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Conference Paper · May 2014

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3605.0003


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Proceedings of the
International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Renewable Energy 2013
(ICMERE2013) 1 - 3 May 2014, Chittagong, Bangladesh

ICMERE2013-PI- 035


Md.Amzad Hossain1,*, Mohammad Mashud2 and Khondakar Wahida Taskin3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology (KUET), Khulna-9203,
amzad59@gmail.com, 2mdmashud@yahoo.com, 3wahida.25aug@gmail.com

Abstract- The goal of this endeavor is to analyze the variation of flow physics of flow over an airfoil without
spoiler and with spoiler at different angles. From this analysis how stall point are decreased with spoiler angle
variation are to be found. For different values of spoiler angle, the variation of lift and drag component of force
can be analyzed. The general-purpose CFD software FLUENT is used for this observation. At first the design of
airfoil without spoiler and with spoiler at different angle is drawn in GAMBIT 2D simulation. The problem
specifications are as follows- create geometry in GAMBIT, mesh geometry in GAMBIT, specify boundary types in
GAMBIT, set up problem in FLUENT, solve the problem and analyze the results. This investigation led to a
conclusion that lift is decreased and drag is increased which shows the common nature of spoiler.

Keywords: Spoiler, Fluent and Gambit commercial tool, Airfoil design, K-epsilon model, Mesh generation.

