Annexure A-BoQ

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Renovation of Laran lawns, The International Centre Goa

Annexure A - BoQ

SR.NO Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Demolishing of cement concrete, laterite stone masonry in cement

1.0 mortar & Structural steel work including stacking of serviceable
material & disposal of unserviceable material within 50 mts. lead.

a) Existing Toilet block Job 1.00

b) Existing stage Job 1.00
c) Existing shed for Buffet Job 1.00
d) Existing water Body (Fountain) Job 1.00
e) Existing compound wall for service entry Job 1.00

Earthwork in excavation by mechanical means (hydraulic

excavator)/manual means in foundation, pipeline trenches, drains
(not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sq.m. on plan) including dressing
of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m including getting out
the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed
within a lead of 50 m.
a) All kinds of soil Cumt 391.00
b) Lateritic rock Cumt 260.00

Providing Rubble packing with hard laterite stone under floors

3.0 including watering ramming and consolidating etc. in pipeline Cumt 232.00
trenches and other foundations all complete.

Refilling the pipeline/foundation trenches plinth sides, foundation etc.

with available excavated earth in layers not exceeding 20 cm depth
4.0 consolidating each layer ramming and watering lead upto 50 M and Cumt 561.00
all lifts and disposal of surplus earth as directed by Engineer in

Providing & laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand :

5.0 6 graded granitic or basaltic stone aggrt. 40 mm. nominal size)
including cost of centering, shuttering and finishing in:

a) All works upto plinth level Cumt 63.00

Providing & laying cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse sand: 4

6.0 graded granitic or basaltic stone aggrt. 20 mm. nominal size)
including cost of centering, shuttering and finishing in:

a) All works upto plinth level Cumt 105.00

Providing and laying in position (1:11/2:3) Reinforced cement conrete

7.0 including the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinfrocement
(1 cement: 1½ coarse sand:3 graded stone agg 20mm nominal size)

a) All works up to plinth level Cumt 11.00

In walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses,

b) plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, Cumt 3.00
posts and structs etc. upto floor five level

c) In Plinth beams Cumt 12.00

in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope , landings, balconies,

d) shelves, chajjas, lintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases upto Cumt 20.00
floor five level

Providing TMT steel reinforcement bars of SAIL, TATA. VIZAG made

only (Confirming to IS 1786 of 1986) for RCC work (conforming to
I.S. 1786 of 2000) including bending, binding & placing in position in
8.0 Kgs 4600.00
all the floors along with the factory made precast concrete cover
blocks of specified sizes whose compressive strength is not less than
that of surrounding concrete in the structural member.
Providing Laterite masonry in neatly dressed stones of size as
9.0 specified in cement mortar 1: 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) in Cumt 119.00
foundation and basement.

Providing Laterite masonry in neatly dressed stones of size as

10.0 specified in cement mortar 1: 4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) in Cumt 57.00
superstructure from floor I level upto floor V level.

Providing Half brick masonry in cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement

11.0 : 4 coarse, sand) with bricks of class designation 75 kg/ sq. cm upto Sqmt 121.00
floor five level .

Providing 12mm cement plaster 1:3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand) including

12.0 Sqmt 524.00
all materials, labours, tools & plants all Complete.

Providing 6mm cement plaster to ceiling 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

13.0 Sqmt 90.00
including all materials, labours, tools & plants all Complete.

Providing 18mm cement plaster in two coats under layer 12mm thick
cement plaster 1:5 ( 1 cement : 5 coarse sand) and top layer 6mm
14.0 Sqmt 461.00
thick with cement plaster 1: 3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand) finished with
sponge including all materials, labours, tools & plants all Complete.

Providing & finishing fine with ready Birla wall care putty over plaster
15.0 Sqmt 308.00
surface including all materials, labours, tools & plants all Complete.

Providing & fixing 35mm thick Laminate finished flush door shutters
as per design of decoration type core of block board construction
(Marine BB) with hard teak wood beading patti and well matched
16.0 laminate as approved by the Architect on both faces of shutters
including locks, handles, floor spring if required, tower bolts etc. All
non laminate surfaces of doors to be finished with french polish &
including all tools & plants complete.

a) 35mm thick including SS hinges with necessary screws: Sqmt 34.00

Providing woodwork in frames of doors & windows fixed in positon

17.0 including finishing with melamine polish & including all materials,
tools & plants complte.(size 100X65mm)
a) First class Indian teak wood Meter 44.00

Providing Granite in frames of doors as per design and fixed in

positon including polishing moulding etc all complete.
a) Granite frames fot toilet Meter 51.00

Providing and fixing adjustable anodized aluminium Ventilators

including all taxes, transportation, scaffolding and handling etc.
complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge: ventilators
matching with 18 mm series shutters.
Plain glass Sqmt 5.00

