S8 Elective V Syllabus

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3 0 0

Preamble: This course is intended to introduce students to the concepts of earthquake resistant of
structures. Fundamental theory of structural dynamics based on which seismic design principles
are rooted are also covered. The course also familiarizes the relevant Indian standards for the
estimation of seismic demand and ductile detailing provisions.

Prerequisite: CET Mechanics of Solids CET Structural Analysis I

Course Outcomes : After the completion of the course the student will be able to:
Formulate appropriate SDOF models of simple structural systems under dynamic
CO 1
loads apply them to the solution of engineering problems.
Analyze and interpret the dynamic response of SDOF systems for various
CO 2
dynamic inputs.
Develop appropriate mathematical models for 2 DOF systems MDOF shear
CO 3 building models and estimate the natural frequencies and vibration modes for the
Explain the basics of engineering seismology, ground motion characteristics,
CO 4 behavior of structures to ground motion and appreciate the various principles of
seismic design philosophy
Apply the provisions of various Indian seismic design standards for the estimation
CO 5
of seismic demand over structures.

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes

PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 3 3 3
CO 3 3 3
CO 3 3 3
CO 3 3 3
CO 3 3 3

Assessment Pattern
Continuous Assessment
Bloom’s Category Tests End Semester Examination
1 2
Remember (K1) 5 5 10
Understand (K2) 10 10 20
Apply (K3) 20 20 40
Analyse (K4) 15 15 30
Evaluate (K5) - - -
Create (K6) - - -

Continuous Internal Evaluation pattern:

Attendance : 10 marks
Continuous Assessment Tests : 25 marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 marks
Total : 50 marks

End Semester Examination Pattern: There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A contain
10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question. Students
should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which student
should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14 marks.

Course Level Assessment Questions

(Questions may be framed based on the outline given under each course outcome)

Course Outcome 1 (CO1):

1. Demonstrate how D’Alembert’s principle can be applied for setting up the equation of motion
of SDOF systems.
2. Problems involving idealization of structures as equivalent SDOF systems and estimation of
natural frequency.

Course Outcome 2 (CO2):

1. Problems involving estimation of dynamic response of structures idealized as SDOF systems
2. Explain the significance of frequency ratio (excitation to natural frequency) in dynamic
response of structures.

Course Outcome 3 (CO3):

1. Problems involving development of equation of motions of 2 DOF systems or MDOF shear

2. Problems involving estimation of natural frequencies and mode shapes of 2 DOF systems

Course Outcome 4 (CO4):

1. Discuss how the following irregularities influence the seismic behavior of buildings.
(i) Open ground stories (ii) Torsional irregularities
2. Explain the seismic design philosophy followed by Indian standards.

Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. Give suitable explanation(s) for the following ductile detailing provisions of IS 13920 (2016)
for seismic design of structures.
(i) At the joint face of a beam, the positive steel must be at least equal to half of the
negative steel at that face.
(ii) The spacing of transverse reinforcement (rectangular hoops) in columns shall not
exceed 300 mm. Also, the spacing of hoops shall not exceed half the least lateral
dimension of the column.
2. Problems involving estimation of base shear and its distribution along height.

Module I (7 Hours)

Overview of structural dynamics: Fundamental objective of dynamic analysis- classification of

dynamic loads – essential characteristics of a dynamic problem – methods of discretization –
lumped mass procedure – generalized displacements – single degree of freedom system – basic
components of a dynamic system.

Formulation of equation of motion – Newton’s 2nd law and D’ Alembert’s principle; influence of
gravitational forces – generalized SDOF systems.

Module II (7 Hours)

Solution of the equation of motion – undamped free vibration – damped free vibration- critically
damped under damped and over damped SDOF systems, Logarithmic decrement.

Response to harmonic loading – transient and steady state response of undamped and damped
SDOF systems – dynamic amplification factor, force transmissibility and vibration isolation.

Module III (7 Hours)

Response to periodic loading – Fourier series representation of periodic loads. Response of SDOF

Base excited SDOF system - formulation of equation of motion – Response of SDOF base
excited systems; Concept of pseudo acceleration, velocity. Response spectra, Four way
logarithmic plot – DVA spectrum (concept only).

Two degree of freedom systems – Formulation of equations of motion – free vibration analysis –
frequencies and mode shapes – orthonormalization of modes.

Module IV (6 Hours)

Lumped mass modelling of MDOF systems - Shear building; free vibration analysis –
frequencies and mode shapes; Modal expansion of response, Mode superposition technique
(concept only).

