Comparison of Cycloplegia With Atropine 1 Versus.11
Comparison of Cycloplegia With Atropine 1 Versus.11
Comparison of Cycloplegia With Atropine 1 Versus.11
Ram P Singh, Abadan K Amitava, Nikita Sharma, Yogesh Gupta, Syed A Raza,
Aparna Bose, Ganga S Meena
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Purpose: Cycloplegic refraction is mandatory for children to know the eye’s refractive status. In this study, Access this article online
we compared cycloplegia induced by cyclopentolate 1% to that induced by atropine 1% by means of Website:
retinoscopy. Methods: In this parallel‑designed interventional study, we included 67 children aged between
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4 and 17 years. After the initial retinoscopy under cyclopentolate 1% (used twice in each eye), we repeated DOI:
it a week later under atropine ointment 1% (used twice a day for 3 days); both were done by the same 10.4103/IJO.IJO_1159_23
trained optometrist masked to the drug. Each eye’s refraction was converted to spherical equivalents (SEs), PMID:
and the values averaged between the two eyes of each child under each drug. We compared SE with paired
t‑test (JASP 16.4). In addition, we performed correlational analysis, and looked for agreement using the Quick Response Code:
Bland–Altman plot. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Wherever possible, 95% confidence intervals (CIs)
are quoted. Results: The mean SE with atropine was +1.93 ± 2.0 D, compared to +1.75 ± 1.95 D under
cyclopentolate. On average, atropine induced greater cycloplegia by a mere 0.18 D (95% CI: 0.07 to 0.29 D,
P value 0.002). The two cycloplegic refractions correlated significantly (Pearson’s r: 0.975, P < 0.001). The
Bland–Altman plot revealed the limits of agreement as 1.06 and −0.71 D. Conclusion: Our study suggests
that cyclopentolate works for the most part as well as atropine to attain cycloplegia. Atropine may be
considered for children less than 15 years of age with greater than 5.0 D of hyperopia. Cycloplentolate, with
its advantages of quick action and short duration, should form the first go-to topical cycloplegic in busy
outpatient clinics.
Refractive errors are a global health issue affecting a large Use of cycloplegia is recommended in detailed fundus
proportion of the population. To ascertain the refractive examination, refraction, accommodative esotropia, corneal
status of the eye, cycloplegic refraction is still often resorted traumas, uveitis to prevent iris adhesion, and in ocular
to, especially among small children and uncooperative inflammatory disease to reduce ocular pain and photophobia.
adolescents.[1] Atropine is considered as being more effective For achieving the greatest amount of cycloplegia, atropine is
in children, especially those with dark irides.[2] the gold standard.[8]
In order of decreasing potency, the cycloplegic agents are Methods
atropine, cyclopentolate, homatropine, and tropicamide.[2,3]
Despite its supremacy, atropine must be administered at home After obtaining ethical clearance from the Institutional Review
two to three times a day for 3 days before the examination Board, we recruited phakic children with clear media, between
to achieve optimal cycloplegia, but may have unwanted 4 and 17 years of age, from the out‑patient department of
effects, which may include flush (40.8%), fever (30%), flush ophthalmology. After obtaining parental consent and the
with fever (15.5%), and rash.[4,5] Prolonged atropine‑induced child’s assent where possible, we initially enrolled 83 children.
cycloplegia may also have amblyogenic potential in Since 11 failed to return for atropine refraction and five had
children.[6] Adverse effects associated with cyclopentolate incomplete epidemiological data, we analyzed data of 67
are drowsiness (37%), red eye (14.8%), fever (11.1%), and children in this parallel‑designed study.
flush (11.1%).[5] All included children underwent the following:
Proper cycloplegia is very much important for obtaining a. At the first contact, they underwent instillation of two drops
correct refractive error and to prevent overestimation of myopia of cyclopentolate 1% in each eye, spaced 10 min apart, after
or underestimation of hypermetropia in children. pinching the lower lid and either ensuring gentle closure of
the lids for 5 min or punctal pressure for 2 min.[2] Cycloplegia clear that on average, the cycloplegia obtained by atropine is
was confirmed by unchanging retinoscopy reflexes when more by a mere 0.18 D, with 95% CI for difference of 0.07–0.29
viewing targets at different distances. D, with the limits of agreement being +1.06 D and −0.71 D.
