CPH Lab - Vital Signs Notes

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- Heart rhythm
- Vital signs are measurements of the body's most
- Strength of the pulse
basic functions.
● The pulse rate may fluctuate and increase with
- Vital signs help detect or monitor medical
exercise, illness, injury, and emotions.
● Females ages 12 and older, in general, tend to
- They can be measured in a medical setting, at
have faster heart rates than do males.
home, or at the site of a medical emergency. 4 MAIN
● Athletes, such as runners, who do a lot of
cardiovascular conditioning, may have heart
1. Body Temperature
rates near 40 beats per minute with no
2. Pulse Rate
3. Breathing Rate (Respiratory Rate)
4. Blood Pressure
● The respiration rate is the number of breaths you take
each minute.
A person's body temperature can be taken in any of the
following ways: ● The rate is usually measured when you are at rest.

Normal Range: 12 to 20 breaths per minute.

● Orally
● Rectally
It simply involves counting the number of breaths for one
● Armpit (axillary)
minute by counting how many times your chest rises.
● By ear
● By skin Respiration rates may increase with exercise, fever,
● Internally illness, and with other medical conditions.
Normal Range: 97.8° F - 99°F
When checking respiration, it's important to also note
36.5°C - 37.2°C
whether you have any trouble breathing.
Glass Thermometers Containing Mercury
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), BLOOD PRESSURE
mercury is toxic and poses a threat to the health of Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against
humans, as well as to the environment. Because of the the artery walls during contraction and relaxation of the
risk of breaking, glass thermometers with mercury should heart. Each time the heart beats, it pumps blood into the
not be used. arteries. It results in the highest blood pressure as the
heart contracts. When the heart relaxes, the blood
PULSE RATE pressure falls.
● The pulse rate is a measurement of the heart Normal Range: 120/80 mmHg
● As the heart pushes blood through the arteries, the Two numbers are recorded when measuring blood

arteries expand and contract with the flow of the pressure:

1. The higher number is called systolic pressure. It
Normal Range: 60-100 beats per minute
refers to the pressure inside the artery when the

● Taking a pulse not only measures the heart rate, heart contracts and pumps blood through the body.
but also can indicate the following:
1. Normal: Normal blood pressure is systolic of less
than 120 and diastolic of less than 80 (120/80).
CPH LAB NOTES | SY 2023-2024 | MRMU
2. Elevated: Elevated blood pressure is systolic of
2. The lower number is called diastolic pressure. It
120 to 129 and diastolic of less than 80.
refers to the pressure inside the artery when the heart is
3. Stage 1: Stage 1 high blood pressure is systolic
at rest and is filled with blood.
of 130 to 139 or diastolic between 80 to 89. 4.
Both pressures are recorded as "mm Hg" (millimeters of Stage 2: Stage 2 high blood pressure is when
mercury). systolic is 140 or higher or the diastolic is 90 or
High blood pressure directly increases the risk of heart
attack, heart failure, and stroke. With high blood Some factors that can influence a blood pressure reading
pressure, the arteries may have an increased resistance include:
against the flow of blood. This causes the heart to work
• Stress
harder to circulate the blood.
• Smoking
Blood pressure that remains high for an extended time,
• Cold temperatures
for example, longer than a few years, can cause health
• Exercise
issues, including:
• Full stomach
● Atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
• Full bladder
● Heart failure
● Stroke • Caffeine, alcohol consumption

• Certain medicines
What is a low blood pressure measurement?
• Gaining or losing weight
Low blood pressure (hypotension) is a reading of 90/60
• Salt intake
mm Hg or lower. This can be normal for some people and
not a cause for concern. However, low blood pressure
can cause symptoms of an underlying health condition.
Talk to your healthcare provider if you have a low blood
pressure reading and experience:

● Dizziness
● Fainting
● Nausea
● Cold sweats
● Blurred vision


Blood pressure is categorized as normal, elevated, or

stage 1 or stage 2 high blood pressure:
CPH LAB NOTES | SY 2023-2024 | MRMU

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