Shejra Final

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Compiled by:
Peer-e-Tareeqat Rahbar-e-Shariat
Mufti Abubakr Siddiq
Al-Qadri Ash-Shadhli

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 1

O Allah, the Exalted! This

male/female …………………. Qadri
Shadhli Jahanghiri/Qadria Shadhlia
Jahanghiria s/o or d/o……………………….
…residingat ……………………………..
has become a spiritual disciple (mureed) in
silsila Qadria Shadhlia Jahanghiriyah,
accept him/her and steadfast him/her in
his/her intention of being mureed and raise
him/her, on the day of judgement,in the
disciples of Ghaus-e-Paak Sayyuduna
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani and Qutubul
aqtaab Sayyuduna Sheikh Abulhasan
Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 2
Shadhli (mercy be upon them).
Ameen by the status of our chief and
master the Prophet Muhammad (blessings
and peace be upon him and his sacred

Shajr-e-Qadiriyah Shadhliyah
Sayyuduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wa aalihi wasallam

Sayyuduna Ali bin Abu Talib Sayyuduna Anas bin Malik Sayyuduna Salman Al-Farsi Sayyuduna Abubaker Siddiq

Hasan bin Ali Husain bin Ali Hasan Basri Muhammad bin Sireen Qasim bin Muhammad

Abu Muhammad Jabir Zainul Abideen Habeeb Ajmi

Saeed Alghazwani Muhammad Al-Baqir

Fathus Saood Dawood Taai

Saad Ja’far Sadiq

Abu Muhammad Saeed Bayazeed Bistami Musa Al-Razi

Ahmadul Marwani Abu Nasar Al-Karkhaani Ali Bin Musa

Ibraheem Al-Basri Maroof Karkhi

Zainud Deen Al-Qazweeni Siri Siqti

Muhammad Shamsud Deen Abul Qasim Junaid Abul Hasan Noori

Muhammad Tajud Deen Abubakr Shibli Abu Yaqoob Ishaaq Abu Bishr Al-Jauhari

Noorud Deen Abul Hasan Abul Farj Abdul Wahab Abu Saeed Al-Maghrabi Abdullah Bin Abil Bishr

Fakhrud Deen Abul Farj Al-Tartoosi Ash-Shashi Abdul Jaleel

Taqiyud Deen Al-Faqeer Abul Hasan Ali Bin yousuf Muhammad Bannor

Abdur Rahman Madani Saeed Bin Mubarak Ayub Bin Saeed

Sayyuduna Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jeelani AbuYazi Bin Mamoon

Abur Rahman A-Attar Azzayyat Abu Madyan

Abdus Salam Bin Mishsheesh Muhammad Saleh

Muhammad Bin Harazim

Sayyuduna Qutub Abul Hasan Ash-Shadhli

Abul Abbas Al-Mursi

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 3
Ahmad Bin Atta-ullah Iskandari Ahmad Bin Abdullah Al-Fasi

Dawood Bin Bakhli Al-Arabi Bin Abdullah

Muhammad Wafa Bahrus Safa Ali Al-jumal Al-Imrani

Ali Bin Wafa Al-Arabi Al-Darqawi

Yahya Al-Qadri Muhammad Bin Abdullah Al-Marakashi Ahmad Bin Ajeebah

Ahmad Al-Hazrami Asmeeh Bin Hamwi As-Soosi Abdus Slam Bin Ajeebah

Ahmad Zarrooq Ali Bin Ahmad Al-Ilfi As-Soosi Abdul Ghafir Bin Abdus Slam

Ibraheem Al-Khatim Ibraheem Bin Mubarak Al-Baseer Abdus Slam Bin Al-Imrani

Ali As-Sanhaji Adawwar Muhammad Al-Habeeb

Abdur Rahman Al-Mahloob Muhammad Al-Mustafa Al-Baseer

Yousuf Al-Fasi Abdul Haadi Bin Muhammad Al-kharsa

Abdur Rahman Al-Fasi Muhammad Abubaker Bin Abdur Rahman

Al-Qadri Ash-Shadhli
Muhammad Bin Abdullah

Qasim Al-Khisami

Shajra-e- Qadriyah Jahaangheeriyah

Imamul Anbiya Sayyuduna Muhammadur Rasoolullah (Peace be upon him and his family)

Imamul Mashariq-wal-Magharib Ali Ibne Talib

Sayyedus Shohada Imam Hussain Bin Ali

Sayyedus Sajidain Imam Zainul Abideen

Sayyeduna Imam Muhammad Baqar

Sayyeduna Imam Jafar Sadiq

Sayyeduna Imam Moosa Kazim

Hazrat Shah Ma’roof Karkhi

Qudwatus Salikeen Shah Siri Sakati

Sayyedut Taaefa Shaikhul Waqt Junaid Baghdadi

Mehboobe Rabbul Alameen Abu Bakar Shibli

Azizul Awolia Shaikh Abdul Aziz Yamani

Shaikh Abul Farah Abu Yousuf Tartoosi Shaikh-e-Tartoos

Shaikh Abul Hassan Qarshi Al Hankari

Burhanul Asfia Bandagi Sultan Abu Saeed Mubarak

Qutube Rabbani, Mahboobe Subhani, Muhayyud Deen Sayyuduna Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani

Shaikhush Shuyookh Shahabud Deen Suhrwardi

Noorud Deen Mubarak Ghanznavi

Nizamul Haqq Shah Nizamud Deen Ghaznavi

Qalandare Zaman Shah Najmud Deen Qalandar Junpuri

Qutbul Aqtab Shah Qutub Beena’ay Dil Junpuri

Paishwa-e-Kamleen Shah Fazlullah urf Gasaain Bihar Shareef

Qalandare Dahri Mahmood Shah Qalandar Bihar Shareef

Baseerul Awliya Shah Naseerud Deen Bihar Shareef

Sultanul Wasileen Sayyid Taqiyud Deen urf Muttaqi Durwaish Bihar Shareef

Sultanul Aashiqeen Nizamud Deen Bihar Shareef

Burhanul Wasileen Shah Ahlullah Bihar Shareef

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 4
Qutbul Irshad Meer Sayyid Jafar Deewan Bihar Shareef

Shaikhul Aarifeen Shah Khaleelud Deen Bihar Shareef

Imamul Aarifeen Shah Mun’im Pakbaz Bihar Shareef

Makhdoome Zaman Shah Hasan Bihar Shareef

Aashiqe Rasool Shah Hasan Almulaqqab Farhatullah

Shaikhul Aarifeen Shah Mazhar Husain Bihar Shareef

Paishwa-e-Wasileen Shah Mehndi Bihar Shareef

Ghause Dahar Shah Imdad Ali Bhagalpuri

Ghausul Aalameen Shah Mukhlisur Rahman Jahanghiri

Ghausul Aalam Shah Abdul Hayy Shah Mazarkhaili

Qutube Dauran Nabi Raza Shah Lakhnavi

Qutubul Irshad Shah Inayat Hasan Rampuri

Qutubul Waqt Sufi Muhammad Hasan Shah Rampuri

Khawaja Usman Ali Shah Lakhnaviz

Hakeem Tariq Ahmad Qadri

‫مبارکہ ق طىبہ سلسلہ عالی ہ ادری ہ‬

Muhammad Abubaker Bin Abdur Rahman Al-Qadri Ash-Shadhli

‫ن‬ ‫منظوم شجرہ ش‬

‫چ ت ی ہ ل دری ہ‬
‫ق‬ ‫ث‬ ‫ش‬ ‫ن‬ ‫قش‬
‫ابو العالئ ی ہ ب ن دی ہ ج ہا گی ری ہ طاری ہ ع مان ی ہ طار ی ہ‬

‫طفٰے کے‬NN‫اہ مص‬NN‫لٰو ۃ ش‬NN‫تحفہ ص‬ ٔ ‫ا کے‬NN‫حمد بےحد ہے جناب کبري‬

‫اء‬NN‫ل اولي‬NN‫ری ک‬NN‫ر ال م‬NN‫اجتيں ب‬NN‫ح‬ ‫ا کے‬NNNN‫رے ہللا جملہ انبي‬NNNN‫ا م‬NNNN‫ي‬
‫ا کے‬NN‫ر ُدع‬NN‫نے پھ‬NN‫اتھ اپ‬NN‫ر ہ‬NN‫وا ك‬ ‫پڑھ تحيتہ اہل بيت اورچارياروں‬
‫شاذلي بو بکر فقيه با وفا کے‬ ‫عشقِ احمد سے ِجال دے لِب مردہ‬
‫ے‬‫واس ط‬ ‫اےال‬
‫ياء‬N‫طارق احمد شاہ عارف ُپر ض‬ ‫ٰہ‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫ظلمت ِ نفس کو نجم الثاقب کر‬
‫حضرت عثمان عارف مقتدا کے‬ ‫بندہ عاصی ہوں يارب بخش دے‬
‫وفيا‬NN‫ن ص‬NN‫حضرت شاہ محمد حس‬ ‫يری‬NN‫ر م‬NN‫بندہ عاجز ہوں يا رب ک‬
‫ماہتاب صبر و تسليم و رضا کے‬ ‫ايت‬NNN‫اہ عن‬NNN‫اب ِدين و ملت ش‬NNN‫آفت‬

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 5
‫ا کے‬NNN‫بی رض‬NNN‫د ن‬NNN‫اہ محم‬NNN‫شہنش‬ ‫دقہ ال‬NN‫يری ص‬NN‫ول م‬NN‫اء مقب‬NN‫ہو دع‬
‫دعا کے‬NNNN‫دالحی مقبول ال‬NNNN‫اہ عب‬NNNN‫ش‬ ‫دگی‬NN‫دا دے زن‬NN‫دل کو ميرے يا خ‬
‫دٰی‬NN‫مخلص الرحمن جہانگيری ھ‬ ‫ديت ميں‬NN‫اہ اح‬NN‫مجھ کو اپنی بارگ‬
‫فا کے‬NNN‫ا ص‬NNN‫داد علی ب‬NNN‫اہ ام‬NNN‫ش‬ ‫ر‬N‫کر مدد ميری خدايا ہر گھڑی ہ‬
‫ورٰی کے‬NN‫ور ال‬NN‫شہ محمد مہدی ن‬ ‫مجھ کو اپنے ذکر و فکر و شغل‬
‫حضرت مظہر حسين حاجت روا‬ ‫و‬NN‫رے دل ک‬NN‫ے م‬NN‫اں س‬NN‫ور ايم‬NN‫ن‬ ِ
‫اء کے‬NN‫ار االولي‬NN‫رحت ہللا افتخ‬NN‫ف‬ ‫رحت دل دے مجھے اور دور‬NNN‫ف‬ ِ
‫خا‬NN‫ر ِس‬NN‫ن اب‬NN‫اہ حس‬NN‫ن علی ش‬NN‫حس‬ ‫حسن و خوبی سے ميرے دل کو‬
‫ا کے‬NNNNN‫از اتقي‬NNNNN‫اہ ِمنعم پاکب‬NNNNN‫ش‬ ‫ا‬NNN‫ر ي‬NNN‫ے مجھے ک‬NNN‫نعمت ديں س‬
‫ا کے‬NN‫يدمہ لق‬NN‫دين س‬NN‫ل ال‬NN‫ہ خلي‬NN‫ش‬ ‫ر‬NNN‫ريقت پ‬NNN‫ريعت اور ط‬NNN‫رکھ ش‬
‫حٰے‬N‫مس الض‬N‫ر ش‬N‫يد جعف‬N‫ير س‬NN‫م‬ ‫ے‬NNNN‫ازی س‬NNNN‫اہ ب‬NNNN‫نفس کی روب‬
‫فا کے‬NN‫ل ص‬NN‫ير اہ‬NN‫ل ہللا م‬NN‫يد اہ‬NN‫س‬ ‫دور کر ميری خودی اور اہل دل‬
‫اء کے‬NN‫يد اولي‬NN‫دين س‬NN‫ام ال‬NN‫ہ نظ‬NN‫ش‬ ‫اہ دو‬NN‫نظم کر ميرا قبول اے بادش‬
‫ا کے‬N‫يد بے بہ‬N‫شہ نصير الدين س‬ ‫دقہ مجھے‬NN‫ا ص‬NN‫دين ک‬NN‫ہ تقی ال‬NN‫ش‬
‫ا کے‬NN‫دين ُدرد رج فن‬NN‫شاہ قطب ال‬ ‫ل ہللا‬NN‫ير فض‬NN‫سيد محمود و سيد م‬
‫ا کے‬NN‫يد ثاني‬NN‫اہ س‬NN‫ارک ش‬NN‫ہ مب‬NN‫ش‬ ‫ام‬NN‫يخ نظ‬NN‫در ش‬NN‫دين قلن‬NN‫شيخ نجم ال‬

