CLJ Criminal Procedure
CLJ Criminal Procedure
CLJ Criminal Procedure
Objections relating to the form of the complaint or Exception: When it is a material ingredient of the
information cannot be made for the first time on offense
appeal. The accused should have moved for a bill of [Sec. 11, Rule 110]
particulars or for quashal of information before
arraignment, otherwise he is deemed to have waived Allegation in an information of a date different from
his objections to such a defect [People v. Teodoro, G.R. the one established during the trial would not, as a
No. 172372 (2009)] rule, be considered as an error fatal to the
prosecution. Erroneous allegation is just deemed
NOTE: Exception would be if the defect consists in supplanted by the evidence presented during the trial
the lack of authority of the prosecutor who filed the or may even be corrected by a formal amendment of
information; such defect is jurisdictional. the information.
Exception: The civil action is not deemed so instituted Instances where reservation to file the civil action
if the offended party separately shall not be allowed
1. B.P. 22 cases [Sec. 1(b), Rule 111]
a. Waives the civil action 2. Cases cognizable by the Sandiganbayan [Sec. 4,
b. Reserves the right to institute it separately P.D. 1606, as amended by R.A. 10660]
c. Institutes the civil action prior to the criminal 3. Tax cases [Sec. 7(b)(1), RA 9282]
[Sec. 1, Rule 111] c. Separate action filed by the
2. When Civil Action May
Proceed Independently No counterclaim, cross-claim or third-party
complaint may be filed by the accused in the criminal
case, but any cause of action which could have been
a. Independent civil actions the subject thereof may be litigated in a separate civil
action [Sec. 1, Rule 111]
When the accused in a criminal prosecution is
acquitted on the ground that his guilt has not been
proved beyond reasonable doubt, a civil action for
3. When Separate Civil Action
damages for the same act or omission may be Is Suspended
instituted [Art 29, NCC]
a. After the criminal action has been commenced,
Actions under the Civil Code, specifically for quasi- the separate civil action arising therefrom
delict, violation of constitutional rights, defamation, cannot be instituted until final judgment has
fraud, physical injuries, refusal or failure to render aid been entered in the criminal action
or protection by the members of the police or the b. If the criminal action is filed after the civil
prosecuting attorney [Art. 32, 33, 34, 35 and 2176] action has already been instituted, the civil
remain separate, distinct, and independent of any action shall be suspended in whatever stage it
criminal prosecution although based on the same act may be found before judgment on the merits.
[Phil. Rabbit Bus Lines v. People, G.R. No. 147703 The suspension shall last until final judgment is
(2004); Sec. 3, Rule 111] rendered on the criminal action.
c. The civil action may be consolidated with the
Only a preponderance of evidence is required but in criminal action in the court trying the criminal
no case may the offended party recover damages case, upon motion of the offended party and
TWICE for the same act or omission charged in the before judgment is rendered on the merits of
criminal action [Sec. 3, Rule 111] the civil action. The evidence already adduced
in the civil action will be automatically
NOTE: The judgment of the court must state the reproduced in the criminal action.
civil liability or damages caused by a wrongful act or [Sec. 1, Rule 111]
omission to be recovered from the accused by the
offended party, if there is any, EXCEPT, when the
enforcement of the civil liability by a separate civil
One which arises in a case, where
Note: The Rules preclude a motu proprio suspension by the resolution of which is a logical
the judge of the civil action; it must be by petition of
the defendant [Yap v. Paras, G.R. No. 101236 (1992)] 5. Prejudicial Question
antecedent of the issue involved
therein and the cognizance of
During the pendency of the criminal action, the which pertains to another tribunal
running of the period of prescription of the civil [People v. Consing, G.R. No. 148193
action which cannot be instituted separately or whose (2003)]
proceeding has been suspended shall be tolled [Sec. 2,
Rule 111]
There is a prejudicial question only
when the matter that has to be
4. Effect of Death of the priorly decided by another
Accused or Convict On Civil authority is one where the
Action Definition
cognizance of which pertains to
that authority and should not,
Upon the death of the accused or convict, criminal under the circumstances, be
liability is extinguished [Art. 89, RPC] passed upon by the court trying
the criminal case [Rojas v. People,
The criminal case shall be G.R. No. L-22237 (1974)]
dismissed without
Before prejudice to any civil action
arraignment that the offended party may It is a question based on a fact
file against the estate of the distinct and separate from the
deceased [Sec. 4, Rule 111]
The civil liability is crime but so intimately
extinguished. But, connected with it that it
a. An independent civil determines the guilt or innocence
action enforcing of the accused [Ras v. Rasul, G.R.
liabilities under Art. 32,
33, 34, 35 and 2176 may No. L-50411 (1980)]
be continued against the a. The previously instituted civil
estate or legal action involves an issue
representative of the similar or intimately related
After accused, after proper
arraignment substitution. to the issue raised in the
and during b. If the civil action has subsequent criminal action.
pendency of the been reserved and Elements b. The resolution of such issue
criminal action subsequently filed, the determines whether or not
civil action shall proceed
after substitution of the criminal action may
parties. proceed.
[Sec. 4, Rule 111] [Sec. 7, Rule 111]
Civil and criminal liabilities Suspension of the criminal action
are extinguished [People v.
Alison, G.R. No. L-30612 [Sec. 6, Rule 111]
(1983)] Effect
The civil liability is not It does not prescribe the dismissal
extinguished. Claims shall be of the criminal action [Yap v. Paras,
During appeal filed against the estate of the
accused under Rule 86 of the G.R. No. 101236, (1992)]
ROC. [Sec. 5, Rule 86] a. office of the prosecutor (in
the PI stage);
b. Court conducting the PI; or
After judgment c. Court where criminal action
Where filed
has been filed for trial, at any
time before the prosecution
[Sec. 6, Rule 111]
A petition for suspension of the because even if that receipt was annulled on the basis
criminal action by reason of a of fraud, duress or intimidation, the accused’s guilt
could still be established when evidence can be shown
prejudicial question in a civil that they had actually received the sum for the fishing
action may be filed in boat but instead of purchasing one, they
a. the office of the prosecutor or misappropriated and failed to return the money to
the him upon demand. But, it could have been a prejudicial
question had the criminal case been for falsification of
b. court conducting the PI the same receipt involved in the civil action [Jimenez v.
Averia, G.R. No. L-22759 (1968)]
When the criminal action has
already been filed for trial, the Where petition for suspension based upon
petition shall be filed in the same prejudicial question may be filed
A petition for suspension of the criminal action based
criminal action at any time before upon the pendency of a prejudicial question in a civil
the prosecution rests [Sec. 6, Rule action may be filed in the office of the prosecutor or
111] the court conducting the preliminary investigation.
Application When the criminal action has been filed in court for
trial, the petition to suspend shall be filed in the same
Sec. 6, Rule 111 of the 1985 Rules criminal action at any time before the prosecution
of Criminal Procedure plainly says rests [Sec. 6, Rule 111]
that the suspension may be made
only upon petition and not at the Prejudicial question where civil and
instance of the judge alone, and it administrative cases, but no criminal case,
also says suspension, and not The actions involved being respectively civil (forcible
dismissal [Yap v. Paras, G.R. No. entry) and administrative (before the Land Authority
No. 101236 (1992)] regarding the right to possession) in character, it is
obvious that technically, there is no prejudicial
question to speak of. Equally apparent, however, is
Note: Both the 1985 Rules the intimate correlation between said two
(involved in Yap) and the 2000 proceedings, stemming from the fact that the right of
Rules refer to a petition for private respondents to eject petitioner from the
suspension. disputed portion depends primarily on the resolution
of the pending administrative case. Thus, the SC ruled
To avoid two conflicting decisions that the more prudent course for the trial court to
in the civil case and in the criminal have taken is to hold the ejectment proceedings in
Rationale abeyance until after a determination of the
case [Sy Thiong Shiou v. Sy Chim,
administrative case [Quiambao v. Osorio, G.R. No. L-
G.R. No. 174168 (2009)] 48157 (1988)]
The nullity and forgery of the
prior deed of sale is based on the Prejudicial question where administrative and
very same facts which would be criminal cases, but no civil case, involved
necessarily determinative of the The case of San Miguel Properties, Inc. v. Perez [G.R. No.
166836 (2013)] involved an administrative case for
accused’s guilt or innocence in the specific performance before the HLURB and a
Example case for estafa. If the first alleged criminal prosecution for violation of Sec. 25 of P.D.
sale is void or fictitious, then there 957. San Miguel argued that the concept of a
would have been no double sale prejudicial question involves a civil action and a
Not a prejudicial question criminal action and there can be no prejudicial
Although both are andbased
the accused would
on fraud, civilbecase
for the question to speak of because no civil action was
revocation of a management
innocent [Rascontract did not
v. Rasul, G.R. No.affect pending. The SC said the HLURB case raises a
the criminal cases for (1980)]
50411 estafa for executing a chattel prejudicial question that sufficed to suspend the
mortgage on personal property in favor of another criminal proceedings since the action before the
without the consent of the previous mortgagee [Rojas
v. People, G.R. No. L-22237 (1974)]
The issue of the validity of the receipt was not
determinative of the guilt or innocence for estafa
HLURB was “civil in nature” and could not be
instituted elsewhere except in the HLURB whose D.Preliminary Investigation
jurisdiction over the action was exclusive and original.
1. Nature of Right
6. Rule on Filing Fees in Civil
Action Deemed Instituted It is an inquiry or proceeding to determine whether
there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded
With the Criminal Action belief that a crime has been committed and the
respondent is probably guilty thereof, and should be
General rule: held for trial [Sec. 1, Rule 112, as amended by A.M.
a. No filing fees shall be required for actual No. 05-8-26-SC]
b. Where the amount of moral, exemplary, nominal, Preliminary Investigation is “merely inquisitorial, and
temperate (except actual) damages is specified in it is often the only means of discovering the persons
the complaint/information, the corresponding who may reasonably be charged with a crime, to
filing fees shall be paid by the offended party enable the prosecutor to prepare his complaint or
upon the filing thereof in court. information. It is not a trial of the case on the merits”
c. Where the amount of moral, exemplary, nominal, and does not place the persons against whom it is
temperate damages is NOT specified in the taken in jeopardy [Paderanga v. Drilon, G.R. No. 96080
complaint/Information, the filing fees shall (1991)]
constitute a first lien on the judgment awarding
such damages It is an executive, not a judicial function. Such
[Sec. 1, Rule 111] investigation is not part of the trial, hence, a full and
exhaustive presentation of the parties' evidence is not
Exception: required, but only such as may engender a well-
a. Violations for B.P.22 grounded belief that an offense has been committed
1. The offended party shall pay in full the and that the accused is probably guilty thereof
filing fees based on the amount of the [Metropolitan Bank and Trust Company v. Tonda, G.R. No.
check involved, which shall be considered 134436 (2000)]
as the actual damages claimed.
2. Where the complaint or information also Right to preliminary investigation
seeks to recover liquidated, moral, nominal, Neither the 1935 nor the 1973 Constitution requires
temperate or exemplary damages, the the holding of a PI. The right thereto is of statutory
offended party shall pay additional filing fees character and may be invoked only when specifically
based on the amounts alleged therein. created by statute. It is not a fundamental right and
3. If the amounts are not so alleged but any of may be waived expressly or by silence [Marinas v.
these damages are subsequently awarded by Siochi, G.R. Nos.. L-25707 (1981)]
the court, the filing fees based on the amount
awarded shall constitute a first lien on the Note: This doctrine is still applicable since the 1987
judgment. Constitution does not require a PI.
[Sec. 1, Rule 111]
b. Estafa – The offended party shall pay in full the The right to have a PI conducted before being bound
filing fees based on the amount involved [See over to trial for a criminal offense and hence formally
Sec. 20, Rule 141] at risk of incarceration or some other penalty, is not a
mere formal or technical right; it is a substantive right.
To deny the accused’s claim to a PI would be to
deprive him of the full measure of his right to due
process [Sales v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 143802
Waiver of right
The right to PI is a personal right which the accused
may waive either expressly or by implication but at all
times must be unequivocal. Mere failure of a
defendant and/or his counsel to appear during PI expensive trials [Tandoc v. Resultan, G.R. No.
cannot be construed as a waiver [Larranaga v. CA, 59241-44 (1989)]
G.R. No. 130644 (1998)]
When the accused waives his right to PI, the fiscal
may forthwith file the corresponding information 3. Who May Conduct
with the proper court [People v. Perez, G.R. No. L- Determination of Existence
15231 (1960)]
of Probable Cause
An application for or admission to bail shall not bar
the accused from assailing the regularity or Probable cause
questioning the absence of a PI of the charge against Probable cause means the existence of such facts and
him provided that he raises the challenge before circumstances as would excite the belief, in a
entering his plea [Sec. 26, Rule 114] reasonable mind, acting on the facts within the
knowledge of the prosecutor, that the person charged
When right deemed waived was guilty of the crime for which he was prosecuted
a. Express waiver or by silence [Pilapil v. [Allado v. Diokno, G.R. No. 113630 (1994)]
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 101978 (1993)]
b. Failure to invoke it during arraignment [People v. The quantum of evidence now required in PI is such
De Asis, G.R. No. 105581 (1993)]; and evidence sufficient to “engender a well-founded
c. Consenting to be arraigned and entering a plea of belief” as to the fact of the commission of a crime and
not guilty without invoking the right to PI [People the respondent's probable guilt thereof. A PI is not
v. Bulosan, G.R. No. L-58404 (1988)] the occasion for the full and exhaustive display of the
parties’ evidence; it is for the presentation of such
The waiver, whether express or implied, must be in a evidence only as may engender a well-grounded belief
clear and unequivocal manner [Larranaga v. CA. G.R. that an offense has been committed and that the
No. 130644 (1998)] accused is probably guilty thereof [Estrada v.
Ombudsman, G.R. No. 212140 (2015)]
The right cannot be raised for the first time on appeal
[Pilapil v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 101978 (1993)] The determination of probable cause during a PI or
reinvestigation is recognized as an executive function
exclusively of the prosecutor. A prosecutor cannot
When right not deemed waived then be compelled by mandamus to file a case against
a. Failure to appear before the prosecutor during an alleged criminal. The only exception is when such
the clarificatory hearing or when summoned, prosecutor acted with grave abuse of discretion
when the right was invoked at the start of the amounting to grave abuse of discretion amounting to
proceeding [Larranaga v. CA, G.R. No. 130644 lack or excess of jurisdiction [Hegerty v. CA, 409 SCRA
(1998)]; or 285 (2003)]
b. When the accused filed an application for bail
and was arraigned over his objection and the
accused demand that PI be conducted [Go v. CA, Hearsay evidence is admissible during PI [De Lima v.
G.R. No. 101837 (1992)] Guerrero, G.R. No. 229781 (2017), citing Estrada v.
Ombudsman, G.R. No. 212140 (2015)]
2. Purposes of Preliminary In general, the following may conduct the
Investigation determination of existence of probable cause in a PI
a. Provincial/city prosecutors and their assistants
b. National and regional state prosecutors
a. To determine whether or not a crime has been c. Other officers as may be authorized by law
committed and whether or not there is probable [Sec. 2, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-
cause to believe that the accused is guilty [Raro v. 26-SC]
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 108431 (2000)] d. Ombudsman (see below)
b. To secure the innocent against hasty, malicious
and oppressive prosecution, and to protect him
from an open and public accusation of a crime,
from the trouble, expense, anxiety of a public
trial, and also protect the state from useless and
Ombudsman as the case may be, with
JUDICIAL DETERMINATION v. corresponding leave of court in cases where
EXECUTIVE DETERMINATION OF information has already been filed in court [Sec.
