Zeid I., "Mastering Cad/Cam", Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005

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10 January 2024
In addition to Part-I (General Handout for all courses appended to the timetable), this portion
gives further specific details regarding the course.

Course Code: ME F 318

Name of the Course: Computer Aided Design (CAD)
Instructor-In-Charge: INIYAN THIRUSEVAM N
Lab Instructors: Iniyan Thiruselvam N, Gavade Atul Arjun , Kulkarni Sudhanwa
Mahesh , Pawar Rajat Ravindra

I. Scope
Geometric modelling using parametric approach; Computer-aided modelling using MATLAB,
Introduction to Finite Element Method; Computer-aided design using a specialized package like
ANSYS. Students will be required to complete assignments on Machine Drawing, Finite Element
Analysis and Geometric Modeling using CAD software as well as self-made computer programs
in Lab/Practical sessions.

II. Objectives:
 Understand the mathematical and physical principles underlying geometric modelling.
 Understand machine drawings such as orthographic drawings, sectional view, assembly
drawings and exploded views using ProE software.
 Understand the importance of analysis and design, performing Finite Element Analysis using
ANSYS, in the broader context of engineering practice.
 Demonstrate the ability to generate a CAD model using MATLAB.

III. Textbooks

 Zeid I., “Mastering CAD/CAM”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2005.

IV. Reference Books

1. Rogers D. F. and J. A. Adams, “Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics”, McGraw-

Hill, New York, 1976.
2. Beasant C. B. and Lui C. W. K. “Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”, 3 rd Edition,
Affiliated East West Press Ltd., New Delhi, 1988.
V. Course Contents

No. of
Topic Source
1. Introduction to Geometric Modeling 1 TB: Ch-1 to 5
2. Finite Element Method – Introduction 1 Class notes
Fundamentals of Geometric Modeling (Curves) 1-D
3. Analytic Curves (Line, Circle, Ellipse) 3
TB: Ch-6
4. Synthetic curves - Hermite cubic spline, Bezier, B-Spline 4
Fundamentals of Geometric Modeling (Surfaces) 2-D
5. Analytic and Synthetic Surfaces (Hermite, Bezier)
3 TB: Ch-7
Differential geometry: Curvature, Torsion & Continuity
Geometric Transformations 2-D
6. Translation, Rotations, Reflections, Projective transformation,
2 TB: Ch-12
Orthographic/Isometric Projections, and Scaling
Total 14

VI. Evaluation Scheme and Schedule

EC No. Component Duration Weightage (%) Date Natur
12 March 2024 Tuesday
01 Mid-Semester Exam 90 Mins 25 CB
14:00 HRS to 15:30 HRS
Continuous assessment in
Continuou As per the announced
Lab Sessions (Using ProE, 20 OB
s timetable/schedule
02 Lab Quiz – 1 100 Mins 5 05 March 2024 08:00 HRS CB
Lab Quiz – 2 100 Mins 5 02 May 2024 08:00 HRS CB
Lab/Lecture Attendance Continuou
5 As per the timetable -
03 Comprehensive Exam 180 Mins 40 09 May 2024 (AN) Th. CB
CB – Closed book OB – Open book

VII. Chamber Consultation Hour: Every Wednesday evening 18:00 HRS to 19:00 HRS.
VIII. Notices concerning the course will be communicated through Quanta.
IX. Make-up Policy: Make-up for any component will be permitted only in genuinely serious
cases only after the production of necessary medical certificates and with prior permission.
Make-up will not be provided for lab sessions. Criteria to finalise the Continuous assessment
marks in Lab Sessions will be announced towards the end of the semester.
Make-up for Lab Quiz – 1 and Lab Quiz – 2 will be permitted only in genuinely serious cases
after the production of necessary medical certificates and with prior permission. In such cases, a
recommendation by BITS Medical Centre is mandatory. Simple prescriptions, self-claims, etc., will
NOT be counted towards the grant of this request. Further, as the students must upload their
ANSYS/ProE/MATLAB files on Quanta at the end of the examination, the student must carefully
complete the responsibility to upload it correctly. Students are expected to learn the practice of
file upload to Quanta thoroughly and sufficient time will be provided to verify that the correct file
is uploaded. Make-up cannot be granted if the student uploads an empty, partial, or incorrect file.

ME F 318

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