Bab 7

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Bab 7

Angular kinetics

Angular kinetics explains the causes of ro- tary motion and employs many variables similar
to the ones discussed in the previ- ous chapter on linear kinetics. In fact, Newton's laws
have angular analogues that explain how torques create rotation. The net torque acting on
an object creates an an- gular acceleration inversely proportional to the angular inertia
called the moment of in- ertia. Angular kinetics is quite useful be- cause it explains the
causes of joint rota- tions and provides a quantitative way to determine the center of gravity
of the hu- man body. The application of angular kinet- ics is illustrated with the principles of
Inertia and Balance.


The rotating effect of a force is called a torque or moment of force. Recall that a moment of
force or torque is a vector quan- tity, and the usual two-dimensional con- vention is that
counterclockwise rotations are positive. Torque is calculated as the product of force (F) and
the moment arm. The moment arm or leverage is the perpen- dicular displacement (d)
from the line of action of the force and the axis of rotation (Figure 7.1). The biceps femoris
pictured in Figure 7.1 has moment arms that create hip extension and knee flexion torques.
An im- portant point is that the moment arm is al- ways the shortest displacement between
the force line of action and axis of rotation. This text will use the term torque synony-
mously with moment of force, even though there is a more specific mechanics-of-mate- rials
meaning for torque.

Figure 7.1. The moment arms (d) for the biceps femoris muscle. A moment arm is the right-angle dis- tance from the line of action of
the force to the axis of rotation

In algebraic terms, the formula for

torque is T = F • d, so that typical units of
torque are N•m and lb•ft. Like angular
kine- matics, the usual convention is to call
coun- terclockwise (ccw) torques positive
and clockwise ones negative. Note that the
size of the force and the moment arm are
equal- ly important in determining the size
of the torque created. This has important
implica- tions for maximizing performance
in many activities. A person wanting to
create more torque can increase the applied
force or in- crease their effective moment
arm. In- creasing the moment arm is often
easier and faster than months of
conditioning! Figure 7.2 illustrates two
positions where a therapist can provide
resistance with a hand dynamometer to
manually test the isometric strength of the
elbow extensors. By positioning their arm
more distal (posi- tion 2), the therapist
increases the moment arm and decreases
the force they must cre- ate to balance the
torque created by the pa- tient and gravity

Figure 7.2. Increasing the moment arm for the thera- pist's
(position 2) manual resistance makes it easier to perform a
manual muscle test that balances the exten- sor torque
created by the patient (Tp).

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