Iso 27913 2016
Iso 27913 2016
Iso 27913 2016
First edition
Reference number
ISO 27913:2016(E)
© ISO 2016
ISO 27913:2016(E)
Contents Page
Introduction................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. vi
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Symbols, abbreviated terms and units........................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1 Symbols.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
4.2 Abbreviated terms................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
4.3 Units.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5 Properties of CO2, CO2 streams and mixing of CO2 streams influencing
pipeline transportation.................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.2 Pure CO2.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
5.2.1 Thermodynamics.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.2.2 Chemical reactions and corrosion..................................................................................................................... 5
5.3 CO2 streams................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
5.3.1 Thermodynamics.............................................................................................................................................................. 5
5.3.2 Chemical reactions.......................................................................................................................................................... 6
5.4 Mixing of CO2 streams....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Concept development and design criteria.................................................................................................................................. 6
6.1 (
General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
6.2 Safety philosophy................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6.3 Design criteria..........................................................................................................................................................................................
ISO 27913:2016 7
6.4 Reliability and availability of CO2 pipeline systems................................................................................................ 7
6.5 Short-term storage reserve ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.6 Access to the pipeline system...................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.7 System design principles................................................................................................................................................................. 7
6.7.1 General...................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.7.2 Pressure control and overpressure protection system................................................................... 7
6.8 Pipeline dehydration — General principles.................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.1 Particular aspects related to CO2......................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.2 Maximum water content............................................................................................................................................ 8
6.8.3 Avoidance of hydrate formation.......................................................................................................................... 8
6.8.4 Reliability and precision of pipeline dehydration................................................................................ 8
6.9 Flow assurance........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
6.9.1 Particular aspects related to CO2 streams.................................................................................................. 8
6.9.2 Thermo-hydraulic model........................................................................................................................................... 9
6.9.3 Pipeline design capacity............................................................................................................................................. 9
6.9.4 Reduced flow capacity.............................................................................................................................................. 10
6.9.5 Available transport capacity................................................................................................................................ 10
6.9.6 CO2 temperature conditions................................................................................................................................ 10
6.9.7 Internal lining................................................................................................................................................................... 10
6.9.8 External thermal insulation................................................................................................................................. 10
6.9.9 Leak detection.................................................................................................................................................................. 10
6.10 Pipeline layout....................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.10.1 Valve stations.................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.10.2 Block valves........................................................................................................................................................................ 11
6.10.3 Check valves....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
6.10.4 Pumping and compressor stations................................................................................................................ 11
6.10.5 Pigging stations and pigging................................................................................................................................ 11
6.10.6 Onshore vent facility design................................................................................................................................. 11
6.10.7 Offshore vent facilities.............................................................................................................................................. 12
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
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The committee responsible for this document is ISO/TC 265, Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and
geological storage.
ISO 27913:2016
Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture and storage (CCS) has been identified as a key abatement technology
for achieving a significant reduction in CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. Pipelines are likely to be the
primary means of transporting CO2 from the point-of-capture to storage (e.g. depleted hydrocarbon
formations, deep saline aquifers), where it will be retained permanently or used for other purposes
[e.g. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)] to avoid its release to the atmosphere. While there is a perception
that transporting CO2 via pipelines does not represent a significant barrier to implementing large-scale
CCS, there is significantly less industry experience than there is for hydrocarbon service (e.g. natural
gas) and there are a number of issues that need to be adequately understood and the associated risks
effectively managed to ensure safe transport of CO2. In a CCS context, there could be a need for larger
CO2 pipeline systems in more densely populated areas and with CO2 coming from multiple sources. Also,
offshore pipelines for the transportation of CO2 to offshore storage sites are likely to become common.
