Socrates Plato Freud Ryle Churchland Key Ideas About The Self

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Socrates Plato Freud Ryle Churchland

Key ideas about Socrates does Plato believed in Sigmund Freud, Gilbert Ryle, with Paul Churchland
the self believe in the immortality of the father of his philosophical states that the self
dualism, in the self, which he psychoanalysis, statement "I act, is the brain. It
divided into three believed that the therefore I am", means that the self
which, aside parts. The first is self is composed of states that he views is inseparable from
from their the reason; it is the three layers: the self as the way the brain and
physical bodies, divine essence that people behave, physiological body
each person has allows a person to Conscious: which is composed because the
an immortal think deeply and thoughts and of a set of physical brain
soul. Aside from make intelligent feelings we are patterned gives the sense of
this, he decisions. Second, aware of behaviors. self.
physical appetite,
emphasizes the like hunger, thirst, Preconscious:
importance of and sexual desires, activities that are
the notion 'know is a basic stored in our
thyself, because biological memory and are
by fully requirement of not presently active
knowing every individual. but can be accessed
oneself, a person Finally, the spirit, or recalled
or passion, is the
will be able to basic emotion of Unconscious: these
achieve each person, like are activities that
happiness. He love, empathy, and you are not aware
also states that so on. of.
‘the unexamined
life is not worth
Socrates Plato Freud Ryle Churchland
Ideas that you I do believe in Socrates' Many religions, I strongly believed in I agree with Ryle that I agree with
concept that each person including Hinduism, Freud's conscious and we are composed of a Churchland that the
agree with has a physical body and Islam, Judaism, and, preconscious concepts set of patterned self is inseparable
an immortal soul. particularly, of self. Our conscious behaviors. Patterned linked to the brain and
However, there’s a
Christianity, believe in selves are deeply behaviors can help us physical body since,
concept of Socrates that
I strongly agree with,
eternal life. And, as a intertwined with our maintain consistency obviously, without
and that is that an Christian, I preconscious selves. in our behavior, these two, it is
unexamined life is not wholeheartedly agree We are influenced not therefore impossible to establish
worth living. This self- with Plato on the just by our current strengthening our one's concept of self.
examination is a crucial immortality of the ideas and feelings but sense of self. With The brain and
aspect of each person's self. Many personal also by memories, patterned behavior, it physiological body are
personal growth, self- experiences or information, and can be the way to self- deeply interconnected,
awareness, and living a encounters, such as experiences that exist awareness and working together to
fulfilling life, regardless near-death or out-of- just beyond our personal growth. enable thought,
of the era in which we body experiences, immediate movement, emotion,
live. Through this have convinced consciousness. This perception, and every
concept, people can
individuals of the two-concept other aspect of
ensure the authenticity
of living life and help
existence and combination that ourselves.
individuals build a immortality of the makes up self plays a
strong sense of self that self. Belief in an critical role in shaping
isn't dependent on the immortal self and an our identity,
opinions or validation of afterlife can have an behaviors, and
others. Aside from this, impact on moral perceptions.
an unexamined life can't conduct. For example,
uncover each person's if a person believes in
worth, purpose, the eternal
passions, values, and a consequences of their
deeper meaning and
acts (e.g., heaven, hell,
direction of life. In
short, if a person does
not know himself or reincarnation), they
herself, his or her may be more inclined
existence is to live a virtuous life.
Socrates Plato Freud Ryle Churchland
Ideas that you I strongly agree with Plato divided the I do not think that we I totally disagree with It isn't just the
don’t agree with Socrates notion of immortality of the are made up of the the concept of 'I act, physical brain that
'knowing thyself, but I self, and I don't agree unconscious layer. As therefore I am' by gives a sense of self,
disagree with the term with his second humans, we have the Ryle. I do believe that and there are a lot of
fully in his concept; concept, the physical ability to reflect on self is more than just factors to consider, so
fully knowing oneself appetite. Our physical our everyday these behaviors. A I disagree with
will be able to achieve appetites—such as thoughts, feelings, and person's behavior at a Churchland's
happiness. I do believe hunger, thirst, and behaviors. specific moment may statement that it is the
that happiness doesn't sexual desire—are tied Furthermore, it is not reflect their overall physical brain that
necessarily require full to the needs and impossible that identity or values. gives a sense of self.
self-awareness or functions of our someone would be After all, we are more Examples of factors
understanding. You bodies, and if the soul unaware of what they than simply the things that shape our sense of
can achieve this were to be immortal were doing unless we do; we are also the self or self-identity
happiness in the and go beyond the they had taken drugs things we believe, include cultural
simplest way possible, physical world, it or alcohol. Individuals feel, imagine, and standards, social roles,
like by gaining a sense would be senseless have the ability to strive to be. and interpersonal
of purpose or meaning and wouldn't have a distinguish between interactions.
in life, finding peace, purpose in good and bad, and Additionally, the
and accepting who immortality. Once the their acts are the stories we tell
you are, even if you body no longer exists, product of purposeful ourselves about our
don't fully understand neither should these decisions, thus being earlier experiences
every facet of desires. unaware of their and goals for the
yourself. Fully surroundings is simply future have a big
knowing oneself is not unbelievable. impact on how we
the sole reason for identify ourselves.
happiness. Thus, while the
physical brain is
important, it is only
one component of
developing a sense of

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