Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
Vector Calculus
Vector Functions
form a curve in space as depicted in Figure 10.1 (left panel). The simplest
example is a straight line, which is described by a linear vector function
r(t) = r0 + tv. Thus, the graph of a vector function whose components are
continuous functions is a curve in space.
The height z(t) = t rises linearly as the point moves along the circle. Starting
from (1, 0, 0), the curve makes one turn on the surface of the cylinder of
unit radius climbing up by 2π. Think of a piece of paper with a straight
line depicted on it that is wrapped around the cylinder. Thus, the curve
traced by r(t) lies on the surface of a cylinder of unit radius and periodically
winds about it climbing by 2π per turn. Such a curve is called a helix. The
procedure is shown in Figure 10.2.
This theorem reduces the problem of finding the limit of a vector function
to the problem of finding limits of three ordinary functions.
Example 10.2. Let r(t) = hsin(t)/t , t ln t , (et − 1 − t)/t2 i. Find the
limit of r(t) as t → 0+ or show that it does not exist.
Solution: Recall from Calculus I that by the definition of the derivative
of f (t) = sin(t)
f (t) − f (0) sin t
f 0 (0) = lim = lim = cos 0 = 1
t→0 t t→0 t
because (sin t)0 = cos t. Since the limit exists, the left and right limits exist
and are equal to the limit. Thus, the limit of the first component is 1. The
limits of the other components may be investigated by l’Hospital’s rule. Let
us verify the hypotheses of l’Hospital’s rule. One has t ln(t) = ln(t)/t−1 so
that the second component is a ratio of two differentiable functions ln(t)
and t−1 that approach infinity as t → 0+ (the undetermined form ∞ ∞ ). The
third component is also a ratio of two differentiable functions that approach
zero as t → 0+ (the undetermined form 00 ). Then by l’Hospital’s rule for
either of these undetermined forms, if the limit of the ratio of the derivatives
exists, then the original limit exists and is equal to the limit of the ratio of
the derivatives. The existence of the limit of the ratio of the derivatives is
verified by the direct calculation:
ln t (ln t)0 t−1
lim t ln t = lim = lim = lim = − lim t = 0,
t→0+ t→0+ t−1 t→0+ (t−1 )0 t→0+ −t−2 t→0+
et − 1 − t et − 1 et 1
lim 2
= lim = lim = .
t→0+ t t→0+ 2t t→0+ 2 2
where l’Hospital’s rule has been used twice to calculate the last limit. Thus,
limt→0+ r(t) = h1, 0, 21 i.
is closed or not and simple or not. Describe its shape and indicate the
orientation, if any.
Solution: Let us first investigate the vertical projection of the curve:
x = cos t , y = sin(2t) .
From the graphs of cos t and sin(2t), it is clear that this planar curve origi-
nates from the point (1, 0), goes into the first quadrant for 0 ≤ t ≤ π/2, then
crosses the origin at t = π/2. For π/2 ≤ t ≤ π, the curve lies in the third
quadrant and crosses the x axis at t = π. As t increases from π to 3π/2,
the curve is in the second quadrant and passes through the origin again at
t = 3π/2. Finally, for 3π/2 ≤ t ≤ 2π, the curve is in the fourth quadrant
and returns to the initial point at t = 2π. It resembles the infinity sign ∞.
Since r(0) = r(2π) = h1, 0, 0i, the curve is closed. The curve is not simple
because it intersects itself, r(π/2) = r(3π/2) = 0.
Now imagine a cylinder along the z axis with the cross section of the
shape of the infinity sign ∞. To visualize the curve, wrap the graph z =
z(t) = sin2 (2t) around this cylinder so that the zeros of the height z(t) at
t = 0, t = π/2, t = π, t = 3π/2, and t = 2π match respectively the points
(1, 0), (0, 0), (−1, 0), (0, 0), and (1, 0) on the cross section of the cylinder by
the xy plane. Clearly, the curve is oriented (the loop with x ≥ 0 is traversed
counterclockwise as viewed from the top of the z axis, while the loop with
x ≤ 0 is traversed clockwise).
also traces out a helix with required properties. The two helices are different
despite that they share the same initial and terminal points. One helix winds
about the z axis clockwise while the other counterclockwise.
Problem 10.2. Sketch and/or describe the curve traced out by the vector
function r(t) = hcos t, sin t, sin(4t)i if t ranges in the interval [0, 2π].
Solution: The vector function R(t) = hcos t, sin t, 0i traverses the circle
of unit radius in the xy plane, counterclockwise, starting from the point
(1, 0, 0). As t ranges over the specified interval, the circle is traversed only
once. The height z(t) = sin(4t) has a period of 2π/4 = π/2. Therefore,
the graph of sin(4t) makes four ups and four downs if 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π. The
curve r(t) = R(t) + ê3 z(t) looks like the graph of sin(4t) wrapped around
the cylinder of unit radius. It makes one up and one down in each quarter
of the cylinder. The procedure is shown in Figure 10.3.
Problem 10.3. Sketch and/or describe the curve traced out by the vector
function r(t) = ht cos t, t sin t, ti.
Solution: The helix here is called elliptic because it lies on the surface of an
elliptic cylinder. Indeed, in the xz plane, the parametric curve x = 2 cos(πt),
z = sin(πt) traverses the ellipse x2 /4 + z 2 = 1 because the latter equation
is satisfied for all real t:
x2 (t)
+ z 2 (t) = cos2 (πt) + sin2 (πt) = 1 .
Therefore the curve remains on the surface of the elliptic cylinder parallel
to the y axis. One turn around the ellipse occurs as t changes from 0 to 2
because the functions cos(πt) and sin(πt) have the period 2π/π = 2. The
helix rises by 2 along the y axis per turn because y(t) = t. Now, to solve
the problem, one has to find the values of t at which the helix intersects the
ellipsoid. The intersection happens when the components of r(t) satisfy the
equation of the ellipsoid, that is, when
x2 (t) + y 2 (t) + 4z 2 (t) = 1 ⇒ 4 + t2 = 13 ⇒ t = ±3 .
The position vectors of the points of intersection are r(±3) = h−2, ±3, 0i.
The portion of the helix that lies inside the ellipsoid corresponds to the
range −3 ≤ t ≤ 3.
Problem 10.5. Consider two curves C1 and C2 traced out by the vector
functions r1 (t) = ht2 , t, t2 + 2t − 8i and r2 (s) = h8 − 4s, 2s, s2 + s − 2i,
respectively. Do the curves intersect? If so, find the points of intersection.
Suppose two particles have the trajectories r1 (t) and r2 (t), where t is time.
Do the particles collide?
Solution: The curves intersect if there are values of the pair (t, s) such
that r1 (t) = r2 (s). This vector equation is equivalent the system of three
x1 (t) = x2 (s) t = 8 − 4s
r1 (t) = r2 (s) ⇔ y1 (t) = y2 (s) ⇒ t = 2s
z1 (t) = z2 (s) t + 2t − 8 = s2 + s − 2
Substituting the second equation t = 2s into the first equation, one finds that
(2s)2 = 8 − 4s whose solutions are s = −2 and s = 1. One has yet to verify
that the third equation holds for the pairs (t, s) = (−4, −2) and (t, s) = (2, 1)
(otherwise, the z components do not match). A simple calculation shows
that indeed both pairs satisfy the equation. So the position vectors of the
points of intersection are
r1 (−4) = r2 (−2) = h16, −4, 0i and r1 (2) = r2 (1) = h4, 2, 0i .
Although the curves along which the particles travel intersect, this does
not mean that the particles would necessarily collide because they may not
arrive at a point of intersection at the same moment of time, just like two
cars traveling along intersecting streets may or may not collide at the street
intersection. The collision condition is more restrictive:
r1 (t) = r2 (t) ;
the time of collision t must satisfy three conditions (the particles happen to
be at the same time and the same point). For the problem at hand, these
conditions cannot be fulfilled for any t because, among all the solutions of
r1 (t) = r2 (s), there is no solution for which t = s. Thus, the particles do
not collide.
Problem 10.6. Find a vector function that traces out the curve of in-
tersection of the paraboloid z = x2 + y 2 and the plane 2x + 2y + z = 2
counterclockwise as viewed from the top of the z axis.
Solution: One has to find the components x(t), y(t), and z(t) such that
they satisfy the equations of the paraboloid and plane simultaneously for
all values of t. This ensures that the endpoint of the vector r(t) remains
on both surfaces, that is, traces out their curve of intersection (see Fig-
ure 10.5). Consider first the motion in the xy plane described by the vector
function hx(t), y(t), 0i. Solving the plane equation for z, z = 2 − 2x − 2y,
and substituting the solution into the paraboloid equation, one finds
2 − 2x − 2y = x2 + y 2 ⇔ 4 = (x + 1)2 + (y + 1)2
by completing the squares. This equation describes a circle of radius 2
centered at (−1, −1). Its parametric equations may be chosen as
x = x(t) = −1 + 2 cos t , y = y(t) = −1 + 2 sin t .
10.5. Exercises.
1–5. Find the domain of each of the following vector functions:
1. r(t) = h t, 2 t
√ t , 2e it ;
2. r(t) = h √t, t , e i ;
3. r(t) = h 9 − t2 , ln t, cos t i ;
4. r(t) = h ln(9 √ − t ), ln √ |t|, (1 + t)/(2 + t) i ;
5. r(t) = h t − 1, ln t, 1 − t i .
6–15. Find each of the following limits or show that it does not exist:
6. limt→1 h √t, 2 − t − t2 , 1/(t2 − 2) i ;
7. limt→1 h t, 2 − t − t2 , 1/(t2 − 1) i ;
8. limt→0 h et , sin t, t/(1 − t) i ;
9. limt→∞ h e−t , 1/t2 , 4 i ; √ √
10. limt→∞ h e−t , (1 − t√ 2 )/t2 , 3 t/( t + t) i ;
11. limt→−∞ h 2, t2 , 1/ 3 t √ i;
12. limt→0+ h (e2t − 1)/t, ( 1 + t − 1)/t, t ln t i ;
13. limt→0 h sin2 (2t)/t2 , t2 + 2, √ (cos t − 1)/t2 i ;
14. limt→0 h (e2t − 1)/t, t cot t, 1 + t i ;
15. limt→∞ h e2t / cosh2 t, t2012 e−t , e−2t sinh2 t i .
16–22. Sketch each of the following curves and identify the direction in
which the curve is traced out as the parameter t increases:
16. r(t) = ht, cos(3t), sin(3t)i ;
17. r(t) = h2 sin(5t), 4, 3 cos(5t)i ;
18. r(t) = h2t sin t, 3t cos t, ti ;
19. r(t) = hsin t, cos t, ln ti ;
20. r(t) = ht, 1 − t, (t − 1)2 i ;
21. r(t) = ht2 , t, sin2 (πt)i √;
22. r(t) = hsin t, sin t, 2 cos ti .
23. Two objects are said to collide if they are at the same position at the
same time. Two trajectories are said to intersect if they have common points.
Let t be the physical time. Let two objects travel along the space curves
r1 (t) = ht, t2 , t3 i and r2 (t) = h1 + 2t, 1 + 6t, 1 + 14ti. Do the objects collide?
