EvolutionofMalwareThreatsandTechniques Areview

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International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

Evolution of Malware Threats and

Techniques: A Review
Mohammed N. Alenezi 1, Haneen Alabdulrazzaq1, Abdullah A. Alshaher1 and Mubarak M. Alkharang1
Computer Science Department, Public Authority for Applied Education & Training, Kuwait

Abstract: The rapid development of technology, and its usage, in our such as usernames, passwords, and access control lists. Integrity
everyday lives caused us to depend on many of the aspects it offers. ensures that the information remains true to its origins and is only
The evolution of the Internet in recent decades has changed human modified by authorized persons. This means that the information
life drastically as accessing knowledge, communication, and social
interaction, became readily available. Nowadays, we have become
sent is the same as the information received and it is not
dependent on our PCs and smart devices in accomplishing everyday tampered with during transfer or after reception. Integrity is
tasks. People are using these devices to store valuable information. mainly achieved through mechanisms such as
This information became the target of cybercriminals who are encryption/decryption and hashing. Availability means that
constantly creating new ways to gain unauthorized access to it. In the systems, data, and functions are available on demand. It is
past few decades, cybercrime and the construction of malicious achieved by performing periodical hardware maintenance,
software (malware), have seen a significant rise. In this research, we
software updates, and network optimization [1]. Today,
present a literature review of the historical evolution of malware. We
describe the common characteristics and propagation methods for the cybersecurity has become an integral part in a company’s
types of malware in each phase of its evolution. Furthermore, we organizational structure. Companies are constantly facing the
illustrate the purpose of its creation and the damages it has caused. threat of cybercrimes targeting their data with the intention of
The purpose of this study is to provide researchers with background theft or sabotage [2]. In 2017, companies have spent around 34
about malware and its evolution leading up to present day threats. billion dollars on cybersecurity solutions with a projected
Keywords: Malware, Cyber security, Ransomware, Rootkits, increase to 42 billion dollars by 2020 [3].
Worms, Trojans, Advanced Persistent Threat. Malicious software, malware for short, is the collective name of
a variety of hostile or intrusive software. Cybercriminals develop
1. Introduction malware to steal data, bypass access controls, and gain access to
In today’s modern world, computers and their applications a personal computer or to harm the target computer, its data, or
play a vital role in our everyday life. Computers help us store applications. Nowadays the malware industry has become very
large amounts of data, accomplish our tasks quickly and profitable which attracted more efforts by cyber criminals and
accurately, and connect us with the rest of the world through caused an exponential growth in the numbers, types, and
the Internet. The evolution of the Internet in recent decades, complexity of malware created [4]. Moreover, generic anti-virus
changed human life drastically as accessing knowledge, software alone is unable to detect malware mutations and its
communication, and social interaction, became readily variants which makes the user and system vulnerable at any
available. given time [5].
With the development of technology, computer usage and Malware is mainly divided into two categories: first-generation
data storage have seen a significant rise. People, nowadays, malware or static malware and second-generation malware or
are storing valuable information in their personal devices like dynamic malware Malware is mainly divided into two
PCs and smartphones. This information has to be secured categories: first-generation malware or static malware and
against breaches and unauthorized access, especially when second-generation malware or dynamic malware [6]. The
these devices are connected to the Internet. different types of malware are shown in figure 1.
A security breach or violation occurs when an individual or
entity, succeeds in gaining unauthorized access to data and
information that was protected. Nowadays, cyber threats are
prevalent and cybercriminals are targeting both corporations
and individuals. As a result, cybersecurity has become a
priority for companies in order to guard their data and assets.
Cybersecurity focuses on providing the necessary measures
required to protect devices and networks from unauthorized
access and attacks.
Cybersecurity is built on 3 principles; Confidentiality,
Integrity, and Availability (CIA). Confidentiality guarantees
that only authorized persons can access valuable
information. It is implemented by utilizing mechanisms Figure. 1: Classification of Malware
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

