Audit Difference
Audit Difference
Audit Difference
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
of expressing an opinion thereon
Fraud Error
It is the deception or artifice It is inaccuracy or incompleteness
with the in the
intention of cheating or injuring measurement or presentation of an
another. act
It is intentional It is accidental and unintentional.
The person committing the fraud It may arise due to negligence or a
does so knowingly, willfully and genuine misunderstanding on the
with the motive of gaining part of the persons committing
advantage or benefit by cheating or them.
causing loss or injury to
another person.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Prepaid Expenses: incurred in the course of regular operation of an enterprise.
Prepaid expenses are also treated as outstanding assets. Expenditure already incurred a part or
whole of which relates to a period subsequent to the date of the Balance Sheet. Some of the
example of prepaid expenses:
Insurance charges paid in advance;
Advertisement, etc.
Preliminary expenditure: incurred prior to the operation of an enterprise.
The expenditure incidental to the creation and floating of a company includes stamp duties,
registration fees, legal costs, accountant’s fee cost of printing etc. Preliminary expenses are
both incurred by the company or by the promoters and reimbursed them by the company.
Normally, the preliminary expenditures are disclosed in the prospectus, statutory report and
the balance sheet. Expenditure in connection with the preliminary expenses and not written off
should be separately disclosed under the head miscellaneous expenditure. Underwriting
commission and brokerage paid for shares and debentures should not be included under the
head preliminary expenses.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
represent faithfully the transactions and other events that it purports, it is necessary that they
are accounted for and presented in accordance with their substance and economics reality i. e.
substance over form and not merely their legal form. The substance of transaction or other
events is not always consistent with that which is apparent from their legal or contrived form.
Similarly, another characteristic of financial statement is neutrality. The information
contained in financial statements must be neutral, that is, free from bias to be reliable.
Financial statements are not neutral if, by the selection or presentation of information, they
influence a decision or judgement in order to achieve a predetermined result or outcome.
Continuous Audit is one in which the auditor's staff is engaged continuously in checking the
accounts of the client the whole year round or when for this purpose the staff attends at
intervals, fixed or otherwise, during the currency of the financial period. Strictly speaking,
when auditor's staff attends the audit work at fixed intervals it may be strictly called interim
audit. This is when an audit is conducted up to a particular date within the accounting period.
The auditor may attend to audit the figures for a month or for a quarter, as the work may
require. It would differ distinctly from the final audit in the extent of the work carried out;
verification of assets, for example would be left until the final audit. In case of a continuous
audit, the work is conducted throughout the course of the financial year but is not taken to a
specific accounting period, as is an interim audit. It might be that during the course of the
continuous work interim figures are being audited, but the significant factor here is that the
auditor will be engaged continuously on the audit throughout the financial period. Staff may
be in residence throughout the period or may come and go at irregular intervals, but most of
the time, the audit staff is present at the location. Thus, in case of continuous audit, the audit
staff is present at the client's premises almost during the entire accounting period.
10. Prior period items and extra ordinary items.
Prior period items are incomes or expenses, which arise, in the current period as a result of
errors or commissions in the preparation of the financial statements of one or more prior
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Extraordinary items are incomes or expenses that arise from events or transactions that are
clearly distinct from the ordinary activities of the enterprise and, therefore, are not expected to
recur frequently or regularly.
Auditing around the computer involves arriving at an audit opinion through examining
internal control for computer installation and the input and output only for application
systems. On the basis of quality of input and output of application systems, the auditor infers
the quality of processing carried out. Application system processing is not examined directly.
The auditor views the computer as a black box.
Auditing through computer: The auditor can use the computer to test: (a) the logic and
controls existing within the system and (b) the records produced by the system. Depending
upon the complexity of application system being audited, the approach may be fairly simple or
require extensive technical competence on the part of the auditor.
ensure compliance with these principles in carrying out any audit. To comply with these
principles, he has to design his audit procedures and reporting practices in an auditing
situation. These principles provide the benchmark against which an auditor's performance is
evaluated. These principles are:
Integrity, objectivity and independence
Skills and competence
Work performed by others
Audit evidence
Accounting system and internal control
Audit conclusion and reporting
Whereas, the techniques by which an auditor collects evidence are known as techniques
of auditing. These techniques are:
Inspection of documents and records
Physical inspection of tangible assets
Computation and re-tracing book-keeping procedures
Analytical procedures
Thus, auditing principles are of fundamental nature which underlie the conduct of the audit.
These principles are not liable to change frequently while audit techniques may vary according
to the nature of propositions to be tested. For instance, audit technique to test the existence of
cash in hand will be different from the method to verify recover ability of sundry debtors.
Further audit techniques may vary from organization to organization depending upon the
nature of business but the principles of auditing will remain the same irrespective of the nature
of the organization.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
company, this includes the Memorandum and Articles of Association. In case of statutory
corporation, this includes the Act and Regulation under which the corporation functions.
Extracts or copies of important legal documents, agreements and minutes relevant to the audit.