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 6
‫شہ شہاب الدين صاحب ُپر ضياء‬ ‫المين‬NN‫يرے الہ الع‬NN‫و کھال م‬NN‫دل ک‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫ايت‬N‫نی عن‬N‫و اپ‬N‫ق ہے ت‬N‫ادر مطل‬N‫ق‬
‫اء کے‬NNNN‫ادر جيالں قطب اولي‬NNNN‫ق‬ ‫مجھ پہ رکھ‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫واس‬ ‫ين‬N‫و الحس‬N‫عيد و ب‬N‫از برائے ُبو س‬
‫ا‬NNN‫ف رحمت نم‬NNN‫ر بويوس‬NNN‫رحم ک‬ ‫ا ذو الجالل‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫ي‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫واال‬NN‫ق ميں مت‬NN‫نے عش‬NN‫مجھ کو اپ‬
‫ا‬NN‫ز ُالفت رس‬NN‫د العزي‬NN‫رت عب‬NN‫حض‬ ‫دا‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫ر دے اے خ‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫ک‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫ر و‬N‫و بک‬N‫ہ ب‬N‫دين و ش‬N‫شہ رحيم ال‬
‫وا‬NN‫د پےش‬NN‫رت جني‬NN‫فضل کر حض‬ ‫ل‬NNNNNNNNNN‫ا طفي‬NNNNNNNNNN‫بلی ک‬NNNNNNNNNN‫ش‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫روف‬NN‫ہ مع‬NN‫قطی و ش‬NN‫شہ سری س‬
‫ا‬NN‫ٰی رض‬NN‫ام ديں علی موس‬NN‫ہ ام‬NN‫ش‬ ‫ل‬NNNNNNNNN‫ا طفي‬NNNNNNNNN‫رخی ک‬NNNNNNNNN‫ک‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫دقہ علم و‬NN‫ا ص‬NN‫اظم ک‬NN‫ٰی ک‬NN‫موس‬
‫ا کے‬N‫ہ زين العب‬N‫اقر ش‬N‫ر و ب‬N‫جعف‬ ‫ل و حلم دے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫عم‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫واس‬ ‫راہ ميں تيری رہوں ثابت قدم اے‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫و‬NN‫ے دل ک‬NN‫ور س‬NN‫رفت کے ن‬NN‫مع‬
‫ی کے‬NN‫وائے ديں علی مرتض‬NN‫پيش‬ ‫ر‬NNNNNNNN‫ور ک‬NNNNNNNN‫يرے معم‬NNNNNNNN‫م‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫واس‬ ‫و‬N‫ياں مجھ ک‬N‫يرے عص‬N‫ا الہی م‬N‫ي‬
‫د‬NNNNNNN‫و محم‬NNNNNNN‫بخش دے مجھ ک‬ ‫رماتے ہيں اب‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫ش‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNN‫طفٰے کے واس‬NNNNNNNN‫مص‬ ‫ا الہ‬NN‫عشق دے محبوب کا اپنے ي‬
‫اطمہ‬NN‫رت ف‬NN‫ومہ حض‬NN‫يدہ معص‬NN‫س‬ ‫المين‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫الع‬
‫طے‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫کے واس‬ ‫عشق دے مرشد کا مجھکو يا الہ‬
‫فياء کے‬NNN‫اء و اص‬NNN‫اء و اولي‬NNN‫انبي‬ ‫المين‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫الع‬
‫و العال کے‬NN‫شيخ اعظم مير سيد ب‬ ‫يرےرب العلی‬NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN‫م‬

Note: I have more than fifty five Shajrah’s reach to the

holy Prophet (blessings and peace be upon him) but here I
mentioned only three Shajrah’s.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 7
Dear brother/sister!
This world is mortal. Each living being has to
migrate to the world hereafter. Therefore, struggle for that
immortal world. Save yourself from the frauds and tricks of
this useless world. Our era is very near to the Day of
Judgement. This is the time, the Holy Prophet of Allah
(Blessings and peace be upon him and his sacred family)
informed about that the man would be a believer, in the
morning but he will turn to an infidel in the evening.
Therefore, save your religion and belief. In this regard,
prevent yourself from every action which can be a cause
for a sin because man first gets used to sins then falls in
infidelity in such a way that even he does not know. Here
we are going to write some precautions, please practice

1. Keep away from the company of a person who has

some wrong in his beliefs for example, if somebody
lacks the respect for Allah Almighty or Holy
Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon him and his
sacred family) or his holy companions (Allah
pleased with them all) or Awliya-Allah (Mercy of
Allah be upon them) so take their company as
killing poison. Likewise be away from the company
of the following;
2. Those who are daring to commit sins.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 8
3. Now a day, misguidance is spread very easily by
media. People watch programs with an intention of
learning religion but they spoil their belief. This is
why the holy Prophet (Blessings and peace be upon
him and his sacred family) said, “No doubt this
knowledge is a part of religion so check those
whom you are learning from.” Therefore, do not
listen to everyone who is a so-called scholar,
mualavi, professor or sufi. Rather listen only to
those whom trustful scholars of Ahlussunnah have
testified to be righteous in their beliefs.
4. Likewise do not read every book, pamphlet, and
newspaper or magazine because today disbeliefs are
not only published with the false proofs rather they
are delivered free house to house.
5. Be aware! Today, some enemies of Islam to
misguide people, have purchased some people
including so called mualavi, allama, professor,
doctor and sufi who speak according to the
psychology of each group but behind the curtain
they are working for Islam opponent forces.
Therefore, if you find a person speaking about the
love of Allah Almighty or his Prophet (Blessings
and peace be upon him and his sacred family) don’t
accept him only because of his speech until you
testify him by the trustful scholar of Ahlussunnah.
6. If you did not fulfill your previous duties like
obligatory prayers, fasting and zakat so perform
them as soon as possible because it has been
narrated that nawafil (voluntary worship) of a
person are not accepted if he did not perform his
obligatory duties.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 9
7. It is not compulsory to recite all supplications
(awraad) rather recite some or all according to your
ease but try to recite "Manzoom Shajra" and the
litany "Hiz-bul- bahar"at least once a day.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 10
After Fajr & Maghrib Prayer
A disciple should recite the following supplications
(awraad) after Fajr & Maghrib and he should not miss to
recite at least from one to fourteen, because these
awraad are matchless for spiritual progress.
‫َأُع ْو ُذ ِباِہّٰلل ِم َن الَّش ْیَطاِن الَّر ِج ْیِم‬
Transliteration A’aoodhubillaahi minash shaitaanir rajeem
:Translation I seek refuge of Allah from the cursed
Three )2( ‫الَّرْح مِٰن الَّر ِح يِم‬ ‫ِبْس ِم ال ّٰلِه‬
Transliteration Bismillaahir rahmaanir raheem
:Translation In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the
:Once )3( ‫َو َم ا ُتَقِّد ُم واَأِلْنُفِس ُك ْم ِم ْن َخْيٍر َتِج ُد وُه ِع ْن َد الّل ِٰه‬
‫ُهَو َخْيرًا َّو َأْع َظَم َأْج ًرا َو اْس َتْغ ِفُرواال ّٰلَه ۖ ِإَّن‬
‫ال ّٰلَه َغ ُفوٌر َر ِح يٌم‬
(Sura Al-Muzzammil Verse 20)
Transliteration Wamaa tuqaddimoo li anfusikum min
: khairin tajidoohu indallaahi huwa khairan
wa aazama ajraun wastaghfirullaah.
Innallaaha ghafoorur raheem
:Translation And whatever good you will send forward
for you, you will find it with Allah as better
and greater reward. And beg forgiveness
from Allah. Undoubtedly, Allah is

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 11
Forgiving Merciful.
(4) 99 times: ‫َأْسَتْغ ِفُرال ّٰلَہ‬
Transliteration Astaghfirullaah
:Translation I beg forgiveness from Allah

‫َأْس َتْغ ِفُر َہّٰللا اْلَعِظ ْیَم اَّل ِذ ْي اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُھ َو اْلَحُّي‬
(5) Once
‫اْلَقُّیْو ُم َو َأُتْو ُب ِإَلْیِہ‬
(Amalul Yaumi wal lailah Page. 53)
Transliteratio Astaghfirullaahal azeemal ladhi laa ilaaha
:n illaa huwal hayyul qayyumu wa atoobu ilaih
:Translation I beg forgiveness from Allah, the majestic,
no one is worthy of worship except Him, the
Alive and Sustainer of others and I repent in
His court.

Whosoever recites it thrice after Fajr prayer and

thrice after Asr, will have his sins be forgiven even they are
equal to the froth of the ocean.
(6) Once ‫ِإَّن َہّٰللا َو َم اَل ِئَکَتٗہ ُیَص ُّلْو َن َع َلی الَّنِبِّي َی ا َأُّیَھ ا‬
‫اَّلِذ ْیَن ٰا َم ُنْو ا َص ُّلْو ا َع َلْیِہ َو َس ِّلُم ْو ا َتْس ِلْیمًا‬
)Sura Al-Ahzab Verse 56(
TransliteratioInnallaaha wa malaaikatahu yusalloona alan
n: nabiyi yaa ayyuhal ladheena aamano salloo
alaihi wasallimoo tasleema
:Translation Undoubtedly, Allah and His angels send
blessings on the prophet the Communicator
of unseen news, O you who believe! Send
upon him blessings and salute him fully well
in abundance.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 12
(7) 99 times: ‫َالّٰل ُھَّم َص ِّل َع ٰل ی َس ِّیِد َنا ُم َحَّمٍد َع ْبِد َك َو َر ُسْو ِلَك‬
‫اْلَّنِبِّي اأْل ُِّمِّي َو َع ٰل ی آِلٖہ َو َص ْح ِبٖہ وَس ِّلْم‬
Transliteratio Allaahumma salli ala sayyidina Muhamma-
:n din abdika wa rasoolikan nabiyyil ummiyyi
wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi wasallim
:Translation O Allah! Send blessings on our chief
Muhammad who is your servant and your
messenger, the unlettered communicator of
unseen and on his family and companions
and solute him.
(8) Once ‫َالّٰل ُھَّم َص ِّل َع ٰل ی َس ِّیِد َنا ُمَح َّم ٍد َع ْب ِد َك‬
‫َو َر ُسْو ِلَك اْلَّنِبِّي اأْل ُِّمِّي‬
‫َو َع ی آِلٖہ َو َص ْح ِبٖہ َو َس ِّلْم َتْس ِلْیمًا َک ِثْیرًا ِبَق ْد ِر‬
‫َع َظَم ِة َذ اِتَك ِفْي ُک ِّل َو ْقٍت َّو ِح ْیٍن‬
Allaahumma salli ala sayyidina
Transliterati Muhammadin abdika wa rasoolikan
:on nabiyyil ummiyyi wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi
wasallim tasleeman katheeran biqadri
azmati dhatika fi kulli waqtiun wa heen.
:Translation O Allah! Send blessings on our chief
Muhammad who is Your servant and Your
messenger, the unlettered communicator of
unseen and on his family and companions
and solute him abundantly to the extent of
Your highness in all the times and
(9) Once ‫ اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُہّٰللا‬،‫َفاْع َلْم َأَّنہ‬
)Sura Muhammad Verse 19(

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 13
Fa’lam annahu laa ilaaha illallaahu.
:Translation Know you therefore that there is
noneworthy of worship save Allah.
(10) 99 ‫ َلُہ اْلُم ْل ُك َو َلُہ‬، ‫ اَل َش ِر ْیَک َلٗہ‬، ‫اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُہّٰللا َو ْح َد ٗہ‬
times ‫اْلَحْم ُد َو ُھَو َع ٰل ی ُک ِّل َش ْي ٍء َقِد ْیٌر‬
(Sunan Ibnu Majah & Saheeh Muslim)
Transliterati laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka
:on lahu, lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu wa huwa
ala kulli shayin qadeer.
:Translation There is none worthy of worship save Allah,
He is one, no one is His partner, entire
kingdom is only for Him and all praises be to
Him and He has the authority over
(11) Once ‫اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإٰلاَّل ُہّٰللا ُمَحَّم ٌد َّر ُسْو ُل َّلِہّٰللا (َص َّلی ُہّٰللا‬
) ‫َع َلْیِہ َو َع ی آِلٖہ َو َص ْح ِبٖہ َو َس َم‬
Transliterati laa ilaaha illallaahu Muhammadur rasool-ul-
:on laahi sallallaahu alaihi wa ala aalihi wa
sahbihi wasallam.
:Translation There is none worthy of worship save Allah,
Muhammad is the apostle of Allah. (Blessings
and peace be upon him, his family and his
(12) 3 o ‫ َلْم َیِل ْد َو َلْم ُیْو َل ْد‬o ‫ ُہّٰللَا الَّص َم ُد‬o ‫ُقْل ُھَو ُہّٰللا َأَح ٌد‬
times: o ‫َو َلْم َیُک ْن لٗه ُکُفوًا َأَح ٌد‬
(Sura Al-Ikhlas)
Transliterati Qul huwallaahu ahad. Allaahus samad. Lam
:on yalid walam yolad. Walam yakun lahu

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 14
‫‪kufuwan ahad.‬‬
‫‪:Translation 1. Say! He is Allah, the one.‬‬
‫‪2. Allah the Independent, Care free.‬‬
‫‪3. He begot none, nor was He begotten.‬‬
‫‪4. And none is equal to Him.‬‬

‫)‪(13‬‬ ‫‪As-Salat al-Mishsheeshiyya‬‬

‫‪This salutation is written by the Qutubul Aqtaab‬‬
‫‪Sheikh Abdus Salam s/o Mishsheesh (Allah pleased with‬‬
‫‪both of them). He was the spiritual Sheikh of Imam Abul‬‬
‫‪Hasan Ashshadhli (Allah’s mercy be upon him). This‬‬