PROBABLE CAUSE 7. Rule II, Rules of Procedure of the Office of the
a. Prosecutor
The executive determination of probable The Ombudsman is authorized to conduct PI
cause is one made during the PI. It is a function and to prosecute all criminal cases involving
that properly pertains to the public prosecutor public officers and employees, not only those
who is given a broad range of discretion to within the jurisdiction of the Sandiganbayan, but
determine whether probable cause exists for also those within the jurisdiction of regular courts
purposes of indictment. Such finding will not as well [Uy v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 105965-70
be disturbed by the court unless there is finding (2001)]
of grave abuse of discretion [Mendoza v. People,
G.R. No. 197293 (2014)] Courts should not interfere with the
Ombudsman’s investigatory power, exercised
The PI conducted by the fiscal is terminated through the Special Prosecutor, except when the
upon the filing of the information in the proper finding is tainted with GAD amounting to lack or
court [Crespo v. Mogul, G.R. No. L-53373 (1987)] excess of jurisdiction. On the other hand, if the
Special Prosecutor files a motion to
b. Court dismiss/motion for leave to file a motion to
withdraw the information after reinvestigation,
the resolution of such motion rests on the sound
The judicial determination of probable cause discretion of the anti-graft court [Fuentes v.
is one made by the judge to ascertain whether a Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 164664 (2006)]
warrant of arrest should be issued against the
accused [Sec. 2, Art. III, Constitution] A person under PI by the Ombudsman is entitled
to file a motion for reconsideration of the adverse
Note: RTC judges have no power to conduct PI; resolution, under Sec. 7 of the Rules of Procedure
and MTC judges cannot conduct PI anymore of the Ombudsman. The filing of the
after A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC eliminated judges of information without first affording the accused
the MTC and MCTC from those authorized to his right to file a motion for reconsideration
conduct a PI effective October 3, 2005. renders PI conducted in this case incomplete.
The inevitable conclusion is that the accused was
c. COMELEC not only effectively denied the opportunity to file
a motion for reconsideration of the
The COMELEC may conduct investigation as Ombudsman’s final resolution but also deprived
regards election offenses [Sec. 2(6), Art. IX-C, of his right to a full PI preparatory to the filing of
Constitution; Sec. 265, Omnibus Election Code] the information against him [Sales v.
Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 143802 (2001)]
d. Ombudsman
The Ombudsman and his deputies, as protectors Procedure for Preliminary Investigation
of the people, shall act promptly on complaints Filing of the complaint, which
filed in any form or manner against public a. States the respondent’s address
officials or employees of the Government, or any b. Includes the affidavits of the complainant and
subdivision, agency or instrumentality thereof, his witnesses, and other supporting
including GOCCs and shall, in appropriate cases, documents to establish probable cause. The
notify the complainants of the action taken and affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn to
the result thereof [Sec. 12, Art. XI, Constitution] before any prosecutor or government official
authorized to administer oath or if absent or
Only one motion for reconsideration or unavailable, before a notary public, each of
reinvestigation of an approved order or whom must certify that he personally
resolution shall be allowed, the same to be filed examined the affiants and that he is satisfied
within 5 days from notice thereof with the Office
of the Ombudsman, or the proper Deputy
that they voluntarily executed and understood officer questions which may be asked to the party
their affidavits. or witness concerned [Sec. 3(e), Rule 112, as
c. Shall be in such number of copies as there are amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC]
respondents, plus 2 copies for the official file
[Sec. 3(a), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8- The hearing shall be held within 10 days from
26-SC] submission of the counter-affidavits and other
documents or from the expiration of the period for
Action of the investigating officer their submission. It shall be terminated within five
a. Within 10 days after the filing of the (5) days [Sec. 3(e), Rule 112, as amended by A.M.
complaint, the investigating officer will either: No. 05-8-26-SC]
1. Dismiss, if he finds no ground to continue
the investigation; or Determination
2. Issue a subpoena to the respondent,
attaching the complaint and supporting Within ten (10) days after the investigation, the
affidavits and documents investigating officer shall determine whether or not
[Sec. 3(b), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8- there is sufficient ground to hold the respondent
26-SC] for trial [Sec. 3(f), Rule 112, as amended by A.M.
3. If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, No. 05-8-26-SC]
the investigating officer shall resolve the
complaint based on the evidence
presented by the complainant [Sec. 3(d), Note: During the conduct of PI, the prosecutor is
Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8- under no duty to provide the respondent with the
26-SC] counter-affidavits of his/her co-respondents [Estrada
b. Respondent has the right to examine the v. Ombudsman, G.R. No. 212140-41 (2015)]
evidence submitted by complainant which he
may not have been furnished and to copy
evidence at his expense [Sec. 3(b), Rule 112, as
4. Resolution of the
amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC] Investigating Prosecutor
Respondent’s counter-affidavit If he finds probable cause to hold respondent for
trial, he shall prepare the resolution and information
It must be made within 10 days from receipt of and shall certify under oath in the information that:
subpoena with the complaint, and must comply a. He, or as shown by the record, an authorized
with the same requirements as a complaint. officer has personally examined the complainant
Respondent is not allowed to file a motion to and his witnesses;
dismiss in lieu of counter-affidavit [Sec. 3(c), Rule b. There is reasonable ground to believe that a crime
112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC] has been committed and the accused is probably
guilty thereof;
If the respondent cannot be subpoenaed, or if c. The accused was informed of the complaint and
subpoenaed, does not submit counter-affidavits of the evidence against him; and
within the ten (10) day period, the investigating d. He was given opportunity to submit
officer shall resolve the complaint based on the controverting evidence
evidence presented by the complainant [Sec. 3(d), If he finds no probable cause, he shall recommend
Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC] the dismissal of the complaint [Sec. 4, Rule 112, as
This situation would have the effect of an ex-parte amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC]
investigation [Riano 210, 2016 Ed.]
5. Review
Clarificatory hearing
Within 5 days from the resolution, the investigating
The investigating officer may set a hearing if there officer shall forward the case to the
are facts and issues to be clarified from a party or a provincial/city/chief state prosecutor, or to the
witness. The parties can be present at the hearing Ombudsman or his deputy in cases cognizable by
but without the right to examine or cross-examine. the Sandiganbayan in the exercise of its original
They may, however, submit to the investigating jurisdiction.
the latter may be appealed before the CA pursuant to
Within 10 days from receipt of the resolution, the Rule 43 [De Ocampo v. Sec. of Justice, G.R. No. 147932
Prosecutor/Ombudsman shall act on the (2006)]
resolution and shall immediately inform the parties
of such action. Note: As provided under Memorandum Circular No.
58 (2003), no appeal from or petition for review of
No complaint/information may be filed or decisions/orders/resolutions of the Secretary of
dismissed by an investigating prosecutor without Justice on preliminary investigations shall be
the prior written authority or approval of the entertained by the Office of the President, except
provincial/city/chief state prosecutor, or those involving offenses punishable by reclusion
Ombudsman or his deputy. perpetua to death [Angeles v. Gaite, G.R. No. 176596
Where the investigating prosecutor recommends
the dismissal of the complaint but the Thus, in De Ocampo involving homicide in relation to
prosecutor/Ombudsman or his deputy Sec. 10(a), Art. VI of R.A. 7610 punishable by reclusion
disapproves his recommendation, the latter may perpetua, appeal to the OP was available. However, in
file the information by himself or direct another Angeles involving libel, appeal to the OP was not
assistant/state prosecutor to do so without allowed.
conducting a new PI.
The Court of Appeals is clothed with jurisdiction to
If upon petition by a proper party under such rules review the resolution issued by the Secretary of the
as the Department of Justice may prescribe or motu DOJ through a petition for certiorari under Rule 65
proprio, the Secretary of Justice reverses or modifies … solely on the ground that the Secretary of Justice
the resolution of the provincial or city prosecutor committed grave abuse of his discretion amounting to
or chief state prosecutor, he shall direct the excess or lack of jurisdiction [Argovan v. San Miguel
prosecutor concerned either to file the Corporation, G.R. No. 188767 (2013)]
corresponding information without conducting
another preliminary investigation, or to dismiss or “While they are correct in stating that the right to
move for dismissal of the complaint or preliminary investigation is a substantive, not merely
information with notice to the parties. The same a procedural right, petitioners are wrong in arguing
rule shall apply in preliminary investigations that the Information filed, without affording the
conducted by the officers of the Office of the respondent his right to file a motion for
Ombudsman. reconsideration of an adverse DOJ resolution, is
[Sec. 4, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26- fatally premature” [Aguinaldo and Perez v. Ventus and
SC] Joson, G.R. No. 176033 (2015)]
The Secretary of Justice (SOJ) may review resolutions, The CA has jurisdiction to review the resolution
via petition for review to the SOJ, of his subordinates issued by the Secretary of Justice through a petition
in criminal cases despite the information being filed for certiorari under Rule 65 albeit solely on the
in court [Community Rural Bank of Guimba v. Talavera, ground that the Secretary committed grave abuse of
A.M. No. RTJ-05-1909 (2005); see also DOJ Circ. No. his discretion amounting to excess or lack of
70] jurisdiction. Petitioners could have easily availed
themselves of such recourse instead of directly
A motion for reconsideration may be filed against the assailing the same before the SC [Chong v. Dela Cruz,
SOJ’s resolution [DOJ Circ. No. 70 (2000)] G.R. No. 184948 (2009)]
The resolution of the Secretary of Justice may be 6. When Warrant of Arrest May
nullified in a petition for certiorari under Rule 65 on
grounds of grave abuse of discretion resulting to lack Issue
or excess of jurisdiction [Ching v. Sec. of Justice, G.R.
No. 164317 (2006)] By the RTC
a. Within 10 days from the filing of the complaint
The DOJ resolution is appealable administratively or information, the judge shall personally
before the Office of the President and the decision of
evaluate the resolution of the prosecutor and its the finding has substantial basis [Worldwide Web Corp.
supporting evidence. v. People, G.R. No. 161106 (2014)]
b. He may immediately dismiss the case if the
evidence on record clearly fails to establish The judge had no positive duty to first resolve the
probable cause. Motion to Quash before issuing a warrant of arrest.
c. If he finds probable cause, he shall issue a Sec. 5(a), Rule 112 required the judge to evaluate the
warrant of arrest, or a commitment order if the prosecutor's resolution and its supporting evidence
accused has already been arrested pursuant to a within a limited period of only 10 days [De Lima v.
warrant issued by the judge who conducted the Guerrero, G.R. No. 229781 (2017)]
PI or when the complaint or information was
filed pursuant to Sec. 7 of Rule 112, as amended
by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC. 7. Cases Not Requiring
d. In case of doubt on the existence of probable
cause, the judge may order the prosecutor to
Preliminary Investigation
present additional evidence within 5 days from nor Covered By the Rule on
notice and the issue must be resolved by the court
within 30 days from the filing of the complaint or
Summary Procedure
[Sec. 5(a), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26- If the complaint is filed directly with the
SC] prosecutor involving an offense punishable by an
imprisonment of less than 4 years, 2 months and 1
By the MTC day, the procedure outlined in Sec. 3(a), Rule 112, as
The procedure for the issuance of a warrant of arrest amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC shall be observed.
by the judge shall be governed by Sec. 5(a) quoted The prosecutor shall act on the complaint based on
above [Sec. 5(b), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. the affidavits and other supporting documents
05-8-26-SC] submitted by the complainant within ten (10) days
from its filing [Sec. 8(a), Rule 112, as amended by
A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC]
When warrant of arrest shall not issue
A warrant of arrest shall not issue if the accused is Sec. 3(a), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-
already under detention pursuant to a warrant issued SC states that:
by the municipal trial court in Section 5(b) quoted a. The complaint shall state the address of the
above, or if the complaint or information was filed respondent and shall be accompanied by
pursuant to Sec. 6, Rule 112 (When accused lawfully affidavits of the complainant and his witnesses,
arrested without warrant) or is for an offense as well as other supporting documents to
penalized by fine only. The court shall then proceed establish probable cause.
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction [Sec. 5(c), b. They shall be in such number of copies as there
Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC] are respondents, plus 2 copies for the official file.
The affidavits shall be subscribed and sworn to
The PI for the determination of a sufficient ground before any prosecutor or government official
for the filing of the information is executive in nature. authorized to administer oath, or, in their absence
It is part of the prosecution's job [P/Supt. Cruz v. Judge or unavailability, before a notary public, each of
Areola, A.M. No. RTJ-01-1642 (2002)] whom must certify that he personally examined
the affiants and that he is satisfied that they
The PI conducted by the judge which is properly voluntarily executed and understood their
called preliminary examination is for the affidavits.
determination of probable cause for the issuance of
warrant of arrest [P/Supt. Cruz v. Judge Areola, A.M. If the complaint or information is filed with the
No. RTJ-01-1642 (2002)] MTC/MCTC for an offense covered by this
NOTE: Trial judges determine probable cause in the a. The procedure in Sec. 3(a) quoted above shall be
exercise of their judicial functions. A trial judge’s observed.
finding of probable cause for the issuance of a search b. If within 10 days after the filing of the complaint
warrant is accorded respect by reviewing courts when of information, the judge finds no probable cause
after personally evaluating the evidence, or after
personally examining in writing and under oath
the complainant and his witnesses in the form of The right cannot be raised for the first time on appeal
searching questions and answers, he shall dismiss [Pilapil v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 101978 (1993)]
the same.
c. He may, however, require the submission of Restraining preliminary investigation
additional evidence, within 10 days from notice, General rule: The power of the Fiscal to investigate
to determine further the existence of probable crimes committed within his jurisdiction will,
cause. ordinarily, not be restrained.
d. If the judge still finds no probable cause despite
the additional evidence, he shall, within 10 days
from its submission or expiration of said period, Exceptions: Extreme cases may exist where relief in
dismiss the case. equity may be availed of to stop a purported
e. When he finds probable cause, he shall issue a enforcement of a criminal law where it is necessary:
warrant of arrest, or a commitment order if the a. For the orderly administration of justice;
accused had already been arrested, and hold him b. To prevent the use of the strong arm of the law
for trial. in an oppressive and vindictive manner;
f. However, if the judge is satisfied that there is no c. To avoid multiplicity of actions;
necessity for placing the accused under custody, d. To afford adequate protection to constitutional
he may issue summons instead of a warrant of rights [Hernandez v. Albano, G.R. No. L-19272
arrest. (1967)]
[Sec. 8(b), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26- e. In proper cases, because the statute relied upon
SC] is unconstitutional, or was “held invalid” [Ladlad
v. Velasco, G.R. No. 172070-72 (2007)]
8. Remedies of Accused If
There Was No Preliminary
Effect of denial of right
The absence of a PI does not impair the validity of an
information or render it defective. Neither does it
affect the jurisdiction of the court or constitute a
ground for quashing the information [Villaflor v.
Vivar, G.R. No. 134744 (2001)]
Remedies of the accused if there was no PI
a. Call the attention of the court to the deprivation
of the required PI before entering his plea
[Larranaga v. CA. G.R. No. 130644 (1998)]
b. File a certiorari, if refused and such refusal is
tainted with grave abuse of discretion [Riano 186,
2016 Ed.]
The trial court, instead of dismissing the information,
should hold in abeyance the proceedings and order
the public prosecutor to conduct a PI [Villaflor v.
Vivar, G.R. No. 134744 (2001)]
After the filing of the complaint/information in court
without a PI, the accused may within 5 days from the
time he learns of its filing, ask for a PI with the same
right to adduce evidence in his defense as provided in
Rule 112 [Sec. 6, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No.
arrested by a police officer or any other
person of suitable age and discretion [Sec.
