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Berkeley Eecs Thesis

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Writing a thesis, especially in a complex field like Berkeley EECS (Electrical Engineering and

Computer Sciences), can be an exceptionally challenging and time-consuming task. The intricate
nature of the subject matter, coupled with the high standards expected by academic institutions, often
leaves students grappling with the complexities of thesis writing.

Berkeley EECS theses demand meticulous research, in-depth analysis, and the ability to present
findings in a clear and coherent manner. The process involves not only a deep understanding of the
chosen topic but also a proficiency in academic writing, adherence to formatting guidelines, and a
commitment to meeting stringent deadlines.

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Thus, ground connections are realized using bondwires from pad on-chip to the package. The basic
idea is to design an adaptive power amplifier so that it can self-adjust to optimize efficiency based
on the output power requirement: a. Isotropic materials such as powdered iron or ferrites carry
penal- ties in magnetic performance, while silicon steel laminations are difficult to form into the
required geometries. The secondary sides of four independent unity transformers are stacked together
in series. As the rotor turns, flux from the permanent magnet is directed either around the outside of
the winding, or through its center. Alnico is perhaps the oldest permanent magnet material still in
widespread use, hav- ing been discovered by Japanese researchers in 1931. The PDF of this OFDM
signal is shown in Figure 2.5. For comparison, the PDF of a constant amplitude signal is also shown
in Figure 2.5. While the average drain efficiency of an ideal class A amplifier for the constant
amplitude signal is 50%, the average drain efficiency of such an amplifier for the OFDM signals is
only 5%. The FEA resultis given by circles, while the magneticcircuit result is given by dots. 0 0.002
0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 5 10 15 20 25 Displacement (m) For ce ( N) Figure 4.10: Force versus
displacementof test structure. Adobe InDesign Design pixel-perfect content like flyers, magazines
and more with Adobe InDesign. The fabrication process of PHEMTs is very similar way to the
process of MESFETs, except the starting material has epitaxial layers on it. Select “More options” to
see additional information, including details about managing your privacy settings. Since 2G systems
were “THE” system at that time, the majority of published CMOS PAs are nonlinear power
amplifiers. Capacitors are large enough to be treated as AC short at the frequency of operation.
Preparing a request for corporate sponsorship can help maximize the likelihood of obtaining your
company’s support. A notebook computer in active oper- ation can use power on the order of tens of
Watts, while a cellular telephone in talk mode may use on the order of a few Watts. The design
allows for thermal insulation between the stator and combustion chamber, and places the permanent
magnet in a relatively low temperature location. Radio phones have a long history that stretches back
to the 1950s, with hand-held cellular devices being available since 1983. Permanent magnet
machines fall into two main categories: permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM); and
brushless DC (BLDC). See the uniRank degree levels and areas of study matrix below for further
details. Resistance and inductance measurements were then made with an LCR meter at 120 Hz and
1 kHz. Therefore, it is likely that the quality of passives may degrade24. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Technology
Node (nm) Num ber o f Met al L ayer s 350 250 180 130 90 65 Figure 3.18: Number of Metallization
layers vs. The prototype takes differential RF input signal and transmits single- Page 177. At high
frequencies, the large voltage swing at the drain will induce a voltage swing at the back gate (body
node). Second, the inner conductor will suffer from current crowding which results from the Page
154. Each pad was bonded to the test board with only one bond-wire, although multi bond-wires
can be employed to minimized lead inductance. This is ac- complished through the use of aerogel
insulation, which surrounds the engine housing including the small gap between the housing and the
generator stator. Finite-element analysis can be employed for this purpose, as described in the next
section. 6.3.3 Finite-Element Analysis Finite-element analysis, as described in Sec. 4.4, was applied
to the two-dimensional model shown in Fig. 6.15, which is qualitatively equivalent to Fig. 6.10. As
in Fig. 6.10, this structure represents two poles of a circumferential cross-section of the ma- chine
taken at a particular radius. However, this results in higher chip temperature due to heat flow
degradation. If the distance is too large, parasitic elements will degrade the RF performance. The
storage of compressed hydrogen fuel presents the danger of explosion; the required containment
vessels significantly increase system mass.