Introduction to engineering seismology – Plate tectonics – faults – causes of earthquake – energy

release – seismic waves - Intensity and Magnitude of earthquake ; Measurement of ground
motion-Seismographs, Characteristics of ground motion; Seismic zones in India.

Module V (7 Hours)

Behaviour of buildings under earthquakes – factors influencing structural performance –

building configuration, strength, stiffness and ductility; effects of structural irregularities on
building performance.

Estimation of Seismic Demand –Seismic zones and coefficients; response reduction factors,
Estimation of base shear and its distribution along height based on Equivalent static method using
IS 1893 for multi storied buildings.

Ductility considerations in earthquake resistant design of buildings – Impact and requirements

for ductility – factors affecting ductility – ductile detailing considerations in buildings as per IS

Text books / References

1. Mario Paz, “Structural Dynamics – Theory and Computations”, CBS Publishers,

2. Chopra A.K., “Dynamics of Structures” 5th edition, Pearson Education, NewDelhi
3. Clough R.W. and Penzien, J., “Dynamics of Structures”, McGraw Hill International.
4. Humar J.L., “Dynamics of Structures” A.A. Balkema Publishers Tokyo.
5. Agarwal P., and Shrikhande, M., “Earthquake Resist Design of Structures”, PHI Learning
Pvt. Ltd. NewDelhi.
6. Paulay T. and Priestley M.J.N., “Seismic Design of Reinforced Concrete and Masonry
Buildings”, John Wiley & Sons Inc. NewYork.

7. IS: 1893(part I), (2016), Indian Standard Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design of
Structures, Bureau of Indian Standards, NewDelhi.
8. IS: 13920 (2016) Indian Standard Code of Practice for Ductile Detailing of Reinforced
Concrete Structures Subjected to Seismic Forces, Bureau of Indian Standards, NewDelhi.

Course Contents and Lecture Schedule:

No. of
Module Topic outcome

Module I (7 hours)
1.1 Introduction: Fundamental objective of structural dynamic analysis;
Types of prescribed loadings; Essential characteristics of a dynamic CO1 2
problem; Method of discretization - lumped mass procedure –
generalized displacements.
1.2 Degree of freedom and stiffness – equivalent stiffness, Numerical CO1 1
1.3 Single degree of freedom system – Components of the basic dynamic
system – formulation of the equation of motion – using Newton’s 2nd CO1 2
law and D’Alembert’s principle. Influence of gravitational forces.
1.4 Systems modelled as rigid body assemblage-Numerical examples on CO1 1
formulation of equation of motion
1.5 Generalized SDF systems – expression for generalized system CO1 1
properties – Numerical examples.

Module II (7 hours)

2.1 Free vibration of single degree of freedom system:- Solution of equation

of motion for un-damped systems. Free vibration response of damped CO2 2
systems – critically damped and over damped systems.
2.2 Free vibration response of under-damped systems- Logarithmic
decrement. CO2 1
Numerical examples on free vibration response of un-damped and
damped systems.
2.3 Response of un-damped and damped SDF systems to harmonic CO2 2
excitation; Dynamic Amplification factor.
2.4 Numerical examples on harmonic excitation problems; CO2 1

2.5 Force transmissibility and vibration isolation- numerical examples CO2 1

Module III (7 hours)

3.1 Response of SDF systems to periodic loading – Fourier series

representation of periodic loading. Response of undamped and damped CO2 2
SDF systems to loads expressed as Fourier series expansion- Numerical
3.2 Base excited SDOF systems - formulation of equation of motion – CO2 1
Response of SDOF base excited systems- numerical examples
3.3 Concept of pseudo acceleration and velocity. Response spectra, Four
way logarithmic plot – DVA spectrum (concept only). CO2 2

3.4 Two degree of freedom systems – Formulation of equations of motion

for simple 2 DOF systems – free vibration analysis – frequencies and CO3 2
mode shapes – orthonormalization of modes
Module IV (6 hours)

4.1 Shear building – assumptions involved in idealization- equation of

CO3 2
motion- free vibration analysis – frequencies and mode shapes.

4.2 Modal expansion of response, Mode superposition technique (concept

CO3 1

4.3 Introduction to engineering seismology – Plate tectonics – faults –

causes of earthquake – energy release – seismic waves CO4 2

4.4 Intensity and Magnitude of earthquake ; Measurement of ground

motion-Seismographs, Characteristics of ground motion; Seismic zones CO4 1
in India.
Module V (6 hours)

5.1 Behaviour of buildings under earthquakes – factors influencing

structural performance – building configuration, strength, stiffness and CO4 2
ductility; effects of structural irregularities on building performance.

