2023 Article 1776
2023 Article 1776
2023 Article 1776
While pharmacological, behavioral and psychosocial treatments are available for substance use disorders (SUDs), they are not
always effective or well-tolerated. Neuromodulation (NM) methods, including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS),
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS) may address SUDs by targeting addiction
neurocircuitry. We evaluated the efficacy of NM to improve behavioral outcomes in SUDs. A systematic literature search was
performed on MEDLINE, PsychINFO, and PubMed databases and a list of search terms for four key concepts (SUD, rTMS, tDCS, DBS)
was applied. Ninety-four studies were identified that examined the effects of rTMS, tDCS, and DBS on substance use outcomes (e.g.,
craving, consumption, and relapse) amongst individuals with SUDs including alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, stimulants, and opioids.
Meta-analyses were performed for alcohol and tobacco studies using rTMS and tDCS. We found that rTMS reduced substance use
and craving, as indicated by medium to large effect sizes (Hedge’s g > 0.5). Results were most encouraging when multiple
stimulation sessions were applied, and the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was targeted. tDCS also produced medium
effect sizes for drug use and craving, though they were highly variable and less robust than rTMS; right anodal DLPFC stimulation
appeared to be most efficacious. DBS studies were typically small, uncontrolled studies, but showed promise in reducing misuse of
multiple substances. NM may be promising for the treatment of SUDs. Future studies should determine underlying neural
mechanisms of NM, and further evaluate extended treatment durations, accelerated administration protocols and long-term
outcomes with biochemical verification of substance use.
Addictions Division, CAMH, Toronto, ON, Canada. 2Department of Psychiatry, Temerty Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada. 3Department of
Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN, USA. 4Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA.
Brainsway, Inc., Winston-Salem, NC, USA. ✉email: dhvani.mehta@mail.utoronto.ca; tony.george@camh.ca
Fig. 1 Neuromodulation techniques. Diagrams to illustrate the three neuromodulation techniques investigated: (a) rTMS (Deep TMS image
acquired from Brainsway, Inc.), (b) tDCS, (c) DBS.
≤1 Hz) stimulation produces local inhibitory effects while high Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
frequency (HF; ≥5 Hz) stimulation produces local excitatory effects DBS is an invasive NM technique used to treat Alzheimer’s disease,
on motor cortex [28, 29]. rTMS primarily alters motor cortical Parkinson’s disease, and obsessive compulsive disorder [44]. It
excitability and inhibition, with indirect effects on craving or involves a neurosurgical procedure wherein implanted electrodes
motivation. Frequency-dependent rTMS effects on regional brain deliver electrical pulses directly to targeted brain regions, which
activity may have implications for clinical therapeutics in modulates neural circuitry and subsequently alters neuroplasticity
neuropsychiatric disorders [30, 31]. Coil type can also modulate (Fig. 1c). While rTMS and tDCS use lower frequencies to induce
effects; while traditional TMS employs a figure-8 coil design and excitation or inhibition of neurons, DBS blocks neural transmission
can only reach depths of 0.7 cm, deep TMS, wherein a three- with high-frequency stimulation [45]. Implanted electrodes are
dimensional H-coil helmet design is used, can stimulate a deeper connected to an implantable pulse generator placed under the
and broader brain area, reaching a depth of 3.2 cm [32]. skin of the chest wall, allowing for continuous stimulation at a pre-
Two robust rTMS adaptations have emerged wherein bursts of set frequency [46]. Thus, stimulation parameters can be modu-
magnetic pulses, referred to as theta burst stimulation (TBS), are lated as a patient’s condition changes.
applied. In intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS), a two Unlike other surgical interventions, DBS does not damage brain
second train of TBS bursts is repeated every ten seconds, inducing tissue [47], but given its invasive nature, is associated with
long-term potentiation and cortical excitability [33, 34]. Contrast- infection, seizures or stroke. DBS is well-tolerated once the patient
ingly, continuous theta-burst stimulation (cTBS) applies trains of has recovered from the primary surgical procedure [48]. Focal
uninterrupted TBS bursts and induces long-term depression and stimulation of deep brain regions involved in addiction neuro-
inhibitory effects [34]. circuitry (e.g. NAc) may facilitate SUD treatment.
