based dietary guidelines. “Discrimi
several categories: natory performance” means that Nutri-Score sufficiently distributes food
items along the different scores (A – B – C – D – E). “FSA-NPS health
– “alignment with food-based dietary guidelines” validation” involves studies that apply the algorithm of Nutri-Score (this
– “discriminatory performance” is the modified Food Standard Agency Nutrient Profiling FSA-NPS [8]
– “FSA-NPS health validation” score) in epidemiological cohorts demonstrating that a change in the
– “subjective understanding” FSA-NPS score is beneficial for different non-communicable diseases and
– “objective understanding” risk factors.
– “purchase intentions” The fourth and fifth row in Table 1 concern subjective and objective
– “real-life purchases” understanding. This involves online consumer surveys. “Subjective un
– “effects measured on FSA-NPS” derstanding” is defined as the meaning individually attributed to the
– “reviews” information on the label by the consumer. Objective understanding
happens when the meaning that the consumer attached to the infor
mation on the label represents what is intended to be conveyed by the
sender. These two concepts are based on the theoretical framework of
S. Peters and H. Verhagen PharmaNutrition 27 (2024) 100380
Table 1
Summary and individual allocation of the scientific papers that describe favourable and unfavourable outcomes of the Nutri-Score versus whether authors that are or
are not employed at or connected with its developers. Citation numbers in red: the authors are employed at or connected with its developers. Citation numbers in green:
the authors are not employed at or connected with its developers.
Unfavourable 0
Unfavourable 7
S. Peters and H. Verhagen PharmaNutrition 27 (2024) 100380
Table 1 (continued )
[73, 96,100]
*One reference [7] is mentioned in both favourable as unfavourable under objective understanding because Nutri-Score was unfavourable for fruit drinks and favourable
for bread, cookies and cereals.
Grunert and Wills [9]. Examples of subjective understanding are liking 3. Results
and appreciation of Nutri-Score. For “objective understanding”, three
examples of a product are shown in an online survey with different Of the 180 papers found in the complete PubMed search, 104 papers
Nutri-Scores and consumers are asked to put products in the right order. in total were considered as relevant for the validation of Nutri-Score.
When able to do so, these scorings are overly interpreted by the re Subsequently, each paper was identified as either “favourable” or
searchers as ‘able to rank products according to nutritional quality’. “unfavourable” towards Nutri-Score or received an occasional “neutral”
Most relevant for the efficacy of Nutri-Score is the relation of the judgement. Our judgement of “favourable” or “unfavourable” was
score to factual healthier purchases. Some studies are consumer surveys nearly always the same judgement as in the supplement published in the
about “purchase intentions”. In studying the efficacy of Nutri-Score, the paper by Besancon et al. (2023) [6], so there will be little dispute about
most relevant are those studies on the effect of Nutri-Score on “real-life the veracity of our findings. When there was no convincing evidence for
purchases” and in the most ideal case on real-life purchases in a complete a judgement of “favourable” we chose for “unfavourable”, such as in the
supermarket assessment. The theoretical effect of Nutri-Score on health case of “insufficient” and similar wordings. This is in line with the po
is based on the associations between the application of the Nutri-Scores sition taken in our earlier paper where we found insufficient evidence to
on the label and an ”effect on the FSA-NPS” (Nutri-Score’s algorithm). So, support a theoretical health claim for Nutri-Score [4]. No discrimination
the golden bullet studies to determine the efficacy of Nutri-Score are based was made in terms of the quality or size of one paper versus another: all
on the effect of real-life supermarket purchases based on receipts and the were considered valid as they have gone through peer-review prior to
effect on the algorithm. Unfortunately, no such study exists. However, publication. In addition, we included a few dozen papers that were not
there are studies that have calculated the effects of food purchases in included in the Besancon et al. paper [6]. Here we found out that the
online experiments and some in a real-life setting when Nutri-Score is table was not based on a PubMed search, but rather on the overview of
applied only on a small number of products. These studies can be found the Nutri-Score blog (
on the second to last row in Table 1. The lowest row deals with different which apparently is an incomplete overview of pertinent studies
“reviews” covering Nutri-Score. available.
S. Peters and H. Verhagen PharmaNutrition 27 (2024) 100380
in Table 1. Finally, in Table 2 we have selected all peer-reviewed papers contrast to the authors and developers of the Nutri-Score, we have
that were relevant for the validation of Nutri-Score according to the interpreted 3 out of these 5 studies as unfavourable. Two studies showed
authors that are employed or connected to the developers of Nutri-Score a statistically better result of Nutri-Score when compared to the Refer
and authors that are not connected to the developers of Nutri-Score. We ence Intake, but the Nutri-Score in these studies did not perform better
also have added papers from the Supplement table of Besancon [6] that than no-label [71,72], which should be interpreted as an unfavourable
we have not found in Pubmed searches (n = 26). These were mostly result. One study considered an outcome of p < 0.10 as significant,
opinion papers of articles in other language than English and could not whereas we consider p < 0.05 as significant [83]. Finally, in a study on
be found in Pubmed. More papers were found in our complete literature the effect of purchases on three product groups, Nutri-Score had only a
Pubmed search and are mentioned in the supplementary material. These limited effect on one group, namely sweet biscuits, and not on the
papers were found not relevant for the evaluation os this study product groups: breakfast cereals and appetizers [50].