Providing and fixing sliding anodized aluminium glass shutters

including all taxes, transportation, scaffolding and handling etc.
Complete & as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge: Sliding
windows matching with 18 mm series shutters.
Plain glass Sqmt 4.00

Wall painting (two or more coats) with plastic emulsion paint of

approved brand and manufacture including priming coat on new work
21.0 Sqmt 308.00
to give an even shade including all materials, labours, tools & plant all

Painting three or more coats with acryllic exterior paint of approved

brand and manufacture (such as weather shield,APEX) including
22.0 Sqmt 461.00
applying one coat of cement primer and one coat of surface treatment
etc. including all materials, labours, tools & plant all Complete.
Providing and and laying vitrified floor tiles in different sizes of
Johnson, Somany, Kajaria (thickness to be specified by the
manufacturer) with water absorption less than 0.08% and conforming
23.0 to IS:15622 of approved make in colours and shades as specified
laid on 20 mm thick cement mortar 1:4 (1 Cement : 4 Coarse sand)
including grouting the joints with white cement and matching pigment
etc., complete
a) 600x 600 mm Sqmt 57.00

Providing and fixing 1st quality ceramic glazed wall tiles (Johnson,
Somany, Kajaria )conforming to IS:15622 (thickness to be specified
by the manufacture of approved make in all colours, shades except
burgundy, bottle green, black of any size as approved by Engineer-in-
charge in skirting, risers of steps and dados over 12 mm thick bed of
cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement : 3 coarse sand ) and jointing with grey
cement slurry @3.3kg per sq.m including pointing in white cement
mixed with pigment of matching shade complete.

b) Wall Ceramic Glazed Tiles : 300 x 450 Sqmt 220.00

Providing and fixing vitrified antiskid tiles (320x320) and 10mm thick
25.0 tiles in floor, treads of steps, landing on 25mm thick bed of cement Sqmt 16.00
mortar 1:3 and jointed with cement slurry complete.

Kotah stone slab flooring over 30 mm (average) thick base of cement

mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid over & jointed with grey
cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab
including rubbing & polishing complete
a) 25 mm thick. Sqmt 435.00

Providing and laying Granite slab stone flooring ( river washed) in

required design and patterns, in linear as well as curvilinear portions
of the building all complete as per the architectural drawings with 18
mm thick stone slab over 20 mm (average) thick base of cement
27.0 mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse sand) laid and jointed with cement
slurry and pointing with white cement slurry admixed with pigment of
matching shade including rubbing, curing and polishing etc. all
complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer : River washed
finish granite stone slab.

a) 18 mm thick. Sqmt 326.00

Providing and fixing 18 mm thick Jet Black granite stone gang saw
cut, mirror polished, premoulded and prepolished, machine cut for
kitchen platforms, vanity counters, window sills, facias and similar
locations of required size, approved shade, colour and texture laid
28.0 over 20 mm thick base cement mortar 1:4 (1 cement : 4 coarse Sqmt 20.00
sand), joints treated with white cement, mixed with matching pigment,
epoxy touch ups, including rubbing, curing, moulding and polishing to
edges to give high gloss finish etc. complete at all levels. Granite of
any colour and shade, area of slab over 0.50 sqm

Providing and laying jet black mirror polish granite stone in

flooring,dado & urinal partitions over 20mm thick base of cement
29.0 Sqmt 34.00
mortar 1:4 laid over and jointed with cement slurry including rubbling
complete Granitic slab (jet blck with mirror polish) 20 mm thick.

Providing 25 mm thick cuddapah slabs machine cut and polished on

either side in partitions including making necessary grooves in the
30.0 Sqmt 52.00
wall and fixing with cement mortar, complete as directed by the
Providing water proofing treatment over the new R.C.C. roofs terrace
toilet by spreading cement slurry over the R.C.C. slab and laying of
10cms. Average laterite stone ballast coba with the necessary
gradient for easy flow of rain water and the coba in covered with
damp proof of Hindustan water proofing co. Or equivalent jointless
water proofing plaster of mix 1:3 ( 1 cement : 3 find sand), finished
smooth with wooden trowel with false marking of 30 cms square. The
31.0 Sqmt 32.00
vertical surface of the adjoining walls are to be treated upto a height
of 30cms including rounding of junction (the rate includes for
complete items including labour and materials and including cost of
initial treatment of roof slab as follows. The injunction of damp proof
or equivalent compound with cement solution will be given as and
when found necessary for filling honey comb, cracks etc. in the
R.C.C. slabs). NOTE: cement consumption 25 kg/sq.m.

Providing anti – termite treatment to buildings conforming to I.S.S.

