Animal Kingdom

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ANIMAL KINGDOM 1” % Malticcllar * Eukaryole Ptaro. taps X cell all U abst tAalezoic (Fnguly tke food) x Diutclos Sudo 1 Phay ter a Powijern - Sponges A coclenlials lowe, m% i S+ Clinophora :' ( 4+ Platybolmunthes 1S Abcholointhes 6 4. » Bass" 4 anit: j I paghucsaliow % oxgantinas CU? tinue — organ > Dagan Aylin a) (2,3) ( (su) 2 Symmatiy : 7 1) Asgmmetiy : 1 OAgawisms isc cannebeebe hae Into oo equal bal Sa ony plane. £9: Soma Sponges Ti) Radka syrantbiy: 1923-9 Crgantins Combe cited Jato 10» @pal hol by Only plane — parsing ttarough tre oH Some Aponges, Coclarcesala, stosoplen Felinodermala (adit) Eclichdormal& (Lowa), 4 ‘auiihhopoda- 5) Ges Jayer: ww [age > Embryos D Diploblastic eagantsmns: outes- Ectodoam » Snr Enderdesen 7 it geantiosl cll) FS: vodndial Skinepharr ! i) rsiploblesks. | Quagoustarat: ca Furocle molt J 4° ‘Uoelemata + (b- ' \ qqua \ \coelomale present - £9. Annolid to Chardaby 6 Bajaulbton sic given Body % on orga sions gt ale fopelalive ©» Segments. patent) £4. Earlheown, Canale’) o Cockacoth tpalsnopoded pjauman beings (choAdali.)\ Ava 6. Crudalive Bape s Open type celang Astin: (Shand beck woul Blod!"3h pumbed Duk by the book and dékocted — feusoscla eal Sails) tases. ES Astusoyide} Ee atodxwviaty, Hon chal CJaseel lad Civalelory Ayam : « Blood a puralad out Ikaovgle blcod vowels Cartas, voles — Copullardd) loo sh E Qin Ammolide, fo Bhordabier yb + ttl odo, Ards ads gooihe obbayoute’ 2lage ie dike Abruclire nwolachosl . a ristodismal Al cae presents Bm te Ree D)Non- clei ' Faved ad A (i oalad emo Absence. Ibo. pote Chand 60 waits EF. peng — Henaichorlate - % voll): Chardola : . oe 4 notochord - Tabuel a E% Chardate 7 2 Aer Béowe) pee O34 530 wae _compste / 51,81 "AD Iba ey 546,18 0, [ePORIFERAS) Lntatailel Pose beosling onsinals : bat "Also | Called” Sponges % Mosine (Sx walt) *A A Pytticollular $colladar oval vosgahins , * Body % coved by” Apiales (A Spongir gihror Hlaloe — Gawsport AysTam on voatoe Canal syslon A spolOr cenlor through © niunule Aporas (ostiad and qonchos » Contra coy (Shongocost) ond cots cut through ostubunr wh Garravlllis « ter Apongis hel ppl an 0 produchion * Dusting — this paowwrs food gattening » atpaly Gas2ous * Piseep Gnd. somal g licaste ike place: a X Spongeoteol % Jed ye meat by choad els, cls tort oAgavioms — Hoamaphrocltte. Ropacclue tion pi ok PRogemautalion , Gonmales:' gaarntiow 0% | Tana Fentilizalion , Sox ore ob + sapel, ADeddect desaopment (rapes > ana adult) Mosphologteddy dso, 2, dliyeront prom dell: EI: Syeor (Seyphad, Spongillal Facsh went d, Euspong& (Bost. spore) [iqee . nagonerailene 2° (BELENTE RATA (Chidoaix): “Mostly amine oy P) sis # Aloclomale (., F * * Radial { Syrah, ait ee eek jypaivaatt tas oat” Gosbolasuilet” \Couity atte Sergio ©pendhy (mouth, bypos.tion~) # Body bas Cridloblastemyon Cdlouyls on The poser a détncles , gq te becly. These Cridorytes Shei, or Stinging: Capsule, Whith bas,| ie ancciage » clogonse, and, . Caplire . 