Advancing Basic Education in The Philippines: Grade 3 Full Refresher Learners Batch With 2 Learners

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ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines

Project Initiative Profile

For Individual Submission Region: VIII Division: Maasin City

Position: Principal I School: Lib-og Elementary
Project Initiative Project STARE ((Strategic Teachers Adopt Reading Enhancement)
o o Literacy Leadership
Selected Strand for Project o Contextualized Literacy Approaches
Initiative: o Home Partners Literacy Programs
(check the theme that o School Climate, GESI and SEL
applies) o Literacy Instructional Materials Development
o Literacy Professional Development
o o Capacity Building
o Reading Intervention Program
o Materials Contextualization/Enhancement/Development
(check the modality
o Strengthening of Existing Programs/Systems
that applies)
o Support to Parents/Home Learning Partners

I – Project Initiative Brief

Program Proponent REMMA FE S. TAN
Program Owner/s Lib-og Elementary School Teaching Staff
Target Learners Grade 3 Full Refresher Learners
Number of Batches and 1 batch with 2 learners
Proposed Implementation
Date February-May 2024

Proposed Venue Lib-og Elementary School, Lib-og, Maasin City

Propose Budget 5,000.00
Proposed Continuing
Professional Development
Credit Units (if any)
II – Project Initiative Background and Rationale

Shared Vision Statement:

In three years’ time (2024-2026), Lib-og Elementary School, as an inclusive learning organization,
envisions to produce “ Batang Edukado, Batang Disiplinado”,and equipped with 21st century
skills who can contribute meaningfully to the country’s development and progress.
The school’s comprehensive reading program, anchored on the Two – Track Fry’s Method
(meaning and accuracy), Balance Literacy Approach, Language Experience Approach,
mastery of the Literacy Domains, PLAC, SLAC, school Project STARE and Big Six in Reading aims
to develop strong literacy skills as key to improve learners reading performance.
Faculty and staff undergo and continuously seek professional development programs which
are needs-based, innovative, and research-based to ensure the delivery of quality, authentic
reading instruction.
Teachers provided with the necessary contextualized, differentiated and GESI-responsive
printed, manipulative, and interactive Learning Resources (LRs) for hands -on experiences or
learning by-doing.
The school, with the concerted efforts of its stakeholders ensure gender sensitive, safe, and
motivating environment and develops and implements a system where learners extend and
enrich their literacy skills in different learning activities at home and in school.

SMART Goal: Formulate your SMART Goal in the space provided below.

By the end of SY: 2023-2024, Lib-og Elementary School zero out the total number of 2 Grade 3
learners under full refresher level through the school-initiated PROJECT STARE (Strategic Teachers
Adopt Reading Enhancement) which aims to develop strong literacy skills as key to improve
learners reading performance.
All Key Stage 1 teachers undergo School Learning Action Cell (SLAC)reorientation related to
teaching beginning reading strategies and approaches, reading assessments, and producing
need-based, contextualized, differentiated and GESI-responsive printed, manipulative, and
interactive Learning Resource (LRs) to ensure quality, and authentic reading instruction.
Establish Partnerships among the school stakeholders to support the programs, projects and
activities initiated by the school to realize the aim of becoming an all-reader school.
III – Project Initiative Description
The Department of Education (DepEd) has implemented the Hamon: 3Bs
(Bawat Bata Bumabasa) initiative to enhance the reading skills of every learner.
This program aims to improve reading abilities and promote a reading culture,
which is essential across all curriculum areas. The DepEd is committed to ensuring
that every learner becomes an effective reader.
The Early Language Literacy is designed to support Filipino children in
developing essential literacy skills and positive attitudes towards learning, which
will contribute to their overall success in life. The program specifically focuses on
enhancing the reading abilities of students from kindergarten to Grade 3.
Lib-og Elementary School is one of the schools with existing problem in
literacy. Relative to the current CRLA assessment, it reveals that 2 out of 21
learners from Gr. 3 fell into full refresher.
Relative to this current result and data-based analysis we need to cope with
this problem through a school Based initiated intervention Project STARE (Strategic
Teachers Adopt Reading Enhancement) which aims to improve learners’
performance in literacy from full refreshers to grade ready through capacitating
teachers on the different strategies and techniques in teaching beginning
reading and in making of reading instructional materials.

III – Target Stakeholders’ Description

To address the gaps, there is a need to strengthen the partnership and
inclusion of different stakeholders as a strong support of these projects. They play
an important role in the improvement of learner’s performance as the saying goes
“Alone we can do nothing together we can do everything”.
Consistent with its goal of engaging parents, guardians, and other
stakeholders in partnership activities that support Project STARE relative to reading
activity and other school programs, projects, and activities (PAPs), the school will
come up with several ways to bring this reading program to their doorsteps.
 Advocacy and awareness on the project to all stakeholder
 Conducts convergence of stakeholders to discuss the implementation
plan of the project; and
 Encourage stakeholders’ support to the project in different ways.