rTMS appears safe when administered according to recom- We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to
mended guidelines [35]. There is little risk beyond local discomfort determine the efficacy of NM for improving addiction outcomes
at the site of stimulation and other minor side effects (e.g. mild (e.g., drug craving, consumption, and relapse). As significant
headache, dizziness) [36]. Importantly, a deep-TMS system was progress has been made in this area, a systematic review and
recently cleared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for meta-analysis building on previous narrative reviews [8, 9] with
smoking cessation [37]. However, long-term effects of repeated quantification of NM effects in SUDs is warranted.
rTMS sessions are unknown [38].
study with alcohol- 15 Sham Sham: Sham: was observed following active
dependent participants Sessions of 1.28 −0.52 dTMS compared to sham
dTMS [0.71–1.86] [−1.05–0.01] stimulation.
Raikwar et al. N = 60 A randomized, single- 10 Active 120% 10 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA NA No significant difference in
[67] blind, sham-controlled OR Coil Active vs. alcohol craving was observed
study with alcohol- 10 Sham Sham: following active rTMS compared
dependent male Sessions −0.19 to sham stimulation.
participants Left DLPFC [−0.70–0.31]
Harel et al. N = 51 A randomized, double- 15 Active 100% 10 Hz H-coil (H- Craving Consumption NA Active dTMS significantly ↓ pHDD
[68] blind, sham-controlled +5 7) Active vs. Active vs. and alcohol craving compared to
study with recently Maintenance Sham: Sham: sham.
abstinent, alcohol- OR −2.39 [−3.15 −2.61
dependent participants. 15 Sham – −1.63] [−3.39 –
+5 −1.82]
Sessions of
mPFC and ACC
Zhang et al. N = 48 A randomized, double- 10 Active 110% 20 Hz Figure-8 Craving Consumption NA Active rTMS significantly ↓ days of
[69] blind, sham-controlled OR Coil Active vs. Active vs. heavy drinking and alcohol
study with alcohol- 10 Sham Sham: Sham: craving compared to sham.
dependent participants. Sessions −2.22 [−2.99 −1.84
Left DLPFC – −1.45] [−2.57 –
Hoven et al. N = 80 A randomized, dingle- 10 Active 110% 10 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA Abstinent No significant difference in
[70] blind, sham-controlled OR Coil Active vs. Days Over number of abstinent days over
study with recently 10 Sham Sham: 6-months 6-months or alcohol craving was
abstinent, alcohol- Sessions −0.16 Active vs. observed following active rTMS
dependent participants. Right DLPFC [−0.59–0.28] Sham: compared to sham stimulation.
Active vs.
Pripfl et al. N = 11 A sham-controlled, 1 Active 90% 10 Hz Figure-8- Cue-induced NA EEG Delta Active rTMS significantly ↓ EEG
[75] crossover study with AND Coil Craving Power delta power and tobacco craving
tobacco-dependent 1 Sham Session Active vs. Active vs. compared to sham.
participants Left DLPFC Sham: Sham:
(w/ MRI- −0.26 −0.23
neuronavigation) [−1.10–0.58] [−1.06–0.61]
Li N = 10 A sham-controlled, 1 Active 100% 10 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA mOFC and Active rTMS significantly ↓ activity
et al. [72] counterbalanced, AND Coil Active vs. NAc Activity in mOFC and NAc.
crossover study with 1 Sham Session Sham: NA No significant difference in
tobacco-dependent Left DLPFC −0.04 tobacco craving was observed.
participants [−0.92–0.83]
Tobacco: Multiple Active Stimulation Sessions
Total N = 729; 12 Studies
Eichhammer N = 14 A double-blind, sham 2 Active 90% 20 Hz Figure-8 Craving Consumption NA Active rTMS significantly ↓
et al. [76] controlled, crossover AND Coil NA Active vs. cigarette consumption compared
study with tobacco- 2 Sham Sessions Sham: to sham.
dependent participants (on a single day) −0.38 No significant difference in
Left DLPFC [−1.13–0.37] tobacco craving was observed.
