Fusion Order MGMT Student Guide 2
Fusion Order MGMT Student Guide 2
Fusion Order MGMT Student Guide 2
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1 Course Introduction
Course Objectives 1-2
Course Outline 1-3
Instructional Approach 1-6
Resources for Implementation 1-7
Order Creation with Different Types of Items 2-31
Order Creation: Coverage Item 2-32
Order Creation with Different Types of Items 2-33
Order Creation: Subscription Item 2-34
Demonstration: 2-1 2-35
Demonstration: 2-2 2-36
Practices: Overview 2-37
Summary 2-38
3 Pricing Strategies
Objectives 3-3
4 Price Lists
Order-to-Cash Flow 4-2
Objectives 4-3
Topics 4-4
Price List Use Case 4-6
Price Lists 4-7
Price Lists: Types 4-8
Demonstration: 4-1 4-9
Demonstration: 4-2 4-10
Demonstration: 4-3 4-11
Topics 4-12
Charges 4-13
Topics 4-15
Adjustments: Tier-Based 4-16
Adjustments: Attribute-Based 4-18
Topics 4-19
Pricing of Standard Items 4-20
Topics 4-21
Pricing of Configurable Items (Models) 4-22
Topics 4-23
Pricing of Coverage Items 4-24
5 Discount Lists
Order-to-Cash Flow 5-2
Objectives 5-3
Topics 5-4
Discount List Use Case 5-5
Topics 5-6
Discount Lists 5-7
Topics 5-8
Simple Discounts 5-9
Establishing Discounts for Configurable Models 5-10
Topics 5-11
Tier-Based Discounts 5-12
Topics 5-13
Attribute-Based Discounts 5-14
Topics 5-16
Manual Adjustments 5-17
Demonstration: 5-1 5-19
Practice: 5-1 5-20
Summary 5-21
Topics 6-7
Managing Shipping Charge Lists 6-8
Topics 6-10
Define Item-Based Shipping Charges 6-11
Create Shipping Charges 6-12
Demonstration: 6-1 6-13
Summary 6-14
7 Guidelines
Order-to-Cash Flow 7-2
Objectives 7-3
8 Configure Orders
Order-to-Cash Flow 8-2
Objectives 8-3
Topics 8-4
Configurable Products: Explained 8-6
Configurator 8-7
Configurator Modeling 8-8
Topics 8-9
Selecting the Options of a Configurable Product: Configurator Runtime 8-10
Configurator Runtime User Interface 8-11
Configurator UI Navigation Schemes 8-12
Single-Page Navigation 8-13
Dynamic Tree Navigation 8-15
Step-by-Step Navigation 8-16
Topics 8-17
Integration with Oracle Fusion Pricing 8-18
Demonstration: 8-1 8-19
Practice: 8-1 8-20
Summary 8-21
Promising Modes 11-17
Supported Promising Modes 11-18
Supply Chain Availability Search Mode 11-19
ATP Rule Assignment 11-20
Practices: Overview 11-21
Summary 11-22
Data Collection Configuration Summary 13-12
Data Collection from Files: Uploading the File 13-14
Data Collection from Files: Running the Scheduled Process 13-15
External Source System Setup 13-16
Cross-Reference Data Collections Setup Detail 13-17
Viewing the Cross-Reference Collected Data Setup Detail 13-19
Topics 13-22
Administration: Restarting the Global Order Promising Engine 13-23
Topics 13-24
Administration: Real-Time Supply Update 13-25
Summary 13-26
15 Transformation
Order-to-Cash Flow 15-2
Objectives 15-3
Topics 15-4
Order-to-Cash Data Flow 15-5
Topics 15-7
Transformation: Introduction 15-8
Sales Order Versus Transformed Order 15-9
Transformed Order: Example 15-10
Topics 15-11
Product Transformation 15-12
Topics 15-13
Product-to-Product Transformation 15-14
Attribute-to-Product Transformation 15-15
Context-to-Product Transformation 15-16
Product-to-Attribute Transformation 15-17
Attribute-to-Attribute Transformation 15-18
Context-to-Attribute Transformation 15-19
Practices: Overview 16-32
Summary 16-33
17 Status Management
Order to Cash Flow 17-2
Objectives 17-3
Topics 17-4
Order to Cash Data Flow 17-5
Topics 17-7
What Are Statuses? 17-8
Topics 17-10
19 Orchestration Process Planning, Deployment, and Jeopardy
Order-to-Cash Flow 19-2
Objectives 19-3
Topics 19-4
Order-to-Cash Data Flow 19-5
Topics 19-7
What Is Planning? 19-8
Topics 19-11
What Is Jeopardy? 19-12
Managing Jeopardy Priorities 19-14
Managing Jeopardy Threshold Definitions 19-15
21 External Integration
Order-to-Cash Flow 21-2
Objectives 21-3
Topics 21-4
Order-to-Cash Data Flow 21-5
Topics 21-8
Managing Integration with Oracle Fusion Order Management 21-9
Managing External Interface Web Service Details 21-10
Topics 21-12
Oracle Integration Cloud Service 21-13
23 Overview of Shipping
Order-to-Cash Flow 23-2
Objectives 23-3
Topics 23-4
Shipping Process Flow 23-6
Shipping Process Flow and User Roles 23-7
Topics 23-9
Pick Release Process Flow 23-10
Integrating with an External Manufacturing System 23-12
Topics 23-13
Ship Confirm Process Flow 23-14
25 Pick Wave Management
Order-to-Cash Flow 25-2
Objectives 25-3
Topics 25-4
What Is a Pick Wave? 25-6
Pick Wave Usage 25-7
Pick Release Process Options 25-8
Pick Release 25-9
Topics 25-10
Movement Request 25-11
Topics 25-12
26 Pick Confirmation
Order-to-Cash Flow 26-2
Objectives 26-3
Topics 26-4
Pick Confirmation: Overview 26-6
Release Process Options 26-8
Topics 26-9
Practice: 26-1 26-12
Summary 26-13
27 Shipment Confirmation
Order-to-Cash Flow 27-2
Objectives 27-3
Topics 27-4
What Is Ship Confirm? 27-6
Pick Release and Ship Confirmation Process Options 27-7
Topics 27-8
One-Step Shipping 27-9
Ship Confirmation 27-11
Topics 27-13
Ship Confirm Rules 27-14
Topics 27-16
Ship Confirm Rule: Shipping Parameters 27-17
Topics 27-18
Consolidation of Backordered Lines 27-19
Shipment Consolidation 27-20
Practice: 27-1 27-22
Summary 27-23
Orchestration Process
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on the order fulfillment orchestration.
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
This section discusses the flow of data in order management and fulfillment.
During runtime, orchestration occurs after a sales order is submitted or a channel order is
automatically transformed and business rules automatically assign the appropriate
orchestration process to the fulfillment lines of the order. Task layer services send requests to
downstream applications to perform orchestration tasks, such as schedule, reserve, or ship.
Task layer services also interpret the responses and updates from these applications.
• Orchestration is the automated sequence of fulfillment steps for processing an order. All
of the above steps are to set up automated processes to fulfill sales orders. These
automated processes are called orchestration processes. You will define orchestration
processes to mirror your business processes; the definition is much like a blueprint. The
orchestration process definition includes the sequence of service calls, as well as
planning details, change management parameters, and status conditions. The
orchestration process instance is created at runtime. After an orchestration process
instance is created, it is assigned to one or more fulfillment lines.
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
Shipment Return
Task types are groupings of related fulfillment tasks. Each task type contains a selection of
services that can be used to communicate with a specific type of fulfillment system, for
example, a billing system. Services represent the types of actions that are being requested of
the fulfillment system, such as creating the shipping request or canceling it.
When you create the steps of an orchestration process definition, you select from the
predefined and user-defined task types and services. A task type may span multiple
orchestration process steps.
