Gordon's Cheat Sheet
Gordon's Cheat Sheet
Gordon's Cheat Sheet
Introduction Health Perception & Health Management Nutritional Metabolic Pattern (cont)
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a Ineffective breastfeeding
method develops By Marjorie Gordon in Ineffective therapeutic regimen Ineffective infant feeding pattern
1987 proposed functional health patterns as management Ineffective thermoregulation
a guide for establishing a comprehensive Noncompliance (ineffective Adherence) Interrupted breastfeeding
nursing data base. By using these Readiness for enhanced immunization Latex allergy response
categories it’s possible to create a status Nausea
systematic and standardized approach to Readiness for enhanced therapeutic Readiness for enhanced fluid balance
data collection, and enable the nurse to regimen management Readiness for enhanced nutrition
determine the following aspects of health Risk for contamination Risk for aspiration
and human function: Risk for infection Risk for deficient fluid volume
Risk for injury Risk for imbalanced fluid volume
Risk for perioperative positioning injury Risk for imbalanced body temperature
Risk for poisoning Risk for impaired liver function
Risk for sudden infant death syndrome Risk for impaired skin integrity
Risk for suffocation Risk for latex allergy response
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Risk for trauma Risk for unstable blood glucose
1. Health Perception Health Management
Risk-prone health behavior
Elimination Pattern
2. Nutritional Metabolic Pattern
Nutritional Metabolic Pattern
It’s focused on excretory patterns (bowel,
3. Elimination Pattern
it’s focused on the pattern of food and fluid bladder, skin).
4. Activity Exercise Pattern
consumption relative to metabolic need. Is Bowel incontinence
5. Sleep Rest Pattern
evaluated the adequacy of local nutrient Constipation
6. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern
supplies. Actual or potential problems Diarrhea
7. Self-Perception-Self-Concept Pattern
related to fluid balance, tissue integrity, and Functional urinary incontinence
8. Role-Relationship Pattern
host defenses may be identified as well as Impaired urinary elimination
9. Sexuality-Reproductive
problems with the gastrointestinal system. Overflow urinary incontinence
10. Coping-Stress Tolerance Pattern
Adult failure to thrive Perceived constipation
11. Value-Belief Pattern
Deficient fluid volume: [isotonic] Readiness for enhanced urinary elimin‐
[Deficient fluid volume: hyper/hypotonic] ation,
Health Perception & Health Management
Effective breastfeeding [Learning Need] Reflex urinary incontinence
Focused on the person’s perceived level of
Excess fluid volume Risk for constipation
health and well-being, and on practices for
Hyperthermia Risk for urge urinary incontinence
maintaining health. Also evaluated Habits
Hypothermia Stress urinary incontinence
including smoking and alcohol or drug use.
Imbalanced nutrition: more than body Total urinary incontinence
requirements Urge urinary incontinence
Disturbed energy field
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requir‐ [acute/chronic] Urinary retention
Effective therapeutic regimen management
Health-seeking behaviors (specify)
Imbalanced nutrition: risk for more than
Ineffective community therapeutic regimen
body requirements
Impaired dentition
Ineffective family therapeutic regimen
Impaired oral mucous membrane
Impaired skin integrity
Ineffective health maintenance
Impaired swallowing
Ineffective protection
Impaired tissue integrity
Value-Belief Pattern