The first generation malware is classified based on the Most of the malware in the early phases was not developed to
infection strategy; the behavior or structure of the malware harm the system or steal data. It was mainly used to point out the
remains unchanged after it infects the target system. loopholes in MS-DOS systems. The payload caused by malware
However, the second-generation malware changes its in this phase was a temporary crash in the system due to the
structure after each infection and forms a new variant. consumption of the system resources. Viruses and worms in this
Generally, there are different types of dynamic malware; phase have propagated through infected floppy drives or the
Metamorphic, Encrypted, Polymorphic, and Oligomorphic ARPANET. An accepted definition of a computer virus was
malware [6]. Furthermore, malware can also be categorized crafted by Fred Cohen to be “a program that can infect other
according to the goal or objective it achieves. For example, programs by modifying them to include a possibly evolved copy
the goal of ransomware is to acquire financial data, whereas of itself” [9]. Viruses can spread throughout a computer system or
spyware is used to steal confidential information or data, and network. The difference between viruses and worms is that a virus
key logger is used to capture usernames and passwords. usually requires human interference such as opening an infected
In this paper, we present the state of malware evolution from file to start replicating, whereas worms can replicate without an
the early phases into current day threats. The aim of this intervention [10]. A common characteristic for malware in this
paper is to provide a broad overview of the current state of phase is that they do not try to remain hidden from the user. Most
malware. This paper is organized as follows: in Section II, would display a message or image on the computer’s screen.
we describe the phases of malware evolution listing common The first instance of a worm was developed by Robert H Thomas
characteristics and objectives found in each phase. Next, our in 1971 and was called Creeper worm. It could move from one
findings are presented and discussed in Section III. Finally, system to another and display a message that read “I’m the
the conclusion is presented in Section IV, where we creeper: catch me if you can” [11]. Wabbit is a self-replicating
summarize our findings. program developed in 1974 to reduce sys- tem performance and
ultimately crash the system. The name Wabbit (rabbit) came from
2. Evolution of Malware the speed at which it replicates [12]. Wabbit was only capable of
infecting the system it was installed on [13].
The evolution of malware is mainly split across five phases
Elk Cloner is one of the first epidemic self-replicating viruses
based on the time frame it emerged. The first phase is the early
developed by a 15-year old named Richard Skrenta to infect
phase of malware, in which it came to life. The first windows
PCs. On each infected system, it displayed a loving poem, “It
and mail worms were introduced in the second phase of
will get on all your disks; It will infiltrate your chips; Yes, it’s
malware evolution. The third phase came to happen after the
Cloner!” [14]. Basit and Amjad, two Pakistani brothers,
development of the Internet. In this phase, network worms
developed Brain Boot Sector Virus in 1986 to infect MS-DOS
were the prevalent threats that were widespread with the
computers, which was the first virus to infect the MS-DOS
advancements of the Internet. Rootkits and ransomware were
system [15]. They designed this virus to test their company’s
introduced in the fourth phase of evolution, and they are the
software and to prove that it was not a secure platform. This virus
most dangerous. The last phase in the evolution is the type of
was replicating with the help of a floppy disk. Authors designed
malware being faced currently and it includes the creation of
this virus to point out loopholes in their system rather than cause
malware by the secret services of some countries for the
damage or harm to the system. PCwrite Trojan was one of the
purpose of espionage [7]. Figure 2 illustrates the timeline of
earliest Trojans designed in 1986 to erase all the user files once
the 5 phases.
affected [16]. It was spreading through a shareware program
called PC-Writer [17]. In 1988, Robert Tappan Morris, a graduate
student at Cornell, drafted a program that would check a computer
system’s configuration to jump from one computer to another
utilizing UNIX’s sendmail program and the Internet’s SMTP
protocol [18]. It caused an increase in network traffic and
eventually caused the Internet to crash at that time. Morris was
Figure 2: Malware evolution: timeline of the 5 stages arrested for creating this worm and convicted by the Computer
Fraud and Abuse Act from 1986 [19].
2.1. Early Phases of Malware Evolution (1949 - 1991)
Stoned is a boot sector virus that appeared in 1987 and infected
Nowadays, malware is the most significant threat faced by the floppy disks. It would sometimes display a message on the infected
modern digital world. Initially, the intention of malware was machine upon startup that would read: “Your computer is now
not to harm, steal, or manipulate, but it evolved into becoming stoned” [20]. Stoned virus has spawned many variants, one of these
dangerous threats to our society. Here we are going to discuss appeared in 1991, and was called Monkey. Monkey infects the
some of the malware designed in the early phases of its master boot record of hard drives and floppies. It would embed its
evolution. John Von Neumann introduced the first virus as an code into the first block of the master boot record and place the
idea of “self-replicating string of code” in 1949. He designed master boot record in the third block. The affected system would
a “self-reproducing automata”, which was able to transform a usually boot except in the case of booting from a floppy disk [21].
new version by itself [8]. AIDS Trojan, also called PC Cyborg, was the first ransomware
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

