Julius Caesar Questions and Answers

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imminent disata and
Calputunia nastuat1 sena. matmatal
in the heaven Exhce wais hagpeninaa Calpunniais to commont that lasans'wwdem

blstd the Casitel. Ghhases splnd and the aod lod him to theS diwnotien and cotie to the
bgdins came sut ale themhse l-gmns and astid nsapite o such unnatnal hapunÀngL
Wuwda napde
Grnns he ia met (Gmsincadto tay naide.

4) Whot does Calpnia dheam asout Caesot? Hos deu

alpusnia dreamt seaisg CaAOn'A hae wth

Calpunia tie to comtine assas hat the huanL ndad apouts ike a fownton Threugh tha spot
pue sed did Sun and mmany youn and hga thinke
Romans bato thoi handan asan's Mend.She
hod ignta Aacn oy the natchman and hen nd hts
emens Jon
dhat udh hoid sighta ane angs and
dlibenaily gies
happning fpriglden h.Thess bad omuna al bina imminent.Decis Bsutu, drum He says t
happing some inauupicisus and traqie 'Duti ng intpotatitn to
talty and
ntaten t Calpusunia?
H than eHhe day HeIn em
dsuam,Decius to
hy Captfetusand awieun
tolle the Casas. him
mplay a a
Deciua GU`N that nd, Dacun and
y as
latteny He a
lpunia's moe Decius to the he veyBoutus
Snate l
sucesalu Boutusmighty Cemes clesen teasune
at has piit
doeam censince
and conaludac usdth tounta a the
in pycheegia
Semdly,timgitiem parsuadimg the thiae PAGE
Caoan Thse DATE
te gie (aato
taunk in Caan gs that phu

In cemitant
caninaReme. Butus AL bad(PQun Cacsat
atd hat
conspihotos Lconspihateu2
the aregnce.anddream
Cimsen'e pt that that Casas
staling ike hin. eading
Et the a Hous and day the
dxBundad tu CaeaA pott iom
"couekhings' usie
hum Bute Aoleconspiatea, did CalpuniiDl- a snate bame
eme sta,He bsasta emens
aAsLs balohe
CacsatAespend had
by When 2
arnd eng.
and isadacidad aa
are wanta bung lasor.Ihey a,
Casca "Kous duead PADE
these rai,
sthers tas Cimbecoutiua' to to
the fined cssis stock
suquetd t2 usile qie
poutu senate wshds
inat Shim
t anl and bt him i
spoku stop lail.
wa and hen the he
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the last to stal Caese.When aesas Saus La that the mightit and mat. paalyl man af
Bsutes tasbing his ye (auldnt bliet
'mgusta,giss, riumpha and spoe hae shauk
Bsut ' Een yu Butua). Boutus
is doad ne
angol.Seeing thia,aah pll dmn daad uitho the weld. Neuo he mausned aNen
any uiatanc
by he çeerut o the poaçla. Anteny ys a tibut
(assa she notlest man' and 'choie and.
by aling
masans' spiita o thia age
the omuçinaters pacaim t /utity Casan's duath )
Aton aesa was mudesel,th Canspinatosutd. ) whem does Artemy al'chsie and masto apioda of i
teusand the poeçle ts jtiy hiu mund.They all
Shated togsthe "Liuty,Fsedom andEnunciume Mak Atay ighty and lagicaly alla Casa'the deia
geatest ,mightist and mat ppula pom in he
aneuing tot andstiu and pouseul he want staaid
he osuld btceme a tipont makin all the Romane
Las hi bendotu and slawes, hence they muderel
Casas bcae thuy loed Reme meu than Caah la man but themastan o spiita o is age.

12)Hous did Boutus and Casiuns nepend to tony'a

LqriafWhat daes he say absut Caoson ? peach 2
Mask Arteny Buts ad Caiug Aeipend dilstly tohemny
the deod bsdy a oa HL Comaids it an Apaoth . Caasius sa shusd inda e men and matine. He

impode by the conepitates

Hualisea Antony' padial outing mischial
t aHe the Antony te spak at Caskn's tuchal ?
befe alieuing Anteny
Caedan'a lunenal He cauld tun the net at a n fave e allengButs
ois es ba<eu the Remans.
tham. But i an idealiat. He lastida to make a spaech
take CacAn's kady to the mabek ony ofter impasing otaincanditiens.
nakat alloused Ateng speak atn Brutu had
mak a Finst, Anteny
tat he uill te the mot Secend, Ahntey
et coitiuá
spaak uith theih pomien and u
thm. hi stand
much as he kec but hu elnt apeak
Buta teek Ateny to hi
Caeiar a s
against the cenapitates.
1s) hhy dsas Caxiu oljat ta SQCUte tthat Anteny soeld otieue thae
at Caesat 's aleutng Anteny te guk nestiiens impased
Cassus is chtaunly a bettin udga mn and
t e ady o Cacsan,what
matttu than Rutu Rsucusis an ideaiat 15) When he is lßt alene with othn 2
numaed .nonn scality lassus wndentanda Asteng' |Anteny call Bouts and the
capacty cuating michief He can tum the tide Nhn lett alene uth the body of exak, Ahteng ques
gaiß. He called Reut, Casiu and
Lageint he conpinaters by incding he Roman nb. ttes vent to hi
Hedoeint ant a ethe conspinaters as 'butches'. They
his ageHe
Aituatien to hius adutantage. But Butus eKemA fiu Her killing te dsice' and 'master's spiite'a
hell spcak it jtiing shy they urdesud
Caian. Ateny ill speak enly utth tin pinicien. an utho canaiderd him his angel'. He uatti sympatty
He ll net critice et spak aginst tham Het Cansa as well a and hatred against he
conpiatets in dhe mal
gntutg penceHeeen anal' Rome.Casenhlp dastuctien
spiut Saragedby 16)
nlike aThoe Rermansmeral,
and Masukutue hhat
and the wil
peuseH the
opulaism. anerrity
agpinit ethen in
le Awill sBcial
idealist he cukse
(auld lond be
oruaing e hae in
onmspunaters, Aeam tohible
e chas shalL and
make Buds Causan the te Reme dees
He Shasee abete pay
and ight poltical
him wns notCasah. Cutl a the Antomy2
alled Boutus ~i disedh.
ss wae.
of upen (aeas o
ytnticay destudien' frem
apoianed b leBsutus
uenge the
Cakan than had day. Bleed Reme
thu Remu
and th make DATE PAGE

hll. linita ww.VWi.eCu in

ayone uas me Caesne

ler he and uill ganding
s all She
trndom, goddes
ele. wil bo. men'

that aekan, Birng kngus cod knsuAAnteny's CasiasBuctus lo:t. Ne These
ty apulslcan daulst,
a loqic Caesah,
is hos tnat kneus but and uttupeakes2
edanedahe theGn
canqueits to oh kpuch not Bruus Butus Lt
Caesanthehei tn the the But
Cassasa'& uasening has laarism. him
emmen is onspioatetu lasah is
hator thu alle
his t ndirat be
fal mee mte
ull love , tide but
He pispl made has te by Cae
te Alucaeded
and AKOUeA
lor aganst by qripped tibt
basic ahe pule aan'This
makedcomnâm suayed the hat
his to igon'
the in ight
munHe enmas the minda Tulius
peme klling shas
not m. omm doe
by and Caeaan.
fol He that the tia
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s the <atu Brutu and Caaeius

20) What
end a the scune
Adeny hatad pesple aa aouied
of the pesple
amg and
Brutu, asius and sthes omapiates. huy damau
for auenge. They
Cacsan and epidua
uill stat
posmal auaels and saskohtunes

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