Gordon's Cheat Sheet

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Nursing Diagnosis & Functional Health Patterns Cheat Sheet

by [deleted] via cheatography.com/2754/cs/10358/

Introd​uction Health Perception & Health Management Nutrit​ional Metabolic Pattern (cont)
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns is a Ineffe​ctive breast​feeding
method develops By Marjorie Gordon in Ineffe​ctive therap​eutic regimen Ineffe​ctive infant feeding pattern
1987 proposed functional health patterns as management Ineffe​ctive thermo​reg​ulation
a guide for establ​ishing a compre​hensive Noncom​pliance (ineff​ective Adherence) Interr​upted breast​feeding
nursing data base. By using these Readiness for enhanced immuni​zation Latex allergy response
categories it’s possible to create a status Nausea
systematic and standa​rdized approach to Readiness for enhanced therap​eutic Readiness for enhanced fluid balance
data collec​tion, and enable the nurse to regimen management Readiness for enhanced nutrition
determine the following aspects of health Risk for contam​ination Risk for aspiration
and human function: Risk for infection Risk for deficient fluid volume
Risk for injury Risk for imbalanced fluid volume
Risk for periop​erative positi​oning injury Risk for imbalanced body temper​ature
Risk for poisoning Risk for impaired liver function
Risk for sudden infant death syndrome Risk for impaired skin integrity
Risk for suffoc​ation Risk for latex allergy response
Gordon’s Functional Health Patterns
Risk for trauma Risk for unstable blood glucose
1. Health Perception Health Management
Risk-prone health behavior
Elimin​ation Pattern
2. Nutrit​ional Metabolic Pattern
Nutrit​ional Metabolic Pattern
It’s focused on excretory patterns (bowel,
3. Elimin​ation Pattern
it’s focused on the pattern of food and fluid bladder, skin).
4. Activity Exercise Pattern
consum​ption relative to metabolic need. Is Bowel incont​inence
5. Sleep Rest Pattern
evaluated the adequacy of local nutrient Consti​pation
6. Cognit​ive​-Pe​rce​ptual Pattern
supplies. Actual or potential problems Diarrhea
7. Self-P​erc​ept​ion​-Se​lf-​Concept Pattern
related to fluid balance, tissue integrity, and Functional urinary incont​inence
8. Role-R​ela​tio​nship Pattern
host defenses may be identified as well as Impaired urinary elimin​ation
9. Sexual​ity​-Re​pro​ductive
problems with the gastro​int​estinal system. Overflow urinary incont​inence
10. Coping​-Stress Tolerance Pattern
Adult failure to thrive Perceived consti​pation
11. Value-​Belief Pattern
Deficient fluid volume: [isotonic] Readiness for enhanced urinary elimin​‐
[Deficient fluid volume: hyper/​hyp​otonic] ation,
Health Perception & Health Management
Effective breast​feeding [Learning Need] Reflex urinary incont​inence
Focused on the person’s perceived level of
Excess fluid volume Risk for consti​pation
health and well-b​eing, and on practices for
Hypert​hermia Risk for urge urinary incont​inence
mainta​ining health. Also evaluated Habits
Hypoth​ermia Stress urinary incont​inence
including smoking and alcohol or drug use.
Imbalanced nutrition: more than body Total urinary incont​inence
requir​ements Urge urinary incont​inence
Disturbed energy field
Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requir​‐ [acute​/ch​ronic] Urinary retention
Effective therap​eutic regimen management
Health​-se​eking behaviors (specify)
Imbalanced nutrition: risk for more than
Ineffe​ctive community therap​eutic regimen
body requir​ements
Impaired dentition
Ineffe​ctive family therap​eutic regimen
Impaired oral mucous membrane
Impaired skin integrity
Ineffe​ctive health mainte​nance
Impaired swallowing
Ineffe​ctive protection
Impaired tissue integrity

By [deleted] Published 24th January, 2017. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

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Nursing Diagnosis & Functional Health Patterns Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via cheatography.com/2754/cs/10358/

Activity and Exercise Pattern Cognit​ive​-Pe​rce​ptual Pattern Self-P​erc​ept​ion​-Se​lf-​Concept Pattern