5, % Digestion: r Extiacellular (ox) subrocablslah oe ot x Wiel tke cniclorions lowe Cold. Corboret| Aroletor : vee wdist th % Body. joss beng >Mwo = basic | besly oxo npactont 4 © . Palys : @® Medusa fa “1 pe re pga Mr | _¥ sebide oS % Fave ening | LA Cybindaital Aspe a *% urabralla Abape | | i) . fe » | #_ Hyde,” Adams” BS pussiio ‘coal 8} % Some». eaganioms ‘enhabit beth | bedy fom Polyp PM = anes . MP= Sela rc Produce Medusa aserually ad Madge. prod Pohjp serucolbey “ThE B Called. alteanoliiny Vi geroralion Tara melagenews £9. obeba Eq yphy sale (portuguese mon 3. 6 Sigs) woo) | fe, CTENOPHORA : yearophu7ae ee ! aingpme ve Ut Also called Sao! lou on condo’ Jets / 7# bety? bas BV entoid) aarg (COBid Comb This halps tn Locabmolib alle wesc PDL an J Eun “masine, qTisue “eval: . % Radial Ay nanaobig % D&ploblastic } Dibiacellulas 9 Ertiacallular A Blelurudcono | property = er Orly biSenuedl Acpacdactor 7 wy 2% Epdtrnal .joatilizalow * * Isigheg aH Trdukoct — dovalopmontin sis ooh £9.) Plemobaacluo Darenads 2)C1éno plana Wer G| 4-PLATYHELM INTHES : Laddex tke YX So Tb called Phatwoam ao, + a® Doxrsovonbially patted “body: * pilatorally ergs r253 % Aloolomale, . L* Q Taiplobalastian 0 > organ Incl 9, ayn Ly eM oABy erdoposafites, |. oe nn ® Hooks L Sucleors, ost prount be je pancustic qene Excrcalion : “iF Elon calls ex proborophrides coils Ak Businucd sae 1% rmed — sertilalioin GD eet AX Tndkeck — davelopment” . ( many sak al + + te) a * Tntomplote clgesliva aystiny et 4 ete, Opening (Single openitg out as ‘Mouth aid FS. Taonta (Tapewoam) Vo. Rasibla » (Liver flute) - Planoain : Cote: weet 8) 5+ ASCHELMIN THES V A wcll Pound — tlelntnthos ‘ecane Pe CBeulas fin shape ° Send alg) AA Aquatic ox teat 74 Pace! sili’ on! parasite * agen Apion dowel eeauinndord % Buloterod fj cians) * Triplobloic |. : ) at patuce coclo malt a= 7% Compete — alimats abd Sine shud Muslor — Phasing’ -agnefatcde) 02) Facacglion « 4 (Fouetle glarde) CR Enel take eile trod par, A* Undonua) — dioerat Female aro eye a. Poles AY nlowal — Fertilization eee D® Dbeck or sndideck eee Tpeenalias 1p Cease sipiline Scabsent ES Ascoats CREtbel Loan, Ones Dros i ene, iver beaonh (qo) Fens. worn] Ancygplasteina °C Hook! cearnd). 6. “ANNELIDA 4 # Onan typi dol YA Aqualio or Lorresliad | St BBateral >“ cunemiolte # falplouustio ‘6D % Codomale VAT melamertinn © body yee Ve Uitte alge one proscadt % Lecesmotion > . 