5.2 Estimation of Seismic Demand –Seismic zones and coefficients;

response reduction factors, Estimation of base shear and its distribution CO5 2
along height based on Equivalent static method using IS 1893 for multi
storied buildings

5.3 Ductility considerations in earthquake resistant design of buildings –

Impact and requirements for ductility – factors affecting ductility – CO5 2
ductile detailing considerations in buildings as per IS 13920

Model Question paper

Reg. .No:______________


Course Code: CET418


Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 Hours

(Use of IS:1893 (part I) 2016 permitted in exam hall)
PART A (3 x 10 = 30 Marks)

Answer all Questions. Each question carries 3 Marks

1. Briefly explain the various sources of dynamic excitation for engineering structures
2. An unknown mass m kg attached to the end of an spring with unknown stiffness k has a
natural frequency of 1.57 Hz. When a 0.453 kg mass is added to m, the natural frequency
is lowered to 1.278 Hz. Determine the unknown mass m and the spring constant k N/m.
3. Explain the terms (i) Dynamic amplification factor and (ii) Transmissibility ratio.
4. A vibrating system consisting of a weight of W = 4.54 kg and a spring with stiffness k =
3500 N/m is viscously damped so that the ratio of two consecutive amplitudes is 1.00 to
0.85. Determine the logarithmic decrement.
5. Write short note on (i) response spectrum and (ii) four way logarithmic plot.
6. Write short note on mass orthonormalization.
7. Set up the equation of motion for a 3 storey shear building with the following properties.
Floor mass = M; storey stiffness = K.
8. List the two different kind of body waves and explain how they differ.
9. Explain importance factor and response reduction factor in the context of earthquake
response analysis.
10. Briefly explain the factors which affect the ductility.

PART B (14 x 5 = 70 Marks)

Answer any one full question from each module. Each question carries 14 Marks

Module 1
a) Demonstrate how D’Alembert’s principle can be applied for setting up the equation of
motion of SDOF systems (4)
b) Set up the equation of motion for the system shown in Fig 1 and hence determine its
natural frequency (10)

Fig. 1.

12. a) Explain distributed mass and lumped mass models in the context of system idealization
for dynamic analysis. (4)
. b) A rigid uniform bar of mass m and length l is pinned at O and is supported by a spring
and viscous damper as shown in Fig.2. Set up the equation of motion for small
oscillations of the rod and hence determine its undamped natural frequency (10)

Module 1I
13. a) Explain logarithmic decrement and its practical significance (4)
b) A one storey building is idealized as a rigid girder supported by weightless columns as
shown in Fig. 3. In order to evaluate the dynamic properties of this structure, a free

vibration test is made, in which the roof system is displaced laterally by a hydraulic jack
and then released. During the jacking operation, it is observed that a force of 90kN is
required to displace the roof system by 0.51 cm. After the instantaneous release of this
initial displacement, the maximum displacement on the return swing is only 0.406 cm and
the period of this displacement cycle is T = 1.4 s. (10)

14. a) Write short notes on force transmissibility and vibration isolation (4)

b) A 50 kg turbine is mounted on four parallel springs, each of stiffness 3 x 105 N/m.

When the machine operates at 40 Hz, its steady-state amplitude is observed as 1.8 mm.
Compute is the magnitude of the excitation?

Module 1II

15. a) Briefly explain how a periodic loading can be expressed as an infinite series of
harmonic functions using Fourier theorem.
b) A single bay single storey portal frame with the following properties is subjected to a
ground acceleration history that can be idealized as 0.5 Sin(15t). find the peak steady state
amplitude of floor vibration and column shear if the floor mass is 4540 kg and 2013 kN/m.
16. a) Write short notes on the following (i) Pseudo acceleration (ii) DVA spectrum (4)

b) Setup the equations of motion for the 2 DOF system shown in Fig.4. and hence estimate
its natural frequencies. Following data may be utilized. m1 = m2 = M; and k1 = k2 = K.


