English 3is Q1 LP-5
English 3is Q1 LP-5
English 3is Q1 LP-5
A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Select, cite and synthesize related literature
B. Objective
Synthesize information from relevant literature. (CS_RS11-IIIf-j-3)
Example of Synthesizing
Related Literatures
Author Concept/Meaningful Work
Knowles (1978) Builds upon learner’s life experiences, and links new
knowledge with previous life experiences
Seifert (2004) Contributes to confidence
Rogers(2002) Tasks meet an immediate need
Bandura(1997) Leads to task persistence
Craft(2005) Reflective journals can be meaningful to the student
What does the student I also find that I am more motivated to do “real life”
author think? nursing tasks that are meaningful to my future career
Bandura (1997) and Rogers’ (2000) findings indicate that meaningful tasks are
more likely to lead to the completion of learning tasks or the fulfillment of a need.
However, the learning process itself is more enjoyable when the task is important to
the learner. Nurses should take both the learning process and learning outcome into
Original passage
“The number of foreign and domestic tourists in the Netherlands rose above
42 million in 2017, an increase of 9% and the sharpest growth rate since
2006, the national statistics office CBS reported on
Wednesday” (DutchNews.nl, 2018)
Paraphrased version
According to the national statistics office, the Netherlands experienced
dramatic growth in tourist numbers in 2017. More than 42 million tourists
travelled to or within the Netherlands that year, representing a 9% increase
– the steepest in 12 years (DutchNews.nl, 2018).
● The text is rewritten in your own words.
● The meaning of the text did not change.
● The source is cited correctly according to APA in-text citation rules.
Paraphrasing tips
The five steps to paraphrasing may seem straightforward, but writing an idea in a
different way than the published version can be difficult. These are four tricks you
can apply to help you do so.
1. Start your first sentence at a different point from that of the original source.
2. Use synonyms (words that mean the same thing).
3. Change the sentence structure (e.g. from active to passive voice, simple to
compound or complex, etc.).
4. Break the information into separate sentences.
1. Start your first sentence at a different point from that of the original source.
In the example, you can see that we started by introducing the context (the
hearing) followed by the last part of the original sentence: the expectations of
creators, regulators and users. In fact, the key pieces of information are mentioned
in a completely different order.
2. Use as many synonyms as possible.
Synonyms are words or phrases that mean the same thing. Our example uses
several synonyms:
● “exposed a critical turning point” → “made it apparent”
● “outpaces” → “rapidly eclipsed”
3. Change the sentence structure.
For example, if the sentence was originally in the active voice, change it to
passive. The active voice is when a sentence is led by the subject (the thing doing
the action). When the object (the thing receiving the action) leads the sentence,
that sentence is written in the passive voice.
● “Technology outpaces what users, regulators or even its creators
expected” → “The expectations of creators, regulators and users have
been rapidly eclipsed by technology”
4. Break the information into separate sentences.
Although paraphrasing will usually result in a word count roughly the same as an
original quote, you may be able to play with the number of sentences to make the
text different. In this example, one long sentence was broken into two. The
opposite could also be the case, i.e. if the original quote is composed of two
sentences, you may be able to combine the information into one.
A. Practice Tasks
Task 1: Instructions. Read and analyze the given related literature below and
identify the main concept and its purpose. Write your answers in the table.
Task 3: Instructions. Search and choose two (2) related literature which you
are interested in. Get the title, objective, respondents and significant findings. Then,
construct a one (1)-paragraph synthesis of the details that you have gathered.
Related Literature 1
Title of Study
Related Literature 2
Title of Study
RO_Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion _Q1_LP 5
B. Assessment
Summarize the given related literature below. A rubric will be used in assessing
your output.
Body image issues have been widely associated with social media usage, particularly
in young women. The relation between media depictions and body image concerns is well-
established; a meta-analysis by Grabe, Ward and Hyde (2008) concluded that exposure to
mass media is linked to body image dissatisfaction among women. However, in an era of
rapidly changing digital technologies, the mass media paradigm is no longer adequate for
understanding how people engage with images, and the findings of older studies like this one
may not be generalizable to younger generations. In light of this changing landscape,
researchers have become increasingly interested in the specific effects of social media.
Perloff (2014) theorizes that the interactive aspects of social media may influence its
impact on body image, and mentions that young women are among the most active social
media users. Several empirical studies have focused on Facebook usage in adolescent girls
(Tiggermann & Slater, 2013; Meier & Gray, 2014) and in young adult women (Smith, Hames,
& Joiner, 2013; Fardouly et al., 2015; Cohen, Newton-John & Slater, 2017), while a systematic
review by Holland and Timmerman (2016) confirmed a relationship between social networking
and body image for both women and men.
Across these studies, there is consistent evidence that body image issues are
influenced not by social media usage in general, but by engagement with the visual and
interactive aspects of these platforms. Nonetheless, there is a lack of robust research on more
highly-visual social media (HVSM) such as Instagram and Snapchat that have gained more
recent popularity among younger generations.
Source: Shona McCombes. June 25, 2020. How to write a literature review. Retrieved from
https://www.scribbr.com/dissertation/literature-review/. Retrieved July 25, 2020. Scribb
Indicators 5 4 3 2 1
1. Cited literature and studies are adequate and
relevant to the research problem.
2. Related literature and studies are recent (five
years ago to present year of the study)
3. Foreign literature, studies, literature and local
studies are present.
A. Practice Tasks
Task 1
Answers may vary.
Task 2
Answers may vary.
Task 3
Answers may vary.
B. Assessment
Answers may vary.
Cam Sur Senior High School English Teachers (2017). Contextualized Module on
Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion. Camarines Sur Division.
Prepared by:
Altamarino-Clasio HS, SDO Cam. Sur
Calabanga National HS, SDO Cam. Sur