6113 part II 1971 (revised) including adopting precautions for health
hazards and safety measures as required therein with the cost of all
materials, chemicals, plants, equipments required for the treatment
and furnishing a guarantee for a minimum period of 10 years from the
date of completion including eradicating any infestation of termite
free of cost during the guaranty period complete. (The payment will
be made on plinth of the building.

a) Pre-construction Sqmt 539.00

Providing and laying 1st class mangalore tile roof covering with
33.0 cement plaster batten including Brick rafters including all materials, Sqmt 65.00
labours, tools & plant all Complete.

Providing and laying ridge tiles laid dry & pointed with cement mortar
34.0 Meter 30.00
1: 2 including all materials, labours, tools & plant all Complete.

Providing Steel work in welded (SAIL, TATA. VIZAG & using

electrodes of Ador or ES4B or Deh Secheron make only) in built up
sections trusses and framed work including cutting, hoisting, fixing in
35.0 position and applying priming coat of red lead paint including Painting
(two or more coats) with synthetic enamel paint of approved brand
and manufacture in all shade including all materials, labours, tools &
plant all Complete.
a) In tees, angles, flats and channels Kg 262.00
b) In MS steel plates Kg 277.00
c) In Hollow tube sections etc. Kg 7946.00

Providing and fixing colour coated galvulium roofing sheets of 0.5mm

thickness including all the accessories (TATA make) but excluding
36.0 Sqmt 402.00
the cost of purlins, rafters, trusses, flashings etc. complete as per the
directions of the Engineer in charge.

Providing & fixing in position Galvalume flashings, cappings, ridges,

gutters upto 600mm/610mm girth and min 3.00m in length (cold
Rolled Steel 550 MPa yeild Stress ASTM A 446 Grade E) with hot-dip
metallic coating of aluminium-zinc alloy(AZ 150 galvalume) (150
gms/sqm total of both sides with Al-Zn Composition= 55% & 43.5%
resp. & 1.5% Si conforming to ASTM 792/ AS 1397) 0.45 mm base
metal thickness and 0.50mm total coated thickness, factory cut at all
heights for roof, side & gable cladding complete in all respects with
37.0 Meter 82.00
AZ 150 GSM SMP color Coated (20mic exterior coat of Silicon
Modified Polyester paint system over 5 mic primer and 5 mic
polyester back coat over 5 mic primer) incl. fixing to purlins with no
12x14x55mm mechanically galvanised hex head self drilling screws
of the best quality as per AS-3566 class 3-4 approved, which should
be compatible to be used with sheets. with integral washers and
EPDM seals etc. Silicon sealant non-hardening neutral cure type
shall be applied at all end laps, complete as directed.
Providing & fixing in position Anchor bolt & Nut system made out of
38.0 16mm dia steel bars including Holding the bars in position during Nos 32.00
concreting including labour, materials, tools & plant all complete.

Supplying and fixing Pre-cast cement concrete kerb-stones(factory

made,the factory should be ISO certified and registered under
Dirctorate of Industries, Govt. of India) of M-20 with 20 mm nominal
size granitic/basaltic aggregate properly consolidated by mechanical
plat-form and vibrators with smooth finish including fixing at site
complete as per specification.

Size 30 cm L x 50 cm H x 15 cm T Meter 158.00

Providing & fixing in position wooden Column members 3.00 meters

height made out of 1st class Indian Teak wood as per Architect
design resting on Concrete pedestal including polishing & all the
40.0 Nos 4.00
Accossories required for fixing Wooden Column to Concrete Pedastal
including all labour, materials, tools & plant all complete.(Concrete
pedestal to be paid separately).

Providing & fixing in position wooden Beam members made out of 1st
class Indian Teak wood as per Architect design resting on wooden
41.0 column members including polishing & all the Accossories required Meter 60.00
for fixing Wooden beams on to the wooden columns including all
labour, materials, tools & plant all complete.

Providing and fixing prefabricated compound steel gate as per

drawing including providing & fixing locking arrangements, pintals,
hold fast embedded in cement concrete 1:2:4 (1 cement: 2 coarse
42.0 sand : 4 granitic or basaltic aggreate 20mm nominal size) including Sqmt 5.00
applying priming coat with ready mixed red lead paint and painting 2
or more coats with superior ready mixed paint of approved brand and
manufacture in all shades as per direction complete.


truck (8-10m3 capacity) including loading, unloading and stacking
43.0 Trips 3.00
moorum, building rubbish Excavated rock & Earth all complete
including tools & plants all complete.
Total Cost of Civil Work (A)