released in 1989 [22]. Joseph L. Popp designed it, and it was month [28].
comparatively easy to break. He made this attack by The first macro virus discovered in 1995 was WM Concept, which
distributing infected floppy disks to AIDS researchers at the was drafted in Microsoft Word macro language. It affected the
World Health Organization’s conference for AIDS research. systems which contained MS word and was spreading through
Simple symmetric cryptography was used in this malware document sharing. This virus would only replicate itself and did
[23]. not create any damage [29]. The first MS Excel macro virus
One of the fascinating viruses created after Brain Boot Sector drafted in VBA (Visual Basic for Application) was X97M/Laroux.
Virus was the Omega virus, which affected the boot sector of Just like WM Concept, it was a replicating malware that would
the system. An infected system could not boot on Friday the infect Excel versions 5.x, 7.x and Windows 3.x, 95, NT [29].
13th, however, on all the other days, the system would Boza is a virus drafted particularly for Windows 95. It would
function normally. Michelangelo designed a virus in 1991 as infect portable exe files. Slowly spreading Boza has no harmful
his name to affect DOS systems. Since it redrafts the first 100 routines, but the virus had an activation routine and did display a
sectors of hard disk, the file allocation table would be message on the 31st of every month which read: “The taste of
destroyed, and the PC will not boot. The system would get fame just got tastier!” and “From the old school to the new” [7].
infected with the virus, on March 6th, which is the author’s The first email virus, Happy 99, was spotted in 1998, and it was
birthday [7]. spreading as an executable email attachment. Once the user
Casino virus was a fascinating virus that originated at the start executes this attachment, it displays fireworks on the screen and
of 1991. It would infect command.com in C drive root would then spam the user’s contacts with copies of itself [30].
directory. When a system is affected by this virus, the user Melissa, discovered in 1999, mingled both the techniques of
will get the following message: “I have just DESTROYED macro viruses and mail worms. It transmitted through an attached
the FAT on your Disk!! However, I have a copy in RAM, and malicious MS word file [31]. If the user opened the mail
I’m giving you a last chance to restore your precious data. containing the malicious word file, Melissa would replicate by
WARNING: IF YOU RESET NOW, ALL YOUR DATA querying the user’s address book contacts and send out an infected
WILL BE LOST - FOREVER!! Your Data depends on a file attachment [29]. Table 2 summarizes the prominent viruses
game of JACKPOT”. If the user loses the game, the FAT table that appeared during the second phase.
would be destroyed [24]. The mutation engine or Dark 2.3. The Third Phase of Malware Evolution (2000-2008)
Avenger Mutation Engine (DAME), a toolkit from Virus
The third phase of malware evolution began with the widespread
Creation Laboratory, was the next innovative step in malware
use of the Internet. This phase is the evolution of network worms
evolution [25]. It introduced mutation functionality to
and viruses. Malware in this phase was mainly transmitted
existing viruses to make it difficult to detect by anti-virus
through email attachments, free downloads from compromised
software. Table 1 summarizes the malware in this phase.
websites, or open network shares.
2.2. The Second Phase of Malware Evolution (1992- During the initial phases of the Internet, security was not a
1999) consideration and this helped the Morris worm to spread. All
Hackers and attackers became interested in the Windows Internet worms scan the network using its scanning algorithm and
Operating System since it attracted many users for its infect the system connected to the network which had no
simplicity and powerful user interface. Most of the malware protection mechanisms in place. It harms the system and then tries
in this phase was targeting the Windows Operating systems. to propagate from there [32]. ILoveYou was one of the more
This phase describes the development of Windows malware, damaging viruses to hit Micorosoft Outlook users. The virus
early mail worms, and macro worms. This phase also saw the would lure users to open an attachment on the premises of love.
development of antivirus software. The virus spread among users of Outlook and networks running
The first windows malware introduced in 1992 was WinVir Microsoft’s Exchange mail servers. Once a machine is infected,
[26]. It was a replicating malware with minimal effect on copies of the virus would be sent out to all Outlook contacts in the
infected files [27]. Also, in 1992, a virus called V-sign also victim’s machine [33]. Anna Kurnikova virus, analogous to Love
infected the boot sector and displayed a V-sign on the screen virus, was also mailing an executable file which attracted the
with the intent of halting the system [7]. One-half or Slovak victims by employing photos of alluring tennis player Anna
bomber is an utterly pernicious virus that infects master boot Kurnikova [34].
record, com, and exe files. It is a fascinating virus that will
not harm the files whose name consists of words like [SCAN, The first deliberately drafted Internet worm discovered after
CLEAN, FINDVIRU, GUARD, NOD, VSAFE, MSAV or Morris worm was Code Red. It was discovered in 2001 and was
CHKDSK] since these might be anti-virus software [7]. It able to infect more than 359000 computers in less than 14 hours.
would encrypt parts of the hard disk with some known private Code Red propagated over the Internet through buffer overflow
key. These encrypted files were decrypted temporarily when vulnerability in Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) web
the user tries to access them. This was done so that the user servers. After that, it initiated a DDoS attack on a set of websites
was not aware of this infection. It would display a message, including the Whitehouse [35]. Another Internet worm similar to
which is “Dis is one half. Press any key to continue. . . ”, on Code Red was Nimda, which got the name from interchanging the
the 4th, 8th, 10th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 24th, 28th, and 30th of every letter positions of the word admin [36]. The propagation of Nimda
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