E. Arrest 23, Rule 114]
3. An accused released on bail may be re-
1. Arrest, How Made arrested without the necessity of a warrant if
he attempts to depart from the Philippines
without permission of the court where the
Arrest case is pending [Sec. 23, Rule 114]
Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in order
that he may be bound to answer for the commission Note: A legitimate warrantless arrest necessarily
of an offense [Sec. 1, Rule 113] includes the authority to validly search and seize from
the offender (1) dangerous weapons, and (2) those
How made that may be used as proof of the commission of an
a. by actual restraint of a person to be arrested; offense [People v. Montilla, G.R. No. 123872, (1998)]
b. by his submission to the custody of the person
making the arrest [Sec. 2, 1st par., Rule 113]
a. In flagrante delicto
Application of actual force, manual touching of the
body, physical restraint or a formal declaration of A peace officer or a private person may, without
arrest is not required. It is enough that there be an warrant, arrest a person when, in his presence, the
intent on the part of one of the parties to arrest the person to be arrested:
other and an intent on the part of the other to submit, 1. Has committed
under the belief and impression that submission is 2. Is actually committing, or
necessary [Sanchez v. Demetriou, G.R. No. 111771 3. Is attempting to commit
(1993)] an offense
[Sec. 5(a), Rule 113]
No violence or unnecessary force shall be used in
making an arrest [Sec. 2, 2nd par., Rule 113] “Reliable information” alone, absent any overt act
indicative of a felonious enterprise in the presence
An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of and within the view of the arresting officers, are not
the day or night [Sec. 6, Rule 113] sufficient to constitute probable cause that would
justify an in flagrante delicto arrest [People v. Molina,
G.R. No. 133917 (2001)]
2. Arrest without Warrant,
When Lawful To constitute a valid in flagrante delicto arrest, the
following requisites must concur
1. The person to be arrested must execute an overt
General rule: No peace officer or person has the power act indicating that he has just committed, is
or authority to arrest anyone without a warrant except actually committing, or is attempting to commit
in those cases expressly authorized by law [Umil v. a crime, and
Ramos, G.R. No. 81567 (1991)] 2. Such overt act is done in the presence or within
the view of the arresting officer
Exceptions: [Zalameda v. People, G.R. No. 183656 (2009); People v.
a. In flagrante delicto [Sec. 5(a), Rule 113] Laguio, G.R. No. 128587 (2007)]
b. Hot pursuit arrest [Sec. 5(b), Rule 113]
c. Arrest of escaped prisoner [Sec. 5(c), Rule 113] “In his presence” means:
d. Other lawful warrantless arrests 1. He sees the offense, even though at a distance, or
1. If a person lawfully arrested escapes or is 2. He hears the disturbances created by the offense
rescued, any person may immediately pursue and proceeds at once to the scene
or retake him without a warrant at any time [People v. Evaristo, G.R. No. 93828 (1992)]
and in any place within the Philippines [Sec.
13, Rule 113] The following are instances of this type of arrest
2. For the purpose of surrendering the accused, without warrant
the bondsmen may arrest him or, upon 1. An arrest made after an entrapment does not
written authority endorsed on a certified require a warrant inasmuch as it is considered a
copy of the undertaking, cause him to be
valid warrantless arrest pursuant to Sec. 5(a), Rule element of immediacy [Pestilos v. Generoso, G.R. No.
113 [Teodosio v. CA, G.R. No. 124346 (2004)] This 182601 (2014)]
is different from instigation, which means luring
the accused into a crime that he, otherwise, had Probable cause must be based on personal knowledge
no intention to commit, in order to prosecute which means an actual belief or reasonable grounds
him, and leads to acquittal [People v. Dansico, G.R. of suspicion [Abelita III v. Doria, G.R. No. 170672
No. 178060 (2011)] (2009)]
2. When a person is caught in flagrante as a result of
the buy-bust operation, the policemen are not The clincher in the element of “personal knowledge
only authorized but are also under obligation to of facts or circumstances” is the required element of
apprehend the drug pusher even without a immediacy within which these facts or circumstances
warrant of arrest [People v. de Lara, G.R. No. should be gathered (i.e. just after the commission of
94953 (1994)] the crime). This required time element acts as a
safeguard to ensure that the police officers have
A buy-bust operation is a valid form of in flagrante gathered the facts or perceived the circumstances
delicto arrest. It is a valid form of entrapment [People v. within a very limited time frame, such that the chances
Araneta, G.R. No. 191062 (2010)] of contamination of facts is minimal. It does not
require actual presence at the scene while a crime
b. Hot pursuit arrest was being committed; it is enough that evidence of
the recent commission of the crime is patent and the
A peace officer or a private person may, without police officer has probable cause to believe based on
warrant, arrest a person when an offense has just been personal knowledge of facts or circumstances, that
committed and the officer or private person has the person to be arrested has recently committed the
probable cause to believe, based on personal crime [Pestilos v. Generoso, G.R. No. 182601 (2014)]
knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person
to be arrested has committed it [Sec. 5(b), Rule 113] Note: Where a warrantless arrest is made under the in
flagrante and hot pursuit exceptions, the person arrested
Requisites: without a warrant shall be forthwith delivered to the
1. An offense has just been committed. There nearest police station or jail and shall be proceeded
must be a large measure of immediacy between against in accordance with Sec. 7 of Rule 112 [Sec. 5,
the time the offense was committed and the time 2nd par., Rule 113]
of the arrest. If there was an appreciable lapse of
time between the arrest and the commission of Sec. 7 of Rule 112 states that when a person is lawfully
the crime, a warrant of arrest must be secured arrested without a warrant involving an offense which
[People v. del Rosario, G.R. No. 127755 (1999); requires a PI, the complaint or information may be
People v. Agojo , G.R. No. 181318 (2009)]; and filed by a prosecutor without need of such
2. The person making the arrest has probable investigation provided an inquest has been conducted
cause to believe, based on personal knowledge in accordance with existing rules.
of facts and circumstances, that the person to be
arrested has committed it. Inquest is defined as an informal and summary
investigation conducted by a public prosecutor in
The phrase covers facts, or in the alternative, criminal cases involving persons arrested and
circumstances. Circumstances may pertain to events detained without the benefit of a warrant of arrest
or actions within the actual perception, personal issued by the court for the purpose of determining
evaluation or observation of the police officer at the whether said persons should remain under custody
scene of the crime. Thus, even though the police and correspondingly be charged in court [Leviste v.
officer has not seen someone actually fleeing, he Alameda, G.R. No. 182677 (2010), citing Sec. 1, DOJ
could still make a warrantless arrest if, based on his Circ. No. 61 (1993)]
personal evaluation of the circumstances at the scene
of the crime, he could determine the existence of General rule: PI is required to be conducted before a
probable cause. However, the determination of complaint/information is filed for an offense where
probable cause and the gathering of facts and the penalty prescribed by law is at least 4 years, 2
circumstances should be made immediately after the months and 1 day, without regard to the fine [Sec. 1,
commission of the crime in order to comply with the Rule 112, , as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC]
3. If warrantless arrest is validly made, the Inquest
Exception: When a person is lawfully arrested without officer asks the detained person if he desires to
a warrant involving an offense that requires a PI, a avail of a PI. If he does, he must execute a waiver
complaint/information may be filed without of Art. 125, RPC, with the assistance of a lawyer
conducting the PI if the necessary inquest is and, in case of non-availability of a lawyer, a
conducted. responsible person of his choice [Sec. 10, DOJ
Circ. No. 61 (1993)]
In the absence of an inquest prosecutor, the offended 4. If detained person does not opt for a PI or
party or peace officer may directly file the complaint refuses to execute the waiver, the Inquest officer
in court [Sec. 6, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. determines the probable cause that the accused is
05-8-26-SC] probably guilty [Sec. 11, DOJ Circ. No. 61
5. If there is probable cause, the Inquest officer
Remedy of a person arrested without a warrant: prepares the complaint/information and forward
1. BEFORE the complaint or information is filed, it, together with the records of the case, to the
arrested person may ask for PI City Prosecutor for appropriate action [Sec. 13,
a. he must sign a waiver of the provisions of DOJ Circular No. 61 (1993)]
Article 125 of RPC, in the presence of his
b. he may apply for bail; c. Arrest of escaped prisoner
c. the investigation must be terminated within
15 days from its inception A peace officer or a private person may, without
2. AFTER the filing of the complaint but BEFORE warrant, arrest a person when the person to be
arraignment, the accused may ask for PI within 5 arrested is a prisoner who has escaped
days after he learns of the filing of the complaint 1. from a penal establishment or place where he is
or information serving final judgment or temporarily confined
[Sec. 6, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26- while his case is pending; or
SC] 2. While being transferred from one confinement to
Procedure [Sec. 5(c), Rule 113]
An inquest is considered commenced upon receipt by
the Inquest officer from the law enforcement Escapee may be immediately pursued or re-arrested
authorities of the complaint/referral documents without a warrant at any time and in any place within
which should include: the Philippines [Sec. 13, Rule 113]
1. Affidavit of arrest, investigation report,
statement of the complainant and witnesses, all Rationale
of which must be subscribed and sworn to before At the time of arrest, the escapee is in continuous
him; commission of a crime (i.e., evasion of service of
2. Other supporting evidence gathered by the police sentence). [Parulan v. Director of Prisons, G.R. No. L-
in the course of the latter's investigation of the 28519 (1968)]
criminal incident involving the arrested or
detained person.
[Sec. 3, DOJ Circ. No. 61 (1993)] RULES ON ILLEGALITY OF ARREST
General rule: The officer shall inform the person to be The judge does not have to personally examine the
arrested of: complainant and his witnesses. Established doctrine
1. His authority; and provides, he shall personally evaluate the report and
2. The cause of the arrest the supporting documents submitted by the fiscal
regarding the existence of probable cause:
a. If he finds probable cause, he shall issue a warrant
Exceptions: of arrest, or
1. When the person to be arrested is engaged in the b. If on the basis thereof he finds no probable
commission of the offense; cause, he may disregard the fiscal’s report and
2. When he is pursued immediately after its require the submission of supporting affidavits of
commission; witnesses
3. When he has escaped, flees or forcibly resists [People v. Gray, G.R. No. 180109 (2010); AAA v.
before the officer has the opportunity to so Carbonell, G.R. No. 171465 (2007)]
inform him; or
4. When the giving of such information will imperil
the arrest. When warrant of arrest is not necessary
[Sec. 8, Rule 113] A warrant of arrest shall not issue
a. if the accused is already under detention pursuant
to a warrant issued by the municipal trial court in
c. By Private Person (Citizen’s accordance with Sec. 5(b) of Rule 112; or
Arrest) b. if the complaint or information
1. was filed pursuant to Sec. 6 of Rule 112 or
1. The private person shall inform the person to be 2. is for an offense penalized by fine only
arrested of the intention to arrest him and the [Sec. 5(c), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-
cause of the arrest except in the same cases as 8-26-SC]
those for arrest by an officer without a warrant
[Sec. 9, Rule 113] Sec. 5(b), Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-
2. The private person must deliver the arrested SC states that the procedure for the issuance of a
person to the nearest police station or jail, and he warrant of arrest by the judge shall be governed by
shall be proceeded against in accordance with Sec. 5(a). (See Part D.6 of this (Criminal Procedure)
Sec. 7, Rule 112 [Sec. 5, Rule 113] Otherwise, the reviewer.)
private person may be held liable for illegal
detention [Art. 125, RPC] Sec. 6 of Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-
SC states that when a person is lawfully arrested
without a warrant involving an offense which requires
4. Requisites of a Valid a PI, the complaint or information may be filed by a
Warrant of Arrest prosecutor without need of such investigation
provided an inquest has been conducted in
Essential requisites accordance with existing rules.
The warrant must:
The court shall then proceed in the exercise of its Rule 112, as therein has
original jurisdiction [Sec. 5(c), Rule 113] amended by been
Note: If complaint or information is filed with the A.M. No. 05-8- committed by
MTC judge, and the judge finds probable cause, he 26-SC] the person
shall issue a warrant of arrest, or a commitment order sought to be
if the accused had already been arrested. However, if arrested
the judge is satisfied that there is no necessity for [Baltazar v. People,
placing the accused under custody, he may issue
summons instead of a warrant of arrest [Sec. 8(b), Rule G.R. No. 174016
112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-SC] (2008)]
The preliminary inquiry made by a Prosecutor does
a. Determination of Probable not bind the Judge. It merely assists him in making
Cause For Issuance of Warrant the determination of probable cause for issuance of
of Arrest the warrant of arrest. The Judge does not have to
follow what the Prosecutor presents to him. By itself,
the Prosecutor’s certification of probable cause is
Probable cause, in connection with the issuance of a ineffectual. It is the report, the affidavits, the
warrant of arrest, assumes the existence of facts and transcripts of stenographic notes (if any), and all other
circumstances that would lead a reasonably discreet supporting documents behind the Prosecutor’s
and prudent man to believe that a crime has been certification which are material in assisting the Judge
committed and that it was likely committed by the in making his determination [Baltazar v. People, G.R.
person sought to be arrested [People v. Tan, G.R. No. 174016 (2008)]
No. 182310 (2009)]
Determination of
PC to hold a Determination of
person for trial PC for the arrest
[Sec. 1, Rule 112, of the accused
Purpose as amended by [Baltazar v. People,
A.M. No. 05-8- G.R. No. 174016
26-SC] (2008)]
The reason for this is that trial has already begun and b. Existence of prejudicial question
the withdrawal of the plea will change the theory of
the case and put all past proceedings to waste. Rationale
A prejudicial question would be determinative of guilt
Moreover, at this point, there is a presumption that or innocence. [Ty-de Zuzuarregui v. Villarosa, G.R. No.
the plea was made voluntarily. 183788 (2010)]
7. Grounds for Suspension of It may be raised during PI. If the information is filed
in court, it may be raised as ground to suspend the
Arraignment arraignment [Sec. 6, Rule 111]
Officer who filed the information had no Exception: Mere defects in matter of form may be
authority to do so cured by amendment [Sec. 4, Rule 117]
Authority to file and prosecute criminal cases is vested
in: Objections not raised are deemed waived, and the
1. Prosecutor accused cannot seek affirmative relief on such ground
2. Any peace officer, or public officer charged with nor raise it for the first time on appeal [People v. Garcia,
the enforcement of the law, in Municipal Trial G.R. No. 120093 (1997)]
Courts or Municipal Circuit Trial Courts when
the prosecutor assigned thereto or to the case is Vague or broad allegations are generally not grounds
not available for a MTQ. The correct remedy is to file for a bill of
[Sec. 5, Rule 110] particulars [Sec. 9, Rule 116; Enrile v. People, G.R. No.