Table 1. continued
Citation Sample Study Design # of Sessions & Stimulation Stimulation Coil Type Craving Consumption Other Results
Size Targeted Intensity Frequency Effect Size Effect Size Outcome(s)
Region (Hedge’s g) (Hedge’s g) Effect Size
[95% CI] [95% CI] (Hedge’s g)
[95% CI]
Amiaz et al. N = 48 A randomized, double- 10 Active + 6 100% 10 Hz Figure-8 Craving Consumption Dependence Active rTMS significantly ↓
[77] blind, sham-controlled Maintenance Coil Active Active (Neutral Active cigarette consumption and
study with tobacco- OR (Neutral Cue Cue (Neutral Cue nicotine dependence compared
dependent participants 10 Sham + 6 Provocation) Provocation) Provocation) to sham. However, this was not
Maintenance vs. Sham: vs. Sham: vs. Sham: maintained 6-months post-
Sessions −0.12 −1.01 −1.93 treatment.
Left DLPFC [−0.86–0.63] [−1.80 – [−2.83 – Craving was decreased only in the
(with neutral or Active −0.23] −1.03] group that received active rTMS
smoking cue- (Smoking Active Active following smoking cue
provocation) Cue (Smoking Cue (Smoking provocation.
Provocation) Provocation) Cue
vs. Sham: vs. Sham: Provocation)
−3.26 [−4.48 −2.99 vs. Sham:
– −2.03] [−4.16 – −2.45
−1.82] [−3.51 –
Wing et al. N = 15 A randomized, double- 20 Active 90% 20 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA NA Active rTMS significantly ↓
[78] blind, sham-controlled OR Coil Active vs. tobacco craving compared to
study with tobacco- 20 Sham Sham: sham and baseline.
dependent participants Sessions −0.43
with comorbid Bilateral DLPFC [−1.47–0.62]
schizophrenia (SCZ)
Dieler et al. N = 74 A randomized, sham 4 Active 80% 50 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA Abstinence iTBS with adjunct CBT produced ↑
D.D. Mehta et al.
[79] controlled study with OR Coil Active vs. NA abstinence rates at 3 months
tobacco-dependent 4 Sham Sham: compared to sham.
participants Sessions of iTBS 0.32 No significant effect on craving
with concurrent [−0.13–0.78] was observed
Dinur-Klein et N = 115 A prospective, 13 Active 120% LF: 1 Hz H-coil NA Consumption Abstinence 10-Hz dTMS significantly ↓
al. [84] randomized, sham- OR or (H-ADD) 10 Hz vs. Sham: NA cigarette consumption and
controlled study with 13 Sham HF: 10 Hz −5.25 nicotine dependence compared
tobacco-dependent Sessions of [−6.29 – to low frequency dTMS and sham.
participants dTMS −4.21] The combination of dTMS with
( > 20 CPD) Lateral PFC and smoking cue provocation
Insula enhanced this reduction in
(with or without consumption.
smoking cue- No significant difference in
provocation) abstinence rates was observed
between groups.
Prikryl et al. N = 35 A randomized, 15 Active 110% 10 Hz Figure-8 NA Consumption NA Active rTMS significantly ↓
[80] double-blind, sham- OR Coil Active vs. cigarette consumption compared
controlled study with 15 Sham Sham: to sham.
tobacco-dependent Sessions −0.44
male participants with Left DLPFC [−1.11–0.24]
comorbid SCZ
Trojak et al. N = 37 A prospective, 10 Active 120% 1 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA Abstinence Active rTMS combined with NRT
[81] randomized, sham- OR Coil Active vs. NA produced significantly ↑ abstinent
controlled study with 10 Sham Sham: participants. However, this was not
tobacco-dependent Sessions with 0.11 maintained at follow-up (12 weeks).
participants receiving concurrent NRT [−0.53–0.76] No lasting effects on tobacco
concurrent nicotine Right DLPFC craving was observed.
replacement therapy (w/ MRI-
(NRT) neuronavigation)
Opioid: Multiple Active Stimulation Sessions
Total N = 239; 4 Studies
Shen et al. N = 20 A randomized, sham- 5 Active 100% 10 Hz Figure-8 Cue-induced NA NA Active rTMS caused a
[103] controlled, study with OR Coil Craving significant ↓ in craving scores
heroin-dependent male 5 Sham Active vs. after presentation of heroin-
participants Sessions Sham: related cues, compared to
Left DLPFC −3.12 [−4.43 sham.