was faster and more dangerous than Code Red because it used Rootkits have been described as a set of programs that
multiple methods to spread, including email attachment of a illegitimately take over control of an operating system and aim
readme.exe file, open network shares in .dll files, and by to gather information from the infected machine. While viruses
adding malicious javascript code at the end of web pages [37]. and worms are characterized by replication; rootkits are
A mail worm introduced in 2003 was called Fizzer, and it was characterized by stealth. Rootkits aims to hide an attacker’s
the first malware to gain profit. The machines were infected presence on an infected system [48]. In [49], a rootkit is defined
from mail attachments. Slammer was one of the first malware as “any software that gives continued privileged access to a
to attack Linux machines and Apache servers utilizing a computer while actively hiding its presence and other
vulnerability in OpenSSL. Because of the massive network information from administrators by subverting standard
traffic generated by Slammer, a large number of network operating system functionality or other applications”. There are
packets were lost [29]. It caused several damages including 5 main types of rootkits; hardware (firmware) rootkit, bootloader
flight delays for a US airline company, and stalling the ATM rootkit, memory rootkit, application rootkit, and kernel-mode
network of Bank of America, as well as the 911 service in rootkit [50]. The first Rootkit, SONY BMG RootKit, was
Bellevue Washington, and gaining access into an Ohio developed by Sony Entertainment in 2005, and it harmed their
nuclear power plant [29][38] [39]. reputation. They developed this Rootkit to identify and prevent
A worm introduced in July 2003, utilizing a buffer overflow the copying of publications that were made by Sony. Due to the
in Windows Remote Procedure Call, was called Blaster. It adverse impact of this Rootkit, Sony issued a recall of unsold
infected around 100,000 Windows systems [40]. A variant of music CDs with BMG RootKit. It also accepted mail in
Blaster called SoBig.F has caused the network traffic to slow exchange from customers who already bought the CDs. Sony
down in D.C., and disabled several services like Air Canada faced several class actions due to this incident [51].
planes, and US train company CSX [41][42]. MyDoom, also A worm similar to ILoveYou, named StormWorm, using fear and
known as Norvag, is worm that appeared in early 2004, horror instead of love, came seven years after ILoveYou. It was
spreading through email attachments and peer to peer also installing a rootkit to hide malware. It used phrases such as
networks. It was estimated that 25% of emails at that time “230 dead as storm batters Europe” in the mail subject to
were infected with MyDoom [43]. Sasser was another worm propagate through email [7]. Mebroot was a Master Boot Record
discovered in 2004. It did significant damages to Railcop (MBR) rootkit that was detected in late 2007. It infected a
trains in Australia, Delta Airlines, British Airways flights, two machine through visiting compromised websites. It gained
of Hong Kong’s government departments, Heathrow airport, access to the victim’s machine and installed a rootkit even before
UK Coastguard, and several Banks [7]. Sasser took advantage the operating system loads. Mebroot would steal data from the
of a vulnerability in Window’s Local Security Authority victim’s machine for financial gain [20].
Subsystem Service (LSASS) [44]. Ransomware is a type of malicious software specially designed
to acquire revenue. Nowadays, malware became the most
Koobface virus emerged in 2008 and it spread to social profitable industry. Once a system executed ransomware, the
networking sites, mainly targeting Facebook and MySpace.
malicious code would gain access to that system. It would block
It would use the private messaging services of these social the users from accessing their data until they pay a sum of
networking sites to send out a video link from an infected money, called a ransom. Mainly there are two types of
friend’s PC. It would then prompt the victim to download an
ransomware: locker and crypto [52–54]. The locker ransomware
update for flash player, when in actuality what they are prevents the user from accessing the system [55], whereas crypto
downloading is the virus file [45]. In 2008, Conficker worm
ransomware would transform the user data making it unusable
and variants of it have appeared in the wild and infected through the application of encryption algorithms. From these
around 9 million computers turning off anti-virus software, two, crypto-ransomware is the most destructive [56].
spreading through intranet, and infecting USB drives [46]. GPCode is a ransomware Trojan developed in 2005 and is the
Conficker utilized a vulnerability in Windows, but its author’s
first reported to use the RSA algorithm for encryption. It
intentions were not identified. It spread by cracking weak
encrypted the victim’s file using a 660 bit RSA public key. It
passwords, but it never used its very complex botnet network
appeared as a job application mail attachment. There are many
for any of its attacks [47]. Table 3 summarizes malware that
versions of GPCode malware [57]. Cryzip is ransomware that
appeared during the third phase. appeared in early 2006. It copied a user’s data files into password
2.4. The Fourth Phase of Malware Evolution (2005- protected files and then deleted the original files. It is thought to
2016) have spread via email spam and compromised websites [58].
The fourth phase consists of the introduction of Rootkits and Archiveus Trojan, introduced in 2006, also used the RSA
Ransomware. The most common ways for fourth phase algorithm for encryption. It was more challenging to break than
malware to infect the victims are phishing emails, remote its predecessor. It encrypted the victim’s MyDocuments
desktop protocols, downloads from compromised websites, directory and asked them to shop items from an online
and USB or other removable media. Malware in this phase pharmacy to get the decryption key [23].
was mainly focused on financial gain or illegal control of the In the mid of 2011, there was a hike in the number of
infected machines. ransomware attacks due to the use of anonymous payment
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

