04 - Chapter 02
04 - Chapter 02
04 - Chapter 02
Review of Literature
industry in India. Despite the impressive growth rate of the Automobile industry
in recent years, a comprehensive database and other information are not in place.
The database is necessary for better planning for the GST implication analysis
on various industries. The review of literature here covers a few bodies of the
current theoretical and empirical studies to show the present status of research in
this area. The review of the past studies in research is a way to note the
observations, search, and many other things done in the past about the question
regarding the searches worked out in the past. It provides details regarding all
conclusion and observations made. It also guides how the introductions and data
should be collected & from where & how it could be made available. All this
information can be done from this type of study. The study of past researches is
useful to define & delimit the sphere of the research. It saves time, energy &
Indian automobile industry has been calculated for the period from 1990-91 to
2003-04, using the Divisia Tornquist index for the estimation of the total factor
productivity growth. The author finds that the domestic auto industry has
registered a negative and insignificant productivity growth during the last one
and a half-decade. Among the partial factor productivity indices, only labor
other three inputs (capital, energy, and materials) hasn’t shown any significant
the capital intensity, which has grown at a rate of 0.14 percent per annum from
1990-91 to 2003-04.1
Piplai (2001) studies the policy environment and its impact on the Indian
automobile industry. While Piplai appears to be justified in saying that there has
been excess capacity in the auto industry and the auto majors are facing
conclude, as he has done, that the current levels of competition resulting from
levels are very low in India and hence the future potential for demand is very
Sharma, S. (2006). A Study on Productivity Performance of Indian Automobile Industry:
Growth Accounting Analysis, Available at http://www.uq.edu.au/economics/ appc2004/
high. This would ensure that competition is quite sustainable as there will be
enough consumers, given the rapid economic growth that is taking place. Till the
1940s, the Indian auto industry was non-existent, since automobiles were
imported from General Motors and Ford. In the early 1940s, Hindustan Motors
and Premier Auto started, by importing know-how from General Motors and Fiat
respectively. Since the 1950s, a few other companies entered the market for two-
separate auto-component sector. . Intense competition had led to price wars and
concludes that the vehicle industry has not gained much from the reforms, other
overview of the global auto industry, Kathuria traces the developments in the
Indian auto industry from the 1950s to 1991. To evaluate the competitiveness of
Piplai, T. (2001). Automobile Industry: Shifting Strategic Focus, Economic and Political
Weekly, 36(30), pp. 2892-2897.
trends, structural trends, market shares, profitability, productivity ratios, prices,
quality, dealer network, and performance are analyzed. Macro and micro
performance of India’s vehicle exports with major markets and Indian vehicle
patterns. Domestic resource costs and global comparison of prices, credit, and
service are the other international trade-related aspects analyzed in this study.
On vertical integration, the analysis leads to the conclusion that the Indian CV
and buying-in. Lack of scales and high inventories had impeded the
product ranges were the results of the challenges arising from the time-bound
indigenization program, but still Indian technology frontier remained far below
global levels. Further, different firms have followed very different strategies, and
hence the impacts on their technological capabilities were also very different.
However, the success of Indian firms despite such a wide range of strategies is
partly due to the protection available to them in the domestic market. Kathuria
concludes that the Indian auto industry in general, and the CV industry in
particular, have a lot to learn from the global auto industry, in terms of best-
practice technology and vertical integration, and supplier relationship. The study
rightly predicted that the industry would see heightened activity and
recommended that the government should ensure that the domestic firms do not
lose out because of the unrestricted entry of highly competitive foreign firms.3
Kathuria, S. (1996). Competing through Technology and Manufacturing: A Study of the
Indian Commercial Vehicles Industry, Oxford University Press, Delhi.
The Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India studies
environment, policies and cost structure. This has a detailed account of the
evolution of the global auto industry. The United States was the first major player
from 1900 to 1960, after which Japan took its place as the cost-efficient leader.
Cost efficiency being the only real means in as mature an industry as automobiles
to retain or improve market share, global auto manufacturers have been sourcing
from the developing countries. India and China have emerged as favorite
destinations for the first-tier OEMs since the late 1980s. There are only a few
dominant Indian OEMs, while the number of OEMs is very large in China (122
the major advantage of the Indian economy is an educated and skilled workforce
complicated tax structure, inflexible labor laws, inter-state policy differences and
productivity growth, which was 1.5 times higher than that in India in the last
duty cuts on raw materials, common testing and design facility, labor reforms,
ICRA (2003), Report on the Competitiveness of Indian Auto Industry, Society of Indian
Automobile Manufacturers, Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India and
Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency of India.
In August 2006, the Working Group on Automotive Industry in the
Ministry of Heavy Industries has brought out a report for the Eleventh Five Year
Plan. This document stresses the need of speeding up the move towards VAT in
the states and GST at the Centre. Labour regulations, the paperwork involved in
bottlenecks, raw materials, human capital, increasing interest rates and threats
This report notes that the effective levy is lower for a Counter-Vailing Duty
(CVD) than excise duties locally, because excise is made after including the post-
(CBUs) have the advantage of being levied the CVD before post-manufacturing
Considering the disputes at the global level with the existing Merchandise
is to refund the taxes or duties/ levies forming part of the export product by way
of issuance of duty credits. The above scheme is aligned to the global principle
of “Export the goods and not the taxes”. While the Government measures and
Report of Working Group on Automotive Industry, Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public
Enterprises (2006), pp. 16-17.
been appreciated by the industry at large. It is recommended that the guidelines
in this regard are rolled out, to bring in certainty for the Indian exporters. It is
imperative that the remission should not be linked only to the tax costs directly
built in the cost of the export product but should also provide for the remission
of taxes indirectly built in the export products, for instance, in the form of excise
duty & VAT / CST on fuel used for transportation of vehicles, components from
one place to another, tax costs built by the vendors of the vehicle manufacturer,
etc. This excess input tax though refundable, leads to significant blockage of
rates applicable for all components of EVs; this would reduce the overall cost of
start-ups in the sector) which can then be passed on to end consumers to boost
occur every 3.7 years across industries. Amid such uncertainty, companies will
need operational resilience across the entire value chain, especially within
make them more customer-centric. They should also reduce the number of
Saurabh Agarwal (2020), “Opinion: Need of the hour is to bring Indirect tax reforms for the
ailing auto industry”, https://auto.economictimes.indiatimes.com/.
examine their product-platform architectures and strive to reduce complexity by
emphasizing modular product designs. This strategy can reduce part counts by
8 percent. One leading Indian car manufacturer already has more than seven of
its car models and over 60 percent of its sales volume on one platform. Other
automakers should aim to cut the number of their vehicle platforms by half or
more to achieve lower cost structures and faster time-to-market with new
will help companies build the robustness and resilience needed to respond to
incorporate digital and analytics into their daily work. Consider Volkswagen,
The automotive industry in India has come a long way from its nascent
state at the time of India’s independence in 1947 to its present-day dynamic form.
Today, the industry produces a wide range of automobiles and auto components
Nitesh Gupta (2021), “The Indian automotive industry: From resilience to resurgence?”,
catering to both domestic as well as foreign markets. The development of the
industry has been shaped by the demand on the one hand and the government
interventions on the other; the influence of the latter being considerable. The
phases. In the first (1947-1965) and the second phase (1966-1979), the important
the industry. On the one hand, these policies helped India to build an indigenous
performance. In the third phase (1980-1990), the single most important policy
identified as the one about relaxation in the means of technology acquisition. The
foreign competition inducted into the industry transformed its dynamics. Lastly,
in the fourth phase (1991 onwards) the liberalization of foreign investment had
work traces the evolution of the automotive industry from its inception to the
present day and identifies the important policies made by the Indian government.
