Note: 1. Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from each module.
Module-1 M BL CO
Calculate the APF for FCC and BCC unit cell in crystal
a. 10 L3 CO1
Define Atomic bonding mention the types and explain them
b. 10 L2 CO1
Enumerate the type of crystal imperfections and explain
a. briefly with a suitable sketch Grain boundry and Twin boundry 10 L2 CO1
Q.2 defects.
Explain Briefly the plastic deformation by Slip and Twinning
b. 10 L2 CO1
with a suitable sketch.
Draw neatly the Solid Solution Binary Phase Diagram of a
a. 10 L3 CO2
Ni-Cu System and Explain briefly.
Q.3 State and explain fick’s 1st and 2nd law of diffusion. Also
b. Discuss the factors that affect diffusion. 10 L2 CO2
Draw the phase diagram which indicating two metals are
a. completely soluble in liquid state and partially soluble in solid 10 L3 CO2
Q.4 Draw the iron-Carbon equilibrium diagram and label various
phases present in it, also write the three invariant reactions
b. 10 L3 CO2
occurring in the diagram, indicating the temperature and
Draw neatly a labeled TTT diagram for eutectoid steel
a. (0.8%C) and explain briefly the different microstructures 10 L3 CO3
Q.5 obtained at various cooling rates.
Briefly explain the Mechanism of Solidification in metals
b. 10 L2 CO3
with suitable sketch.
Briefly explain with a neat sketch the normalizing heat
Q.6 a. 10 L2 CO3
treatment process.
With neat sketches explain Austempering and Martempering
b. 10 L3 CO3
heat treatment Processes.
With a neat flow chart, briefly explain the Powder Metallurgy
a. 10 L2 CO4
process and its applications.
Enumerate the different Powder Production methods. With
b. 10 L2 CO4
suitable sketch briefly explain the Atomization method.
With a suitable sketch briefly explain the Physical Vapour
a. 10 L2 CO4
Deposition technique.
With a schematic diagram briefly explain the High Velocity
b. 10 L3 CO4
Oxy-fuel Coating (HVOF) process.
With a neat sketch explain the production of composite by:
a. 10 L2 CO5
(1) Filament winding process (ii) Bag molding process.
Enumerate the types of Cast iron and mention their
b. 10 L3 CO5
compositions, properties and applications.
Briefly explain about the material selection charts and show
a. the materials selection chart for Young’s modulus 10 L3 CO5
Q.10 (stiffness) and Density.
What are the factors affecting the selection of materials
b. 10 L2 CO5
explain briefly.