‫‪salutation is one of the best for spiritual upgrading.‬‬

‫َالّٰل ُھَّم َص ِّل َع ٰل ی َم ْن ِم ْنُہ اْنَش َّقِت اَألْس َر اُر‪َ ،‬و اْنَفَلَقِت اَألْن َو اُر‪،‬‬
‫َو ِفْیِہ اْر َتَقِت اْلَح َق اِئُق ‪َ ،‬و َتَن َّزَلْت ُع ُل ْو ُم آَد َم َف َأْع َج َزاْلَخاَل ِئَق‪،‬‬
‫َو َلُہ َتَض اَء َلِت اْلُفُھ ْو ُم َفَلْم ُی ْد ِر ْک ُہ ِم َّن ا َس اِبٌق َو َال َالِح ٌق ‪،‬‬
‫َفِر َیاُض اْلَم َلُک ْو ِت ِبَزْھِر َج َم اِلٖہ ُم ْو ِنَق ٌة‪َ،‬و ِحَی اُض اْلَج َب ُرْو ِت‬
‫ِبَفْیِض َأْنَو اِر ٖہ ُم َتَد ِّفَقٌة‪َ ،‬و اَل َش ْي َء ِإاَّل َو ُھ َو ِبِہ َم ُن ْو ٌط؛ ِإْذ َل ْو اَل‬
‫اْلَو اِس َطُة َلَذ َھَب َک َم ا ِقْیَل اْلّٰلَم ْو ُس ْو ُط‪َ ،‬ص اَل ًة َتِلْی ُق ِب َك ِم ْن َک‬
‫ِإَلْیِہ َک َم ا ُھ َو َأْھُلُہ‪َ ،‬ال ُھَّم ِإَّنُہ ِس ُّر َك اْلَج اِم ُع اْل َّد اُّل‬
‫َع َلْی َك ‪َ،‬و ِحَج اُب َك اَأْلْع َظُم اْلَق اِئُم َل َك َبْیَن َی َد ْیَك َال ُھَّم َأْلِح ْقِنْي‬
‫ِبَنَس ِبٖہ ‪َ ،‬و َح ِّقْقِنْي ِبَحَس ِبٖہ ‪َ ،‬و َعِّر ْفِنْي ِإَّی اُہ َم ْع ِر َف ًة َأْس َلُم ِبَھ ا ِم ْن‬
‫َم َو اِر ِد اْلَج ْھ ِل ‪َ ،‬و َأْک َر ُع ِبَھ ا ِم ْن َم َو اِر ِد اْلَفْض ِل ‪َ ،‬و اْح ِم ْلِنْي‬
‫َع ٰل ی َس ِبْیِلٖہ ِإٰل ی َح ْض َرِتَك َحْم اًل َم ْح ُفْو ًف ا ِبُنْص َرِتَك ‪َ ،‬و اْق ِذ ْف‬
‫ِبْي َع َلی اْلَباِط ِل َف اْد َم ُغ ہٗ‪َ ،‬و ُز َّج ِبْي ِفْي ِبَح اِر اَأْلْح ِد َّی ِة‪،‬‬
‫َو اْنُش ْلِنْي ِم ْن َأْو َح اِل الَّتْوََأ ِح ْی ِد ‪َ ،‬و َأْغ ِر ْقِنْي ُأِفْي َع ْیِن َبْح ِر‬
‫اْلَو ْح َد ِة َح َّتی اَل َأَر ی َو ال ْس َم َع َو اَل َأِج َد َو اَل ِح َّس ِإاَّل ِبَھ ا‪،‬‬
‫َو اْج َع ِل اْلِح َج اَب اَأْلْع َظَم َحَی اَة ُرْو ِحْي ‪َ،‬و ُرْو َحُہ ِس َّر َحِقْیَقِتْي‬

‫‪Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah‬‬ ‫‪Page 15‬‬

‫َو َح ِقْیَقَتُہ َج اِمَع َع َو اِلِمْي ِبَتْح ِقْی ِق اْلَح ِّق اَألَّو ِل َی اَأَّوُل َی اآِخ ُر‬
‫َیاَظ اِھُر َیاَب اِط ُن ِاْس َم ْع ِن َداِئْي ِبَم ا َس ِم ْعَت ِبِہ ِن َداَء َع ْب ِد َك‬
، ‫َو َأِّی ْد ِنْي ِب َك َل َك‬، ‫ َو اْنُص ْر ِنْي ِب َك َل َك‬، ‫َزَک ِر َّی ا َع َلْیِہ الَّس اَل ُم‬
‫ َو ُح ْل َبْیِنْي َو َبْیَن َغْی ِر َك ُہّٰللَا ُہّٰللَا ُہّٰللَا‬، ‫َو اْج َم ْع َبْیِنْي َو َبْیَن َك‬
‫(َر َّبَن ا ٰا ِتَن ا‬. ‫ِإَّن اَّلِذ ْي َفَر َض َع َلْیَك اْلُق ْر آَن َل َر اُّد َک ِإٰل ی َم َع اٍد‬.
.times 3(‫ِم ْن َّلُد ْنَك َر ْح َم ًة َو َھِّي ْء َلَنا ِم ْن َأْم ِر َنا َر َش ًدا‬
Transliteration: Allahumma salli ‘ala man minhun-
shaqqatil-asraar. wan-falaqatil-anwaar. wa feehir taqatil-
haqaa’iq. wa tanazzalat ‘uloomu Adama fa-a‘jazal-
khalaa’iq. wa lahu tada’alatil-fuhoomuFa’lam yudrik-hu
minnaa sabiqun wa laa laahiq. fa-riyadul-malakooti bi-
zahri jamaalihi mooniqah. Wa hiyaadul-jabarooti bi-faydi
anwaarihi mutadaffiqah. Wa laa shay’a illaa wa huwa bihi
manoot. Idh laulal-waasitatu la-dhhaba kamaa qeelal
mawsoot.Salaatan taleequ bika minka ilayhi kamaa huwa
ahluh.Allahumma innahu sirrukal-jami‘u-d-daallu
‘alayka.Wa hijaabukal-a‘azamul-qaa’imu laka bayna
yadayk. Allaahumma alhiqni bi-nasabihi wa haqqiqni bi-
hasabihi wa ‘arrifni iyyaahu ma‘rifatan aslamu biha min
mawaaridil-jahl. Wa akra‘u bihaa min mawaridil-fadl.
Wahmilni ‘ala sabeelihi ila Hadratik hamlan mahfoofam bi-
nusratik. waqdhif bi ‘alal-baatil fa-admaghuh. Wa zujja bi fi
biharil-Ahadiyya. Wanshulni min awhaalit-tawheed
waghriqni fi ‘ayni bahri-l-Wahdata hatta laa ara wa laa
asma‘a wa laa ajida wa laa uhissa illaa bihaa. aj‘alil
hijaabal-a‘zama hayaata roohi wa ruhahu sirra haqeeqati
wa haqeeqatahu jami‘a ‘awaalimi bi-tahqeeqil-Haqqil-
Awwal.Ya Awwalu Ya Aakhiru Ya Zaahiru Ya Baatin.Isma‘
nida’i bimaa sami‘ta bihi nida’a abdika Zakariyya wansurni
bika lak. Wa ayyidni bika Lak. Wajma’ bayni wa Baynak.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 16
Wa hul bayni wa bayna ghayrik. Allaaah! Allaaah! Allaaah!
Innal-ladhi farada ‘alaykal-qur’ana la-raad duka ’ila ma‘ad.
[Holy Qur’an 28.85] Rabbanaa aatinaa min ladunka
Rahmatan wa hayyi’ lanaa min ‘amrinaa Rashadaa (3
times) [Holy Qur’an 18.10]

Translation: O Allah shower Your blessings upon him

from whom burst open the secrets, from whom stream forth
the lights, and in whom rise up the realities, and upon
whom descended the sciences of Adam, by which all
creatures are made powerless, and upon him before whom
all understanding is diminished. None of us totally
comprehend him, whether in the past or the future. The
gardens of the spiritual kingdom blossom ornately with the
resplendence of his beauty and the reservoirs of the World
of Dominion overflow with the outpouring of his light.
There is nothing that is not connected to him, because if
there were no intercessor, everything to be interceded for
would vanish, as it is said. So bless him with a mercy that
is worthy of You, from You, as befits his stature. O Allah
indeed he is Your all-encompassing secret that leads to You
and he is Your Supreme Veil raised before You, between
Your Hands. O Allah! Include me among his descendants
and confirm me through his account and let me know him
with a deep knowledge that keeps me safe from the wells of
ignorance, so that I might drink to fullness from the wells
of excellence. Carry me on his path to Your Presence
encompassed by Your help, and strike through me at the
false so that I may destroy it. Plunge me into the seas of
Oneness, pull me out of the morass of metaphorical Unity,
and drown me in the Essence of the Ocean of Unity until I

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 17
neither see, nor hear, nor find, nor sense, except through It.
and make the Supreme Veil the life of my soul and his soul
the secret of my reality and his reality the conflux of my
worlds through the realization of the First Truth. O First!
O Last! O Manifest! O Most Hidden! Hear my call as You
heard the call of your servant Zachary and grant me
victory through You, for You and support me through You,
for You and join me to You and come between myself and
anything other than You. Allaaah! Allaaah! Allaaah!
[According to some, each"-aaa" is extended for
approximately 12 counts] Indeed He, Who ordained the
Qur’an for you, will return you to the station of your
Ultimate Destiny. O Lord grant us from Your Presence
Mercy and endow us, whatever our outward condition,
with sure Guidance! (3)

(14) Hizb-ul-Bahr (Litany of the Sea)