7 S le Fongbudiial “and Chelny “Gyytem VR Aquakle anyolels (tke Neate. - Polieh pasapedt fr Avolmming Rue oly atte! WM Excacdiow: pak | cllnvaons aah ply io A Nepsdd >: Branched bir * Closed BarLulationy Byline VE Nowe systonn vo als i AR palbee) Ganglia eobinectid tb double ventiel Wowe chord — bilateral. yowes’ 1 AR Monimum — Senual area anees ona Back Monteous, Cbiertias sd Day wt ft SR NOS diac’, eq _Nenea Dipiae ‘Seat ‘Phordirnon( Eaartiscirn). pear “wublthon (blasal ay Jeael) 1 ARTROPODA? i P% Lasgoxt Stith we. thd @ sponds a gosntid appendages a Ofgon Aeptom dove, * ad Aygrsuaby * Sogmentiol booly Raat naps we a we vv Bendy: ds covered by Cm" exnstatey VF Bedy ports: Heod , ‘then, rs irra ae a Aiespinalety organs cab . “ eal ect beck Jivgh, Uincbal « cy Leu eats sales dis RGM sat 2) Conpourd ey, 8) Antenna - ony ) . a) stetogit (batantedl erent : Exercliy anja: ee edi tian ect ” malphi gta “feabuler Gate 4 AB Dilernal forth zalion my oS pst Mostly dubeious Codiad ) BI PAs : A mostly” Cusboraows ne hasty % Dusact OA sigrock Te olaphensth * Open, cel bpties ! ssi Eran oot Cay eal (eh cn “Yortle Bene) 221 Pocusta, Uorregantoii pose) | ) 3) eels - Anophetaws, tuber... wedes oes Ecomb mally anpontt ensect” A Apes C Honey bee) ($éllcorm ) aap ALD Fok (loc, donde)...» 8 MOLLUCA + conden hadsio} 4 S% Second Jaagost phydiim ae YH Tersestial on Aqyabio” : * * Ogan systim devel * Bib! yrmoliy as) 2 kites 9 . AE Tibloblaste en % Codlomate vt vnsegnantad | body «, ye Boalg” analy shart booty 54, Co) ie Beoly parts: olk oA Hebd be Rietidant zo vied! wutip. 4 VE A Ole and vaSeasas nas 4% "pei eed over the ee eae tae | Lf The Apate. behiowts Hump nad. mantle 2, cabled Mantle, Coweta | Ye Montle p) Condy haw atta ne fs’ | O° pit me hil te" seapety Vand exsetig AR Drokel dovalop went F901) fila, (apple reat) or spinach 2 )pmctada ( peal on ae Layo 3) Sapte , ohn $k pally ig 2A we : 4? polio. (Sepudl 2 es Copp vot 5) (aclap sexual sm 6) aplyncr : s afl hore : 1) Denlaluum fate slat) piehe 8) chatte plowa (chitor) Henne yeuiin 9. FCHING DERMATA: % pune bodied animals \ * Arumals bove eda Clee op os A Exclurivaly mata’! A % Cyan ayers dio) % TAbloblase , Coolomole ~~ F Adult arc AAG ayia and 4 % feswo. 3s’ bilateral ayravoley | ton Co % Compote, « digestivo yams “sith 5 yeaa routs Bo ——————ewDLULULULULULUlU A yotbs voseulan Apa * Helps ww * tocemotion > ene FH Excaetory ; Caplina | act Leaner riers Bab : pore Lpanchia ho: Separols .- ponas: \Cogperciai : | hag ‘on! 4 dip Colina yprtib'eabsoe papular # Soquol _fopreductipr Von dave *# ander... _dauelopree : 2, AF Faw pian darwa : ¥ En Astias Coter pil | >) Ethanits (Seo. wachin) - paerelie 8) puledon (Go tly) . 4) Cueumoand (seoe saint) + © dO phedrey,, (Bate: .2tea .) Lo aemtayat lo- HEMI CHORDATA: Faye” Ue cos Had ana Apa Cheardats. * But too & % Plated as a. i onal * Oagon Ayslow , tovel a0 alloy F Bilobood "vsymmaty i etishorkaad | 0 bolo t cbt outgrow WiWily OMIA foe the 4 hehe he bucel Coty paosk ae * Coclomate juriichurdale. * ; » Bed) Aigo wires 9.05 wad ad N.