Do their trajectories intersect? If so, find the collision and intersection
24. Find a simple parameterization of the curve of intersection of the surfaces
x2 + y 2 /4 + z 2 /9 = 1, y ≥ 0, and z = x2 . Sketch the curve.
25–32. Find two vector functions that traverse a given curve C in the
opposite directions if C is the curve of intersection of two surfaces:
25. y = x2 and z = 1 ;
26. x = sin y and z = x ;
27. x2 + y 2 = 9 and z = xy ;
28. x2 + y 2 = z 2 and x + y + z = 1 ;
29. z = x2 + y 2 and y = x2 ;
30. x2 /4 + y 2 /9 = 1 and x + y + z = 1 ;
31. x2 /2 + y 2 /2 + z 2 /9 = 1 and x − y = 0 ;
32. x2 + y 2 − 2x = 0 and z = x2 + y 2 .
33. Specify the parts of the curve r(t) = hsin t, cos t, 4 sin2 ti that lie above
the plane z = 1 by restricting the range of the parameter t.
34. Find the values of the parameters a and b at which the curve r(t) =
h1 + at2 , b − t, t3 i passes through the point (1, 2, 8).
35–39. Find the values of a, b, and c, if any, for which each of the following
vector functions is continuous: r(0) = ha, b, ci and, for t 6= 0,
35. r(t) = ht, cos2 t, √ 1 + t + t2 i ;
36. r(t) = ht, cos2 t, 1 + t2 i ;
37. r(t) = ht, cos2 t, ln |t|i ;
38. r(t) = hsin(2t)/t, sinh(3t)/t, t ln |t|i ;
39. r(t) = ht cot(2t), t1/3 ln |t|, t2 + 2i .
40. Suppose that the limits limt→a v(t) and limt→a u(t) exist. Prove the
basic laws of limits for the following vector functions:
lim(v(t) + u(t)) = lim v(t) + lim u(t),
t→a t→a t→a
lim(sv(t)) = s lim v(t),
t→a t→a
lim(v(t) · u(t)) = lim v(t) · lim u(t),
t→a t→a t→a
lim(v(t) × u(t)) = lim v(t) × lim u(t).
t→a t→a t→a
41. Prove the last limit law in Exercise 40 directly from Definition 10.2, i.e.,
without using Theorem 10.1. Hint: see Study Problem 10.7.
42–47. Let
v(t) = h(e2t − 1)/t, ( 1 + t − 1)/t , t ln |t|i ,
u(t) = hsin2 (2t)/t2 , t2 + 2, (cos t − 1)/t2 i ,
w(t) = ht2/3 , 2/(1 − t), 1 + t − t2 + t3 i .
Use the basic laws of limits established in Exercise 40 to find:
42. limt→0 (2v(t) − u(t) + w(t)) ;
43. limt→0 (v(t) · u(t)) ;
44. limt→0 (v(t) × u(t)) ;
45. limt→0 [w(t) · (v(t) × u(t))] ;
46. limt→0 [w(t) × (v(t) × u(t))] ;
47. limt→0 [w(t) × (v(t) × u(t)) + v(t) × (u(t) × w(t)) +
u(t) × (w(t) × v(t))] .
48. Suppose that the vector function v(t) × u(t) is continuous where u(t)
and v(t) are non-vanishing. Does this imply that both vector functions v(t)
and u(t) are continuous? Support your arguments by examples.
49. Suppose that the vector functions v(t) × u(t) and v(t) 6= 0 are contin-
uous. Does this imply that the vector function u(t) is continuous? Support
your arguments by examples.
For example,
and so on
Therefore, the components of the difference r(t + h) − r(t) − hr0 (t) converge
to 0 faster than h. Suppose that r0 (t0 ) does not vanish. Consider a linear
vector function L(t) with the property L(t0 ) = r(t0 ). Its general form is
L(t) = r(t0 ) + (t − t0 )v ,
where v is a constant vector. For t close to t0 , L(t) is a linear approximation
to r(t) in the sense that the approximation error kr(t) − L(t)k becomes
smaller with decreasing |t − t0 |. It follows from Eq.(11.2) that
r(t) − L(t) = (r0 (t0 ) − v)h + hu(h) , h = t − t0 .
By the triangle inequality
kak − kbk ≤ ka + bk ≤ kak + kbk
the error of the linear approximation is bounded as
kr(t) − L(t)k
kr0 (t0 ) − vk − ku(h)k ≤ ≤ kr0 (t0 ) − vk + ku(h)k .
Since ku(h)k tends to zero as h → 0, the lower and upper bounds (the left
and right sides of the inequality) approach the same value kr0(t0 ) − vk. This
allows us to conclude that the approximation error decreases linearly with
decreasing h:
kr(t) − L(t)k = kr0 (t0 ) − vk |h| , h → 0,
0 0
provided v 6= r (t0 ). Only when v = r (t0 ), the approximation error de-
creases faster than h:
kr(t) − L(t)k = ku(h)k |h| , h → 0.
Thus, the linear vector function
(11.3) L(t) = r(t0 ) + r0 (t0 )(t − t0 )
is the best linear approximation of r(t) near t = t0 . Provided the derivative
does not vanish, r0 (t0 ) 6= 0, the linear vector function L(t) defines a line
passing through the point r(t0 ). This line is called the tangent line to the
curve traced out by r(t) at the point r(t0 ).
The analogy can be made with the tangent line to the graph y = f (x)
at a point (x0 , y0 ) where y0 = f (x0 ). The equation of the tangent line is
y = y0 + f 0 (x0 )(x − x0 )
(recall Calculus I). The graph is a curve in the xy plane whose parametric
equations are
C: y = f (x) ⇔ x = t , y = f (t) ⇔ r(t) = ht, f (t)i .
Put r(t0 ) = hx0 , y0 i. Then the tangent line is traversed by the linear vector
function (11.3) where
r0 (t0 ) = h1, f 0 (t0 )i .
The parametric equations of this line define the tangent line to the graph:
L: x = x0 +(t−t0 ) , y = y0 +f 0 (t0 )(t−t0 ) ⇒ y = y0 +f 0 (x0 )(x−x0 )
because x − x0 = t − t0 .
Definition 11.3. (Differential of a Vector Function).
Let r(t) be a differentiable vector function. Then the vector
dr(t) = r0 (t) dt
is called the differential of r(t).
In particular, the derivative is the ratio of the differentials, r0 (t) = dr/dt.
Recall that the differential dt is an independent variable that describes in-
finitesimal variations of t such that higher powers of dt can be neglected. In
this sense the definition of the differential is the linearization of Eq. (11.2) in
dt = h (when terms decreasing to zero faster than h are neglected). At any
particular t = t0 , the differential dr(t0 ) = r0 (t0 )dt 6= 0 defines the tangent
L(t) = r(t0 ) + dr(t0 ) = r(t0 ) + r0 (t0 )dt, t = t0 + dt .
Thus, the differential dr(t) at a point of the curve r(t) is the increment of
the position vector along the line tangent to the curve at that point.
best the curve near r(t0 ). Let P0 and Ph have position vectors r(t0 ) and
r(t0 + h). Then
P0 Ph = r(t0 + h) − r(t0 )
is a secant vector. As h → 0, the direction of the vector P0 Ph becomes
tangential to the curve as depicted in Figure 11.1. On the other hand, it
follows from (11.2) that, for small enough h = dt,
P0 Ph = dr(t0 ) = r0 (t0 )h , h → 0 .
This qualitative geometrical consideration justifies that the line through
P0 and parallel to the derivative r0 (t0 ) 6= 0 was called tangent. So, the
geometrical significance of the derivative of a vector function is that the
vector r0 (t) 6= 0 is tangent to the curve traversed by the vector function r(t).
The direction of the tangent vector also defines the orientation of the curve,
i.e., the direction in which the curve is traced out by r(t).
Example 11.2. Find the line tangent to the curve r(t) =
h2t, t2 − 1, t3 + 2ti at the point P0 (2, 0, 3).
Solution: By the geometrical property of the derivative, a vector parallel
to the line is v = r0 (t0 ), where t0 is the value of the parameter t at which
r(t0 ) = h2, 0, 3i is the position vector of P0 . Therefore, t0 = 1. Then
This shows that the unit tangent vector is discontinuous at the point r(0) =
0 and the curve is not smooth. To visualize the curve near this point, let us
solve the equation x = t3 for t, t = x1/3 , and substitute the latter into y = t2
to obtain y = x2/3 . So the curve traversed by r1 (t) is the graph y = x2/3 ,
which has a cusp at x = 0. (The graph lies in the positive half-plane y ≥ 0
and approaches the y axis tangentially, forming a horn-like shape at the
origin.) It should be stressed that the presence of a cusp was established
from a singe (given) parameterization of the curve.
For the second curve, a similar analysis shows that
The latter property allows us to define the unit tangent at the point where
the derivative vanishes by T̂2 (0) = h1, 0i so that T̂2 (t) is continuous every-
where (in particular, limt→0 T̂2 (t) = T̂2 (0)) and, hence, the curve is smooth.
The fact that the derivative of a vector function that traverses a smooth
curve vanishes at some point of the curve does not contradict Definition
11.4 because there exists another vector function R(s) = hs, s5/3i that has
the same range since R(t3 ) = r2 (t) and whose derivative is continuous and
never vanishes, R0 (s) = h1, 5s2/3/3i =6 0 for all s. It is easy to see that the
second curve is the graph y = x which has no cusp at x = 0 (it is tangent
to the x axis and has an inflection point at x = 0).
because kak2 = a · a for any vector a. Let r(t) be a vector function that
traces out a curve on the sphere. In particular, the parameterization of the
curve can be chosen so that r0 (t) 6= 0 (the curve is smooth). Then, for all
values of t,
(r(t) − r0 ) · (r(t) − r0 ) = R2 .
Differentiating both sides of the latter relation (put u(t) = v(t) = r(t) + r0
in the third equation in Theorem 11.1) and using the basic properties of the
dot product, one infers
r0 (t) · (r(t) − r0 ) + (r(t) − r0 ) · r0 (t) = 0 ,
2 r0 (t) · (r(t) − r0 ) = 0 ,
r0 (t) · (r(t) − r0 ) = 0 ⇐⇒ r0 (t) ⊥ r(t) − r0 .
If r(t) is the position vector of P and O is the center of the sphere, then
OP = r(t) − r0 , and hence the tangent vector r0 (t) at P is orthogonal to
OP for any t or at any point P of the curve.
Problem 11.3. Let u(t) be differentiable and ku(t)k = k where k is a
constant. Show that u(t) and u0 (t) are orthogonal. Use the result to find
the unit tangent vector as a function of t to the exponential helix r(t) =
het cos t, et sin t, et i. Is the curve smooth?
Solution: Since ku(t)k2 = u(t) · u(t), by differentiating the equation
u(t) · u(t) = k2 , one infers that the derivative u0 (t) is orthogonal to u(t)
(see the third equation in Theorem 11.1):
u(t) · u(t) = 0 ⇒ 2u0 (t) · u(t) = 0 ⇔ u0 (t) ⊥ u(t) .