3. Commission on Elections regarding violations of 213455 (2015)]
election laws [Sec. 2(6), Art. IX-C, Constitution]
The prosecutor who signed the information must The accused may, before arraignment, move for a bill
have territorial jurisdiction to conduct PI of the of particulars to enable him properly to plead and
offense [Cudia v. CA, G.R. No. 110315 (1998)] prepare for trial. The motion shall specify the alleged
defects of the complaint or information and the
details desired [Sec. 9, Rule 116]
Note: The following may conduct preliminary
investigations More than one offense is charged
1. Provincial or City Prosecutors and their
2. National and Regional State Prosecutors; and General rule: A complaint or information must charge
3. Other officers as may be authorized by law only one offense [Sec. 13, Rule 110]
[Sec. 2, Rule 112, as amended by A.M. No. 05-8-26-
SC] Exceptions:
1. When the law prescribes a single punishment for
No complaint or information may be filed or various offenses [Sec. 13, Rule 110]
dismissed by an investigating prosecutor without the 2. Complex and compound crimes, except where
prior written authority or approval of the provincial one offense was committed to conceal another
or city prosecutor or chief state prosecutor or the 3. An offense incidental to the gravamen of the
Ombudsman or his deputy [Sec. 4, Rule 112] offense charged
4. A specific crime set forth in various counts, each
An information filed in the Sandiganbayan must be of which may constitute a distinct offense
signed by a graft investigating officer with prior
approval of the Ombudsman. However, this ground is waivable. The accused may
be convicted of all the offenses alleged and proved if
For election offenses, it must be signed by the duly he goes to trial without objecting to the inclusion of
deputized prosecutors and legal officers of the two or more separate offenses in the same
COMELEC [Sec. 265, Art. XXII, Omnibus Election information [People v. Villamor, G.R. No. 124441
Code] (1998)]
Lack of authority of the officer is not cured by silence, Criminal action or liability has been extinguished
acquiescence, express consent or even by
amendment. [Cudia v. CA, G.R. No. 110315 (1998)] When criminal liability is extinguished:
1. Death of the accused, but liability for pecuniary the accused in double jeopardy, except in the
penalties is extinguished only if death occurs following cases:
before final judgment; i. Insufficiency of the prosecution’s evidence
2. Service of sentence, which must be by virtue of a ii. Denial of the right to a speedy trial
final judgment and in the form prescribed by law; [Almario v. CA, G.R. No. 127772 (2001)]
3. Amnesty;
4. Absolute pardon; When dismissal constitutes acquittal
5. Prescription of the crime; Dismissal constitutes acquittal when it is granted:
6. Prescription of the penalty; 1. Upon demurrer to evidence; [Riano 439, 2016
7. Pardon in private offenses Ed., citing People v.Tan, G.R. No. 167526 (2010)]
[Art. 89, Revised Penal Code] 2. Due to violation of right to speedy trial (even if
dismissal was upon motion of the accused or with
Protection from prosecution under a statute of his express consent) [Riano 439-440, 2016 Ed.,
limitation is a substantive right. Where the statute citing Andres v. Cacdac, G.R. No. L-45650 (1982)]
fixes a period of limitation as to a prosecution for a
particular offense, the limitation so fixed is Dismissal Acquittal
jurisdictional, and the time within which the offense Always based on the
is committed is a jurisdictional fact, it being necessary Does not decide the
that the indictment or information be actually filed merits. Defendant’s
case on the merits. guilt was not proven
within the time prescribed [People v. Sandiganbayan, Does not determine beyond reasonable
G.R. No. 101724 (1992)] innocence or guilt doubt
Contains averments that if true would constitute
a legal excuse or justification Double jeopardy will Double jeopardy
not always attach always attaches
1. Justifying circumstances [Art. 11, RPC] See Provisional Dismissal below.
2. Exempting circumstances [Art. 12, RPC]
3. Absolutory causes
Accused has been previously convicted or 2. Distinguish Motion to
acquitted of the offense charged, or the case
against him was dismissed or otherwise
Quash from Demurrer to
terminated without his consent Evidence
1. Double jeopardy
Motion to Demurrer to
See Double Jeopardy below. quash evidence
2. Dismissal without express consent Filed after the
Filed before
prosecution has
When entering plea
This refers only to dismissal or termination of rested its case
the case. It does not Refer to Part the conviction filed [Sec. 1, Rule
[Sec. 23, Rule
or acquittal [People v. Labatete, G.R. No. L-12917 117]
Based upon the
If consent is not express, dismissal will be insufficiency of
Basis for Does not go into
regarded as final (i.e., with prejudice to refilling) the evidence
[Caes v. IAC, G.R. Nos. 74989-90 (1989)] grant or the merits of the
adduced by the
denial case
prosecution [Sec.
The dismissal of a criminal case resulting in 23, Rule 119]
acquittal made with the express consent of the
accused or upon his own motion will not place Ground is
Grounds are “insufficiency of
Grounds stated in Sec. 3 , evidence” to
Rule 117 convict [Sec. 23,
Rule 119]
May be filed
Leave of Does not require
either with leave
court a prior leave of
or without leave
court [Sec. 1, of court [Sec. 23, 2. Double jeopardy.
Rule 117] Rule 119]
Grant does not b. Discharge of the accused
necessarily result Grant is deemed
in a dismissal an acquittal and General rule: If in custody, the accused shall not be
(Court may would preclude discharged unless admitted to bail [Sec. 5, Rule 117]
order the filing the filing of The order granting the MTQ must state either release
Effect of of a new another of the accused or cancellation of his bond.
grant complaint or information or
information) appeal by the Exception: The accused, if in custody, shall be
[Sec. 4, Rule prosecution discharged if:
117] 1. No order is made; or
2. Having been made, no new information is filed
The order i. The time specified in the order; or
denying the ii. Such further time as the court may allow for
motion for leave good cause
to file a demurrer [Sec. 5, Rule 117]
“shall not be
reviewable by Exception to the exception: The accused shall not be
appeal or by discharged if he is in custody for another charge [Sec.
certiorari before 5, Rule 117]
If the court
denies the c. Remedies of the prosecution
demurrer to
If the court, in evidence filed General rule: The court shall order that an amendment
denying the with leave of be made:
motion to quash court, the 1. If the MTQ is based on an alleged defect of the
acts with grave accused may complaint or information which can be cured by
abuse of adduce evidence amendment
Remedy in his defense. 2. If the MTQ is based on the ground that the facts
discretion, then
certiorari or When the charged do not constitute an offense
prohibition lies demurrer is filed [Sec. 4, Rule 117]
without leave, the
accused waives Exception: Prosecution is precluded where the ground
the right to for quashal would bar another prosecution for the
present evidence same offense.
and submits the
case for judgment The prosecution may appeal from the order of
[Sec. 23, Rule quashal to the appellate court.
If the information was quashed because it did not
allege the elements of the offense charged, but the
facts so alleged constitute another offense under a
specific statute, the prosecution may file a complaint
for such specific offense where dismissal is made
prior to arraignment and on MTQ [People v. Purisima,
G.R. No. L-42050-66 (1978)]
3. Effects of Sustaining the
Motion to Quash
a. Filing another complaint or
General rule: Court may order that another complaint
or information be filed [Sec. 5, Rule 117)
a. If the original witnesses have recanted their
testimonials or have died
b. If the accused is charged under a new criminal
complaint for the same offense
c. If the original charge is upgraded
I. Pre-Trial Exception: A shorter period may be provided by special
laws or SC circulars [Sec. 1, Rule 118]
Its main objective is to achieve an expeditious Things considered
resolution of the case. a. Plea bargaining
b. Stipulation of facts
Application of Judicial Affidavit Rule c. Marking for identification of evidence
a. The Judicial Affidavit Rule shall apply to all d. Waiver of objections to admissibility of evidence
criminal actions: e. Modification of the order of trial if accused
1. Where the maximum of the imposable admits the charge but interposes a lawful defense
penalty does not exceed six years; (reverse trial)
2. Where the accused agrees to the use of f. Other matters that will promote a fair and
judicial affidavits, irrespective of the penalty expeditious trial of the civil and criminal aspects
involved; or of the case [Sec. 1, Rule 118]
3. With respect to the civil aspect of the
actions, whatever the penalties involved are. Plea bargaining
b. The prosecution shall submit the judicial Plea bargaining has been defined as "a process
affidavits of its witnesses not later than five days whereby the accused and the prosecution work out a
before the pre-trial, serving copies of the same mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to
upon the accused. The complainant or public court approval" [Estipona Jr. v. Lobrigo, G.R. No.
prosecutor shall attach to the affidavits such 226679 (2017)]
documentary or object evidence as he may have,
marking them as Exhibits A, B, C, and so on. No It usually involves the defendant pleading guilty to a
further judicial affidavit, documentary, or object lesser offense or to one or some of the counts of a
evidence shall be admitted at the trial. multi-count indictment in return for a lighter sentence
c. If the accused desires to be heard on his defense than that for the graver charge [People v. Mamarion,
after receipt of the judicial affidavits of the G.R. No. 137554 (2003)]
prosecution, he shall have the option to submit
his judicial affidavit as well as those of his
witnesses to the court within ten days from The conviction of the accused of the lesser offense
receipt of such affidavits and serve a copy of each precludes the filing and prosecution of the offense
on the public and private prosecutor, including originally charged in the information, except when the
his documentary and object evidence previously plea of guilty to a lesser offense is without the consent
marked as Exhibits 1, 2, 3, and so on. These of the offended party and the prosecutor [People v. De
affidavits shall serve as direct testimonies of the Luna, G.R. No. L-77969 (1989); Sec. 7(c), Rule 117, see
accused and his witnesses when they appear Sec. 2, Rule 116]
before the court to testify.
[Sec. 9, AM 12-8-8-SC] With Sec. 23 of R.A. 9165 being declared
unconstitutional in Estipona Jr. v. Lobrigo [G.R. No.
226679 (2017)], offenses involving dangerous drugs
1. Matters to Be Considered may now be the subject of plea bargain [see DOJ
During Pre-Trial Circular No. 61 (2017)]
1. Requisites of a Judgment
Written in the official language
If given verbally, it is incomplete [People v. Catolico,
G.R. No. L-31260 (1972)]
a. Personally and directly prepared by the judge
b. Signed by the judge
c. Contains clearly and distinctly a statement of the
facts and the law upon which judgment is based
[Sec. 1, Rule 120]
There is sufficient compliance if the decision
summarizes the evidence of both parties, synthesizes
the findings and concisely narrates how the offense
was committed.
Jurisdictional requirements
a. Jurisdiction over the subject matter
b. Jurisdiction over the territory
c. Jurisdiction over the person of the accused
[Riano, 499, 2016 Ed., citing Cruz v. CA, G.R. No.
123340 (2002) and Antiporda v. Garchitorena, G.R. No.
133289 (1999)]
Judge who renders decision
The judge who presided over the entire trial would be
in a better position to ascertain the truth or falsity of
the testimonies. But the judge who only took over can
render a valid decision by relying on the transcript. It
does not violate due process [People v. Badon, G.R. No.
126143 (1999)]
The fact alone that the judge who heard the evidence
was not the one who rendered the judgment but
merely relied on the record of the case does not
render his judgment erroneous or irregular, especially
when the evidence on record is sufficient to support
its conclusion [People v. Alfredo, G.R. No. 188560
General rule: The defendant can be convicted only of
the crime with which he is charged [Riano 504, 2016
2. Contents of Judgment Ed.]
a. Convictio However, a minor variance between the information
n and the evidence does not alter the nature of the
The judgment of conviction shall state: offense, nor does it determine or qualify the crime or
1. The legal qualification of the offense constituted penalty, so that even if a discrepancy exists, this
by the acts committed by the accused and the cannot be pleaded as a ground for acquittal [People v.
aggravating/mitigating circumstances which Noque, G.R. No. 175319 (2010)]
attended its commission
2. The participation of the accused in the offense, Exception: When there is variance between the offense
whether as principal, accomplice or accessory charge in the complaint or information and that
after the fact proved, and the offense as charged is included in or
3. The penalty imposed upon the accused necessarily includes the offense proved, the accused
4. The civil liability or damages caused by his shall be convicted of the offense proved which is
wrongful act/omission to be recovered from the included in the offense charged, or of the offense
accused by the offended party, if there is any, charged which is included in the offense proved [Sec.
unless the enforcement of the civil liability by a 4, Rule 120]
separate civil action has been reserved/waived 1. The accused can be convicted of an offense only
[Sec. 2, Rule 120] when it is both charged and proven.
2. The mere fact that the evidence presented would
The penalty should not be imposed in the alternative. indicate that a lesser offense outside the court’s
There should be no doubt as to the offense jurisdiction was committed does not deprive the
committed and the penalty for it. court of its jurisdiction, which had vested in it
under the allegations in the information
[People v. Ocaya, G.R. No. L-47448 (1978)]
Proof beyond reasonable doubt
It is that degree of proof which produces conviction
in an unprejudiced mind [People v. Bacalzo, G.R. No. Exception to the exception: Where there are facts that
89811 (1991)] supervened after the filing of the information which
change the nature of the offense.
Conviction of the accused must rest, not on the
weakness of the defense, but on the strength of the When an offense includes or is included in
prosecution. The burden to prove guilt beyond another
reasonable doubt is on the prosecution [Boac v. People, 1. An offense charged necessarily includes the
G.R. No. 180597 (2008)] offense proved when some of the essential
elements/ingredients of the former, as alleged in
the complaint/information, constitute the latter.
Judgment for two or more offenses
Examples: Murder includes homicide; Serious
Also known as duplicitous complaint or physical injuries include less serious or slight
information [Prof. Sanidad] physical injuries; Robbery includes theft [Riano]
When two or more offenses are charged in a single 2. An offense charged is necessarily included in the
complaint or information but the accused fails to offense proved when the essential ingredients of
object to it before trial, the court may convict him of the former constitute or form part of those
as many offenses as are charged and proved, and constituting the latter [Sec. 5, Rule 120]
impose on him the penalty for each offense, setting
out separately the findings of fact and law in each
offense [Sec. 3, Rule 120] Examples: Less serious physical injuries are included in
serious physical injuries; Acts of lasciviousness are
included in rape; Theft is included in robbery [Riano]
Variance between allegation and proof
Also known as the Variance Doctrine [Riano 503,
2016 Ed.] The right to be informed of the charges has not been
violated because where an accused is charged with a
specific crime, he is duly informed also of lesser may deny the award of civil damages expressly or
crimes/offenses included therein [People v. Noque, impliedly by being silent on the matter.
G.R. No. 175319 (2010)] 2. The losing party may appeal the ruling on the civil
liability, as in any other ordinary appeal, in his
Where a complex crime is charged and the evidence name and not in the name of the People.
fails to support the charge as to one of the component
offenses, the accused can be convicted of the one The judge acquitting an accused cannot punish him at
which is proven [People v. Llaguno, G.R. No. 91262 the same time.
General rule: The court has authority to express
b. Acquittal disapproval of certain acts even if judgment is for
The judgment of acquittal shall state whether
1. The evidence of the prosecution absolutely failed Exception: The court is not permitted to censure the
to prove the guilt of the accused; or accused in a judgment for acquittal – no matter how
2. Merely failed to prove his guilt beyond light, a censure is still a punishment.
reasonable doubt.
3. Promulgation of Judgment;
In either case, the judgment shall determine if the act Instances of Promulgation
or omission complained from which the civil liability
might arise did not exist. of Judgment in Absentia
[Sec. 2, Rule 120]
Acquittal Dismissal
Terminates the case Promulgation of judgment is an official
Decision on the merits Not on the merits but proclamation or announcement of the decision of the
based on a finding that no finding that accused court [Pascua v. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 140243
the accused is not is not guilty (2000), citing Jacinto, Sr. 521, Commentaries and
guilty Jurisprudence on the Revised Rules of Court [Criminal
Procedure], 1994 Ed.]
Effect of failure of the accused to appear at Judgment also becomes final when judgment is an
the scheduled date of promulgation acquittal [People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 164577
Promulgation is made by recording the judgment (2010)]
in the criminal docket and serving a copy at the
accused’s last known address or through counsel After finality, the TC is divested of authority to
[Sec. 6, Rule 120] amend/alter the judgment, except to correct clerical
errors. See Quirino v. PNB [G.R. No. L-9159 (1957)]
accused could not with reasonable diligence have
discovered and produced at the trial and which if
L. New Trial or introduced and admitted would probably change the
Reconsideration judgment [Estino v. People, G.R. No. 163957-58 (2007)]
The determinative test is the presence of due or
1. Grounds for New Trial reasonable diligence to locate the thing to be used as
evidence in the trial [Briones v. People, G.R. No. 156009
a. Errors of law or irregularities prejudicial to the (2009)]
substantial rights of the accused have been
committed during the trial Requisites
The evidence
General rule: Errors of the defense counsel in the a. Was discovered after the trial
conduct of the trial is neither an error of law nor b. Could not have been discovered and produced at
an irregularity [Ceniza-Manantan v. People, G.R. the trial even with the exercise of reasonable
No. 156248 (2007)] diligence
c. Is material, not merely cumulative/
corroborative/impeaching; and
Exception: They become an error of law or d. Is of such weight that it would probably change
irregularity when acquittal would, in all the judgment if admitted
probability, have followed the introduction of [Tadeja v. People, G.R. No. 145336 (2013)]
certain testimony which was not submitted at the
trial under improper or injudicious advice of
incompetent counsel of the accused. [Aguilar v. The accused has the burden of proving item (2) above
Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 114282 (1995)] [US v. Torrente, G.R. No. 1001 (1922)]
Irregularities must be with such seriousness as to It must be of weighty influence and will affect the
affect prejudicially the substantial rights of the result of the trial [People v. Alfaro, G.R. Nos. 136742-
accused. [Sec. 2(a), Rule 121; Tabobo v. People, G.R. 43 (2003)]
No.220977 (2017)]
Interest of justice as gauge for introduction of
b. New and material evidence has been discovered new evidence
which the accused could not with reasonable In People v. Almendras [G.R. No. 145915 (2003)], the
diligence have discovered and produced at the court ruled that a motion for a new trial may be
trial and which if introduced and admitted would granted on a ground not specifically provided in the
probably change the judgment rules, provided that it is sought in the interest of
- See Part L.3 of this (Criminal Procedure) justice. In that case, the relief of a new trial was
reviewer granted to a client who has suffered by reason of
[Sec. 2, Rule 121] his/her counsel’s gross mistake and negligence.
