Street Lighting Design 2
Street Lighting Design 2
Street Lighting Design 2
continue their travels on the road. Street lighting schemes never brings the same
appearance of daylight, but provide sufficient light for people to see important
objects required for traversing the road. Street lighting plays an important role in:
Reducing the risk of night-time accidents
Assisting in the protection of buildings/property (discouraging vandalism)
Discouraging crime
Creating a secure environment for habitation
Roadway luminaires are mounted horizontally and thus have fixed vertical
Roadway lighting luminaires have particular intensity distributions which
are desired to light long narrow horizontal stripes on one side of the
luminaire, while minimizing the intensities on the other side of the
The intensity distributions up and down the narrow strip are generally the
Any fixed aimed luminaire which does not have this type of intensity
distribution is called an area luminaire.
Main Objectives of Street Lighting Design Scheme
The main objectives of street lighting design scheme are given below:
But Intensity distribution of the road light is measured following C-ɣ photometric
convention. In C-ɣ photometry, C is the angle on the road surface plane and ɣ is
the angle created between vertical axis of the luminaire and lumen throwing
direction, or in other word, ɣ is the angle of incidence.
Initially on the surface of the road, point specific Illuminance values are collected.
Then intensity I is calculated from the equation of the Illuminance,
Where, EP is the Illuminance at point P on the road and h is the vertical height
from the point P to the luminaire. After calculation of the intensity, we put all the
intensity values making a C-ɣ table as per their angular position.
The format of C-ɣ table is shown above. In this above chart C’ is the position of
maximum intensity on the table.
Three basic planes of intensity are considered on the road surface with respect to
one luminaire:
1. Plane 1: C-0o to C-180o along the road.
2. Plane 2: C-90o to C-270o across the road.
3. Plane 3: Principle Plane, through the point of maximum intensity of the
light, i.e. C’ to C’ + 180o
To obtain C’ we have to prepare intensity distribution chart of the road light
luminaire on the road. Where intensity will meet at maximum value this is the
degree value of C’. To draw the principle plane axis we have to add 180o with C’.
Spread and Throw Angle of Street Light Luminaire
The two main terms related to the street light luminaire are:
1. Spread angle: it is the angle of the luminaire to direct the luminous flux
across the road.
2. Throw angle: it is the angle of the luminaire to direct the luminous flux
along the road.
It is denoted by:
Double Sided
When the width (W) of the road is nearly double the pole height (H), i.e. W = 2H
then the poles are arranged along both sides in opposite to each other manner.
The span between two poles may not be equal to the road width.
When the width (W) of the road is much greater than the pole height (H), i.e.
W>>H then the poles are arranged in the central verge of the road. The luminaires
are made to face towards both the road surfaces from the central verge.
The span between two poles may not equal to the road width.
where no. of the luminaire (n) = 1 for single sided pole arrangement
= 2 for double sided pole arrangement
= 2 for staggered sides pole arrangement.
A basic street light controller is not hard to construct. The best Arduino starter kits
will already come with the required Arduino and photoresistor for this purpose.
How to Compute Average Illuminance on the Road
Average Illuminance is calculated by Lumen method, where maintenance factor
(MF) and coefficient of utilization (COU) are taken into account.
ΦL = Lumen of the Luminaire,
Aeff = effective road surface area under Illumination = Span × Width = S × W
N = Number of luminaire
N = 1 for single sided street lighting design and
N = 2 for double and staggered sided street lighting design,
n = number of lamps used in single luminaire = 1 for street lighting.
Coefficient of Utilization (COU) is the ratio of utilized lumen to the installed
lumen. And it is obtained from the COU graph recommended by CIE.
So now,
As r and q both are the function of two angles β and ɣ, we should write the
equation as
Iso-Lux diagram is the Illuminance distribution of the street light luminaire on the
street or road surface. The point of maximum Illuminance is called Nadir Point.
The Illuminance level of other points are given in percentage value with respect to
the Emax of Nadir point. Suppose, Emax at nadir is 100 Lux, and at other point
Illuminance is 73 Lux, then this point is marked as 73% of Emax. Thus all points with
73% of Emax are joint together to get Iso-Lux diagram for 73% of Emax. All Iso-Lux
curves are drawn in this way. Making the nadir point center, two axes along and
across the road is drawn.
Suppose, we have the Iso-Lux diagram of the street light.
As per the above sample diagram of Iso-Lux, we have to divide dimension of two
axes to term with respect to the luminaire height (h).
1. Disability Glare
2. Discomfort Glare
Disability Glare
Disability glare makes human eyes disable to see any object for a little while. For
an example, when we look at any bright source for a few seconds and then we
look at any object with low brightness, we become unable to see this object
properly, rather we see black spot for some times. This is one type of momentarily
Disability glare is measured at threshold increment value. With the aid of the
luminous distribution of a luminaire and using the nomogram the threshold
increment of a luminaire installation can be determined.
The nomogram is a graphical representation of the formula for the equivalent
veiling luminance; threshold increment value is represented by TI and calculated
in percentage.
It is defined as
Where, LV is veiling luminance and Lavg is the average luminance of the object or
road surface. Where, LV is veiling luminance and Lavg is the average luminance of
the object or road surface.
Discomfort Glare
Discomfort glare is not the cause of momentarily blindness like disability glare,
but it is responsible to affect the visibility of the human eyes to an extent for long
time. This kind of glare depends on the luminaire installation. If the luminance is
in higher value, the human eyes cannot observe the object with lower luminance
properly beyond this higher luminance. Discomfort glare is calculated in
logarithmic term. If we have the specific luminaire index (SLI) of a luminaire, we
can easily calculate this discomfort glare of that luminaire. SLI is the luminaire
light distribution characteristics.