The vectors u(t), u0 (t) = h− sin t, cos t, 0i,√and ê3 are mutually orthogonal
unit vectors so that ku(t) + u0 (t) + ê3 k = 3 (the length of the diagonal of
a cube with edges of unit length). Therefore
√ 1 1
kr0 (t)k = 3 et ⇒ T̂(t) = 0 r0 (t) = √ u(t) + u0 (t) + ê3
kr (t)k 3
= √ hcos t − sin t, sin t + cos t, 1i .
The reader is advised to compare the technicalities involved if T̂(t) is com-
puted by differentiating r(t) component-wise. The function T̂(t) is contin-
uous because its components are continuous. So the curve is smooth.
11.6. Exercises.
1–6. Find the derivatives and differentials of each of the following vector
1. r(t) = h1, 1 + t, 1 + t3 i ;
2. r(t) = hcos t, sin2 (t), t2 i ;
3. r(t) = hln(t),
√ e2t√, te−t i ;
4. r(t) = h t − 2, t2 − 4, ti ;
21. Find the point of intersection of the plane y + z = 3 and the curve
r(t) = hln t, t2 , 2ti. Find the angle between the normal of the plane and
the tangent line to the curve at the point of intersection.
22. Does the curve r(t) = h2t2 , 2t, 2−t2 i intersect the plane x+y +z = −3?
If not, find a point on the curve that is closest to the plane. What is the
distance between the curve and the plane. Hint: Express the distance be-
tween a point on the curve and the plane as a function of t, then solve the
extreme value problem.
23. Find the point of intersection of two curves r1 (t) = ht, 1 − t, 3 + t2 i and
r2 (s) = h3 − s, s − 2, s2 i. If the angle at which two curves intersect is defined
as the angle between their tangent lines at the point of intersection, find the
angle at which the above two curves intersect.
24. State the condition under which the tangent lines to the curve r(t)
at two distinct points r(t1 ) and r(t2 ) are intersecting, or skew, or parallel.
Let r(t) = h2 sin(πt), cos(πt), sin(πt)i, t1 = 0, and t2 = 1/2. Determine
whether the tangent lines at these points are intersecting and, if so, find the
point of intersection.
25. Suppose a smooth curve r(t) does not intersect a plane through a point
P0 and orthogonal to a vector n. Assume that, among the points on the
curve, there is one that is closest to the plane. What is the angle between n
and a tangent vector to the curve at the point that is the closest to the plane?
26. Suppose r(t) is twice differentiable. Show that (r(t) × r0 (t))0 =
r(t) × r00(t).
27. Suppose that r(t) is differentiable three times. Show that
0 00 0 0 000
[r(t) · (r (t) × r (t))] = r(t) · (r (t) × r (t)).
28. Let r(t) be a differentiable vector functions. Show that
(kr(t)k)0 = r(t) · r0 (t)/kr(t)k at all t for which r(t) 6= 0.
29. A space warship can fire a laser cannon forward along the tangent
line to its trajectory. If the trajectory is traversed by the vector function
r(t) = ht, t, t2 +4i in the direction of increasing t and the target is the sphere
x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 1, find the part of the trajectory in which the laser cannon
can hit the target. Hint: If a line L is tangent to the trajectory at t = t0 ,
then the target is hit when the distance between L and the origin is less or
equal 1. State this geometrical condition as an algebraic condition on t0 .
To solve this algebraic condition, show that the trajectory is a parabola in
the plane y = x. So, find points on the parabola at which its tangent is at
a distance less or equal 1 to the origin.
30–32. A plane normal to a curve at a point P0 is the plane through P0
whose normal is tangent to the curve at P0 . For each of the following curves
find a suitable parameterization, the tangent line, and the normal plane at
a specified point:
30. y = x, z = x2 , P0 = (1, 1, 1) ;
31. x2 + z 2 = 10, y 2 + z 2 = 10, P0 = (1, 1, 3) ;
32. x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 6, x + y + z = 0, P0 = (1, −2, 1) ;
33. Show that tangent lines to a circular helix have a constant angle with
the axis of the helix.
34. Consider a line through the origin. Any such line sweeps a circular cone
when rotated about the z axis and, for this reason, is called a generating
line of a cone. Prove that the curve r(t) = (et cos t, et sin t, et ) intersects all
generating lines of the cone x2 + y 2 = z 2 at the same angle. Hint: Show
that parametric equations of a line in the cone are x = s cos θ, y = s sin θ,
z = s. Define the points of intersection of the line and the curve and find
the angle at which they intersect.
The vector function R(t) is differentiable on (a, b) and satisfies the condi-
tion R(a) = 0. The indefinite integral on [a, b] is obtained by adding a
constant vector, R(t) → R(t) + c. This observation allows us to extend the
fundamental theorem of calculus to vector functions.
Theorem 12.2. (Fundamental Theorem of Calculus for Vector Functions).
If r(t) is continuous on [a, b], then
Z b
r(t) dt = R(b) − R(a)
where R(t) is any antiderivative of r(t), that is, a vector function such that
R0 (t) = r(t).
Example 12.2. Find r(t) if r0 (t) = h2t, 1, 6t2i and r(1) = h2, 1, 0i.
Solution: Taking the antiderivative of r0 (t), one finds
r(t) = h2t, 1, 6t2 i dt = ht2 , t, 3t3 i + c.
The constant vector c is determined by the condition r(1) = h2, 1, 0i, which
h1, 1, 3i + c = h2, 1, 0i ⇒ c = h2, 1, 0i − h1, 1, 3i = h1, 0, −3i ,
and, hence, r(t) = ht2 + 1, t, 3t3 − 3i.
In general, the solution of the equation r0 (t) = v(t) satisfying the con-
dition r(t0 ) = r0 can be written in the form
Z t
r0 (t) = v(t) and r(t0 ) = r0 ⇒ r(t) = r0 + v(u) du
the ground is given by z(t). The horizontal displacement is y(t). Let tL > 0
be the moment of time when the projectile lands; that is, when t = tL , the
height vanishes, z(tL ) = 0. A positive solution of this equation is
v0 sin θ + v02 sin2 θ + 2gh
tL = .
The distance L traveled by the projectile in the horizontal direction until it
lands is the range:
L = y(tL ) = tL v0 cos θ .
Consider the case when the projectile is fired from the ground, h = 0.
Then the travel time of the projectile and the range are:
2v0 sin θ v02 sin(2θ)
h=0 ⇒ tL = , L= .
g g
The range attains its maximal value v02 /g when the projectile is fired at an
angle of elevation θ = π/4. The angle of elevation at which the projectile
hits a target at a given range L = L0 is
1 L g
θ = sin−1 .
2 v02
Note that this relation makes sense only if L0 g/v02 ≤ 1. It is impossible to
hit the target at a range that exceeds the maximal range, L0 > v02 /g.
If h 6= 0, the angle at which L = L(θ) attains its maximal values can be
found by solving the equation L0 (θ) = 0, which defines critical points of the
function L(θ). The angle of elevation at which the projectile hits a target at
a given range is found by solving the equation L(θ) = L0 . The technicalities
are left to the reader.
Remark. In reality, the trajectory of a projectile deviates from a parabola
because there is an additional force acting on a projectile moving in the
atmosphere, the friction force. The friction force depends on the velocity of
the projectile. A wind creates an additional force, a drag force (a projec-
tile is dragged in the direction of the wind). So a more accurate analysis
of the projectile motion in the atmosphere requires methods of differential
The constant vector c is fixed by the initial condition v(0) = h0, 2, 1i, which
yields c = h0, 2, 1i. Thus, v(t) = h2t, 3t2 + 2, 1i and v(2) = h4, 14, 1i. The
position vector is
r(t) = v(t) dt = ht2 , t3 + 2t, ti + c .
12.4. Exercises.
1–7. Find the indefinite and definite integrals over specified intervals for
each of the following functions:
1. r(t) = h1, 2t, 3t2 i, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 ;
2. r(t) = hsin t,√t3 , cos ti,
√ −π ≤ t ≤ π ;
3. r(t) = ht , t 1 − t, ti, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 ;
4. r(t) = ht ln t, t2 , e2t i, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 ;
5. r(t) = h2 sin t cos t, 3 sin t cos2 t, 3 sin2 t cos ti, 0 ≤ t ≤ π/2 ;
6. r(t) = a + cos(t)b, 0 ≤ t ≤ π, a and b are constant vectors ;
7. r(t) = a × (u0 (t) + b), 0 ≤ t ≤ 1, if u0 (t) is continuous and
u(0) = a and u(1) = a − b .
8–11. Find r(t) if the derivatives r0 (t) and r(t0 ) are given:
8. r0 (t) = h1, 2t, 3t2 i, r(0) = h1, 2, 3i;
9. r0 (t) = ht − 1, t2 , ti, r(1) = h1, 0, 1i ;
10. r0 (t) = hsin(2t) , 2 cos t, sin2 ti, r(π) = h1, 2, 3i;
11. r0 (t) = h2t, et , 4t3 i , r(0) = h1, 3, 0i .
12–14. Find the solution r(t) of each of the following initial value problems:
12. r00 (t) = h0, 2, 6ti, r(0) = h1, 2, 3i, r0 (0) = h1, 0, −1i ;
13. r00 (t) = ht1/3 , t1/2 , 6ti, r(1) = h1, 0, −1i, r0 (0) = h1, 2, 0i;
14. r00 (t) = h− sin t, cos t, 1/ti, r(π) = h1, −1, 0i, r0 (π) = h−1, 0, 2i .
15. Solve the equation r00(t) = a where a is a constant vector if r(0) = b
and r(t0 ) = c for some t = t0 6= 0.
16. Find the most general vector function whose nth derivative vanishes,
r(n)(t) = 0, in an interval.
17. Show that a continuously differentiable vector function r(t) satisfying
the equation r00 (t) × r0 (t) = 0, where r0 (t) is never zero, traverses a straight
line (or a part of it).
18. If a particle was initially at point (1, 2, 1) and had velocity v = h0, 1, −1i,
find the position vector of the particle after it has been moving with accel-
eration a(t) = h1, 0, ti for 2 units of time.
19. A particle of unit mass moves under a constant force F. If a particle
was initially at the point r0 and passed through the point r1 after 2 units of
time, find the initial velocity of the particle. What was the velocity of the
particle when it passed through r1 ?
20. A particle of mass of 1 kg was initially at rest. Then during 2 seconds a
constant force of magnitude of 3 N was applied to the particle in the direc-
tion of h1, 2, 2i. How far is the particle from its initial position in 4 seconds?
21. The velocity of a particle is v(t) = h2t, 5, 2t − 16i. Find its position r(t)
when the speed of the particle is minimal if r(0) = 0.
22. A projectile is fired from the ground at an initial speed of 400 m/s and at
an angle of elevation of 30◦ . Find the range of the projectile, the maximum
height reached, and the speed at impact.
23. A ball of mass m is thrown southward into the air at an initial speed
of v0 at an angle of θ to the ground. An east wind applies a steady force of
magnitude F to the ball in a westerly direction. Find the trajectory of the
ball. Where does the ball land and at what speed? Find the deviation of
the impact point from the impact point A when no wind is present. Is there
any way to correct the direction and the initial speed in which the ball is
thrown so that the ball still hits A? Is it possible to achieve the goal only
by adjusting the direction, while keeping the initial speed fixed?