(Rupees )
SR.NO Description Unit Qty Rate Amount

Providing and fixing floor mounted (European Type) water closet of

size 655x365x760, S Trap -300mm with seat cover & lid of approved
make & manufacture (JAQUAR) with C.I. brass hinges and rubber
fittings with flush valve fully chromium plated withall necessary
1.0 No 10.00
Cistern fittings etc. including chair bracket/rag bolts, cutting & making
good the walls and floors where required and concealed seat support
. Model No: JAQUAR LYS-WHT-38851 S LYRIC
Single piece W/C

Providing and fixing C.P. Brass toilet Tissue paper holder of

2.0 approved make & manufacture (JAQUAR) including all materials, Nos 10.00
tools & plants all complete. Model No: JAQUAR AKP-35751P

Providing and fixing Health Faucet (Allied) with 1.00m long Flexible
tube (Brass plated stainles steel flexible hose) and wall hook of
3.0 Nos 10.00
approved make & manufacture (JAQUAR) confirming to IS standards
Model No: JAQUAR ALD-573

Providing and & fixing white counter Top wash basin 200X570X415
size of approved make & manufacture (JAQUAR) including waste
coupling full Treaded (Allied) making all connection but excluding the
4.0 Nos 10.00
cost of fittings. Basin Model No: JAQUAR (Florentine) FLS-
WHT-5601. Waste
Coupling Model No: JAQUAR ALD-705

Making opening of required size & shape for wash basin waste
coupling in counter and similar location in marble/Granite/Cuddapah
5.0 Nos 10.00
stone work, including necessary holes for pillar taps etc. including
moulding, rubbing and polishing of cut edges etc. complete.

Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Fancy

6.0 BOTTLE TRAP (Allied) of Jaquar make for wash basin. Model No: Nos 10.00

Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Single Lever
Basin Mixer wihthout popup of approved make & manufacture
7.0 Nos 10.00
(Jaquar) with wall flange, 15mm nominal bore all complete.
Model No: JAQUAR (Florentine) -FLR-5001B

Providing & fixing liquid soap Dispenser with glass Bottle of approved
8.0 make & manufacture (Jaquar) with brackets fixed to wooden cleats Nos 10.00
with C. P. brass screws. Model No: JAQUAR -ACN-1135N

Providing & fixing C.P brass single towel rail of approved make &
manufacture (Jaquar) including all complete with C.P. brass brackets
9.0 Nos 10.00
fixed to wooden cleats with C. P. brass screws. Model No: JAQUAR -

Providing and fixing white flat back front urinal basin of

710X485X310mm size of approved make & manufacture (Jaquar)
with Sensotronic Sensor Flushing Valve for Urinal with complete Kit
10.0 including all required wall flanges, fittings, spreader, R.S. or C.I.
brackets all complete. Urinal Model No: JAQUAR -URS-WHT-13255
& Sensotronic Sensor Flushing valve model No: JAQUAR-SNR-CHR-
a) One urinal basin with Sensor flushing Valve. Nos 4.00

Providing and fixing nahani trap of rigid PVC of approved make &
11.0 manufacture for S.W.R. pipes including lubricating etc complete, with
door :
a) 110 mm dia Nos 14.00
Providing and fixing SS Coakroach trap of approved make &
12.0 Nos 14.00
manufacture( Nirali) for S.W.R. pipes etc all complete.

Providing and fixing single “Y” of rigid PVC of approved make &
13.0 manufacture for S.W.R. pipes including lubricating etc complete, with
door :
a) 110 mm dia Nos 10.00

Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Angle stop
14.0 cock 15 mm bore Jaquar make for EWC & Health Faucet including Nos 20.00
wall Flanges etc all complete.Model No: JAQUAR -3057N

Providing and fixing NICKEL chrome plated copper alloy Angle stop
15.0 cock (Fusion) 15 mm bore Jaquar make for wash basin including wall Nos 10.00
Flanges etc all complete.Model No: JAQUAR -FUS-29053

Providing and fixing chlorinated ployvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes of

approved make & manufacture (ASTRAL) confirming to IS:15778,
having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all
CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipes with
16.0 clamps at 1 mt. spacing. This includes jointing of pipes and fittings
with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as
per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Concealed work (medium
duty SDR 13.5 pipe) including cutting chases and making good the
walls etc.

a) 15 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 80.00

b) 20 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 60.00
c) 25 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 170.00
d) 32mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 25.00

Providing and fixing chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes of

approved make & manufacture (ASTRAL) confirming to IS: 15778
having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply includng all
CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings CPVC solvent cement,
trenching, refilling and testing of joints complete as per direction of
the Engineer in charge.(External work (heavy duty SDR 11 pipe)

a) 15 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00

b) 20 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 60.00
c) 25 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 170.00
d) 32mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
e) 40mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
f) 50mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00