Oracle Fusion Order Management provides the following predefined task types:
• Schedule: Set of services that enable scheduling of a fulfillment line
• Reservation: Set of services that enable reservation of items of a fulfillment line
• Shipment: Set of services that communicate with a shipping fulfillment system to ship
the items on a fulfillment line
• Invoice: Set of services that communicate with a billing system to create invoices
against an order line by line
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
This section discusses orchestration process definitions: what they are, and what
makes up an orchestration process definition.
Links to functional
Add step
• Header: Before you can create any steps, you must enter a name in the Process Name
field and select a process class and set. A process class is a group of statuses that you
can assign to an orchestration process. A set is a group of business units, such as
orchestration processes, that are assigned to referential data.
• Step: A step of your business process. The name you enter appears everywhere in the
application, including the Order Orchestration work area. When you add a step, the new
step is added directly below the current location of the cursor.
• Step Type: Classification that indicates the usage of the step. Step type is used to
control the user interface conditional read-only behavior for some attributes. It is also
used during validation and when building the Business Process Execution Language
(BPEL) artifacts from the orchestration process definition.
- Conditional: Conditional node of the orchestration process. This is the point
where one of two or more orchestration paths is executed, based on the results of
a logical condition. You must specify a branching condition on a step that directly
follows a conditional step.
- Parallel: Parallel node of the orchestration process. This is the point where two or
more orchestration paths are executed concurrently. You don’t need to include
conditions because all paths are executed.
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
Step Definition
The Dependencies options are key to setting up branching. Previous steps and next steps are
generated automatically as you add steps. The position of the cursor when a step is added
determines its position in the flow. The step is always added below the cursor. If you want a
new branch, then position the cursor on the conditional or parallel step.
Select from the following types of branching:
• Parallel branching: Allows you to create multiple sequences (branches) of
orchestration process steps that are executed at the same time. You don’t need to
include additional parameters to set up parallel branching.
• Conditional branching: Allows you to create orchestration process steps that are
executed under certain conditions. For example, your company might want to require
that if quantity is greater than or equal to 10, then reserve the quantity. That means that
this branch will have a reservation step. You could also add another condition, for
example, if customer is ZYX Corporation, then phone the company before shipping the
product. That means that this second branch will have an activity step (for phoning the
customer). The Otherwise branch is the set of steps that are executed if the conditions
of the other branches are not met. In this case, if the quantity is less than 10 and the
customer is not ZYX Corporation, then execute the steps of the Otherwise branch. You
don’t need to set an Otherwise branch.
Step Definition
To create a branch, create a step and select the Parallel or Conditional step type. To create
the first step of the branch, keep your cursor on the parallel or conditional step and click the
Create Step icon. To create another branch, place your cursor on the parallel or conditional
step and click the Create Step icon. The parallel or conditional step is considered the parent
of all the branches.
Branching Condition
Criteria that must be met for steps in a conditional branch to be processed. The branching
condition is written as an If...Then statement.
Create the branching condition on the first step of the branch—that is, the first step that
follows the conditional step. Branching conditions are required on steps that follow a
Conditional step, unless the Otherwise check box is selected.
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
Orchestration business rules affect how an orchestration process behaves at runtime. You set
up conditions for all rules in the same manner. Each type of rule has a different output, as
specified below.
• Cost of Change: Number
• Compensation Pattern: Predetermined code that specifies the override pattern
• Lead-Time Expression: Number (BigDecimal)
• Line Selection Criteria: Fulfillment line ID
• Branching Condition: Boolean TRUE or FALSE
• Start-After Condition: Optional and required parameters depending on context
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
You can run validation manually any time through the Validate action. It’s always run as part
of the Release action.
Successful validation as part of release process:
• No error messages appear if an orchestration process is valid, but warning messages
may appear.
• Orchestration process is given Released status.
• BPEL artifacts needed to deploy and run the orchestration process are created and
Note: You won’t be releasing your process until the process definition elements are
completed in a later lesson.
• Data Flow
• Task Types
• Managing an Orchestration Process Definition
• Dependencies Between Steps
• Oracle Business Rules in Orchestration Process Definition
• Validating New or Updated Orchestration Process Definitions
This section discusses considerations for setting up orchestration process definitions for
coverage items.
Schedule Reserve Ship Contracts Invoice
Coverage Item –
Warranty for Laptop
Using the same orchestration process instance ensures that the orchestration process uses
the same steps, in the same sequence, and at the same time for the covered item and for the
coverage item.
If you define an orchestration process assignment rule that assigns the same orchestration
process to the covered item as to the coverage item, then a single orchestration process
instance processes these fulfillment lines. Two different rules could assign an orchestration
process to these fulfillment lines. The fulfillment lines are processed together as long as the
rules assign the same process to both covered and coverage item fulfillment lines. You define
all these rules one time during setup.
Specify an expression in the Line Selection Criteria for each orchestration process step that
shouldn’t run so that the step doesn’t call the fulfillment task service.
The diagram shows an orchestration process with the following steps: Schedule, Reserve,
Ship, Install Base, Contracts, and Invoice. For the covered item, the laptop computer, you
want all these steps except for Contracts to run. For the coverage item, the warranty, you
want only the Contracts and Invoice steps to run.
Pause Exit
Coverage Item –
Warranty for Laptop
The diagram above shows how you can use a pause task to coordinate different
orchestration process instances. The orchestration process steps for the covered line
(laptop computer) are: Schedule, Reserve, Ship, Install Base, and then Invoice. The
orchestration process steps for the coverage line (warranty for the laptop computer)
are: Pause, Contracts, and Invoice.
You must coordinate these two processes so that the coverage line doesn't go through
the contracts step before the covered line is shipped. You want the contract to be
created only if the shipment is successful. You can set the pause exit criteria to a
condition, such as Shipped Quantity is greater than zero.
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on order fulfillment orchestration.
• Statuses: Overview
• Statuses in Order Management
• Status Setup
A set of seeded fulfillment processes supports the order-to-cash flow. However, you can
extend these processes to meet some of their specific business functions. For example, a
certain class of OTC customers requires proof of delivery. But the seeded processes don’t
include an additional step after shipping before the order can be closed. A new status
“Customer Accepted” or “Customer Rejected” also is needed for proof of delivery. You can
extend the status framework to seed additional statuses and assign them to new or existing
tasks that are defined within the process. Additionally, they can control how the status values
are rolled up to the lines and orchestration processes.
In Oracle Order Management Cloud, updates to status values are processed automatically.
Most status updates are based on task updates. The status mechanism automatically
manages the calculation and rollup of status values based on the conditions and rules
provided during setup. For example, you can configure the values you want for fulfillment line
status values based on the status of the orchestration process tasks.
Key to the Diagram
A. External order capture systems: The systems where orders originate
B. Fulfillment systems: The systems where inventory is tracked, items scheduled,
reserved, received, and shipped, and where invoices are generated. Fulfillment activities
are not limited to the ones listed here. There may be one or more external fulfillment
systems and one Oracle ERP Cloud fulfillment system.
C. Order Management and Planning Data Repository: Order Management processes
use data in the repository to cross-reference and validate data. Global Order Promising
Cloud uses supply and demand data refreshed into the order promising engine from the
repository when determining availability. The repository is populated by Order
Management Cloud and Global Order Promising Cloud data collection processes.
• Statuses: Overview
• Statuses in Order Management
• Status Setup
Order Status
Statuses convey the progress of order and process objects, including task, orchestration
process, fulfillment line, order line, and order, so that users can quickly identify problems and
intervene as necessary. Statuses are typically refreshed after Oracle Fusion Order
Management receives a response from a fulfillment system.