The work also studies the influence of important policies on the development of
the industry.8
restricted allocation of foreign exchange. The policy decision with its intention
Mahipat Ranawat and Rajnish Tiwari (2009), “Influence of Government Policies on Industry
Development: The Case of India’s Automotive Industry”, Working Paper No. 57, Hamburg
University of Technology.
on the development of India’s automotive industry. The immediate result was
the exit of foreign assemblers from the country. The domestic assemblers entered
country. Since the auto-component segment was not well-developed at that time,
progressively increased the indigenization content from 50% in the 1950s to 80%
in the 1960s. Since the extent of indigenization is subject to increasing costs, this
increased the price of automobiles. Low GDP per capita combined with the high
FDI via automatic route, relaxations for critical imports, and suspension of local
aspects of the industry was visible by the mid-1990s. The policy decisions led to
The policies laid by Auto Policy 2002 have continued to apply till date
Singh, N. (2004), “Strategic approach to strengthening the international competitiveness in
knowledge based industries: The case of Indian automotive industry”, Research and
Information Systems for the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries (RIS), New Delhi,
the country, the production of India’s automotive industry had increased from
212,748 3-wheelers and 105,667 UVs in 2001-02. Along with reductions in the
overall tariff level to open up India for international trade, the government has
competition. For instance, the excise duty on passenger cars has been brought
down from its peak rate of 66% in 1991-92 to 24% in 2008-09.39 About the
import tariffs in the year 2008-09, the customs duty on WTO-bound segments
(CVs and auto components) has been reduced to 10%, whereas that for the WTO-
unbound segments (passenger cars, MUVs, and 2-/3-wheelers) has been 10% for
G. Garg, (2014) analysed the impact of GST on the Indian tax scenario.
He tried to highlight the objectives of the proposed GST plan along with the
possible challenges and opportunities that GST brings. He concluded that GST
is the most logical step towards the comprehensive indirect tax reform in our
country since independence. GST is leviable on all supply of goods and provision
of services as well combination thereof. All sectors of the economy i.e. the
industry, business including Govt. departments, and the service sector shall have
to bear the impact of GST. All sections of economy viz., big, medium, small
SIAM (2008), “Custom duty”, Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM), New
scale units, intermediaries, importers, exporters, traders, professionals, and
consumers shall be directly affected by GST. One of the biggest taxation reforms
in India – the Goods and Service Tax (GST) is all set to integrate State economies
and boost overall growth. GST will create a single, unified Indian market to make
the economy stronger. Experts say that GST is likely to improve tax collections
and boost India’s economic development by breaking tax barriers between States
and integrating India through a uniform tax rate. Under GST, the taxation burden
Pinki et al., (2014) the authors in the paper have explored the concept of
GST, the need to introduce it in India, the hurdles in introducing it in India, and
suggestions to overcome the same. The paper also discusses the benefits of
introducing GST at the earliest. The authors have discussed the options to
introduce the dual GST in India which could be Concurrent Dual GST, National
GST, or State GST. Under the concurrent dual GST, the better option was the
one where GST is applied on both goods and services. The other option explored
was whether the Central GST would be on goods and services but state GST
determine. This option also recommended one single return with both CGST and
SGST details and PAN-based registration. The authors have also discussed the
Garg, G., Basic concepts and features of Goods and Services Tax in India, International
Journal of Scientific Research and Management, 2014, 2(2), pp.542-549
the amendment taxing both goods and services using one tax is not possible. The
paper also highlights the issues in the credit mechanism in the CGST/SGST
place where service is taxable. The other challenges to the introduction of GST
Rashid et al., (2014) in this paper author’s study the impact of GST in
and reduce the deficit. The authors have studied the impact of the introduction
of this GST and its relation to certain indicators like the consumer price index
and the structural balance. For this, the relation between these factors and the
GST are studied for Singapore, Thailand, and Indonesia so that whilst
implementing GST in Malaysia the administration can adopt the best practice.
experience. 13
distortion by the current Indian tax system and is expected to encourage unbiased
Pinki, Kamna S. and Verma R., Goods and Service Tax – Panacea for Indirect Tax System
in India, Tactful Management Research Journal, Vol. 2,2014, Issue 10, pp. 1-7
Rashid N., Yusoff H. and Nor H., Study on the possible impact of GST towards Malaysia
using selected Economic Indicators: Case of Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia as Model
countries, 5th ICBER, 2014 Proceeding, pp. 569-578
tax structures which will be indifferent to geo-locations. Jaiprakash ( 2014) in
his research study mentioned that the GST at the Central and the State level are
through more comprehensive and wider coverage of input tax set-off and service
tax setoff, subsuming of several taxes in the GST and phasing out of CST. 14
goods and service tax (GST) on the national growth of the ASEAN States using
the Least Squares Dummy Variable Model (LSDVM) in his research paper. He
stated that seven of the ten ASEAN nations are already implementing the GST.
He also suggested that the household final consumption expenditure and general
gross domestic product as required and support the economic theories. But the
Shaik et al, (2015) studied the concept and impact of GST on the Indian
economy. The study also focused on some aspects of GST models. This study
also covered the advantages and working of GST. The study concluded that GST
in the Indian framework will lead to commercial benefits which were untouched
Kumar, N., Goods and Services Tax in India: A Way Forward. Global Journal of
Multidisciplinary Studies, 3(6), 216-225. 2014
Saravanan Venkadasalam, Implementation of Goods and Service Tax (GST): An Analysis
on ASEAN States using Least Squares Dummy Variable Model (LSDVM)International
Conference on Economics, Education and Humanities (ICEEH'14) Dec. 10-11, 2014 Bali
(Indonesia), Pp No. 7-9
Shaik, Sameera, and Firoz, “Does Goods and Services Tax (GST) Leads to Indian Economic
Development?” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), eISSN: 2278-487X,
p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 17, Issue 12 .Ver. III , 2015, pp 01-05
Sehrawat & Dhanda, 12 (2015) conducted a study focused on the
that a simplified and transparent tax system was the need of the Indian economy.
Pointing out the various advantages they said that GST will provide India with a
world-class tax structure and a seamless tax system but it will depend upon the
proposed GST plan, and its impact on the Indian tax scenario. They concluded
that GST implementation will benefit producers and consumers although its’
Munde & Chavan, (2016) conducted a study to discuss the pros and cons
more effective. They concluded that if the probable loopholes are dealt with
effectively, taxpayers will accept the change brought upon and if procedures in
GST prove to be simple and assure the involvement of interest of all stakeholders
They concluded that if the probable loopholes are dealt with effectively,
taxpayers will accept the change brought upon and if procedures in GST prove
Sherawat, M., & Dhanda, U., GST in India: A key tax reform. International Journal of
Research Granthaalaya, 3 (12), 133-41, 2015
Khurana, A. & Sharma, A., Goods and Services Tax in India –A Positive return for indirect
tax system. International Journal of Advanced Research, 4 (3), 500-505, 2016.
to be simple and assure the involvement of interest of all stakeholders then
Services Tax and Current Taxation System – A Brief Study’ differentiate the
GST framework and previous taxation system and highlighted the impact of GST
on the Indian economy. The author has concluded that GST will help in
eradicating economic distortion by the current Indian tax system and is expected
locations. 20
Khurana, A. And Sharma, A., (2016), in their paper ‘Goods and Services
Tax in India – A Positive Reform for Indirect Tax’ highlighted the objectives of
GST and reforms in the indirect taxation system in India. And conclude after the
Shefali Dani, (2016) stated the impact of GST on the Indian economy in
the study in which some benefits of GST such as one nation one tax, free from
and GDP growth are studied. Petroleum products, real estate, and liquor are free
from GST.22
Munde, B. M., & Chavan, A., Perspective of GST in India. International Journal of Innovative
Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 5 (11), 2016.
Kumar, P. et al., Goods and service tax in India: problems and prospects, Asian Journal of
Management Research, 2016, Vol. 6 Issue 3, pp. 504-513.
Khurana, A and Sharma, A., Goods and Services Tax in India – A Positive Reform for
Indirect Tax, International Journal of Advance Research, 2016, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 500-505.
Shefali Dani , An Impact Of Goods And Service Tax On Indian Economy, Business and
Economics Journal, 2016, vol. 7 (4).ri
Dani, S., (2016) in her research study revealed that GST being a system
replacing all indirect taxes might hamper the progress of the country as they
GST in the future in India. Centre and state-level taxes are also discussed in this
paper. Various states are shown in which GST is followed for the growth of the
political issues, the rate for manufacturers and traders, impact on working and
cash flow, and implementation in unorganized sectors became some main issues
in the path of GST. They concluded that no doubt GST stands with one tax one
nation slogan and will provide relief to producers as well as consumers. Its
efficient implementation will lead to resource and revenue gains. They also said
that seamless credit and return processing without human intervention requires
government 24
Mitra Priya, (2017) stated GST is a Game changer in the Indian Economy.
The paper showed that GST reduced the complexity of various taxes and also
removed cascading effect. The tax structure is shown in a paper in which various
tax rates are included. Impact on Tax incidence included various sectors such as
Dani, S., Impact of Goods and Service Tax (GST) on Indian Economy. Business and
Economics Journal, Bus Eco J 7: 264, 2016
Lourdunathan F and Xavier P., A study on Implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST)
in India; Prospectus and Challenges, International Journal of Applied Research,2016, vol. 3(1),
pp. 626-629
Telecom, E-Commerce, Automobile, real estate, banking, and consumer goods.
