Thesis Statement For Racial Profiling

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Struggling with crafting a compelling thesis statement on the topic of racial profiling?

You're not
alone. Crafting a thesis statement that effectively captures the essence of your argument while being
clear and concise can be a challenging task. Racial profiling is a complex and sensitive issue that
requires careful consideration and research to develop a strong thesis statement that accurately
reflects your perspective.

From conducting extensive research to analyzing various viewpoints, the process of writing a thesis
statement on racial profiling can be daunting. It involves navigating through a plethora of
information, statistics, and opinions to form a cohesive argument that addresses the core issues
surrounding racial profiling.

That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. We understand the difficulties students face when
tackling such complex topics and offer professional assistance to help you navigate through the
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including racial profiling, and can provide personalized guidance to ensure your thesis statement is
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By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty associated
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Don't let the complexities of thesis writing hold you back. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to provide
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powerful thesis statement on racial profiling.
Racial profiling is a major part in comprehending racial abuse. If a person looks guilty or fits the
bias, they are treated as so. Men are now labeled as a “growing under cast” meaning they have low
values. People that bully, or treat people a certain way because of their skin color really leaves an
impact on a person’s life. Just in 1 hour! We will write you a plagiarism-free paper in hardly more
than 1 hour Let’s Start Persuasive Racial Profiling Essay Unlike the type discussed above, a
persuasive racial profiling essay should aim to convince your readers that your point of view is the
only correct one. The term criminal profiling progresses to Racial Profiling when the defining
characteristics used comprise ethnicity, religion, or race. In the case of airline security, this evaluation
is made most difficult because terrorist incidents in the United States are very rare events, and the
estimated numbers of known terrorists and their associates are very small compared with more than
2 million air passengers and the number of innocent people who are profiled on any given day.
Nobody knows how many members it actually has, ranging from millions to zero. So, if you are not
experienced enough in writing exemplification essays, you will face certain challenges. Racial
profiling is a prevalent issue faced by black people both in America and around the world.
International Social Science Review, 79(3-4), 154-156. The selection could be random or, more
likely, could be based on several profiling factors. There are three elements that any essay must have:
Introduction Main body Conclusion The main body should have at least three paragraphs in which
you present your arguments supported by evidence. The news reports of officer involved shootings
involving unarmed young black men, proves to be a universal issue that has not yet been resolved.
Unless we address this problem all of us, not just people of color, stand to lose. Make sure you write
lower the origin of the evidences. For the most part, Canadian children are taught about Canada's
cultural mosaic, which means that the nation is considerate of different ethnicities, races and
otherness, where self-identification and cultural variety are encouraged (Eriksen 119). Usually, a
thesis assertion seems on the finish of the primary paragraph of an essay, in order that readers will
have. It is judging people on the basis of their race, society and religion rather than on their actual
behaviour. Many people argue in favor of racial and religious pro fili ng. Having a vast and enormous
land territory, the United States of America is known to have a diverse and sundry population. Thus,
black men aged 22 and younger were 24 percent less likely to receive citations than were white men
in this age group. (The same was true in comparing young black with young white women.) In
contrast, black men aged 23 to 49 were 23 percent more likely to receive citations than were
comparably aged white men, while black men aged 50 and older were 70 percent more likely to
receive citations than their white counterparts. Nothing like this has ever happened before and it was
a shocking and terrifying event for us all. Example: The modern globalized society provides
numerous opportunities for improved communication and increased mutual understanding. Upload
Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel
Next What is Scribd. Why something so little as skin color can dictate how you feel about somebody.
Martin Luther King worked hard to eliminate this discrimination. It contains plenty of useful
materials for everyone. There are examples like Kofi Annan and Co ndoleezza Rice who are black in
color but they are no t criminals.