‫ َأْنَت َر ِّبي َو ِع ْلُم َك‬. ‫َالّٰل ُھَّم َی اَع ِلُّی َی اَع ِظ ْیُم َی اَحِلْیُم َی اَع ِلْیُم‬
‫ َتْنُص ُر َم ْن‬، ‫ َو ِنْع َم اْلَح ْس ُب َح ْس ِبْي‬،‫ َفِنْع َم الَّرُّب َر ِّبي‬، ‫َح ْس ِبْي‬
‫ َنْس َأُلَك اْلِع ْص َم َة ِفْي اْلَحَر َک اِت‬، ‫َّر ِح ْیُم‬NN‫َتَش اُء َو أْنَت اْلَع ِز ْیُز ال‬
‫َو الَّس َک َناِت َو اْلَک ِلَم اِت َو اِإْل َر اَداِت َو اْلَخ َط َر اِت ِم َن الُّش ُک ْو ِك‬
‫ َفَقِد‬،‫َو الُّظُنْو ِن َو اَأْلْو َھاِم الَّساِتَرِة ِلْلُقُلْو ِب َع ْن ُم َطاَلَعِة اْلُغ ُیْو ِب‬
‫اْبُتِلَي اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُنْو َن َو ُز ْلِز ُلْو ا ِز ْلَزاًال َش ِد ْیدًا۔ َو ِاْذ َیُقْو ُل اْلُم َن اِفُقْو َن‬
‫َو اَّلِذ ْیَن ِفْي ُقُلْو ِبِھْم َّمَر ٌض َّم ا َو َعَدَنا ُہّٰللا َو َر ُسْو ُلٗہ ِإَّال ُغ ُرْو رًا۔‬
‫َا َھ َذ ا اْلَبْح َر َک َم ا َس َّخ ْر َت اْلَبْح َر‬N ‫َفَثِّبْتَنا َو اْنُصْر َنا َو َس ِّخ ْر َلن‬
‫ َو َس َّخ ْر َت اْلِج َباَل َو اْلَح ِد ْیَد‬، ‫ َو َس َّخ ْر َت الَّناَر ِإِل ْبَر اِھْیَم‬، ‫ِلُم ْو سٰی‬
‫ َو َس ِّخ ْر‬، ‫ َو َس َّخ ْر َت الِّرْیَح والَّش َیاِط ْیَن َو اْلِج َّن ِلُس َلْیَم اَن‬،‫ِلَداُو َد‬
،‫َلنَا ُک َّل َبْح ٍر ُھَو َلَك ِفي اَأْلْر ِض َو الَّس َم آِء َو اْلُم ْلِك َو اْلَم َلُک ْو ِت‬
Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 18
‫َو َبْح َر الُّد ْنَیا َو َبْح َر اآْل ِخَرِة‪َ ،‬و َس ِّخ ْر َلنَا ُک َّل َش ْي ٍء َی ا َم ْن مِبَی ِدٖہ‬
‫َم َلُک ْو ُت ُک ِّل َش ْي ٍء ۔ ۤک ٰھٰی ۤع ۤص ۤک ٰھٰی ۤع ۤص ۤک ٰھٰی ۤع ۤص ‪ُ .‬اْنُص ْر َنا‬
‫َفِإَّنَك َخ ْیُر الَّناِص ِر ْیَن ‪َ ،‬و اْفَتْح َلنَا َفِإَّنَك َخ َیُر اْلَفاِتِح ْیَن ‪َ ،‬و اْغ ِف ْر‬
‫َلن‪َN‬ا َفِإَّن َك َخْی ُر اْلَغ اِفِر ْیَن ‪َ ،‬و اْر َحْم َن ا َفِإَّن َك َخ ْی ُر ال‪َّNN‬راِحِم ْیَن ‪،‬‬
‫واْر ُز ْقَن ا َفِإَّن َك َخ ْی ُر ال‪َّNN‬راِز ِقْیَن ‪َ ،‬و اْھ ِد َنا َو َنِّج َن ا ِم َن اْلَق ْو ِم‬
‫الَّظاِلِم ْیَن ۔ َو َھْب َلنَا ِر ْیحًا َطِّیَبًة َک َم ا ِھَي ِفْي ِع ْلِم َك ‪ ،‬واْنُش ْر َھا‬
‫َع َلْیَنا ِم ْن َخَزاِئِن َر ْح َم ِتَك ‪َ ،‬و اْح ِم ْلَن ا ِبَھ ا َح ْم َل اْلَک َر اَم ِة َم َع‬
‫الَّس اَل َم ِة َو اْلَع اِفَیِة ِفي الِّدْیِن َو ال ‪ُّN‬د ْنَیا َو اآْل ِخ َرِة‪ِ .‬إَّن َك َع ٰل ی ُک ِّل‬
‫َش ْي ٍء َق ِد ْیٌر ط َالّٰل ُھَّم َیِّس ْر َلن ‪َN‬ا ُأُم ْو َر َن ا َم َع الَّراَح ِة ِلُقُلْو ِبَن ا‬
‫َو َأْب َداِنَنا‪َ ،‬و الَّس اَل َم ِة َو اْلَع اِفَی ِة ِفْي ِد ْیِنَن ا َو ُد ْنَیاَن ا‪َ ،‬و ُک ْن َلن‪َNN‬ا‬
‫َص اِح بًا ِفْي َس َفِر َنا َو َخ ِلْیَف ًة ِفْي َأْھِلَن ا‪ ،‬واْطِم ْس َع ٰل ی ُو ُج ْو ِہ‬
‫َأْع َداِئَنا‪َ ،‬و اْمَس ْخ ُھْم َع ٰل ی َم َکاَنِتِھْم َفَال َیْسَتِط ْیُعْو َن اْلُمِض َّي َو اَل‬
‫الَم ِج ْي َء ِإَلْیَن ا‪َ ،‬و َل ْو َنَش آُء َلَطَم ْس َنا َع ٰل ی َأْع ُیِنِھْم َفاْس َتَبُقوا‬
‫الِّص َر اَط َفَأّٰن ی ُیْبِص ُرْو َن ۔ َو َلْو َنَش آُء َلَم َس ْخ َناُھْم َع ٰل ی َم َک اَنِتِھْم‬
‫َفَم ااَس َتَطاُع ْو ا ُمِض ًّیا َّو اَل َیْر ِج ُعْو َن ۔ ٰی ۤس َو اْلُقْر آِن الَحِکْیِم ۔ ِإَّنَك‬
‫َلِم َن اْلُم ْر َسِلْیَن َع ٰل ی ِص َر اٍط ُم ْسَتِقْیٍم ‪َ ،‬تْنِز ْیَل اْلَع ِز ْیِز الَّر ِح ْیِم ‪،‬‬
‫ِلُتْنِذَر َقْو مًا َّم آ ُاْنِذَر آَبآُؤُھْم َفُھْم َغاِفُلْو َن ۔ َلَقْد َح َّق اْلَق ْو ُل َع ٰل ی‬
‫َأْکَثِر ِھْم َفُھْم اَل ُیْؤ ِم ُنْو َن ۔ِإَّنا َجَع ْلَنا ِفْي َأْع َناِقِھْم َأْغ اَل ًال َفِھَي ِإَلی‬
‫اَأْلْذ َق اِن َفُھْم ُّم ْقَم ُح ْو َن ۔ وَجَع ْلَن ا ِم ْن َبْیِن َأْی ِد ْیِھْم َس ًّد ا َّو ِم ْن‬
‫َخ ْلِفِھْم َس ًّد ا َفَاْغ َش ْیٰن ُھْم َفُھْم اَل ُیْبِص ُرْو َن ۔ َش اَھِت اْلُو ُج ْو ُہ‪،‬‬
‫َش اَھِت اْلُوُجْو ُہ‪َ ،‬ش اَھِت اْلُوُجْو ُہ‪َ ،‬و َع َنِت اْلُوُجْو ُہ ِلْلَح ِّي اْلَقُّی ْو ِم‬
‫ط َو َق ْد َخ اَب َم ْن َح َم َل ُظْلم‪ًN‬ا۔ ٰط ۤس ٰط ۤس ۤم ٰح ۤم ۤع ۤس ۤق َم َر َج‬
‫اْلَبْح َر ْیِن َیْلَتِقٰی ِن ‪َ ،‬بْیَنُھَم ا َب ْر َز ٌخ اَّل َیْبِغ ٰی ِن ۔ٰح ۤم ٰح ۤم ٰح ۤم ٰح ۤم ٰح ۤم‬
‫ٰح ۤم ٰح ۤم ‪ُ ،‬ح َّم اَأْلْم ُر َو َج آَء الَّنْص ُر َفَع َلْیَن ا َال ُیْنَص ُرْو َن ۔ ٰح ۤم ‪،‬‬
‫‪Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah‬‬ ‫‪Page 19‬‬
‫َّذ ْنِب َو َق ا ِب ِل‬N‫َتْنِز ْیُل اْلِکَت اِب ِم َن ِہّٰللا اْلَع ِز ْی ِز اْلَعِلْیِم ۔ َغ اِفِر ال‬
‫الَّت ْو ِب َش ِد ْیِد اْلِع َق اِب ِذ ي الَّط ْو ِل اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإَّال ُھ َو ط ِإَلْیِہ‬
،‫ ٰی ۤس َس ْقُفَنا‬،‫ َتَب اَر َك ِح ْیَطاُنَن ا‬،‫اْلَم ِص ْیُر۔] ِبْس ِم ِہّٰللا َباُبَن ا‬
‫ َفَس َیْک ِفْیَک ُھُم ُہّٰللا َو ُھ َو‬،‫ ٰح ۤم ۤع ۤس ۤق ِح َم اَیُتَن ا‬،‫ۤک ٰھٰی ۤع ۤص ِکَفاَیُتَن ا‬
‫ َو َع ْیُن‬،‫)[۔ ]ِس ْتُر اْلَع ْر ِش َم ْس ُبْو ٌل َع َلْیَنا‬3times( ‫الَّس ِم ْیُع اْلَعِلْیُم‬
‫ َو ُہّٰللا ِم ْن َّو َر آِئِھْم‬،‫ ِبَح ْو ِل ِہّٰللا َال ُیْق َدُرَع َلْیَنا‬،‫ِہّٰللا َن اِظَر ٌة ِإَلْیَن ا‬
‫ َبْل ُھَو ُقْر آٌن َّم ِج ْیٌد ِفْي َلْو ٍح َّم ْح ُفْو ٍظ ۔ َفاُہّٰلل َخْیٌر َح اِفظًا‬،‫ُمِح ْیٌط‬
‫) [۔ ]ِإَّن َو ِلَّي َے ُہّٰللا اَّلِذ ْي َنَّز َل‬3times( ‫َّو ُھَو َأْر َح ُم الَّراِحِم ْیَن‬
‫) [۔ ]َح ْس ِبَي ُہّٰللا اَل ِإٰل َہ‬3times( ‫اْلِکَتاَب َو ُھَو َیَتَو َّلی الَّصاِلِح ْیَن‬
‫) [۔‬3times( ‫ِإاَّل ُھَو َع َلْیِہ َت وَّک ْلُت َو ُھ َو َر ُّب اْلَع ْر ِش اْلَعِظ ْیِم‬
‫]ِبْس ِم ِہّٰللا اَّلِذ ْي اَل َیُضُّر َم َع اْس ِمٖہ َش ْي ٌء ِفْي اَأْلْر ِض َو َال ِفي‬
‫) [۔ ]َو َال َح ْو َل َو َال ُقَّو َة ِإاَّل‬3times( ‫الَّس َم آِء َو ُھَو الَّس ِم ْیُع اْلَعِلْیُم‬
‫) [۔ َو َص َّلی ُہّٰللا َع ٰل ی َس ِّیِد َنا ُم َحَّمٍد‬3times( ‫ِبا ِہّٰلل الَع ِلِّي الَعِظ ْیِم‬
‫َّوَع ٰل ی آِلٖہ َو َص ْح ِبٖہ َو َس َّلَم ۔ َو اْلَحْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب اْلٰع َلِم ْیَن ۔‬
Transliteration: Ya Allahu, Ya 'Aliyyu, Ya 'Adheemu, Ya
Haleemu, Ya 'Aleem. Anta rabbi, wa 'ilmuka hasbi, fa
ni'mar-rabbu rabbi, wa ni'mal hasbu hasbi, tansuru man
tashaa-u wa antal 'azeezur raheem. Nas-alukal 'ismata fil
harakaati was-sakanaati wal kalimaati wal iraadaati wal
khataraati minash-shukooki wa-dhunooni wal awhaamis-
saatirati lil quloobi 'an mutala'atil ghuyoob. Faqadib tuliyal
mu'minoona wa zulziloo zilzaalan shadeeda. Wa idh
"yaqoolul munaafiqoona wal-ladheena fi quloobihim
maradun maa wa'adanallaahu wa rasooluhu illa
ghuroora."Fa thabbitnaa wan-surnaa wa sakh-khir lanaa
haadhal bahra, kamaa sakh-khartal bahra li Moosa, wa

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 20
sakh-khartan naaraa li Ibrahim. Wa sakh-khartal jibaala
wal hadeeda li Dawood. Wa sakh-khartar reeha wash-
shayaateena wal jinna li Sulaymaan. Wa sakh-khir lanaa
kulla bahrin huwa laka fil ardi was-samaa-i wal mulki wal
malakoot. Wa bahrad-dunyaa, wa bahral aakhirah. Wa
sakh-khir lanaa kulla shay-in yaa mam bi yadihi malakootu
kulli shay."Kaaf haa yaa 'ain saad.Kaaf haa yaa 'ain
saad.Kaaf haa yaa 'ain saad."Unsurnaa fa-innaka khayrun-
naasireen.Waf-tah lanaa fa-innaka khayrul faati-
heen.Wagh-fir lanaa fa-innaka khayrul ghaafireen.War-
hamnaa fa-innaka khayrur-raahimeen.War-zuqnaa fa-
innaka khayrur-raaziqeen.Wahdinaa wanajjinaa minal
qawmidh-dhaalimeen.Wa hab lanaa reehan tayyibatan
kamaa hiya fi 'ilmik. Wan-shurhaa 'alaynaa min khazaaini
rahmatik. Wahmilnaa biha hamlal karaamati ma'assa-
laamati wal 'aafiyati fid-deeni wad-dunyaa wal
aakhira.Innaka 'ala kulli shayin qadeer. Allaahumma yassir
lanaa umooranaa ma'arraahati li quloobinaa wa
abdaaninaa was-salaamati wal 'aafiyati fi deeninaa wa
dunyaanaa. Wa kul-lanaa saahiban fi safarinaa wa
khaleefatan fi ahlinaa. Wat-mis 'ala wujoohi a'daainaa.
Wam-sakh hum 'ala makaanatihim fala yasta-ti'oonal
mudiyyanw walal majiyya ilaynaa. "Wa laow nashaa-u
latamasnaa 'ala a'yunihim fas-tabaqus-sirata fa-anna
yubsiroon.Wa laow nashaa-u lamasakhnaahum 'ala
makaanatihim famas-tataa'u mudiyyaun-wa la yarji'oon."
"Yaa seen.Wal Qur'aanil hakeem.Innaka laminal
mursaleen.'Ala siratim-mustaqeem.Tanzeelal 'azeezir-
raheem.Li tunzira qawmam-maa undhira aabaa-uhum
fahum ghaafiloon.Laqad haqqal qawlu 'ala ak-tharihim

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 21
fahum la yu'minoon.Innaa ja'alnaa fi a'naaqihim aghlaalan
fa hiya ilal adhqaani fahum muqmahoon.Wa ja'alna mim-
bayni aydihim saddaun-wa min khalfihim saddan fa-agh
shaynaahum fahum la yubsiroon."Shaahatil wujooh.
Shaahatil wujooh.Shaahatil wujooh."Wa 'anatil wujoohu lil
hayyil qayyoomi wa qad khaaba man hamala
dhulma.""Taa seen.Taa seen meem.Haa meem.'Ain seen
qaaf.""Marajal bahrayni yaltaqiyaan. Baynahumaa barza-
khul-laa yabghiyaan.""Haa meem. Haa meem.Haa meem.
Haa meem.Haa meem.Haa meem.Haa meem." Hummal
amru wa jaa-an-nasru fa'alaynaa la yunsaroon. "Haa
meem.Tanzeelul kitaabi minallaahil 'azeezil 'aleem.
Ghaafiridh-dhambi wa qaabilit-tawbi shadeedil 'iqaabi
dhit-tawli laa ilaaha illaa huwa ilayhil maseer."
[Bismillaahi, baabunaa.Tabaraka, heetaanunaa. Yaa seen,
saqfunaa. Kaaf haa yaa 'ain saad, kifaayatunaa.Haa meem
'ain seen qaaf, himaayatunaa. "Fasayakfeekahumullaahu
wa huwas-samee'ul 'aleem.(Thrice)][Sitrul 'arshi masbool-
un 'alaynaa, wa 'ainullaahi naadhiratun ilaynaa, bi
hawlillaahi laa yuqdaru 'alaynaa. Wallaahu miun-
waraaihim muheet.Bal huwa Qura'anum-majeed. Fi
lawhim-mahfoodh.Fallaahu khayrun hafidhaun-wa huwa
arhamur-rahimeen.(Thrice)][Inna waliy-yiyallaahul-ladhee
nazzalal kitaaba wa huwa yatawallas-saaliheen.(Thrice)]
[Hasbiyallaahu laa ilaaha illaa huwa 'alayhi tawakkaltu wa
huwa rabbul 'arshil 'adheem.(Thrice)][Bismillaahil ladhee
la yadurru ma'asmihi shay un fil ardi wa laa fis-samaa-i wa
huwas-samee'ul 'aleem.(Thrice)][Wa laa hawla wa laa
quwwata illaa billaahil 'aliyyil 'adheem.(Thrice)] Wa
sallallaahu 'ala sayyidinaa Muhammadiun-wa 'ala aalihi wa

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 22
sahbihi wa sallam. Wal hamdulillaahi rabbil aalameen.

