Lab 4 Connecting The Firewall To Production Networks
Lab 4 Connecting The Firewall To Production Networks
Lab 4 Connecting The Firewall To Production Networks
Palo Alto Networks and the Palo Alto Networks logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Palo Alto Networks, Inc.
Lab 4: Connecting the Firewall to Production Networks
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Objective ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
Lab Topology ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Theoretical Lab Topology ............................................................................................................................ 4
Lab Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 5
1 Working with Firewall Configurations and Log Files .......................................................................... 6
1.1 Apply a Baseline Configuration to the Firewall ........................................................................... 6
1.2 Create Layer 3 Network Interfaces............................................................................................ 10
1.3 Create a Virtual Router .............................................................................................................. 16
1.4 Segment Your Production Network Using Security Zones ........................................................ 19
1.5 Test Connectivity to Each Zone ................................................................................................. 24
1.6 Test Interface Access before Management Profiles ................................................................. 28
1.7 Define Interface Management Profiles ..................................................................................... 29
1.8 Test Interface Access after Management Profiles .................................................................... 38
In preparation for deployment, you need to connect the firewall to the appropriate production
networks. You already have cabled the firewall interfaces to the appropriate switch ports in the data
center. You will configure the firewall with Layer 3 IP addresses and a virtual router. You also will
create security zones that divide your network into separate logical areas so that you have more
control over traffic from one segment to another.
When you have the configuration in place on the firewall, you will use ping from different devices to
verify connectivity between all the segments.
Lab Topology
Lab Settings
The information in the table below will be needed to complete the lab. The task sections below
provide details on the use of this information.
3. In the Chromium web browser, click on the EDU-210 bookmark folder in the bookmarks bar and
then click on Firewall-A.
4. You will see a "Your connection is not private" message. Next, click on the ADVANCED link.
7. In the web interface, navigate to Device > Setup > Operations and click on Load named
configuration snapshot underneath the Configuration Management section.
8. In the Load Named Configuration window, select edu-210-lab-04.xml from the Name dropdown
box and click OK.
9. In the Loading Configuration window, a message will show Configuration is being loaded. Please
check the Task Manager for its status. You should reload the page when the task is completed. Click
Close to continue.
10. Click the Tasks icon located at the bottom-right of the web interface.
11. In the Task Manager – All Tasks window, verify the Load type has successfully completed. Click
12. Click the Commit link located at the top-right of the web interface.
13. In the Commit window, click Commit to proceed with committing the changes.
14. When the Commit operation successfully completes, click Close to continue.
The commit process takes changes made to the Firewall and copies
them to the running configuration, which will activate all configuration
changes since the last commit.
16. Leave the Palo Alto Networks Firewall open and continue to the next task.
In this section, you will create Layer 3 interfaces on the firewall that will provide basic network
connectivity to your production networks. You have a network with users (, a network
with production servers ( and a network connecting the firewall to an upstream
internet router (
Parameter Value
Comment Internet Connection
Interface Type Layer3
Virtual Router None
4. Select the tab for IPv4. Leave the Type set to Static, Under the IP heading, click Add. Enter Click OK.
Parameter Value
Comment Users network connection
Interface Type Layer3
Virtual Router None
7. Select the tab for IPv4. Leave the Type set to Static, Under the IP heading, click Add. Enter Click OK.
Parameter Value
Comment Extranet servers connection
Interface Type Layer3
Virtual Router None
10. Select the tab for IPv4. Leave the Type set to Static, Under the IP heading, click Add. Enter Click OK.
11. When complete, your Ethernet table will have three entries. Confirm that Ethernets 1/1, 1/2, and
1/3 are showing as seen below.
12. Leave the web interface open and continue to the next task.
In this section, you will create a virtual router and connect your Layer 3 interfaces to it. You also will
define a default gateway for the virtual router itself.
The firewall requires a virtual router to obtain routes to other subnets, either using static routes that
you manually define or through participation in Layer 3 routing protocols that provide dynamic routes.
The firewall has a predefined virtual router named default.
A virtual router is a separate routing instance that allows the firewall to route traffic from one network
to another through its Layer 3 interfaces. In this environment, we have three networks -,, and You will modify the default virtual router and
add the firewall’s interfaces from each of these networks to the virtual router.
Because we are using Layer 3 interfaces, the firewall must have a way to route traffic from one
network to another; this process is done with a virtual router. However, because each interface is in a
different security zone, the Security rules will prevent traffic in one network from going to another
network through the firewall
3. In the Virtual Router - default window, rename the default router to lab-vr. Click Add to add the
following interfaces: ethernet1/1, ethernet1/2, and ethernet1/3.
The order in which you add these interfaces to the list is not important.
You could start by adding ethernet1/3 and the result will be the same.
You are simply adding the appropriate interfaces to this virtual router.
4. In the Virtual Router - default window, click the link on the side for Static Routes. Under the tab for
IPv4, click Add at the bottom of the window.
5. In the Virtual Router – Static Route - IPv4 window, for Name, enter Firewall Default Gateway,
for Destination, enter, for Interface, select ethernet1/1, for the Next Hop address, enter Leave the remaining settings unchanged. Click OK.
This entry is the default route for the firewall. Like all other network
hosts, the firewall needs a default gateway to send traffic to unknown
networks. The firewall has local connections to, and networks, so it can forward packets to
hosts on those networks directly. However, for any other destination
IP addresses (such as for DNS), this route statement instructs
the firewall to forward packets to, which is the internet.
