Equilibirum of Aaggregate Supply and Demand
Equilibirum of Aaggregate Supply and Demand
Equilibirum of Aaggregate Supply and Demand
Gavin Cameron
Lady Margaret Hall
Hilary Term 2004
aggregate demand revisited
• Aggregate demand comprises four components:
• consumption
• investment
• primary government spending (i.e. net of transfers)
• net exports
• The level of income (both current and expected) is a major
determinant of consumption, government spending and net exports.
• The real exchange rate is a major influence on net exports.
• The interest rate is also an influence on consumption and investment
(with the latter being also dependent upon output expectations and
‘animal spirits’).
why does the AD curve slope down?
• Three reasons why the aggregate demand curve slopes downwards:
• The first is the Real Balance Effect. When prices rise unexpectedly, the
real value of assets whose prices are fixed in nominal terms (such as
some government bonds, money, and gold) falls. This leads to less
consumer spending.
• The second is the real exchange rate. When prices rise unexpectedly,
the real exchange rate appreciates (if the nominal exchange rate is
fixed). This leads to an deterioration in the primary current account.
• The third is the Keynes effect. When prices rise unexpectedly, people
need more money for day to day transactions and so try to switch their
money balances from bonds and shares. This raises the interest rate
and hence reduces interest-sensitive spending, such as investment.
the aggregate demand curve
Y1 Y0
income, output
long-run aggregate supply revisited
• We say that the labour market is in equilibrium when
inflation is stable.
• At the equilibrium unemployment rate, there will be both
voluntary unemployment (workers who do not wish to
work at the current real wage) and involuntary
unemployment (workers who would like to work but
cannot find jobs at the current real wage).
• If there is a unique and stable level of equilibrium
unemployment, then there is also a unique and stable
equilibrium rate of output.
• In the long-run, the economy should return to its
equilibrium rate of output, ‘money is neutral’.
short-run aggregate supply revisited
• In the short-run, there is no reason to expect actual output
to equal its equilibrium rate.
• Here are four reasons why changes in nominal variables
may lead to temporary changes in real output:
• sticky-wages
• worker-misperception
• imperfect information
• sticky-prices
• All of these lead to a ‘surprise-supply’ function.
Y = Y * +α (P − Pe)
AS-AD in long-run equilibrium
SRAS1 (Pe=P1)
Y* output (Y)
AS-AD in dis-equilibrium
SRAS (Pe=P0)
SRAS (Pe=P2)
In the short-run, the economy can
P2 be in dis-equilibrium with expected
prices too high
Y1 Y* output (Y)
shocks to the economy
• Why might the economy get ‘shocked’ away from equilibrium?
• Aggregate demand shocks
• an investment boom;
• a pre-election government spending spree;
• a sudden rise in the real exchange rate;
• a consumer boom abroad;
• a boom in the housing market;
• an unexpected cut in interest rates;
• a slump in share prices.
• Aggregate supply shocks
• a sudden rise in oil prices;
• the invention and diffusion of a new technology.
an investment boom
SRAS (Pe=P3)
SRAS (Pe=P1)
An investment boom shifts the
P2 AD curve outwards. At first,
expectations lag behind events, so
P1 output and relative prices rise
AD2 (‘unexpected inflation’). Once
prices and wages are renegotiated,
equilibrium is restored with a
AD1 higher relative price level.
Y* output (Y)
an ‘oil price shock’ & labour
Labour productivity falls since production has to
switch to less energy-intensive techniques.
real wage
L2 L1 employment
an ‘oil price shock’ and AS-AD
SRAS (Pe=P2)
SRAS (Pe=P1)
1959 1964 1969 1974 1979 1984 1989 1994 1999
AS-AD model
Money Market LM Curve
AS curve
• “But this long run is a misleading guide to current affairs. In
the long run we are all dead. Economists set themselves too
easy, too useless a task if in tempestuous seasons they can
only tell us that when the storm is long past the ocean is
flat again.” J.M. Keynes, 1936.