The screenshots in the slide show some of the different parts of the user interface where
status appears:
• Order status at the top of an order
• Fulfillment lines status on an order line
• Process status on the header of an orchestration process
• Task status on the Orchestration Plan tab of an orchestration process
• Statuses: Overview
• Statuses in Order Management
• Status Setup
Set during
The diagram in the slide depicts how statuses are assigned: When a response comes from
the fulfillment system, the task layer interprets the response to determine the task status for
the task, fulfillment line, and orchestration process. Based on the task status, the fulfillment
line status and orchestration process status are set automatically by evaluating the relevant
status conditions in the process definition. The line status and order status are rolled up
based on the fulfillment line status.
• Statuses: Overview
• Statuses in Order Management
• Status Setup
Status Code
Task Type
The screenshots in the slide show the four different tabs where you set up status values:
Status Codes
First you create status values. Later, you designate these statuses for use in fulfillment lines,
tasks, or orchestration processes. This page contains all the statuses that can be used in
Order Management.
Task Types
Designate statuses that can be used for the different task types. A task type is a grouping of
related services that carry out fulfillment tasks. The predefined task types are available by
default. Select the task type on the top of the page. At the bottom of the page, add the status
values that you want to associate with this task type. The task types that are available in
Order Management are described in the previous lesson.
Fulfillment Line Statuses
Designate statuses that can be used for fulfillment lines. Not Started is the initial status of a
fulfillment line when an order is created. Designate the circumstances under which the
statuses are assigned to fulfillment lines as part of each orchestration process definition.
These rules are called fulfillment line status conditions.
Task Type
Display Status
While processing an order, the tasks of the assigned orchestration process are fulfilled step
by step. A default set of sequential statuses is provided for the fulfillment tasks, but you can
also create your own fulfillment task statuses for task types that are enabled for status pass-
through. You can set display status values for any internal status, default or your own.
The screenshot above shows the three places where statuses appear on the Manage Task
Status Conditions page:
• Task type: Appears in the Type column
• Received status: Appears in the Internal Status Value column. This is the status that is
passed from an integrated application.
• Display status: Appears in the Display Status Value column. This is how the status that
is passed from an integrated application is displayed on the user interface. For example,
an integrated fulfillment application may send the status of a task as “Invoiced,” but your
company uses “Billed.” You can select “Billed” in the Display Status Value column.
Process Class
Status Catalog
When you set up status conditions for orchestration processes or fulfillment lines, you go into
the orchestration process definition. When you are creating an orchestration process
definition, you must select an orchestration process class. You may also opt for a status
catalog. This screenshot shows the part of the orchestration process definition where you
select a process class and status catalog. Both are at the top of the Create Orchestration
Process Definition page.
Status Catalog
A grouping of items to which a set of the same statuses can be applied. Optionally, you can
select a status catalog when you create an orchestration process definition. You can use
catalogs and categories in multiple orchestration process definitions. Use a category to
ensure that the same set of status conditions is applied to specific sets of fulfillment lines for
an individual process. The same status conditions are applied to all fulfillment lines that have
the item that belongs to that category. Define the catalogs in Oracle Fusion Product Model,
Oracle Fusion Product and Catalog Management, or Oracle Fusion Product Hub.
Process Class
A set of status codes. You must select a process class when creating an orchestration
process definition. When you select a process class, the status codes from that class are
available for selection when you create the status conditions. These are the status codes that
represent the status of the orchestration process and are seen throughout the application.
Fulfillment Line
While processing an order, the tasks of the assigned orchestration process are fulfilled step
by step. A default set of sequential statuses is provided for the fulfillment tasks, but you can
also create your own fulfillment task statuses and sequences for an orchestration process.
You must determine the status to assign to an orchestration process at each stage of the
process. For example, if a Schedule Carpet task has a status of Unsourced, then what status
should the orchestration process have?
When you create an orchestration process definition, use the default status rule set to define
status conditions for all fulfillment lines that can be processed by the orchestration process.
Use fulfillment line-specific status conditions to apply different sets of statuses and rule logic
for different items. For example, you could have one set of status conditions for textbooks and
another set for paperback books.
The screenshot in the slide shows orchestration process statuses on the Orchestration
Process Status Values subtab and fulfillment line statuses in the Edit Status Rule Set window.
You can:
• Designate the statuses that represent an orchestration
• Select a preset group of orchestration process statuses
• Create rules that govern how statuses are attained
Your organization might require different fulfillment lines within the same orchestration
process to have different status progressions. For example, a model with shippable fulfillment
lines and nonshippable fulfillment lines may require different statuses for each type of
fulfillment line. A status catalog provides a means to differentiate status values by item
Status Rule Set
Whether or not you use status catalogs, you can use status rule sets to apply a set of
sequential statuses to the fulfillment line that is processed by the orchestration process. A
status rule set is a set of rules that govern the conditions under which status codes are
assigned to fulfillment lines. When you create a status rule set, you determine the status to
assign to a fulfillment line at each stage of the process. For example, if a task has a status of
Unsourced, then you can create a rule that is used at runtime to set the fulfillment line status
to Unscheduled. A status rule set streamlines administration by enabling you to use a rule set
with any number of fulfillment lines, rather than by entering separate rules for each fulfillment
line. You can also apply the same logic to multiple categories.
In the case where a parent and a child category refer to different status rule sets, the child
takes priority. This allows you to define an All category to handle all items in one definition, as
well as to add an additional subcategory for a subset of products that needs to use a different
status rule set.
During order processing, the application assigns an overall status to each order. This status is
determined by assigning the order the status of the fulfillment line that has progressed the
furthest in the order life cycle. To determine the fulfillment line status, the application
evaluates each of the status conditions of the fulfillment line sequentially. The true condition
with the highest sequence number determines the status of the fulfillment line. If you select
Notify External Systems, then Oracle Fusion Order Management raises an event, which an
order capture system can subscribe to.
Caution: If you used the Functional Setup Manager migration tool to move test instance data
to a production environment, then do not change the status rule set name in either instance.
Changing the name may prevent references to other data in the orchestration process from
being updated.
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View, Schedule Pick & Ship
Enrich Order
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
• Change Management
– Compensation
– Change attributes
• Assign and Launch
• Change Management
– Change attributes
– Compensation patterns
• Assign and Launch
The section discusses change orders. You can make changes to an in-progress order. Order
Management Cloud provides a configurable framework that you can use to streamline the
change order flow.
Change management concepts are discussed first, followed by how they work together to
process changes to orders.
Compensation: You can control how changes are handled by the orchestration process.
When you define an orchestration process, you can designate how changes are
compensated. Compensation refers to how the orchestration process is adjusted to respond
to the change. By default, each step is compensated by updating it with the new information
from the change order. You can override this default behavior by specifying a compensation
pattern for a particular step.
Compensation Pattern: A compensation pattern governs how a single step is compensated.
The screenshot in the slide shows global change parameters, which appear in the
orchestration process definition header. Additional change management parameters appear
in the Step Definition tab of the orchestration process definition. These change parameters
pertain to the specific orchestration process only.
Data Object
Change Attributes
Some changes don’t require compensation. For example, a change order is sent with an updated Sold-
to Contact ID when an orchestration process is on the Ship Goods step. The changed Sold-to Contact
ID doesn’t affect the orchestration process in any way, so compensation isn’t necessary. However, you
may want to trigger compensation when a change to an attribute as significant as Inventory Item ID
arrives when the orchestration process is on a shipping task. Order attributes that identify change, also
known as change attributes, are the attributes that, if changed by order capture or an Order
Orchestration work area user, trigger compensation. You designate these attributes on the Manage
Order Attributes That Identify Change page. Some attributes are selected by default. You can’t remove
them, but you can add more.
This screenshot shows the Edit Order Attributes That Identify Change page and indicates the task type
designation, the data objects in the Orchestration Components area, and attributes affected by the
change in the Order Fulfillment Line: Attributes area.
1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select Order Management.
3. Search for the Manage Orchestration Process Definitions task. Select the task in the Orders
functional area.
4. On the Manage Order Attributes That Identify Change page, click the Create icon.
This screenshot depicts the Edit Order Attributes That Identify Change page and
indicates that the Order Fulfillment Line: Attributes area contains both task-specific
parameters for all orchestration processes and parameters that are specific to an
orchestration process.