– −1.82]
Liu N = 99 A randomized, double- 20 Active (1 Hz) 100% LF: 1 Hz Figure-8 Cue-induced NA NA Both of the active rTMS groups
et al. [104] blind, sham-controlled OR or Coil Craving had a significant ↓ in cue-induced
study with heroin- 20 Active HF: 10 Hz 1 Hz vs. No heroin craving compared to no
dependent male (10 Hz) Sessions Treatment: treatment.
participants OR −0.57 [−1.04 The effects were consistent 60
No Treatment – −0.09] days following treatment
Left DLPFC 10 Hz vs. No cessation.
−0.71 [−1.18
– −0.25]
Li N = 100 A retrospective, sham- 40 Active 100% 20 Hz Figure-8 Craving NA Depressive Active rTMS significantly ↓ in
et al. [105] controlled study with OR Coil Active vs. Symptoms morphine craving and
morphine-dependent 40 Sham Sham: NA improved depressive
participants receiving Sessions with −1.79 [−2.25 symptoms, compared to
concurrent occupational concurrent OT – −1.32] baseline and sham.
therapy (OT) Left DLPFC
improvement in depressive
included. DBS studies were exempted considering the ethical constraints
However, a significant
on the use of control groups with invasive brain surgery/stimulation;
Outcomes (O): Studies investigating substance-related outcomes (con-
sumption, craving, cue-induced craving, abstinence, relapse) as primary or
secondary outcomes of interest using a validated measurement tool (e.g.
Obsessive Compulsive Drinking Scale [OCDS]); Study Design (S): Studies
Effect Size
well-defined control group (rTMS and tDCS studies); (3) literature review,
[95% CI]
Study selection
Two authors (D.M. and A.P.) independently screened titles and abstracts
(Hedge’s g)
Effect Size
For included studies, two authors (D.M. and A.P.) extracted author
Effect Size
Active vs.
[95% CI]
11 Sham
participants, receiving
maintenance therapy
N = 20
Fig. 2 Meta-analyses of AUD studies using rTMS. Forest plots of studies evaluating (A) alcohol craving following a single-session of rTMS (B)
alcohol craving following multi-session rTMS (C) alcohol consumption following multi-session rTMS.
conditions produced similar reductions in cue-induced opioid Alcohol. Fourteen studies [106–119] examined the effects of
craving compared to no treatment. tDCS for AUD. Nine [106, 108–110, 113, 114, 116, 117, 119] demon-
strated positive effects on alcohol craving and/or consumption
Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) following right or left anodal tDCS to DLPFC. While single
Thirty-six studies investigating tDCS as treatment for SUDs, with stimulation sessions of right anodal and left anodal tDCS to the
1582 participants receiving either active or control treatment DLPFC demonstrated comparable effects, multi-session studies
(sham stimulation or no treatment; Table 2). showed that right anodal DLPFC stimulation was consistently
Fig. 3 Meta-analyses of TUD studies using rTMS. Forest plots of studies evaluating (A) tobacco cue-induced craving following a single-
session of rTMS (B) tobacco craving following multi-session rTMS (C) tobacco consumption following multi-session rTMS.
effective [113, 114, 119] but left anodal DLPFC stimulation was While nine studies reported positive effects on alcohol use
inconsistent [108, 110–112]. Variations of stimulation intensity outcomes following active tDCS, meta-analyses of craving and
(1–2 mA) and duration (10–30 min) were explored, though these consumption outcomes in single- and multi-session studies did not
differences did not produce consistent outcomes. reveal significant SMDs for active versus sham stimulation. Analysis
Vanderhasselt N = 45 A randomized, double-blind, 1 Session of An+ 2 mA for NA Consumption Reward- Active tDCS significantly ↓ reward-
et al. [116] sham-controlled study with Right, Ca- Left 20 min NA triggered triggered approach bias and alcohol
alcohol-dependent participants. DLPFC Approach consumption, compared to sham.
AND Bias
1 Sham Session NA
Alcohol: Multiple Active Stimulation Sessions
Total N = 556; 9 Studies
da Silva N = 13 A randomized, sham-controlled 5 Sessions of An+ 2 mA for Craving NA Relapse A significant ↑ in relapse rates was
et al. [108] study with alcohol-dependent Left, Ca- Right 20 min Active vs. NA observed following active tDCS
male participants. DLPFC Sham: (66.7%) compared to sham (14.3%).