Module 1V

17. a. What is a shear building? List the assumptions made in the lumped mass idealization of
shear buildings?. (4)
b. For the two storey shear building with floor mass and storey shears as shown in Fig.5. set up
the equation of motion and hence determine its natural frequencies and vibration modes (10)


18. a. Explain mode superposition technique for the estimation of vibration response of multi
degree of freedom systems (6)
b) Distinguish between the following
(i) Body waves and Surface waves (ii) Rayleigh waves and love waves (iii)
intensity and magnitude of earthquakes. (8)

Module V
19. a) Explain how the various building irregularities affect the behaviour of structures to
earthquake excitation. (6)

b) The plan of a five storey building is shown in Fig 6. Dead load including self weight of
slabs, finishes, partitions etc can be assumed as 5 kN/m2 and live load as 4 kN/m2 on each
floor and as 1.5 kN/m2 on the roof. Determine the base shear and shears at different storey
levels for the frame 1-1 marked in figure. (8)


20. a) Explain the seismic coefficient method for seismic analysis of the structures. (6)
b) (i) Discuss on the significance of ductility in seismic design. (4)
(ii) Briefly discuss the various ductile detailing provisions in IS 13920 for beams (4)

3 0 0

Preamble: Goal of this course is to expose the students to the fundamental concepts of sustainable
building construction. After this course, students will develop an awareness on sustainable
building materials and construction practices and also exposed to applications of ICT in
sustainable construction.

Prerequisite: MCN 201 Sustainable Engineering

Course Outcomes: After completion of the course the student will be able to:

CO 1 Explain the fundamental concepts of sustainability

CO 2 Describe the properties and uses of sustainable building materials

CO 3 Identify suitable construction techniques and practices for sustainable buildings

CO 4 Discuss the standards and guidelines for sustainable buildings

CO 5 Comment on the role of BIM and automation in sustainable construction

Mapping of course outcomes with program outcomes (Minimum requirement)

PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7 PO 8 PO 9
10 11 12
CO 1 2 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2
CO 2 2 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2
CO 3 2 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2
CO 4 2 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2
CO 5 2 - - - - 2 3 - - - - 2

Assessment Pattern

Continuous Assessment Tests End Semester

Bloom’s Category
Test 1 (Marks) Test 2 (Marks) Examination (Marks)
Remember 15 15 40
Understand 35 30 50
Apply 5 10

Mark Distribution

Total Marks CIE Marks ESE Marks ESE Duration

150 50 100 3 hours

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Pattern :

Attendance : 10 Marks
Continuous Assessment Test (2 numbers) : 25 Marks
Assignment/Quiz/Course project : 15 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE) Pattern : There will be two parts; Part A and Part B. Part A
contains 10 questions with 2 questions from each module, having 3 marks for each question.
Students should answer all questions. Part B contains 2 questions from each module of which
student should answer any one. Each question can have maximum 2 sub-divisions and carry 14

Course Level Assessment Questions

(Questions may be framed based on the outline given under each course outcome)
Course Outcome 1 (CO1):
1. The fundamental concepts of sustainability
2. Describe the features of sustainability indicators
3. Discuss the concepts of sustainability analysis

Course Outcome 2 (CO2):

1. To get a comprehensive overview of materials used for sustainable buildings
2. Identify the properties and uses of sustainable building materials
3. Discuss the role of various Govt and non-Govt organizations in promoting sustainable
building materials
Course Outcome 3 (CO3):
1. Apply cost effective technologies and methods in construction
2. Discuss the role of various organizations in promoting sustainable construction practices
3. Discuss case studies pertaining to Kerala context
Course Outcome 4 (CO4):
1. Describe the features of green building rating systems
2. Discuss case studies based on green rating in Indian context

Course Outcome 5 (CO5):

1. Discuss the concepts and benefits of BIM
2. Discuss the applications of BIM in construction management
3. Identify the applications of automation for functional efficiency of buildings


Module 1
Introduction to concepts of sustainability : impacts of global warming, sustainability indicators
- Carbon foot print, Embodied energy and carbon, sustainability analysis - Life Cycle Analysis,
EIA - Concept of Green Buildings

Module 2
Sustainable building materials : Introduction to sustainable building materials, qualities, use,
examples - Natural building materials, locally available and locally manufactured materials –
wood, earth, stone and lime based materials.
Contemporary Building Materials- concrete, eco block, stabilized blocks (mud blocks, steam
cured blocks, Fal-G Blocks stone masonry block.), insulated concrete forms(ISF), hydra form,
prefabs / structural insulating panels, cellulose insulation, adobe, rammed earth, earth sheltered
and recycled materials - Bio materials : Properties, application, specification and standards(Indian
and International) - Bio materials from industrial waste, mining waste, mineral waste, agricultural
waste - Non toxic materials: low VOC paints, coating and adhesives - Use of waste materials such
as paper, glass bottles, tires, shipping containers - Use of post-consumer and industrial waste such
as fly-ash, bags, building construction &demolition waste – use of salvaged and recycled

materials from flooring, columns, beams, timber, glass, etc.