1. An order is placed.
2. An orchestration process is started, which contains the
following steps:
A. Create Scheduling
B. Create Reservation
C. Create Shipping
To see how the components of change management work together, consider the following
A manager at Vision Corporation wants to buy gym bags with the company logo for her 12
employees. She wants to offer a variety of colors. She places an order at the internal
purchasing site for 12 bags. The order contains the following order lines:
• Sales Order Line 1: 4 red
• Sales Order Line 2: 4 navy blue
• Sales Order Line 3: 4 black
Each of these orchestration order lines corresponds to a fulfillment line, as follows:
• Fulfillment Line 1: 4 red
• Fulfillment Line 2: 4 navy blue
• Fulfillment Line 3: 4 black
• Change Management
– Compensation
– Change attributes
• Assign and Launch
The section discusses the assign and launch process. A set of seeded rules assigns the
seeded processes automatically to incoming sales orders. However, you can extend these
processes and redefine them to meet some of your specific business functions. For example,
Vision Corporation likes to keep processes extended with the proof of delivery step separated
from the seeded processes and to have an assignment rule to apply the processes for the
specific class of customers.
You don’t need to specify versions or effectivity dates in the process assignment rules
because versions and effectivity dates are controlled at the orchestration process level.
Because assignment rules aren’t versioned, changes that are released take effect
immediately. You can save rules without releasing them.
An alternative user interface called the Visual Information Builder also is available for the
following rules:
• Pretransformation defaulting
• Process assignment
• External interface routing
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View, Schedule Pick, Ship
Enrich Order
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on order fulfillment orchestration.
• Planning
• Jeopardy
• Deployment of Orchestration Processes
• Planning
• Jeopardy
• Deployment of Orchestration Processes
This section discusses planning. On-time shipments is one of the key metrics that Vision
Corporation uses to measure customer satisfaction. Process planning and jeopardy
management provide an early notification if an order possibly won’t arrive by the promise
date. They also provide alternatives to fix the problem. The result is fewer late deliveries.
• Planning
• Jeopardy
• Deployment of Orchestration Processes
Jeopardy priority is the level of risk associated with the delay of a task. On the Order
Management work area, jeopardy priority is classified as Low, Medium, or High.
Define jeopardy priorities to specify the jeopardy score range for each priority. The priority
categories of Low, Medium, and High are predefined. You can modify the jeopardy score
range for each priority to suit your business needs, as shown in the screenshot in the slide.
You can’t add or delete priorities or rename the default priorities. The minimum of each range
must be equal to the maximum of the previous range.
The Jeopardy status of a fulfillment order line is the highest jeopardy score of any task in the
orchestration process for that fulfillment line.
1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Order Management offering.
3. Search for the Manage Jeopardy Priorities task. Select the task in the Orders functional
The application searches for a threshold that applies to the highest number of entities of the task.
It searches for a threshold in the following order:
1. Process name, process version, task name, and task type
2. Process name, process version, and task name
3. Process name and task name
4. Process name, process version, and task type
5. Process name and task type
6. Task name
7. Process name and process version
8. Process name
9. Task type
First, the application searches for a threshold that applies to all four entities of the task: Task type,
task name, process name, and process version. All these entities appear in this screenshot. If a
threshold for the first combination isn’t found, then the application searches for a threshold that
applies to the process name, process version, and task name of the task, and so on. If nothing
matches, then the default is used. After an appropriate threshold is located, the score is dictated
by the threshold that is assigned to the task.
• Planning
• Jeopardy
• Deployment of Orchestration Processes
Release the orchestration process definition by selecting Release from the Actions menu.
Validation runs, and the release process stops if errors occur. You can use the messages to
determine what needs to be fixed and then try to release the process. After the process is
released, deploy the process to the associated SOA server by selecting Deploy from the
Actions menu.
This screenshot shows the Actions menu that appears at the top of the Manage Orchestration
Process Definition pages. It shows the page-level actions that are available for managing the
orchestration process definition: Validate, revise process, reject process, reject previous
version, generate process diagram, release, deploy process, obsolete process, download
generated process, regenerate orchestration process.
1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Order Management offering.
3. Search for the Manage Orchestration Process Definitions task. Select the task in the
Orders functional area
4. Click the Create icon.
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on order fulfillment orchestration.
• Processing Constraints
• Approvals
• Holds
Apply or
release hold
• Processing Constraints
• Approvals
• Holds
This section discusses processing constraints, which are business rules that govern who can
make changes to an order and when the changes are allowed. Order Management Cloud
provides a flexible processing constraints framework that can help to define business rules
that can prevent changes when certain business rules match the order state.
Processing constraints:
• Are rules that control attempted changes to an order
• Dictate what can be changed, when, and by whom
• Can be used to validate required attributes for fulfillment
requests (task layer services)
• Can be used to validate required attributes for order
Processing constraints run automatically and are invisible to users except when a change is
rejected. At runtime, processing constraints detect changes to the order, order line, and
fulfillment line. They disallow the prohibited change and return a user message that was
defined for the processing constraint.
Oracle Fusion Order Management comes with predefined processing constraints. You can
create additional ones.
Constrained operations:
• Cancel
• Create
• Delete
• Split
• Submit
• Update
• Validate
• Record set
• Validation rule set
• Constraint entity
• Processing constraint
Record Set
• Record Set: A group of records that are bound by some common attribute values for
the purpose of constraint evaluation. For example, you might want to evaluate all lines
on an order or all orders for customer XYZ. In the processing constraints framework,
when you define constraining conditions, you must specify a record set to be validated
for a given condition as defined by its validation template.
• Attribute: The business object characteristic that defines the set of records.
Validation Rule Set
A validation rule set names a condition and defines how to validate that condition for a
processing constraint.
Constraint Entity
A business object that a processing constraint is applied to. For example, you might want to
prohibit changes to fulfillment lines when their associated orchestration processes reach a
certain step.
Constraint entity:
• View entity
• Process task entity
Constraint Entity: Business object that a processing constraint is applied to. Types of
constraint entities:
View Entity
• Order header, order line, and fulfillment lines that contain a group of related attributes
that correspond to a table.
• Predefined view entities are provided. You can’t create new view entities.
• Additional attributes, such as flexfields, can be enabled within an existing view entity.
Process Task Entity
• Is based on a combination of orchestration process, task, and service
• Represents the position of the transaction in the flow
• Prohibits actions, such as the update of attributes or deletion of table entities, at some
point in an orchestration process
• Validates required attributes for fulfillment requests, such as Create Shipment request,
Update Shipment request, and Create Reservation request
For a table-type validation rule set, you must then generate the constraint package.
Creating a Processing Constraint
Optionally, you can create a new constraint entity to use in your processing constraint. If you
want to create a constraint on an orchestration process, then create a process task entity.
Otherwise, you can use one of the existing view entities. In this case, you don’t need to create
an entity.
• Processing Constraints
• Approvals
• Holds
This section discusses approvals, which are business rules that govern when an approval is
You can configure your order process to subject orders to approval before they are
finalized. You can write approval rules that fit your organization’s needs. For example,
you might want orders that exceed $50,000 to be reviewed and approved by a
supervisor before they are booked. Alternatively, you might want to have a supervisor
review any order in which an order entry specialist manually adjusts the price.
This screenshot a confirmation message superimposed on the Create Order page. The
confirmation message indicates that the order may require approval and that fulfillment
will begin after the order is approved.
Act on the
Order administrators write rules using attributes from the order. If the system parameter
Start Approval Process for Sales Orders is set to Yes, then the rules are triggered
automatically when the conditions of the rule are met. You can set this parameter at the
level of the source system, which is the system where the order originates. It could be
Order Management Cloud if orders are created using the Order Management Create
Order page. Alternatively, the source system could be CPQ, in which case the order is
imported from CPQ to Order Management Cloud. If you want approvals to run for
orders created in Order Management Cloud only, then set the parameter to Yes for
Order Management Cloud, and set the parameter to No for CPQ.