The transformer maintains more than 70% efficiency from 1.45-GHz to 3.0-GHz. In other words,
presuming the quality factors of the passives and the coupling factors are insensitive to process
variation, the power efficiency of the transformer is very tolerant to components variation. Figure
5.21: Power efficiency vs. Hence the value of W in Eq. 4.21 does not depend on the integration path
between the points (0,0) and (?o,xo). Class-S, however, may be used for amplitude modulation with
excellent efficiency. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital
publishing. Type Self exciting Holding torque Synchronous Torque Reluctance No Yes Yes
LowInduction No No No ModeratePermanent Magnet Yes Yes Yes High Table 3.1: Comparison of
electric machine technologies. 3.1.4 Electrostatic Due to both practical and fundamental limitations,
electrostatic machines are not competitive at the macro-scale. An overall linear transfer characteristic
can thus be 15 Actually, the inventor, H.S. Black, filed patent of feedforward 9 years earlier than the
patent of feedback. Page 49. Note also that the motion of the Wankel rotor includes both rotation
and a small eccentricity (i.e. translation in a circular trajectory). The Federal School Code for UC
Berkeley is 001312. Wu in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) department at
UC Berkeley. This allows for reversing rather than homopolar flux in the stator structure, increasing
the magnitude of AC flux linking the winding by at least a factor of two, and eliminating the
sensitivity of the output to the permanent magnet excitation level. Dec 2021: Our paper on clustering
interval-censored time-series for disease phenotyping was accepted to AAAI 2022. The leftside of
each model is the axis of symmetry. Since an on-chip inductor is essentially one plate of a capacitor,
displacement current will flow into the substrate and cause energy loss. The letter D is used to
designate this type of amplifier simply because “D” is the next letter after “C”. Page 29. It is not
uncommon for young adults to simply own a mobile phone instead of a land-line phone for their
residence. However, this results in higher chip temperature due to heat flow degradation. In order for
latch-up to occur, the structure must be regenerative, in that it must provide a mechanism to increase
the internal current to high values after it exceeds a certain threshold condition. Having a scheduled
conversation to discuss your professional development goals is a great idea to help foster support, in
whatever form it may take. The equivalent magnetic circuit is shown in Fig. 6.11. Reluctances R1
through R8 represent the air gap between various rotor and stator poles, Ry models the leakage path
between adjacent stator teeth, and Rz models soft magnetic reluctances in the stator. Electroplating is
carried out in a bath of electrolyte, in which the plating material (anode) and object to be plated
(cathode) are submerged. Page 47. Two designs were presented for generators having axial flux and
circumferential windings. There is an abundance of scholarships for international students offered by
the university which fulfills their financial needs. Apply through the Computational Precision Health
or EECS admissions portals. Please contact your admissions counselor for more information on how
to create an effective request. Finally, I’d like to thank my friends and family, for their love and
support. Page 15. BLDC machines are excited by square-wave voltages, and feature electronic
commutation, in which feedback from position sensors (often hall effect sensors) determines the
correct phase excitation to be supplied by the inverter. These machines utilize high energy product
magnets, and hence achieve impressive specific power and power density. Because most useful
magnetic actuator designs incorporate an air gap with very low permeability, Page 37. The CMOS
prototype was implemented and tested to verify the concept. In a NMOS transistor, if the voltage on
the gate increases, the majority carriers (holes) will be pushed away towards substrate, and be
depleted as gate voltage continues to increase.
As described in Chapter 4, force is developed when the amount of stored energy in an electric or
magnetic field changes with ac- tuator displacement. In a state-of-the-art CMOS process, junction
breakdown voltage is significantly higher than recommended supply voltage which is primarily
determined by drain-to-source breakdown voltage. Expressions forthe reluctances are given in Eqs.