It is denoted by glare control mark (G). For street lighting, the discomfort glare
control mark is given by:
SLI = Specific Luminaire Index,
Lavg = average road surface luminance (cd/m2)
h’ = reduced mounting height (m).
p = number of luminaires per kilometer.
SLI is calculated in terms of logarithmic value.
I80 and I88 are the luminous intensity (cd) along the downward vertical directions in
the vertical parallel to the road axis correspond to angle 80 degree and 88 degree
F is the apparent light emitting area (m2) of the luminaire as seen at an angle ɣ = 76
degree to the downward vertical.
C is the color factor according to the SPD of the electric lamp used. For low
pressure sodium lamp C = 0.4 and C = 0 for all other white lamps.
When SLI < 2, glare control is limited. When 2 ≤ SLI ≤ 4, glare control is moderate.
When SLI > 4, glare control is high.
Higher value of SLI means lower chance to create discomfort glare.
The position of the light fixture is as important as the selection of light fixture in order to illuminate
correctly to streets, roads, and sidewalks. You will not achieve the desired performance when you
do not locate the light fixture correctly.
The height of the lighting pole to be used is related to the width of the area to be illuminated. 4-5-
6 meters height of lighting poles are used in sidewalks and bicycle roads. 8-10 meters lighting
poles are preferred in narrow streets and byroads. 10-12 meters height of lighting poles are used
in boulevards, commercial and industrial areas.
There will be too bright and too dark spots when the height of the pole is not in proper measure.
If the distance between poles are high, you will use less pole and light fixture. This will reduce the
cost. The distance between poles are related to the height of the pole to be used. If the height of
the lighting pole is high, the distance between the poles will also be high. If we need to give a
general ratio in this regard, it would be appropriate to leave 2,5-3 times the height of the pole
between the two poles. For instance, in projects where 6 meters lighting pole is used, 15-18 meters
distance can be left between the poles.
If the distance between poles are too high, there may be dark spots between two poles. If the
distance between poles are too low, there may be bright areas between two poles.
The width of the area illuminated by the lighting fixture is roughly equal to the height of the lighting
pole. In other words, a light fixture mounted on 12 meters height of a lighting pole can illuminate
12 meters width of road (lane width 3-3.5 meters) or area.
It is sufficient to illuminate one side of the road in narrow streets. In wider streets, it may be
necessary to position the lighting poles on both sides of the road (opposite or shifted).
Factors such as speed limit, traffic density and crime rate that determine the class of road lighting
should be considered in determining the height of the mast and the distance between the poles.
The total light output and light distribution of the light fixture should also be considered in
determining the height of the pole.
It should be verified by computer simulation software that the lighting pole and light fixture
combination meets the standard requirements for road lighting.
Street Lighting
The Institute of Integrated Electrical Engineers instituted guidelines for adequate and acceptable illumination of
the streets in order to promote safety. This concept was brought about by the continuously increasing speed of
motor vehicles using the road.
The Philippine Electrical Code Committee prepared the guidelines for a standard practice on design of street
lighting installation recommending the proper quantity and quality of light for traffic routes.
Definition of Terms
Lighting Installation – is defined as the whole of the equipment provided for lighting the roadway comprising
the lamps luminaries, means of support and electrical installations including other auxiliaries.
Luminaire – is a housing for one or more lamps comprising a body and any refractor, diffuser or enclosure
associated with the lamps.
Road Width – is the distance between the edges of the road curbs measured at right angles to the length of the
Outreach – is the distance measured horizontally between the outer of the column or wall face or lamp post
and the center of the luminaries.
Overhang – is the horizontal distance between the center of luminaires and the adjacent edge of the road.
Mounting Height – refers to the vertical distance between the center of the luminaire and the surface of the
Maximum Light Utilization – In order to attain the maximum utilization of light from the fixtures, the
luminaires should be mounted under the following specifications.
Working Voltage
Luminance are properly selected and mounted on a location most feasible and effective with minimum cost.
For a 230 volt system, a voltage drop of 5% is allowed although in extreme cases 15% voltage drop is
sometimes tolerated.
cu = Coefficient of utilization which is dependent on the type of fixture, mounting height, width of roadway
and the lenght of mast arm or outreach.
The values given are based on the favorable reflectances for asphalt road, the recommended illumination should
be increased by 50%. For concrete road, the recommended value could be decreased by 25%.
In decreasing street illumination, consider the modern lighting today that will be obsolete tomorrow when the
minimum light levels are raised. The increasing motor vehicle speed and the increasing congestion in the street
requires higher level of highway lighting. Therefore, future needs for light should be considered in the design.
Considering the data as presented on Figure 6-7 when the night pedestrian traffic is estimated to be light and
the night vehicular traffic is to be medium, determine the required lumens if the road concrete is a pavement.
Referring to Table 6- 9, E= 6.46 for light pedestrian medium traffic classifications. For concrete road, the
reflectance will be higher but let us accept the value of 6.46 lumens.
w= 7.00 meters
d= 50 meters
mf= 0.9
cu= 0.29 (type A fixture)
Under the Working Voltage, the mean lamp lumens of a 250 watts lamp is 11, 500 lumens, this is the nearest
value to 8,662.83 average lumens. Therefore, a 250 watts lamp is acceptable.
This is higher than the 6.46 recommended in table 6- 11. Therefore, the road is considered as adequately