The order entry specialist doesn’t need to do anything to initiate approval of the order.
When an order is flagged for approval by the conditions in the rule, it’s automatically
sent to the approver. The order entry specialist receives a confirmation message stating
that the order is being verified. The order is locked until it is approved. Order entry
specialists can view the approval history and can revert the order back to draft.
Approval history is preserved and can be viewed from Order Management.
• Processing Constraints
• Approvals
• Holds
This section discusses holds. An order might be placed on hold for a variety of reasons. For
example, you might hold an order until a customer address or payment method can be
verified, or you might hold an order from interfacing into a specific warehouse for shipping if
there is an emergency closedown. Use the Holds framework to define both generic holds and
task-specific holds.
Runtime hold
Hold codes are used to hold processing. Holds are role-based and set-enabled, meaning you
can limit holds to users with certain roles and by the business unit they belong to.
A set provides a way to organize business units and control the business units that can
access a hold code.
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View, Schedule Pick, Ship
Enrich Order
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on order fulfillment orchestration.
Vision Corporation has acquired multiple systems through acquisitions over several years.
Some of the key primary goals are to provide the ability to manage centrally the distributed
nature of its fulfillment systems and to provide a single consistent view of order status and
consistent fulfillment process. An order can contain multiple lines, with each line sourced and
fulfilled from a different system. The external interface layer is a framework that helps to route
the fulfillment requests to different systems and is decoupled from the fulfillment processes.
The routing mechanism enables status updates and normalization from fulfillment systems to
ensure a consistent status response to customers.
In addition to the built-in order entry capability, Oracle Order Management Cloud can be
integrated on the front end with one or more order capture systems and on the back end with
one or more fulfillment systems. The external interface layer contains the services and rules
that route requests from Order Management Cloud to the correct fulfillment systems and
conveys messages back from those systems. The external interface layer uses an extensible
SOA-enabled framework to manage communication between Order Management Cloud and
external fulfillment systems and transforms the requests from those systems. The external
interface layer makes it possible to “plug and play” external systems by abstracting them from
the orchestration process definition to minimize changes that are required when you add new
fulfillment systems.
The following tasks involve setup of the external interface layer:
• Manage Integration with Oracle Fusion Order Management
• Manage External Interface Transformation Style Sheets
• Manage External Interface Web Service Details
• Manage External Interface Routing Rules
This section discusses where to register the web services used to integrate applications
with Order Management Cloud.
Web services are used to integrate external applications with Oracle Fusion Order
Management. Order Management has a web service broker that routes requests from the
fulfillment task layer to one or more fulfillment systems and vice versa. You need to create,
deploy, and register a connector for each integrated external system that supports the
enterprise business objects and associated operations.
Ask your IT department to create and deploy a connector service. If transformation is needed,
then ask your IT department to create an XSLT transformation file.
After you create and deploy the connectors, register them on the Manage Web Service
Details page.
• Connector Name: Name of the service
• Connector Description: Description of the connector name
• URL: Physical location (endpoint) of the service
• Username: Name used to log in to the external system
• Password: Used to log in to the external system
The password value is protected and is not displayed to the user. The username and
password are passed into a credential store, and a user credential key and keystore recipient
alias are generated automatically.
This section discusses Oracle Integration Cloud Service, an interface that can help
streamline integration.
The drag-and-drop interface streamlines integration and makes it easier for less technical
personnel to create business flows.
You can integrate any number of channel systems to Order Management.
You can also set up email notification based on order status events.
• OrderInformationService
• Creates business flows using intuitive drag-and-drop interface.
• Creates a flow to fetch complete details about an order.
• Determines whether an order can be changed before accepting the change.
• OrderStatusUpdated event
• Creates subscriptions to receive business event notifications from Order Management.
• Deploys a single web service to receive notifications for header and line status changes.
• SalesOrderNotification event
• Informs a subscriber about a significant development on a sales order.
• Occurs when the order status changes, the line status changes, the value of an attribute
changes, a fulfillment line splits, or an exception occurs, such as a jeopardy or hold.
• OrderFulfillmentResponseService
• Receives the acknowledgement and the response to an order fulfillment request from a
fulfillment system.
• SalesOrderNotification event
• OrderFulfillmentResponse service
The drag-and-drop interface streamlines integration and makes it easier for less
technical personnel to create business flows.
You can integrate any number of channel systems to Order Management.
You can also set up email notification based on order status events.
This section discusses the rules that route rules to external integrated applications.
This section discusses what business event notifications are and how you can use
• One-way notification
from Order Management
Management to Cloud
Event notification
• Notification sent
when a change
Web services are used for both upstream (for example, order channel) and downstream (for
example, fulfillment system) integrations with Order Management. However, Order
Management uses another pattern of integration that broadcasts events that interest the
systems involved in the order-to-cash flow. Order Management has a predefined set of
business events that represent significant occurrences in the context of the business process.
You determine whether these occurrences are important in the context of your functional and
business requirements.
This diagram depicts Order Management Cloud sending event notifications to order channel
systems, to Inventory, and to Shipping.
Manage Business Event Trigger Points is the name of the task and page where the
predefined business events appear. The set of business events is:
• Change Order Compensation Complete: Informs the subscribing application that
change order processing is completed. If a change order results in an error, then this
event reports the error.
• Fulfillment Line Status Update: Allows you to specify which of the fulfillment line
status values you are interested in on the Edit Status Rule Set page, which is part of the
Manage Orchestration Process Definitions task. Select the Notify External System check
box next to the value that you want a fulfillment line to achieve to raise an event.
• Fulfillment Line Closed: Informs the subscribing application that a fulfillment line was
closed. Systems such as Cost Management can use this information to perform
downstream processing on the fulfillment line.
• Hold: Notifies the subscribing application that a hold was applied at the order or line
level. An order manager or order entry specialist can apply a hold, or the order capture
or channel system can request a hold.
This section discusses the Fulfillment Order task layer, which is a set of services that
enable integration between Oracle Fusion Order Management and an enterprise
resource planning (ERP) system.
This lesson discusses extending Order Management. This lesson provides an overview of
what you can do to extend Oracle Management and the tools you’ll need. However, we aren’t
providing detailed procedures here. See the Oracle Help Center for details on how to set up
• Integrate Receivables with Order Management to send details from an upstream source
system to a downstream billing system.
• Send data from an attribute or extensible flexfield in Order Management to a descriptive
flexfield or interface column in Receivables.
Integration with Oracle Fusion Receivables is ready to use. You can also extend integration with
Receivables to meet your company’s requirements.
Send data from an attribute or extensible flexfield in Order Management to a descriptive flexfield or
interface column in Receivables.
An extensible flexfield is an attribute that you can add to your deployment to meet your business
needs. We discuss extensible flexfields in more detail later in this lesson.
• Map the fulfillment line attribute named Purchase Order Line Number in Order
Management (CUSTOMER_PO_LINE_NUMBER) to a descriptive flexfield with the
context “Invoice Line Level” and the segment “PO” in Receivables.
• Pass the data from Contract Start Date and Contract End Date in Order Management to
Rule Start Date and Rule End Date in Receivables.
An extension point is an event that you can specify that starts the extension.
Note that you can use a flexfield to modify the data model and Page Composer to modify the
user interface, but only Order Management extensions can modify the implementation of Order
Use the Manage Extensions page in the Setup and Maintenance work area to write Groovy
A public view object is a data object that Order Management gets from some other Oracle
Fusion solution. For example, you can use a public view object to look up an item category in
Oracle Fusion Product Information Management or a purchase order in Oracle Fusion
Submit Sales
This section discusses what Page Composer is and how you can use it to modify UI pages.