24. A rocket burns its on-board fuel while moving through space. Let
v(t) and m(t) be the velocity and mass of the rocket at time t. It can
be shown that the force exerted by the rocket jet engines is m0 (t)vg , where
vg is the velocity of the exhaust gases relative to the rocket. Show that
v(t) = v(0) − ln(m(0)/m(t))vg. The rocket is to accelerate in a straight line
from rest to twice the speed of its own exhaust gases. What fraction of its
initial mass would the rocket have to burn as fuel?
25. The acceleration of a projectile is a(t) = h0, 2, 6ti. The projectile is shot
from (0, 0, 0) with an initial velocity v(0) = h1, −2, −10i. It is supposed to
destroy a target located at (2, 0, −12). The target can be destroyed if the
projectile’s speed is at least 3.1 at impact. Will the target be destroyed?
The geometrical meaning of this definition is rather simple. Here the sum
of |Pk−1 Pk | is the length of a polygonal path with vertices at P0 , P1 ,..., PN
in this order. As the partition becomes finer and finer, this polygonal path
approaches the curve more and more closely (see Figure 13.1, left panel).
In certain cases, the arc length is given by the Riemann integral.
A complete proof of the theorem goes beyond the scope of the course
and is given in advanced calculus courses (it requires the concept of uniform
continuity). Nevertheless the result may be understood from the following
consideration. By the hypothesis, the curve C is simple. Hence, given a
partition tk of [a, b] such that t0 = a < t1 < · · · < tN −1 < tN = b, there is a
unique polygonal path with vertices Pk on C whose length is
LN = |Pk−1 Pk | = krk − rk−1 k .
k=1 k=1
under a refinement of a partition for any choice of sample points (in this
case sample points are the left endpoints of partition intervals kr0k−1 k =
kr0 (tk−1 )k). The conclusion of the theorem follows from the squeeze princi-
ple: LN → L as N → ∞ if
lim EN = lim kuk k∆tk = 0 .
N →∞ N →∞
Put MN = maxk kuk k (the largest kuk k for a given partition size N ). Then
EN = kuk k∆tk ≤ MN ∆tk = MN (b − a) .
k=1 k=1
So, it is sufficient to show that MN → 0 as N → ∞. In other words, all
kuk k ≤ MN converge to zero uniformly under a refinement of the partition.
By Eq. (11.2), kuk k converges to 0 as tk → tk−1 for a fixed k. So, intuitively
MN should converge to 0 because tk → tk−1 (or ∆tk → 0) for all k under
a refinement of the partition. This conclusion can indeed be rigorously
established: If r0 (t) is continuous on a closed interval [a, b], then 0 ≤ kuk k ≤
MN → 0 as N → ∞.
A few remarks on the use of Theorem 13.1 are in order. The length of
a curve that has a simple, continuously differentiable parameterization r(t)
on an infinite interval is defined as an improper integral. For example, if
a ≤ t < ∞, then
Z b
L = lim kr0 (t)k dt .
b→∞ a
The curve has a finite length if the integral converges (L < ∞).
The length is additive. So, if a curve C can be partitioned into finitely
many simple pieces and each piece admits a simple, continuously differ-
entiable parameterization, then the length of each piece can be found by
Theorem 13.1 and the length of C is the sum of lengths of each piece. This
observation allows us to use Theorem 13.1 to compute the length of curves
that are not simple.
Furthermore let r(t) be continuously differentiable on [a, b] but does not
necessarily define a one-to-one correspondence with its range C. Then the
integral a kr0 (t)k dt exists but may not coincide with the length of the curve
C as a point set in space because r(t) may traverse C or parts of C several
times. Nevertheless, the value of the integral may be useful in applications.
Suppose r(t) is a trajectory of a particle. Then its velocity is v(t) = r0 (t)
and its speed is v(t) = kv(t)k. The distance traveled by the particle in the
time interval [a, b] is given by
Z b Z b
D= v(t) dt = kr0 (t)k dt.
a a
If a particle travels along the same space curve (or some of its parts) several
times, then the distance traveled does not coincide with the arc length L of
the curve, D ≥ L.
Example 13.1. Find the arc length of the curve r(t) = ht2 , 2t, ln ti,
1 ≤ t ≤ 2.
Solution: The derivative r0 (t) = h2t, 2, 1/ti is continuous on [1, 2]. Its
norm is r r
0 2
1 1 2 1
kr (t)k = 4t + 4 + 2 = 2t + = 2t + .
t t t
Therefore, by Theorem 13.1,
Z 2 Z 2
0 1 2 2
L= kr (t)kdt = 2t + dt = t2 + ln t = 3 + ln 2 .
1 1 t 1 1
Example 13.2. Find the arc length of one turn of a helix of radius R
that rises by h per each turn.
Solution: Let the helix axis be the z axis (see Study Problem 10.1). The
helix is traced out by the vector function
r(t) = hR cos t, R sin t, th/(2π)i .
One turn is in a one-to-one correspondence with the interval t ∈ [0, 2π]
(because z(t) = th/(2π) is one-to-one). So r(t) is a simple, continuously
differentiable parameterization of one turn of the helix. Therefore,
kr0 (t)k = kh−R sin t, R cos t, h/(2π)ik = R2 + (h/(2π))2 .
So the norm of the derivative turns out be constant. The arc length is
Z 2π Z 2π
kr0 (t)k dt = R2 + (h/(2π))2
p p
L= dt = (2πR)2 + h2 .
0 0
This result is rather easy to obtain without calculus. The helix lies on a cylin-
der of radius R. If the cylinder is cut parallel to its axis and unfolded into a
strip, then one turn of the helix becomes the hypotenuse of the right-angled
triangle with catheti 2πR and h. The result follows from the Pythagorean
theorem. This consideration also shows that the length does not depend on
whether the helix winds about its axis clockwise or counterclockwise.
needed to uniquely label all points of the highway by specifying the distance
from a particular point A to the point of interest along the highway. This
observation can be extended to all smooth curves (see Figure 13.1, right
Definition 13.3. (Natural or Arc Length Parameterization).
Let C be a smooth curve of length L. Let r(t), t ∈ [a, b], be a simple,
continuously differentiable parameterization of C such that r0 (t) 6= 0. Then
the arc length s = s(t) of the portion of the curve between r(a) and r(t) is a
function of the parameter t:
Z t
s = s(t) = kr0 (u)kdu , 0 ≤ s ≤ L .
The vector function R(s) = r(t(s)) is called a natural or arc length param-
eterization of C, where t(s) is the inverse function of s(t).
For a smooth curve, the function r(t) is continuously differentiable and,
hence, kr0 (t)k is continuous on [a, b]. Therefore, the derivative s0 (t) exists
and is obtained by differentiating the integral with respect to its upper limit:
d t 0
s0 (t) = kr (u)kdu = kr0(t)k > 0 ,
dt a
which is possible because the integrand kr0 (u)k is continuous on [a, b]. The
derivative s0 (t) is strictly positive because r0 (t) 6= 0 for a smooth curve. The
existence of the inverse function of s(t) is guaranteed by the inverse function
theorem proved in Calculus I:
Theorem 13.2. (Inverse Function Theorem).
Let s(t), a ≤ t ≤ b, have a continuous derivative such that s0 (t) > 0 for
a < t < b. Then there exists an inverse differentiable function t = t(s),
c < s < d, and t0 (s) = 1/s0 (t), where t = t(s) on the right side.
Thus, the condition s0 (t) = kr0 (t)k > 0 guarantees the existence of a
one-to-one correspondence between the variables s and t and the existence
of the differentiable inverse function t = t(s). Let r(t) = hx(t), y(t), z(t)i be
parametric equations of a smooth curve C. Then the parametric equations
of C in the natural parameterization have the form
R(s) = hx(t(s)), y(t(s)), z(t(s))i.
Example 13.3. Reparameterize the helix from Example 13.2 r(t) =
hR cos t, R sin t, th/(2π)i with respect to arc length measured from the point
(R, 0, 0) in the direction of increasing t.
Solution: The point (R, 0, 0) corresponds to t = 0. Then
Z t
L t Lt 2πs
s(t) = kr0 (u)k du = du = ⇒ t(s) =
0 2π 0 2π L
where L = (2πR)2 + h2 is the arc length of one turn of the helix (see
Example 13.2). Therefore
R(s) = r(t(s)) = hR cos(2πs/L), R sin(2πs/L), hs/Li
In particular, R(0) = hR, 0, 0i and R(L) = hR, 0, hi are the position vector
of the end points of one turn of the helix as required.
Example 13.4. Find the coordinates of a point P that is 5π/3
units of length away from the point (4, 0, 0) along the helix r(t) =
h4 cos(πt), 4 sin(πt), 3πti. Is there only one such point of the helix?
Solution: If R(s) is the natural parameterization of the helix where s is
counted from the point (4, 0, 0), then the position vector of the point in
question is given by R(5π/3). Thus, the first task is to find R(s). One has
r0 (u) = h−4π sin(πu), 4π cos(πu), 3πi ⇒ kr0 (u)k = 5π.
The initial point of the helix corresponds to t = 0. So the arc length counted
from (4, 0, 0) as a function of t is
Z t Z t
0 s
s(t) = kr (u)k du = 5π du = 5πt ⇒ t(s) = .
0 0 5π
The natural parameterization reads
R(s) = r(t(s)) = h4 cos(s/5), 4 sin(s/5), 3s/5i.
The position vector of P is R(5π/3) = h2, 2 3, πi. There are two points of
the helix at the specified distance from (4, 0, 0) because the arclength can be
counted in two directions from a given point. Note that s(t) defined above is
the arc length parameter counted from (4, 0, 0) in the direction of increasing
t (upward along the helix, t > 0). Accordingly, s(t) can also be counted
in the direction of decreasing t (downward along the helix, t < 0). In the
latter case, s(t) = −5πt √ > 0. Hence, the position vector of the other point
is R(−5π/3) = h2, −2 3, −πi.
It follows from Theorem 13.2 that the derivative of a vector function
that traverses a smooth curve C with respect to the natural parameter, the
arclength, is a unit tangent vector to the curve. Indeed, by the chain rule
applied to the components of the vector function:
dr(t) D dx(t) dy(t) dx(t) E
= , , = hx0 (t)t0 (s), y 0 (t)t0 (s), z 0 (t)t0 (s)i
ds ds ds ds
1 1
= t0 (s)hx0 (t), y 0 (t), z 0 (t)i = 0 r0 (t) = 0 r0 (t) = T̂(t)
s (t) kr (t)k
Thus, for a natural parameterization r(s) of a smooth curve C, the derivative
r0 (s) is a unit tangent vector to C, kr0 (s)k = 1. In Example 13.3, a natural
parameterization of a helix of radius R with one turn of a length L was
R0 (s) = hR cos(2πs/L), R sin(2πs/L), hs/Li
= h−(2πR/L) sin(2πs/L), (2πR/L) cos(2πs/L), h/Li
kR0 (s)k = (2πR/L)2 + (h/L)2 = 1 ,
where û(θ) = hcos θ, sin θ, 0i and 0 ≤ θ ≤ π/2 in order to select the part of
the curve in question (note that r(0) = 0 and r(π/2) = h0, π/2, π/2i). This
parameterization is simple (because z(θ) = θ is one-to-one) and continuously
differentiable. By the product rule
The vectors û(θ), û0 (θ) = h− sin θ, cos θ, 0i, and ê3 are mutually orthogonal
unit vectors. Therefore kr0 (θ)k2 = 1 + θ2 + 1 = 2 + θ2 . The arclength is
r ! r π
Z πp 2 2 2
2 θ θ θ θ
L= 2 + θ2 dθ = ln √ + 1 + +√ 1+
0 2 2 2 2
r ! r
π π2 π π2
= ln √ + 1+ + √ 1+ .