OR −1.87 However, active tDCS significantly ↓
5 Sessions of [−3.17 – −0.56] alcohol craving.
Klauss N = 33 A randomized, sham-controlled 5 Sessions An+ 2 mA for Craving NA Relapse A significant ↓ in relapse rates was
et al. [113] study with alcohol dependent Right, Ca- Left 13 min Active vs. NA observed 6-months following active
participants. DLPFC Sham: tDCS (50%) compared to sham
OR −0.16 (88.2%).
5 Sessions of [−0.84–0.53] No significant effect on alcohol
Sham craving was observed.
den Uyl N = 78 A randomized, double-blind, 3 Sessions An+ 1 mA for Cue-induced NA A significant ↓ in cue-induced alcohol
et al. [110] sham-controlled, 2-by-2 factorial Left DLPFC, Ca- 15 min Craving craving, but not overall craving, was
Table 2. continued
Author Sample Study Design # of Sessions & Active Craving Consumption Other Results
Size Targeted Region Stimulation Effect Size Effect Size Outcome(s)
Intensity & (Hedge’s g) (Hedge’s g) Effect Size
Duration [95% CI] [95% CI] (Hedge’s g)
[95% CI]
design study with alcohol CSOA with active Active vs. Approach observed in the active tDCS groups
dependent participants receiving CBM (A) Sham: Bias compared to sham.
concurrent cognitive bias OR 0 [−0.44–0.44] NA There were no enhancement effects
modification (CBM). 3 Sessions An+ of tDCS on CBM.
Left DLPFC, Ca-
CSOA with control
3 Sessions of Sham
with active CBM (C)
3 Sessions of Sham
with control CBM
den Uyl N = 91 A randomized, double-blind, 4 Sessions An+ 2 mA for Craving NA Abstinence Active tDCS had no significant effect
et al. [111] sham-controlled study with Left DLPFC, Ca- 20 min Active/CBM+ Active/CBM on abstinence duration at 3- or
alcohol-dependent participants CSOA with active vs. Sham: 1.18 + vs. Sham: 6-months post-treatment. Alcohol
receiving concurrent CBM. CBM [0.63–1.73] 0.26 craving ↓ overtime in all conditions.
OR Active/CBM- vs. [−0.25–0.77] There were no enhancement effects
4 Sessions An+ Sham: −0.30 Active/CBM- of tDCS on CBM.
Left DLPFC, Ca- [−0.80–0.21] vs. Sham:
CSOA without 0.24
D.D. Mehta et al.
CBM [−0.27–0.74]
4 Sessions of
Sham with active
den Uyl N = 83 A randomized, double-blind, 4 Sessions An+ 2 mA for Craving NA Attentional Active tDCS had no significant effect
et al. [112] sham-controlled, 2-by-2 factorial Left, Ca- Right 20 min A vs. C: Bias on attentional bias, alcohol craving, or
design study with alcohol DLPFC with active −0.49 NA relapse.
dependent participants receiving ABM (A) [−1.11–0.13] There was no evidence of a beneficial
concurrent attentional bias OR B vs. D: effect of active tDCS, ABM, or the
modification (ABM). 4 Sessions An+ −0.74 combination.
Left, Ca- Right [−1.36 – −0.11]
DLPFC with
control ABM (B)
4 Sessions of
Sham with active
4 Sessions of
Sham with control
Klauss N = 49 A randomized, double-blind, 10 Sessions of An 2 mA for Craving NA Relapse A ↓ in alcohol craving was observed
et al. [114] sham-controlled study with + Right, Ca- Left 20 min Active vs. NA following active tDCS and sham.
alcohol-dependent participants. DLPFC Sham: However, the change in craving was
OR −0.58 significant only in the active tDCS
10 Sessions of [−1.17–0.02] group.
Sham Active tDCS significantly ↓ relapse
rates at 3-months post-treatment.
Gaudreault N = 17 A randomized, double-blind, 15 Sessions of An 2 mA for Craving NA Sleepiness No significant difference in cocaine
et al. [133] sham-controlled study with + Right, Ca-- Left 20 min Active vs. Active vs. craving was present between
cocaine-dependent participants. DLPFC Sham: Sham: treatment groups, though a
OR −0.14 −1.53 decreasing trend in craving was more
15 Sessions of [−1.20–0.92] prominent in the active tDCS group.
Sham Active tDCS significantly improved
daytime sleepiness compared to
Methamphetamine: Single Active Stimulation Session
Total N = 45; 2 Studies
Shahbabaie N = 30 A randomized, double-blind, 1 Session of An+ 2 mA for Subjective NA NA Active tDCS significantly ↓ self-
et al. [134] sham-controlled, crossover study Right DLPFC, Ca- 20 min Craving reported craving at rest but ↑
with methamphetamine- CSOA Active vs. methamphetamine craving during
dependent male participants AND Sham: cue-exposure, compared to sham.