Translation: O Allaah, O Exalted One, O Supreme One, O

Gentle One, O AII-Knowing One, You are my Lord, and
Your knowledge is sufficient for me. What an excellent
Lord is my Lord! What a wonderful sufficiency is my
sufficiency! You help whome You want and You are the
Almighty and the Merciful. We beg You for protection, in
movements and moments of rest, in words, desires, and
passing thoughts, from doubts, suppositions and fancies-
veilings, which block the hearts, from the sight of the
unseen. The faithful were tried. They were severely shaken.
Then the hypocrites and who their hearts disease ridden
would say, "God and His Messenger promised us only
delusion. (Q. 33:11-12) Even so, make us firm, aid us, and
suppress for us this sea, as you did suppress the sea for
Moses, and the fire for Ibrahim, and the mountains and
iron for David, and the wind, the satans, and the jinns for
Solomon. And suppress for us your every sea in earth and
heaven, in this domain and the celestial, the sea of this
world and the sea of the next. Render subservient to us
everything, "O You, whose hand holds sovereignty over
everything" (Q. 23:88). Kaaf haa' yaa' 'ayn saad.Kaaf haa'
yaa' 'ayn saad.Kaaf haa' yaa' 'ayn saad. Help us, because
you are the best of helpers. Open to us, because you are the
best of openers. Pardon us, because you are the best of
pardoners. Be compassionate toward us, because you are
the best of those who show compassion. Sustain us,
because you are the best of sustainers. Guide us and rescue
us from the unjust people. Send us a gentle breeze, as you
know how to do, and let it blow on us from the treasures of
your mercy. Let it bear us along as it by miraculous

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 23
intervention, with security and well-being, in religion,
worldly affairs, and the hereafter. You are powerful over
all things. O Allah! Facilitate for us our affairs, with ease
of mind and body, with security and well-being in religious
and worldly matters. Be a companion for us on our
journey, and a substitute for our households. Blot out the
countenances of our enemies, and transform them where
they stand, disabling them from leaving or coming to US. If
We willed, We would blot out their eyes. Yet, they would
race forward to the path. But how would they see? If We
willed, We should transform them where they stand. Thus,
they would be unable to leave or return (Q 36:66-67). Yaa
seen! By the Wise Qur' an! Surely you are one of the
apostles. Have been sent on a straight path! A revelation
sent down by the Mighty, the Merciful, that you might warn
a people whose fathers had not been warned. Yet, they do
not take heed. The declaration has been confirmed against
the majority of them. Yet they do not believe. We have
circled their necks with chains up to the chin, so they had
to hold their heads high. And We have set a barrier before
them and a barrier behind them and covered them from
above, therefore they see nothing.(Q 36:1-8). May their
faces be deformed! May their faces be deformed! May their
faces be deformed! Their faces have been submissive for
the Living, the Self-Subsistent. For he who is laden with
wrong has already met frustration. Taa' seen, Taa seen
meem, haa' meem, 'ayn seen qaaf. (Q 27:1) He has
released the two seas that meet; Yet between them is a
barrier [barzakh] that they do not overpass.(Q 55:19-20)
Haa' meem, Haa' meem, Haa' meem, Haa' meem, Haa'
meem, Haa' meem, Haa' meem. (Q 40:1) The affair has
been decreed. The triumph has come. Over us they shall

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 24
not triumph. Ha' mim! [It is] the sending down of the
Scripture from Allah, The Mighty, the AII-Knowing, The
Forgiver of sins, Accepter of penitence, severe in torment,
Possessor of plenty rewards. There is no god besides Him.
Towards Him is the return. (Q 40:1-3) Bismillah (In the
name of Allah) is our door. Tabaaraka (May Allah bless) is
our walls. Yaa' seen is our ceiling. Kaaf haa' yaa' 'ayn
saad (Q 19:1) is our sufficiency. Haa' meem 'ayn seen qaaf
(Q 42:1) is our shelter. So Allah is sufficient for you
against them, for He hears all, knows all. (Q 2: 137) The
veil of the throne has been dropped over us, and the eye of
Allah is gazing at us. We cannot be overwhelmed by the
help of Allah. Allah is behind them, round about. Indeed, it
is a glorious recital [Qur'an], inscribed on a guarded
tablet [lawh mahfuz] (Q. 85:20-21). So Allah is the best of
protectors and He is the best of mercy doers. My helper is
Allah, Who revealed the Book, and He only helps the
righteous. (Q. 7:196) Allah is sufficient for me, none is to
be worshiped except He. I put my trust in Him, and He is
the 'Lord of Supreme Throne.(Q. 9:129). In the name of
Allah, with whose Name nothing in the earth or sky can do
harm, for He is the All-Hearer, All-Knower. There is no
force and no power except with God, the High, the Mighty.
Allah’s blessings and peace be upon our chief Muhammad
and his family and his companions. And all praise be to
Allah, the Lord of all worlds.

After recitation of Hizbul Bahr, recite Sura Al-
Fatiha once then supplicate for yourself, your Sheikh,
Sayyuduna Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani and particularly for
Sayyuduna Sheikh Abul Hasan Shadhli (Allah pleased with

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 25
them), Sheikh Abul Khair Isa Shazli, Sheikh Abdul Hadi
Kharsa, Sheikh Tariq (May Allah keep their shadow upon
us) and this humble slave of Allah, Muhammad Abubaker
Siddiq Al-Qadri Ashshadhli and my teachers and parents
rather for whole Muslim Ummah.

Authenticity & Benefits

Of Hiz-bul-Bahr
Sheikh Abdul Wahab Sharaani (mercy be upon him)
writes with references of some scholars that Imam Abul
Hasan Shadhli (mercy be upon him) said that: By Allah! I
learnt this litany by the Apostle of Allah (blessings and
peace be upon him and his sacred family) word by word.
Imam Abul Hasan Shadhli (mercy be upon him) in his last
time in the desert of Ezaab, advised his disciples to make
their children memorize this litany, no doubt it includes in
it “Al-ismul Azam”.
Imam Ibnu Ayaad Shafai (mercy be upon him)
writes: Whosever recites this litany at the time of sun
rising, Allah will accept his supplications, repel his misery,
rise his status among the people, widen his heart for His
Tawheed (oneness of Allah), make his works easy, turn his
poverty into prosperity, bestow him security from the evil
of jinns and men, and guard him from the worldly and
heavenly problems.
Imam Abul Hasan Shadhli (Allah pleased with him) says,
1. A place where my Hizb (i.e. Hiz-bul-Bahr) is
recitedwill be protected from mischiefs and evils.
2. One, who recites it to protect himself from the
cruelty of an oppressor, will be protected.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 26
3. One who recites it after every five times prayers,
will be guarded from the accidents of the time, he
will be rich and he will attain good fortune in his
4. One who recites it in the first moment of Friday
(i.e. sun rising) will be bestowed peace.
5. A house where this litany is recited will be
protected from fire.
6. If this written litany is hung on a dead body, it will
be protected from fierce animals and birds.
(15) Whosoever recites these words thrice in the
morning and thrice in the evening, will be guarded from
snakes, scorpions and other painful things.
Three Times: ‫َأُع ْو ُذ ِبَک ِلَم اِت ِہّٰللا الَّتاَّم آِت ِم ْن َش ِّر َم ا َخ َلَق‬
(Saheeh Muslim No. 2707, Vol. 1, page 348)
Transliteratio A’aoodhu bikalimaatillaahit taammaati min
:n sharri maa khalaq.
:Translation I take refuge with the complete words of
Allah from the evils of the creatures.
(16) Whosoever recites last three verses of Sura Al-
Hashar after reciting these words thrice, in the morning,
seventy thousand angels supplicate for his forgiveness till
evening and if he dies on the same day he will die the death
of a martyr. And whosoever recites it in the evening; he
will be rewarded by the same till morning.
Three times: ‫ُع ْو ِباِہّٰلل الَّس ِم ْیِع ا َعِلْیِم ِم َن الَّش ْیَطاِن الَّر ِج ْیِم‬
‫َأ ُذ‬
Transliteratio A’aoodhu billaahis samee-il aleemi minish
:n shaytaanir rajeem.
:Translation I take refuge with Allah, The All-hearing,

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 27
The All-knowing from cursed Satan.
The last three verses of Sura Al-Hashr are as given:
‫ ُھ َو‬،‫ ٰع ِلُم اْلَغْیِب َو الَّش َھاَد ِة‬، ‫ُھ َو ُہّٰللا اَّل ِذ ْي آَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُھ َو‬
‫ اْلَم ِل ُک‬، ‫ ُھ َو ُہّٰللا اَّل ِذ ْي آَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُھ َو‬. ‫َّر ِح ْیُم‬NNN‫َّرْح ٰم ُن ال‬NNN‫ال‬
،‫اْلُقُّد ْو ُسالَّس ٰل ُم اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُن اْلُم َھْیِم ُن اْلَع ِز ْی ُز اْلَج َّب اُر اْلُم َتَک ِّب ُر‬
‫ ُھَو ُہّٰللا اْلَخ اِلُق اْلَب اِر ُئ اْلُم َّص ِّو ُر‬، ‫ُسْبَح اَن ِہّٰللا َع َّم ا ُیْش ِر ُک ْو َن‬
‫ ُیَس ِّبُح َلٗہ َم ا ِفي الَّس ٰم ٰو ِت َو اَأْلْر ِض‬،‫َلُہ اَأْلْس َم آُء اْلُحْس ٰن ی‬
o ‫َو ُھَو اْلَع ِز ْیُز اْلَحِکْیُم‬
Transliteration: Huwallaa hulladhi laa ilaaha illaa hoo.
Aalimul ghaybi wash shahaadah. Huwar rahmaanur
raheem.Huwalla hulladhi laa ilaaha illaa hoo.Almalikul
quddoosus salaamul mu’minul muhayminul azeezul
jabbaarul mutakabbiru, subhaanallaahi ammaa
yushrikoon.Huwallaahul khaaliqul baari’ul musawwiru
lahul asmaa’ul husna.Yusabbihu lahu maa fis samaawaati
walard.Wahuwl azeezul hakeem.
Translation:He is Allah, besides Whom there is none to be
worshipped, the Knower of everything hidden and open. He
is the Most Affectionate, the Merciful. (22) He is Allah,
besides Whom none is to be worshipped the Sovereign, the
most Holy, the Bestower of peace, the Giver of Security, the
Protector, the Esteemed one, the Exalted the Majestic.
Glory is to Allah from what they associate. (23) He is
Allah, the Maker, the Creater, the Bestower of form to
everyone. His are all good names; all that is in the heavens
and the earth glorifies Him: and He is the Esteemed One
the Wise. (24)
(Jamay Tirmidhi No. 2931 Vol. 4, Page. 423)

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 28
(17) Whosoever recites it thrice in the morning and
evening, will die on Imaan.
Three times: ‫َال ّٰلُہَّم ِإَّن ا َنُعْو ُذ ِب َك ِم ْن َأْن ُنْش ِر َك ِب َك َش ْیئًا‬
ٗ‫َنْع َلُم ہٗ َو َنْسَتْغ ِفُرَك ِلَم ا ال َنْع َلُم ہ‬
)Musnad Ahamd No. 19625, Vol. 7, Page. 146(
Transliteratio Allaahumma innaa na’uoodhu bika min an
:n nushrika bika shay’an na’lamuhu wa
nastaghfiruka limaa laa na’lamuhu.
:Translation O Allah! We seek Your refuge from making
partner with You knowingly and ask Your
repentance from the sin which we do not
know about it.
(18) Whosoever recites it thrice in the morning and in
the evening, his religion, his life, his family and wealth will
be protected.
Three times: ‫ِبْس ِم ِہّٰللا َع ٰل ی ِد ْیِنْي ِبْس ِم ِہّٰللا َع ٰل ی َنْفِس ْي‬
‫َو ُو ْلِد ْي َو َأْهِلْي َو َم اِلْي‬
)Al-Wazeefatul Kareemah Page. 8 (
Transliteratio Bismillaahi ala deeni, bismillaahi ala nafsi
:n wa wuldi wa ahli wa maali.
:Translation With the name of Allah on my religion, with
the name of Allah on my life, my children,
my wife and my wealth.
(19) Whosoever recites it once in the morning and in
the evening, will be protected from Satan and his troops
Once: ‫ َش ِد ْیِد‬، ‫ َع ِظ ْیِم الُبْر َه اِن‬، ‫ِبْس ِم ِہّٰللا َجِلْی ِل الَّش اِن‬
‫ َأُع ْو ُذ ِب اِہّٰلل ِم َن‬، ‫ َم اَش اَء ُہّٰللا َک اَن‬، ‫الُّس ْلَطاِن‬

