EMBA Program Application Guide
EMBA Program Application Guide
EMBA Program Application Guide
EMAIL emba@schulich.yorku.ca
FAX 416.736.5427
INTRODUCTION TO THE PROGRAM Following the interview, successful candidates will be
APPLICATION PROCESS invited to apply. Although this is not a guarantee of
Your formal program application will be reviewed by the admission, it is a positive step that will permit you to
Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA Admissions Committee. approach your employer with confidence. You will also be
When reviewing applications, the committee evaluates advised as to what additional steps will be necessary to
candidates on their: complete your application. This may involve presentation
of satisfactory scores on the GMAT and/or the IELTS or TOEFL.
• ability to do graduate-level coursework;
In addition, invited applicants will have the opportunity
• potential to apply the knowledge gained to their work to attend a class and meet EMBA students or graduates.
• experience and expertise that will contribute to the CHECKLIST OF ITEMS REQUIRED FOR
learning of the class; APPLICATION TO THE PROGRAM
• demonstration of management achievement and A completed Application Form.
potential; The application fee of CDN $150 (non-refundable).
• future career advancement potential; Official transcripts from all postsecondary
• willingness and ability to meet program requirements. institutions attended.
An up-to-date résumé.
Pre-application Interview
Current position data.
All qualified candidates applying to the Kellogg-Schulich
Essay questions.
Executive MBA Program will be interviewed. Please note
that admission to the program is competitive and therefore Two letters of reference.
meeting the minimum admission requirements does not Company Letter of Support for sponsorship for the
guarantee admission to the program. Further, since there are time commitment to do the program (at a minimum)
far more candidates than available space in the program, and for the cost of the program (if applicable).
the Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA Program reserves the Or a third letter of reference if you are self-employed.
right to select only the candidates with the most
Candidate Letter of Intent for the time commitment
competitive profiles.
to do the program and the financial obligation for
the program.
Although original transcripts from postsecondary
institutions attended are required for completion of Official GMAT results (if applicable).
the formal program application process, it is permissible Official proof of proficiency in English –
to use copies for the Pre-application Interview. Prior IELTS or TOEFL results (if applicable).
to your interview, please forward the documents listed
below by e-mail to emba@schulich.yorku.ca or by fax to
• An up-to-date résumé.
• Transcripts from all postsecondary institutions attended
(if available).
• Official GMAT and/or IELTS (International English
Language Test System) or TOEFL (Test of English
as a Foreign Language) results, if applicable and if
already written.
A non-refundable application fee of CDN $150 is required. The essay question component allows you to provide
Cheques should be made payable in Canadian funds to additional information about your background.
York University. Credit card payment is processed by
calling the office at 416.736.5486. Please answer each of the following questions on
the application form. Each essay should be limited to
Official Transcripts from all 500 words in length.
Postsecondary Institutions Attended • Please outline your career strategy and objectives and
One full set of official transcripts from all postsecondary how you hope to apply the knowledge gained from the
institutions attended is required. Transcripts must cover Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA Program to achieve them.
all postsecondary work, including post-baccalaureate • Describe a situation at work that best illustrates
studies, whether a degree has been earned or not. An how your direct contribution has had a strategic and/or
official transcript must clearly indicate course grades for lasting impact on your organization.
each semester/year of university-level study or equivalent. • Describe a professional situation that turned out
The academic requirement for admission is the equivalent unsuccessfully. How did you resolve it? What did you
of a Canadian university Bachelor’s degree (in any field of learn from it?
study) with at least a B average or equivalent from an
accredited institution. Transcripts must be sent directly Letters of Reference
from the academic institution to the EMBA Program office.
If the institution provides transcripts in a language other Two recommendations are required. Each submission
than English, a certified English translation is required. must include a completed Reference Letter Form.
Photocopies or faxes of translations may be used in the Each recommendation should be from an individual
Pre-application Interview, but originals are required for who can comment on your professional qualifications,
your formal application to the EMBA Program. academic promise and suitability for the program.
Peers or co-workers and direct reports are not eligible
Note: The Kellogg-Schulich Executive MBA Program admits referrers. Additionally, personal references are ineligible.
a small number of mature students who do not possess an The referrer may wish to comment on the factors the
undergraduate degree but have had extensive business EMBA Admissions Committee will consider, including the
experience. These applicants will be asked to present an following questions:
acceptable GMAT score. Non-degree applications may • Does the referrer believe that the applicant has
require additional time for processing. outstanding promise and leadership potential?
• Does the applicant have a position of responsibility that
Up-to-date Résumé
makes the program of value in furthering his or her career?
A detailed résumé of work experience since university
• Does the applicant have both the time and the
graduation must be submitted with the application.
motivation to make an 18-month commitment to attend
Clearly identify the names of firms, locations, positions
classes and prepare assignments?
held, responsibilities and dates of employment. You
should also outline your participation in volunteer work or
community organizations, as well as any other information
you feel would help your candidacy, such as publications,
inventions or other creative work.