The objective of this document is to provide requirements and recommendations on certain aspects
of safe and reliable design, construction and operation of pipelines intended for the large scale
transportation of CO2 that are not already covered in existing pipeline standards such as ISO 13623,
ASME B31.4, EN 1594, AS 2885 or other standards (see Bibliography). Existing pipeline standards cover
many of the issues related to the design and construction of CO2 pipelines; however, there are some
CO2 specific issues that are not adequately covered in these standards. The purpose of this document
is to cover these issues consistently. Hence, this document is not a standalone standard, but is written
to be a supplement to other existing pipeline standards for natural gas or liquids for both onshore and
offshore pipelines.
Transport of CO2 via ship, rail and road is not covered in this document.
ISO 27913:2016
3 3
2 14 6
15 20
13 10 7, 9
12 11 8, 9
16 17
1 source of CO2 from capture, e.g. from power plant, 10 riser (out of transport scope)
industry; see ISO/TR 27912 (capture) 11 subsea valve (inside transport scope)
2 isolating joint iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW 12 beach valve
3 boundary limit ( 13 offshore pipeline
4 other source of CO2 14 onshore pipeline
5 ISO 27913 (transportation system inside)ISO 27913:2016 15 valve
6 boundary to storage facility 16 landfall
7 onshore storage facility
17 open water/sea
8 offshore storage facility 18 third party transport system
9 EOR 19 export to other uses than 7, 8 and 9
20 intermediate compression or pumping
1 Scope
This document specifies additional requirements and recommendations not covered in existing pipeline
standards for the transportation of CO2 streams from the capture site to the storage facility where it is
primarily stored in a geological formation or used for other purposes (e.g. for EOR or CO2 use).
This document applies to
— rigid metallic pipelines,
— pipeline systems,
— onshore and offshore pipelines for the transportation of CO2 streams,
— conversion of existing pipelines for the transportation of CO2 streams,
— pipeline transportation of CO2 streams for storage or utilization, and
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3183:2012, Petroleum and natural gas industries — Steel pipe for pipeline transportation systems
ISO 20765-2, Natural gas — Calculation of thermodynamic properties — Part 2: Single-phase properties
(gas, liquid, and dense fluid) for extended ranges of application
arrest pressure
internal pipeline pressure where there is sufficient mechanical strength to arrest or, there is not enough
energy to drive a ductile fracture (3.8)
CO2 stream
stream consisting overwhelmingly of carbon dioxide
corrosion allowance
extra wall thickness added during design to compensate for any reduction in wall thickness by corrosion
(internal/external) during the design operational life
critical point
highest temperature and pressure at which a pure substance (e.g. CO2) can exist as a gas and a liquid in
Note 1 to entry: For a multicomponent fluid mixture of a given composition, the critical point is the merge of the
bubble and the dew point curves.
critical pressure
vapour pressure at the critical temperature (3.6)
Note 1 to entry: The critical pressure for pure CO2 is 7,28 MPag.
3.6 (
critical temperature
temperature above which liquid cannot be formed ISOsimply by increasing the pressure
Note 1 to entry: The critical temperature of pure CO2 is 304,03 K.
dense phase
CO2 in its liquid or supercritical phases
ductile fracture
mechanism which takes place by the propagation of a crack or stress-raising features, linked with a
considerable amount of plastic deformation
Note 1 to entry: A “ductile fracture” is sometimes referred to as “shear fracture”.
flow coating
internal coating to reduce internal roughness, and hence minimize friction pressure loss
fracture arrestor
additional pipeline component that may be installed around portions of a pipeline designed to resist
propagating fractures
Note 1 to entry: Fracture arrestor is also called crack arrestor.