service, which made it easier for the attackers to collect the DuQu is another malware designed to spy on the victim with a
ransom. The number of new ransomware increased to similar code base of Stuxnet. DuQu was drafted in object-
30,000 in the first two quarters of 2011; then it doubled in oriented C, and was compiled in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. It
the third quarter [23]. is also believed that the US and Israeli secret services are behind
In the beginning of 2012, Citadel, a toolkit for distributing it [7, 60].
malware and managing botnets, was introduced. Due to the Another malware of this category was Flame which was identified
introduction of this toolkit, the number of new malware in 2012. Like DuQu and Stuxnet, it is suspected that Israel and US
increased [23]. Botnets are remotely controlled networks of secret services and military have created it. It affected mainly
hijacked computers by bot-masters with malicious computers in the Middle East. It was a very complicated malware;
intentions such as coordinating DDoS attacks and delivering with the ability to control and add new modules, remotely. It was
spam email [59]. In July 2013, Kaspersky detected a new spreading over both USB and networks. It also installed Rootkit
mobile Trojan, Svpeng, which spreads by SMS spam. It was to be undetectable by the victim. It had a variety of capabilities
mainly targeting information of Russian Bank customers. such as recording audio and video, calling through Skype, stealing
New ransomware, Cryptolocker introduced in 2013, was the files from the hard disk, and sending it to the hacker. The
first cryptographic malware that spread through mail attacker demolished this malware by sending a kill command
attachments and downloads from compromised websites. when the anti-virus companies started to study a sample of it [61].
2048-bit RSA encryption was used to encrypt the user files. Shamoon was malware designed to attack Saudi Aramco which is
The attackers compelled the victim to pay the ransom within the largest refinery in the world. Shamoon targeted Aramco on
three days. If the user failed to pay, they would give them 15th August 2012 with a rupturing cyber-attack. It affected
one more chance with a higher ransom for getting the Private almost 30000 Aramco workstations and destroyed computer hard
Key. drives [62]. Shamoon overwrote the infected machines’ MBR
Cybercriminals introduced another ransomware (Master Boot Records) and deemed the machines unusable. The
CryptoDefence and its improved version, CryptoWall, in creators were able to select and delete files on Aramco computers
2014. CryptoDefence utilized the built-in encryption API of [63]. RasGas, the second largest producer of Liquid Natural Gas
Windows and saved the private key in the infected system in Qatar, is also attacked Shamoon on 16 August 2012[60].
itself, whereas CryptoWall did not store the private key. For WannaCry was the first ransomware to propagate by exploiting a
infecting a machine, the former was spread through an email vulnerability developed by the National Security Agency [54]. It
attachment, whereas the latter spread via a vulnerability in gained access to significant computer systems in about 150
Java. There were several versions of CryptoWall created countries such as Russia, China, and the US. It infected many
[54]. Cerber was ransomware that affected a large number hospitals, banks, telecommunication companies, warehouses, and
of enterprise PCs. It was a crypto-ransomware, introduced in industries. The US government believes that North Korea is
2016. Table 4 summarizes the malware in fourth phase. behind the WannaCry attack. Table 5 summarizes the main
2.2. The Fifth Phase of Malware Evolution (2010- malware in this current phase of malware evolution.
3. Discussion and Future Research Directions
The fifth phase is the current phase of malware evolution. The
malware designed in this phase is mainly for the purpose of Malware has evolved into sophisticated, extremely malicious
virtual espionage and sabotage. Previous malware types were software reaping billions of dollars in profits. Predominantly,
created by cybercriminals to target businesses or personal malware in its earliest phase was not intended to cause damage or
PCs. However, current malware types are created by the gain profit. Many examples of malware that appeared in the early
military, police forces, and secret agencies of many countries. phase, such as Creeper and Brain Boot Sector, were a result of
Nowadays, malware became a powerful weapon because it experimentation gone wrong. The viruses that appeared in
causes severe damage without affecting human lives. malware’s early phase shared some common characteristics. One
Malware in this phase is labeled as advanced persistent threat such characteristic is that they would replicate and not mutate
(APT). An advanced persistent threat is a carefully planned making it easier for antivirus software to mitigate their threat.
cyber-attack with a specific target or entity in mind. One of Another characteristic is that they lacked stealth. Unlike rootkits
the most known malware of this type was Stuxnet, introduced which came at a later phase, early malware was not trying to hide
in 2010 [7]. from antivirus programs. The damages caused by malware in its
Stuxnet was a super malware detected after it finished its task. early stages were restricted to infected machines and for the most
It was designed to demolish or slow down the Iranian Nuclear part would cause a slight aggravation for users. Propagation of
Program. Stuxnet infected the machines over a USB stick, and malware in its early phase was usually through the use of infected
it would hide from the anti-malware software by installing floppy disks.
Rootkit. The author of this malware was not identified, but it The second phase of malware evolution was focused on the
is believed to be the US and Israeli secret services. All Windows operating system. The Windows operating system was
instances of this malware were wiped out by itself on its death the most common system on personal computers at the time. This
date, which was set to be the 24th of June 2012 [7, 60]. has made it an obvious target for malware creators. Moreover, the
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