Providing and fixing chlorinated ployvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes of

approved make & manufacture (ASTRAL) confirming to IS:15778,
having thermal stability for hot and cold water supply including all
CPVC plain and brass threaded fittings including fixing the pipes with
clamps at 1 mt. spacing. This includes jointing of pipes and fittings
with one step CPVC solvent cement and testing of joints complete as
per direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Internal work exposed on wall
(Medium duty SDR 13.5 pipe).

a) 15 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00

b) 20 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
c) 25 mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
d) 32mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
e) 40mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00
f) 50mm dia nominal outer dia pipes. M 3.00

Providing and fixing brass Angle valve of approved make &

19.0 Nos 10.00
manufacture (ZOLOTO or equivalent) :15 mm nominal bore
Providing and fixing rigid PVC S.W.R. (soil, waste & rain water
20.0 drainage pipes) of approved make including lubricant etc. complete
(single/double) socketed:
a) 150 mm dia M 22.00
b) 100 mm dia M 22.00
c) 75 mm dia M 10.00

Constructing brick masonry manhole or inspection chamber with

second class bricks in cement mortar 1:5 (1 cement :5 fine sand)
R.C.C. top slab with 1:2:4 mix (1 cement: 2 coarse sand ;4 graded
stone aggregate 20mm nominal size foundation concrete 1:2:4 mix (1
cement ;2 coarse sand :4 graded stone agrregate 40mm nominal
size) inside plastering 12 mm thick with cement mortar 1:3 (1 cement
:3 coarse sand) finished with a floating coat of neat cemetn and
making channels in cement concrete 1:2:4 mix (1 cement :2 coarse
sand :4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) neatly finished
complete as per standard design.

Inside size 90 x80 cm and 60 cm deep including C.I. cover with

a) frame (light duty) 455 x 610 mm internal dimensions total weight of Nos 10.00
cover and frame to be not less than 38 kg. (weight of cover 23 kg.)

Inside size 60 x 60cm and 60cm deep including C.I. cover with frame
b) (light duty) 455x610mm internal diameter total weight of cover and Nos 20.00
frame to be not less than 38 kg. (weight of cover 23 kg).

Providing and fixing square-mouth S.W. gully trap grade ‘A’ complete
with c.i. grating brick masonry chamber and water tight C.I. cover with
22.0 frame of 300 x 300 mm size (inside the weight of cover to be not less
than 4.53 kg). And frame to be not less than 2.72 kg as per standard
design :
a) 150 x 100 mm size –P or S type Nos 10.00

23.0 Providing and fixing R.P.V.C. vent cowl:

a) 110 mm dia Nos 1.00
b) 75 mm dia Nos 1.00

Dismateling of old S.W.R pipes including breaking of joints and bed

24.0 concrete stacking of useful materials near the site within 50 m lead
and disposal of unserviceable materials into municipal dumps:

a) 100 mm diameter . M 10.00

b) 150 mm diameter M 10.00

Providing and fixing Nirali Stainless Steel kitchen sink without drain
board. with coupling & all accessories complete with choke stop
strainer, Plain type having flat borders for correct sandwithing
between the plaform top and bottom slabs including cutting of stone
and making good the walls wherever required. Kitchen sink
Overall size 610mm X510mm (24"x20") bowl size
a) 545mmX445mmX200mm (211/2"x 17 1/2"x 8") depth 200 mm. Nos 1.00
Glossy. 1.0mm thk

Providing and fixing Nirali Stainless Steel kitchen sink with drain
board. with coupling & all accessories complete with choke stop
strainer, Plain type having flat borders for correct sandwithing
between the plaform top and bottom slabs including cutting of stone
and making good the walls wherever required. Kitchen sink
Overall size 1040mmx510mm (41"x20") bowl size
a) 460mmx410mmx200mm (18"x 16"x 8") depth 200 mm. Glossy. Nos 1.00
1.0mm thk,

Pressure Testing & commissioning of water supply Pipes including all

27.0 JOB 1.00
materials, labours, tools & plants all complete.
Total Cost of Plumbing Work (B)
(Rupees )


Basic rates of Materials considered for Quoting above rates

1 Cement
2 Sand
3 Metal
4 Laterite Stones
5 Bricks
6 Steel Reinforcement
7 Structural Steel
a) Angles
b) Channels
c) Ms Plates
d) Box Sections
e) Flats

8 Vitrified floor tiles

9 Antiskid floor tiles
10 Glazed wall tiles
11 Polished Kota stone
12 Cuddapah stone
13 Granite Stone
14 Teak wood
15 Laminate
16 Galvalume Sheets
17 Flush door Shutter

