MakeThemProud Sept
MakeThemProud Sept
MakeThemProud Sept
all Teachers
Teaching is the most noble of Profession, as you carry the future of students in your hands. Even before the existence
of the Internet and Google. You are the main source of our Knowledge and Wisdom. You have touched many
students’ life and transformed us to become more knowledgeable person that we are now. You have shaped and
moulded us to become better human beings. You have act as a mentor, a friend, an advisor, a guardian and a parent
who showered us with love, concern and knowledge. You are our backbone, who hold us strong in difficult times.
We appreciate and thank your priceless gift of knowledge, lesson and Wisdom. Your selfless ways of guiding us on
the right path. I believe Teachers are the best GOD’S GIFT to students. I would like to Thank all our beloved
Teacher for their dedication, Commitment, Hard work and all the things that they have done just for us.
Punitha M(20MSC13)
Make Them Proud – A Tribute To All Teachers
Teaching is one of the most honorable and a noble profession. It is a career which not only helps a student to gain knowledge
about various subjects but also helps to recognize their strengths and weaknesses. Helping them to achieve and to become a
better human being. It is believed that teachers are the creators and shapers of all times and they dedicate their lives to shape the
lives of students. India has a long history in the field of education from having wonderful teachers who have made significant
contributions in the development of the education system and the growth of students.
During the time of covid, health officials, policemen and other community helpers were appreciated for their services to prevent
the spread of COVID-19 but during this, we forgot to thank our teachers who helped us even during the lock down, who had
been working tirelessly behind the scenes to protect the future of the nation.
Every year teachers touch countless student lives with inspiring lessons and heartfelt advice. From past one year those gestures
have taken on extra meaning – teachers have risen to the challenges posed by the pandemic, putting in extra time and energy for
their students.
They play many roles in student’s life – the role of a mentor, friend, advisor or councilor and parent. They are the guiding force
in our life even after we have passed the portals of academy and stepped into the world of realities and challenges. Teachers are
more than educators; they are always there to hold the light that will guide us through our success and even our failures in life.
They understand us and never turned back when we needed their guidance and understand, they always stand by us and give a
helping hand in our difficult time.
Deeply inspired by the thousands of educators who positively impact the lives of students, who always inspired to think
differently about the world around them and it is because they constantly challenged students, that they believed that students
could rise to the occasion, Their passion for not only teaching, but for believing in the little human they were entrusted with and
commitment to students learning which shapes the person. A humble gratitude for selflessly giving their time and knowledge to
ensure students success.
V Divya (1st M.Sc.)
A teacher is not someone solely confined to the four walls of a classroom. Actually, it's quite the
contrary. A teacher is the sum total of wisdom, experiences, kindness, discipline, and compassion. An
intellectual and spiritual guide, a teacher mentors their student with the purest intention of seeing
them spread their wings and take to the skies. One must learn how a teacher is not simply a
professional. They are our friends, who prepare us for the real world, who want nothing but to see us
happy, successful, and unbeaten. And when we face hardships, a true teacher is always there to get us
up and going. That teacher can be a close friend, can be our parents, maybe a doting uncle, or a wise
grandparent. The fortunate ones make the closest friend out of a classroom teacher. And that's a
special bond between a teacher and a pupil that has no specific definition but is a precious gem that
must be treasured forever. A teacher's place is one of respect and every teacher, who toils hard for the
betterment of a room full of students, is actually someone striving for a better future for the nation.
They are creating future world leaders, doctors, scientists, lawyers, philosophers, entertainers, and
more teachers. They even taught us how to never back down and hold our heads high. Thank you so
Our personalities are a combination of our own unique traits and the impressions we have absorbed over time. These impressions
are too strong that they mold our personalities and make us into the individuals that we become. Teachers have 3 loves: love of
learning, love of learners and the love of bringing the first loves together.
Teachers are like candles -It consumes itself to light the way for others. Teachers touches our lives in million ways as they impart
knowledge, skills and wisdom that enriches our lives. They are the mentors who make us capable of facing and solving problems
which comes in our way and help us become contributing members of society and good human beings. Teachers are the one who
make difficult subject interesting, and they approach students engage in all types of activities, they are the one who recognizes our
capability and help us achieve in it. A time they give up their lunch time to clarify our doubts irrespective of keeping their health
The lessons that we listen from teachers are always kept in mind at least till exams even if students do not prepare for the exam but
they’ll always remember what they have heard in class which makes them score a good mark, each movement of teachers is a lesson
for students which inspires students till the end. This pandemic is one of the challenges faced by both teachers and students but
teachers sitting in front laptop and teaching without student’s responses is more difficult by this we can tell how much of patience
does teachers have. They give us their precious time to teach us and help us to solve problems with our lives and during this
pandemic teacher have made a crucial contribution and supporting the mental and wellbeing of the students. Hearty thanks to all
teachers to make us learn better in this online platform and help us achieve our vision of equal access to quality learning.
Thank you to all teachers for your passion for teaching and dedicating to your students is obvious in
everything you do. Having you in our lives has helped many students know their inner strength and
motivated us to do more. You have been an incredible teacher both inside and outside the classroom.
we would never thank you enough. We always know that you really cared for us, and we could always
come towards you with any problems, you always had the time for us we are fortunate to have a
teachers like you in our life’s