Oracle Page Composer is a page editor for revising the layout and content of application
Use Oracle Page Composer to modify pages in a sandbox while you are working in the
application. You can make your UI modifications available to all users or to a subset of
users, for example, only to partners or to users with a specific job role.
In the applications mentioned in this course, you can use Page Composer, to:
• Edit elements in the user interface, such as show and hide fields, change field labels, and
designate fields read-only or required
The full capabilities of Page Composer are described in the Oracle Fusion Middleware User's
Guide for Oracle WebCenter and in the Oracle Fusion Applications Extensibility Guide. You
can also see Oracle Help Center for additional information.
The section discusses how you can extend Order Management with extensible flexfields.
Capture customer loyalty information. Use the information to determine whether the
customer qualifies for a discount.
Columns of the table on this slide: Functional Area, Usage of Data from an Extensible
For details on how to set up extensible flexfields, see article 2051639.1 in My Oracle
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on product shipment.
This diagram illustrates the shipping process flow. These are the high-level steps:
1. Reserve inventory.
2. Manage and release pick waves.
3. Pick loads.
4. Process and confirm shipments.
The shipping process flow is initiated with a sales order that is generated from Order
Management. A reservation is then created, designating the material for a specific sales
order. A reservation protects inventory by preventing the material from being used by other
demand sources. The Warehouse Manager:
• Monitors and releases sales orders for picking in the warehouse
• Generates pick slips for picking material for outbound material movement
• Creates pick waves by using a variety of criteria leading to more efficient warehouse
The Warehouse Operator monitors and performs the picking activity. The Pick Loads activity
includes picking outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick slip types. The Warehouse
Operator can easily search for a pick slip and confirm the pick slip in a single action. The
Warehouse Manager can generate and distribute pick slip reports to provide instructions to
Warehouse Operators on material movement.
Allocate Inventory
• Automatically
Source Subinventory
Pick Confirm Location Transfer
• Automatically
• Manually
The pick release process begins with a pre-approved movement request that is automatically
created in Inventory Management. A movement request represents a request to transfer
material from a source (stocking) subinventory to a destination (staging) subinventory.
Movement requests are created for sales orders that are awaiting shipping. The destination
subinventory is the staging subinventory entered in Order Management or defaulted from the
Manage Shipping Parameters user interface. Only one staging subinventory is allowed per
pick wave.
Allocate Inventory to Movement Request
If you select the Autoconfirm Pick check box on the Create Pick Wave page, then inventory is
allocated automatically after the movement request. Alternatively, you can postpone allocation
until later and then manually allocate inventory from the Confirm Pick Slip page. Shipping
uses the Release Sequence Rule that you entered on the Pick Wave page or that is defaulted
from the Shipping Parameters to determine the sequence to fulfill the movement request.
Movement requests use inventory picking rules to determine how to allocate the material.
Shipping defaults the sourcing values for subinventory, locator, revision, lot, and serial
number onto the movement request. You can update the source defaults manually from the
Confirm Pick Slip user interface.
All these capabilities are automatically available and require no additional setup. They are
available to the Warehouse Manager, Receiving and Inspection Manager, Shipping Manager
job roles.
* Reservations removed
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on product shipment.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
To make shipments for a company, you must first determine the behavior and use of certain
shipping-related functions that dictate how shipments are processed in each organization in
an order-to-cash flow. Shipment processing behavior is largely dependent on shipping setup
steps, such as defining shipping parameters. When you define these parameters, you define
the default values for basic shipping information, such as units of measurement, pick release
rules, weight and volume calculations, and shipment grouping rules. Additional setup steps
such as carrier definition, shipping cost types and exception processing gives you the
flexibility to configure the shipping process to best fit your business needs.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
The Manage Shipping Parameters page is where you (Warehouse Manager) select options
for defining default shipping parameters for the organization.
1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select the Manufacturing and Supply Chain
Materials Management offering.
3. Search for the Manage Shipping Parameters task. Select the task in the Shipping functional
This screenshot depicts the Manage Shipping Parameters page with default values.
Shipping Parameters
Manage Shipping Parameters Specific to an Organization
Assign default values to shipping parameters that are specific to an inventory organization.
You can define the default values for basic shipping information, such as:
• Shipment creation criteria
• Pick release behavior
• Shipment grouping settings
Parameters appear in the following regions of the Manage Shipping Parameters page:
• General
• Pick Release
• Optional Shipment Grouping Attributes
Shipping Parameters
Pick Release
• Pick Release
Based On
Shipment Lines
This diagram shows that the Pick Release Shipping Parameters determine the default
behavior of the pick release process when executed.
• Release sequence rule: Determine the order in which shipment lines are allocated to
Inventory. It appears as the default release sequence rule on the Pick Release page.
Note: It is recommended that you select the most frequently used release sequence
rule. Although it becomes the default, you can change it any time you launch pick
• Pick slip grouping rule: Determine how the released shipment lines are grouped on
pick slips and how the pick slip number is generated by pick release
• Print pick slip: Determine when to print the pick slips.
• Number of picking lines: Enter the number of pick slip lines to print on each pick slip.
• Staging subinventory: Select the staging subinventory where you want to transfer
• Staging locator: Select a locator in the staging subinventory where you want to transfer
Mandatory grouping
• Ship-from Organization
• Ship-to Location
The shipment grouping attributes determine how shipment lines are grouped into shipments
when shipments are created automatically. The mandatory default attributes are ship-from
location and ship-to location. In addition, you can select the following optional grouping
• Shipping method
• Freight terms
• Customer
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
Cost Types
Insurance Types
Assigned Shipment
You can define shipping cost types, such as insurance, handling, and loading and unloading.
Shipping cost types can be attached to shipments. You can attach multiple shipping cost
types to a shipment. You can group costs based on the shipping cost types.
Prerequisites for defining freight costs:
• Define values for Freight Cost Type lookups.
• Define pricing modifier and optionally a pricing formula to pass freight costs to Order
Management and Oracle Fusion Receivables.
Define the freight costs in the Freight Cost Types window. You can define the freight cost
name, type, currency, amount, and effective period.
The diagram in the slide shows a variety of shipping cost types, which can be assigned to
shipments, shipment lines, and containers.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
The packing slip meets Italian regional requirements. In some regions, specific
information, such as secondary carrier, is required on a packing slip. You will find the
attributes used to configure the packing slip on the Manage Shipping Parameters user
This slide contains screenshots of a commercial invoice, packing slip, and bill of lading.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
Raised • Shipments
On • Shipment Lines As
• Containers
During shipping and transportation of goods, many possibilities may arise for violating the
requirements of a shipper, transportation carrier, or the customer. These situations are called
shipping exceptions. The process of handling the exception is called Handling Shipping
Exceptions. Use shipping exceptions to identify and handle nonconforming operations that
violate the requirements of your business or those of your carriers and customers.
Some exceptions are seeded by default. You can define your own manual exceptions, as
Shipping exceptions are raised on shipments, shipment lines, containers. For each shipping
entity the shipping exceptions that are logged against it appear on the Review Shipment
Exceptions page.
Shipping exception types:
• Error
• Warning
• Information
Define Description
You can define shipping exceptions to meet your unique business requirements. For
example, you can define a shipping exception for a scenario where the transportation carrier
does not deliver the goods to the customer on time. You can manually log this exception
within the entity against the transportation carrier.
Define the shipping exceptions on the Manage Shipping Exceptions page.
This diagram shows that you can define shipping exceptions by using attributes such as
name, description, type, and severity.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
Lookups are lists of values in applications. You define a list of values as a lookup type
consisting of a set of lookup codes, each code’s translated meaning, and optionally a tag.
Users see the list of translated meanings as the available values for an object.
Lookups provide a means of validation and lists of values where valid values appear on a list
with no duplicate values. For example, an application might store the values Y and N in a
column in a table, but when displaying those values in the user interface, Yes or No (or their
translated equivalents), are available for users to select.