A record of the study and evaluation of the internal controls related to the accounting system.
Copies of audited financial statements of prior years.
Analysis of significant ratios and trends.
Copies of management letters issued by the auditor, if any.
Record of communication with the retiring auditor, if any, before acceptance of the
appointment as auditor.
Notes regarding significant accounting policies.
Significant audit observation or earlier years, etc.
Current audit files contain information relevant for the audit of a single period.
A current audit file normally includes.
Correspondence relating to acceptance of annual re-appointment.
Extracts or important matters in the minutes of Board Meetings and General Meetings, as
are relevant to audit.
Evidence of planning process of audit and audit programme.
Analysis of transaction and balances.
A record of the nature, timing and extent of auditing procedures performed and the results of
such procedures.
Evidence that work performed by assistants was supervised and reviewed.
Copies of letters or notes concerning audit matters communicated to or discussed with the
client, including the terms of the engagement and material weaknesses in relevant internal
Letters of representations or confirmation received from the client.
Conclusions reached by the auditor concerning significant aspects of the audit, including the
manner in which expectations and unusual matters, if any, disclosed by auditor‟s procedure
where resolved or treated.
Copies of the financial information being reported on and the related audit reports, etc.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Borrowers, etc.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
5. Personnel: Vouching is done by the junior staff of the auditor under the
supervision of a senior person. Verification is done by the auditor himself assisted
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
by senior.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
i. Faster and efficient in processing of information in computerized system and no such faster
and efficient in processing of information in manual system
ii. Automatic generation of accounting documents like invoices, cheques and statement of
account which manual system cannot produce.
iii. With the larger reductions in the cost of hardware and software and availability of user-
friendly accounting software package, it is relatively cheaper like maintaining a manual
accounting system;
iv. More timely information can be produced than manual system
v. No more manual processing of the data- all automatically posted to the various
ledgers/accounts and many types of useful reports can be automatically generated for
management to make decisions where as such reports cannot generated on manual system
vi. Power failure, computer viruses and hackers are the inherent problems of using computerized
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Compliance procedures are tests designed to obtain reasonable assurance that those
internal control on which audit reliance is to be placed are in effect. It seeks to test that
there exists internal control,
the existing internal control is effective and
the internal control is working without break or lacunae during the period under review.
When internal control is found to be to an acceptable level, the accounting entries generated in
such a system is more reliable than in one where the control is weak.
Mere satisfaction about the existence of internal control may not be sufficient for auditors to
express opinion about the assertions the financial data in the form of balances and transactions.
These i.e. transactions and balances need to be tested. This is done by audit procedure called
substantive checking. Substantive procedures are designed to obtain audit evidence as to the
completeness, accuracy and validity of the data produced by the accounting system.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
analytical review.
The checking of transaction and balances involves vouching of sales, purchases, payments,
receipts and scrutiny of ledgers. The analytical procedure involves critically examining the
accounts in an overall manner and it may entail computation of ratios, trend analysis so as to
dwell in length for examination of unusual or unexplained deviations.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
of internal control There will always be some control risk because of the intrinsic limitation of
any system of internal control To assess control risk, the auditor should consider the
adequacy of control design, as well as test adherence to control procedures. In the absence
of such an assessment, the auditor should assume that control risk is high.
Detection risk is the risk that an auditor's procedures will not detect a misstatement that exists
in an account balance or class of transactions that could be material, individually or when
aggregated with misstatements in other balances or classes. The level of detection risk relates
directly to the auditor's procedures. Some detection risk would always be present even if an
auditor were to examine 100 percent of the account balance or class of transaction because, for
example, the auditor may select an inappropriate audit procedure, misapply an appropriate
audit procedure or misinterpret the audit results.
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,
Revenue expenditure is the expenditure, the benefit of which is immediately (within one
year) expended or exhausted in the process of earning revenue. For example, expenditure on
purchase of goods for sale, on their movement from one place to another, on maintaining
assets, on keeping a business organization going etc.
If any expenditure of a revenue nature is treated as capital, it would have the effect of inflating
the profit of the year. If the expenditure of a capital nature is charged to a revenue head, the
amount of profit would be reduced.
Propriety Audit
Substance rather than records and documents
Expenditure as per rule, proper provisioning, properly sanctioned BUT such expenditure
may still be highly wasteful. In propriety audit those expenditures are identified
All the improper expenditure is reported. Improper expenditure means any expenditure
providing no benefits
Principles of Financial Propriety:
There should be a genuine requirement to incur the expenditure i.e. If any expenditure can be
avoided, then it should not be incurred.
Public money should not be utilized for the benefit of any particular person or group of
Amount of expenses is
A claim for the amount enforced by court of law
Expenditure incurred in pursuance of recognized policy
or custom
When the expenditure are so regularized that It is not a source of profit
There should be no personal profiteering
Performance Audit :
Also known as 3E audit
1. Efficiency Audit (Incur)
Whether Government programs/schemes/projects are really executed
Important Distinguish between of Audit (CAP II) Prepared by Kisan Joshi,