2 2 8 2 2 8
The integration can be carried out using the substitution
√ √ p √
θ = 2 sinh t , dθ = 2 cosh tdt , 2 + θ2 = 2 cosh t .
Z p Z Z
2 2
2 + θ dθ = 2 cosh (t) dt = (1 + cosh(2t)) dt
= t+ sinh(2t) = t + sinh(t) cosh(t)
√ p
= t + (θ/ 2) 1 + θ2 /2
The variable t is expressed via θ by solving the quadratic equation in et :
√ √
2 θ = 2 sinh t = et − e−t ⇒ et = θ/ 2 + 1 + θ2 /2
and taking the natural logarithm of both sides of the latter relation.
13.4. Exercises.
1–6. Find the arc length of each of the following parametric curves:
1. r(t) = h3 cos t, 2t, 3 sin ti, −2 ≤ t ≤ 2 ;
2. r(t) = h2t, t3 /3, t2 i, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 ;
3. r(t) = h3t2 ,√4t3/2 , 3ti, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2 ;
4. r(t) = het , 2 t, e−t i, −1 ≤ t ≤ 1 ;
5. r(t) = hcosh t, sinh t, ti, 0 ≤ t ≤ 1 ;
6. r(t) = hcos t − t sin t, sin t + t cos t, t2 i, 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π ; Hint: Find
the decomposition r(t) = v(t) + tw(t) + t2 ê3 where v, w, and ê3
are mutually orthogonal, and v 0 (t) = w(t), w0 (t) = −v(t). Use the
Pythagorean theorem to calculate kr0 (t)k .
7. Find the arc length of the curve r(t) = he−t cos t, e−t sin t, e−t i, 0 ≤ t < ∞.
Hint: Put r(t) = e−t u(t), differentiate, show that u(t) is orthogonal to u0 (t),
and use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate kr0 (t)k .
8. Find the arc length of the portion of the helix r(t) = hcos t, sin t, ti that
lies inside the sphere x2 + y 2 + z 2 = 2.
9. Find the arc length of the portion of the curve r(t) = h2t, 3t2 , 3t3 i that
lies between the planes z = 3 and z = 24.
10. Find the arc length of the portion of the curve r(t) = hln t, t2 , 2ti that lies
between the points of intersection of the curve with the plane y − 2z + 3 = 0.
11. Let C be the curve of intersection of the surfaces z 2 = 2y and 3x = yz.
Find the length of C from the origin to the point (36, 18, 6).
12–15. For each of the following curves defined by given equations with a
parameter a > 0, find suitable parametric equations and evaluate the arc
length between a given point A and and a generic point B = (x0 , y0 , z0 ):
12. y = a sin−1 (x/a), z = (a/4) ln[(a − x)/(a + x)], A = (0, 0, 0);
13. (x − y)2 = a(x + y), x2 − y 2 = 9z 2 /8, A = (0, 0, 0) ; Hint: Use
new variables u = x+y and v = x−y to find parametric equations ;
14. x2 + y 2 = az, y = x tan(z/a), A = (0, 0, 0); Hint: Use polar
coordinates in the p xy−plane to find parametric equations ;
2 2 2 2
15. x + y + z = a , x2 + y 2 cosh(tan−1 (y/x)) = a, A = (a, 0, 0) ;
Hint: Represent the second equation as a polar graph .
16–20. Reparameterize each of the following curves with respect to the arc
length measured from the point where t = 0 in the direction of increasing t:
16. r(t) = ht, 1 − 2t, 5 + 3ti ;
17. r(t) = t22t ê + ( t22+1 − 1)ê3 ;
+1 1
18. r(t) = hcosh t, sinh t, ti ;
19. x = a(t − sin t), y = a(1 − cos t), z = 0, a > 0 , and 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π ;
20. r(t) = et hcos t, sin t, 1i .
21. A particle travels from the point (R, 0, 0) into the positive quadrant
along a helix of radius R that rises h units of length per turn. If the z axis is
the symmetry axis of the helix, find the position vector of the particle after
it travels the distance 4πR.
22. A particle travels along a curve traversed by the vector function√r(u) =
hu, cosh u, sinh ui from the point (0, 1, 0) with a constant speed 2 m/s
so that its x coordinate increases. Find the position of the particle in one
23. Let C be a smooth closed curve whose arclength is L. Let r(t), a ≤ t ≤ b,
be a simple, continuously differentiable parameterization of C. Prove that
there is a number a ≤ t∗ ≤ b such that kr0 (t∗ )k = L/(b − a). Hint: Recall
the integral mean value theorem.
24. A particle travels in space a distance D in time T . Show that there is a
moment of time 0 ≤ t ≤ T at which the speed of the particle coincides with
the average speed D/T .
and the number kT̂0 (s0 )k can be used as a numerical measure of bending
(or curvature) of a curve at a point.
Definition 14.1. (Curvature of a Smooth Curve).
Let C be a smooth curve and let its unit tangent vector T̂(s) be a differen-
tiable function of the arc length counted from a particular point of C. The
κ(s) = T̂(s)
is called the curvature of C at the point corresponding to the value s of the
arc length.
Let r(s) be the natural parameterization of a smooth curve (the parame-
ter s is the arc length measured from a particular point on the curve). Then,
as shown in the previous section, r0 (s) = T̂(s), and therefore
r0 (s) = T(s) ⇒ κ(s) = kT0 (s)k = kr00 (s)k .
Example 14.1. Find the curvature of a helix of radius R that rises the
distance h per turn.
Solution: In Example 13.3, the natural parameterization of the helix is
r(s) = hR cos(2πs/L), R sin(2πs/L), hs/Li.
where L = (2πR)2 + h2 is the arc length of one turn. Differentiating this
vector function twice with respect to the arc length parameter s,
r00 (s) = h−(2π/L)2R cos(2πs/L), −(2π/L)2 R sin(2πs/L), 0i
= −(2π/L)2R hcos(2πs/L), sin(2πs/L), 0i ,
κ(s) = kr00(s)k = (2π/L)2R = 2 ,
R + (h/2π)2
where the relation khcos u, sin u, 0ik = 1 has been used. So the helix has a
constant curvature.
Now recall that ka × bk = kakkbk sin θ where θ is the angle between vectors
a and b. Therefore,
(14.5) kr0 (t) × r00 (t)k = v(t)kr0(t) × T̂0 (t)k = kr0(t)k2 kT̂0 (t)k sin θ,
where θ is the angle between T̂0 (t) and the tangent vector r0 (t). Since T̂(t)
is a unit vector, one has kT̂(t)k2 = T̂(t) · T̂(t) = 1. By taking the derivative
of both sides of the latter relation, it is concluded that the vectors T̂0 (t) and
r0 (t) are orthogonal:
T̂0 (t) · T̂(t) = 0 ⇔ T̂0 (t) ⊥ T̂(t) ⇔ T̂0 (t) ⊥ r̂0 (t) ⇔ θ =
because r0 (t) is parallel to T̂(t). Hence, sin θ = 1. Then the claim (14.2)
follows from (14.1) and (14.5):
kT0 (t)k kr0 (t) × r00 (t)k kr0 (t) × r00 (t)k
κ(t) = = = .
kr0 (t)k kr0 (t)k3 sin θ kr0 (t)k3
Example 14.2. Find the curvature of the curve r(t) = hln t, t2 , 2ti at
the point P0 (0, 1, 2).
Solution: The point P0 corresponds to t = 1 because r(1) = h0, 1, 2i
coincides with the position vector of P0 . Hence, one has to calculate κ(1):
circle to a planar curve already answered the question about the selection
principle: the osculating circle should provide the best approximation to
the curve near P . So, what is left is to quantify the notion of the “best
Let r(s) be a natural parameterization of a curve such that the position
vector of P is r(0) (i.e., the arc length parameter is measured from P ). Then
r0 (s) = T̂(s) , r00 (s) = T̂0 (s) ⊥ T̂(s) , kr00 (s)k = κ(s) .
The natural parameter s is equal to the arclength when counted in the
direction of T̂(0) from P and is equal to the negative of the arclength when
counted in the opposite direction from P along the curve. Let R(s) be a
natural parameterization of the circle of radius ρ that and passes through P
(with the same agreement about negative and positive s as for the curve).
Let us demand that the circle and the curve have the same tangent line and
the same curvature at P . This implies that
r(0) = R(0) , r0 (0) = R0 (0) = T̂(0) , kr00(0)k = kR00 (0)k = κ(0) .
Note that the unit tangent vectors to the curve and circle may have opposite
directions in general. However this only refers to an agreement about the
direction in which the curves are traced out by r(s) and R(s) and has nothing
to do with the shape of the curves. The equality of the unite tangent vectors
means that s increases in the same direction along the curve and circle (or
they are oriented in the same way).
Consider the quantity kr(s) − R(s)k. It has a simple meaning. It defines
the distance between two points that are at a distance s from P along the
curve and along the circle. So, for a circle that gives the “best approxima-
tion”, this distance should be smallest for any given (small) value of s. Let
us adopt this principle to figure out for which circle kr(s)−R(s)k is minimal.
To accomplish this task, recall from Calculus 1 that the Taylor polynomial
of the second degree approximates best a twice differentiable function x(s)
near a point, say s = 0 among all quadratic polynomials sharing the same
value x(0) and the same slope x0 (0) of the tangent line:
x(s) = x(0) + x0 (0)s + x00 (0)s2 + s2 u(s)
The error of the approximation s2 u(s) tends to zero faster than s2 , that is,
u(s) → 0 as s → 0. In other words, put
x(s) − p (s)
p(s) = x(0) + x0 (0)s + ax2 , u(s) = .
Then the error of the approximation s2 u(s) tends to zero faster than s2 ,
that is,
x(s) − p(s)
lim u(s) = lim =0
s→0 s→0 s2
if and only if a = 21 x00 (0). In this sense, the Taylor polynomial provides the
best approximations near s = 0 to a twice-differentiable function.
Using the Taylor approximation for each component of the vector func-
tions r(s) and R(s), one finds
r(s) = r(0) + r0 (0)s + 12 r00 (0)s2 + s2 u(s) ,
R(s) = R(0) + R0 (0)s + 12 R00 (0)s2 + s2 v(s) ,
where u(s) → 0 and v(s) → 0 as s → 0. Since the curve and the circle have a
common point and the same unit tangent vector at s = 0, the approximation
error reads
kr(s) − R(s)k = kr00 (0) − R00 (0) + w(s)ks2 ,
where w(s) = 2(u(s) − v(s)) → 0 as s → 0. Therefore
kr(s) − R(s)k 1
lim 2
= lim kr00 (0) − R00 (0) + w(s)k
s→0 s 2 s→0
1 00
= kr (0) − R00 (0)k = 0
if and only if
r00 (0) = R00 (0) .