Form of motion for reconsideration & new trial
2. Grounds for Reconsideration a. must be in writing
b. state the grounds on which it is based
The court shall grant reconsideration on the ground c. if based on newly-discovered evidence, motion
of errors of law or fact in the judgment, which must be supported by:
requires no further proceedings [Sec. 3, Rule 121] 1. the affidavits of the witnesses by whom such
evidence is expected to be given, or
2. duly authenticated copies of documents
3. Requisites Before a New which are proposed to be introduced in
Trial May be Granted on evidence
Notice of the motion shall be given to the prosecutor
Ground of Newly [Sec. 4, Rule 120]
Discovered Evidence
The court shall grant a new trial when new and
material evidence has been discovered which the
Courts to the Regional Trial Courts; Rule 42 on
petitions for review from the Regional Trial Courts to
4. Effects of Granting New the Court of Appeals; Rule 43 on appeals from quasi-
Trial or Reconsideration judicial agencies to the Court of Appeals and Rule 45
governing appeals by certiorari to the Supreme
In general Court.”
a. The original judgment set aside or vacated; and
b. A new judgment is rendered accordingly The “fresh period rule” enunciated in Neypes also
[Sec. 6, Rule 121] applies to criminal actions, particularly to Sec. 6 of
Rule 122 [Yu v. Tatad, G.R. No. 170979 (2011)]
Other effects of granting new trial or
reconsideration depending on ground
Action of the
Ground Effect
All proceedings
and evidence
affected shall
be set aside and
Errors of law taken anew. The court will
or If error or allow
irregularities irregularity goes introduction of
committed into the additional
during the jurisdiction, the evidence in the
trial entire interest of
proceeding is justice.
void and must
be set aside.
already adduced
shall stand and
the newly-
discovered and
such other The court will
evidence shall allow
be taken and introduction of
Newly- considered other such
discovered together with evidence in the
evidence the evidence interest of
already in the justice.
If the case is directly filed with the court, the case The court may grant as many extensions as may be
should not be dismissed. The court should just refer asked [Gregorio v. CA, G.R. No. L-43511 (1976)]
it to the City Prosecutor for the filing of the
corresponding information [Salcedo v. Nobles-Bans, Form of briefs
G.R. No. L-67540 (1985)] Briefs shall either be printed, encoded or typewritten
in double space on legal size, good quality unglazed
b. Procedure in the court of appeals paper, 330 mm. in length by 216 mm. in width [Sec.
6, Rule 124]
Parties and title
In all criminal cases appealed to the CA, the party Content of briefs
appealing shall be called the “appellant” and the The briefs in criminal cases shall have the same
adverse party the “appellee” but the title of the case contents as provided in Secs. 13 to 14, Rule 44. A
shall remain as it was in the court of origin (i.e., People certified true copy of the decision or final order
v. John Doe) [Sec. 1, Rule 124] appealed from shall be appended to the brief of the
appellant [Sec. 7, Rule 124]
Brief for the appellant ABANDONMENT OR FAILURE TO
Within thirty (30) days from receipt by the appellant PROSECUTE; GROUNDS
or his counsel of the notice from the clerk of court of
the Court of Appeals that the evidence, oral and Appellant fails to file his brief within the
documentary, is already attached to the record, the prescribed time
appellant shall file seven (7) copies of his brief with The CA may, upon motion of the appellee or motu
the clerk of court which shall be accompanied by proprio and with notice to the appellant in either case,
proof of service of two (2) copies thereof upon the dismiss the appeal if the appellant fails to file his brief
appellee [Sec. 3, Rule 124] with the time prescribed, except where the appellant
is represented by a counsel de oficio [Sec. 8, Rule 124]
Brief for the appellee
Within thirty (30) days from receipt of the brief of the If failure to file brief on time is the ground, appellant
appellant, the appellee shall file seven (7) copies of the must be given notice to give him opportunity to
brief of the appellee with the clerk of court which reason out why his appeal should not be dismissed
shall be accompanied by proof of service of two (2) [Baradi v. People, G.R. No. L-2658 (1948)]
copies thereof upon the appellant [Sec. 4, Rule 124]
However, dismissal is proper despite lack of notice:
Reply to appellee’s brief 1. If appellant has filed a MFR or motion to set
Within twenty (20) days from receipt of the Brief of aside the order dismissing the appeal, in which he
the appellee, the appellant may file a reply brief stated the reason why he failed to file his brief on
traversing matters raised in the former but not time and the appellate court denied the motion
covered in the brief of the appellant [Sec. 4, Rule 124] after considering reason [Baradi v. People, G.R.
No. L-2658 (1948)]
With the use of the word “may”, filing a reply is 2. If appeal was dismissed without notice but
optional. appellant took no steps to have the appeal
reinstated. Such action amounts to abandonment
[Salvador v. Reyes, G.R. No. L-2606 (1949)]
Extension of time for filing briefs
Appellant escapes, jumps bail, or flees
General rule: Extension of time for the filing of briefs The CA may also, upon motion of the appellee or
is not allowed. motu proprio, dismiss the appeal if the appellant escapes
from prison/confinement, jumps bail or flees to a
Exception: Extension may be granted for good and foreign country during the pendency of the appeal
sufficient cause and only if the motion for extension [Sec. 8, Rule 124]
3. Remand the case to the RTC for new trial or
Likewise, when accused flees after the case has been retrial;
submitted for decision, he is deemed to have waived 4. Dismiss the case [Sec. 11, Rule 124]
his right to appeal [People v. Ang Gioc, G.R. No. L-
48547 (1941)] When the accused appeals from the sentence of the
TC, he waives the constitutional safeguard against
However, the appeal will not be dismissed despite double jeopardy and throws the whole case open to
escape the review of the appellate court, which is then called
1. In one exceptional case, the appellant took upon to render such judgment as law and justice
advantage of a mass jailbreak (because, according dictate, WON favorable to the accused and WON
to his counsel de oficio he was innocent and wanted made the subject of assignment of errors [Ko Bu Lin
to elude an unjust punishment) but was v. CA, G.R. No. L-57170 (1982)]
recaptured two hours after, the SC ruled that
these circumstances were not sufficient to justify CA’s power to receive evidence
dismissal of the appeal which, upon the The CA has power to try cases and conduct hearings,
conclusion arrived at by the Court on the merits, receive evidence and perform any and all acts
would entail a clear miscarriage of justice [People necessary to resolve factual issues in cases:
v. Valencia, G.R. No. L-1369 (1949)] 1. Falling within its original jurisdiction;
2. In case of automatic review [People v. Cornelio, 2. Involving claims for damages arising from
G.R. No. L-1289 (1971)] provisional remedies;
3. Where the court grants a new trial based only on
Prompt disposition of appeal the ground of newly-discovered evidence
Appeals of accused who are under detention shall be [Sec. 12, Rule 124]
given precedence in their disposition over other
appeals. The Court of Appeals shall hear and decide CA’s trials and hearings must be continuous and
the appeal at the earliest practicable time with due completed within three months, unless extended by
regard to the rights of the parties. The accused need the Chief Justice. [Sec. 9, BP 129 as amended by RA
not be present in court during the hearing of the 7902]
appeal [Sec. 9, Rule 124]
Reversal or modification of judgment on appeal
Certification or appeal of cases to the SC
General rule: No judgment shall be reversed or Whenever the CA finds that the penalty of death,
modified. reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment should be
imposed in a case, the court, after discussion of the
Exception: When the CA, after an examination of the evidence and the law involved, shall render judgment
record and of the parties’ evidence, is of the opinion imposing the penalty of death, reclusion perpetua, or life
that error was committed and such error injuriously imprisonment as the circumstances warrant.
affected the appellant’s substantial rights However, it shall refrain from entering the judgment
[Sec. 10, Rule 124] and forthwith certify the case and elevate the entire
record thereof to the Supreme Court for review [Sec.
When it involves credibility of witnesses, appellate 13, Rule 124]
courts will not generally disturb the TC’s findings
[People v. Cabiling, G.R. No. L-38091 (1976)] Judgment transmitted and filed in the TC
When the CA’s entry of judgment is issued, a certified
Ratio: The TC is in a better position to decide the true copy of the judgment shall be attached to the
question, having seen and heard the witnesses original record. These shall be remanded to the clerk
themselves [People v. Cabiling, G.R. No. L-38091 of the court from which the appeal was taken [Sec. 17,
(1976)] Rule 124]
Scope of the CA’s judgment This copy of the entry serves as the formal notice to
The CA may: the court from which the appeal was taken of the
1. Reverse/affirm/modify the judgment; disposition of the case in the appellate court, so that
2. Increase/reduce the penalty imposed by the TC;
the judgment may be executed and/or placed or General rule: No party shall be allowed a second MFR
noted in the proper file. of a judgment or final order [Sec. 16, Rule 124; Sec.
11, BP 129]
MNT during the pendency of appeal
1. Appellant may file MNT on the ground of newly Exception: Where the first MFR resulted in a reversal
discovered evidence material to his defense any or substantial modification of the original decision or
time: final resolution. In this case, the party adversely
a. After the appeal from the lower court has affected by the reversal/modification may himself file
been perfected; but a MFR of the latest judgment of the court, because
b. Before the CA judgment convicting him with respect to him, said motion is a first pleading of
becomes final; that nature
2. The motion shall conform to Sec. 4, Rule 121
[Sec. 14, Rule 124]; NOTE: Again, this is not available to the State if the
3. If the CA grants a MNT, it may either: first MFR resulted in setting aside of judgment of
a. Conduct the hearing and receive evidence; conviction. [Prof. RVC]
b. Refer the trial to the court of origin
[Sec. 15, Rule 124] Applicable Civil Procedure Rules
Provisions of Rules 42, 44-46 and 48-56 relating to
Motion For New Trial procedure in the CA and the SC in original and
RTC [Rule 121] CA [Rule 124] appealed civil cases, shall be applied to criminal cases
Grounds: Ground: insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent
a. errors of law or a. newly-discovered with the provision of this Rule [Sec. 18, Rule 124]
irregularities evidence material
prejudicial to the to his defense c. Procedure In The Supreme
substantial rights Court
of the accused
have been
committed during Uniform procedure
the trial;
b. new and material General rule: The procedure in the SC in original and
evidence has been in appealed cases shall be the same as in the CA.
Exception: The Constitution or law otherwise
[Sec. 1, Rule 125]
Filed after judgment, Filed after appeal from
but before finality of lower court is perfected What the SC may do on review
conviction but before judgment In a criminal case, an appeal to the SC throws open
CA can either conduct the whole case for review and it becomes its duty to
Cannot remand to the evidentiary hearing correct such errors as may be found in the judgment
lower court in its by itself, or it will appealed from, whether or not they were assigned as
exercise of appellate remand the case to the errors [People v. Olfindo, G.R. No. L-22679 (1924)]
jurisdiction court of origin
It may examine the judgment as to the qualification of
the crime and the degree of the penalty imposed
[Macali v. Revilla, G.R. No. L-25308 (1926)]
Reconsideration of CA judgment
MFR may be filed within 15 days from notice of the It may also assess and award civil indemnity [Quemuel
CA judgment or final order, with copies served on the v. CA, G.R. No. L-22794 (1946)]
adverse party, setting forth the grounds in support
thereof. The mittimus shall be stayed during the MFR’s
pendency [Sec. 16, Rule 124] Modes by which a case may reach the SC
1. Automatic review
Automatic review is not a matter of right on the part
NOTE: This is not available to the State in case the of the accused, but a matter of law.
CA reverses the conviction of the accused since
double jeopardy shall have attached. [Prof. RVC]
On decisions of the CA and the Sandiganbayan, as a
It is available when: rule, review here is limited to errors of law [Sec. 6(a),
1. The RTC decision is appealed to CA and the Rule 45]
latter is of the opinion that the penalty imposed
should be death. CA judgment is imposed but no General rule: Certiorari is used to correct only errors of
entry of judgment is made; instead, the case is jurisdiction and not errors of judgment of an inferior
certified and the entire record is elevated to the court. For errors of judgment, ordinary appeal is
SC for review [Sec. 13(a), Rule 124] available [Tagle v. Equitable PCI, G.R. No. 172299
NOTE: In all cases where the death penalty is
imposed by the trial court, the records are forwarded Exceptions:
to the CA for automatic review and not to the SC. In the following cases, certiorari is granted despite
[A.M. No. 00-5-3-SC] existence of the remedy of appeal:
1. Where public welfare and advancement of public
2. Ordinary appeal policy so dictate;
It is available when: 2. Where the broader interests of justice so require;
a. In cases where the CA imposes reclusion 3. Where the orders complained of were found to
perpetua, life imprisonment or a lesser be completely null and void;
penalty, it shall render and enter judgment 4. Where appeal was not considered as the
imposing such penalty. The judgment may appropriate remedy.
be appealed to the SC by notice of appeal [Department of Education v. Cuanan, G.R. No. 169013
with the CA. [Sec 13 (c), Rule 124] (2008)]
b. The penalty of reclusion perpetua or death is
imposed on some of the defendants and a Review of CA decisions
lesser penalty on the other co-defendants, on
account of their varying degree of The procedure for the review by the SC of CA
participation in the commission of the decisions on criminal shall be the same as in civil cases
offense or due to the presence of modifying [Sec. 2, Rule 125]
circumstances, in which case the decision on
the non-life convicts is directly appealable to General rule: The appellate jurisdiction of the SC in
the SC [People v. Carino (2002)] cases brought to it from the CA is limited to reviewing
and revising the errors of law incurred by the latter.
In these cases, the SC reviews not only errors of law The CA’s findings of fact are final. If an appeal in the
but also the findings of fact by the TC. SC involves questions of facts, the SC has no
jurisdiction and should dismiss appeal [Guico v.
3. Petition for review on certiorari Mayuga, G.R. Nos.. L-45274-5 (1936)]
It is available when
a. The constitutionality or validity of any treaty, Exceptions:
executive agreement, law, ordinance or 1. When the conclusion is a finding founded
executive order or regulation is in question entirely on speculations/surmises/conjectures
[Sec. 5(2)(a), Art. VIII, 1987 Constitution] 2. When the inference made is manifestly
b. When validity of law is questioned by an mistaken/absurd/impossible
accused convicted under it by the TC, the SC 3. When there is GAD
cannot review the evidence or pass upon any 4. When the judgment is based on a
other question of law which may appear on misapprehension of facts
the record, but will only confine itself to the 5. When the findings of facts are conflicting
question of the in/validity of that law 6. When the CA, in making its findings, went
[Trinidad v. Sweeney, G.R. No. 2487 (1904)] beyond the issues of the case and the same are
c. When the jurisdiction of any inferior court is contrary to the admissions of both appellant and
in issue appellee [Napolis v. CA, G.R. No. L-28865
d. When only an error or question of law is (1972)]
involved [Sec. 6(a), Rule 45] [Napolis v. CA, G.R. No. L-28865 (1972)]
Failure to specify appellate court
Failure of appellant to specify in his notice of appeal
5. Grounds for Dismissal of
the court to which the appeal is being made is not fatal Appeal
[R.A. 296]
When appeal by the people will not lie
Erroneous mode of appeal The People/State cannot appeal when it will put the
In the case of People v. Resuello [GR No. L-30165 accused in double jeopardy. The constitutional
(1969)], the contention of the adverse party that the mandate against double jeopardy prohibits not only a
ordinary appeal filed by appellant be dismissed subsequent prosecution in a new and independent
because the proper remedy is petition for review on cause but extends also to appeal in the same case by
certiorari (only questions of law were involved) was the prosecution after jeopardy had attached [Republic
rejected. The SC said that in cases similarly situated, v. CA, G.R. No. L- 41115 (1982)]
and as long as the steps formally required for the
perfection of an appeal were taken in due time, appeal The prosecution cannot appeal from a judgment of
may be given due course, without prejudice to acquittal [Central Bank v. CA, G.R. No. 41859 (1989)]
requiring the appellant to file the necessary petition
for review on certiorari which is also a form of appeal. Rationale
A verdict of that nature is immediately final and to try
Decision if opinion is equally divided on the merits, even in an appellate court, places the
When the Supreme Court en banc is equally divided in accused in double jeopardy [Central Bank v. CA, G.R.
opinion or the necessary majority cannot be had on No. 41859 (1989)]
whether to acquit the appellant, the case shall again be
deliberated upon and if no decision is reached after Dismissal of case upon filing of demurrer by the
re-deliberation, the judgment of conviction of the accused was held to be final even though based on
lower court shall be reversed and the accused erroneous interpretation of the law. Hence, an appeal
acquitted [Sec. 3, Rule 125] therefrom by the prosecution would constitute
double jeopardy [People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.