5.1-5.4 Figure 5.4 shows a magnetic circuit model of the generator corresponding to the cross-
section of Fig. 5.2. The permanent magnet is represented by a flux source ?o in parallel with a
leakage reluctance R1. The form requires an initial thesis title, the name and signature of the research
supervisor, and the name of one reader for the thesis committee agreed upon by the student and
advisor. Note that there are two variables that determine the power efficiency. By the late 1990’s,
GaAs semiconductor had taken over more than half of the handset PA market, with silicon LDMOS
and bipolar accounting for the rest. Figure 3.10 shows today’s handset PA market share with GaAs
market share increasing to about 80%. Teller Award for Excellence, Inclusion, and Diversity 2018
PD Soros Fellowship Finalist 2018 Derek Bok Certificate of Distinction in Teaching 2011 Selected
Papers. Digital Sales Sell your publications commission-free as single issues or ongoing
subscriptions. With the scaling of CMOS, it becomes practical to implement this technique on
portable devices. 2.4 Summary A brief overview of different classes of amplifiers was provided.
Thus it is possible, in designing a stand-alone machine at the macro-scale, to improve upon the
millimeter-scale design. Page 121. Relatively thick, high aspect ratio metal structures can be formed
with this process. A major drawback of the design presented in this chapter is the use of silicon steel
laminations; while their magnetic properties are favorable, the geometric constraints they imposed
were excessive. Yes Does the Program Include a Practicum or Internship. This type of amplifier
switches supply rails when necessary. While this work demonstrated average efficiency enhancement
technique at power back-off, the automatic power control circuitry was not designed due to time
constraints at the time of tape-out. However, in PA design, parallel placement is preferred since it will
transform the load to a lower value. Page 137. The impacts of Cc on the performance of a power
combining transformer are in two aspects. Hence the B-H loop must have a nonzero area equal to the
net energy required to traverse it; this is the origin of the hysteresis effect. Page 36. As the output
power is backed off from that single point, the efficiency drops rapidly. In a typical digital CMOS
process, however, only one thick top metal is available. The prototype is based on a power combining
transformer described in Section 4.3 centered around 2.4-GHz, with the ability to transmit 24-dBm
at the P-1dB compression point under 1.2-V supply. The average efficiency should be good as well
as the instantaneous efficiency at the peak output power. Basic calculations indicate that torque
should scale with pole number. Please reference the chart below to determine which FAFSA to
complete based on your desired start date. However, the cascode topology does pose some risks on
the stability of the PA. The materials have a linear demagnetization characteristic, and hence are
easier to work with than alnico. Start with your research advisor; they can point you to the most
relevant literature, help identify productive research directions, and refine your plan for feasibility
and scope. The other is due to the geometry of the single- turn inductor. In fact, this applies to all
other odd-order harmonics. Applications are available during Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. And
because of this fact, this technology allows CMOS logic to be integrated with heterojunction bipolar
transistors, and is so called BiCMOS, as shown in Figure 3.8. However, many of the improvements
to CMOS technology do not directly transfer to BiCMOS technology.
GIFs Highlight your latest work via email or social media with custom GIFs. This results in some
geometric restrictions on the design of the stator. However, PHEMT (Figure 3.4), standing for
pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistor, is a HEMT which violates this rule. Although it
permits high efficiency nonlinear amplifiers to be used, it would seem that the overall efficiency will
still scale with power level. By necessity the treatment is superficial and incomplete. As a result,
drain efficiency varies proportionally to the square root of output power (POUTPUT0.5) in class-B
mode, while it varies proportionally to POUTPUT in class-A mode. The approach is to begin with a
lumped-element magnetic circuit model as in Sec. 4.2, and then apply energy method type analysis to
com- pute torque as in Sec. 4.3. An optimization using Monte Carlo techniques is used to choose
machine dimensions. Help Center Here you'll find an answer to your question. However, a very
important characteristic of transformers, electric isolation, is kept intact27. Having a scheduled
conversation to discuss your professional development goals is a great idea to help foster support, in
whatever form it may take. Some of the design ideas from this millimeter scale generator are then
extended to the macro scale, with focus on a power range of tens to hundreds of Watts. Intimate
Partner Violence and Injury Prediction from Radiology Reports. Irene Y. Chen, Emily Alsentzer,
Hyesun Park, Richard Thomas, Babina Gosangi, Rahul Gujrathi, Bharti Khurana. PSB 2021. Oral
Presentation. CheXclusion: Fairness gaps in deep chest X-ray classifiers. Sealing is a known problem
of Wankel engines, and this problem can become more severe at small scales as relative tolerances
become worse. In addition, signals injected into the substrate are even order harmonics. The
discussion in this chapter pertains to these applications as well, particularly cases where speed is low,
torque is high, and some torque ripple can be tolerated. In order for latch-up to occur, the structure
must be regenerative, in that it must provide a mechanism to increase the internal current to high
values after it exceeds a certain threshold condition. Comparing to GaAs HBT technology, MESFET
technology is cheaper because no epitaxial layers are required. Because of these reasons, the PA
transmits much lower than peak output power under typical operating conditions. This should be
kept in mind when designing efficient class-AB PAs. Therefore, as the amplifier is turned off, the
corresponding primary side of the transformer should be reconfigured to minimize this loss.