Stakeholders’ Roles in the Project

1. Donors. These are private entities, NGOs, INGOs, and LGUs that support
and donate resources to the reading program.

2. Mentors. These are Master Teacher, Reading Teachers, and some

stakeholders who are willing to teach the identified learners.

3. Home Learning Partners/ Home Learning Facilitators. These are the

stakeholders who will help and assist the mentors and the mentees in the
teaching-learning process.

4. Other volunteers. These are stakeholders who will assist the teachers and
the mentors in making the generation of resources.

The following is the sample list of the volunteers:

Name of Gender Age Work/ Geographic Mentee Relationship of
Stakeholders Affiliation Assignment the Mentor to
the Mentee

1. Anabella F 32 Teacher Brgy. Lib-og Van Neighbor/

Abucayan Raelei
Maasin City Reading

2. Liza F. F 54 Master Brgy. Joseph Reading

Almacen Teacher Combado, Orais Coordinator
Maasin City

Home Learning Partners/Facilitators

Name of Gender Age Work/ Geographic Mentee Relationship of
Stakeholders Affiliation Assignment the HLP/HLF to
the Mentee

1. Chona F 30 housewife Brgy. Lib-og, Van mother

Abucayan Maasin City Raelei

2.Chanda F 31 housewife Brgy. Lib-og, Joseph mother

Orais Maasin City Orais
Name of Gender Age Work/ Address Donations
Stakeholders Affiliation
Amount Materials

1.William M 53 Barangay Brgy. Lib-og, PhP 1,000 Feeding

Linggo Maasin City

2. Alan M 52 Barangay Brgy. Lib-og, Php 1,000 Office supplies

Siano Maasin City

Other Volunteers
Name of Gender Age Work/ Address Nature of Work
Stakeholders Affiliation

1. Ruth F 18 Relative of Brgy. Production of Reading

Sheathel the Pasay,Maasin Materials
Gelsano teacher City

2.Rosalyn Yu F 28 Relative of Isagani, Production of Reading

the Maasin City Materials

V – Workplace Application Project (WAP) or

Job – Embedded Learning (JEL)

The following are the steps that the school will undergo to implement the project.
1. Profiling of learners, teachers, volunteers, and stakeholders.
2. Teachers construct and reproduce instructional materials to be used in
each literacy domain.
3. Conduct orientation to teachers, parents, volunteers, and other
stakeholders of the Project Initiative Plan.
4. Re orient teachers and volunteers on the various literacy strategies (need -
based of the learners) focusing on the Two – Track Method (meaning and
accuracy)/ Explicit instructions.
5. Implement the innovation.
6. Monitor the project.
7. Conduct a post-reading assessment.
8. Evaluate the project.
9. Gather the project initiative reports and the corresponding attachments.


Day / Objectives Outputs Topic/ Methodology Nominated Resources

Time Project
Highlights Members

Pre – Implementation Stage

Febru To conduct List of pupils Interpretati Conduct Reading Reading/
ary profiling of according on CRLA CRLA Coordinat Testing
2024 learners to reading Result as Consolidation or Grades materials
according to level basis for of CRLA result I-III
reading Teachers
the reading
To orient ACR, Implement Orientation Teacher School
Teachers Attendanc ation of the School Materials
and e Sheet project Head
concerned Pledge of Parents
parents on Support
Initiative Plan
To meet with ACR Mobilization Orientation Teacher Program
the Pledge of of School and
stakeholders Support stakeholder Head Invitation
for possible s Stakehold
To recall List of Duties and Invitation Reading Invitation
volunteers Volunteers/ responsibili- Coordinator letters and
who will Tutors ties of Meeting Brigada Printing
serve as tutors/volun Pagbasa materials
teers Distribution of
TUTOR from Coordinator
the School Head
Council, Parents
Officers and
other private
To reorient JEL Reading SLAC School Head Resource
teachers on strategies Package
ACR and Teachers
strategies, approaches
approaches, School
and school conditions
conditions (well-being,
(well-being, SEL, GESI)
Feb- To construct Reading Reading Writeshop/Wo Teachers Reading
May and Instructional Exercises rkshop on School Instructional
2024 reproduce of Materials printed construction Head Materials
different from of
reading instructional
materials materials and
suited to the reading
reading resources
ability of
learners GESI
Implementation Stage
Conduct of various literacy intervention to improve the reading performance of pupils
March To identify, Partnership Mobilization Orientation Reading Program
2024 produce letter with school of Meeting Coordinator and
name and and stakeholders Brigada Invitation
sounds. external Pagbasa
To write stakeholder Coordinator
upper and s School Head
lower case Stakeholders