Impact on input tax credit showed that there would be the availability of cross-
mechanism, issues, and challenges. Development stages GST in India are studied
in this paper. Exclusions from GST which are petrol alcohol, tobacco, Diesel,
in the burden of tax revenue collection, economic growth, and no tax for
exporters are included in this paper. Challenges are also studied in the paper. So
the paper concluded that proper implementation of GST will lead to economic
taxes that the GST would replace are the CENVAT and the Service Tax levied
by the Centre and the VAT levied by the states. All these are multi-stage value-
added taxes. The structure of these taxes today is much better than the system
that prevailed a few years ago, which was described in the Bagchi Report as
the world‖. Over the past several years, significant progress has been made to
improve their structure, broaden the base and rationalize the rates. Notable
Mitra Priya., GST- A Game Changer, International Journal of Management Research and
Social Science (IJMRSS),2017, vol. 4(1), pp. 10-12.
Kapil Kapoor, GST New Tax Regime: Issues and Challenges. International journal of recent
scientific research,2017, vol. 8(4), pp. 16786- 16790.
• the replacement of the single-point state sales taxes by the VAT in all
• reduction in the Central Sales Tax rate to 2%, from 4%, as part of a
and replacing many of the specific rates with ad valorem rates based
tax cascading, and greater neutrality of the tax. The introduction of the Service
Tax in its original form was a mixed blessing. While it had broadened the tax
base, its structure was complex. The tax was levied on specified services,
classified into one hundred plus different categories. This approach had spawned
many disputes about the scope of each category. Unlike goods, services are
malleable, and can and are often packaged into composite bundles that include
nomenclature for services, such as the HSN for goods. Therefore to overcome
Amaresh Bagchi Report (1993); Reform of Consumption Taxes in India
this shortcoming and as a step towards the introduction of GST, Government has
introduced the concept of a Negative List in Service Tax. The design of the
CENVAT and state VATs was dictated by the constraints imposed by the
Constitution, which allows neither the Centre nor the States to levy taxes on a
comprehensive base of all goods and services and at all points in their supply
chain. The Centre is constrained from levying the tax on goods beyond the point
of manufacturing, and the States in extending the tax to services. This division
of tax powers makes both the CENVAT and the state VATs partial and
related associations under GST law with a target to certify whether blueprints
of action and whether want for regulating body in upsetting financial associations
is important. Through the paper, the creator has shown how clear drafting of said
The author studied the law provisions dealing with financial services under the
Australian GST law to verify whether the provisions have been construed
correctly in light of the original purpose of the legislation and how the concerns
Central Excise Act, 1944, (Bare Act), as amended
Benedict K., 2011, The Australian GST regime and financial services: How did we get here
and where are we going?, E Journal of Tax Research, Volume 9, (Issue 2), pp.174-193
Bikas, (2013) The authors have studied the VAT rate and the EU economy
and also the link between the VAT and macroeconomic indicators and their
influence on the VAT rate. The authors conclude that there is a positive
relationship between macroeconomic indicators like GDP, per capita income and
Borec, (2013) creators are advocates with PwC Switzerland and have
talked about how to assess my consent to VAT laws given that GST is the target-
based expense. Productive 1 January 2015, a spot of supply standards have been
assesses may comply with the VAT laws given that the GST is a destination-
based tax. The authors mainly deal with B2C cases where the VAT compliances
would need to be done in the state where the customer is located. The authors
transactions. 31
Bikas E. and Andrukaite E., 2013, Factors affecting Value Added Tax revenue, European
Scientific Journal, Volume 1, pp. 41-49
Borec T. and Merz M. and Salanki A., 2013, World Wide VAT Forum: E Commerce, Tax
Planning International – Indirect Taxes, Volume 5, pp.13-15
Bovenberg A.,1992, Indirect taxation in developing countries, International Monetary Fund
– Staff Papers, Volume 1, pp. 333-373
Brew, (2012) The authors have studied the relation between the mode of
collection of VAT revenues with the target of VAT collection for the
questionnaires and interviews to collect the data and then analyzed it using the
regression analysis and established that the method of VAT collection in the said
municipality was above average. The study is important because VAT is one of
Ciobanasu (2012) The authors trace the correlation between the types of
taxes and their role in the budgeted revenues and the fiscal development of
Romania. Indirect tax by its very nature is easier to govern, is neutral to the status
of the taxpayer, and increases revenue but leads to inflation. On the other hand,
direct taxes depend on the taxpayer and are difficult to govern. Further, indirect
tax helps the government to an extent to direct consumption of the public. The
authors conclude that both taxes are important for the overall growth of the
economy. 34
countries where the federal government is not in existence. The author has
studied the various VAT systems existing in the world and tried to arrive at an
appropriate VAT for Central and East European countries. The author has laid
Brew L. and Wiah E.N., 2012, As assessment of the efficiency in the collection of Value
Added Tax Revenue in Tarkwa- Nsuaem Municipality (Ghana) using Time Series Model,
British Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Volume 6, (Issue 2), pp. 140-150
Ciobanasu M. and Postole M., 2012, Contribution of Taxes to the making up of Budget
Revenues in the Economic Growth, Journal of Knowledge Management, Economics and
Information Technology, Volume 2, (Issue 6), pp.1- 12
down various requirements to ensure that the said VAT is completely effective
seamless, the law should be easy to understand, the cost of conformity should be
below, etc. 35
reduce the VAT rate by a marginal amount to boost consumer spending. The
authors have studied the said relation in their paper and concluded that if the
Firth, (2012) GST on financial services has always been a subject matter
intangible nature, the confusion around the location of the service provider and
service recipient, and the value of the service. The authors in their paper are
trying to address these issues especially for the country of Canada. In Canada,
have examined existing laws and recommended changes to existing laws for
related associations are restricted, as is the case in Canada, input costs combine
Cnossen S., 1992, Key Questions in considering a Value Added Tax for Central and Eastern
European Countries, International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Volume 39 (Issue 2), pp.211-
Crossley T. and Low H. and Wakefield M., 2009, The Economies of a temporary VAT cut,
IFS Working Paper, Volume W09, (Issue 02), Page 3-20
related help is risky and from this time forward not got a handle on it. In
any case, under this system, master focuses would need to isolate the status of
clients and record for two sorts of associations uninhibitedly inciting distinctive
Further changes ought to go with adequate time for use and direction of open to
avoid expenses to business since these commitments must be gathered from the
in 2010. It has been getting postponed due to various reasons major one being
getting to a consensus between the various states and the center for
compensation. The author in the paper has discussed the existing laws in India
for indirect taxes, the VAT laws in various states with their advantages and
disadvantages, the impact of the proposed GST, the compliances under the
proposed GST, etc. The author has also used various numerical examples to
Firth M. and Mckenzie K., 2012, The GST and financial services: pausing for perspective,
The School of Public Policy – SPP research Papers, Volume 5, (Issue 29), pp.1-41
Halakhandi S., 2007, Goods and Service Tax – An introductory study, The Chartered
Accountant, pp.1595- 1601
Herekar, (2012) The Ministry of Finance had set up the Task Force with
Mr. V. Kelkar as the chairman of the Task Force. The main task of the Task
Force was to evaluate the impact of the proposed GST on the Indian economy.