4. Effect of Appeal by Any of 174504 (2011), citing People v. Nieto, 103 Phil. 1133]
Several Accused Where the TC has jurisdiction but mistakenly
dismisses the complaint/information on the ground
General rule: of lack of it, the order of dismissal is unappealable
a. An appeal taken by one or more of several [People v. Duran, G.R. No. L-13334 (1960)]
accused shall not affect those who did not appeal.
b. As to the appealing party, the execution of An appeal by the People will not lie if the purpose is
judgment appealed from is stayed upon the to correct the penalty imposed by the trial court or to
perfection of the appeal. include in a judgment a penalty erroneously omitted
[Sec. 11, Rule 122] [People v. Paet, G.R. No. L-9551 (1956)]
As to the co-accused who did not appeal, the The preclusion against appeal by the State from
judgment of the TC insofar as it relates to him judgments or final orders having the effect of
becomes final and the appellate court has no power acquittal applies even though accused did not raise
to interfere with it [Salvatierra v. CA, G.R. No. 107797 question of jeopardy [People v. Ferrer, G.R. No. L-9072
(1996)] (1956)]
Exception: Insofar as the judgment of the appellate
court is favorable and applicable to those who did not
appeal or who withdrew his appeal [Sec. 11, Rule 122;
People v. Gandia, G.R. No. 175332 (2008)]
The appeal of the offended party from the civil aspect
shall not affect the criminal aspect of the judgment or
order appealed from [Sec. 11, Rule 122]
N. Search and Seizure Directed upon acts of the government, not
private persons
1. Nature of Search Warrant The constitutional protection is directed against the
acts of the government and its agents, not private
In general persons [People v. Marti, G.R. No. 81561 (1991)]
It is an order in writing; issued in the name of the
People of the Philippines; signed by a judge; and However, if the private person is acting upon orders
directed to a peace officer, commanding him to of government officials, the principle of agency
search for personal property described in the warrant applies, because in fact such private person is acting
and bring it before the court [Sec. 1, Rule 126] in the interest of government, and is therefore subject
to the prohibition against unreasonable searches and
Nature seizures.
A search warrant is in the nature of a criminal process
akin to a writ of discovery, employed by the state to General rule: Search of property is unreasonable unless
procure relevant evidence of a crime [Malaloan v. CA, it has been authorized by a valid search warrant.
G.R. No. 104879 (1994)]
It is not available to individuals in the course of civil a. Search incidental to a lawful arrest;
proceedings. b. Consented search;
c. Search of moving vehicle;
It is interlocutory in character – it leaves something d. Checkpoints;
more to be done, which is the determination of the e. Plain view;
guilt of the accused. f. Stop and frisk;
g. Customs search;
h. Other exceptions, such as exigent circumstances,
Constitutional safeguard buy-bust operations, and private searches.
No search warrant or warrant of arrest shall issue
except upon probable cause to be determined
personally by the judge after the examination under
oath/affirmation of the complaint and the witness he
may produce, and particularly describing the place to
be searched, and the things/persons to be seized [Sec.
2, Art. III, Constitution]
Under the exclusionary rule, any evidence obtained
in violation of this is inadmissible for any purpose in
any proceeding [Sec. 3, 2nd par., Art. III, Constitution]
The constitutional guarantee is not a blanket
prohibition against all searches and seizures. It
operates only against “unreasonable” searches and
What constitutes a reasonable or unreasonable search
or seizure in any particular case is purely a judicial
question, determinable from a consideration of the
circumstances involved, including the purpose of the
search, the presence or absence of probable cause, the
manner in which the search and seizure was made, the
place or thing searched, and the character of the
articles procured [Rodriguez v. Villamiel, L-44328
2. Distinguish From Warrant of Arrest
Search warrant Warrant of arrest
Order in writing issued in the name of the Order directed to the peace officer to
People of the Philippines, signed by the execute the warrant by taking the person
Nature and judge and directed to the peace officer to stated therein into custody that he may be
purpose search personal property described therein bound to answer for the commission of the
and to bring it to court [Sec. 1, Rule 126] offense
3. Application for Search However, if the criminal action has already been filed,
the application shall only be made in the court where
Warrant; Where Filed the criminal action is pending [Sec. 2, Rule 126]
General rule: It may be filed in any court within whose Under A.M. No. 03-8-02-SC, Executive Judges and,
territorial jurisdiction the crime was committed. whenever they are on official leave of absence or are
not physically present in the station, the Vice-
Exception: For compelling reasons, which must be Executive Judges of Manila and Quezon City RTCs
stated in the application, it may also be filed: shall have authority to act on applications for search
a. If the place of the commission of the crime is warrants involving
known, any court within the judicial region where a. Heinous crimes
the crime was committed b. Illegal gambling
b. Any court within the judicial region where the c. Illegal possession of firearms and ammunitions
warrant shall be enforced d. Violations of the Comprehensive Dangerous
Drugs Act of 2000
e. Violations of the Intellectual Property Code any person lawfully aiding him when unlawfully
f. Violations of the Anti-Money Laundering Act of detained therein [Sec. 7, Rule 126]
g. Violations of the Tariff and Customs Code, and Knock and announce principle
h. Other relevant laws that may hereafter be enacted Generally, officers executing a search must do the
by Congress and included herein by the Supreme following acts:
Court. a. Announce their presence;
b. Identify themselves to the accused and to the
Substance of application persons who rightfully have possession of the
A search warrant shall not issue except premises to be searched;
a. Upon probable cause c. Show to them the search warrant; and
b. In connection with one specific offense d. Explain the warrant in a language or dialect
c. To be determined personally by the judge known and understood by them
d. After examination under oath or affirmation of [People v. Huang Zen Hua, G.R. No. 139301 (2004)]
the complainant and the witness he may produce
e. Particularly describing the place to be searched When unannounced intrusion permissible
and the things to be seized which may be a. Person in the premises refuses to open it upon
anywhere in the Philippines [Sec. 4, Rule 126] demand;
b. Person in the premises already knew of the
Issuance and form of search warrant identity and authority of the officers;
If the judge is satisfied of the existence of facts upon c. When the officers have an honest belief that
which the application is based or that there is there is an imminent danger to life and limb;
probable cause to believe that they exist, he shall issue d. When those in the premises, aware of the
the warrant, which must be substantially in the form presence of someone outside, are then engaged
prescribed the Rules [Sec. 6, Rule 126] in activities which justifies the officers to believe
that an escape or the destruction of evidence is
Thus, the search warrant must be in writing and imminent.
contain [People v. Huang Zen Hua, G.R. No. 139301 (2004)]
a. Name of person against whom it is directed
b. Offense for which it was issued Search in presence of two witnesses
c. The place to be searched, and No search of a house, room, or any other premises
d. The description of the specific things to be seized shall be made except in the presence of the lawful
e. A directive to law enforcement officers to search occupant thereof or any member of his family or in
and seize and for them to bring in court the the absence of the latter, two witnesses of sufficient
things seized age and discretion residing in the same locality [Sec. 8,
f. Signature of the judge issuing it Rule 126]
Validity of the search warrant Time of making search
The search warrant is valid for 10 days from its date. General Rule: The search shall be made at day time
Thereafter, it shall be void [Sec. 10, Rule 126]
Exception: Unless the affidavit asserts that the property
The lifetime of the search warrant also ends when a is on the person or in the place ordered to be
return has already been made [Mustang Lumber v. CA, searched, in which case a direction may be inserted
G.R. No. 104988 (1996)] that it be served at any time of the day or night [Sec.
9, Rule 126]
A search warrant violates Sec. 9, Rule 126 if the time
Right to break door or window to effect search for making the search is left blank, thus enabling the
The officer, if refused admittance to the place of officers to conduct the search in the evening of the
directed search after giving notice of his purpose and appointed search, causing untold conveniences to the
authority, may break open any outer or inner door or person searched.
window of a house or any part of a house or anything
therein to execute the warrant to liberate himself or Where a search is to be made during the night time,
the authority for executing the same at that time
should appear in the directive on the face of the
search warrant [Asian Surety v. Herrera, G.R. No. L-
4. Probable Cause (in Search
25232 (1973)] Warrants)
POST-SERVICE Probable cause means such facts and circumstances
which would lead a reasonably discreet and prudent
Receipt of property seized man to believe that an offense has been committed,
a. If the lawful occupant is present: the officer and that objects sought in connection with the
seizing the property under the search warrant offense are in the place sought to be searched
must give a detailed receipt for the same to the [Santos v. Pryce Gases Inc., G.R. No. 165122 (2007)]
lawful occupant of the premises in whose
presence the search and seizure were made. This probable cause must be shown to be within the
b. If the lawful occupant is not present: the personal knowledge of the complainant or the
officer seizing the property under the search witnesses he may produce and not based on mere
warrant must, in the presence of at least two hearsay. The probable cause must refer only to one
witnesses of sufficient age and discretion residing specific offense [Roan v. Gonzales, G.R. No. 71410
in the same locality, leave a receipt in the place in (1986)]
which he found the seized property
[Sec. 11, Rule 126] Note: Probable cause to arrest does not necessarily
involve a probable cause to search and vice-versa.
Delivery and inventory of property
a. The officer must forthwith deliver the property
seized to the judge who issued the warrant, 5. Personal Examination by
together with a true inventory thereof duly
verified under oath.
Judge of the Applicant and
b. Ten days after issuance of the search warrant, the Witnesses
issuing judge shall ascertain if the return has been
made, and if none, shall summon the person to Aside from the requirements mandated by Sec. 4,
whom the warrant was issued and require him to Rule 126, the Rules require the judge to comply with
explain why no return was made. a specific procedure in the conduct of the
c. If the return has been made, the judge shall examination of the complainant and the witnesses he
ascertain whether Sec. 11, Rule 126, on giving or may produce
receipts, has been complied with and shall require a. The examination must be personally conducted
that the property seized be delivered to him. The by the judge;
judge shall see to it that delivery has been b. The examination must be in the form of
complied with. searching questions and answers;
d. The return on the search warrant shall be filed c. The complainant and the witnesses shall be
and kept by the custodian of the log book on examined on those facts personally known to
search warrants who shall enter therein the date them;
of the return, the result, and other actions of the d. The statements must be in writing and under
judge. oath; and
[Sec. 12, Rule 126] e. The sworn statements of the complainant and the
witnesses, together with the affidavits submitted,
The court which issued the search warrant acquires shall be attached to the record.
jurisdiction over the items seized under the said [Sec. 5, Rule 126]
warrant. Goods seized lawfully on the basis of the said
warrant or its accepted exceptions are in custodia legis. Searching questions and answers
Only that court which issued the warrant may order Searching questions are such questions which have
the release or disposition thereof. The jurisdiction, the tendency to show the commission of a crime and
custody and control of the court over the items seized the perpetrator thereof [Luna v. Plaza, G.R. No. 27511
cannot be interfered with. Custody lasts until the (1968)]
institution of the appropriate criminal action with the
proper court [Tenorio v. CA, G.R. No. 110604 (2003)] In search cases, the application must be supported by
substantial evidence
a. That the items sought are in fact seizable by Particularity of place to be searched
virtue of being connected with criminal activity; Description of place to be searched is sufficient if the
and officer with the search warrant can, with reasonable
b. That the items will be found in the place to be efforts, ascertain and identify the place intended
searched [People v. Veloso, G.R. No. L-23051 (1925)]
[People v. Tuan, G.R. No. 176066 (2010)]
An apparent typographical error will not necessarily
A search warrant issued by a judge who did not ask invalidate the search warrant, as long as the
searching questions but only leading ones and in a application contains the correct address [Burgos v. Chief
general manner is invalid [Uy v. BIR, G.R. No. 129651 of Staff, G.R. No. L-64261 (1984)]
Particularity of things to be seized
Although there is no hard-and-fast rule governing The scope of the search warrant is limited to personal
how a judge should conduct his investigation, it is property. It does not issue for seizure of immovable
axiomatic that the examination must be probing and properties [see Sec. 3, Rule 126]
exhaustive, not merely routinary, general, peripheral,
perfunctory or pro forma. The judge must not simply General rule: Things to be seized must be described
rehash the contents of the affidavit but must make his particularly. General search warrants are not allowed.
own inquiry on the intent and justification of the Otherwise, the search and seizure of the items in the
application [Yao v. People, G.R. No. 168306 (2007)] implementation of such search warrant is illegal and
the items seized are inadmissible in evidence [Sec. 2,
A warrant not based on personal knowledge is void. Art. III, Constitution]
Examination under oath A general warrant is defined as "(a) search or arrest
The judge must examine under oath or affirmation warrant that is not particular as to the person to be
the complainant and the witness he may produce [Sec. arrested or the property to be seized." It is one that
2, Art. III, Constitution] allows the "seizure of one thing under a warrant
describing another" and gives the officer executing
Oath includes any form of attestation by which a party the warrant the discretion over which items to take
signifies that he is bound in conscience to perform an [Worldwide Web Corporation v. People, G.R. No. 161106
act faithfully and truthfully. The oath required must (2014)]
refer to the truth of the facts within the personal
knowledge of the petitioner or his witnesses, because Such discretion is abhorrent, as it makes the person,
the purpose thereof is to convince the committing against whom the warrant is issued, vulnerable to
magistrate, not the individual making the affidavit and abuses. Our Constitution guarantees our right against
seeking the issuance of the warrant, of the existence unreasonable searches and seizures, and safeguards
of probable cause [Alvarez v. CFI, G.R. No. 45358 have been put in place to ensure that people and their
(1937)] properties are searched only for the most compelling
and lawful reasons [Worldwide Web Corporation v. People,
Mere affidavits of the complainant or his witnesses G.R. No. 161106, January 13, 2014]
are not sufficient. The examining judge has to take
depositions in writing of the complaint or his Search warrants authorizing the seizure of books of
witnesses, and attach the same to the record [Prudente accounts and records “showing all the business
v. Judge Dayrit, G.R. No. 82870 (1989)] transactions” of certain persons, regardless of
whether the transactions were legal or illegal, are
general warrants prohibited by law [Stonehill v. Diokno,
6. Particularity of Place to Be G.R. No. L-19550 (1967)]
Searched and Things to Be
Seized Where the language used is too all-embracing as to
include all the paraphernalia of petitioner in the
operation of its business, the SW is constitutionally
Warrant issued must particularly describe the place to objectionable [Columbia Pictures v. Flores, G.R. No.