We do not talk about the benefits and costs of free speech; instead, we say there is a right to free
expression that continues to exist even when that free expression poses costs to others. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
Maryland State Police reported stopping and searching 823 drivers on I-95 during the observation
period of Lamberth’s (1996) study; 73 percent of those drivers were black and only 20 percent white
(the remaining drivers were other racial minorities). This clearly shows t hat race or religion cannot
tell for sure whether a certain person is a criminal or not. As with almost every other domains, you
have to first organize your opinions, ideas, ideology of existence and note lower the important thing
words for the research paper. In Orange County, California Latino, Asians and African Americans
were more than 90% of the 20,221 men and women in the Gang Reporting Evaluation and Tracking
System (UCLA, 2013). They have set up support groups as well as legal teams to help victims fight
the embarrassment and harassment of being of a particular race, ethnic group or belong to a certain
religious group. There is a way to be caucious but remain safe and this is something that lives on a
very fine line. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. Mantsios, Gregory. (1995). Media magic: Making class invisible. In P. S.
Rothenberg (Ed.), Race, class, and gender in the United States (3rd ed.). New York: St. Martins
Press. The brief specifically stated many things and presented those as facts without regard to
potential side effects that may result from instituting protocol. Regardless of what side the author is,
whether they support or they are against racial profiling, one can note that both sides use rhetorical
devices, fallacies, and that they have their own biases in the article or research that is written. Federal
Bureau of Investigation, Illegal immigration, Immigration 977 Words 6 Pages Nakano, which shows
altered differences among the white and black race. One being, that these biases have a big impact
on minorities and can also put them in harm's way. It is usually discriminatory and the target suffers
consequences that sometimes include death. Racial profiling also includes choosing on a man for
their protest of an explicit racial gathering. Hence, we deemed it of value to discuss the issues
involved in the possible use of racial or ethnic profiling (or profiling using characteristics that
correlate highly with race or ethnicity) as a tool with the potential to help prevent future terrorist
attacks. The arguments in support of racial profiling involve the belief that there is a need to provide
another layer of security for the country in order to protect it while the arguments that are against
racial profiling involve a form of conflict with civil liberties, human rights and those who are
advocates and vocal about these rights. Briggs, Charles, L and Briggs, Clara Martini. (2003). Stories
in the time of Cholera: Racial Profiling. California. University of California Press. This is a very
compact thesis assertion with numerous implicit counter arguments. At the beginning of the 21st
century, discrimination and prejudice are still the main problems affected modern society and human
relations in different spheres. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Moreover,
self-reporting is probably less effective for gathering information on traffic violations because of
underreporting by respondents, who may view admitting to such violations as socially undesirable or
fail to report their violations for other reasons. Helpful Professor. Search for a Study Guide Search
Ready to Write your Essay. As the author is going to argue in opposition to the invoice, he has said
his argument as to why he's going to oppose it. Having a vast and enormous land territory, the
United States of America is known to have a diverse and sundry population. The second sentence
additional elaborates this thesis. Today, large differences among racial and ethnic groups continue to
exist in employment, income and wealth, housing, education, criminal justice, health, and other areas.
Whether it is because there is a broken tail light on the car, a traffic violation occurred, or any other
factor that can contribute to police conducting a traffic stop. It’s not the same if the head of the
household is gone and getting misstreated.
In my opinion, eliminating racial profiling is impossible without the aggressive enforcement of civil
rights laws, which will encourage local police chiefs and employers to monitor and address
discrimination inside their organizations. While Jim Crow rules may have become obsolete, in almost
all spheres of human interaction, racial discrimination is still prevalent in the American society in
some form of overt or covert dimension. This movement was very important to us blacks in America.