In other words, the error of the approximation decreases to zero in the
fastest way (faster than s2 ) if and only if the circle and and the curve have
the same derivative of the unit tangent vector T̂0 (0) with respect to the
natural parameter at the point P . This is a stronger condition than just the
equality of the magnitudes κ(0) = kr00 (0)k = kR00 (0)k.
The vectors T̂(0) and T̂0 (0) are orthogonal. Hence there exists a unique
plane through P that contains these vectors. The circle that provides the
best approximation to the curve near P lies in this plane as the plane and
the circle have the same T̂(0) and T̂0 (0). The radius of a circle is always
perpendicular to the tangent line through the end point of the radius. The
line through P and parallel to T̂0 (0) is perpendicular to the tangent line
and, hence, passes through the center of the circle. By the geometrical
interpretation of the derivative of a vector function the vector T0 (s) points
in the direction in which the curve bends as seen in Figs. 14.1 and 14.2
(the left panel); the curve is concave in the direction of T̂0 (s). This implies
that the best approximating circle must lie in the plane through P that
contains the vectors T̂(0) and T̂0 (0), and the center of the circle must be
ρ(0) = 1/κ(0) units of length from the point P in the direction of T̂0 (0) (so
that the curve and the circle have the same concavity at P ).
Definition 14.3. (Osculating Plane and Circle).
The plane through a point P of a curve that is parallel to the unit tangent
vector T̂ and its derivative T̂0 6= 0 at P is called the osculating plane at P .
The circle of radius ρ = 1/κ, where κ is the curvature at P , through P that
lies in the osculating plane and whose center is in the direction of T̂0 from
P is called the osculating circle at P .
Unit normal vector. Suppose that the curvature does not vanish along a
curve, κ 6= 0. Therefore the derivative T̂0 of the unit tangent vector does
not vanish and one can define the unit vector
1 1
N̂(s) = T̂0 (s) = T̂0 (s) , κ(s) 6= 0 ,
kT̂ (s)k κ(s)
that is parallel to T̂0 at each point of the curve. This vector is called the
normal of the curve. By construction, the unit normal and tangent vectors
are perpendicular:
T̂(s) ⊥ N̂(s) ⇔ T̂(s) · N̂(s) = 0
at any point on the curve.
Let r0 be the position vector of a particular point P0 of the curve and
T̂0 and N̂0 be the unit tangent and normal vectors at P0 . Then any vector
in the osculating plane through P0 is a linear combination of T̂0 and N̂0 . In
other words, T̂0 and N̂0 form an orthonormal basis in the osculating plane.
By Definition 14.3, the position vector of the center of of the osculating
circle at P0 is
rc = r0 + ρ0 N̂0 , ρ = .
Since any vector in the osculating plane is a linear combination of T̂0 and
N̂0 , then parametric equations of the osculating circle may be taken in the
R(t) = rc + a(t)T̂0 + b(t)N̂0
where the functions a(t) and b(t) should satisfy the condition that the dis-
tance between a point on the circle to its center is ρ0 for all t:
kR(t) − rc k = ρ0 .
Owing to the orthogonality of T̂0 and N̂0 , that is, T̂0 · N̂0 = 0, this condition
implies that
ρ20 = (r(t) − rc ) · (r(t) − rc )
= (a(t)T̂0 + b(t)N̂0 ) · (a(t)T̂0 + b(t)N̂0 )
= a2 (t)T̂0 · T̂0 + b2 (t)N̂0 · N̂0
= a2 (t) + b2 (t)
Thus, the components of the vector R(t) − rc in the orthonormal basis T̂0
and N̂0 satisfy an equation of the circle of radius ρ0 and may chosen in the
form a(t) = sin t and b(t) = ±ρ0 cos t (the choice of the sign determines the
direction in which the circle is traversed). If one takes a(t) = −ρ0 cos t, then
R(0) = r0 (the point P0 corresponds to t = 0 in the parametric equations
of the osculating circle through P0 ). This proves the following theorem.
Since û(θ), û0 (θ), and û(θ) × û0 (θ) are mutually orthogonal unit vectors,
kr0 (θ)k = (f 0 (θ))2 + (f (θ))2 ,
From the shape of the graph of the exponential, it is clear that the found crit-
ical point corresponds to the (absolute) maximum of κ(x) (maximal bend-
ing) and
1 √
(1/ 2) 2
κmax = κ − ln(2) = 3/2
= √ ,
2 [1 + (1/2)] 3 3
where the relation e2x = 1/2 at the critical point has been used.
1 1
T̂(t) = 2
h2, t2, 2ti ⇒ T̂0 = T̂(1) = h2, 1, 2i ,
2+t 3
2t 1
T̂0 (t) = − h2, t2 , 2ti + h0, 2t, 2i ,
(2 + t2 )2 2 + t2
2 2 2
T̂0 (1) = h−2, 2, 1i ⇒ kT̂0 (1)k = kh−2, 2, 1ik = ,
9 9 3
1 1
N̂0 = T̂0 (1) = h−2, 2, 1i ,
kT̂0 (1)k 3
kT̂0 (1)k 2 1 9
κ(1) = 0
= ⇒ ρ0 = = ,
kr (1)k 9 κ(1) 2
where Eq. (14.1) has been used to calculate the curvature. Let r0 = h1, 1, 1i.
Then the vector function
9 9
R(t) = r0 + (1 − cos t)N̂0 + sin t T̂0 , 0 ≤ t ≤ 2π ,
2 2
traverses the osculating circle through r0 . Put R(t) = hX(t) , Y (t) , Z(t)i.
Then parametric equations of the osculating circle are
x = X(t) = −1 + 3 cos t + 3 sin t ,
y = Y (t) = 4 − 3 cos t + 32 sin t ,
z = Z(t) = 2 − 23 cos t + 3 sin t .
It is not difficult to verify that the circle lies in the osculating plane by sub-
stituting these equations into the equation of the osculating plane obtained
Problem 14.5. Consider a helix r(t) = hR cos(ωt), R sin(ωt), hti, where
R, ω, and h are numerical parameters. The arclength of one turn of the helix
is a function of the parameter ω, L = L(ω), and the curvature at any fixed
point of the helix is also a function of ω, κ = κ(ω). Use only geometrical
arguments (no calculus) to find the limits of L(ω) and κ(ω) as ω → ∞.
Solution: The vector function r(t) traces out one turn of the helix when t
ranges over the period of cos(ωt) or sin(ωt) (i.e., over the interval of length
2π/ω). Thus, the helix rises by 2πh/ω = H(ω) along the z axis per each
turn. When ω → ∞, the height H(ω) tends to 0 so that each turn of the
helix becomes closer and closer to a circle of radius R. Therefore,
L(ω) → 2πR (the circumference)
κ(ω) → (the curvature of the circle)
as ω → ∞.
14.3. Exercises.
1–10. Find the curvature of each of the following parameterized curves as a
function of the parameter t, and find the radius of curvature at the indicated
point P :
1. r(t) = ht, 1 − t, t2 + 1i, P = (1, 0, 2);
2. r(t) = ht2 , t, 1i, P = (4, 2, 1);
3. y = sin(x/2), P = (π, 1) ;
4. r(t) = h4t3/2 , −t2 , ti, P = (4, −1, 1) ;
5. x = 1 + t2 , y = 2 + t3 , P = (2, 1) ;
6. x = et cos t, √y = 0, z = et sin t, P = (1, 0, 0);
7. r(t) = hln t, t, t2 i, P = (0, 1, 1);
8. r(t) = hcosh√t, sinh t, 2 + ti, P = (1, 0, 2);
9. r(t) = het , 2 t, e−t i, P = (1, 0, 1) ;
10. r(t) = hsin t − t cos t, t, cos t + t sin ti, P = (0, 0, 1) .
11. Find the curvature of r(t) = ht, t2 /2, t3 /3i at the point of its intersection
with the surface z = 2xy + 2/3.
12. Find the maximal and minimal curvatures of the graph y = cos(ax) and
the points at which they occur. Sketch the graph for a = 1 and mark the
points of the maximal and minimal curvature, local maxima and minima of
cos x, and the inflection points.
13. Find the maximal and minimal curvatures of the graph y = 1/x.
14. Use a geometrical interpretation of the curvature to guess the point on
the graphs y = ax2 and y = ax4 where the maximal curvature occurs. Then
verify your guess by calculations.
15–17. Let f (x) be twice continuously differentiable function and κ(x) be
the curvature of the graph y = f (x).
15. Does κ attain a local maximum value at every local minimum and
maximum of f ? If not, state an additional condition on f under
which the answer to this question is affirmative.
16. Prove that κ = 0 at inflection points of the graph.
36. Let a smooth curve r = r(t) be planar and lie in the xy plane. At a
point (x0 , y0 ) on the curve, find the equation of the osculating circle in the
form (x − a)2 + (y − b)2 = R2 . Hint: Use the result of Study Problem 14.4 to
express the constants a, b, and R via x0 , y0 , and the curvature at (x0 , y0 ).
37. Find parametric equations of the osculating circle to the curve r(t) =
h4t3/2 , −t2 , ti at the point P = (4, −1, 1) by using the method of Study
Problem 14.4.
Furthermore, substituting the relations κ = kT̂0 k/v and ρ = 1/κ into the
latter equation, one finds (see Figure 15.1, left panel) that
a = aT T̂ + aN N̂,
aT = v 0 = T̂ · a = ,
v2 kv × ak
aN = κv 2 = = .
ρ v
v = v0 = const ⇒ aT = v 0 = 0 , aN = κv02 = .
Example 15.1. Let r(t) = ht, t2 /2, t3/6i be the position vector of a point
particle as a function of time t. Find, the velocity, speed, acceleration, tan-
gential and normal accelerations of the particle at the point P = (2, 2, 4/3).
straight road with a constant speed, its acceleration is 0. When the road
takes a turn, the steering wheel must be turned in order to keep the car on
the road, while the car maintains a constant speed. In this case, one can
feel a force normal to the road. It is larger for sharper turns (a larger cur-
vature or a smaller radius of curvature) and also grows when the same turn
is passed with a greater speed. This force is due to the normal acceleration,
aN = v 2 /ρ, and is called a centrifugal force. By Newton’s law, its magnitude
mv 2
F = maN = mκv 2 = ,
where m is the mass of a moving object (e.g., a car).
When making a turn, the car does not slide off the road as long as the
friction force between the tires and the road compensates for the centrifugal
force. The maximal friction force depends on the road and tire conditions
(e.g., a wet road and worn tires reduce substantially the maximal friction
force). The centrifugal force is determined by the speed (the curvature of the
road is fixed by the road shape). So, for a high enough speed, the centrifugal
force can no longer be compensated for by the friction force, and the car
would skid off the road. For this reason, suggested speed limit signs are
often placed at highway exits. If one drives a car on a highway exit with
a speed twice as high as the suggested speed, the risk of skidding off the
road is quadrupled, not doubled, because the normal acceleration aN = v 2 /ρ
quadruples when the speed v is doubled.
