PDS Monolevel 844SP
PDS Monolevel 844SP
PDS Monolevel 844SP
Monolevel 844SP
Class R4 Waterproof Screed and Pore Filler
Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Tomlinson Road, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2DY, United Kingdom 1
T: +44 (0) 1772 450950 F: +44 (0) 1772 450960 E: flexcrete@akzonobel.com W: www.flexcrete.com
MONOLEVEL 844SP can be applied by palette knife to fill Application Top Tips
minor voids and surface defects. Over larger areas, work
well into the prepared substrate using a wooden float, 1. During early mixing, the material appears dry. DO
sponge or ‘bag-rubbing’ techniques. NOT add extra water at this stage as full mixing
produces a smooth consistency.
When used as an alkaline thin screed for the protection of
concrete and for structural waterproofing, MONOLEVEL 2. DO NOT WET OUT OR PRIME between layers.
844SP should be applied to the prepared substrate using a
3. If the mortar thickens, remix but DO NOT ADD
steel float to provide a smooth polymer rich surface finish.
Work an initial thin layer into the surface to fill blow holes
and minor defects prior to building up to a typical thickness 4. DO NOT OVER TROWEL when applied as a fairing
of 3-6mm. Spray techniques may also be used. coat otherwise blisters could form in the material, which
must be removed.
For repairs which require multi-layer applications, it is
important to ensure that previous layers have been finished 5. Remove trowel marks using a wooden float or damp
with a wood or plastic float and are stable, but not fully set sponge once the surface has stabilised.
(typically 2-6 hours) prior to the application of subsequent
layers. No inter-layer priming is required. Once the last layer 6. Can be overcoated with Flexcrete membranes to give
has stabilised, remove trowel marks using a wooden float or a coloured, aesthetic finish.
damp sponge. This will produce a surface similar in texture 7. Cold Weather Working (See separate Guide)
to emery paper, which is ideal for the application of a
surface coating. ➢ ≥3oC on a rising thermometer.
➢ ≥5oC on a falling thermometer.
Curing 8. Hot Weather Working (See separate Guide)
Normal concreting procedures must be adhered to. Protect ➢ Store material in cool conditions to maximise
from strong sunlight and drying winds with CURE-SEAL working life.
WB, polythene sheeting, damp hessian or similar. ➢ Shade applied material from strong sunlight.
➢ Spray apply a second mist coat of CURE-SEAL
Limitations WB.
➢ If possible, avoid extreme temperatures by working
Do not use MONOLEVEL 844SP when the temperature is at night.
below 5°C and falling. Do not use on waterproof concrete
without referring to Flexcrete’s Technical Department. Not
The information herein is correct to the best of our knowledge, but it does not necessarily
suitable for use on trafficked areas. refer to the particular requirements of the customer. If the customer has any particular
requirements it should make them known in writing to Flexcrete Technologies Limited,
and obtain further advice accordingly.
Cleaning and Storage
• Clean all tools with water immediately after use.
• Materials can be stored for 12 months in dry, frost free
conditions with unopened bags at 20°C.
• MONOLEVEL 844SP is supplied in 25kg bags.
Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Tomlinson Road, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2DY, United Kingdom 2
T: +44 (0) 1772 450950 F: +44 (0) 1772 450960 E: flexcrete@akzonobel.com W: www.flexcrete.com
Technical Data
EN 1504 R4
Property Standard Typical Result
1 day 20 MPa
Compressive Strength
EN 12190 ≥ 45 MPa @28 Days 7 days 45 MPa
Development @20°C
28 days 55 MPa
Adhesive Bond EN 1542 ≥ 2 MPa 2.2 MPa
Chloride Ion Content EN 1015-17 ≤ 0.05% ≤ 0.05%
Carbonation Resistance EN 13295 ≤ ref concrete Passes
Elastic Modulus EN 13412 ≥ 20 GPa 17.3 GPa Class R3 ≥15MPa
Capillary Absorption EN 13057 ≤ 0.5 kg/(m2.h0.5) 0.047 kg/(m2.h0.5)
Freeze/Thaw Cycling EN 13687-1 ≥ 2 MPa 2.6 MPa
Water Permeability Coefficient 6.94 x 10-16 m/sec
Equivalent Concrete Thickness DIN 1048-1 - 1.25mm of Monolevel 844SP =
1000mm of concrete
Oxygen Diffusion Coefficient Vinci Technology 4.90 x 10-5cm²/s
1.55 x 10-5cm²/s
Carbon Dioxide Diffusion
Calculated from
Oxygen diffusion 6mm of Monolevel 844SP=
Equivalent Concrete thickness
144mm of concrete.
Flexural Strength EN196-1 - 10.5 MPa
Tensile Strength BS 6319: 7 - 5.0 MPa
Shrinkage EN 12617-4 - 0.065% after 7 days
Mixed Density - 1860kg/m³ at 0.14 water:powder ratio
Mixed Colour - Concrete grey
Min Application Thickness Feather edge
Max Application Thickness 6mm per layer
Min Application Temperature 5°C
Max Application Temperature 40°C
Working Life (approx.) - 30 minutes at 20°C
Reaction to Fire EN 13501-1 - A2 – s1, d0
The properties given above are obtained from laboratory tests: results obtained from on-site testing may vary according to site conditions.
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Flexcrete Technologies Ltd, Tomlinson Road, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2DY, United Kingdom 3
T: +44 (0) 1772 450950 F: +44 (0) 1772 450960 E: flexcrete@akzonobel.com W: www.flexcrete.com