Evaluate the racial inequalities in the US judicial system. Racial profiling’s adverse effects outweigh
its alleged benefits in all areas where law enforcement or intelligence interact with society, including
criminal, immigration and national security contexts and racial profiling undermines fundamental
Canadian values. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or FISA is a government act that legitimizes
the collection of information regarding foreigners by the state intelligence to protect the state against
espionage, terrorism, sabotage, assassination, hijacking or any other such activities that may be
conducted by the foreign agency or state or such elements (FISA). If you have just received the
assignment and think there is a typo, you’re in the right place. The following facts and statistics
clearly show that racial profiling existing strongly in American criminal justice system. Furthermore,
it might be posited that a high rate of prevention of planned attacks could, over time, discourage
terrorist groups from planning further attacks. The model would also have to be evaluated very
carefully to determine the reliability of the estimates of each variable’s contribution to the model’s
effectiveness and especially the contribution of those variables directly or indirectly related to
ethnicity. Thoreau was a strong advocate for simple living and self-sufficiency and believed in the
importance of nature and living a spiritual life. Indeed, the changing order has tremendously
transformed not only the social structure but the upwardly mobile ethnic population has become a
significant economic force whose interest considerations are important for the socio-economic
development of the nation as a whole. Every good essay should have one and it needs to be well
written and well thought out. The Global Training and Internship Program is an innovative initiative
desig. In this context, effectiveness can be measured by comparing “hit rates” among different
groups of automobile drivers—usually defined, for example, as the percentage of drivers whose cars
are found to contain contraband (e.g., drugs) among the subset of drivers who are stopped and
searched. 11. For example, they are barred from visiting beaches and swimming pools, both private
and public ones, and from Lebanese clubs. The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and
Maintaining a Creative Company (fr. A case was registered after the Bureau of Civil Aviation
Security (BCAS) approached the police against the staff of the American airliner for carrying out
pre-embarkation. Click here to buy this book in print or download it as a free PDF, if available.
Would the same profiling instruments work as well elsewhere (say, on mass transit). Regardless of
what side the author is, whether they support or they are against racial profiling, one can note that
both sides use rhetorical devices, fallacies, and that they have their own biases in the article or
research that is written. We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. Racism and
racial prejudice have afflicted the world in ever-changing form. Everybody is worried whether
terrorism will going to end. One could then examine the consistency in those factors across different
officers and between the decisions made when accompanied by a researcher and those made when
officers are on their own. The appropriate level of publicity, as well as the required internal reforms,
may be the key to ensure that law enforcement practices are scrutinized and that the social and
political pressure for change is escalated. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how
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We have. Researchers at the University of Louisville had found in 1995 that, as in other states, blacks
who killed whites were more likely to receive the death penalty than any other offender-victim
combination. When approaching the National Security side there is a slight reduction in approach in
that some use of racial or ethnic characteristics is permitted based on potential threats as a result of
security alerts.
However, the substantial number of complaints occurring in certain types of situations (e.g., traffic
stops) indicates how widely racial profiling is believed to be—and could in fact be—used. Clearly
this database record shows racial profiling occurred when the total population in the database made
up less than half of Orange County’s population. Although many law enforcement officers defend
themselves by saying they are fighting against the War on Drugs by arresting these law offenders,
recent trials and reports show that no basis of arrest have been found against these minorities.
Abdullah said he was “trying to erase those looks,” but the impact of this experience on him might
not be as easily removable as he thought. Amnesty. Transcendentalism was a movement in
philosophy, literature, and religion that emerged and was popularized by Ralph Waldo Emerson and
Henry David Thoreau in the early to mid 19th century. Some people wonder if race is, or is not an
issue in police judgment, while others argue that race is an issue that is right for use in profiling. It
defines both terms and examines what types of behaviors and activities constitute criminal
personality and RACIAL PROFILING. You can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for
your paper. This was highly condemned by Bollywood film stars and political leaders and the US
flag was burned by t he public (iviews). A columnist of the New York Times warned commuters “to
be more aware of young men praying to Allah and smelling like flower water”, citing suggestions
from the Department of Homeland Security that suicide bomber indicators include a “shaved head
or short haircut. Such factors could include one or more of the following: immutable (or relatively
immutable) characteristics such as skin color, sex, and national origin; behavior and dress (e.g.,
wearing a turban, carrying a backpack, appearing nervous); flight patterns (e.g., purchasing a ticket at
the last minute); and background information associated with a. Change into aware of thesis
statements in on a regular basis life by being attentive to people's opinions and their reasons for these
opinions. This is my entire final draft to read and give me feedback. As a result, not only will these
individuals experience hassles and delays, they will also likely feel angry, humiliated, and
stigmatized. Finally, all the terrorists were killed, along with 130 of the hostages (Wikipedia).