increased usage of the Internet also played a large role, and its infancy, the potential for it to grow exponentially is alarming.
continues to do so, in the spread of malware. The Internet has IoT devices are creating new endpoints that are directly connected
brought on many benefits to users such as ease of connectivity to a network and can be targeted by cybercriminals at any time.
and exchange of information. As is the case with any new Increased usage of IoT devices will introduce a variety of new
technology, it saw some abuse from users with malicious attack vectors that will emerge and therefore must be addressed in
intentions. Malware authors took advantage of Microsoft’s research. Malware can target any device from wearable devices to
macro language to craft malware. Also, malware in the second driver-less cars. Therefore, it becomes essential for researchers to
phase has become more varied in infection methods. The address security issues and prevention techniques for IoT malware
methods of propagation were sharing infected Microsoft attacks.
office files as well as through email attachments.
4. Conclusion
The third phase of malware witnessed the increased creation
of network worms. At the time, the Internet was thriving with In its beginnings, malware was harmless and easily detectable,
the dot-coms of the late 90s and early 2000s. The most causing some aggravation to a victim with an infected machine.
common form of propagation for malware in this phase was Many early forms of malware would publicize their presence by
email attachments and visits to compromised websites. The displaying messages on a victim’s machine. Nowadays, malware
malware in this phase is characterized by its exploitation of has evolved into sophisticated types that are extremely malicious
existing vulnerabilities in operating systems. Network worms, with the intention of extorting a victim for financial gain. These
like Code Red, were memory-resident which meant they types are referred to as ransomware and are considered the
would execute when the OS loads. Malware in the previous prominent threat being faced by companies and individuals today.
stages would require a file to be executed in order to infect the Moreover, governments around the world have begun creating
system. Malware in the third phase was causing damages malware for espionage purposes in order to sabotage or spy on
estimated in billions of dollars. This had caught the media’s other countries’ systems. This type of malware is referred to as an
attention and reports of malware such as SoBig.F and Advanced Persistent Threat. In recent years, malware became a
Conficker were making headline news. profitable industry attracting many cyber criminals to create more
Rootkits were introduced in the fourth phase of malware. The intricate forms of malware. Many large corporations around the
main characteristic for rootkits is stealth. The fourth phase of world are investing billions of dollars in building up cyber security
malware evolution also witnessed the birth of ransomware. In systems for their organizations in order to counter any possible
this phase, malware had incorporated more sophisticated threats. This study has presented a historical evolution of malware,
techniques such as encryption to take over valuable data in in chronological order; leading up to the conception of
the host machine. Furthermore, the use of anonymous ransomware and APTs. Ransomware can target several entities at
payment services spiked the creation of ransomware as it a time whereas an APT would aim for a specific target. The study
became easier for the attacker to get paid using these services. also highlighted the common propagation methods used and the
It is in this phase that cybersecurity gained more attention. damages that were caused by malware over the past 70 years. The
Companies are investing large amounts of money and purpose of this study was to provide researchers with the history
resources to protect their assets from ransomware attacks. and evolution of malware from its early stages to current day
The fifth phase of malware evolution is focused on creating threats.
malware for the purpose of virtual espionage. The creation of
these types of malware is believed to be foreseen by References
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International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