The author of the paper has studied the different parts of GST and their impact
on the common man, the business, and the economy. The author has concluded
Huang, (2013) The authors examine the relationship between the newly
introduced GST in Australia in 2000 and the mortgage costs between 1999 and
2001. The study concludes that given that in Australia financial services industry
is taxed on an input taxation basis i.e. the output mortgage service is not liable
to GST and GST paid on input services to provide these mortgage services are
also not allowed. This extra cost of sunk input tax is passed in the form of
of GST in Australia.40
Keating, (2010) GST is operative in both Australia and New Zealand with
successfully evaded the law. The author concludes that if the law interpretations
Herekar P.M., 2012, Evaluation of Impact of Goods and Service Tax, Indian Streams
Research Journal, Volume 2, (Issue 1), pp. 1-4
Huang A. and Liu B., 2013, The Impact of Goods & Service Tax on Mortgage Costs :
Evidence from Australian Mortgage Corporations, International Journal of Financial Research,
Volume 4, (Issue 1), pp.54-65
based on the New Zealand Court decisions are referred to, it implies that
Diksha Panwar and Sidheswar Patra (2017) dissected the effect of GST
the examination was to discover the experiences in execution and to feature the
presumes that incessant change in charge rates and backward tax collection
industry. The goal of the investigation was to examine the outcomes of GST on
positive note that it's a straightforward and uniform assessment the nation over
which could decrease tax avoidance and make sends out increasingly serious,
Shana and Rohit Bhat (2018) analysed issues of GST on the lodging
industry in the Mysore area, the investigation objective was to inspect the
discernments towards GST among buyers based on populace extent and the
examination dependent on test study. The examination finds and reasons that the
Keating M., 2010, GST Tax Avoidance, A New Zealand perspective on the application of
Div. 165, E Journal of Tax Research, Volume 8, (Issue 1), pp.64-89
Diksha Panwar and Sidheswar Patra (2017). Impact of Goods and Services Tax on
Restaurants and food service Businesses in India, International Journal of Applied Business
and Economic Research, pp.203-213
Kala Ganeshan and Deepa (2017). A Case Study on GST In Service Sector Particularly in
Reference to Hotel Industry. Journal of Management and Science, pp.33-41
age bunch till 30 yrs. in the area were not having clear comprehension on the
framework than the above age gatherings. Not many of the clients have the issue
the instalment of different charges at each phase of business movement and was
Aswathy Krishna and et.al (2018) dissected the impacts of GST on the
Inn industry. The examination portrays the upsides and downsides of the GST in
the Inn business and it infers that organizations that centre around nourishment
sector (budget inns profited), the inns with the levy scope of 18-28% hit
framework for the café industry contrasting VAT and GST and investigating the
effect on buyer and eatery proprietors. The examination presumes that GST is
the fundamental portion of the buyer by decreasing the taxation rate. It will
draw in more clients and will expand the market development of the café industry
Shana and Rohit Bhat (2018). A study on the problems of Goods and Services Tax on Hotel
Industry in Mysore District, Journal of Business and Management-IOSR, pp.49-52
Aswathy Krishna and et.al (2018). A study on GST and its effects on hotel industry. Journal
of Business and Management-IOSR, pp 4-5
Vasanthagopal. R, (2011) though the positive impacts referred above are
dependent on a neutral and rational design of the GST, balancing the conflicting
be a big leap in the indirect taxation system and also give a new impetus to
Indian economy. Though, all these benefits are based on the assumption that the
overall taxation structure is less bureaucratic and umber some than the present.
duty at the central level and the sale tax at the state level while GST is a further
probably in the coming financial year as a promise made by our union finance
Monika Sehrawat and Upasana Dhanda (2015), GST is one of the most
crucial tax reforms in India which has been long pending. It was supposed to be
implemented in April 2010, but due to political issues and conflicting interests
Vasanthagopal.R,(2011).GST in India: A Big Leap in the Indirect Taxation System,
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 2, No. 2, page 144 -146.
Agrawal. A (2011), Value Added Tax and Consumer Spending: A Graphical Descriptive
Analysis, Asian Journal of Finance &Accounting, ISSN 1946-052X, Vol. 5, No. 1
Jaiprakash (2014) Indirect Tax Reforms in India and A way ahead for GST, International
Journal of Computing and Corporate Research, ISSN (Online): 2249-054X, Volume 4 Issue 1
January 2014.
of various stakeholders, it is still pending. It is a comprehensive tax system that
will subsume all indirect taxes of states and central governments and a unified
policy implications of the results. In the first place, the macroeconomic impact
effects, price effects, current account effects, and the effect on the budget
balance. Secondly, in a highly developed open economy with a high and growing
service sector, a change in the tax mix from income to consumption-based taxes
and provide a common national market for goods and services, India is moving
towards the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST). Under the
proposed indirect tax reform both Central and State Governments will have
concurrent taxation power to levy tax on the supply of goods and services.52
Monika Sehrawat and Upasana Dhanda (2015) International Journal of Research
Granthaalayah, A knowledge Repository.Vol.3 (Iss.12), ISSN- 2350-0530(O) ISSN- 2394-
3629(P) Impact Factor: 2.035 (I2OR) International Journal of Research –
GRANTHAALAYAH, pp.133-141.
Kesarisinh S. Parmar (2015). An Illustrated framework for GST implementation in India,
Journal of commerce and management. KCG portal of Journals ISSN:2279-225X, Continuous
Mukherjee (2015) Present State of Goods and Services Tax (GST) Reform in India. Working
Paper No. 2015-154. National Institute of Public Finance and Policy New Delhi
Bhawna (2016) The e-commerce industry in India is still in its infancy,
but it has shown remarkable growth over some time and has contributed
significantly to the country’s GDP. GST is an indirect tax levied on the sale of
goods and services and is considered a solution to several complex tax maladies
national level. GST is a tax on goods and services with the value addition at each
stage having a comprehensive and continuous chain of set-of benefits from the
producer’s/ service provider’s point up to the retailer’s level where only the final
what means may GST work among states and focus, charge rate to be applied,
and so forth producers have assessed choices to introduce twofold GST in India
which could be Concurrent Dual GST, National GST or State GST. Under
simultaneous twofold GST better alternative was one where GST is applied on
two items and endeavours. Another alternative looked into was spot Central GST
Bhawna Manyal Aanchal Nagpal (2016) GST on e-commerce in retail sector: BOON or
BANE XVII Annual International Seminar Proceedings, ISBN no. 978-81-923211-8-9, Page
No 1058-1067
B. Jaisheela, (2016) Implementation of Goods and Service Tax in India 2016: Challenges
and Opportunities, International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6236
Management and Social Sciences Vol. 5 | No. 9 | www.garph.co.uk IJARMSS | Page No 34.
would be on things and experiences yet state GST would be essentially on the
stock since state to collect GST in associations is hard to pick. This choice in like
way prescribed one single come back with both CGST and SGST subtleties and
focus collects SGST to help states and a brief timeframe later scattering it on
some reasonable explanation. National GST is joining state and focus blames for
any one body social event costs and after that dispersing relying on some
concurred explanation. The third model where CGST and SGST would exist
together essentially requires guaranteed to change with the target that states can
evaluate associations and focus can constrain things. Further spot of supply of
Ahmad, (2010) creator of this paper has talked about endeavours of the
Pakistan Government to execute General Sales Tax. The creator has broken
Commission, and a brief span later included issues and focal points in proposed
VAT, VAT rates can be in two pieces, one standard rate for all items and a
Ahmad E. and Poddar S., 2009, GST Reforms and Intergovernmental Considerations in India,
Asia Research Centre, Working Paper 26, pp. 1-43
reduced rate for favoured things which are considered as basics. A producer has
in like way talked about how for suitable execution of VAT it would wind up
game-plan would be found for the procedure to solidify GST at the state level
and national level. The creator besides conveys that for a framework to move it
has been recommended that it not be shown in parts area canny in any case be
economy is urbanized, and so on paper think about the association between these
segments and their effect on VAT social events. Rule two segments picking VAT
need to pay for having kept up vital good ways from charge57
Ahmad E., 2010, Why is it so Difficult to Implement GST in Pakistan?, Lahore Journal of
Economics, Vol. 15, pp. 139-169
Aizenman J. and Jinjarak Y., 2005, Collection Efficiency of Value Added Tax: Theory and
International Evidence, NBER, Working Paper 11539, Pp. 1-24
offers charge which was cluttered up to straightforwardly around 2005. In 2005,
a bundle of states got Value Added Tax rather than deals commitment, Goa and
Kerala being two of them. Principle bit of room of VAT was receptiveness of
ITC on stock purchased. paper depends after taking a gander at a valuation for
Vat laws as they are by common relationship to which it applies in Goa and
develop its consideration and to diminish the reliance of relationship on pros for
visits to the charge office and smoothen consistency. Structures, and so forth for
perceived under investigation has been that even with e-association, the speed of
Dr Shiv K. Shrivastava, Dr Vinod K. Bhatnagar and Dr Prakash Sharma (2010) Goods and
Service Tax (GST) - study with special reference to warehouses in India Journal of
Management, Asian School of Business Management, Bhubaneswar, vol. IV No. 1. Pp. 155-
168, 2011.
where there is focal government charged GST or plans cost or VAT and
unmistakable express territory level assessments charged. In this way, the paper
and taxability is goal-based. Canada from outset had Manufacturer's Sales Tax
Focal Sales Tax Act, 1956 This Act supervises game plans to charge on
shows how beginning at now the condition of starting stage or state from where
commitments under this Act at any rate subject of focal toll is obliged by
This can be depended upon while the brainstorming framework for future GST
relationship of IGST. Further in the perfect world after the presentation of GST,
gave definitions on a very basic level vital ones being a capital item, information
sources, and information benefits as ITC are open on same. Drives in like way
remarkably material since they pick qualified ITC for budgetary affiliations. All
CRISIL, (2014) creators have in this paper through CRISIL, set their
lion's offer Government. GST would help since it is partner change, inciting
higher assessment social affairs since at this stage deficiency can't be brought
related needs and for this, they can take a gander at GST as a mind-blowing pay
relationship with charges in Malaysia and after that broke down proposed GST
assessments operational are association charge, deal cost, import and entry
Focal Excise Act
CRISIL, 2014, In Fiscal correction quest, best bet’s GST, CRISIL Insight, CRISIL Research,
Pp. 1-13
responsibilities and concentrate. A producer has then talked about whether GST
on use, net thing or pay. Further, whether GST ought to be root-based or target-
based. Paper records all inclinations and injuries of proposed GST close by
Union. This paper is essentially huge from Indian GST and money-related
associations are in like way tricky like e associations. In other words, new picks
for example, B2C supplies will be assessable in a state where the client is found.