Creating a new standard lookup involves creating or selecting a lookup type containing the
lookup code and determining appropriate values for the lookup codes and their meanings.
Customization levels are defined on lookup types and can be used to enforce predefined data
security policies that restrict how and by whom lookup types and their codes can be edited.
• Shipping Parameters
• Carriers
• Shipping Cost Types
• Shipping Documents and Sequences
• Exceptions
• Lookups
The shipping process flow is initiated with a sales order that is generated from Order
Management. A reservation is then created, designating the material for a specific sales
order. A reservation protects inventory by preventing the material from being used by other
demand sources. The Warehouse Manager:
• Monitors and releases sales orders for picking in the warehouse
• Generates pick slips for picking material for outbound material movement
• Creates pick waves by using a variety of criteria leading to more efficient warehouse
The Warehouse Operator monitors and performs the picking activity. The Pick Loads activity
includes picking outbound, replenishment, and requisition pick slip types. The Warehouse
Operator can easily search for a pick slip and confirm the pick slip in a single action. The
Warehouse Manager can generate and distribute pick slip reports to provide instructions to
Warehouse Operators on material movement.
• Creating a Carrier
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on product shipment.
This section discusses pick wave management. It provides a method to pick release a group
of shipment lines (pick wave) that have a status of Ready to Release in an organization.
Releasing a pick wave releases these shipment lines to the warehouse for picking. The
warehouse delivers the items to the staging location in shipping, where they are ship
You initiate a pick wave based on default picking parameters. On the Manage Pick Wave
pages you can view the current status of pick slips and picks for the organization.
Pick release finds and releases eligible shipment lines that meet the release criteria, and
creates movement requests. The process of transacting a movement request creates a
reservation and determines the inventory source subinventory. Pick slips are created after a
process completes, which allocates specific details to the line to be picked, such as locator,
lot, or serial number.
The screenshot in the slide shows the Pick Waves work area. In this work area, you can
monitor the progress of a pick wave after it’s created and released for picking.
One Step
You can determine the number of pick release steps. These steps are:
• Pick release
• Pick confirmation (automatic or manual)
• Ship confirmation
Release Rule
Defines which
shipment lines are
considered for pick
Enter release Apply to
Release Criteria
Processing and Batch of picks that meet
Fulfillment options release criteria
This section discusses movement requests, which are requests to transfer materials
from a subinventory to a staging location.
Movement Request
Request To
This section discusses the rules you create to release pick waves.
Based On Selected
Pick Wave
Release Rules
Define the pick wave release rules to specify the criteria by which the shipment lines are
selected for pick releasing and to determine the picking operations to perform on the shipment
lines. Pick wave release rules provide a means for defining one-time setup for your pick
release process. You can create a pick release rule with its own set of unique parameters for
pick releasing. Pick release rules are most convenient to use when you run pick release
regularly based on the same set of criteria.
Note: You must have a release rule defined when you pick release using a scheduled
process or when you use the automatic pick, pack, and ship features.
Criteria for Pick Wave Release Rules
Demand selection: Ship-from organization, subinventory, release status
The graphic in the slide represents release sequence rules and how they relate to inventory
This section discusses the rules you create to determine the order in which to allocate
the eligible picking lines to Oracle Fusion Inventory during pick release.
Release sequence rules specify the order in which to allocate the eligible picking lines to
Inventory during pick release. You can release the picking lines by selecting any of these
• Initial ship date
• Outstanding invoice value: Release picking lines based on the outstanding invoice
• Sales order: Release picking lines based on the order number. If you define a priority
for the order number, then you can’t define priority for outstanding invoice value.
• Scheduled ship date: Release picking lines based on scheduled date of delivery.
• Shipment Priority: Release picking lines based on the shipment priority.
You can assign a priority of 1 to 5 to these attributes, where 1 is the highest priority and 5 is
the lowest. You can also determine whether to pick the lines based on ascending or
descending order.
This section discusses the rules you create to determine the priorities that Order
Management uses when picking items out of finished goods inventory to ship to a
Picking Rule
Applies to
Shipment Lines
A set of criteria that you define that defines the priorities that Order Management uses when
picking items out of finished goods inventory to ship to a customer.
Define picking rules in Oracle Fusion Inventory. Movement requests use the picking rules that
are set up in Oracle Fusion Inventory to locate the material that is required to fulfill the
movement request line. The picking rules suggest the staging transfer transaction lines with
appropriate source information that is required to obtain enough material in the staging
location for the shipment.
You can create picking rules that enable you to determine which material to pick and the order
in which to pick it for shipment lines. Oracle Fusion Inventory observes the picking criteria
order and the options for each criterion.
You can create rules based on the following restrictions:
• Shelf life days
• Single lot: Allows allocation of multiple lots for a particular demand
• Allow partial picking: Allows allocation of quantities less than the total lot quantity
• Customer specification matching: Requires quality specification matching
Subinventory Items
Applies to
Shipment Lines
After you create a picking rule, use the Picking Rule Assignments page to assign the picking
rule to an inventory organization. You must select an organization and enter a sequence
number and the picking rule.
Other options:
• Make the rule active or inactive.
• Select a date type (such as month, week, or a date range) in which the rule is applicable
in the organization.
This section discusses the rules you create to group the shipment lines in a pick slip.
Use pick slip grouping rules to specify the criteria to group the shipment lines together in a
pick slip. For example, if you select shipment as a grouping criteria, then all shipment lines for
the same shipment are grouped together on a pick slip. Use the Pick Slip Grouping Rules
window to define the pick slip grouping rule.
Some of the ways you can group pick slips:
• Order number
• Customer
• Ship to
• Carrier
• Trip stop
• Delivery
• Shipping priority
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on product shipment.
The picking and shipping process for many customers requires that pick slips be manually
pick confirmed. This requirement is typical when system on-hand quantities frequently differ
from actual quantities or when the items being picked need closer control and may require
picking from other locators, as an example. In this case, when you create a pick wave for
orders, the check box that allows automatic pick confirmation is deactivated so that the line
requires manual pick confirmation. The result of the pick wave is the warehouse contains pick
slips with lines with a status of Released to Warehouse. These lines must be manually pick
confirmed. You confirm the pick slips by entering the picked quantity and clicking the Confirm
button. The status of the line changes from Released to Warehouse to Staged, completing the
pick confirmation process.
Pick confirmation is a process that transfers materials from the source subinventory location
to the staging location. The transfer is performed based on the allocation made by Oracle
Fusion Inventory to the movement request lines. Pick confirmation automatically transfers the
organization-level reservation to an allocated reservation (including lots, subinventory, and
locators) in the staging location. Detailing and pick confirmation can be manually transacted
through Inventory or set up in Organization Parameters to occur automatically at pick release.
The purpose of pick confirmation is to confirm the material dropped off in staging. Pick
confirmation ensures that the system’s records match actual inventory movements. At pick
confirmation, you can report a missing quantity or change information if material is picked
from a different lot, serial, locator, or subinventory. You can use the pick confirmation pages to
swap commitments.
The movement request line details are transacted (in Inventory) to confirm the material drop-
off in staging. Pick confirmation executes the subinventory transfer that systematically moves
the material from its source location in the warehouse to the staging location.
The diagram in the slide shows the pick confirmation process steps, which are listed as
1. The shipment lines are pick released and allocated by Inventory to the movement
request lines.
2. The material is readied for transfer out of the subinventory.
3. The picked item and item quantity are verified manually.
4. The materials are put in the staging location. The pick confirmed quantity is assigned a
status of Staged/Pick Confirmed. Unconfirmed quantity changes to the status
Backordered (not shown in the diagram).
This graphic shows release process options. Automatic and manual pick confirmation are
options in this process. You can combine the following steps:
• Pick release
• Pick confirmation (automatic or manual)
• Ship confirmation
You might want to pick confirm automatically immediately after the lines are detailed if your
organization’s picks rarely deviate from the suggested picking lines, or if the overhead of
requiring a manual pick confirmation is unmanageable.