Basic rates of Labour considered for Quoting above rates

1 Mason
2 Male Coolie
3 Female Coolie
4 Carpenter
SR.NO Description Unit Qty Rate Amount (Rs)

same in soft landsacpe areas with layers of 20 cms thickness in sequence and depths as specified
Cumt by 200
consultants consolidating each deposited layer be

2 Supply and Filling with approved black garden soil and spreading
of the same in soft landsacpe areas with layers of 20 cms thickness in
sequence and depths as specified by consultants
Cumt 200.00

3 Supply and stacking of local sand (Grading zone iii or coarser) dump
manure (cowdung) on site along with stacking on site of Good earth
(Good earth supplied and already quantified ) including mixing earth,
sand and cowdung in proportion of 7: 2.5 : 0.5 (7 parts of good earth
to 2.5 parts of sand to 0.5 part of cowdung) or as directed by the
engineer incharge and then spreading over lawn areas as well as
filling in excavated pits, planters, flower beds etc in required thickness
as per specification or as directed by the engineer incharge and
carriage up to 200 m lead
Cumt 100.00

4 Supply and application of manure and fertilizer as per horticultural

specifications and as instructed by consultants on site.
a 1. Sampurna - 19:19:19 Kg 90.00
b 2. Urea Kg 90.00
c 3. Neem cake Kg 170.00
d 4. MOP - Murrete of Pottash) Kg 50.00
e 5. Micronuitrient +mix - Kg 40.00

5 Supply and Application of pesticides and insecticides as specifide by

consultant and as per horticultural specifications on site.

a chloropyrifos - 20% EC LIT 20.00

b Monocrotophos- 50% LIT 20.00
c Sevin Powder KG 20.00

6 Providing and applying Chemical weed control by means of spraying

of non-selective weedicide Paraquet dichloride 24 wsc gramoxore
from ICI Zeneca to entire lawn area as per specification with spraying
of wedicide for control - Of weeds in the garden premises ,
Glyphosphate - 41%SL - Litres 5.00

7 Treatment of lawn areas with insectisides, pesticides by application of

Lindane ( Zuari Agro Industries) and dithane -m-45 ( Bayer India Ltd)
as per manufacturere's recommendation or specification and anti
termite solution for lawn areas with chloropyriforos dust 1.5% atelast
3" to 5" below the surface of ground (intensity of dosage should be 1.5
kg per 100 sqm) as per specification or direction of the engineer
a Lindane Kg 50.00
b Dithane -m-45 Kg 50.00
c Chloropyriforos dust Kg 5.00

8 supply and Grassing with following types of grasses at 5 cms c/c by

dibbling process including watering and maintenance of the lawn for
12 months or more till the grass forms a thick lawn free from weeds
and free for mowing including spreading of oil cake. and making it well
compacted lawn paly field compatible for palying games like footabll
and so on.
bermuda -doob grass Sqmt 1000.00
9 Maintanance of all the soft landscape areas such as lawn trees
shrubs palms cycas ferns specimein plants bamboos ground
creepers/climbers etc as per horticultural specification excluding the
cost of water irrigation system such as flexible pipes pumps for a
period of 1 year from the date of issue of completion certificate by the
DEAD LEAVES on every day basis for 12 months as specified by
consultants and disposing of the same in rae as instructed on site.
inclusive of supply and application of horticultural garden impliments
such as Sqmt 1000.00
1. lawn mower
2. bush cutter
3. secatures
4. equipments such as Budding/grafting knife, hedge shear, garden
tools and rakes etc.

10 Supply and plantation of following types of healthy, decorative,

flowering plants, trees , hedges, land covers etc. Including their
maintenance up to 12 months as per specification and direction of the
consultants and also replacing with similar plants in case of death of
any plants. The plant will be selected and approved by consultants
before plantation.
Plumeria Alba- average heights range 13-15 feet tall Each 10.00

1) Bougainvillea sps variegated- Jamaica (red, orange) Each 50.00
2) Hibiscus Rosa Sienesis ( China Rose) Each 50.00

11 Supply and plantation of indoor healthy, decorative, flowering plants,

trees , land covers etc., as specified Including their maintenance up to
12 months as per specification and direction of the engineer in charge
and also replacing with similar plants in case of death of any plants.
The plant will be selected and approved by engineer in charge before
plantation. and teh same will have to planted in decorative ornamental
terrcotta and concrete pot container as specified.