Example 15.2. A road takes a turn that has a parabolic shape,
y= , −R < x < R ,
where (x, y) are coordinates of points of the road and R is a constant (all
measured in meters). A safety assessment requires that the normal acceler-
ation on the road should not exceed a threshold value am meters per second
squared to avoid skidding off the road. If a car moves with a constant speed
v meters per second along the road, find the portion of the road where the
car might skid off the road.
Solution: The normal acceleration of the car as a function of position (not
time!) is
aN (x) = κ(x)v 2 .
By Corollary 14.2, the curvature of the graph y = x2 /(2R) is
|y 00 | 1
κ(x) = = .
[1 + (y 0 )2 ]3/2 R[1 + (x/R)2]3/2
The maximal curvature and hence the maximal normal acceleration are
attained at x = 0. So, if the speed v is such that
N = aN (0) = < am ⇒ v < v max = Ram ,
no accident can happen. Thus, a suggested speed limit sign v < vmax can
be placed for this turn.
If a car makes the turn exceeding the speed limit vmax , then the danger-
ous part of the road, where an accident can happen, is determined by the
aN (x) ≥ am ,
v2 √ v 4/3
≥ am ⇒ |x| ≤ R ν − 1 , ν = .
R[1 + (x/R)2]3/2 vmax
The constant ν always exceeds 1 if v > vmax . Since the turn corresponds
to the range |x| < R, the dangerous
√ part of the turn is determined by the
smallest number of R and R ν − 1. Thus, the car can skid off the road
when moving on the part of the road corresponding to the interval
−Rµ ≤ x ≤ Rµ , µ = min{1, ν − 1} .
Note that an accident can happen anywhere on the turning part of the road
if the speed at which the car enters into this part of the road exceeds the
speed limit just by the factor 23/4 ≈ 1.68 (it corresponds to ν = 2).
be parallel to ê3 . In other words, T̂, N̂, and B̂ define a local right-handed
coordinate system at each point of the curve. The orientation of the unit
tangent, normal, and binormal vectors relative to some coordinate system
depends on the point of the curve. The triple of these vectors can only rotate
as the point slides along the curve (the vectors are mutually orthogonal and
unit at any point). Therefore, the rates with respect to the arc length at
which these vectors change must be characteristic for the shape of the curve
(see Figure 15.1, right panel).
By the definition of the curvature, T̂0 (s) = κ(s)N̂(s). Suppose κ(s) 6= 0
so that N̂(s) is uniquely defined. Next, consider the rate:
B̂0 = (T̂ × N̂)0 = T̂0 × N̂ + T̂ × N̂0 = T̂ × N̂0
because T̂0 (s) is parallel to N̂(s). It follows from this equation that B̂0 is
perpendicular to T̂, and, since B̂ is a unit vector, its derivative must also
be perpendicular to B̂. Thus, B̂0 must be parallel to N̂. This conclusion
establishes the existence of another scalar quantity that characterizes the
curve shape.
Definition 15.3. (Torsion of a Curve).
Let N̂(s) and B̂(s) be unit normal and binormal vectors of the curve as
functions of the arc length s. Then
= −τ (s)N̂(s)
and the number τ (s) is called the torsion of the curve.
By definition, the torsion is measured in units of a reciprocal length, just
like the curvature, because the unit vectors T̂, N̂, and B̂ are dimensionless.
Example 15.3. Use the natural parameterization of a helix given in
Example 13.3 to find the unit tangent, normal, and binormal vectors, T̂,
N̂, and B̂, as functions of the arclength parameter. Express the torsion and
curvature of the helix in terms its radius R and the height per turn h.
Solution: To simplify notations, put ω = 2π/L and a = h/(2π) so that
ω = (R2 + a2 )−1/2 and the natural parameterization from Example 13.3
r(s) = hR cos(ωs), R sin(ωs), aωsi .
Then using the definitions of T̂, N̂, B̂, the curvature, and the torsion,
T̂(s) = r0 (s) = h−Rω sin(ωs), Rω cos(ωs), aωi ,
T̂0 (s) = Rω 2 h− cos(ωs), − sin(ωs), 0i ,
R h
κ(s) = kT̂0 (s)k = Rω 2 = 2 , a=
R + a2 2π
N̂(s) = T̂0 (s) = h− cos(ωs), − sin(ωs), 0i ,
such that T̂ × N̂ = B̂ = ê3 must have the form N̂ = − sin ϕê1 + cos ϕê2 .
Equation (15.1) gives
T̂0 = −ϕ0 sin ϕê1 + ϕ0 cos ϕ ê2 = ϕ0 N̂ = κ0 N̂ ⇒ ϕ0 (s) = κ0
and therefore ϕ(s) = κ0 s because ϕ(0) = 0. For a natural parameterization
of the curve, r0 (s) = T̂(s). Hence,
r0 (s) = cos(κ0 s)ê1 + sin(κ0 s)ê2 ,
r(s) = r0 + κ−1 −1
0 sin(κ0 s)ê1 − κ0 cos(κ0 s)ê2
where r0 is a constant vector. Put R = 1/κ0 . By the Pythagorean theorem,
the distance between any point of the curve and a fixed point r0 is constant:
kr(s) − r0 k2 = 2 sin2 (κ0 s) + cos2 (κ0 s) = R2 .
Since the curve is planar, it is a circle (or its portion) of radius R.
A calculation of the torsion based on Definition 15.3 requires a natural
parameterization of a smooth. The following theorem provides the method
to compute torsion of a curve by using any suitable parameterization.
Theorem 15.2. (Torsion of a Curve).
Let r(t) be three times differentiable vector function that traverses a smooth
curve whose curvature does not vanish. Then the torsion of the curve is
(r0 (t) × r00 (t)) · r000(t)
τ (t) = .
kr0 (t) × r00(t)k2
Proof. Put kr0(t)k = v(t) (if s = s(t) is the arc length as a function of t,
then s0 = v). By (14.3) and the definition of the curvature,
(15.4) r00 = v 0 T̂ + κv 2 N̂ ,
and by (14.4) and the definition of the binormal,
(15.5) r0 × r00 = v T̂ × r00 = κv 3 B̂.
Differentiation of both sides of (15.4) gives
r000 = v 00 T̂ + v 0 T̂0 + (κ0 v 2 + 2κvv 0 )N̂ + κv 2 N̂0 .
The derivatives T̂0 (t) and N̂0 (t) are found by making use of the differentia-
tion rule d/ds = (1/s0 (t))(d/dt) = (1/v)(d/dt) in the Frenet-Serret equations
(15.1) and (15.2):
T̂0 = κv N̂ , N̂0 = −κv T̂ + τ v B̂ .
(15.6) r000 = (v 00 − κ2 v 3 )T̂ + (3κvv 0 + κ0 v 2 )N̂ + κτ v 3 B̂.
By (15.5), (15.6), and the mutual orthogonality of the tangent, normal, and
binormal vectors
(r0 × r00) · r000 = κv 3 B̂ · r000 = κ2 v 6 τ B̂ · B̂ = κ2 v 6 τ .
(r0 × r00) · r000 (r0 × r00 ) · r000 kr0 × r00k
τ= = , κ = ,
κ2 v 6 kr0 × r00 k2 v3
and the conclusion of the theorem follows from Theorem 14.1.
Relation (15.5) shows that B̂ is the unit vector in the direction of r0 ×r00 .
This observation offers a more convenient way for calculating the unit bi-
normal vector than its definition because it uses any parametrization of a
smooth curve. The unit tangent, normal, and binormal vectors at a partic-
ular point r(t0 ) of the curve r(t) are
r0 (t0 )
(15.7) T̂(t0 ) = ,
kr0 (t0 )k
r0 (t0 ) × r00(t0 )
(15.8) B̂(t0 ) = 0 ,
kr (t0 ) × r00(t0 )k
(15.9) N̂(t0 ) = B̂(t0 ) × T̂(t0 ) .
Example 15.5. Find the unit tangent, normal, and binormal vectors
and the torsion of the curve r(t) = hln t, t, t2 /2i at the point (0, 1, 1/2).
Solution: The point in question corresponds to t = 1. Therefore
r0 (1) = ht−1 , 1, ti = h1, 1, 1i ⇒ kr0 (1)k = 3
00 −2
r (1) = h−t , 0, 1i = h−1, 0, 1i
Solution: Let the Sun be at the origin of a coordinate system and let
r be the position vector of a planet. The mass of the Sun is much larger
than the mass of a planet and therefore a displacement of the Sun due to
the gravitational pull from a planet can be neglected (e.g., the Sun is about
332946 times heavier than the Earth). Let r̂ = r/r be the unit vector parallel
to r. Then the gravitational force is
GM m GM m
F=− r̂ = − r,
r2 r3
where M is the mass of the Sun and m is the mass of a planet. The minus
sign is necessary because an attractive force must be opposite to the position
vector. By Newton’s second law, the trajectory of a planet satisfies the
equation ma = F and hence
a=− r.
The gravitional force is a central force, and, by Study Problem 15.5, the
vector r × v = l is a constant of motion. One has v = r0 = (rr̂)0 = r 0 r̂ + rr̂0 .
Using this identity, the constant of motion can also be written as
l = r × v = rr̂ × v = r(r 0 r̂ × r̂ + rr̂ × r̂0 ) = r 2 (r̂ × r̂0 ).
Using the rule for the double cross product (see Study Problem 4.4), one
infers that
a × l = − 2 r̂ × l = −GMr̂ × (r̂ × r̂0 ) = GMr̂0 ,
where r̂ · r̂ = 1 has been used. On the other hand,
(v × l)0 = v 0 × l + v × l0 = a × l
because l0 = 0. It follows from these two equations that
(15.10) (v × l)0 = GMr̂0 =⇒ v × l = GMr̂ + c,
where c is a constant vector. The motion is characterized by two constant
vectors l and c. It occurs in the plane through the origin that is orthogonal
to the constant vector l because l = r × v must be orthogonal to r. It
also follows from (15.10) and l · r̂ = 0 that the constant vectors l and c
are orthogonal because l · c = 0. It is therefore convenient to choose the
coordinate system so that l is parallel to the z axis and c to the x axis as
shown in Figure 15.3 (left panel).
The vector r lies in the xy plane. Let θ be the polar angle of r (i.e.,
r · c = rc cos θ, where c = kck is the length of c). Then
r · (v × l) = r · (GMr̂ + c) = GM r + rc cos θ.
On the other hand, using a cyclic permutation in the triple product,
r · (v × l) = l · (r × v) = l · l = l 2 ,
where l = klk is the length of l. The comparison of the last two equations
yields the equation for the trajectory:
l 2 = r(GM + c cos θ) =⇒ r = ,
1 + e cos θ
where d = l 2 /c and e = c/(GM ). This is the polar equation of a conic section
with focus at the origin and eccentricity e (see Calculus II). Thus, all possible
trajectories of any massive body in a solar system are conic sections! This
is a quite remarkable result. Parabolas and hyperbolas do not correspond
to a periodic motion. So a planet must follow an elliptic trajectory with the
Sun at one focus. All objects coming to the solar system from outer space
(i.e., those that are not confined by the gravitational pull of the Sun) should
follow either parabolic or hyperbolic trajectories.
