Grade-2 Final Edit 956pm

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For the learner:
Welcome to the Science – Grade 2 Alternative
Delivery Mode (ADM) module on Force and Motion.
This module is designed to help you learn in a fun and
easy way as you start an independent learning at your own
pace and time.
This module has the following parts and corresponding
What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of skills or
competencies you are expected to
learn in the module.
What I Know This part includes an activity that
aims to check what you already
know about the lesson to take. If you
get all the answers correct (100%),
you may decide to skip this module.
What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help
you link the current lesson with the
previous one.
What Is It This section provides a brief
discussion of the lesson. This aims
to help you discover and understand
new concepts and skills.
What’s More This comprises activities for
independent practice to solidify your
understanding and skills of the topic.
You may check the answers to the
exercises using the Answer Key at
the end of the module.
What I Have Learned This includes questions or blank
sentences/paragraphs to be filled in
to process what you learned from
the lesson.
What I Can Do This section provides an activity
which will help you transfer your new
knowledge or your skill into real life
situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to
evaluate your level of mastery in
achieving the learning competency.
Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be
given to you to enrich your
knowledge or skill of the lesson
Answer Key This contains answers to all
activities in the module.

What I Need to Know

This module is designed to help you with learning force
and motion in an alternative learning situation. You may be
able to learn at your own pace and time. The lessons are
arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course. The
order in which you read them can be arranged to correspond
with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into two lessons;
 Lesson 1 – Force and Motion
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify how force and motion are used in everyday life.
2. To understand how force and motion can be applied in
different situations.
3. Be able to explain in his/her own words how force and
motion works.

What I Know
Read, analyze, and answer the following questions. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What is force?
A. kick and run
B. a push or a pull
C.throw and catch
D.the ability to think
2. During summer vacation, how can the wind affect
children’s leisure time.
A. The wind pushes the kite to fly.
B. The wind dries away the wet pavement.
C.The wind produces a cool breeze at night.
D.The wind disperses plant seeds in all kinds of places.
3. How important is the force of gravity for our planet?
A. The force of gravity on Earth pulls human to be tall,
B. The sun’s gravity towards the earth keeps us healthy.
C.The force of the gravity on earth is what keeps away the
effect of COVID virus.
D.The sun’s gravity keeps earth in orbit, keeping us at a
comfortable distance to enjoy the sun’s light and warmth.
4. What kind of objects are attracted by magnets?
A. Metals
B. Plastics
5. Which of the sources of force comes from the power
station, wind turbine, solar, water, and battery?
A. Electricity
B. Magnetism

1 Force and Motion

Force is a push or a pull, it makes an object change its

position or motion. When you apply force on an object, it may
move away from you or towards humans, we use force
in our daily activities.

What’s In
Draw a _🤍_ when force is being applied in the
situation and draw a __☆__ when the situation does
not apply force. Draw your answers on a piece of paper.

1. An apple sitting on top of the table.

2. Pushing a door open.
3. Leaves swaying in the wind.
4. A chair in the living room.
5. Washing the dishes.

What Is It
When force is applied to an object, it produces a motion.
Motion is a change in the position of direction of an object
(Bermejo, 2012). Motion is important because everything we
do has motion, and you will need force in order to change

Not everything is moving in the same way, somethings move

from one place to another and other things move in a rotating
motion. In relation to motion, speed determines how fast an
object changes its position, if the speed is zero then there is
no motion (Bermejo, 2012).

However, force can be applied

even if the object is not moving
(stationary object). There are
passive objects that exert force
on other objects that exert force
on them. For example, a
barbell sits at rest on top of the
rack. The earth exerts a
downward pull on the barbell
and the rack exerts an equal
upward push on the barbell
(that’s the passive force). Hold
the barbell yourself and you know the force the rack must

What’s More
Activity 1: read and analyze the statements below.
Draw a heart ___ if the statement is correct and draw a star ___ if
the statement is not.

1. Force does not produce motion.

2. If the speed is zero, then there is no motion.
3. You do not need force to change motion.
4. Force cannot be applied to an object.
5. The object does not move even if force is applied.

Activity 2: analyze the world puzzle, then look for five (5) hidden
science terms that you have learned in our first lesson. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.


Activity 3: Draw the situations written below. Use your

imagination to show the motion and force written in the situation.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1.Movement of ball.
2. Movement of bicycle
3.Man throwing a ball.
4. Woman picking flowers.
5. A lady pulling her hair.

What I Have Learned
Complete the paragraph with the correct words to
complete its thought. Choose your answer from the words below
and write them on a separate sheet of paper.

Force Motion Pull Push Speed

When 1.____is applied to an object, motion is produced.2.____is

a change in the position or direction of an object. Once you apply
force, the object may move away from you, and this act is called
3.____. While an act of moving an object toward you is called
4. _____. Object changes its position. If the speed is zero, then
there is no motion.

What I Can Do
Let us identify these daily activities that show objects being
pushed or pulled. Write the push or pull as your answers, write
them on a separate sheet of paper.

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. Which of the words is the best defined as push and pull?
A. forces B. speed C, stretches D. twist
2. What is the best description of what forces do?
A. Forces produce color.
B. Forces produce beauty.
C. Forces produce motion.
D. Forces produce happiness.
3. What is the movement of the ants in the picture?
A. The ants are not moving.
B. The ants are playing with other ants.
C. The ants move in a rotational motion.
D. The ants move from one place to another.
4. Which object manifests rotational motion?
A. B. C.


5. Which among the situations needs a speed in the movement

of an object?
A. A rug is on the floor.
B. A remote-controlled toy car is used in a race.
C. A porcelain rice bowl is on the top of the table.
D. A sandcastle is crushed accidentally by a child.


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