be searched and the things to be seized [Sec. 2, Art. 78631 (1993)]
III, Constitution]
Exceptions: b. Consented Search
Where, by the nature of the goods to be seized, their c. Search of a Moving Vehicle
description must be rather general, it is not required d. Checkpoints; Body Checks in Airport
that a technical description be given, for this would e. Plain View
mean that no search warrant could issue [People v. f. Stop and Frisk
Rubio, G.R. No. L-35500 (1932)] g. Enforcement of Customs Law
The general description of the documents listed in the h. Other Exceptions
search warrant does not render it void if it is severable, 1. Exigent and Emergency Circumstances
and those items not particularly described may be cut 2. Buy-Bust Operation
off without destroying the whole [Uy v. BIR, G.R. No. 3. Private Searches
129651 (2000)]
Items (1) to (3), (5) to (7) and (8)(a) are enumerated in
Although the warrant was defective in the respects Veridiano v. People [G.R. No. 200370 (2017)] The other
noted, it does not follow that it was invalid as a whole. items are sanctioned by the SC in other cases. See the
It would be a drastic remedy indeed if a warrant is to discussion below.
be invalidated in toto because the judge erred in
authorizing a search for other items not supported by a. Search incidental to lawful arrest
the evidence [People v. Salinguit, 356 SCRA 683 (2001)]
Note: The law does not require that the things must be In a search incidental to an arrest, even without a
described in precise and minute detail as to leave no warrant, the person arrested may be searched for:
room for doubt on the part of the searching 1. Dangerous weapons
authorities. Otherwise, it would be virtually 2. Anything which may have been used in the
impossible for the applicants to obtain a warrant as commission of an offense, or
they would not know exactly what kind of things they 3. Anything which may constitute proof in the
are looking for [Vallejo v. People, G.R. No. G.R. No. commission of the offense [Sec. 13, Rule 126]
156413 (2004), Kho v. Makalintal, G.R. Nos.. 94902-06
(1999)] Purpose
When an arrest is made, it is reasonable for the
arresting officer to search the person arrested in order
7. Personal Property to be to remove any weapon that the latter might use in
Seized order to resist arrest or effect his escape. Otherwise,
the officer’s safety might well be endangered, and the
arrest itself frustrated. In addition, it is entirely
What may be seized reasonable for the arresting officer to search for and
a. Personal property subject of the offense; seize any evidence on the arrestee’s person in order to
b. Personal property stolen/embezzled and other prevent its concealment or destruction [People v.
proceeds/fruits of the offense; Calantiao, G.R. No. 203984 (2014), citing Valeroso v.
c. Personal property used or intended to be used as CA, G.R. No. 164815 (2009)]
the means of committing an offense
[Sec. 3, Rule 126] Scope
A valid arrest allows the seizure of evidence or
The rule does not require that the property to be dangerous weapons either on the person of the one
seized should be owned by the person against whom arrested or within the area of his immediate control.
the search warrant is directed. It is sufficient that the The phrase “within the area of his immediate control”
person against whom the warrant is directed has means the area from within which he might gain
control of possession of the property sought to be possession of a weapon or destructible evidence. A
seized [Burgos v. Chief of Staff, G.R. No. L-64261 gun on a table or in a drawer in front of one who is
(1984)] arrested can be as dangerous to the arresting officer
as one concealed in the clothing of the person
8. Exceptions to the Search arrested [People v. Calantiao, G.R. No. 203984 (2014),
citing Valeroso v. CA, G.R. No. 164815 (2009)]
Warrant Requirement
a. Search Incidental to Lawful Arrest
“Lawful arrest” A peaceful submission to a search or seizure is not a
Although, generally, a warrant is necessary for a valid consent or an invitation thereto, but is merely a
arrest, Sec. 5, Rule 113 provides the exceptions such demonstration of regard for the supremacy of the law
as arrests in flagrante delicto, arrests effected in hot [People v. Nuevas, G.R. No. 170233 (2007)]
pursuit, and arrests of escaped prisoners [People v.
Mariacos, G.R. No. 188611 (2010)] Consented search is reasonable only if kept within the
bounds of the actual consent. A person’s consent may
In searches incident to a lawful arrest, the arrest must limit the extent/scope of a warrantless search in the
precede the search; generally, the process cannot be same way that the specifications of a warrant limit the
reversed. Nevertheless, a search substantially search pursuant thereto.
contemporaneous with an arrest can precede the
arrest if the police have probable cause to make the Relevant to the determination of consent are the
arrest at the outset of the search [Sy v. People, G.R. No. following characteristics of the person giving consent
182178 (2011) citing People v. Racho (erroneously and the environment in which consent is given:
referred to as Rancho), G.R. No. 186529 (2010)] 1. The age of the defendant;
2. Whether he was in a public or secluded location;
When an individual is lawfully arrested, he/she may 3. Whether he objected to the search or passively
be frisked for concealed weapons that may be used looked on;
against the arresting officer and all unlawful articles 4. The education and intelligence of the defendant;
found in his person, or within his immediate control, 5. The presence of coercive police procedures;
may be seized [OCA v. Barron, A.M. No. RTJ-98-1420 6. The defendant's belief that no incriminating
(1998)] evidence will be found;
7. The nature of the police questioning;
Illegal search 8. The environment in which the questioning took
The rule assumes that the arrest is legal. If the arrest place; and
is illegal, then the search is illegal and as a result, the 9. The possibly vulnerable subjective state of the
things seized are inadmissible as evidence [People v. person consenting.
Aruta, G.R. No. 120195 (1998)] [Caballes v. CA, G.R. No. 136292 (2002)]
Where a search is first undertaken, and an arrest was c. Search of a moving vehicle
effected based on evidence produced by such search,
both search and arrest are illegal [Lui v. Matillano, G.R. When a vehicle is stopped and subjected to an
No. 141176 (2004)] extensive search, such a warrantless search should be
constitutionally permissible only if the officers
b. Consented search conducting the search have reasonable or probable
cause to believe, before the search, that either:
Jurisprudence requires that in case of consented 1. the motorist is a law-offender; or
searches or waiver of the constitutional guarantee 2. they will find the instrumentality or evidence
against obtrusive searches, it must first appear that: pertaining to a crime in the vehicle to be searched
1. The right exists; [Caballes v. CA, G.R. No. 136292 (2002)]
2. The person involved had knowledge, either
actual or constructive, of the existence of such Rationale
right; and Peace officers may lawfully conduct searches of
3. The said person had an actual intention to moving vehicles without need of a warrant as it is
relinquish the right. impracticable to secure a judicial warrant before
[People v. Nuevas, G.R. No. 170233 (2007)] searching a vehicle since it can be quickly moved out
of the locality or jurisdiction in which the warrant may
Consent to a search is not to be lightly inferred, but be sought [People v. Tuazon, G.R. No. 175783 (2007)]
must be shown by clear and convincing evidence. It
is the State which has the burden of proving, by clear However, these searches would be limited to visual
and positive testimony, that the necessary consent inspection and the vehicles or their occupants cannot
was obtained and that it was freely and voluntarily be subjected to physical or body searches, except
given [Valdez v. People, G.R. No. 170180 (2007)] where there is probable cause to believe that the
occupant is a law offender or the contents of the
vehicles are instruments or proceeds of some criminal
offense. e. Plain View Situation
The search and seizure without warrant of vessel and Requisites
aircrafts for violation of customs laws has been a 1. A prior valid intrusion i.e., based on the valid
traditional exception to the requirement of search warrantless arrest in which the police are legally
warrant [Roldan v. Arca, G.R. No. L-25434 (1975)] present in the pursuit of their official duties
2. Evidence was inadvertently discovered by the
When a vehicle is stopped and subjected to an police who have a right to be where they are
extensive search, such would be constitutionally 3. Evidence must be immediately and apparently
permissible only if the officers made it upon probable illegal (i.e., drug paraphernalia)
cause, i.e., upon a belief, reasonably arising out of 4. Plain view justified mere seizure of evidence
circumstances known to the seizing officer, that an without further search
automobile or other vehicle contains a[n] item, article [People v. Martinez, G.R. No. 191366 (2010)]
or object which by law is subject to seizure and
destruction [People v. Breis, G.R. No. 205823 (2015), It is clear that an object is in plain view if the object
citing People v. Libnao, G.R. No. 136860 (2003)] itself is plainly exposed to sight. Where the object
seized was inside a closed package, the object is not in
d. Checkpoints; body checks in plain view and therefore cannot be seized without a
airport warrant. However, if the package proclaims its
contents, whether by its distinctive configuration, its
transparency, or if its contents are obvious to an
Searches conducted in checkpoints are valid as long observer, then the contents are in plain view and may
as they are warranted by the exigencies of public order be seized [People v. Doria, G.R. No. 125299 (1999)]
and conducted in a way least intrusive to motorists.
Although the general rule is that motorists and their 1. It may not be used to launch unbridled searches
vehicles as well as pedestrians passing through and indiscriminate seizures
checkpoints may only be subjected to a routine 2. It does not extend to a general exploratory search
inspection, vehicles may be stopped and extensively made solely to find evidence of defendant’s guilt
searched when there is probable cause which justifies [People v. Musa, G.R. No. 96177 (1993)]
a reasonable belief of the men at the checkpoints that
either the motorist is a law offender or the contents
of the vehicle are or have been instruments of some The doctrine is usually applied where a police officer
offense [People v. Vinecario, G.R. No. 141137 (2004)] is not searching for evidence against the accused, but
nonetheless inadvertently comes across an
incriminating object
Routine inspections are not regarded as violative of
an individual’s right against unreasonable search
1. Where the officer merely draws aside the curtain Even if an object is in plain view, before it can be
of a vacant vehicle which is parked on the public seized without a search warrant, its incriminating
fair grounds nature must first be apparent
2. officer simply looks into a vehicle
3. officer flashes a light therein without opening Where police officers are on the premises pursuant to
car’s doors a valid consent to a search, an item falling into their
4. Occupants not subjected to a physical search plain view may properly be seized even if the item is
5. Inspection is limited to visual search or visual not connected with their purpose in entering as long
inspection, or as its discovery was inadvertent, and the item was
6. Routine check is conducted in a fixed area incriminating [United Laboratories v. Isip, G.R. No.
[Caballes v. CA, G.R. No. 136292 (2002)] 163858 (2005)]
The doctrine is a recognition of the fact that when the
police come across immediately recognizable
incriminating evidence not named in the warrant, they
should not be required to close their eyes to it,
regardless of whether it is evidence of the crime they Dual purpose of stop-and-frisk
are investigating or evidence of some other crime. 1. The general interest of effective crime
The doctrine is also a recognition of the fact that it prevention and detection, which underlies the
would be needless inconvenience to require the police recognition that a police officer may, under
to obtain another warrant [US v. Gray, 484 F.2d 352 appropriate circumstances and in an appropriate
(6th Cir., 1978)] manner, approach a person for purposes of
investigating possible criminal behavior even
f. Stop and frisk situation without probable cause; and
2. The more pressing interest of safety and self-
preservation which permit the police officer to
Stop and frisk is a limited protective search of outer take steps to assure himself that the person with
clothing for weapon [Malacat v. CA, G.R. No. 123595 whom he deals is not armed with a deadly
(1997)] weapon that could unexpectedly and fatally be
used against the police officer.
Where a police officer observes unusual conduct, [Malacat v. CA, G.R. No. 123595 (1997)]
which leads him reasonably to conclude in the light of
his experience that criminal activity may be afoot, and Stop and Frisk v. Search Incidental to Lawful
that a person with whom he is dealing may be armed Arrest
and presently dangerous, he is entitled to conduct a Stop and frisk is usually confused with search
stop and frisk search. incidental to lawful arrest. The latter happens when
one is caught in flagrante delicto, the former is done in
Where in the course of investigating this behavior he order to prevent a crime from occurring [People v.
identifies himself as a policeman and makes Cogaed, G.R. No. 200334 (2015)]
reasonable inquiries, and where nothing in the initial
stages of the encounter serves to dispel his reasonable "Stop and frisk" searches are also conducted to
fear for his own or others’ safety, he is entitled for the prevent the occurrence of a crime and should be used
protection of himself and others in the area to when dealing with a rapidly unfolding and potentially
conduct a carefully limited search of the outer criminal situation in the city streets where unarguably
clothing of such persons in an attempt to discover there is no time to secure a search warrant [Manalili v.
weapons which might be used to assault him [Malacat CA, G.R. No. 113447 (1997)]
v. CA, G.R. No. 123595 (1997), citing Terry v. Ohio,
392 U.S. 1 (1968)]
g. Enforcement of customs law
Genuine reason required For the enforcement of customs duties and tariff
Other notable points of Terry are that while probable laws, the Collector of Customs is authorized to effect
cause is not required to conduct a “stop and frisk,” it searches and seizure [General Travel Services v. David,
nevertheless holds that mere suspicion or a hunch will G.R. No. L-19259 (1966)]
not validate a “stop and frisk.” A genuine reason must
exist, in light of the police officer’s experience and The Customs Modernization and Tariff Act (CMTA)
surrounding conditions, to warrant the belief that the authorizes customs officers to:
person detained has weapons concealed about him 1. Enter, pass through or search any land,
[Malacat v. CA, G.R. No. 123595 (1997), citing Terry v. enclosure, warehouse [Sec. 219, CMTA]
Ohio, 392 U.S. 1 (1968)] 2. Inspect/search/examine any vessel or aircraft
and any trunk/package/box/envelope or any
Test of reasonableness person on board, or stop and examine any
The test of reasonableness is the concept of vehicle/beast/person suspected of
suspiciousness present in the situation the officer holding/conveying any dutiable/prohibited
finds himself. This is subject to the experiences of the article introduced into the Philippines contrary to
officer for them to determine whether the situation law [Sec. 221, CMTA]
does feel suspicious based on the facts presented to
them. In jurisprudence, seeing a person with red eyes General rule: The CMTA does not require a warrant for
or is walking in swaying manner would amount to a such searches
suspicious situation [People v. Cogaed, G.R. No. 200334
(2015)] Exception: In the search of a dwelling house, a search
warrant is required [Sec. 220, CMTA]
Note: RTCs are devoid of any competence to pass REMEDIES
upon the validity or regularity of seizure and forfeiture a. Employ any means to prevent the search
proceedings conducted by the Bureau of Customs Without a search warrant, the officer cannot
and to enjoin or otherwise interfere with these insist on entering a citizen’s premises. If he does
proceedings. It is the Collector of Customs, sitting in so, he becomes an ordinary intruder.
seizure and forfeiture proceedings, who has exclusive
jurisdiction to hear and determine all questions The person to be searched may resist the search
touching on the seizure and forfeiture of dutiable and employ any means necessary to prevent it,
goods [Asian Terminals, Inc. v. Bautista-Ricafort, G.R. without incurring any criminal liability [People v.
No. 166901 (2006)] Chan Fook, G.R. No. L-16968 (1921)]
2. Kinds of Provisional
In general
Reference to provisional remedies in Sec. 1, Rule 127
is made in general terms, hence preliminary
injunction, preliminary attachment, receivership,
replevin or support pendente lite may be availed of
[Riano 572, 2011 Updated Ed.]