1. Introduction into the airflow and spoil it. By doing so, the spoiler
The cross-sectional shape obtained by the intersection of creates a carefully controlled stall over the portion of the
the wing of an airplane with the perpendicular plane is wing behind it, greatly reducing the lift of that wing
called an airfoil [1]. There is an aerodynamic force section. Spoilers are designed to reduce lift also making
created by the pressure and shear stress distributions over considerable increase in drag [2].
the wing surface. This resultant aerodynamic force can be Spoilers are used by some older gliders to control their
resolved into two forces, parallel and perpendicular to the rate of descent and thus achieve a controlled landing at a
relative wind. The direction of free stream velocity is desired spot. An increased rate of descent could also be
defined as the relative wind. The two forces are called lift achieved by lowering the nose of an aircraft, but this
and drag force. The drag is always defined as the would result in an excessive landing speed. However
component of the aerodynamic force parallel to the spoilers enable the approach to be made at a safe speed
relative wind. The lift is defined as the component of the for landing.
aerodynamic force perpendicular to the relative wind. Airliners too are usually fitted with spoilers. Spoilers are
In this project work, the commercial tool FLUENT is sometimes used when descending from cruise altitudes to
used. For mesh geometry the GAMBIT 2D simulation is assist the aircraft in descending to lower altitudes without
used. The commercial package FLUENT is a powerful picking up speed. Their use is often limited, however, as
and flexible general-purpose CFD software developed by turbulent airflow which develops behind them causes
ANSYS, Inc. Thousands of companies throughout the noticeable noise and vibration, which may cause
world benefit from this engineering design and analysis discomfort to extra-sensitive passengers. The spoilers
tool, using FLUENT for a wide variety of multi physics may also be differentially operated to provide roll control.
applications. Martin Aircraft was the first to develop spoilers to help
At first the design of airfoil without spoiler and with with roll control in 1948. On landing, however, the
spoiler at different angle is drawn in GAMBIT 2D spoilers are nearly always used at full effect to assist in
simulation. The problem specifications are as follows- slowing the aircraft. The increase in form drag created by
create geometry in GAMBIT, mesh geometry in the spoilers directly assists the braking effect. However,
GAMBIT, specify boundary types in GAMBIT, set up the real gain comes as the spoilers cause a considerable
problem in FLUENT, solve the problem and analyze the loss of lift and hence the weight of the aircraft is
results. For this experiment NACA 2415 airfoil was used transferred from the wings to the undercarriage, allowing
with 1m chord length. the wheels to be mechanically braked with much less
chance of skidding [2].
1.1 Spoiler Spoilers increase drag and reduce lift on the wing. If
A spoiler, sometimes called a lift dumper is a device raised on only one wing, they aid roll control, causing
intended to reduce lift in an aircraft. Spoilers are plates on that wing to drop. If the spoilers rise symmetrically in
the top surface of a wing which can be extended upward flight, the aircraft can either be slowed in level flight or
© ICMERE2013
can descend rapidly without an increase in airspeed.  D is Drag force
When the spoilers rise on the ground at high speeds, they  ρ is air density
reduce the wing's lift, which puts more of the aircraft's  v is velocity of air
weight on the wheels. The flight spoilers are available  A is plan form area and
both in flight and on the ground. However, the ground  CD is the drag coefficient at the desired angle of
spoilers can only be raised when the weight of the aircraft attack, Mach number and Reynolds number.
is on the landing gear, usually activated by a sensor.
When the spoilers deploy on the ground, they decrease 2.1 How Spoiler Works?
lift and make the brakes more effective. In flight, a Spoilers are small, hinged plates on the top portion of
ground-sensing switch on the landing gear prevents wings. Spoilers can be used to slow an aircraft, or to
deployment of the ground spoilers. make an aircraft descend. The main thing about spoilers
is not the increase in CD, but the decrease of CL get more
1.2 FLUENT And GAMBIT Commercial Tool weight on the wheels. The L/D ratio goes to near zero
The commercial tool GAMBIT is used to create and from losing the lift and also increase drag to lose airspeed.
mesh the solution domain and FLUENT is used to toward Spoilers are intended to "spoil", that is reduced lift, and
a converged solution and performs some simple file they do so via a shape which creates downward force
management. FLUENT is executed twice to enable from the air passing by the wing. That comes at the
solution on parallel processors. In the first Fluent session, expense of drag, both from creation of the downward
the solution domain is divided into four partitions. For the force as well as increased turbulence caused by the
second Fluent session, the parallel solver is invoked to spoiler and its support structure. Spoilers reduce lift.
iterate toward a solution. Spoilers are found along the top of the wing. When they
To solve the problem NACA 2415 coordinate has been aren't being used, they fit into or flush with the wing's
used in this problem. surface. When they are used, they protrude from the
To specify the airfoil geometry, a file containing a list of wing's surface into the airflow and destroy the laminar
vertices along the surface is promoted and GAMBIT is flow for a portion of the wing. The size of the spoiler
used to join these vertices to create two edges, varies according to how much lift is to be "spoiled".
corresponding to the upper and lower surfaces of the Different spoiler designs are found on different types of
airfoil. Then these edges are splited into 4 distinct edges planes, but their function is the same, if they are deployed
to help us control the mesh size at the surface. on both wings. Spoilers can also be used to generate a
The file containing the vertices for the airfoil of rolling motion for an aircraft, if they are deployed on only
NACA2415 has been used. one wing. A single spoiler is used to bank the aircraft; to
cause one wing tip to move up and the other wing tip to
2. Theoretical Background move down. The banking creates an unbalanced side
Lift: To overcome the weight force, airplanes generate an force component of the large wing lift force which causes
opposing force called lift. Lift is generated by the motion the aircraft's flight path to curve (Airplanes turn because
of the airplane through the air and is an aerodynamic of banking, not because of the force generated by the
force.aero stands for the air, and "dynamic" denotes rudder).
motion. Lift is directed perpendicular to the flight The spoiler is a multifunctional flight control surface with
direction. The magnitude of the coefficient depends on three main functions:
the shape of the body and its angle of attack [9].  in-flight air braking for speed reduction;
Now, Lift force
 in-flight roll control (to augment the ailerons in
turning); and
L = 1/2 ρv2CL
 Air braking on the ground, during lift dumping.
The latter dispels the remaining lift as an aircraft touches
down on a runway. This increases the efficiency of the
 L is lift force
wheel brakes by applying the full weight of the aircraft
 ρ is air density on the wheels [10].
 v is velocity of air Spoilers are fitted in a fixed position on NACA 2415
 A is planform area and airfoil for this experiment where only spoiler angles have
 CL is the lift coefficient at the desired angle of been changed. As the chord length of the airfoil is
attack, Mach number and Reynolds number considered to be 1m, the airfoil is designed with spoiler
Drag: As the airplane moves through the air, there is angles 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 degree at 0.05C.The spoiler is
another aerodynamic force present. The air resists the extended upward for 0.1 m for all those angles.
motion of the aircraft and the resistance force is called
drag. And coefficient of drag is also a unit less number,
which indicates a body's ability to generate fluid
resistance [6].
Now, Drag force
D = 1/2 ρv2CD