Alternative Building Materials - Overview and definition of alternative or appropriate building
materials - Alternative materials developed and promoted by government organisations like CSIR
labs: CBRI and SERC, GRIHA, ASTRA (IISc), BMTPC, HUDCO and its building centres -
Alternative materials developed and promoted by non-government organisations DA, Auroville,

Module 3
Sustainable methods & technologies–Eco friendly and low cost techniques - Different substitute
for wall construction - Flemish Bond - Rat Trap Bond – Arches – Panels - Cavity Wall - Ferro
Cement and Ferro Concreteconstructions – different pre cast members using these materials -
Alternate roofing systems - Filler Slab - Composite Beam and Panel Roof -Pre-engineered and
ready to use building elements - wood products -steel and plastic –Mivan technique -
Contributions of agencies - Costford - Nirmithi Kendra – Habitat

Module 4
Green building rating systems – Guidelines from IGBC – LEED rating system, TERI-GRIHA
rating system.
Codes - Energy Conservation Building Code (BEE), National Building Code.
Green Building Case studies – Residential, Institutional, and Commercial.
Concept of Net Zero buildings – Use of BIPV and other renewable energy in buildings

Module 5
ICT for Sustainable Construction : Building Information modeling – Introduction to BIM,
concepts and benefits, BIM for construction scheduling, cost estimation and construction
Building Automation – Concepts, components of BA, applications of BA for functional efficiency
of buildings.

Text/Reference Books:
1. Sustainable Building - Design Manual Pt 1 & 2, The Energy and Resources Institute,
TERI, 2004
2. Ross Spiegel.G, Green Building Materials A Guide to Product Selection and Specification,
3rd Edition by, John Wiley &Sons, 2010
3. Jagadish. K.S. Alternative Building Materials and Technologies, New age International Pvt
Ltd Publishers, 2008
4. Traci Rose Rider, Stacy Glass, Jessica McNaughton, Understanding Green Building
Materials, W.W.Norton andCompany, 2011

5. BIM Handbook: A Guide to Building Information Modeling for Owners, Managers,

Designers, Engineers and Contractors- Chuck Eastman, et al.
6. Automation Systems in Smart and Green Buildings (Modern Building Technology), Er. V
K Jain, Khanna Publishers
7. BIS, National Building Code 2005, New Delhi, 2005
8. Energy Conservation Building Code of India, User manual, 2007
9. P.K. Singh, Rainwater Harvesting: Low cost indigenous and innovative technologies,
Macmillan Publishers India, 2008
10. Jagadish. K.S. Building with stabilised mud, I.K. International Publishing House Pvt.
Limited, 2007

Course Contents and Lecture Schedule:

Module Contents Hours
1 Module 1 6
Introduction to concepts of sustainability : impacts of global
1.1 CO 1 1
1.2 Sustainability indicators - Carbon foot print CO 1 1
1.3 Embodied energy and carbon CO 1 1
1.4 Sustainability analysis - Life Cycle Analysis CO 1 1
1.5 EIA CO 1 1
1.6 Concept of Green Buildings CO 1 1
2 Module 2 8
Sustainable building materials : Introduction to sustainable
2.1 CO 2 1
building materials, qualities, use, examples
Natural building materials, locally available and locally
2.2 manufactured materials – wood, earth, stone and lime based CO 2 1
Contemporary Building Materials - concrete, eco block,
stabilized blocks (mud blocks, steam cured blocks, Fal-G Blocks
2.3 stone masonry block.), insulated concrete forms (ISF), hydra CO 2 1
form, prefabs / structural insulating panels, cellulose insulation,
adobe, rammed earth, earth sheltered and recycled materials
Bio materials : Properties, application, specification and
2.4 standards (Indian and International) - Bio materials from CO 2 1
industrial waste, mining waste, mineral waste, agricultural waste
2.5 Non toxic materials: low VOC paints, coating and adhesives - CO 2 1