% > pWhnor rosposci \ : ? Collar > Taunk ‘a % Open Csatoling vii Mi Respelalibt, -2-Ciitte oy i 13 Exccndheay,- Seperate Soe [duedow'] dionvot % Extornod yoctdlisation ot Trdiccet? cloveloprent™ 5: PRER. , |) Balanog Lo Abus 2) datenylomus phylum: CHORDATA %Pacsonte 9 Natichord * OAgaE ystom evel + Taiploblaske % cv clenlorale * Bilaferal — syrimilay hordate i a ° won -Chardake 5 Pacsenca 9 Natochond > pbsne a, Netlockord SE occayuny ah Moet aed & ecole . % verdial sng Double —~ A. Helllovo , a ; D Phorng poradted by a eal att > Gil alt are ablonk => verlral heal! ‘ bytes zal ‘ > Post onal Jal Ss point => Pest aval Jat’ is abet Clamsiticalion : Yims oO U: Urochordala, : / 1 ny aaca ance % Nolichor) 2s paosent Cindy Bik aad ce A Nchone) Th pre cscs Tw ac 4 Tr % Called on — Rattrogproseltt tablernophise *%* Abo CUed Tuniata Mealy : # Feelusivedy Martine Wah FS) pscidie « 2Salpa 9 Policlun talon Tt Cophalo - chordata : an & Nalechoso) onfincls rom Had, fo, te * Pout apongiei the pe mea me pepe rebar | el Bolustiely si masaina | : F awhtonorals Campus | eit) Urechordata + cophalochedala + paoteiclasdata ) cere vexlobaala : s "8 Aiesial jrotochornd ae ee nti coakilagpnows verebaal — s.Colloumn.~ fiw | aedule x at yosivalin os, chasdsbor “pup, Wet | all chasdates oe = veatabralt Agnatha : ¥ Tou Jews fomwdeedissccl Cychasime s 78'ox{s EeToparaile | on Some files > Flongated peo of Ropar’! 6=1S + Pot. “g gill AEE Fsucksy Cacalar mouth witheuh Taras Rpwdd | scab é x Paired! ps, axe absent * CR andl’ yoxtebsal, Coloumn are Carblegenoas % Closed CAcatalisy —systom . * Maude Avemals, A They medgeal® fo pash coats for spauontig A ndult alll die aptas —nuatimoaphios®” “tawa well come do eas £3: 1) Peclomy Zon (Jampsy) 2) My2Gs Cag yd Gnagthastomeda : chiro | atten > ¥ chatilagenous gishes | Bony phe = 3% Stanlined — bodiins ¥ Sk@anbined beck >* verdial mouth : | RTernunal — moritl Enobichosel a prewznt | PRoscn “un Fansheave mois Araoujbout — the dipe | Noles - DR S-1) palas q gills slits Hy polar a, Gals able 2 F Cperculum (Gull cove) abst] %F operculum pacenl A Tough skim : Sa plac scale (eorrually | A Cyeletd'/citarcid scale dusecled ) , > Poway Taras | | + pred oes a : > RMA bladder % absent | A bladder on ee > Fontinuouly , suaind JO | x Erouser buryorts bel avoid = Atwking fed > % Two Chamboud eT No chanel veukrida) (one ‘Arete one vonbidd a 3 cold Blooded onlays cold bbecdad animale DX pekilo thorns , Bf Powkilo thernus poquiale ee ¥ Cannot aagelate Stes i Cay #9 torn pesale>2 body Jamperatiene) band 2 A unvsenued * UI ee el x prianad atu o* Trloanal Shatin DF Vavappasous 3 OVnpasous ® tr male pShes police » piroch dovelop ment: has clipers (Reproduction) Eg. _ (Fa pe, Laolidon (Dog gash most tl fea ‘a 2° pails — (S00 4h) a iprecamrus soa. fons. 3 Cancharodon (Gacat . elon thantipn sped " White Shea) patie vaaler Pe A Drain ( pleti shige, Labonte Fel fe SS) 2*Catla - - (kala) S* Tay gon ( poston