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 29
‫الَّش ْیَطاِن الَّر ِج ْیِم‬
)Al-Wazeefatul Kareemah Page. 8 (
Transliteratio Bismillaahi jaleelish shaani, azeemil
:n burhaani, shadeedis sultaani maa
shaa’allaahu kaana a’auoodhu billaahi
minash shaytaanir rajeem.
:Translation With the name of Allah, the honour of great
majesty, the honour of great evidence, the
honour of intense power. I seek refuge of
Allah from the cursed Satan.
(20) Whosoever recites it once in the morning and in
the evening, will be protected from sadness and grief,
weakness and laziness, timidity and wretchedness,
overcomeof the debt and the dominance of the people.
Eleven times should be recited in the morning and in the
evening for paying debts.
‫ َو َأُع ْو ُذ‬، ‫َالّٰل ُہَّم ِإِّنْي َأُع ْو ُذ ِبَك ِم َن اْلَہِّم َو اْلَح َز ِن‬
‫ َو َأُع ْو ُذ ِب َك ِم َن‬، ‫ِب َك ِم ْن الَع ْج ِز َو اْلَک َس ِل‬
‫َّد ْیِن‬N‫ َو َأُع ْو ُذ ِب َك ِم ْن َغ َلَب ِة ال‬، ‫اْلُجْبِن َو اْلُبْخ ِل‬
‫َو َقْہِر الِّر َج اِل‬
)Abudawood No. 1555, Page. 228(
Allaahumma inni a’uoodhu bika minal
Transliteratio hammi wal hazni, wa a’uoodhu bika minal
:n ajzi wal kasali, wa a’uoodhu bika minal
jubni wal bukhli, wa a’uoodhu bika min
ghalbatid dayni wa qahrir rijaal.
:Translation Oh Allah I seek Your refuge from sadness
and grief, I seek Your refuge from weakness
and laziness, I seek Your refuge from

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 30
timidity and wretchedness, I seek Your
refuge from the overcome of debt and the
dominance of the people.
(21) Recite the following supplication 100 times to be
saved from starving in this world, fright in the grave and
anxiety in the field of Hashr (Day of Judgement).
100 times: ‫اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُہّٰللا اْلَم ِلُک اْلَح ُّق اْلُم ِبْیُن‬
)Al-Wazeefatul Kareemah (
Transliteratio Laa ilaaha illallaahul malikul haqqul
:n mubeen
:Translation There is no worthy of worship except Allah,
the king, the manifest truth.


Whosoever recites it once in the morning, will

enter into paradise if he deis before evening and if he
recites in the evening, will enter into paradise if dies
before morning.

‫َٰه ِإَّال َأْنَت‬NNNNNNNNN‫الَّلُهَّم َأْنَت َر ِّبيْ َال ِإل‬


‫َخ َلْقَتِنيْ َو َأَن ا َع ْب ُد َك َو َأَن ا َعلٰى‬

‫َع ْهِد َك َو َو ْع ِد َك َم ا اْس َتَطْع ُت َأُع وُذ‬
‫ََك‬N ‫ِبَك ِم ْن َش ِّر َم ا َص َنْع ُت َو َأُب وُء ل‬
ْ‫وِبي‬ ْ ‫ِبِنْع َم ِت َك َع َلَّي َو َأْع َت ِر ُف ِب ُذ ُن‬
‫َف اْغ ِفْر ِليْ ُذ ُن وِْبيْ ِإَّن ُه َال َيْغ ِف ُر‬
. ‫الُّذ ُنوَْب ِإَّال َأْنَت‬
)Jame Tirmidhi(

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 31
Transliteratio Allaahumma anta rabbi, laa ilaaha illaa
:n anta, khalaqtani wa ana abduka wa ana ala
ahdika wa waádika mastaátu, auoodho
bika min sharri maa sanaátu wa abooá laka
biniámatika alayya wa aátarifu bizunoobi
faghfir li, innahu laa yaghfirudh-dhunooba
illaa anta.
:Translation Allah! You are my Lord. None is worthy of
worship except You. You have created me
and I am your servant and I am on your
agreement and your promise as I can. And I
seek your refuge from the evil of what I
have committed and I admit your bounties
upon me and I admit my sins so forgive sins.
No doubt, no one can forgive sins except

(23) Whosoever recites the coming supplication thrice
after Fajr prayer, will be protected from madness, vitiligo,
blindness, leprosy and epilepsy. And if one adds “AL-
ALIYYIL AZEEM” in the last of this supplication, will stand
pardoned from his place.
Three Times: ‫ َو ِبَحْمِد ٖہ َو اَل َح ْو َل َو اَل ُق َّو َة‬، ‫ُسْبَح اَن ِہّٰللا اْلَعِظ ْیِم‬
‫ِإاَّل ِباِہّٰلل‬
)Amalul Yaume Wal lailah, Page. 55 (
Transliteratio Subhaanallaahil azeemi wa bihamdihi wa
:n laa hawla wala quwwata illaa billaah.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 32
:Translation Glory be to Allah, the Supreme and by His
praise and there is no force and no power
except with Allah.
(24) Whosoever recites these words thrice, will enter
paradise from any gate according to his own desire on the
Day of Judgment.
Three Times: ‫ َو َأِفْض َع َلَّي ِم ْن‬، ‫َدَك‬ ‫َالّٰل ُھَّم اْھ ِدِنْي ِم ْن ِع ْن‬
‫ َو َأْن ِز ْل‬، ‫ِم ْن َر ْح َم ِت َك‬ ‫ َو اْنُش ْر َع َلَّي‬، ‫ِر ْز َق َک‬
‫َع َلَّي ِم ْن َبَر َک اِتَك‬
)Amalul Yaume Wal lailah, Page. 56 (
Allaahum-mahdani min indika, wa afid
Transliteratio alayya min rizqika.Wan shur alayya min
:n rahmatika wa anzil alayya min barakaatik.
:Translation O Allah! Guide me from Yourself and give
me Your provision abundantly and shower
Your mercy upon me and send down Your
blessings upon me.
(25) Whosoever recites this supplication seven times
and if he dies on the same day, Allah will shelter him from
Seven times: ‫َال ُھَّم َأِج ْر ِنْي ِم َن الَّناِر‬
)Amalul Yaume Wal lailah, Page. 54 (
Transliteratio Allaahumma ajirni minan naar.
:Translation O Allah! Shelter me from Hell.


(26) Whosoever recites it (Aayatul Kursi) once after

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 33
every five times prayers, will enter paradise as he dies.

‫ َلٗہ‬، ‫ ِس َنٌة َّو اَل َن ْو ٌم‬، ‫ اَل َتْأُخ ُذ ٗہ‬، ‫ُہّٰللَا اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإَّال ُھَو اْلَحُّي اْلَقُّیوُم‬
‫ َم ْن َذ ا اَّلِذ ْي َیْش َفُع ِع ْنَد ٗہ ِإاَّل‬،‫َم ا ِفي اْلَّسٰم ٰو ِت َو َم ا ِفي اَأْلْر ِض‬
‫ َو اَل ُیِح ْیُطْو َن ِبَش ْي ٍء ِّم ْن‬، ‫ َیْع َلُم َم ا َبْیَن َأْیِد ْیِھْم َو َم اَخ ْلَفُھْم‬، ‫ِبِإْذ ِنٖہ‬
‫ َو اَل‬، ‫ َو ِس َع ُک ْر ِس ُّیُہ اْلَّس ٰم ٰو ِت َو اَأْلْر َض‬، ‫ِع ْلِمٖہ ِإاَّل ِبَم ا َش آَء‬
o ‫ ِح ْفُظُھَم ا َو ُھَو اْلَعِلُّي اْلَعِظ ْیُم‬، ‫َیُؤُد ٗہ‬
Transliteration: Allaahu laa ilaaha illaa hoo. Al-hayyul
qayyoom.Laa taakhudhuhu sinatunw walaa naum.Lahu
maa fis samaawaati wamaa fil ard. Man dhalladhi
yashfa’u indahu illaa bi idhnihi. Yalamu maa bayna
aydeehim wamaa khalfahum walaa yuheetoona bishay’im
min ilmihi illaa bimaa shaa’a.wasi’a kursiyyuhus
samaawaati wal ard.Walaa yu’auduhu hifzuhumaa
wahuwal aliyul azeem.
Translation:Allah is; none is to be worshiped save Him, He
is Himself Alive and Sustainer of others. Slumber seizes
Him not, nor sleep. To Him belongs whatsoever is in the
heavens and whatsoever in the earth. Who is he that would
intercede with Him save by His permission. Knows He
what is before them and what is behind them and they get
nothing of His knowledge save what He desires. The
heaven and earth are contained in His Throne and their
guarding is not a burden for Him and He is the only
Exalted, the Supreme.


Means SUBHAANALLAHI(‫ )سبحان ال ّٰلہ‬33 times, ALHAMD-U-
LILLAHI(‫ )الحمد ل ّٰلہ‬33 times, ALLAHU AKBAR(‫ )ال ّٰلہ اکبر‬33 times
and to recite once the following word:

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 34
Once: ، ‫ َلُہ اْلُم ْل ُك‬، ‫ اَل َش ِر ْیَك َلٗہ‬، ‫اَل ِإٰل َہ ِإَّال ُہّٰللا َو ْح َد ٗہ‬
‫ َو ُھَو َع ٰل ی ُک ِّل َش ْي ٍء َقِد ْیٌر‬، ‫َو َلُہ اْلَحْم ُد‬
)Saheehul Bukhari No. 843, Vol. 1, Page. 229 (
Transliteratio Laa ilaaha illallaahu wahdahu laa shareeka
:n lahu, lahul mulku, wa lahul hamdu,
wahuwa ala kulli shay’in qadeer.
:Translation There is none worthy of worship save Allah,
no one is His partner, He owns the kingship
and praise is only for Him and He has
authority over everything.
Whosoever recites it, no one’s deeds will be raised
equal to its reader’s deeds raised except one who has
recited like him.
(28) Recite it once after daily five times prayers
Once: ‫َال ُھَّم َأِع ِّنْي َع ٰل ی ِذ ْک ِر َك َو ُش ْک ِر َك َو ُحْس ِن‬
‫ِعَباَد ِتَك‬
)Amalul Yaume Wal lailah, Page. 50 (
Transliteratio Allaahumma a’inni ala dhikrika wa shukrika
:n wa husni ibaadatika.
:Translation O Allah! Help me in remembering You, in
gratifying You and in worshiping You in the
best manner.


Recite it after every five times prayers, IN SHA
ALLAH you will observe a lot of blessings.
After Fajr ‫َیاَع ِز ْیُز َیاُہّٰللَا‬ Ya Azeezu Ya Allahu

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 35
After Zuhar ‫َیاَک ِر ْیُم َیاُہّٰللَا‬ Ya Kareemu Ya Allahu
After Asr ‫َیاَج َّباُر َیاُہّٰللَا‬ Ya Jabbaaru Ya Allahu
After Maghrib ‫َیاَس َّتاُر َیاُہّٰللَا‬ Ya Sattaaru Ya Allahu
After Isha ‫َیا َغ َّفاُر َیاُہّٰللَا‬ Ya Ghaffaaru Ya Allahu
)Alwazeefatul Kareemah(

(30) Whosoever recites Hiz-bul-Bahr once after daily

five times prayers will be protected by Allah from the
indigence to the creatures, bestow him peace from the
accidents of time and cause the good fortune in his

Recite it eleven times after daily five times prayers

Eleven times: ُ‫هْيد‬
ِ NNN‫الش‬
َّ ُ ‫رّب‬NNN‫ال‬
َّ ُ‫الم‬
ِ NNN‫ع‬
َ ‫ال‬ ْ ‫ط‬ُ ْNNN‫حي‬ِ ‫م‬ُ ‫َاْل‬
ُ‫الق‬ِ NN‫خ‬َ ‫ال‬
ْ ‫ق‬ُ ‫ال‬َّ ‫خ‬ َ ‫ال‬
ْ ُ‫ال‬NN‫ع‬
َّ ‫الَف‬ْ ُ‫ِْيب‬NN‫حس‬ َ ‫ال‬ْ
ُ ‫و‬ ِّ ‫ص‬
َ ‫م‬ُ ‫ال‬
ْ ‫ئ‬ُ ‫ار‬
ِ ‫الَب‬ ْ
)Bhajatul Asraar(
Transliteratio Almuheetul Aalamur Rabbush Shaheedul
:n Haseebul Faáalul Khallaaqul Khaaliqul
Baariúl Musawwiru.
:Translation All-Comprehending, The Knower, The Lord,
The Witness, The Accounter, All-Doing,All-
Creating, The Creator, The Maker of the
Order, The Shapper.