free water
water (pure water, water with dissolved salts, water wet salts, water glycol mixtures or other mixtures
containing water) not dissolved in the gaseous or dense CO2 phase, i.e. a separate water phase
internal cladding
pipe with internal metal liner where the bond between the line pipe and liner is metallurgical
internal lining
pipe with internal coating where the bond between the line pipe and coating is mechanical
maximum design temperature
highest possible temperature to which the equipment or system may reasonably be exposed locally
during installation and operation
maximum operating pressure
highest possible pressure to which the equipment or system may reasonably be exposed locally during
installation and operation
minimum design temperature
lowest possible temperature to which the component or system may reasonably be exposed locally
during installation and operation
minimum operating pressure
lowest possible pressure to which the equipment or system may reasonably be experienced locally
during installation and operation
non-condensable gases
chemical substances that are partially in ISO the 27913:2016
vapour state at pipeline operating conditions
3.19 4ed8b55a21b5/iso-27913-2016
operating envelope
limited range of parameters over which operations will result in safe and acceptable performance of
the equipment or system during operation
pipeline commissioning
activities associated with the initial filling and pressurization of the pipeline system with the fluid to be
pipeline dehydration
process of removing water from a CO2 stream (3.2) to a level below saturation such that the design
maxima for the transportation system can be achieved
pipeline dewatering
removal of water after hydraulic testing of the pipeline system
rapid gas decompression
phenomenon brought about by a fluid migrating at a molecular level into a polymer, and collecting as a
bubble and bursting following pressure reduction
saturation pressure
pressure of a vapour which is in equilibrium with its liquid at a given temperature
Note 1 to entry: The term “saturation pressure” is also referred to as “saturation vapour pressure”.
short-term storage reserve
accumulation of the fluid in a pressurized section of a pipeline additional to the fluid that is extracted
from the pipeline, for the purpose of temporary storage of that fluid
activity or condition that alone or in combination with others has the potential to cause damage or
produce another negative impact if not adequately controlled
triple point
temperature and pressure at which three phases (gas, liquid and solid) of a substance coexist in
thermodynamic equilibrium
4.1 Symbols
Ps Maximum saturation pressure (gauge pressure) in MPag; for pure CO2 critical pressure = 7,28 MPag
4.3 Units
All units used in this document are SI units.
5 Properties of CO2, CO2 streams and mixing of CO2 streams influencing pipeline
5.1 General
It shall be considered in accordance with ISO 20765-2 that pure and impure CO2 have properties that can
be very different from those of hydrocarbon fluids and can influence all stages of the pipeline life cycle.
The thermodynamic and chemical behaviour of pure CO2 can be found in literature (see, for example,
Reference [50]). In the usual operating envelope for CO2 transportation, the temperature and pressure
will vary and will be project-specific. CO2 can be in the gaseous or dense phase. There is a large change
in density between gaseous and dense phases when the CO2 is close to the saturation pressure, and for
this reason, operation close to the saturation condition should be avoided.
In case two-phase flow cannot be avoided for any reason, it should be given special consideration during
design and operation (see References [25] and [52]).
The following subclauses are intended to inform the designer and pipeline operator on how to decide
on the correct parameters to be used to avoid negative impacts on the pipeline integrity.
The thermodynamic properties of CO2, particularly the saturation pressure, shall be taken into account
because they have a significant impact on the design of the pipeline. If the MAOP is above the critical
pressure, then the critical pressure shall be used as the principal parameter in the design. This avoids
ductile fracture in the wall of the line pipe unless the operating envelope with regard to pressure and
temperature is such that it can be demonstrated that the pressure and temperature at the saturation
line are always below the critical pressure and critical temperature. For other parameters, the MAOP
shall be used as described in 7.3.
With pure CO2, there will be no chemical reactions or internal corrosion in the pipeline.
5.3.1 Thermodynamics
It shall be considered that the phase diagram and the physical and chemical properties will change
depending on the CO2 stream composition, leading, amongst other things, to changed values of the
saturation pressure compared to pure CO2. The highest value of the saturation pressure shall be the
principal design parameter to avoid ductile fracture, unless the operating envelope with regard to
pressure and temperature is such that it can be demonstrated that the pressure and temperature at the
saturation line is always below the critical pressure and critical temperature. This saturation pressure
for the specific stream may be determined by use of the GERG formula (see ISO 20765-2) or any other