This is in opposition to existing standards in the EU, where such supplies are
assessable where the provider is found. The new estimates make it necessary to
see the nature of the client and also state where the client said is found, rate
appropriate, and so on if there should be the occasion of supply being B2C. Right
when this is done, consistency should be done in the state where the client is
not. The base edge won't have any sort of impact and along these lines, even one
store to the client will trigger consistency in that EU part state. In case there
Debruyne J., 2013, Challenges of implementing GST in Malaysia, Journal of Belgian
Embassy, Pp. 1-25
should rise an occasion of MOSS, elective must be boring overall EU part states.
Thusly affiliations should complete two sorts of compliances, one in their local
state and one for MOSS selection which will solidify all associations outside of
their family state. Greenery is then expected to reasonable VAT crosswise over
part EU states where associations are eaten up. India can have to get from this in
relationship with current POPS existing in India, proposed CGST, SGST and
IGST structure to be given GST and its effect on money related associations
Deol, (2012) creator of this paper has examined the foundation of GST
proposed to be presented in India. India has been attempting to show GST since
2008. At any rate, given that India has national government and variation charges
India except if there is understanding inside states and centre intrigue. The
producer reviews focal centres, issues states have with its usage, and so on in the
paper. The creator has in like way conveyed the 'zero-rating model' for interstate
courses of action. Under this model passing on state, the shipper doesn't charge
any roundabout expense on deals. Regardless, getting state dealer reports the
majority of his imports and settles government cost on them in his state to some
commitment. Another choice that broke down is one like in Canada where the
Deloitte, 2014, EU: 2015 Place of Supply changes: Changes to VAT place of Supply for e-
services, Pp. 1-7
spotlight will scatter government GST on interstate courses of action dependent
abnormal. A charge of both CGST and SGST is another model advanced in the
paper. Given the Indian economy and political condition, this looks like a likely
model to be presented. Further, the paper examines how the presentation of GST
things, and by and large increase passes on. The blessed correction will engage
not inside their cost evaluation net. Further, in relationship with compliances
paper conveys that enlistment, returns, and so on are proposed to be PAN based
and separate for the local and state. This is in all probability going to manufacture
industry, have divulged way to deal with oversee proposed GST and have
investigated same near to proposals from FICCI. FICCI recognizes that GST as
and improve charge affiliation. Thinking about these needs, FICCI has put this
Deol R., 2012, Goods and Service Tax in India: Effect on Government Revenue, Research
Paper – Maxwell School – Syracuse University, Pp. 1-6
state and near to bodies ought not to have a position to drive extra charges once
GST is presented. Further, states may have the alternative of not getting GST till
they need it, at any rate once got a handle on they ought not to be given the choice
of stopping. Further, once GST is shown then start-based costs like CST should
proposed, the pace of GST, and so forth paper recommends that unique cases
ought to be generally a couple of, they ought to be uniform crosswise over the
nation, and edge breaking points ought to be sensibly high with the target that
also endorses negation of obsolete practices like fragment charge, waybill, and
so forth. It proposes having uniform mediating experts for both local and state
levels to reduce the time and expenses of arraignment and to guarantee that
levels. Further paper fittingly conveys that strong progression blueprints must be
drafted to guarantee that things like assembled credits and so forth are overseen.
The reason for the paper is that GST should be shown by thinking about these
parts. Reports from the Empowered Committee on the proposed pace of GST,
treatment of interstate supplies, twofold affiliation, and so forth are in like way
M. T. Bohra (2014) in this paper endeavour has been made to see the
upsides of GST and its present status in India. Paper gives information about
GST and impeccable use would trigger advancement in association pay and flood
in the Indian economy. In India straightforwardly we are having association
Rajesh R. D. (2015) word cost is gotten from Latin word 'tax is' which
and attempts charge (GST) is prepared for making produced using atypical
their effect on both productivity and worth. GST would anticipate transformative
charge from 12.36% to 14% would in a perfect world be the forerunner to the
structures of Center and State assessments aren’t just enchanting at any rate basic
B.S. Gosavi (2015) GST Stands For: 'G' – Goods; 'S' – Services; 'T' – Tax.
This is a short portrayal of GST for example Merchandise and Enterprises Tax.
Monika Tushir Bohra (2014), Goods and Services Tax and Its Likely Impact on Indian
Economy, International Journal of Economic Issues, Vol. 7, No. 2 , Page No279-286
Rajesh R. Desai and Ankit D. Patel,(2015) Review Article Goods and Services Tax in India:
Opportunities and Challenges, International Journal of Current Research International Journal
of Current Research 7, Issue, 11, pp.23347-23349
B.S. Gosavi (2015) GST: CONCEPT AND FEATURES, Vidyabharati International
Interdisciplinary Research Journal 4(1) ISSN 2319-4979, Page No-51-53.
N. I. BintiIshak. Muhammad Hanif compartment O. M. F. Omar’s (2015)
starting late executed GST that has been acknowledged in Malaysia beginning
assessment. Sets of overviews have been sorted out and passed on to 242
utilizing SPSS.69
when it is finished.70
Aamir, (2011) creators in this paper have thought about the course of
Government in India and Pakistan over some unclear time length, for period
between rich and poor for instance it is backward in any case direct expenses are
Nor IzaBintiIshak. Muhammad Hanif bin Othman. Muhamad Fuzi Omar (2015) Students’
Perception towards Newly Implemented Goods and Services Tax (GST) in Malaysia.
International Journal of Contemporary Applied Sciences Vol. 2, No. 6, (ISSN: 2308-1365) Page
No 80 -88
A. Yashoda (2016) IMPACT OF GST ON ECONOMY, International Double-Blind, Peer
Reviewed, Refereed Open Access Journal - Included in International Indexing Directories
International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research Vol. 7, Issue 9, Impact
Factor: 4.611 ISSN: (2229-4848) Page No 36-54.
ordinarily expensed on pay earned. Thus, more pay earned higher is commitment
paid. In this way, prompt commitments are considered astonishing. In any case,
person/part rich or poor at the hour of utilization. In this manner, the examination
assessments for its compensation age with the objective that development is
Bird (2012) creator looks for after recorded setting of offers charge in
commitments charged like HST or PST. Further, there are self-regulating VATs
charged like QST. Thusly the paper looks for after-best systems/structures for
is receipt based and beyond what many would consider possible is target based.
Canada from the beginning had Manufacturer's Sales Tax or MST which was
high to such degree, that social gathering which indicated GST lost decisions in
Aamir M., Qayyum A., Nasir A., Hussain S., Khan K. and Butt S., 2011, Determinants of
Tax Revenue: Comparative Study of Direct taxes and Indirect taxes of Pakistan and India,
International Journal of Business and Social Science, Vol. 2, Issue 19, Pp. 173-178
GST just displayed arrangement as conventional VAT-HST in a couple of
regions where the base for charge assessment resembled bureaucratic GST.
controlled GST and HST while Quebec had GST and QST. Others continued
with Retail Sales Tax or RST. Accordingly, spaces applying HST had GST bit
imbedded in it, were made up for sorting out GST. Quebec administered QST
Along these lines, areas have had free Sub-national VATs or subsumed them
Deol, (2012) maker in this paper has discussed the establishment of GST
since 2008. At any rate, given that India has organization and shrewd
accord inside states and focus interest. Maker looks at central focuses, issues
states have with its execution, etc. in the paper. The maker has in like manner
granted a 'zero-rating model' for interstate courses of action. Under this model
passing on state, the vendor doesn't charge any indirect expense on courses of
action. In any case, obtaining a state seller conveys most of his imports and
covers government responsibility on them in his state genuinely like overall turn
Bird R., 2012, GST/HST : Creating Integrated Sales Tax In Federal Country, School of Public
Policy Research Papers, Vol. 5, Issue 12, Pp. 1-38
progressively clear and GST remains objective-based expense. Another decision
separated is one like in Canada where inside will course organization GST on
interstate game plans reliant on respect. At any rate, this model is ridden with
issues and is particularly implausible. Charge of both CGST and SGST is another
model progressed in the paper. Given the Indian economy and political
condition, this takes after sensible model to be displayed. Further, the paper looks
at how the presentation of GST will develop an assessment base, decline costs
sections. The favored change will connect with states and alliance government
determination, returns, etc. are proposed to be PAN based and separate for the
local and state. This is, without doubt, going to develop consistency. Paper
impels that the presentation of GST would be valuable to the Indian economy.73
associations because of their slippery nature, perplexity around the area of master
Creators in their paper are attempting to address these issues especially for the
Deol R., 2012, Goods and Service Tax in India: Effect on Government Revenue, Research
Paper – Maxwell School – Syracuse University, Pp. 1-6
creators in their paper have researched present laws and proposed changes to
the case in Canada, data costs join ITC accomplishing expansion in costs.