Recite it three times after daily five times prayers

Three times: ،‫ًة‬NNN‫ف‬
َ ‫اك‬ ِ ‫و‬
َ ‫ك‬
َ ْNNN‫كِفي‬
ْ ‫كمْ َي‬
َ ‫ك‬
َ ُّNNN‫رب‬
َ ‫اك‬
َ NNN‫ف‬
َ ‫ك‬ َ

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 36
‫كر‬ِ َ‫ ت‬،‫كا‬ َ ‫كَل‬َ ْ‫من‬ ِ َ‫كان‬ َ ٍ‫مْين‬ ِ ‫ك‬ َ َ‫ها ك‬ َ ‫اف‬
ُ ‫ك‬ َ ‫كْف‬ ِ
‫ج ّٰلى‬َ َ‫ ت‬،‫ٍَد‬NN‫كب‬ َ ْ‫ر ِفي‬ ِّ ‫ك‬َ ‫ال‬ ْ ‫ر‬ ِّ ‫ك‬ َ َ‫را ك‬ ًّ NNN‫ك‬
ْ‫ما بِي‬ َ ‫اك‬َ ‫كَف‬ َ ،‫كا‬ َ ‫ك‬َ ‫ك َل‬ٍ ‫كُل‬ ْ ‫كُل‬ َ ‫كًة‬ َ َ‫كش‬ ْ َ‫مش‬ ُ
‫ان‬NN‫ك‬ َ ‫با‬ ً ‫ك‬ ْ َ‫ يَا ك‬،‫رَبَت ٗه‬
َ ‫و‬ ْ ‫ك‬ُ ‫اف‬ ُ ‫ك‬ َ ‫ال‬
ْ ‫اك‬َ ‫كَف‬ َ
َ ‫الَفَل‬ ْ َ‫كب‬ َ ‫و‬ ْ ‫ك‬َ ْ‫كي‬ ِ ‫ح‬ ْ ‫َت‬
)Bhajatul Asraar(
Transliteratio Kafaka rabbuka kam yakfeeka wakifatan,
:n Kifkaafuha kakameenin kaana min kalaka,
Takirru karran kakarril karri fi kabadin,
tajalla mushak-shakatan kaluk-lukin lakaka,
kafaka maa bi kafaakal kaafu kurbatahu,
Ya kaukaban kaana tahki kaukabal falaqa.
:Translation Your Lord sufficed you and how sufficient
He is! He saved you from these troubles as
one is saved in a refuge from an army. This
trouble resembles a group who is armed
with weapon and lancer like a strong young
fleshy camel. The Lord All-Sufficient may
suffice the thing, which is with me, from
grief and trouble.


(33) Recite sura Mulk once in night before sleeping. It is

also called “Al-Munjiyah” because it saves the one who
recites it from the torment of the grave. The Holy Prophet
(Blessings and peace be upon him and his sacred family)
wished that every believer would memorize this surah and
know it by heart. He said that this surah will remove its

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 37
‫‪reciter from Hellfire and take him to Jannah.‬‬

‫ِد يرٌ{‪}1‬‬ ‫َتَب اَر َك اَّل ِذ ي ِبَي ِدِه اْلُم ْل ُك َو ُه َو َعلٰى ُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َق‬
‫اَّل ِذ يَْخ َلَق اْلَم ْو َت َو اْلَحَي اَة ِلَيْبُل َو ُك ْم َأُّيُك ْم َأْح َس ُن َع َم ًال َو ُه َو‬
‫اْلَع ِز يُز اْلَغ ُفوُر {‪ }2‬اَّلِذ يْ َخ َلَق َس ْبَع َس مَٰو اٍت ِطَباق‪ًN‬ا َّم ا َت رٰى‬
‫ِفيْ َخ ْلِق الَّرْح مِٰن ِم ن َتَف اُوٍت َف اْر ِج ِع اْلَبَص َر َه ْل َت رٰى ِم ن‬
‫ُفُطوٍْر {‪ُ }3‬ثَّم اْر ِج اْلَبَص َر َك َّر َتْيِن َينَقِلْب ِإَلْيَك اْلَبَص ُر َخاِس ًأ‬
‫اء ال‪ُّN‬د ْنَيا ِبَم َص اِبيَْح َو َجَع ْلَناَه ا‬‫َو ُهَو َحِس يٌر {‪َ }4‬و َلَقْد َز َّيَّنا الَّس َم َ‬
‫ُرُجوم ‪ًN‬ا ِّللَّش َياِط يِْن َو َأْعَت ْد َنا َلُهْم َع َذ اَب الَّس ِع يِر {‪َ }5‬و ِلَّل ِذ يَْن‬
‫ْل‬‫ُأ‬ ‫ْل‬
‫َكَفُروْا ِبَر ِّبِهْم َع َذ اُب َجَهَّنَم َو ِبْئَس ا َم ِص يُْر {‪ِ }6‬إَذ ا ُق وْا ِفيَْه ا‬
‫َسِم ُعوْا َلَها َش ِهيْقًا َو ِهَي َتُفوُْر {‪َ }7‬تَك اُد َتَم َّي ُز ِم َن اْلَغْي ِظ ُك َّلَم ا‬
‫ُأْلِقَي ِفيَْها َفْو ٌج َس َأَلُهْم َخَز َنُتَها َأَلْم َيْأِتُك ْم َنِذ يٌر {‪َ }8‬قاُلوْا َبلٰى َق ْد‬
‫اءَنا َنِذ يٌْر َفَك َّذ ْبَنا َو ُقْلَنا َم ا َنَّز َل ُهللا ِم نْ َش ْي ٍء ِإْن َأنُتْم ِإاَّل ِفي‬
‫َج َ‬
‫َض اَل ٍل َك ِبي‪ٍْN‬ر {‪َ }9‬و َق اُل ْوا َل ْو ُكَّن ا َنْس َم ُع َأْو َنْع ِق ُل َم ا ُكَّن ا ِفي‬
‫َأْص َح اِب الَّس ِع يِْر {‪َ }10‬ف اْعَتَر ُفوْا ِب َذ نِْبِهْم َفُس ْح قًا َأِّلْص َح اِب‬
‫الَّس ِع يِْر {‪ِ }11‬إَّن اَّل ِذ يَْن َيْخ َش ْو َن َر َّبُهم ِب اْلَغْيِب َلُهمْ َّم ْغ ِف َر ٌة‬
‫َو َأْج ٌر َك ِبيٌْر {‪َ }12‬و َأِس ُّر وْا َقْو َلُك ْم َأِو اْج َهُروْا ِبهٖ ِإَّنُه َع ِل ْيٌم ِبَذ اِت‬
‫الُّص ُد وِْر {‪َ }13‬أاَل َيْع َلُم َم ْن َخ َل َق َو ُه َو الَّلِط ي‪ُْN‬ف اْلَخ ِبي‪ُْN‬ر {‪}14‬‬
‫ي َجَعَل َلُك ُم اَأْلْر َض َذ ُل ْوًال َفاْم ُش وْا ِفيْ َم َناِكِبَه ا َو ُك ُل وْا‬ ‫ُهَو اَّلِذ ْ‬
‫ِم ن ِّر ْز ِق هٖ َو ِإَلْي ِه الُّنُش وُْر {‪َ }15‬أَأِم ْنُتم َّم نْ ِفي الَّس َم اءِ َأن‬
‫َيْخ ِس َف ِبُك ُم اَألْر َض َف ِإَذ ا ِهَي َتُم وُْر {‪َ }16‬أْم َأِم ْنُتم َّم ن ِفي‬
‫الَّس َم اءِ َأن ُيْر ِس َل َع َلْيُك ْم َح اِص بًا َفَس َتْع َلُم وَْن َك ْي َف َن ِذ ْيِر {‪}17‬‬
‫َو َلَقْد َك َّذ َب اَّلِذ يَْن ِم نْ َقْبِلِهْم َفَك ْي َف َك اَن َنِكي ْ‪ِN‬ر {‪َ }18‬أَو َلْم َي َر ْو ا‬
‫‪Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah‬‬ ‫‪Page 38‬‬
‫ِإَلى الَّطْيِر َفْو َقُهْم َص اَّفاٍت َو َيْقِبْض َن َم ا ُيْمِس ُك ُهَّن ِإاَّل ال‪َّNN‬رْح مُٰن‬
‫ِإَّن ُه ِبُك ِّل َش ْي ٍء َبِص يٌْر {‪َ }19‬أَّم ْن َه َذ ا اَّل ِذ يْ ُه َو ُجن ‪ٌN‬د َّلُك ْم‬
‫ُروٍر {‪}20‬‬ ‫َينُصُر ُك م ِّم ن ُد وِن الَّرْح مِٰن ِإِن اْلَك اِفُروَْن ِإاَّل ِفيْ ُغ ْ‬
‫َأَّم ْن َهَذ ا اَّلِذ يْ َي ْر ُزُقُك ْم ِإْن َأْمَس َك ِر ْز َق ُه َب ل َّلُّج وْا ِفيْ ُع ُت ٍّو‬
‫ي ُمِكّبًا َعلٰى َو ْج ِههٖ َأْه َدى َأَّم ن َيْمِش ي‬ ‫َو ُنُفوٍْر {‪َ }21‬أَفَم ن َيْمِش ْ‬
‫َس ِو ّيًا َع َلى ِص َر اٍط ُّم ْسَتِقيٍْم {‪ُ }22‬قْل ُهَو اَّل ِذ يْ َأنَش َأُك ْم َو َجَع َل‬
‫َلُك ُم الَّس ْمَع َو اَأْلْبَص اَر َو اَأْلْفِئَد َة َقِليًْال َّم ا َتْشُك ُروَْن {‪ُ }23‬قْل ُه َو‬
‫اَّلِذ يْ َذ َر َأُك ْم ِفي اَأْلْر ِض َو ِإَلْيِه ُتْح َش ُروَْن {‪َ }24‬و َيُقوُْل وَْن َم َتى‬
‫َهَذ ا اْلَو ْعُد ِإنْ ُك نُتْم َص اِدِقيَْن {‪ُ }25‬قْل ِإَّنَم ا اْلِع ْلُم ِع نَد ِهللا َو ِإَّنَم ا‬
‫َأَنا َنِذ يٌْر ُّم ِبيٌْن {‪َ}26‬فَلَّم ا َر َأْو ُه ُز ْلَفًة ِس يَئْت ُو ُجوُْه اَّل ِذ ْيَن َكَف ْ‬
‫َو ِقيَْل َهَذ ا اَّلِذ يْ ُك نُتمْ ِب ٖه َتَّدُع وَْن {‪ُ }27‬قْل َأَر َأْيُتْم ِإْن َأْهَلَك ِنَي ُهللا‬
‫َو َم ن َّمِع َي َأْو َر ِح َم َنا َفَم ن ُيِج يُْر اْلَك اِفِر يَْن ِم ْن َع َذ اٍب َأِليٍْم {‪}28‬‬
‫ُقْل ُهَو الَّرْح مُٰن آَم َّنا ِبهٖ َو َع َلْيِه َتَو َّك ْلَنا َفَس َتْع َلُم وَْن َم ْن ُه َو ِفي‬
‫َض اَل ٍل ُّم ِبيٍْن {‪ُ }29‬ق ْل َأَر َأْيُتْم ِإْن َأْص َبَح َم اُؤ ُك ْم َغ ْو رًا َفَم ن‬
‫َيْأِتيُْك م ِبَم اءٍ َّمِع يٍْن {‪}30‬‬
‫‪(34) Recite the following supplication four times putting‬‬
‫‪your right hand on your chest when you go to bed then‬‬
‫‪sleep without talking. Whosoever recites it, will be‬‬
‫‪guarded from the evil of the people, whispers of Satan and‬‬
‫‪bad dreams.‬‬ ‫َو‬ ‫َو‬ ‫ُذ‬
‫َأُعو ِبَکِلَماِت ِہّٰللا ال َّتا َوَّماَاِت ِمن َنَغَضِبِہ ِعَقاِبِہ ِمن َش ِعَباِد ِہ ِمن‬
‫ِّر‬ ‫‪َ .‬ھَم َز اِت الَّشَیاِطی ِن ن َیحُضُرو‬
‫‪Transliteration :A’aoodhu bikalimaatillaahit taammaati‬‬
‫‪min ghadabihi wa iqaabihi wa min sharri ibaadihi wa min‬‬
‫‪hamazaatish shayaateeni an yahduroon.‬‬

‫‪Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah‬‬ ‫‪Page 39‬‬

Translation: I take refuge with the complete words of Allah
from His wrath and punishment, from the evil of His
bondmen and from the whispers of Satans and they come to
(35) Recite at least one part of the Holy Quran at any
time in day/night except the Makrooh times.
(36) Recite one hizb of the litany DALAILUL KHAIRAAT at
any time in day/night.


(37) Imam Tirmidhi and Imam Ibnu Majah narrate from
Abdullah ibn Abi Awfa (Allah pleased with him) that the
Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace)
said, “Whoever has a need with Allah, or with any human
being, then he should perform wudu (ritual ablution) well
and then pray two rakats. After that, he should praise
Allah and send blessings on the Prophet (Allah bless him
and give him peace). After this, he should say,
، ‫ ُسْبَح اَن ِہّٰللا َر ِّب اْلَع ْر ِش اْلَعِظ ْیِم‬، ‫آَل ِإٰل َہ ِإاَّل ُہّٰللا اْلَحِلْیُم اْلَک ِر ْیُم‬
‫ َو َع َزاِئَم‬، ‫ َأْس َئُلَك ُم ْو ِج َب اِت َر ْح َم ِت َك‬، ‫َاْلَحْم ُد ِہّٰلِل َر ِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْیَن‬
‫ اَّل َت َد ْع‬، ‫ َّو الَّس َالَم َة ِم ْن ُک ِّل ِإْثٍم‬، ‫َم ْغ ِفَر ِتَك َو اْلَغ ِنْیَم َة ِم ْن ُک ِّل ِبٍّر‬
‫ َو اَل َح اَج ًة ِھَي َل َك‬، ‫ َو اَل َھًّم ا ِإاَّل َف َّرْج َتٗہ‬، ‫ِلْي َذْنًبا ِإاَّل َغ َفْر َتٗہ‬
‫ِرًض ا ِإاَّل َقَض ْیَتَھا َیا َأْر َح َم الَّراِحِم ْیَن‬
Transliteration: Laa ilaaha illallaahul haleemul kareem,
subhaanallaahi rabbil Arshil azeem, al-hamdu lillaahi

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 40
rabbil aalameen, as’aluka moojibâati rahmatik, wa
azaaima magh-firatik, wal ghaneemata min kulli birr, was
salaamata min kulli ithm, laa tad’a li dhamban illaa
ghafartah, wala hamman illaa far-rajtah, wala haajatan
hiya laka ridan illaa qadaytaha ya arhamar raahimeen.