b. The possibility of atropine toxicity and adverse reaction and Importantly, the regression line, with 95% CI, slopes upward
the action to be taken in case of such an event were explained and to the right and crosses the line of no difference obliquely,
and printed material on the same was provided. The child suggesting that with increasing myopia, the cycloplegia
was followed up after a week, ensuring that atropine 1% obtained under atropine is less than that with cyclopentolate
ointment, half a grain of rice sized, had been instilled twice and with increasing hypermetropia, this is reversed. This is
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a day for the 3 days preceding the day of the appointment especially more likely when the refractions exceed 5D, whether
and retinoscopy was repeated.[3] in terms of hypermetropia or myopia. We, therefore, explored
the agreement including only those in the sample whose
All retinoscopy procedures were carried out in a dimly lit refraction on average was within ±5.0 D [Fig. 3b]. Within this
YQp/IlQrHD3i3D0OdRyi7TvSFl4Cf3VC4/OAVpDDa8KKGKV0Ymy+78= on 12/01/2023
room by an experienced optometrist who was masked to the range, we observed minimal slope of the regression line, which
drug instilled, at a standard distance of 2/3 m. Snellen’s letter instead seemed to overlap the line of mean difference.
E or Landolt C chart was used as targets. After subtracting the
diopteric distance, the cycloplegic refraction was converted to Subgroup analysis of children aged less than 8 years with
spherical equivalent (SEs) in diopters for data analysis. hypermetropia
The mean cycloplegia with atropine was insignificantly
greater with atropine (2.28 ± 1.45 D) compared to
SEs in the two eyes, for each drug separately, were then cyclopentolate (2.04 ± 1.26 D) by 0.24 D (P = 0.074, on paired
averaged to obtain cycloplegic refractive data for each child t‑test). P value was not significant. We had data of only nine
under the two drugs. patients aged less than 8 years with hypermetropia [Fig. 4].
Statistical tests
We performed statistical analyses using JASP 16.4 version[9] and
MedCalc.[10] Wherever possible, 95% confidence intervals (Cls) Our study on 67 children, aged 4–17 years, from an
are quoted. Significance was set at P < 0.05. In addition, we ophthalmology OPD, with a mean ± standard deviation (SD)
performed correlational analysis and looked for agreement refraction of 1.9 ± 2.0 D, revealed that when compared to
using the Bland–Altman plot. topical cyclopentolate 1%, the ocular instillation of atropine
1% ointment led to statistically significantly (P = 0.002),
Results though clinically unimportant, greater cycloplegia (on
average of 0.18 D). Understandably, this does not amount to
Of the 67 children analyzed, there was marginally higher
a difference of much clinical import. A more careful study
number of females (55.2%) compared to males (37 to 30) and
of the Bland–Altman agreement plot [Fig. 3a] suggests that
the mean age was 10.85 ± 3.2 years. The mean cycloplegia was
as the children became more hyperopic, atropine seemed to
significantly greater with atropine (1.93 ± 2.03 D) compared
become a more effective cycloplegic than cyclopentolate: this is
to cyclopentolate (1.76 ± 1.95 D) by 0.18 D (95% CI: 0.07 to
evident in the regression line on the Bland–Altman plot sloping
0.29; P = 0.002, on paired t‑test) [Fig. 1]. Unsurprisingly, the
correlation was excellent and significant (Pearson’s r = 0.975,
P < 0.001) [Fig. 2].
We then looked for agreement between the cycloplegic
SE obtained with atropine and cyclopentolate [Fig. 3a]. It is
a b
Figure 3: (a) Bland–Altman plot to compare agreement between cycloplegia obtained with atropine and cyclopentolate in the entire sample of
67 children. (b) Bland–Altman plot for agreement between cycloplegia obtained under atropine and cyclopentolate for the 63 children who had
refractive measurement within ±5.0 D
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12. GraphPad QuickCalcs (2022). [Internet]. Available from: https://
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