It’s focused on the activities of daily living It’s focused on the ability to comprehend
requiring energy expend​iture, including self- and use inform​ation and on the sensory Hopele​ssness
care activi​ties, exercise, and leisure activi​‐ functions. Neurologic functions, Sensory Powerl​essness
ties. experi​ences such as pain and altered Readiness for enhanced hope
Activity intole​rance sensory input. Readiness for enhanced power
Autonomic dysref​lexia Acute confusion Readiness for enhanced self-c​oncept
Decreased cardiac output Acute pain Risk for compro​mised human dignity
Decreased intrac​ranial adaptive capacity Chronic confusion Risk for loneliness
Deficient diversonal activity Chronic pain Risk for powerl​essness
Delayed growth and develo​pment Decisional conflict Risk for situat​ional low self-e​steem
Delayed surgical recovery Deficient knowledge Risk for [/actual] other-​dir​ected violence
Disorg​anized infant behavior Disturbed sensory perception Risk for [actual/] self-d​irected violence
Dysfun​ctional ventil​atory weaning response Disturbed thought processes Situat​ional low self-e​steem
Fatigue Impaired enviro​nmental interp​ret​ation
Impaired sponta​neous ventil​ation syndrome Role-R​ela​tio​nship Pattern
Impaired bed mobility Impaired memory
It’s focused on the person’s roles in the
Impaired gas exchange Readiness for enhanced comfort
world and relati​onships with others.
Impaired home mainte​nance Readiness for enhanced decision making
Evaluated Satisf​action with roles, role
Impaired physical mobility Readiness for enhanced knowledge
strain, or dysfun​ctional relati​ons​hips.
Impaired transfer ability Risk for acute confusion
Caregiver role strain
Impaired walking Unilateral neglect
Chronic sorrow
Impaired wheelchair mobility
Compli​cated grieving
Ineffe​ctive airway clearance Sleep Rest Pattern
Dysfun​ctional family processes: alcoholism
Ineffe​ctive breathing pattern
It’s focused on the person’s sleep, rest, and (substance abuse)
Ineffe​ctive tissue perfusion
relaxation practices. To identified dysfun​‐ Grieving
Readiness for enhanced organized infant
ctional sleep patterns, fatigue, and Impaired social intera​ction
responses to sleep depriv​ation. Impaired verbal commun​ication
Readiness for enhanced self care
Insomnia Ineffe​ctive role perfor​mance
Risk for delayed develo​pment
Readiness for enhanced sleep Interr​upted family processes
Risk for disorg​anized infant behavior
Sleep depriv​ation Parental role conflict
Risk for dispro​por​tionate growth
Readiness for enhanced commun​ication
Risk for activity intole​rance
Self-P​erc​ept​ion​-Se​lf-​Concept Pattern Readiness for enhanced family processes
Risk for autonomic dysref​lexia
Readiness for enhanced parenting
its focused on the person’s attitudes toward
Risk for disuse syndrome
Relocation stress syndrome
self, including identity, body image, and
Sedentary lifestyle
Risk for caregiver role strain
sense of self-w​orth.
Self-care deficit
Risk for compli​cated grieving
Risk for impaired parent​/in​fan​t/child
disturbed Body image
Chronic low self-e​steem
Risk for relocation stress syndrome
Death anxiety
Social isolation
Disturbed personal identity

By [deleted] Published 24th January, 2017. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

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Nursing Diagnosis & Functional Health Patterns Cheat Sheet
by [deleted] via cheatography.com/2754/cs/10358/

Sexuality and Reprod​uction

It’s focused on the person’s satisf​action or dissat​isf​action with

sexuality patterns and reprod​uctive functions.
Ineffe​ctive sexuality patterns
Rape-t​rauma syndrome
Sexual dysfun​ction

Coping​-Stress Tolerance Pattern

its focused on the person’s perception of stress and coping strategies

Support systems, evaluated symptoms of stress, effect​iveness of a
person’s coping strate​gies.
Compro​mised family coping
Defensive coping
Disabled family coping
Impaired adjustment
Ineffe​ctive community coping
Ineffe​ctive coping
Ineffe​ctive denial
Post-t​rauma syndrome
Readiness for enhanced community coping
Readiness for enhanced coping
Readiness for enhanced family coping
Risk for self-m​uti​lation
Risk for suicide
Risk for post-t​rauma syndrome
Stress overload

Value-​Belief Pattern

it’s focused on the person’s values and beliefs.

Impaired religi​osity
Moral distress
Readiness for enhanced religi​osity
Readiness for enhanced spiritual well-being
Risk for impaired religi​osity
Risk for spiritual distress
Spiritual distress

By [deleted] Published 24th January, 2017. Sponsored by CrosswordCheats.com

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