12 Landscape irigation system with Plumbing with Sprinklers (Details To

be given by Contractor on a separate sheet) JOB 1.00
Total Cost of Lanscaping Work (C)

(Rupees )
Supply Installation Total
ITEM Item Description Qty Unit Rate Amount Rate Amount Amount
No Rs Rs Rs Rs Rs

Supply & erecting triple pole and neutral VTPN Type

distribution board confirming to IS:13032 and double
door ,Surface /Flush mounted made of 18 SWG CRCA
sheet stove enamelled /powder coated for
incorporating 1 nos 4pole mcb as incomer and three
1 1 Each
pole outgoing of 4 ways per phase and 100 A copper
busbar per phase of electrolytic grade , the db can be
concealed fitted in wall or mounted on M.S angle
frame. (locking arrangement required for incomer mccb
& cost of mccbs/rccbs/mcbs not to be considered.) IP54

2 Supply & erecting triple pole and neutral PPI Type

distribution board confirming to IS:13032 and double
door ,Surface /Flush mounted made of 18 SWG CRCA
sheet stove enamelled /powder coated for incorporating
1 nos 4pole mcb & 3nos DP RCCB as incomer and single
pole outgoing of 4 ways per phase and 100 A copper
busbar per phase of electrolytic grade , the db can be
concealed fitted in wall or mounted on M.S angle frame.
(locking arrangement required for incomer mcb & cost
of mcbs/rccbs not to be considered.)IP54
1 Each
3 Supply & erecting triple pole and neutral PPI Type
distribution board confirming to IS:13032 and double
door ,Surface /Flush mounted made of 18 SWG CRCA
sheet stove enamelled /powder coated for incorporating
1 nos 4pole mcb & 3nos DP RCCB as incomer and single
pole outgoing of 8 ways per phase and 100 A copper
busbar per phase of electrolytic grade , the db can be
concealed fitted in wall or mounted on M.S angle frame.
(locking arrangement required for incomer mcb & cost
of mcbs/rccbs not to be considered.)IP54

2 Each
4 Supplying, erecting & marking MCB confirming to
IS:8828 of 1996, Single pole,6 to 32 Amps, B/C series,10
KA with required wiring connections and lugs, ferrules
etc in provided distribution board. 48 Each
5 Supplying, erecting & marking MCB confirming to
IS:8828 of 1996, Four pole,40 Amps, B/C series,10 KA
with required wiring connections and lugs, ferrules etc in
provided distribution board. 3 Each
6 Supplying, erecting & marking MCB confirming to
IS:8828 of 1996, Four pole,63 Amps, B/C series,10 KA
with required wiring connections and lugs, ferrules etc in
provided distribution board. 1 Each
7 Supplying, erecting & marking of 40 A 2 pole RCCB, 30
mA sensitivity and 30 milisec tripping time with inbuilt
test knob , trip free mechanism ,operating for rated
leakage current at nominal 10 V AC and also in neutral
open conidition and with rated short circuit withstand
capacity confirming to IS 12640 Complete with required
wiring connections and lugs, ferrules etc in provided
distribution board.
9 Each
8 Supplying and errecting 1 module mcb blanks. 10 Each
1 Supply & laying of XLPE insulated ,PVC sheated
,Stranded alluminium / solid copper,armoured Cable,1.1
KV grade (with ISI mark) laid in ready provided
trenches/ pipes and on cable trays in an approved
manner of following sizes.
a) 4 C X 35 sqmm AYXY . 145 r.m.
b) 4 C X 16 sqmm AYXY . 200 r.m.
c) 4 C X 2.5 sqmm YWY . 1070 r.m.
2 Supply & termination of XLPE insulated ,PVC sheated
,Stranded alluminium / solid copper,armoured Cable
using double compression type brass cable glands and
long barreled alluminium/copper lugs.

a) 4 C X 35 sqmm AYXY . 2 r.m.

b) 4 C X 16 sqmm AYXY . 6 Each
c) 4 C X 2.5 sqmm YWY . 100 Each
c) 4 C X 2.5 sqmm YWY .(Single Compression type.) 10 Each
C) CONDUITING & WIRING (Lighting & Power)
1 Providing Circuit wiring using with ISI mark 2x1.5 sqmm
FRLS insulated copper conductor wires in 20 mm Heavy
gauge pvc pipe inclusive of all necessary accessories like
bends,tees,junction boxes, u clamps nails, binding wire
etc chisseled in wall or laid on ceiling / walls including
making grooves in wall and plastering using cement
mortar & finishing the surface to match the background
in an approved manner along with 1 run 1.5 sqmm FRLS
green coloured earth wire running end to end .

300 r.m.
2 Providing Circuit wiring using with ISI mark 2x2.5 sqmm
FRLS insulated copper conductor wires in 20 mm Heavy
gauge pvc pipe inclusive of all necessary accessories like
bends,tees,junction boxes, u clamps nails, binding wire
etc chisseled in wall or laid on ceiling / walls including
making grooves in wall and plastering using cement
mortar & finishing the surface to match the background
in an approved manner along with 1 run 2.5 sqmm FRLS
green coloured earth wire running end to end .