thus not gotten. In condition, producers have proposed zero-rating for instance
B2B exchanges cash related associations be treated as zero surveyed and ITC
along these lines of reasoning, master focuses would need to see the status of
clients and record for two sorts of associations uninhibitedly inciting substitute
progressions should be gone with sufficient time for use and direction of people
all things considered to keep up essential fairways from costs to business since
VAT could be the potential response for money-related need issues in the United
States of America. The paper surveyed ideal VAT that could be appeared in the
USA subject to the Canadian experience. Producers have discussed yield degree,
perspective on improvement in the VAT rate. This would make certain for the
USA and help in diminishing deficiency. Creators have in like manner given
relative estimations for other OECD countries in like manner to display how
or making them cleared. The paper additionally gives information on how VAT
the like manner discussed the backward effect of VAT, how it might be adjusted
and relationship to complete VAT, etc. paper in like manner analyses how USA
their neighbourhood courses of action commitment and breaker state blame for
Gelardi (2013) maker in the paper has considered the customary effect on
since it would mean additional costs to clients. This proposed examination would
be government and paying little mind to present state courses of action charge in
various conditions of US. For this evaluation, UK and Canada where VAT or
charges. Maker reasons that there isn't tremendous effect on client lead because
Gale W, and Harris B., 2011, VAT for United States: Part of Solution, Tax Analysts, VAT
Reader, Pp. 64-82
of presentation of these utilization charges, at any rate, paces of these
than observed. At any rate, given that in the US commitment isn't overriding
existing commitments yet is extra commensurate outcomes may not search for
after since to degree in the UK and Canada GST or VAT replaced existing
picking region which gets preferred position to study and people included who
issues in convincing and storing upcharge from non-occupant clients. For this
maker has unequivocally prescribed European VAT Laws. The maker has
circumstances wherein such cases spot of stock was that of position focus. This
Gelardi M., 2013, VAT and Consumer Spending: Graphical Descriptive Analysis, Asian
Journal of Finance and Accounting, Vol. 5, Issue 1, Pp. 1-20
where clients withstand. Creators have analysed issues in this consistence
especially in web business exchanges. For this EU has proposed Mini One Stop
any rate laws, etc. are appropriate as exhibited by target express, consistence for
instance segment of cost, returns, etc. may be finished by his favoured shipper
in condition for all states together. Another issue recognized by the proposed
change in the law is that genius affiliation is constrained to see the status of the
customer whether individual or business with the objective that exchange can be
chosen B2C or B2B and after that treated fittingly. The maker has analysed
various sorts of associations, the status of clients, and the status of suppliers and
considered VAT laws present issues if there should rise event of cross edges
Importers/dealers can cheer as they would be able to claim the GST paid
excise duty and VAT paid. Excise paid on stock transfer would be covered by
IGST under the GST law. Advance received for supply of goods will also be
taxed under GST. GST would help the manufacturers in procuring auto parts at
a cheaper cost due to an improved supply chain mechanism under GST. GST on
cars and bikes is kept under the 28% bracket and a list of cess to be levied on a
different kind of automobile has also been declared by the Indian government.
Goeydeniz S., 2010, VAT on Cross Border Services, International Fiscal Association -
Research Paper, Pp. 1-36
Cess has been levied on different kinds of automobiles ranging from 1 to 15%.
the Indian Economy. India has posed a beacon of hope with ambitious growth
and Digital India campaigns. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is another such
the free flow of goods and services. This research paper uses primary sources of
data such as surveys and analyses of the data collected. Secondary sources such
as books, journals, and articles are also referred to for this research. A total of
305 responses were collected in the survey. The responses were analysed. The
survey had found that raising petroleum prices is a barrier to middle-class people,
the government could likely provide relief considering the rising prices. GST
constantly made ensuring simplicity in the GST tax system. Raising petroleum
Saravana Rajan S and Kirubagaran K, (2018), “A Study on GST (Goods And Services Tax)
and its Impact on Automobile Industry in India”, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 120 No. 5, pp.3643-3648
The Indian Automobile Industry had been paying a tax range between 30-
45%. The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax will be a very noteworthy
step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India. By merging a large number of
Central and State taxes into a single tax, GST is expected to significantly ease
double taxation and make taxation overall easy for the industries. For the end
customer, the most beneficial will be in terms of reduction in the overall tax
burden on goods and services. The introduction of GST will also make Indian
products competitive in the domestic and international markets. Last but not
least, the GST, because of its transparent character, will be easier to administer.
Once implemented, the proposed taxation system holds great promise in terms
The main issue raised by both the general public, several politicians, and
scholars is the petroleum and diesel prices which are not brought under GST.
The survey results say that the people are hoping to add petrol and diesel within
the proposed GST model. But several newspapers and articles have stated the
reason why they may not have possibly been brought under GST. An important
international prices of crude oil had been reduced over the past several years but
the government had constantly raised the taxes in reason that people would over
consume it. The revenue to the government due to the petroleum sector alone
Ajay Kumar, Kankipati, and Kankipati Ajay Kumar., “A Journey of Goods and Services Tax
(GST) and Structural Impact of GST on the Growth of GDP in India”, Advances in Sciences
and Humanities, Vol. 3(5), 2017, p. 50.
almost reached Rs.3,40,000 crores. Due to rising petroleum prices, the central
government may likely provide relief by cutting taxes but only to an extent.81
The survey indicates that the people’s opinions on the current GST model
are on both extremes. The difference between the number of people who think
GST is profitable to consumers and the automobile industry and people who
don’t is less. However, the prices of automobiles including cars and motorcycles
have been reduced which indicates the reduced tax burden to the companies
which have decided to pass on the benefit of lower taxes to the consumers. The
price reduced after the implementation of GST ranges from Rs. 4000 in several
bikes such as Royal Enfield under 350cc have risen after the implementation of
GST. (“Here’s the Full List of Slashed Prices of Cars and Bikes after GST
Under the Pre GST regime, central and state governments have levied
multiple taxes on the same supply chain. There was the cascading effect of taxes,
as taxes levied by the central government, were not allowed as set off against the
taxes levied by the state government. Given the above difficulties, certain taxes
have been subsumed in one tax called the goods and service tax (GST). The
Sharma, Amit., “Impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Indian Economy”, Journal of
Business Management & Quality Assurance, Vol. 2(1), June 2018, pp. 15–23.
Mukherjee, Sharmistha. (2017), “Small-Car Buyers Will Have to Shell out More under GST,
SUVs to Cost Less”, The Economic Times.
creation. The Government of India has also known the implication of the
discovering the rural markets which will also boost the progress of the sector in
near future. By the outline of GST, where all the taxes are subsumed into one, it
becomes necessary to foresee the impact of GST on this industry. This paper
automobile industry, the study concluded that the automobile industry can
develop one of the important contributors for the economic growth of the country
able to analyze different tax rates levied on vehicles during the pre and post-
period of GST. The automobile industry in India is one of the most successful
working on Automotive Mission Plan 2026 to be at par with the supreme nations
of the world. The Government of India has planned to implement GST in the
Charmi Karia (2020), “A Study on Impact of GST on Automobile Sector in India”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science Vol.