1 Session of Sham −0.57 [−1.08 –
Active vs.
1.12 [0.58–1.67]
Shahbabaie N = 15 A, randomized, double-blind, 1 Session of An+ 2 mA for Craving NA Resting Active tDCS significantly ↓
et al. [135] sham-controlled, crossover study Right, Ca- Left 20 min Active vs. State methamphetamine craving compared
with methamphetamine- DLPFC Sham: Network to sham.
dependent male participants AND −0.85 Activity Active tDCS significantly modulated
1 Session of Sham [−1.60 – −0.26] NA default mode network (DMN),
executive control network (ECN), and
salience network (SN).
compared to sham.
Tobacco. Eleven studies [120–130] were conducted on tDCS in
TUD. All studies applied 2.0 mA stimulation for 15–30 min, except
for Falcone et al. [123] and Meng et al. [121] both of whom applied
Bold values have been used to highlight the outcome of interest and the brain region targeted, to improve clarity. Substance use disorder investigated is also shown in bold.
et al. and Meng et al. reported positive effects on tobacco craving
and/or cigarette consumption [121, 123–127, 129], with right
anodal DLPFC stimulation being most effective, particularly with
An+ Left vs.
multi-session protocols [125–129]. Notably, Ghorbani-Behnam
(Hedge’s g)
Effect Size
An+ Right
An+ Right
vs. Sham:
vs. Sham:
Levels of
[95% CI]
TNF-ɑ et al. [129] compared extended tDCS treatment (20 sessions over
12 weeks) with a shorter treatment duration (20 sessions over
I2 = 0%; Fig. 5A) and consumption (n = 79, SMD = −0.79, 95% CI:
−2.07 to 0.49, p = 0.22, I2 = 84.7%; Fig. 5B) did not produce
−2.13 [−3.23 –
−1.39 [−2.34 –
SMD = −0.50, 95% CI: −1.24 to 0.24, p = 0.19, I2 = 70.5%; Fig. 5C)
[95% CI]
2 mA for
10 Sessions of An
Targeted Region
10 Sessions of
Fig. 4 Meta-analyses of AUD studies using tDCS. Forest plots of studies evaluating (A) alcohol craving following a single-session of tDCS (B)
alcohol craving following multi-session tDCS (C) alcohol consumption following multi-session tDCS.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) Alcohol. Four studies [142–145] investigated effects of DBS
Seven studies investigated DBS as SUD treatment, with 48 on AUD by targeting the NAc. All studies observed significant
participants receiving active or sham stimulation (Table 3). decreases in alcohol consumption and/or craving post-treatment.
Fig. 5 Meta-analyses of TUD studies using tDCS. Forest plots of studies evaluating (A) tobacco craving following a single-session of tDCS (B)
tobacco consumption following a single-session of tDCS (C) tobacco craving following multi-session tDCS (D) tobacco consumption following
multi-session tDCS.
95% CI [−1.28–0.49]
Tobacco. One study examined the use of DBS on TUD by
targeting the NAc. Kuhn et al. [146] found that 3/10 TUD
vs. Pre.)
participants in their study quit smoking post-treatment, while
the remaining seven participants showed a significant decline in
tobacco craving and cigarette consumption.
Opioids. Two studies [147, 148] examined effects of DBS
treatment in heroin-dependent participants and reported sig-
Bold values have been used to highlight the percentage of studies with positive outcomes, as well as the substance use disorder investigated, for improved clarity as well.
n = 28 (4 Studies)
n = 10 (2 Studies)
A Summary of End-of-Treatment Substance-use Outcomes in Neuromodulation for Substance Use Disorder Studies. [N = 4036, Participants; 94 Studies].
n = 0 (0 Studies)
n = 0 (0 Studies)
n = 0 (0 Studies)
n = 10 (1 Study)
Outcomes (Effect Size – Active
n = 448 (11
n = 111 (3
n = 781 (16
n = 519 (8
n = 239 (4
Treatment parameters
Opioid [N = 360; 9 Studies]
Substance Use Disorder