© ICMERE2013
3. Mathematical Modeling

3.1 Two Equation Turbulence Models

By definition, two equation models include two extra

Where is the mean rate-of-rotation tensor viewed in a
transport equations to represent the turbulent properties of
rotating reference frame with the angular velocity .
the flow. This allows a two equation model to account for
history effects like convection and diffusion of turbulent The model constants and are given by:
energy [3].

The k-ε model introduces two new variables into the

system of equations.
The continuity equation is then:

Model Constants
And the momentum equation becomes:


3.2 Boundary Conditions

Transport equations:
In this experiment, at first an airfoil of NACA 2415 has
been designed without spoiler. Then different spoiler
angles have been used. For NACA 2415 airfoil, spoiler
angle are 2.50, 50, 7.50, 100, 12.50 have been considered.
The spoilers have been used at almost in the leading edge
of 5 percent of the chord length. Position of spoiler is
kept fixed for this analysis. The length of spoiler is 10
percent of chord length which is also fixed. The spoiler
angle has been varied here. For different values of angle
we have to design mesh files. Different mesh files have
Where, been read by FLUENT, from this our desired graphs and
figures have been drawn out.

4. Results and Discussion

For without spoiler, a stall point has been got at α=15
which are given below:
In these equations, Pk represents the generation of
turbulence kinetic energy due to the mean velocity
gradients, calculated in same manner as standard k-
epsilon model. Pb is the generation of turbulence kinetic
energy due to buoyancy, calculated in same way as
standard k-epsilon model.
Modeling Turbulent Viscosity

Fig.1: CL Vs α for without spoiler

In case of drag component after plotting all the values of

CD for all values of α, a graph can be obtained which is
given below:

© ICMERE2013
Fig.2: CD Vs α for without spoiler
Fig.6: CL/CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 7.5
By plotting CL/CD Vs α for without spoiler also has been
For spoiler angle = 10, a stall point has been got at α=11
which are given below:

Fig.3: CL/CD Vs α for without spoiler

Fig.7: CL Vs α with spoiler angle = 10
For spoiler angle = 7.5, a stall point has been got at α=13
which are given below:

Fig.8: CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 10

Fig.4: CL Vs α with spoiler angle = 7.5 By plotting CL/CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 10 also has
been got,

Fig.5: CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 7.5

Fig.9: CL/CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 10

© ICMERE2013
For spoiler angle = 12.5, a stall point has been got at lift coefficient thus the lift is decreased with increasing
α=14 which are given below: angle of spoiler. From above graph it is understandable
that by attaching a spoiler to the wing section or airfoil
lift obtained is lower than that of the wing section without
the spoiler attachment which is one of the main functions
of spoiler. So the numerical result obtained is reliable [2].

Fig.10: CL Vs α with spoiler angle = 12.5

Fig.13: Comparison of the CLvs. α curve for airfoil with

spoiler and without spoiler

Fig.11: CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 12.5

By plotting CL/CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 12.5 also has