03, No. 03, pp 51-54
Neelavathi and Rachana sharma,(2017) “Impact of GST on Automobile industry”, IOSR
Journal of Business and Management, pp.59-63
The automobile industry in India is a vast business producing a large
number of cars and bikes annually, fuelled mostly by the huge population of the
country. GST subsumed most of the indirect taxes. This article attempts to
analyze the GST applicability to the automobile industry. The two main
components of this scheme were subsidies and interest-free loans allied with
consideration was exempted from being taxed under VAT and Service
tax. Importers and dealers were ineligible for the CVD and excise duty paid by
the factory, excise duty had to be paid but no VAT/CST as applicable under
handicapped persons, hospital ambulances. The two taxes charged to the end
consumer on cars and bikes previously were excise and VAT, with an average
combined rate of 26.50% to 44% which is higher than the GST rates of 18% and
28%. Therefore, there has been less burden of tax on the end consumer under
“ONE NATION, ONE TAX”, that is to say, now the tax rates are the same
across the country. Thereby state-level tax arbitrages for a consumer are things
www.cleartax.com , “GST Impact on Car Prices & Other Automobiles in India”, 2021
of the past. Thus, this has reduced incidences of tax evasion which occur due to
consumers buying vehicles from states other than where they reside. In the
states with lower tax, and sales showroom was available at the point of sales.
lost charm and lead the sector to merge delivery showrooms and point of sales
Before July 1st,2017, Central Sales Tax (CST) was levied when there
were interstate sales, and credit on the same could not be claimed for the payment
of output VAT. This issue is now eliminated and Integrated Goods and Services
Tax (IGST) applies to the inter-state sale of goods or services, credit of which is
easily available. Hence, there was a massive cost saving on account of the
A big relief under GST was that the law provides for the exclusion of
subsidies provided by the Central Government and State Government from the
transaction value. Thus, the Manufacturers of electric vehicles who enjoy huge
subsidies from the Government will also save massive tax costs, which would,
the amount of subsidy. This provision is embedded in unambiguous terms in
GST law itself, which has an effect of ironing out any interpretation issues.86
the Indian Economy. India has posed a beacon of hope with ambitious growth
and Digital India campaigns. The Goods and Services Tax (GST) is another such
the free flow of goods and services. This research paper uses primary sources of
data such as surveys and analyses of the data collected. Secondary sources such
as books, journals, and articles are also referred to for this research. A total of
305 responses were collected in the survey. The responses were analysed. The
survey had found that raising petroleum prices is a barrier to middle-class people,
the government could likely provide relief considering the rising prices. GST
constantly made ensuring simplicity in the GST tax system. Raising petroleum
http://www.businessworld.in, “Impact of GST on Automobiles sector”, 2021
Saravana Rajan S and Kirubagaran K, (2018), “A Study on GST (Goods And Services Tax)
and its Impact on Automobile Industry in India”, International Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, Vol. 120 No. 5, pp.3643-3648
The Indian Automobile Industry had been paying a tax range between 30-
45%. The introduction of the Goods and Services Tax will be a very noteworthy
step in the field of indirect tax reforms in India. By merging a large number of
Central and State taxes into a single tax, GST is expected to significantly ease
double taxation and make taxation overall easy for the industries. For the end
customer, the most beneficial will be in terms of reduction in the overall tax
burden on goods and services. The introduction of GST will also make Indian
products competitive in the domestic and international markets. Last but not
least, the GST, because of its transparent character, will be easier to administer.
Once implemented, the proposed taxation system holds great promise in terms
The main issue raised by both the general public, several politicians, and
scholars is the petroleum and diesel prices which are not brought under GST.
The survey results say that the people are hoping to add petrol and diesel within
the proposed GST model. But several newspapers and articles have stated the
reason why they may not have possibly been brought under GST. An important
international prices of crude oil had been reduced over the past several years but
the government had constantly raised the taxes in reason that people would over
consume it. The revenue to the government due to the petroleum sector alone
Ajay Kumar, Kankipati, and Kankipati Ajay Kumar., “A Journey of Goods and Services Tax
(GST) and Structural Impact of GST on the Growth of GDP in India”, Advances in Sciences
and Humanities, Vol. 3(5), 2017, p. 50.
almost reached Rs.3,40,000 crores. Due to rising petroleum prices, the central
government may likely provide relief by cutting taxes but only to an extent. 89
The survey indicates that the people’s opinions on the current GST model
are on both extremes. The difference between the number of people who think
GST is profitable to consumers and the automobile industry and people who
don’t is less. However, the prices of automobiles including cars and motorcycles
have been reduced which indicates the reduced tax burden to the companies
which have decided to pass on the benefit of lower taxes to the consumers. The
price reduced after the implementation of GST ranges from Rs. 4000 in several
bikes such as Royal Enfield under 350cc have risen after the implementation of
GST. (“Here’s the Full List of Slashed Prices of Cars and Bikes after GST
Under the Pre GST regime, central and state governments have levied
multiple taxes on the same supply chain. There was the cascading effect of taxes,
as taxes levied by the central government, were not allowed as set off against the
taxes levied by the state government. Given the above difficulties, certain taxes
have been subsumed in one tax called the goods and service tax (GST). The
Sharma, Amit., “Impact of Goods and Services Tax (GST) on Indian Economy”, Journal of
Business Management & Quality Assurance, Vol. 2(1), June 2018, pp. 15–23.
Mukherjee, Sharmistha. (2017), “Small-Car Buyers Will Have to Shell out More under GST,
SUVs to Cost Less”, The Economic Times.
grow and become a major contributor to economic expansion and employment
creation. The Government of India has also known the implication of the
discovering the rural markets which will also boost the progress of the sector in
near future. By the outline of GST, where all the taxes are subsumed into one, it
becomes necessary to foresee the impact of GST on this industry. This paper
number of cars and bikes annually, fuelled mostly by the huge population of the
country. GST subsumed most of the indirect taxes. This article attempts to
analyse the GST applicability to the automobile industry. The two main
components of this scheme were subsidies and interest-free loans allied with
consideration was exempted from being taxed under VAT and Service
tax. Importers and dealers were ineligible for the CVD and excise duty paid by
the factory, excise duty had to be paid but no VAT/CST as applicable under
Charmi Karia (2020), “A Study on Impact of GST on Automobile Sector in India”,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Commerce, Management & Social Science ,
Vol. 03, No. 03, pp 51-54
These vehicles were exempted from the NCCD/auto cess: electrically
handicapped persons, hospital ambulances. The two taxes charged to the end
consumer on cars and bikes previously were excise and VAT, with an average
combined rate of 26.50% to 44% which is higher than the GST rates of 18% and
28%. Therefore, there has been less burden of tax on the end consumer under
Automobile Industry in India" stated that the Automobile industry in India is one
liberalization. The industry has the prospective to grow and become a most
Indian government has also identified the need for the Automobile industry in
2026. The automobile industry can become one of the important contributors to
employment opportunities.93
www.cleartax.com , “GST Impact on Car Prices & Other Automobiles in India”, 2021
Akshara Mahesh ,Karthika K ,(2017) - "Impact of GST on Automobile Industry in India"
IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), www.iosrjournals.org
Dr P. Mahender (2017) in his article "GST Effect on Manufacturing
Industry – India " stated that Every nation will impose various taxes on people
recently enacted a law namely GST. This paper seeks to explain the positive and
income tax. He concluded that the GST will lead to higher tax compliance and
lower tax evasion by Indians. Examined VAT is a type of indirect tax that is
imposed on goods and services, and they advocated the tax impact on budget and
Tarunika Jain Agrawal, C.A. Aashna Goyal, (2017) in their article "
Impact of GST On Real Estate and Automobiles Sector " stated that One of the
introduction of Goods and Services Tax (GST), to be implemented from 1st July
2017. It is after a lot of amendments and deliberations that this act has seen the
light of the day. The proposed idea is to have a single tax rate for all goods and
services, charged by states and central governments, in tune with the developed
principles, issues, and procedures. The paper cited the introduction of GST to be
the most significant tax reform in India, increasing tax compliance and
P. Mahender,(2017) "GST Effect on Manufacturing Industry – India " International Journal
of Managerial Studies and Research (IJMSR) Volume 5, Issue 1, www.arcjournals.org
Tarunika Jain Agrawal ,C.A. Aashna Goyal ,(2017) " Impact of GST on Real Estate and
Automobiles Sector " IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Business Management
Vol. 5, Issue 6,
Pooja Jha, F.B. Singh (2017) in their article "A Study on Implementation
of GST And Its Repercussion on Indian Automobile Sector" stated that The
paper highlights a brief analysis of GST which would bring a substantial change
in the purview of indirect tax in India. It is called the mother of indirect tax as it
will subsume most of the indirect tax leading to a lucid ambiance for the taxpayer
to deal with it. The paper depicts the background and mission of the proposed
GST and its repercussion on Indian industry with special reference to the
Industry in India" stated that the Automobile industry is the fastest growing
sector in India having a clear correlation with the reforms related policies
in India is one of the largest in the world. The industry that contributes to the
country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) accounts for 7.1%. India is one of the
vehicle manufacturers.97
Pooja Jha, F.B. Singh, (2017) "A Study on Implementation Of GST and its Repercussion on
Indian Automobile Sector" Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies.
