2021 q3 Opcr Moa - Djnrmhs
2021 q3 Opcr Moa - Djnrmhs
2021 q3 Opcr Moa - Djnrmhs
Strategic Functions
Mitos Gonzales
Planning Officer IV Head of Office
Document Code:
FY 2021 : 3rd Quarter**
Strategic Functions
Core Functions
Indicator 1: % patients in basic accomodation with zero co-payment N: 2806
No. of patients in basic accommodation with zero co-payment / Total no. of patients in ≥98% 100.00% 102%
D: 2806
basic accommodation x 100
No. of PhilHealth RTH / Total no. of PhilHealth claims processed and RTH + claims <4% 2.87% 128%
D: 5406
processed and paid by PhilHealth x 100
Indicator 3: % of ER patients with < 4 hours turnaround time N: 1506 ER currently serves employees for pre and post COVID
deployment medical consultation. ER services for the general
public were put on hold since the conversion of the hospital to an
≥97% 100.00% 103%
exclusive referral center last March 2020. As per institutional
No. of ER patients with <4 TAT / Total no. of patients who were received in the ER x policy, a 24-hour turn around time is required to provide enough
D: 1506 time for the release of swab result.
Indicator 4: % of patients with < 4 hours Discharge Process turnaround time N: 1516
No. of patients with <4 hours Discharge Process TAT / Total no. of patients ≥90% 98.57% 110%
D: 1538
discharged x 100
Indicator 5: % of Hospital Acquired Infection Rate N: 30
5. Establish program planning, monitoring and 100% submission for the 3rd N: 3
% of required hospital performance indicators and reports submitted on time (OPCR-
evaluation system to produce evidence-based Quarter: 3 Reports (OPCR- 100% 100%
Semi Annual, OPCR-QMOA, BED 2, BAR 1, PrExC)
strategies MOA, BAR 1, PrExC) D: 3
a) % of nonconformities (or similar) responded with Request for Action within the N: 2
100% 100% 100%
prescribed timeline D: 2
a.) % of filled non-medical positions 96% at the end of the year or at N: 270
least 75% by the end of 3rd 88.82% 118%
Quarter D: 304
7. To ensure deliveryof quality service through Total number of filled positions / Total number of positions (net of positions vacated
provision of adequate human resource based on and unfilled)
the approved standard staffing pattern
b.) % of filled Nurse, Medical Officer and Medical Specialist positions 96% at the end of the year or at N: 847
least 75% by the end of 3rd 90.01% 122%
Quarter D: 941
Total number of filled positions / Total number of positions (net of positions vacated
and unfilled)
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N: 498 Based on the newly designed Office LDI tracker. Results as of
8. To increase capacity of DOH personnel in % of employees provided with Learning and Development Interventions based on At least 75% by end of 3rd October 27, 2021. Only 956 out of 1,121 or 85% of plantilla were
44% 59%
order to improve workplace perdormance Annual Training Plan quarter tracked and submitted.Total plantilla reported by HRMO as of
D: 1121 September 30, 2021.
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100 1
99.9 1.1
99.8 1.2
99.7 1.3
99.6 1.4
99.5 1.5
99.4 1.6
99.3 1.7
99.2 1.8
99.1 1.9
99 2
98.9 2.1
98.8 2.2
98.7 2.3
98.6 2.4
98.5 2.5
98.4 2.6
98.3 2.7
98.2 2.8
98.1 2.9
98 3
97.9 3.1
97.8 3.2
97.7 3.3
97.6 3.4
97.5 3.5
97.4 3.6
97.3 3.7