300 r.m.
3 Providing wiring for One way light,fan,bell point using
3x1.5 sqmm frls insulated 1.1kv grade ISI marked copper
conductor wires in heavy gauge rigid pvc pipe of 20 mm
dia with ISI mark with all necessary acessaries like deep
junction boxes,bends, inspection boxes,u nails,binding
wire etc concealed in slab during casting and walls by
making chases and plastering using cement mortar &
finishing the surface to match the background in an
approved manner and terminating the wires in
angle/batton holder /connectors including fixing of ball
socket and 19 mm dia,1" long nipple and G.I checknuts
etc if required on one side and on 6 A modular type
switch fixed on original nonmetallic flush box and
double cover plate at other end, complete with all above

a) Primary short point 28 Each

b) Primary medium point 0 Each
c) Primary long point 0 Each
d) Secondary looping point ( looped from primary
points.) 39 Each
e)Fan point (along with modular 5 speed regulator fitted
in switch box.) 2 Each
f)Ex fan points ( along with 6 A 3 pin socket fixed at other
end.) 8 Each
4 Providing 6 A universal switch socket outlet using 6 A SP
one way switch along with 5 pin 6 A universal socket
fixed on 3 module double cover plate fixed to 3 moudule
unbreakable modular switch box duly erected flush to
wall with required chiselling the wall and plastering
using cement mortar & finishing the surface to match
the background in an approved manner ,complete with
all above material (wiring not included in this item).

14 Each
5 Providing 6/16 A switch socket outlet using 16 A SP one
way switch along with 6/16 A six pin socket fixed on 3
module double cover plate fixed to 3 moudule
unbreakable modular switch box duly erected flush to
wall with required chiselling the wall and plastering
using cement mortar & finishing the surface to match
the background in an approved manner ,complete with
all above material (wiring not included in this item).
10 Each
6 Providing 6/16 A switch socket outlet using 16 A dP one
way switch mounted seperately on 2 module double
cover plate fixed to 2 moudule unbreakable modular
switch box ,along with 6/16 A six pin socket fixed on 2
module double cover plate fixed to 2 moudule
unbreakable modular switch box duly erected flush to
wall with required chiselling the wall and plastering
using cement mortar & finishing the surface to match
the background in an approved manner ,complete with
all above material (wiring not included in this item).

1 Providing Earthing using Pipe in Pipe technology earth
electrode along with necessary back fill compound
complete with excavation in soil , installation of earth
electrode and back fill compound , backfilling of soil and
providing masonary enclosure with cover plate having
locking arrangement and pvc pive sleeves for enty of
40x5 mm g.i earth grid etc complete as per IS: 3043
(similar to Ashlok Safe Earthing Type T-19 , lenght 3
4 Each
2 Providing 25 x 5 mm G.I strip.laid on walls using G.I
spacers and saddles of proper size or on cable
trays/ducts or in pre-excavated trenches including all
necessary jointing hardware etc. 200 r.m.
a) 6 sqmm FRLS insulated flexible copper wire (green)in
surface or recess for loop earthing. 30 r.m.
b) 4 sqmm FRLS insulated flexible copper wire (green)in
surface or recess for loop earthing. 10 r.m.
c) 2.5 sqmm FRLS insulated flexible copper wire (green)in
surface or recess for loop earthing. 20 r.m.

1 Supply and erection of 3W ARIAL DOWNLIGHT ( ROUND
16 Each
2 Supply and erection of 7W ALTO EXTRA SLIM PANEL (
MAKE . 7 Each
3 Supply and erection of 1X28W BOX TYPE TUBE LIGHT,
4 Supply and erection of 10W MARIA BOLLARDS -2Ft,
5 Supply and erection of 5 W LED uplighters with spike
(Green colour) plus driver CODE NO LS1229 OF PASOLITE
MAKE . 15 Each
6 Supply and erection of EXHAUST FANS ( 9 Inches ) 10 Each


1 Excavation of trench (for L.T cables) in hard soft soil
800mm deep and width 400 mm and providing 30 cm
sand bedding, laying of 1 layers of stone tiles, 25mm
thick, 300mm wide and 600mm length, sand cushioning
and backfilling etc. 1150 r.m.
2 Excavation of trench (for earthing strip) in soft soil
400mm deep and width 200 mm and backfilling etc.
200 r.m.

1 Providing Hensel make thermoplastic weather proof
junction box code no 8040 for outdoor duty along with 4
sqmm 5 way connectors code no DKL04, fitted in the box
, IP65. fitted on wall surface or concealed in wall as
called for. (rate should include all necessary hardware,
chiselling the wall and plastering using cement mortar &
finishing the surface to match the background in an
approved manner ,complete with all above material.)

40 Each


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