Year- To construct Reading Reading Write shop / Reading Reading

round and Instructional Exercises Coordinator
reproduce of printed from Workshop on Instruction
Materials Brigada
different reading Construction al materials
reading e.g. Big materials of Instructional Coordinator
materials Books and Materials and Teachers
suited to the small books Reading School Head
reading ability Resources
of learners
March- To provide Distributed Reading Coordination Reading Tablets
May technology- reading Resources Meeting with Coordinator
2024 based materials Recipient Brigada
instructional Pagbasa
reading Coordinator
resources to School Head
the full

Year- To conduct Decreased Remedial Utilization of Reading Reading

round Remedial Number of Reading the Two-Track Coordinator Materials
Reading Strategies to Brigada
Full Method Snacks for
Sessions with be Pagbasa
Refreshers conducted (meaning and Tutees and
Full Coordinator
accuracy) in Tutors
Refreshers School Head
from Grades Explicit
Teaching. Pupils
I-III every day.

March- To identify, Grade Sounding Project R8 Grades 1-3  Big Book

May produce letter Ready and writing BULIG Two teachers story:
2024 name and Pupils letter Aa Track Method:  TG and
sounds. LM (Tana,
 Shared Pagbasa
To write upper (Follow steps Primer 1
for Meaning
case and book Format
lower case  Follow the
steps for
Track (Key
Picture, Key
Symbol, Key
Word, Syllable
 Assess
according to
the objectives

March- Read words, Grade Sounding  Shared Grades 1-3  Big Book
May Ready Reading teachers story:
phrases and and writing
Activity Primer 1
2024 sentences Pupils (Follow steps
formed from letter Ww for Meaning TG and
Track) LM (Tana,
letters Aa, Nn,
 Follow the Pagbasa
Ii , Gg, Oo, Tt, steps for Kita)
Hh , Pp Uu, Reading Accuracy
Kk, Yy Ss, Rr, words and Track (Key
Picture, Key
and LM
Ngng, Dd, Bb, phrases Symbol, Key Waray
Ll, Mm, Ee & formed Word, Syllable Primer 1
Ww from letters Box, Word- book Format
Aa, Nn, Ii, Word-Making,
Gg, Oo, Tt, Big Box,
Hh, Pp, Uu, Sentence-
Kk, Yy, Ss,
Rr, Ng, Dd, Making,
Bb, Li, Mm Spelling and
and Ee Writing)
 Key word:
 Read syllables
Comprehe wa, wi, wo,
nding wu, we, aw,
ow, iw, etc.
sentences  Read words
and stories wati, walo,
read wala, waray,
wali, waling-
waling, wutok-
, lapsaw,
 Key Sentence:
 Teach phrases
with the sight
words and
words studied
 Read stories
words and
sight words
Assess according
to the objectives

Post - Implementation Stage

Conduct of Post Reading Assessment
End of To conduct Post Improveme Post-Test EPS, PSDS, School Division-
Year post Reading Reading nt done Reading Heads, Master Made
Assessment Assessment and the Assessment Teachers Reading
result Impact Assessment
made by Tools
the project
to learners
End of Recognition Recognized Recognitio Recognition Pupils Awarded
School of Full Grade n of Pupils Day Reading Pupils
Year Refresher Ready Achieveme Coordinator
pupils who Pupils nt Brigada
became Pagbasa
Grade Ready Coordinator
Pupils School Head
End of To conduct Refined/ Needs to Feedbacking -Reading Suggestion Box
School meeting for Restructure improve in Coordinator
Year feedbacking d Reading project -Brigada
(from Intervention implement Pagbasa
teachers, Program ation Coordinator
parents, -School Head
tutors and
about the Tutors
n of the

Prepared by:


Recommending Approval:


OIC-PSDS Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Approved by:
Schools Division Superintendent
ABC+: Advancing Basic Education in the Philippines

Checklist of the Components of the Project Initiative Plan (I-IV)

(As a participant, you can refer to this list as a guide in developing your Project
Initiative Plan) YES NO
1. The program proponents are indicated.

2. The target learners and stakeholders are specified with descriptions.

3. The specific duration and schedule of implementation are specified.

4. The areas/locality covered by the project is specified.

5. The proposed budget is consistent with the MOOE.

6. The School Shared Vision was improved from the first draft

7. The SMART Goals were improved from the first draft.

8. The kind of intervention used was described and explained.

9. Other related literacy programs were connected to the description of the

Project Initiative.
10. The interventions used the concepts and models taught in the ISPD Program.

11. The selection of stakeholders was explained.

12. The relevant demographics of the stakeholders were described.

Output Result:
Choose an item.
Output Result Guide: If score is more than 8, “Satisfied”;
If below 7, “Not Satisfied”

Name of Facilitator

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