However, the cascode topology does pose some risks on the stability of the PA. Usually, to obtain
the best available quality factor, top metal layers are preferred for realizing inductors. With parallel
capacitor approach, it will short high order harmonics automatically due to its low pass nature. Page
130. Hence a thermal package was created with the goal of insulating the engine while providing
cooling for the generator. Journal of American College of Radiology, February 2021. Following are
some of the top programs offered by the university. More Features Connections Canva Create
professional content with Canva, including presentations, catalogs, and more. A comparison of the
BVCBO of bipolar transistors and the recommended operating voltage for MOSFETs as a function
of fT is shown in Fig 3.13. Benefited from wide band gap as well as high carrier mobility, GaAs
HBT is clearly the star in this arena. While your company may not advertise that this funding is
available, they may have funds available to you if you put in a request.
Since 2G systems were “THE” system at that time, the majority of published CMOS PAs are
nonlinear power amplifiers. This results in an overall improvement in efficiency for signals which do
not continuously require the Page 31. Now imagine that the mechanical terminal is fixed so as to
have zero displacement, and the electrical terminal is energized with constant electrical power for an
incremental Page 76. Rather than a linear calculation based only on the (B,H) operating point, the
integral of Eq. 4.38 must be carried out over the particular B,H trajectory taken to reach the operating
point. Equation 6.9 defines this trajectory — details of how the integration is carried out can be
found in Sec. A.3. A two-dimensional finite-element model was selected due to the extreme compu-
tational requirements a three-dimensional model would impose. Therefore, it is likely that the quality
of passives may degrade24. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Technology Node (nm) Num ber o f Met al L ayer s
350 250 180 130 90 65 Figure 3.18: Number of Metallization layers vs. Suggestions for future
research are presented below. 7.3.1 Isotropic Materials The use of silicon steel laminations for the
design in Chapter 6, while providing for good magnetic properties, may have introduced excessive
limitations on geometry. Another issue with the cascode is the potential instability. The prototype
takes differential RF input signal and transmits single- Page 177. It should be noted this loss could
be significantly reduced in a single-turn or multi-turn inductor using a patterned metal shield as
ground plane. For example, number of metal layers increase with technology scaling (Figure 3.18).
Meanwhile, low-k inter-metal dielectrics and copper are replacing conventional silicon-dioxide and
aluminum in the metal stack. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first reported fully integrated
CMOS power amplifier with only thin-gate-oxide transistors in a state-of-the-art CMOS process.
Fees are subject to change each academic year; new fees typically take effect in the fall term. The
second component of the coupling is magnetic coupling. The buffer layer also transforms the lattice
constant Page 58. Non-personalized content and ads are influenced by things like the content you’re
currently viewing and your location (ad serving is based on general location). As output power
decreases, efficiency drops rapidly. Concurrent with the developments in the wireless communication
industry, there are several tremendous advancements in semiconductor technologies. Of course,
higher pole numbers demand higher electrical frequencies, and at a certain point core losses will be
excessive. With a humongous number of enrollments, the university creates excellent opportunity for
international students willing to study abroad. Because of its large mass and low damping, the rotor
settled into its equilibrium position in an oscillatory manner; the frequency of this oscillation was
recorded. Because of the large numbers of devices and their small size, changing batteries is in many
cases not feasible. In RF circuit design, power amplifier efficiency is calculated in three Page 33. In
the design presented here, a six pole configuration was chosen solely to coincide with the triangular
shape of the Wankel rotor; the optimal pole number in terms of performance was not investigated.