Table 1. Summary of Malware in the Early Phase of Evolution

Name Creator Propagation Year Target/Damages

Self-replicating John Von Self-reproducing 1949 Introduce the idea of replication.
string of code Neumann
Creeper worm Unknown ARPANET 1971 Tested the theory of self-replicating programs
Wabbit Unknown Local system 1974 Reduce performance and crash the
Elk Cloner Richard Skrenta Floppy disks 1981 Apple II systems.
Brain Boot Basit and Amjad Floppy disks 1986 MS DOS computers. Developed to
Sector virus point out loop holes in the system.
PCwrite trojan Unknown Shareware programs 1986 Erase all users’ files upon infection.
Morris worm Robert Tappan Sendmail/SMTP 1988 Increased network traffic and crashed
Morris the Internet
AIDS trojan Joseph L. Popp Floppy disks 1989 Attendees of WHO AIDS conference for
Omega virus Unknown Unknown 1991 Infected systems. Would not boot on Friday
Michelangelo Michelangelo Floppy disks 1991 Destroy FAT and prohibit PCs from booting.
Monkey Unknown Floppy disks 1991 Variant of boot sector virus. Infects master
boot record of hard drives and floppies.
Casino virus Unknown Unknown 1991 Destroy FAT when victim loses game

Table 2. Summary of Malware in the Second phase of Evolution

Name Creator Propagation Year Target / Damages
WinVir Masud Khafir Network or removable 1992 MS Windows 3.0. Infected files will not
media start in the first try, but the second.
V-sign virus Unknown Floppy disks 1992 Halt the system.

One-half or Vyvojar floppy disks 1994 MS-DOS. Infected master boot record,
Slovak bomber com, and exe files.
WM Concept Unknown Sharing infected MS-word 1995 MS-Word. Replicates itself without
documents damages.
X97M/Laroux Unknown Sharing infected MS-word 1996 MS-Excel. Overwrites target file with
documents infected file.
Boza Quantum/VLA Floppy disks 1996 Windows 95. No reported harmful
D routines.
Happy 99 Spanska Executable email 1998 Spammed the user’s contacts with
attachment copies of itself
Melissa David L. Smith Email attached malicious 1999 Caused $1.1 billion in damages
MS word file worldwide.
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