However, only preliminary attachment is provided for
under the same rule.
a. Preliminary attachment
When proper
When the civil action is properly instituted in the
criminal action, the offended party may have the
property of the accused attached as security for the
satisfaction of any judgment that may be recovered 1. To afford adequate protection to the
from the accused in the following cases: constitutional rights of the accused
1. When the accused is about to abscond from the 2. When necessary for the orderly administration of
Philippines justice or to avoid oppression or multiplicity of
2. When the criminal action is based on a claim for actions;
money or property embezzled or fraudulently 3. When there is a pre-judicial question which is sub
misapplied or converted to the use of the accused judice
who is a public/corporate officer, attorney, 4. When the acts of the officer are without or in
factor, broker, agent or clerk, in the course of his excess of authority
employment as such, or by any other person in a 5. Where the prosecution is under an invalid law,
fiduciary capacity, or for a willful violation of ordinance or regulation
duty 6. When double jeopardy is clearly apparent
3. When the accused has concealed, removed or 7. Where the court has no jurisdiction over the
disposed of his property, or is about to do so offense
4. When the accused resides outside the Philippines 8. Where it is a case of persecution rather than
[Sec. 2, Rule 127] prosecution
9. Where the charges are manifestly false and
Issuance and implementation motivated by the lust for vengeance
The writ may be issued ex parte before acquisition of 10. When there is clearly no prima facie case against
jurisdiction over the accused [Cuarter v. CA, G.R No. the accused and a motion to quash on that
102448 (1992)) ground has been denied, and
11. Preliminary injunction has been issued by the
However, it may be enforced only after acquisition of Supreme Court to prevent the threatened
jurisdiction over the person of the accused [Gonzalez unlawful arrest of petitioners
v. State Properties, G.R. No. 140765 (2001)] [Brocka v. Enrile, G.R. No. 69863 (1990)]
forensic chemists, medico-legal officers, investigators, auditors, similar witnesses, who will testify on the authenticity, due
accountants, engineers, custodians, expert witnesses and other execution and the contents of public documents and reports
If such are not available: d. witnesses who will testify on the civil liability
in criminal 1. It shall be in the form of ▪ This rule is without prejudice to allowing
additional direct and cross-examination
cases that judicial affidavits, subject to questions.
are additional direct and cross- ▪ If stipulations cannot be had in full, where the
transactional examination questions. adverse party does not waive the right to cross-
in character3 examination, the subject of the direct testimony
of these witnesses should be stipulated upon,
without prejudice to additional direct and cross-
Other examination questions.
where the TRIAL
or innocence The court shall encourage the accused and the
prosecution to avail of:
of the For the accused For the prosecution
accused can Secs. 12 and 13, Rule Sec. 15, Rule 119 on
be 119 on the application the conditional
established for examination of examination of witness
through witness for accused for the prosecution
documents before trial and how it
is made
In all other
cases where Absence of counsel de parte. - In the absence of the
the The testimonies of these counsel de parte, the hearing shall proceed upon
culpability witnesses shall be in oral form. appointment by the court of a counsel de officio.
or the
innocence of Offer of evidence.
the accused The offer of evidence, the comment/ objection
thereto, and the court ruling thereto shall be made
is based on ORALLY.
testimonies 1. A party is required to make his/ her oral offer of
of the evidence on the same day after the presentation
alleged of his/her last witness.
o In making the offer, the counsel shall cite the
eyewitnesses specific page numbers of the court record
▪ During pre-trial/ preli1ninary conference, the where the exhibits being offered are found,
court shall require the parties to enter into if attached thereto.
stipulations on the subject of both direct and o The court shall ensure that all exhibits
cross-examinations of witnesses: offered are submitted to it on the same day
a. who have no personal knowledge of the of the offer.
material facts constituting the crimes, such o If the exhibits are not attached to the record,
as: the party making the offer must submit the
• forensic chemists, medico-legal same during the offer of evidence in open
officers, investigators, auditors, court.
accountants, engineers, custodians, 2. The opposing party is required to immediately
expert witnesses and other similar interpose his/her oral comment/ objection
witnesses thereto.
b. who will testify on the authenticity, due 3. Thereafter, the court shall make a ruling on the
execution and the contents of public offer of evidence in open court.
documents and reports
c. corroborative witnesses; and
falsification, malversation, Estafa
After the prosecution has rested its case, the court necessary, it shall consider the case
shall inquire from the accused if he/ she desires: submitted for decision.
1. To move for leave of court to file a demurrer to
evidence, or Presentation of Rebuttal and Sur-rebuttal
2. To proceed with the presentation of his/her Evidence
▪ If the court grants the motion to present rebuttal
Demurrer to Evidence (DTE) evidence, the PROSECUTION shall:
o immediately proceed with its presentation
If the accused orally moves for leave of court to after the accused had rested his/her case,
file a demurrer to evidence, the court shall and
ORALLY resolve the same. o orally rest its case in rebuttal after the
presentation of its last rebuttal witness
▪ If the motion for leave is denied, the court shall ▪ The ACCUSED shall:
issue an order for the ACCUSED: o immediately present sur-rebuttal evidence,
o To present and terminate his/her evidence if there is any, and
on the dates previously scheduled and agreed o orally rest the case in sur-rebuttal after the
upon, and presentation of its last sur-rebuttal witness
o To orally offer and rest his/her case on the ▪ Thereafter, the court shall submit the case for
day his/her last witness is presented decision.
▪ If despite the denial of the motion for leave, the
accused insists on filing the DTE, the previously One-day examination of witness rule: The court
scheduled dates for the accused to present shall strictly adhere to the rule that a witness has to be
evidence shall be cancelled. fully examined in one (1) day.
▪ Period of Filing:
o The DTE shall be filed within a non- PROMULGATION
extendible period of ten (10) calendar days
from the date leave of court is granted, and
o The corresponding comment shall be filed Schedule of promulgation: The date of the
within a non-extendible period of ten (10) promulgation of its decision
calendar days counted from date of receipt ▪ Shall not be more than ninety (90) calendar days
of the DTE. fro1n the date the case is submitted for decision
▪ Resolution: The demurrer shall be resolved by o For those covered by Regular Rules,
the court within a non-extendible period of thirty including Sandiganbayan and Court of Tax
(30) calendar days from date of the filing of the Appeals
comment or lapse of the ten (10)-day period to ▪ Except when the case is covered by Special Rules
file the same. and other laws which provide for a shorter period
▪ If the motion for leave of court to file DTE is
granted, and the subsequent DTE is denied Drug Cases (15) days from the date of
o The ACCUSED shall: submission for resolution of
the case
• present and terminate his/her Environmental (60) days from the last day of
evidence (one day apart, morning and Cases the 30-day period to file the
afternoon) and memoranda
• orally offer and rest his/her case on Intellectual (60) days from the time the
the day his/her last witness is Property case is submitted for decision,
presented Rights Cases with or without the
o The COURT shall rule on: memoranda
▪ the oral offer of evidence of the Note: The court shall announce in open court and include in the
accused and order submitting the case for decision, the date of the
▪ the comment or objection of the promulgation of its decision.
prosecution on the same day of the
offer Resolution of motion for reconsideration of
o If the court denies the motion to present judgment of conviction or motion for new trial.
rebuttal evidence because it is no longer
▪ A motion for reconsideration of judgment of
conviction or motion for new trial under Rule
121 filed within the reglementary period of Q.Rule on Cybercrime
fifteen (15) days from promulgation
Shall be resolved within:
o A non-extendible period of ten (10) A.M. No. 17-11-03-SC
calendar days fro1n the submission of the
comment of the prosecution. SECTION 1.
o With or without comment, the court shall Scope: The rule provides for the procedure in the
resolve the motion within the ten (10)-day application and grants of warrants and related orders
period. involving preservation, disclosure, interception,
search, seizure, and/or examination of computer
▪ The submission of memoranda is VENUE FOR FILING A CRIMINAL ACTION
discretionary on the part of the court
o Format: shall exceed (25) pages in length, A. Violation of Section 4 (Cybercrime offenses)
single-spaced, on legal size paper, using size and/or Section 5 (Other offenses) of RA 10175
14 font. (Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 hereinafter “RA
▪ Submission period: non-extendible and shall 10175”) shall be filed before the designated
not suspend the running of the period of cybercrime court of the province or city:
promulgation of the decision. 1. Where the offense or any of its elements is
o With or without memoranda, the committed, or
promulgation shall push through as 2. Where any part of the computer system used is
scheduled. situated, or
3. Where any of the damage caused to a natural or
LACK OF STENOGRAPHIC NOTES juridical person took place
Note: The court where the criminal action was first
▪ Incomplete TSN is not a ground to defer filed shall acquire jurisdiction to the exclusion of
other courts.
submission of the case for decision:
o Judges who conducted the trial and heard the
testimonies of some or all of the witnesses B. All other crimes committed using Information and
shall not defer the submission of the case for Communication Technology (ICT) shall be filed
decision on the ground of incomplete or before the regular or specialized courts as the case
missing transcript of stenographic notes maybe.
▪ If the case was heard completely by another
judge, not the judge tasked to write the VENUE FOR FILING AN APPLICATION
o The latter shall direct the stenographers
concerned to submit the complete A. Violation of Section 4 and Section 5 of RA
transcripts within a period of (30) calendar 10175
days from date of his/her assumption to GR: Application shall be filed before the designated
office. cybercrime courts of the province or the city where:
1. Where the offense or any of its elements is
The one (1) week of each semester devoted for the 2. Where any part of the computer system used is
conduct of annual and semi-annual physical inventory situated, or
of cases and preparation of the semestral docket 3. Where any of the damage caused to a natural or
inventory report pursuant to Administrative Circular juridical person took place
No. 76-2007 SHALL NOT SUSPEND court
hearings. NOTE: Cybercrime courts in Quezon City, City of
Manila, Makati City, Pasig City, Cebu City, Iloilo City,
Davao City, and Cagayan De Oro City have the
special authority to act on applications and issue
warrants which shall be enforceable nationwide deemed a notification to preserve data until the final
and outside the Philippines. termination of the case.
B. Application for a warrant for violation of all crimes CYBERCRIME WARRANTS UNDER THIS
defined, and penalized by RPC and other special laws RULE
if committed using ICT shall be filed with the regular 1. Warrant to Disclose Computer Data (WDCD)
courts or other specialized RTC in the places: [Sec. 4]
1. Where the offense or any of its elements is 2. Warrant to Intercept Data (WICD) [Sec. 5]
committed, or 3. Warrant to Search, Seize and Examine Computer
2. Where any part of the computer system used is Data (WSSECD) [Sec. 6]
situated, or 4. Warrant to Examine Computer Data (WECD)
3. Where any of the damage caused to a natural or [Sec 6.9]
juridical person took place
The judge must examine the applicant and his/her DATA (WDCD)
witnesses in the form of searching questions and It is an order in writing issued in the name of the
answers, in writing and under oath. People of the Philippines, signed by the judge, upon
application of law enforcement authorities,
EFFECTIVITY OF WARRANTS authorizing the latter to issue an order to disclose and
GR: Not exceeding 10 days from its issuance accordingly, require any person or service provider to
X: the issuing court may, upon motion, extend its disclose or submit subscriber’s information, traffic
effectivity based only on justifiable reasons for a data, or relevant data in his/her or its possession or
period not exceeding 10 from the expiration of the original control.
Disclosure of Computer Data
CONTEMPT 1. The person or service provider must disclose or
The responsible law enforcement authorities shall be submit the subscriber’s information, traffic data
subject to action for contempt in case: or relevant data in his/her or its possession or
1. Failure to timely file the return for any of the control within 72 hours from receipt of an Order;
issued warrants under this Rule 2. The Order must be in relation to a complaint
2. Failure to duly turn-over to the court’s custody officially docketed and assigned for investigation;
any of the items disclosed intercepted, searched, and
seized, and/or examined 3. The disclosure must be necessary and relevant for
the purpose of investigation.
COMPUTER DATA Contents of Application for WDCD
GR: Data should be kept, retained, and preserved by 1. The probable offense involved
a service provider for a minimum period of 6 2. Relevance and necessity of the computer data or
months from: subscriber’s information sought to be disclosed
1. The date of transaction in the case of traffic data for the purpose of investigation
and subscriber’s information; 3. Names of the individuals or entities whose
2. The date of receipt of order from law computer data or subscriber’s information are
enforcement requiring its preservation in the case sought to be disclosed, including the names of
of content data the individuals of the individuals or entities who
X: One-time extension for another 6 months may be have control, possession, or access thereto, if
ordered available;
X2: The data is preserved until the final termination 4. Particular description of the computer data or
of a case once the data that is preserved, transmitted subscriber’s information sought to be disclosed
or stored by the service provider is used as evidence 5. Place where the disclosure of computer data or
in a case. subscriber’s information is to be enforced, if
The receipt by the service provider of transmittal of available;
document to the Office of the Prosecutor shall be
6. Manner or method by which the disclosure of the
computer data or subscriber’s information is to Warrant Required
be carried out, if available; and Interception may be carried out only by virtue of a
7. Other relevant information that will persuade the court issued warrant, duly applied for by law
court that there is a probable cause to issue a enforcement authorities.
Return on the WDCD DATA (WICD)
Duty of Law Enforcement Officer: It is an order in writing issued in the name of the
Within 48 hours from implementation or after the People of the Philippines, signed by a judge, upon
expiration of the effectivity of the WDCD, whichever application of law enforcement authorities,
comes first, the law enforcement officer shall: authorizing the latter to carry out any or all of the
1. Submit a return on the WDCD to the court that activities of interception (see above).
issued it; and
2. Simultaneously turn over the custody of the Contents of Application for WICD
disclosed computer data or subscriber’s The application shall state the essential facts similar to
information thereto WDCD
1. The probable offense involved
The officer is allowed to retain a copy of the copy of 2. Relevance and necessity of the computer data or
the disclosed data or subscriber’s information subject subscriber’s information sought to be
of the WDCD without the need of court intervention, intercepted for the purpose of investigation
provided: 3. Names of the individuals or entities whose
1. It will be utilized for case build-up or preliminary computer data or subscriber’s information are
investigation purposes intercepted, including the names of the
2. The details are kept strictly confidential, and the individuals of the individuals or entities who have
retained copy shall be labelled as such control, possession, or access thereto, if available;
3. The retained copy shall be turned over upon 4. Particular description of the computer data or
filing of a criminal action involving the disclosed subscriber’s information sought to be
computer data or subscriber’s information, or intercepted;
upon order of the issuing court if no criminal 5. Place where the disclosure of computer data or
action is filed. subscriber’s information is to be enforced, if
Duty of the Issuing Judge: 6. Manner or method by which the disclosure of the
It is the duty of the issuing judge to: computer data or subscriber’s information is to
1. Ascertain if the return has been made, and be carried out, if available; and
2. If no return was made, summon the officer to
whom the WDCD was issued, and require Return on the WICD
him/her to explain why no return was made, Duty of Law Enforcement Officer:
without prejudice to any action of contempt Within 48 hours from implementation or after the
expiration of the effectivity of the WICD, whichever
SECTION 5. INTERCEPTION OF comes first, the law enforcement officer shall:
COMPUTER DATA 1. Submit a return on the WDCD to the court that
Interception refers to: issued it; and
1. listening to, 2. Simultaneously turn over the custody of the
2. recording, disclosed computer data or subscriber’s
3. monitoring, or information thereto
4. surveillance of the content of communications,
including procuring of the content data: Duty of the Issuing Judge:
a. directly, through access and use of a It is the duty of the issuing judge to:
computer system, or 1. Ascertain if the return has been made, and
b. indirectly through the use of electronic 2. If no return was made, summon the officer to
eavesdropping or tapping devices, at the whom the WDCD was issued, and require
same time that the communication if him/her to explain why no return was made,
occurring. without prejudice to any action of contempt
Remedy of Person whose devices have been
Notice to Person Intercepted after Filing of searched and seized off-site
Return Required The concerned individual may, upon motion, seek the
return of the said items from the court issuing the
Duty of Law Enforcement WSSCED provided that a forensic image of the data
The law enforcement officer has the duty to notify the subject of the WSSECD has already been made.
person whose communication or computer data have
been intercepted of the activities conducted pursuant What Activities are Allowed During the
to the WICD: Implementation of the WSSECD
1. Within 30 days from the filing of the return, 1. Interception of communications and
attaching a copy of the return to the notice; or computer data may be conducted during the
2. From the lapse of 48-hour period to file the implementation of the WSSECD which shall:
return, if no return was filed. The notice shall a. limited to communications and computer
state the details of the interception activities, that are reasonably related to the subject
including the contents of the intercepted matter of WSSECD; and
communication or computer data. b. the activities are fully disclosed which shall
be duly explained in the initial return.
Remedy of the Person Involved 2. Law enforcement may order any person who has
Within 10 days from notice, the person whose knowledge of the functioning of the computer
communication or computer data have been data therein, to provide necessary information to
intercepted may challenge, by motion, the legality of enable the undertaking of the search, seizure and
the interception before the issuing court. examination