Use of waste materials such as paper, glass bottles, tires,

shipping containers.
Use of post-consumer and industrial waste such as fly-ash, bags,
building construction & demolition waste – use of salvaged and
2.6 CO 2 1
recycled materials from flooring, columns, beams, timber, glass,
Alternative Building Materials - Overview and definition of
alternative or appropriate building materials - Alternative
2.7 materials developed and promoted by government organisations CO 2 1
like CSIR labs: CBRI and SERC, GRIHA, ASTRA (IISc),
BMTPC, HUDCO and its building centres
Alternative materials developed and promoted by non-govt
2.8 CO 2 1
organisations DA, Auroville, TERI
3 Module 3 8
Sustainable methods & technologies – Eco friendly and low-
3.1 cost techniques - Different substitute for wall construction - CO 3 1
Flemish Bond - Rat Trap Bond
3.2 Arches – Panels - Cavity Wall CO 3 1
3.3 Ferro Cement and Ferro Concrete constructions CO 3 1
Different pre cast members using these materials - Alternate
3.4 CO 3 1
roofing systems - Filler Slab - Composite Beam and Panel Roof
3.5 Pre-engineered and ready to use building elements CO 3 1
3.6 Wood products - steel and plastic, Mivan technique CO 3 1
3.7 Contributions of agencies - Costford CO 3 1
3.8 Nirmithi Kendra – Habitat CO 3 1
4 Module 4 7
Green building rating systems – Guidelines from IGBC –
4.1 CO 4 2
LEED rating system, TERI-GRIHA rating system.
Codes - Energy Conservation Building Code (BEE), National
4.2 CO 4 1
Building Code.
Green Building Case studies – Residential, Institutional, and
4.3 CO 4 2
Concept of Net Zero buildings – Use of BIPV and other
4.4 CO 4 2
renewable energy in buildings
5 Module 5 6
5.1 ICT for Sustainable Construction : Building Information CO 5 1

modeling – Introduction to BIM, concepts and benefits

5.2 BIM for construction scheduling CO 5 1
5.3 BIM for Cost estimation and construction management. CO 5 1
5.4 Building Automation – Concepts CO 5 1
5.5 Components of BA CO 5 1
5.6 Applications of BA for functional efficiency of buildings. CO 5 1

Model Question Paper


Reg No.:_______________ Name:__________________________



Course Code: CET 458


Max. Marks: 100 Duration: 3 hours

Part A
(Answer all questions; each question carries 3 marks)

1. Discuss any one sustainability indicator

2. What is EIA? Explain its significance
3. Define eco blocks
4. Enumerate the properties of wood-based materials that make it sustainable
5. Explain pre-engineered building construction
6. Differentiate between ferrocement and ferro-concrete
7. Discuss the role of NBC in sustainable building construction
8. Describe net zero building
9. What are the benefits of BIM?
10. List the components of building automation system
(Answer one full question from each module, each question carries 14 marks)

Module – 1
11. (a) What is embodied energy? Explain its significance. (5 Marks)
(b) Illustrate the process of Life Cycle Analysis. (9 Marks)
12. (a) Explain the features of green buildings. (5 Marks)
(b) Describe the methods for estimation of carbon foot print. (9 Marks)

Module – 2
13. (a) Discuss the initiatives of GRIHA in alternative materials development. (5 Marks)
(b) List out the various types of agro and industrial wastes and explain their properties
(9 Marks)
14. (a) Discuss any five sustainable materials that can be made from utilization of wastes.
(5 Marks)

(b) Elaborate the steps involved in manufacturing of stabilized mud blocks. (9 Marks)

Module – 3
15. (a) Draw the plan of odd and even courses of a corner wall comprising rat trap bond.
(5 Marks)
(b) List out the merits and demerits of Mivan construction technique. (9 Marks)
16. (a) Explain the concept of filler slab roofing systems. (7 Marks)
(b) Discussthe role of Habitat in propagating cost-effective constructions. (7 Marks)

Module – 4
17. (a) Describe green building features based on a residential case study. (5 Marks)
(b) Compare the rating frameworks of LEED and GRIHA (9 Marks)
18. (a) What are the applications of building integrated photo voltaics? (5 Marks)
(b) Discuss the features of energy efficient buildings based on
(i) institutional case study (ii) commercial case study (9 Marks)

Module – 5
19. (a) Enumerate the role of building automation in energy conservation (5 Marks)
(b) Describe the implementation of BIM in construction scheduling. (9 Marks)
20. (a) Illustrate the application of building automation in water conservation (5 Marks)
(b) Explain the process of BIM in cost optimisation. (9 Marks)

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