7. Leave the Palo Alto Networks Firewall open and continue to the next task.
Security zones are a logical way to group physical and virtual interfaces on the firewall to control and
log the traffic that traverses your network through the firewall. An interface on the firewall must be
assigned to a security zone before the interface can process traffic. A zone can have multiple interfaces
of the same type (for example, Tap, Layer 2, or Layer 3 interfaces) assigned to it, but an interface can
belong to only one zone.
With your network interfaces and virtual router in place, you can now create security zones. You will
create three security zones.
3. In the Zone window, enter Internet for the Name, for Type, select Layer3. Under the Interfaces
section, click Add. Select Ethernet 1/1 and leave all other settings unchanged. Click OK.
5. In the Zone window, enter Users Net for the Name, for Type, select Layer3. Under the Interfaces
section, click Add. Select Ethernet 1/2 and leave all other settings unchanged. Click OK.
7. In the Zone window, enter Extra Net for the Name, for Type, select Layer3. Under the Interfaces
section, click Add. Select Ethernet 1/3 and leave all other settings unchanged. Click OK.
9. Click the Commit button at the upper right of the PA-VM web interface.
12. Minimize the PA-VM firewall by clicking the minimize icon in the upper right of the web interface
and continue to the next task.
In this section, you will verify network connectivity from the firewall to hosts in each zone. You will use
an SSH connection and ping hosts on each network.
4. In the CLI connection to the firewall, use the ping command to check network connectivity to a
host in the User_Net Security Zone by using the following command at the admin@firewall-a>
5. Allow the ping to continue for three or four seconds and then use Ctrl+C to interrupt the
command. Notice the pings are successful.
6. Use the ping command to check connectivity to a host in the Extranet zone by using the following
command at the admin@firewall-a> prompt.
7. Allow the ping to continue for three or four seconds and then use Ctrl+C to interrupt the
command. Notice the pings are successful.
8. Use the ping command to check connectivity to a host on the Internet by using the following
command at the admin@firewall-a> prompt.
9. Allow the ping to continue for three or four seconds and then use Ctrl+C to interrupt the
command. Notice the pings are successful.
10. Close the Firewall-A Remmina terminal console by clicking on the close icon in the upper-right.
11. Close the Remmina Remote Desktop Client by clicking on the close icon in the upper-right.
12. Stay on the client desktop and continue to the next task.
Management interface profiles allow you to enable specific network services on individual firewall
To illustrate the default behavior of firewall interfaces, you will ping from the client
workstation. You will also attempt to access the firewall CLI by SSH through Without any
Interface Management Profiles in place, both ping and SSH will fail.
3. Wait a few seconds and use Ctrl+C to stop the command. You will not get a response because
Management profiles have not been configured.
4. Attempt to open an SSH connection to the firewall through by issuing the following
5. After a few seconds, use Ctrl+C to stop the connection because it will not succeed.
6. Leave the Terminal window open on the client because you will perform these same tests after
applying an Interface Management profile to ethernet1/1 and continue to the next task.
Often, your team members need to manage the firewall but do not always have network connectivity
to the management network. In this exercise, you will define two management interface profiles. One
profile will allow ping. You will apply this allow-ping profile to the Internet interface so that your
SecOps team members can ping the external firewall interface for troubleshooting from outside your
organization’s network.
You will create a second management interface profile that allows ping and secure management
traffic, including SSH and HTTPS. You will apply this Allow-mgt profile to the User_Net interface and to
the Extranet interface. This profile will allow your SecOps team to manage the firewall from those
networks if they need to.
1. Reopen the PA-VM firewall web interface by clicking on the Chromium icon in the taskbar.
2. Select Network > Network Profiles > Interface Management. Click Add at the bottom of the
3. In the Interface Management Profile window, enter Allow-ping for the Name. Under the Network
Services section, check the box for Ping. Click OK.
4. In the Interface Management section, click Add again to create another entry. In the Interface
Management Profile window, enter Allow-mgt for the Name. Under the Administrative
Management Services section, check the boxes for HTTPS and SSH. Under the section for Network
Services, check Ping, SNMP, Response Pages and User-ID. Click OK.
6. In the Ethernet 1/1 window, click Advanced. Under the Other Info section, use the dropdown list
for Management Profile and select Allow-ping. Click OK.
8. In the Ethernet Interface window, click Advanced. Under the Other Info section, use the dropdown
list for Management Profile and select Allow-mgt. Click OK.
11. In the Ethernet 1/3 window, click Advanced. Under the Other Info section, use the dropdown list
for Management Profile and select Allow-mgt. Click OK.
13. When you complete steps 5 - 12, your interface table should have an entry under the management
profile column for each interface.
14. Click the Commit button at the upper-right of the web interface.
17. Minimize the Palo Alto Networks Firewall and continue to the next task.
In this section, you will use the ping command to test the management profiles that you defined. Both
ping and SSH will succeed.
1. Return to the Terminal window used previously or reopen the Terminal Emulator on the client
3. Wait a few seconds and use Ctrl+C to stop the command. You will get a response because
Management profiles have been configured.
C:\home\lab-user\Desktop\Lab-Files> sudo su
5. Attempt to open an SSH connection to the firewall through by issuing the following
6. When prompted to accept the RSA key fingerprint, type yes and press Enter.