been got,

Fig.14: Comparison of the CD vs. α curve for airfoil

with spoiler and without spoiler

From the figure above we have for the airfoil having

spoiler with different angles have a drag curve trending
higher than that of the airfoil without any spoiler. Thus
the effects of the spoiler for all angles are demonstrated
through the figure. Increased drag coefficient is the
indication of increase in drag force, thus the speed of the
Fig.12: CL/CD Vs α with spoiler angle = 12.5 aircraft is decreased. Before landing on the desired
destination speed of the aircraft must be slowed down for
From the figure above we have for the airfoil having Safe landing. A spoiler acts as an arrangement which
spoiler placed in any particular angle has a lift curve decreases lift by the cost of increase in drag force. From
trending lower than the airfoil without any spoiler. Thus the above graph it is shown that the wing section or
the effects of the spoiler for all the angles are airfoil having spoiler attached at different angles
demonstrated through the figure. A certain decrement of increases drag coefficient thus the drag force than that of
lift coefficient is obtained and it is quite reasonable. A the airfoil having no spoiler. It is one of the principle
spoiler is used to decrease the lift of the aircraft so as to characteristics of spoiler [12]. So the results obtained
descent the aircraft. For safe and smooth landing of the from numerical simulation are supporting the basic
airplane spoiler plays an important role by decreasing the concepts of the spoiler.

© ICMERE2013
energy due to

generation of
Pk turbulence kinetic N
energy due to the
mean velocity

ρ density of the fluid

ωk angular velocity
Ωij mean rate of rotation
μt turbulence viscosity Kg/s.m

Fig.15: Comparison of the CL /CD vs. α curve for airfoil
[1] Airfoil - CFD-Wiki, the free CFD reference.
with spoiler and without spoiler
[2] Spoiler - CFD-Wiki, the free CFD reference.
[3] Standard k-epsilon model -CFD-Wiki, the free
From the figure above we have for the airfoil having
CFD reference.
spoiler at different angles has a CL/CD curve trending
[4] Weltner, Klaus, Ingelman-Sundberg, Martin -
lower than the airfoil without any spoiler. Thus the effects
Physics of Flight – reviewed.
of the spoiler for all angles are demonstrated through the
[5] NASA Glenn Research Center. Archived from the
original on 5 July 2011. Retrieved 2011-06-
29.Babinsky, Holger (November 2003).
5. Conclusion
[6] Halliday, David, Resnich, Robert - “How do wings
This problem is solved by a commercial software
FLUENT. Spoiler is placed at 5 percent of chord and
[7] John Wiley & Sons - “Fundamentals of Physics” -
spoiler length is 10 percent of chord. Spoiler angles 2.5, 5,
3rd Edition pp-378.
7.5, 10, 12.5 degree are held in design.
[8] Vernon H. Gray – “Prediction of aerodynamic
This investigation led to a conclusion that lift is decreased
penalties caused by ice formation on various
and drag is increased which shows the common nature of
airfoils” - Ohio National Aerodynamics and
spoiler. A spoiler, sometimes called a lift dumper is a
Space Administration Research Center
device intended to reduce lift in an aircraft. Spoilers
increase drag and reduce lift on the wing. From the
[9] Santiago Giraldo, Manuel J. Garcia, Pierre
results discussed above it can be concluded that the
Boulanger - “CFD Based Wing Shape
numerical experiment of the NACA 2415 airfoil having
Optimization Through Gradient-Based Method ”
spoiler on five different angles have been identical to the
EAFIT University, No 7 Sur 50, Medellin,
main function of the spoiler.
Colombia University Of Alberta, 2-21 Athabasca
Hall, T6G 2E8, Canada.
[10] Mack M.D, Seetharam H.C, Kuhn W.G, Bright
J.T. - Aerodynamics of spoiler control devices --
Symbol Meaning Unit AIAA Aircraft System and Technology Meeting
Proceedings, Paper 79 1873, August 1973.
C chord length m [11] R.A. Stuckey - A Comparison of Spoiler
V velocity of air m/s Aerodynamic Characteristics as Estimated from
L Lift force N Flight - January 15, 1997.
D Drag force N [12] James E. Fitzpatrick and G. Chester Furlong -
CD drag coefficient Dimension Effect of Spoiler Type Lateral-Control Devices On
less The TWBTING Moments of A Wing Of NACA
CL lift coefficient --- 230-Series Airfoil Sections - Langley Memorial
Aeronautical Laboratory, Langley Field, VA.
α Angle of attack
k turbulent kinetic
ε turbulent dissipation m2/s3
ω specific dissipation 1/s.
Pb generation of
turbulence kinetic N

© ICMERE2013

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