Translation: There is no god but Allah the Clement and

Generous. Glory be to Allah, Lord of the Tremendous
Throne. All praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds. I ask you
(O Allah) everything that leads to your mercy, and your
tremendous forgiveness, enrichment in all good and
freedom from all sin. Do not leave a sin of mine (O Allah),
except that you forgive it, nor any concern except that you
create for it an opening, nor any need in which there is
your good pleasure except that you fulfill it, O Most


(38) Uthmaan Ibn Hunayf (Allah pleased with him)
narrated that, “A blind man came to the Prophet
(sallallahu alaihi wa-aalihi wa-sallam) and said: ‘Supplicate
to Allah that He should cure me.” So he said, if you wish I
will supplicate for you, and if you wish I will delay that for
that is better (and in a narration, ‘and if you wish have
patience and that is better for you’). So he said:
“Supplicate to Him.” So he (sallallahu alaihi wa-aalihi wa-
sallam) ordered him (the blind man) to make wudhu well,
and to pray two Raka’ahs and to supplicate with this

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 41
.‫َالّٰل ُھَّم ِإِّنی َأْس َئُلَك َو َأَت َو َّج ُہ ِإَلْی َك ِبَنِبِّی َك ُمَح َّم ٍد َّنِبِّي الَّرْح َم ِة‬
‫َیاَر ُس ْو َل ِہّٰللا ّٰلِإِّنْي َت َو َّجْھُت ِب َك ِإٰل ی ِر ِّبْي ِفْي َح اَجِتْي ٰھ ِذٖہ‬
‫ َال ُھَّم َفَش ِّفْع ُہ ِفَّي‬. ‫ِلُتْقٰض ی ِلْي‬
Transliteration: Allaahumma inni as’alukawa atawajjahu
ilayka bi nabiyyika Muhammadanin nabiyyir rahmah, Yaa
Rasoolallaahi inni tawajjahtu bika ilaa rabbi fi haajati
hadhihi lituqda li, Allaahumma fa shaffihu fiyya.
Translation: O Allah I ask you and turn to You by means of
Your Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wa-aalihi wa-
sallam), the Prophet of mercy, O Apostle of Allah! I have
turned by means of you to my Lord in this need of mine, so
that it may be fulfilled for me, O Allah accept his
intercession (Shafaah) on my behalf, and accept my
intercession (Shafaah) for him (to be accepted for me).”
Uthmaan Ibn Hunayf said, By Allah, we did not
stand from our place and were still busy in talking, that
man returned to us as if he has never been blind.


(39) If you want to get guidance from Allah (to do
istikhaarah) in any lawful matter perform ablution and
offer two rakaahs prayer. Then after saying salam recite
the following supplication:
‫َو َأْس َئُلَك ِم ْن‬، ‫َو َأْسَتْقِد ُرَك ِبُق ْد َر ِتَك‬، ‫اَلّٰل ُھَّم ِإِّنْي َأْسَتِخ ْیُرَك ِبِع ْلِم َك‬
‫ َو َأْنَت‬، ‫ َتْع َلُم َو اَل َأْع َلُم‬،‫َفْض ِلَك اْلَعِظ ْیِم ؛ َفِإَّن َك َتْق ِد ُر َو َال َأْق ِد ُر‬
‫ َال ُھَّم ِإْن ُکْنَت َتْع َلُم َأَّن ٰھ َذ ا اَأْلْمَر َخْی ٌر ِّلْي ِفْي‬،‫َع اَّل ُم اْلُغ ُیْو ِب‬
‫ َفاْق ُدْر ُہ‬، ‫ِد ْیِنْي َو َم َع اِشْي َو َعاِقَبِة َأْم ِر ْي َو َعاِج ِل َأْم ِر ْي َو آِجِلٖہ‬

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 42
‫ َو ِإْن ُکْنَت َتْع َلُم َأَّن ٰھ َذ ا‬،‫ ُثَّم َب اِر ْك ِلْي ِفْیِہ‬، ‫ِلْي َو َیِّس ْر ُہ ِلْي‬
، ‫اَأَلْم َر َش ٌر ِّلْي ِفْي ِد ْیِنْي َو َم َع اِش ْي َو َعاِقَب ِة َأْم ِر ْی َو آِجِلٖہ‬
، ‫ َو اْقُدْر ِلَي اْلَخْیَر َح ْیُث َک اَن‬،‫َفاْص ِر ْفُہ َع ِّنْي َو اْص ِر ْفِنْي َع ْنُہ‬
‫ُثَّم َر ِّض ِنْي ِبٖہ‬
Transliteration: Allaahumma innee astakheeruka bi ilmika
wa-astaqdiruka biqudratika wa-as'aluka min fadhlika al-
adheem. Fa innaka taqdiru walaa aqdir.Wa ta'lamu walaa
a'alamuwa anta allaamul ghuyoob. Allaahumma in kunta
ta'lamu anna haadhal-amra (THIS MATTER) khayrul li fi
deeni wa-ma'aashi wa-aaqibati amri wa aajili amri wa
aajilihi, fa'qdirhu li wa yassirhu li, thumma baarik li feeh.
In-kunta ta'lamu anna haadhal amra (THIS MATTER)
sharrul li fi deeni wa-ma'aashi wa-'aaqibati amri wa
aajilihi, Fasrifhu annee wasrifni anhu Wa aqdirhu liyal
khayra haythu kaana thumma radhdhini bih.
Translation: O Allah!! Behold I ask You the good through
Your Knowledge, and ability through Your Power, and beg
(Your favour) out of Your infinite Bounty. For surely You
have Power; I have none. You know all; I know not. You
are the Great Knower of all things. O Allah! If in Your
Knowledge this matter be good for my faith (Deen), for my
livelihood, and for the consequences of my affairs, then
ordain it for me, and make it easy for me, and bless me
therein. But if in Your Knowledge, this matter be bad for
my faith (Deen) for my livelihood, and for the
consequences of my affairs, then turn it away from me, and
turn me away there from, and ordain for me the good
wherever it be, and cause me to be pleased therewith.

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 43
While reciting this Du'aa when one reaches ( ‫ھَٰذ ااَألْم‬
‫()َر‬THIS MATTER) at both places, he/she should think of
his/her problem.
It is good to do it seven times. According to some saints
(Mashaikh) that one should sleep in state of wudu, facing
towards Qibla, after reciting this supplication. If he dreams
whiteness or greenness this matter is good for him and if he
dreams blackness or redness it is bad for him and should
avoid this matter.
(40) For a fast istikhaarah one should close his eyes and
recite the following supplication seven times:
Seven times: ‫ِلْي‬ ‫اْخ َتْر‬
‫َّم ِخ ِلْي َو‬ ‫ْر‬ ‫َالّٰل ُھ‬
Transliteratio Allahumma khir li wakh tar li.(Tirmidhi)
:Translation O Allah! Ordain good for me and select the
good for me.
Then one should act upon the first thought which
he receives in his heart.

(41) Recitation of this salutation hundred times after
Jumma Prayer, facing towards Al-Madinah Al-
Munawwarah causes a lot of blessings.
100 times: ‫َص َّلی ُہّٰللا َع ٰل ی الَّنِّبِي اُأْلِّم ِی َو آِلٖہ َص َّلی ُہّٰللا‬
‫َع َلْیِہ َو َس َّلَم َص َالًة َو َس َالمًا َع َلْیَك َیاَر ُسْو َل ِہّٰللا‬
Transliteratio Sallallahu alan nabiyyilummiyyi wa aalihi

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:n sallallahu alaihi wasallam salaataun wa
salaaman alaika ya Rasoolallah.
:Translation O Allah! Shower mercy upon the unlettered
communicator of unseen (the Prophet) and
upon his family. O Allah! Shower mercy and
peace upon him. Mercy and peace be upon
you, O Apostle of Allah.

(42) Sit cross-legged with closed eyes and hold calf vein
of left leg with thumb and first finger of your right foot.
Then bow your head and bring it in front of the left knee
and start the word LAAM (‫ )ل‬of LA (‫)ال‬from there and pull it
to in front of right knee. Then start HAMZA (‫ )إ‬of ILAAHA (
‫ )إله‬from this place and then pull the ALIF (‫ )ا‬after LAAM(
‫)ل‬to the right shoulder and pronounce HA (‫ )ه‬after turning
face completely to the right side. Then there from kick the
heart forcefully with the word ILLALLAAH (‫)إالهللا‬. In
starting, exercise it 100 times or less than it, according to
your condition. Then increase it gradually and it is good to
exercise it daily 5000 times. When you feel increase of
heat in your body then after each 100 times say
MUHAMMADUR RASOOLULLAH (‫ )محمد رسول هللا‬once or
thrice you will feel rest. Exercise this Dhikr at a time, in a
place where you may be safe from show off. Do not cause
trouble for any praying person or a sleeping or a patient or
a performer of Dhikr by this spiritual exercise. If you found
the feeling of showing off, do not leave the Dhikr rather

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 45
try to repel that feeling and repent in the court of Allah
Almighty by means of the Holy Prophet (blessings and
peace be upon him and his pious family).
While pronouncing the word “La” think, nothing is
there, even I am also not there. Think of “Illallah” when
you kick on heart; consider if there is anything, it is only
Allah Almighty. Continue this act with full concentration so
much, so that you forget that you exist.
(43) Sit upon the knees, like in tashahhud of prayer,
with closed eyes, stick the tongue to the palate and
exercise it by thought only, in a manner that even the
sound of breath should not be audible. Any of the
following five methods can be adopted or all five methods
time by time.


(There is no deity but Allah)

Bow down your head and pull the LAAM of LAA

from the navel, raising head gradually and take the HA of
ILAAHA to the brain and immediately start from there the
first HAMZA of ILLALLAAHU and kick on the navel or heart
(There is no deity but He)
In the same manner as mentioned above, exercise

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 46
LAA ILAAHA ILLA HOO. In this Dhikr the second part is ILLA

Pull the first HAMZA of ILLALLAAHU from the navel

and take ILLAL to the brain and immediately descend
LAAHU from there and kick on the heart or navel.


Start the first HAMZA from the navel and take the
LAA to the brain and then kick on the heart or navel by

Start the first HAMZA from the navel and take the
LAAM to the brain and kick on the heart or navel by LAAH.
Start any of five, from 100 kicks and take it to the
thousands times according to your condition. The first
method is superior to all five methods. Imam Ahlesunnat
(Allah pleased with him) writes, “These methods are so
much beneficial that these are not revealed and written in
secret words. This Faqeer (humble man) has revealed it
out specially for his brethren of tareeqah (sufi chain).
(Remembrance of Allah by Breathing)
(44) This Dhikr is performed by breathing for example if
you exercise the Dhikr “ALLAAHU” so when you inhale

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 47
breath think that you are saying “ALLAA” bringing it from
the navel and taking it to the brain. And when exhale
breath think that you are saying “HU” kicking on the heart
or navel.
Any of the above mentioned five methods can be
adopted for this purpose. This Dhikr should be performed
with each and every breath whether you are standing or
sitting or walking, whether you are in state of ablution or
without ablution rather you should perform this dhikr
even when you are answering the call of nature, to the
extent that you become the habitual of it. When you will
become its habitual then this Dhikr will be continuing with
every breath even when you are sleeping.
(Imagination of Sheikh)
(45) Sit alone in a peaceful place, away from noises and
sounds, facing towards the house of Sheikh or towards his
grave if he has died, with full concentration, keep quiet
and keeping the respect of Sheikh in your heart with
complete humbleness, then visualize your Sheikh. And
think that you are in presence of him and imagine that the
faydh (spiritual lights) descending in the heart of Sheikh
from the heart of the Holy Prophet (blessings and peace
be upon him and his sacred family) and my heart is
attached below the heart of Sheikh and faydh (spiritual
lights) overflows from the heart of Sheikh to my heart.
Continue this imagination and make it so firm that as a
result you do not need struggle to establish this
imagination. In the last stage of this exercise the

Ash-Shajara-tut-Tayyibah Page 48
personality of the Sheikh will come before the disciple and
exist with him and help him in each matter and give him
the solution of each problem which he faces in this way of
Before busying yourself in Adhkaar o Ashghaal
(spiritual exercises) if you have unperformed prayers and
fasts then perform them as soon as possible because the
voluntary acts (nawafil) do not benefit until obligatory acts
are performed rather nawafil are not accepted until
obligatory acts are performed.
Three things are very important for the protection
of Adhkaar o Ashghaal:
1. Depreciation in food.
2. Depreciation in talk.
3. Depreciation in sleep.


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