While Eqs. 5.7 and 5.8 are useful in providing design intuition, a more accurate analysis is provided
by numerical solution of the detailed magnetic circuit model of Fig. 5.4, using finite values for R1,
R2, R3, R4, R5, R6 and R9. Therefore, an 8-way transformer power combining amplifier is needed
for the peak output power49. 6.1.4 Pseudo-Differential Pair The differential topology prevails in
integrated circuits design for good reasons. To understand how the proposed power combining
transformer works, a unity (1:1) transformer is briefly introduced (Figure 4.11). For an ideal 1:1
transformer, it works the same way as an ideal 1:n transformer, but without any impedance Page
105. The innovative curriculum addresses a myriad of complex issues stemming from the fusion of
today’s technology and business worlds. This thesis started with an overview of the developments in
the field, examined several important characteristics of a power amplifier, and compared prevalent
technologies for RF power amplifiers, especially CMOS technologies. In this region, the auxiliary
amplifier also sees load-pulling effect that the effective load also decreases with the increase in the
input signal amplitude. If the combiner at the output only performs simple mathematical summing
function, it will be true. Therefore, even-order terms need to be properly terminated in order to
obtain good linearity.
All system losses were calibrated out, while the measured results included losses on the board and
bond wire losses. However, it should be noted that there are many ways to layout one structure. A
high-level description of an electromechanical actuator is a two-port “black box”, as shown in Fig.
4.2. One terminal is associated with the flow of electrical energy, and has flux linkage as the across
variable and current as the through variable. The Curie point, or Curie temper- ature, is the
extrapolation of the steep part of the curve to zero saturation. Finally, R9 represents a series
combination of the lower back iron and lower magnet yoke, as well as the rotor shaft reluctance
when the test rotor described in Section 5.3 is in place. For the purposes of design, extracting closed-
from expressions from a magnetic circuit model with more than five or six elements can be unwieldy.
Note that the section headings as well as the size and ordering of the sections may be flexible. GaAs
technologies hold the record of the fastest device. And because the machine can start up and run
from AC line power, no semiconductor elements are needed for these applications. In fact, conjugate
match should be avoided in almost every case for better performance. Two types of load modulation
could be implemented, namely digital and analog load modulation33. The flux density in the middle
of the gap for these geometries is plotted for each design in Figs. 6.7-6.9. Page 125. A machine with
high specific power contributes less mass to the application for a given power level, allow- ing
greater portability, greater functionality, or more energy storage (i.e. the saved mass can be replaced
by batteries, capacitors, or fuel). Note that BLDC machines are not true DC machines, but only
appear so to the end user because they are Page 56. State-of-the-art digital CMOS technologies
usually feature NMOS and PMOS transistors with different threshold voltages, bipolar devices with
reasonable quality, poly-silicon resistors, more then 6 levels interconnect metal layers with a
relatively thick Page 61. A serious issue that designers have to face is the ever-decreasing voltage
headroom which severely limits the power handling capability and the efficiency of power
amplifiers. The slope of the ?-i plot is inductance, which is a function of actuator displacement. It is
also available on the departmental website at prospective majors webpage. If the gain is high, it is
safe to ignore the effect of input power. Assembling smaller unit transistors into a much larger
power transistor entails a trade-off between the chip size and the delay equalization. Recognizing
isolated ulnar fracture as a potential marker for Intimate Partner Violence. While this growing
disparity has been partially mitigated by the decreas- ing power requirements of many electronic
circuits, the size and weight of portable electronic devices are increasingly dominated by
electrochemical batteries. The main criterion is academic performance as measured by GPA in the
prerequisite courses. However with a sufficient number of iterations the list can approach the truly
optimum curve arbitrarily closely. In this region, the auxiliary amplifier also sees load-pulling effect
that the effective load also decreases with the increase in the input signal amplitude. Finally, the
chapter concludes with a detailed example of the various analyses. As described in Sec. 5.3,
permanent magnet excitation was also manually adjusted to maximize back- emf. The form requires
an initial thesis title, the name and signature of the research supervisor, and the name of one reader
for the thesis committee agreed upon by the student and advisor. Although their size and application
requirements dif- fer somewhat, the two machines have many common elements. Hence it may
become the bottle neck in terms of breakdown. For both types of device, the battery makes up a
large fraction of the overall mass, particularly for the smallest products.

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