If your organization ships high volumes, then it can benefit from a one-step process for speed
and efficiency. However, if your organization has a lot of deviation in ordered versus shipped
quantities and highly detailed picks, then it may benefit most from a two-step process that
includes manual pick confirmation.
This section discusses setting up pick confirmation for manual confirmation and for
automatic confirmation.
If you want your pickers to manually pick confirm, then select the Pick Confirmation Required
check box on the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters page, which is shown in this
screenshot. If you do not select the check box, then pick confirmation occurs automatically.
1. From the Navigator, select Setup and Maintenance.
2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, search for the Manage Inventory
Organizations task. Select the task in the Customers functional area.
3. On the Manage Inventory Organizations page, search for an organization. Then select
the organization and click Manage Organization Parameters.
4. On the Manage Inventory Organization Parameters page, click the Item Sourcing
Details tab.
If you want to enable automatic pick confirmation, then select the Autoconfirm Picks check
box on the Options tab of the Create Pick Wave page, as shown in this screenshot.
Otherwise, manual pick confirmation is required.
1. From the Navigator, select Inventory Management.
2. In the Inventory Management work area, click the Tasks panel tab and then select
Shipments in the Show Tasks list.
3. Select Create Pick Wave.
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
This diagram focuses on product shipment.
Ship confirmation is the process of confirming that items have shipped. When you ship
confirm a shipment, Oracle Fusion Shipping confirms that the shipment lines that are
associated with the shipment have shipped.
Different options are available to provide flexibility for automating many tasks that are
associated with ship confirmation. For example, if you select the Ship Entered Quantities,
Unspecified Quantities Ship option when you ship confirm, then the shipped amounts are
processed automatically, so that each shipment line with a missing shipped quantity value is
recorded as fully shipped. This saves you from manually entering each item as fully shipped.
Ship confirmation is the process of confirming that items were shipped. When you ship
confirm a shipment, Shipping confirms that the shipment lines associated with the shipment
have shipped.
Shipment lines must be in the Staged status to perform Ship Confirm.
The two-step
process represents
the most commonly
used process for
Oracle Shipping
An automated shipping process is useful when you rarely modify attributes of the shipment.
You can use the automated shipping process to perform the following automatically:
• Pick release: You can automate the pick release process to perform shipment creation,
pick selection, pick allocation, and pick confirmation.
• Packing: You can run the Pack Shipments scheduled process to automatically pack
shipment lines within a range of parameters such as pick wave, from shipment, to
shipment, bill of lading, ship-to location, and customer.
• Ship confirmation: You can run the Confirm Shipments scheduled process to
automatically ship confirm shipments within a range of parameters, such as Ship
Confirm rule, actual ship date, ship-from organization, pick wave, from shipment, and to
One step: Performs pick release, automatic pick confirmation, and automatic ship
confirmation in one action.
Two steps: Performs pick release, automatic pick confirmation, and ship confirmation in two
actions. The two-step process represents the most commonly used process for Shipping
Three steps: Performs pick release, pick confirmation, and ship confirmation in three actions.
One-step shipping involves picking and shipping; or picking, packing, and shipping of one or
more shipments or shipment lines. When you perform one-step shipping, you achieve:
• Automatic creation of shipments for shipment lines, if shipment lines aren’t associated
with a shipment.
• Pick release and pick confirm all shipment lines assigned to the shipments. This
includes the shipments that were created automatically.
• Automatic packing of all shipment lines assigned with the shipments that are in the
Staged status.
When you use one-step shipping, automatic ship confirmation confirms all shipment lines that
are assigned to shipments in Staged status and that don’t require assignment of serial
• If you want to automatically pack all shipment lines into LPNs, then you must set the
autopack level for your organization to Yes or Autopack Master on the Shipping
Transaction tab of the Shipping Parameters window.
• Define Manage Default Packing Configurations for the items on the shipment line items.
The graphic in the slide shows the following tasks: pick, pack (optional), and ship.
Ship Confirm
Staging Location
Shipment Shipment Line
When a shipment line has a status of Staged, you can perform the following actions:
• Export to Excel: Export page contents to an Excel file for review purposes.
• Ship Confirm: Confirm all lines in a shipment.
• Record Shipping Costs: Enter specific costs that are related to the shipment.
• Review Shipping Exceptions: View any exceptions that are associated with the
• Automatically Pack: Automatically pack the shipment line into a container based on
container load relationships.
• Send Outbound Message: Initiate the Send Manifest request process.
This section discusses rules that determine how shipments are ship confirmed.
A ship confirm rule enables you to determine how shipments are ship confirmed.
With a ship confirm rule, you have the flexibility to specify tasks along with shipment
confirmation. You can specify options if shipped quantities are not manually entered and your
organization’s preference of tasks to complete along with shipment confirmation. The
following options are available:
- Create shipment for remaining staged quantities: A new shipment will be
created for lines with remaining staged quantities. Remaining staged quantity is
applicable when shipped quantity is different from picked quantity on the line.
- Create bill of lading and packing slip: A bill of lading and packing slip is created.
Note: You must define sequences of type “Automatic” for the application and
module “Shipping.” The sequences must be assigned to document sequence
categories “BOL” or “PKSLP.”
- Close shipment: The shipment status is set to Closed and, as a result, all the
shipment lines’ statuses are set to Shipped. This defers sending inventory updates
to integrated applications.
This section discusses how you can control ship confirm using shipping parameters.
Ship Confirm Rule: This is the default ship confirm rule that your organization uses during
ship confirmation. The Ship Confirm Rule in Shipping Parameters determines whether to do
the following for the shipments being ship confirmed in your organization:
• Ship with requested quantities or ship quantities. If you select Requested Quantities,
then Ship Confirm doesn’t recognize any quantity entered in the Ship quantity field. This
is the option you must select for Auto Ship Confirm.
• Create shipments for any remaining staged lines after a shipment is ship confirmed
• Create a bill of lading and packing slip for the shipment
• Close the shipment after ship confirm
• Defer the inventory interface
• Override the shipping method on the shipment line with a specified shipping method
The graphic in the slide shows that the ship confirm rule sets the default values for ship confirm
If lines are
during pick
release, cycle
Line is split counting, or ship
during confirm, then they
processing. are consolidated.
The diagram in the slide illustrates the shipment consolidation process. The following steps
occur sequentially:
1. Pick release
2. Pick
3. Shipments are staged.
4. Shipments are ship confirmed.
After the lines are ship confirmed, shipment advice is sent back to Order Management with
the details of the shipment.
Confirming Shipments
Optimize Orchestrate
Sourcing & Fulfillment
Manage, View, Schedule Pick & Ship
& Enrich
This diagram presents the overall order-to-cash flow. An order is created or captured in
Oracle Order Management Cloud. The order is priced using Oracle Fusion Pricing. Products
can be configured using Oracle Fusion Configurator. The order is enriched to include useful
fulfillment information. Oracle Fusion Global Order Promising generates a supply
recommendation and schedule. Oracle Supply Chain Planning Cloud uses the order data in
planning for component availability in the case of models and kits. Order Management Cloud
orchestrates order fulfillment, which includes but isn’t limited to reserving material, sending
requests to ship material, sending requests to generate invoices, and billing customers.
Oracle Fusion Shipping ships the product to the customer. Oracle Financials Cloud sends the
invoices to the customer.
You can use Order Management Cloud to fulfill standard products, services, configurations,
models, and kits. You can also use various fulfillment methods, such as drop shipment, back-
to-back, and internal transfers.
The purpose of these practices is to view all the changes you have made to the setups
throughout the course. You can compare this order fulfillment to the first order that the
instructor created.
You will create and submit a sales order for a standard product.
You will search for an existing order, navigate to the fulfillment view, and check the
orchestration plan for the lines on an order.