To prove Kepler’s second law, put r̂ = hcos θ, sin θ, 0i and hence r̂0 =
h−θ sin θ, θ0 cos θ, 0i. Therefore,
Kepler’s third law follows from the last equation. Indeed, the entire area
of the ellipse A is swept when t2 − t1 = T is the period of the motion. If the
major and minor axes of the ellipse are 2a and 2b, respectively, a > b, then
A = πab = lT /2 and T = 2πab/l. Now recall that ed = b2 /a for an elliptic
conic section (see Calculus II) or b2 = eda = l 2 a/(GM ). Hence,
4π 2 a2 b2 4π 2 3
T2 = = a .
l2 GM
Note that the proportionality constant 4π 2 /(GM ) is independent of the mass
of a planet; therefore, Kepler’s laws are universal for all massive objects
trapped by the Sun (planets, asteroids, and comets).
15.4. Exercises.
1–7. For each of the following trajectories of a particle, find the velocity,
speed, and the normal and tangential acceleration as functions of time, and
their values at a specified point P :
1. r(t) = ht, 1 − t, t2 + 1i , P = (1, 0, 2) ;
2. r(t) = ht2 , t, 1i , P = (4, 2, 1) ;
3. r(t) = h4t3/2 ,√−t2 , ti , P = (4, −1, 1) ;
4. r(t) = hln t, t, t2 i , P = (0, 1, 1) ;
5. r(t) = hcosh√t, sinh t, 2 + ti , P = (1, 0, 2);
6. r(t) = het , 2 t, e−t i , P = (1, 0, 1);
7. r(t) = hsin t − t cos t, t2 , cos t + t sin ti , P = (0, 0, 1) .
8. Find the normal and tangential accelerations of a particle with the posi-
tion vector r(t) = ht2 + 1, t, t2 − 1i when the particle is at the least distance
from the origin.
9. Find the tangential and normal accelerations of a particle with the po-
sition vector r(t) = hR sin(ωt + ϕ0 ), −R cos(ωt + ϕ0 ), v0ti, where R, ω, ϕ0 ,
and v0 are constants (see Study Problem 15.4).
10. The shape of a winding road can be approximated by the graph y =
L cos(x/L), where the coordinates are in miles and L = 0.1 mile. The condi-
tion of the road is such that if the normal acceleration of a car on it exceeds
0.13g, where g is the acceleration of the free fall, the car may skid off the
road. Recommend a speed limit for this portion of the road.
11. A particle moves along the curve y = x2 + x3 in the direction of increas-
ing x. If the acceleration of the particle at the point (1, 2) is a = h−3, −1i,
find its normal and tangential accelerations.
12. Suppose that a particle moves so that its tangential acceleration aT is
constant, while the normal acceleration aN remains 0. What is the trajec-
tory of the particle?
13. Suppose that a particle moves in a plane so that its tangential accelera-
tion aT remains 0, while the normal acceleration aN is constant. What is the
trajectory of the particle? Hint: Investigate the curvature of the trajectory.
14. A race car moves with a constant speed v0 along an elliptic track
x2 /a2 + y 2 /b2 = 1, a > b. Find the maximal and minimal values of the
magnitude of its acceleration and the points where they occur.
15. Does there exist a curve with zero curvature and a non-zero torsion?
Explain the answer.
16–20. For each of the following curves, find the unit tangent, normal, and
binormal vectors and the torsion at a specified point P :
16. r(t) = ht, 1 − t, t2 + 1i , P = (1, 0, 2) ;
17. r(t) = ht3 , t2 , 1i , P = (8, 4, 1);
18. r(t) = h4t3/2 , √−t2 , ti , P = (4, −1, 1) ;
19. r(t) = hln t, 2 t, t2 i , P = (0, 2, 1);
20. r(t) = hcosh t, sinh t, 2 + ti , P = (1, 0, 2).
21. Let r(t) = hcos t + t sin t, sin t − t cos t, t2 i. Find the speed, the tangential
and normal accelerations, the curvature and torsion, and the unit tangent
vector, normal, and binormal as functions of time t.
Hint: To simplify calculations, find the decomposition r(t) = v(t) − tw(t) +
t2 ê3 where v, w, and ê3 are mutually orthogonal unit vectors such that
v 0 (t) = w(t), w0 (t) = −v(t). Use the properties of the cross products of
mutually orthogonal unit vectors.
22. Let C be the curve of intersection of an ellipsoid x2 /a2 +y 2 /b2 +z 2 /c2 = 1
with the plane 2x − 2y + z = 0. Find the torsion and the binormal B̂ along
34. a = 0 and b = 4. 35. r(0) = h0, 1, 1i. 36. r(0) = h0, 1, 1i. 37. No such
r(0) exists. 38. r(0) = h2, 3, 0i. 39. r(0) = h 12 , 0, 2i. 42. h0, 1, 32 i. 43. 9.
44. h− 14 , 1, 2i. 45. 4. 46. h3, − 14 , 12 i. 47. 0 (by the Jacobi identity).
Section 11. 1. r0 (t) = h0, 1, 3t2i. 2. r0 (t) = h− sin t, sin(2t), 2ti. 3. r0 (t) =
h 1t , 2e2t, e−t(1 − t)i. 4. r0 (t) = h 13 (t − 2)−2/3 , t(t2 − 4)−1/2 , 1i. 5. r0 (t) =
2tb − et c. 6. r0 (t) = a × b − et (t + 1)a × c. 8. smooth everywhere. 9.
smooth everywhere except the point (0, 0, 2). 12. smooth everywhere except
the point (0, 1, 0). 14. x = 6+5t, y = 9+9t, z = 6+2t. 15. x = t, y = 2+t,
z = 1 + 2t. 16. h 23 , 23 , − 13 i. 18.r0 · r00 = 4t + 18t3 , r0 × r00 = h6t2 , −6t, 2i.
19. Yes, at the point r(−2) = h6, − 83 , −4i. 21. The point of intersection is
r(1) = h0, 1, 2i, the angle is cos−1 ( 3√ ). 22. No intersection; the distance
between the curve and the plane is 4/ 3. 23. The point of intersection is
r1 (1) = r2 (2) = h1, 0, 4i; the angle is cos−1 ( √13 ). 25. π/2. 30. x = 1 + t,
y = 1 + t, z = 1 + 2t (tangent line); x + y + 2z = 4 (normal plane). 31.
x = 1 + 3t, y = 1 + 3t, z = 3 − t (tangent line); 3x + 3y − z = 3 (normal
plane). 32. x = 1 + t, y = −2, z = 1 − t (tangent line); x − z = 0 (normal
1), 2t + 15 (2t5/2 − 17), t3 − 2i. 14. h1 + sin t, −2 − cos t, t(1 + ln(t/π)) −
πi. 16. cn tn−1 + cn−1 tn−2 + · · · + c2 t + c1 where ck , k = 1, 2, ..., n, are
arbitrary constant vectors. Alternatively, r(t) = hPn−1 (t), Qn−1 (t), Rn−1 (t)i
where Pn−1 , Qn−1 , and Rn−1 are polynomials of degree at most n − 1. 18.
r(2) = h3, 4, 31 i. 20. 18 meters. 22. The maximal height is approximately
2 kilometers, the range is approximately 14 kilometers, and the speed at
impact is 400 m/s. 23. Let the x axis be from east to west, the y axis
from north to south, the z axis is vertical, and the origin at the initial
point. Then the point of impact is x = 2v02 F sin2 θ/(mg 2 ), y = v02 sin(2θ)/g,
z = 0. Change the initial velocity by adding a nonzero x component: v0 =
hu, v0 cos θ, v0 sin θi where u = −F v0 sin θ/(mg), then the impact point is at
x = z = 0, y = v02 sin(2θ)/g as if F = 0.
√ −1 −1
√ √
√ 13. 1. 4 13 2. 7/3. 3. 18. 4. 2(e − e ). 5. (e − e )/ 2. 7. 3.
8. √2 2. 9. √ 23. 10. 8 + ln 3. 11. 42. 14. Parametric equations are r(t) =
ha t cos t, a t sin t, ati; the arc length is a t0 (1 + 2t0 /3) where t0 = z0 /a.
16. R(s) = h √s14 , 1 − √2s14 , 5 + √3s14 i. 17. R(s) = sin(s)ê1 + cos(s)ê3 (the
√ √
R(s) = h 1 + s2 /2, s/ 2, sinh−1 (s/ 2i; recall that
curve is a circle). 18.
√ √
sinh−1 (y) = ln(y+ y 2 + 1). 22. The position vector is hln(1+ 2), 2, 1i.
Section 14. 1. κ(t) = (1 + 2t2 )−3/2, κ(1) = 3−3/2. 2. κ(t) = 2(1 + 4t2 )3/2,
κ(2) = 2/173/2. 3. κ(x) = 14 | sin(x/2)|(1 + 41 cos2 (x/2))−3/2, κ(π) = 14 .
√ √
9. κ(t) = 2(et + e−t )−2 , κ(0) = 2−3/2 . 11. 2/3. 12. x = πn/a
where n is any integer. 17. y = x4 , x0 = 0. 18. The curvatures are
equal. 19. κ(θ) = 2√ 2
(1 + cos θ)−1/2 (the curve is not smooth at the origin,
θ = π, where the curvature becomes infinite). 20. κ(θ) = e−θ / 2. 22.
x2 + (y − R)2 = R2 where R = 1/κ(0) = 1/2. 24. (x − 2)2 + (y − 2)2 = 2.
27. κmax = a/b2 occurs at (±a, 0), κmin = b/a2 occurs at (0, ±b); the
osculating circle at (a, 0) is (x − a + b2 /a)2 + y 2 = b4 /a2 ; the osculating
circle at (0, b) is x2 + (y − b + a2 /b)2 = a4 /b2 . 28. κ(t) → ∞ as t → 0. 30.
2x + 3y − 6z = −1. 31. 6x − 16y + z = −15. 33. Yes, at (1, 1, 1).
√ 15. 1. v(t) = h1,
√ −1, 2ti, a(t) = h0, 0, 2i, v(t) = 2 + 4t2 , aT (t) =
2 2
4t/ 2 + 4t , aN (t) = 2/ 1 + 2t . The point √ P corresponds to t√= 1. 2.
v(t) = h2t, 1, 2 2
√ 0i, a(t) = h2, 0, 0i, v(t) = 1 + 4t , aT (t) = 4t/ 1 + 4t ,
aN√(t) = 2/ 1 + 4t . The p point P corresponds √ to t = 2. 3. v(t) =
h6 2
p t, −2t, 1i, a(t) = h3/ (t), −2, 0i, v(t) = 4t + 36t + 1, kv × ak =
36t + 4 + 9/t, aT (t) = (18 + 4t)/v(t), √ aN (t) 2= kv × ak/v(t). The√ point2P
1 1
corresponds to t = 1. 4. v(t) = t h1, t/2, 2t i, a(t) = t2 h−1, − t/4, 2t i,
v(t) = 1t 1 + 4t4 + t/2, kv × ak = t13 94 t5 + 16t4 + t/16, v · a = t13 (4t2 −