Table 3. Summary of Malware in the Third Phase of Evolution

Name Creator Propagation Year Target/Damages
Anna Kurnikova Jan de Wit Email attachment 2001 Infected millions of machines and
virus crashed email servers.
Code Red Unknown Internet 2001 Infected more than 3.59K
computers in less than 14
hours costing billions in
Nimda Unknown Email attachment, open 2001 Damages estimated at $2.6
network shares billion.
Fizzer Unknown Mail attachment 2003 First malware to gain profit.
Slammer Unknown Internet, Exploits the 2003 Caused almost $1.2 billion
vulnerability of SQL server in damages.
Blaster Jeffrey Lee Parson Internet, Exploits buffer 2003 Infected around 100,000
overflow Windows systems.
SoBig.F Unknown Email attachment 2003 Caused damages estimated at
$37.1 billion.
MyDoom Unknown Email attachment and peer to 2004 Caused damages estimated at
peer networks almost $38.5 billion.
Sasser Sven Jaschan Internet, Exploit the Local 2004 Caused damages to airline
Security Authority Subsystem systems, governments and
Service vulnerability of several banks.
windows machines.
Koobface virus Unknown Through private messaging 2008 Targeted users of social
services of social networking networking sites and mail
sites. servers.
Conficker worm Unknown Intranet and USB drives. 2008 Infected around 9 million
computers turning off
antivirus software.

Table 4. Summary of Malware in the Fourth Phase of Evolution

Name Creator Propagation Year Target/Damages
Sony BMG Sony CD 2005 It harmed their reputation.
Rootkit Entertainment
GP Code Unknown Spam email claiming job 2005 Windows OS. Encrypts files
application. and demands a ransom for
Cryzip Unknown Spam email and compromised 2006 Deletes files and creates
websites. password protected archived
Archives Trojan Unknown Email attachments and 2006 Required the purchase of
downloads from compromised drugs from a particular
websites pharmacy to get decryption
Storm worm Unknown Email spam 2007 Infected more than 20
million computers and built
a zombie army.
Mebroot Unknown Visiting compromised 2007 Captures data from the
websites. victim’s machine for
financial gain.
Svpeng Unknown SMS spam. 2013 Mobile trojan. Targets
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

customers of Russian Bank.

Cryptolocker Unknown Email attachments and 2013 Encrypts users’ hard drives
downloads from compromised and demands ransom.
websites Almost 3% of the victims
paid ransom.
CryptoDefence Unknown Email attachment. 2014 Encrypts text, picture, video,
PDF and MS Office files
with a strong RSA-2048 key
that is hard to undo.
CryptoWall Unknown Vulnerability in Java. 2014 Caused over 325 million
dollars damage.
Cerber Unknown botnets, spam emails and 2016 Affected a large number of
drive-by downloads. enterprise PCs.

Table 5. Summary of Malware in the Fifth Phase of Evolution

Name Creator Propagation Year Target / Damages
Stuxnet Unknown USB Stick 201 Demolishes or slows down the Iranian
0 Nuclear Program.
DuQu Unknown Exploits the CVE-2011- 2011 Spies on the victim machine.
3402 vulnerability or zero
day vulnerability
Flame Unknown Both USB and networks 20 Affected computers in the Middle East.
Shamoon Unknown Network 2012 Saudi Aramco and RasGas.

WannaCry Unknown Exploiting a vulnerability 201 Infected computer systems in 150

developed by the National 7 countries worldwide.
Security Agency

Table 6. Summary of Malware in the Five Phases of Evolution

Time Characteristics Propagation

Phase 1

− Self-replicating in nature. Discover loop-holes in system without serious media such as
harm or information stealing. Not for financial gain
floppy disk,
USB, CD, etc.

− Malware targets Windows due to its simplicity and ease of use. • Removable media
Phase 2

− Malware applies the art of escape, which helps antivirus business to • File sharing
grow. • Email

− Malware characteristics changed into a most dangerous form and a large

number of machines are affected. • Email attachments
Phase 3

− Some of the cybercriminals got arrested in this phase. • Removable media

− Viruses in this stage are most destructive and its aim changed to money • Internet
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS) Vol. 12, No. 3, December 2020

− Malware in this phase is mainly focused on gaining income or taking the • Email
illegal control of the infected machines.
Phase 4

− Malware encrypt the crucial information and ask ransom for the • Compromised
decryption key. If the victim is unable to pay the ransom the data is websites

− Malware is developed by the secret services of some countries for the

purpose of espionage.
− Malware in this phase are considered as best blood free weapon. Most of
Phase 5

• Removable media
the malware in this phase are used to destroy some important areas of • Internet
some countries. These are the most dangerous weapon which affects
countries economic, social, and political strengths. These all are state
sponsored attacks.

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