Proponents of racial and ethnic profiling often validate profiling on the basis of utilitarian logic
which holds that crimes are committed disproportionately by certain racial groups and that therefore
disproportionate targeting and suspicion of members of those groups is appropriate. White-colored
american motorists, stopped by police and searched for around the gist of hesitant behavior, were
detected possessing drugs or any other criminal substances in 23% from the situations. On the other
hand, police officers who make appropriate stops may in some cases face unwarranted charges of
racial profiling if their stop rates by race are compared with population (baseline) rates that are
poorly measured (see below). Generally, profiling is based on inaccurate stereotypes. Bou-Habib
(2018) also writes one such fallacy when he speaks of the humiliation that those who are racially
profiled experience as he compares it with the feeling of being naked in public or having a teacher
call out a students mistakes in class. Whether it is because there is a broken tail light on the car, a
traffic violation occurred, or any other factor that can contribute to police conducting a traffic stop.
Many people argue in favor of racial and religious pro fili ng. I personally am not racist in anyway
but i say that knowing that I profile people based on their race all of the time. Thus, this paper will
explore any rhetorical devices, biases, and fallacies found in the articles written whether they are in
support of racial profiling or are against racial profiling. For example, a finding that more blacks are
stopped than whites at a certain intersection may reflect the fact that more black drivers pass through
that intersection (because of residential or employment isolation) than do white drivers. Race does
not operate as a neutral factor in decision making. Let us write or edit the annotated bibliography on
your topic. Application of Remote Sensing and GIS Technology in Agriculture by SOUMIQUE A.
Bush which briefly states that racial profiling is wrong and will be ended. This form of profiling is
also known as criminal profiling or offender profiling and is used to identify likely suspects.
Although many law enforcement officers defend themselves by saying they are fighting against the
War on Drugs by arresting these law offenders, recent trials and reports show that no basis of arrest
have been found against these minorities. Where this happens, there is escapism through alcohol,
crime and other social evils. Standing o n the statue of liberty, he portrays the message that it is the
inside of a person that actu ally matters. What we have endeavored to do in this brief review is to
identify the difficult issues involved, not only in developing profiles but also in assessing their costs
and benefits when such vitally important and almost impossible-to-quantify dimensions as public
security and core principles of liberty and equality are at stake. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. That might be the dietary habits
of the US residents. It is. International Social Science Review, 79(3-4), 154-156. One other instance
of racial profiling I’d like to discuss occurred in Mauricio County, Arizona. Let’s take a look at these
in a little more detail. Racial discrimination involves the treatment of racial inequality while racial
inequality involves the consequences of inequality such as, income, education, health, etc.
Catastrophic consequences of discrimination and racial prejudice in the film A Soldier’s Story. Since
slavery African Americans have endured racism because of their personality. It extends beyond
direct victims to negatively affect all persons of color of all generations and income levels, creating
socio-cultural barriers and ill feelings. Gather enough facts and pieces of evidence to support your
points. Nagel, Thomas. (1979).Equality” in Mortal Questions. Hosein (2018) uses loaded questions in
his paper to further emphasize his point. A Definitive Guide to Writing an Engaging Racism Thesis
Statement 2019-02-04. The particular characteristics used in profiling are chosen with the goal of
selecting people who are most likely to warrant further investigation and typically depend on the
setting. Mulgan, Richard. (2000). Accountability: An Ever-Expanding Concept. The conflict theory
says that some groups such as the police want to control the society when defining values, goals, and
norms of society. Or having to worry and pray that the said child makes it to their destinations safely
without being pulled over in the fears of them being arrested or worst killed. Racial profiling refers
to the practice of law enforcement officials or individuals targeting individuals based on their race or
ethnicity, rather than on their behavior or actions. However, data reveals that although black and
Hispanic drivers are pulled over at a higher rate, they are actually less likely. There are good and bad
people in every religion and race. In the recent times, racial profiling has become the most abusive
practice in the American society that violates human rights and promotes a deliberate sense of
inequality and fear among the minority ethnic group who are designated by their color of skin. By
race, eight studies found similar hit rates in searches for whites and nonwhites, but it is. Understand
that there's a Difference between a Thesis Statement and Topic A topic is merely an idea or subject
that you would like to expound on further. To what extent are racism and other forms of
discrimination a problem in yoursociety. One example is the statement that federal law enforcement
officers may not use race or ethnicity to any degree. Mean are sometimes denied the right to vote,
discriminated from having a job, and public benefits”, during the Jim Crow period. (Alexander,

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