Staisigioy 3. Clasias - mages : in AEDS Aquarion >: AS |. Botta - “nga aN TETRAPODA? era 2+ fleag ap Moe AMPHIBIA + ‘hs Foe MAMA Nios Un Aquatic. and’ toxacdle "of TOO Dats 9 nbs) aw" PAgsent | % Tel prent fn Some . avumals i * Mowe gk > + Scales axes rabsont H eyeldls © ase, prowl LX Tyrpanum ropreenls tax A puanling Canal wstnosyy Canal » 39 anod aca Pe Nt encinomcr 2 Chern, Ca Rosparalory —oxgaws: + 3 Charebored haart Conuntle’ (Vewbicle) x Cole bloc cated * i eevial deed | Evibandd o featizalion 4 OVUporous * Tnoltaock clovele praent £3 Bugo (Tend) among - 2) Rana (£209) fasqer 3) Wyle (Tae 48099 4) Sala mandsa (Solamencder A) 5) Tehthyophs eee ee REPTILIA: * CAPA (on) Craols % Mostly Sdarestaiod Day ¥ Coamped = Sle Seales | Sul axe presort FOr - T tmpanun (Aouper)) © ‘Twoo pos 4 dumb 3 Chamberscl heat (cArvtedile- Jy Chambered) Lold © bdooel ; ee Porkile Thormous | a a wrest Spader uel Legaxdlss shoal! thods “scales duates Bes Coal booms \ i 4 untsexuod i. Trlinal spabileaation, _# DVpparous ~~ * Deoiect divelo Pritt, 1 ye eR eR Oe Example - chelone (Tule) BA Abo 2) T Abide (Tontpiso) Bo dbsrte 8) Chemolon (Tate Lard) oS ue 05) 4) caloles —(Guarden » dedaad) OGEL vdeo” 5) Uroteddas (Croodle) GRP 6) Allegalar — (AlLgalo) 41) pemidactyhes (coal) Lvzard) atv & ude? potsonous -Anokes: ee nage (Cobaa) ‘ered Bangrus (Ieaait) BEC aon VapeAa.— (vahor) Bebroomy Set AVES : (Bods) Cry ser) ky # prone q, pothey | beat % Flightless binds: ) 08K 2) En 3) kuor 4) Dodo t) Gao \ # porclinbs — are Modified Ste vaings 2... Haiclbimbes re = neo wh olibig naa for Walleuirg, Scasamig 4% Handlanbs pave reales s mef2D A Day pele ) usumoutk — glonds.” * 0 gland a ce , ef [ proor glarel prose at base > bones u + nae aoe AR prbsent: — (Prowmokic. berth gene aystim as c&op and Guana 48 Srey Gap. | H Four — Charnbosed boast | A Wear blood \“ bdood 4% Hornbithermous (malta. Comdink bed tinposturd) 4 Resppalion ; Weng AD. tous 4 Undenuod a A Trternal jortdizalior % OVipasous A Direct dovelopment Exomple: ‘ 1) Coamus = (Crow) (652) 2) Columba +" pigeo - Yr 3) psittacla ~ ASK paror aA 4) SBull’o —ofbid a6Gty gong) S) pawa - peowek wd ©) Aptonsdyles - Penguir avsiES% 1) Neopluon = - Vulline BEE MAMMALIA: A Mommory Glands are patsent 4 Skin possor otras * Tio pala ag Limbs * Goel oan (pie) ore paosont A Four chambewd hear” A worm — bhooded blood a aie 203 (ee x unicunad as * Ankpna) prtil-zaleo * Vunieporous A peoct dovelop rant 4y F Xample + ” oaniUharhy hebus 6 Plabipus Coviparvus), 2 ) Macaopus 2 Kangaroo : a) pteropuas - PlyRy Pox HY Comelua = Camel 5) Macaa e Mowkey, L) Raliirs - Pak D Cans eS es 8) Foals - Cale > Vuniiparous 9) Flephos ~Elaphant” 10) Ew = Horse keys Wy petpdas = commer dal phi. 12) Balesnoplaxa - Bhar johale , |: 13) Pashorn’ dayne <= Tage’ a) Pantera, am = bor

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