[133–169]. Six studies addressed “real-life purchases”. Three of these studies
were favourable and three were unfavourable. The two studies carried
out by the developers of Nutri-Score were favourable. Three studies that
3.2. Overall observations were conducted by authors who were not employed by or connected
with the developers of Nutri-Score resulted in unfavourable results. The
Our observations based on the relevant studies mentioned in the three very important real-life studies that were unfavourable for Nutri-
overall Supplementary material Table 1 and summarised in Table 1 are Score [73,96,100] were not mentioned on the Nutri-Score blog on
as follows: July 22nd 2023 and, consequently, not in the paper of Besancon.
The majority of studies (7 out of 11) that addressed “alignment with The team that developed Nutri-Score has also carried out 7 studies on
food-based dietary guidelines” were supportive of Nutri-Score. Five of the effect of the application of Nutri-Score in an online supermarket
these studies were conducted by authors who were employed by or environment “on the algorithm FSA-NPS”. All resulted in an improvement
connected with the developers of Nutri-Score. In contrast, four other on the algorithm. However, one study in a whole online supermarket
studies that did not find favourable results were carried out by scientists with a complete range was interpreted as a favourable study, albeit that
not affiliated or connected with the developers of Nutri-Score. it showed that Nutri-Score did not perform better than no label [72].
3 out of 6 studies that addressed “discriminatory performance” were Finally, 11 studies involved reviews on Nutri-Score which were all
supportive of Nutri-Score. These studies were conducted by authors who carried out independently of the team behind Nutri-Score. Only one
were employed by or connected with the developers of Nutri-Score. review concluded favourably, whereas ten studies were unfavourable.
Another three unfavourable studies were carried out by researchers
not connected with the developers of Nutri-Score. 4. Discussion
All studies that addressed “FSA-NPS health validation” were sup
portive of Nutri-Score. From these, 13 out of 19 were conducted by Our findings suggest that most studies that have been conducted by
authors who were employed by or connected with the developers of authors who are employed by or connected with the developers of Nutri-
Nutri-Score. Score have been supportive of the system. However, the majority of
Four studies that addressed “subjective understanding” were favour studies that have been conducted by authors who are not employed by or
able of Nutri-Score, while another seven were not. Three out of four connected with the developers of Nutri-Score have been unfavourable.
favourable studies were carried out by groups that are affiliated with the This has been summarised in Table 2: 52 out of 56 studies by authors
developers of Nutri-Score. Seven studies were unfavourable to Nutri- that are employed at or connected with its developers conclude towards
Score and all of these were conducted by authors who were not a “favourable” outcome of their work (= 93%), according to our anal
employed by or connected with the developers of Nutri-Score. ysis, whereas according to Besancon et al. [6] and the authors affiliated
Nearly all studies (26 out of 28) that addressed “objective under with the developers of Nutri-Score, all were favourable. In contrast, 30
standing” were supportive of Nutri-Score. Of these studies, n = 19 were out of 49 studies by authors that are not employed at or connected with
conducted by authors who were employed by or connected with the its developers conclude towards an “unfavourable” final conclusion (=
developers of Nutri-Score. Two studies were unfavourable of which one 61%). Tables 1 and 2 clearly illustrate that the conclusions of studies and
study was caried out by authors not connected to the developers of publications on Nutri-Score are subject to publication bias.
Nutri-Score. One reference [7] is mentioned as both favourable as The validation of a nutrient profiling system is complex. Also, EFSA
unfavourable under objective understanding because Nutri-Score was could not come to a definite conclusion in two attempts [170,171]. This
unfavourable for fruit drinks and favourable for bread, cookies and is due to the fact that for setting a nutrient profiling system, risk
cereals. assessment and risk management are unavoidably intertwined [172].
Six studies addressed “purchase intentions” and five of these were The algorithm behind Nutri-Score can also be interpreted as a nutrient
carried out by the group of the developers behind Nutri-Score. In profile, albeit one with a limited amount of nutrients. This nutrient
profile, which is based on the UK Food Standard Agency Nutrient
Table 2 Profiling System (FSA-NPS) [45], has been adapted twice and forms the
Summary of the number of scientific papers that describe favourable and basis of the algorithm behind Nutri-Score. The theoretical validation of
unfavourable outcomes of the Nutri-Score versus whether authors that are or are the beneficial health effects of Nutri-Score is based on an improvement
not employed at or connected with its developers. on the algorithm axis by changes in supermarket purchases. This theo
Authors that are or are not employed at or connected with its retical and, consequently, potential effect has been proven on different
developers non-communicable disease and health risk factors (we refer to the ref
Employed or connected Not employed or connected erences in Table 1 under FSA-NPS validation). Hence, the only way to
Favourable 52 19 prove the efficacy of Nutri-Score is to demonstrate changes in super
Unfavourable 4 30 market purchases on the algorithm and not by showing in supermarket
sales, that more products with a Nutri-Score A and B have been bought
These figures are based upon the articles of Table 1 that are labelled as relevant
for the validation of Nutri-Score AND are published in peer-reviewed journals. or that less products with D and E have been bought. No such study
One reference [7] is mentioned in both favourable as unfavourable under exists with the application of Nutri-Score on a complete supermarket
objective understanding because Nutri-Score was unfavourable for fruit drinks range. Only one study examined the effects of a black-and-white label on
and favourable for bread, cookies and cereals. Therefore, the total amount of shelf-tags (Electronic Shelf Labels; ESL) in a complete supermarket range
relevant references is n = 104. [100]. This experiment led to mixed results that cannot predict the effect
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