Ashok Sharma ,(2018) -"Impact of GST on Automobile Industry in India" International
Research Journal of Management Science & Technology Vol 9 Issue 3
Charumathi S, (2019) in his article " GST Implication on Sales Of
Automobile Industry Concerning Tata Motors " stated that In this present
directly determined by their individuals and family income. The pool of earnings
in a family takes them to next level lifestyle. Copy and comparison are the two
important C’s that influence individual to lead their life in their comfort t zone.
In the last two decades, people are isolating themselves to prefer public transport.
Songara Manoj,(2019) in his article " Goods and Services Tax (GST) in
India – An Overview and impact " stated that GST also known as the Goods and
Services Tax is defined as the giant indirect tax structure designed to support and
enhance the economic growth of a country. The aim of this research paper is
regarding the impact of GST and its impact on various sectors. With the
introduction of GST, there is chaos and confusion among the common man. GST
bill will be a form for the economic integration of India. The main trait of the
GST is to transform India into a unified market by dismantling the present fiscal
barrier among states and can expect improved tax compliance. GST is also
different in the way it is levied - at the final point of consumption and not at the
manufacturing stage.99
Charumathi S,(2019) -" GST Implication On Sales Of Automobile Industry With Reference
To Tata Motors " International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET)
Volume 10, Issue 01,
Songara Manoj ,(2019) - " Goods and Services Tax (GST) in India – An Overview and impact
" Journal of advanced Management Research, Vol. 12 (1)
Dhyan Vishnu Prajwal N (2017) in his study “Impact of GST
tells about the automobile sector in India has facilitated from the introduction of
the GST. The tax rates have been abridged and the shares have been traded at a
higher rate after the application of GST with increased returns. Thus GST for the
automobile industry is a win-win condition for both the Shareholders and the
of GST on the Collecting segment in India. The goal of this exploration is the
effect of GST on Automobile and bike parts in India. 'Make in India' cause of
the Government of India is furthermore going to appeal in more distant risk into
Indian economy is the witness for accelerating the growth in a very short
period. Tax in form of direct and indirect is the major source of income to the
government. Chairman of the 13th Finance Commission Dr. Vijay Kelkar, has
suggested having a rational, scientific and modern taxation system in tune with
Dhyan Vishnu Prajwal N and Shivi Khanna (2017) Impact of GST Implementation on Share
Prices - A Study on Automobile Industry International Journal of Engineering Technology
Science and Research IJETSR www.ijetsr.com ISSN 2394 – 3386 Volume 4, Issue 11
November 2017
Krishna Banana, Swarna Balakrishna and Meeravali Shaik (2018) An Analysis of GST
impact on Motorbike Industry in India International Journal of Marketing & Financial
Management, Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan, 2018, pp 23-31
developed nations form the base behind the introduction of Goods and Service
Tax (GST) in India. The tax structure is planned and implemented in such a way
facilitates the ease of doing business and having no chance for tax evasion brings
prosperity to a country’s economy. The Good and services tax (GST) is the
principal and extensive indirect tax reform since 1947. Replacement of exiting
taxes like value-added tax, excise duty, service tax, and sales tax is the main idea
services. GST is expected to affect the existing tax structure and result in uniting
the country economically. This paper has highlighted the background, objectives
of the proposed GST, and the impact of GST in different areas of the Indian
GST. Finally, the paper examines and draws out a certain conclusion.102
supply chain structure to ensure lower logistics cost and bring in significant
benefit of the input tax credit is available to those businesses who get their
Manisha Shinde (2019), “A Study of Impact and Challenges of GST on Various Constituents
of Indian Economy”, IJRAR, Volume 6, Issue 1 p.211
GST impact is neutral and positive on different sectors of the economy. The cost
of services is going to increase with the result of an increase in taxes from 15%
to 18%. The overall effect of GST on the Indian economy would be positive.103
power to transform the lifestyles and welfare state of human beings and their
ability to reduce inequality in society and contribute to the country’s growth. Our
we have been facing since independence. GST plan is one of them which have
of the impact of Goods and Services Tax on the Indian Tax system. GST is the
only indirect tax that directly affects all sectors and sections of our economy.
The concept features and the framework of GST have been discussed in this
being the first country to introduce GST. India is a federal democratic and
therefore the GST was implemented parallel by the Central and State
explaining the concepts of GST and its evolution in India. Then it discusses the
problems faced by the country concerning its implementation and how did it
Milandeep Kour, Kajal Chaudhary, Surjan Singh, Baljinder Kaur (2016), “A study on impact
of GST after its implementation”, International journal of Innovation studies in sociology and
Humanities, Vol.2 Issue 2, November 2016.
Abhishek Kumar Yadav and Ashwani Kumar, “Indian Goods and Services Tax: A Review
of its Introductory Stage and its Possible Contribution towards Sustainable Economic
Development”, International Journal of Management Studies,
The auto industry is likely to gain from the implementation of the GST
way for more competitive manufacturing. The execution of GST will remove the
most car manufactures are located in a few of the states in India and by some
estimates, 80 percent of these cars are sold to dealers in states outside the state
in which they are manufactured. In doing so, a two percent Central Sales Tax
(CST) is charged on the cost of the car and the same is not creditable. However,
with the GST, the two percent CST will be made fully creditable.
Moreover, with the effective tax rate dropping to around 18 percent from
up to 27 percent for some segments currently, it will result in lower prices and
expected to drive overall consumer demand since the cost for the logistics and
supply chain inventory will be curtailed by almost 30-40 percent, the benefits of
Jaspreet Kaur (2016) has thrown light on GST, its features, and also the
goods, restaurant bills, SUVs and diamonds, jewelry, textiles are going to be
www.autocarindia.com, “Impact of GST on auto industry”, 2016
GST is expected to narrow the large indirect tax differences between organized
and unorganized sectors. Raj Kumar (2016) analysed and compared the proposed
GST framework and current taxation system, described its effect on employment
GST rates for the automobile sector have been set at 28% in addition to
cess which varies from 1% to 15% based on the segment, engine size type
(petrol/diesel), and size of the for the creation of state compensation corpus.
Currently, the automobile industry pays several indirect taxes like excise,
infrastructure cess, import duty, VAT, and CST. There would be a marginal
impact on two-wheelers as it is going attract a base tax rate of 28% against the
existing rate of 30.2%. And for bikes with an engine capacity of more than 350
ccs like KTM and Royal Enfield will attract a cess of 3% in addition to the base
rate of 28% under GST resulting in prices of premium bikes going up in some
states. The impact will be limited as this segment accounts for a limited share in
the industry sales TVS, HMSI, Suzuki motorcycle India and Yamaha have
already reduced their prices to pass the GST benefits to its customers. Under
GST small petrol cars of less than 4 meters and 1200 cc and small diesel cars of
less than 4 meters and 1500 cc engine attract a base rate of 28% with a cess of
1% and 3% respectively as against the old rate of 30.2% to 33.5% which depicts
the marginal tax savings. Cars larger than 4 meters under indirect taxes were
levied at 51.6%. But under GST the rate is fixed at 43% which shows a positive
impact. Electric cars would get relaxation as tax levied under GST is at 12%
Jaspreet Kaur (2016), “Goods and service tax and its Impact”, International Journal of
applied Research, 2(8): 385-387, 2016.
against the existing rate of 20.5%. Large passenger vehicles and SUVs were
taxed at 43% against 55% in the pre-GST system. To rectify this anomaly on
September 9th the GST council decided to hike cess on larger cars by 5% and on
SUVs by 7% taking total GST incidence to 48% and 50% respectively. This will
Indirect Tax is a vital subject of study which plays a significant part in the
Tax reform and the various studies ranging from the erstwhile Indirect tax regime
through this review of Literature brings to light the importance of study in this
subject. Goods and Service Tax which was rolled out in July 2017 is an evolving
subject of study and though the Goods and Service Tax Act was promulgated in
the GST Act which came into effect on February 2019 clearly shows that a study
on the Goods and Service Tax is an ever-evolving subject and the specific study
on the implications of Goods & Service Tax in the Automobile industry in India
throwing insights on the impact on the Business process, liquidity, cash flow,
and profitability to a business enterprise has not been done in the various studies
presently available and hence the researcher has taken this into cognizance in
Ranjana Upash (2017), “Study on Effects of Goods and Service Tax on Different Sectors in
India”, ELK Asia Pacific Journal of Finance and Risk Management, Volume 8 Issue 4.