Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper Thesis
Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper Thesis
Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper Thesis
Writing a thesis on legalizing marijuana can be a daunting task for many students. This complex topic
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All these qualified for Shri Ram Hospital NABH registrations. I look forward to my families annual
trip to Georgia every ye. The debate on marijuana legalization or prohibition may rotate around
related impacts on the budget of the country. The Role of Relatedness and Autonomy in Motivation
of Youth Physical Activity: A Self-Determination Perspective. I received a completed paper in two
days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Its potential benefits greatly outweigh the risks, and I
believe that science can further lessen the risks given the opportunity to perform research. With the
recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana, many stand divided when it
comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be
legalized throughout the United States. This free prison space created by this decrease can be used
in imprisoning those with serious offences. There was also opposition by the California Chambers of
Commerce that argue that legalizing the drug would intoxicate workers who will be unable to
perform at work (Gerber, 2004). According to the organization, rights are a fundamental need in life.
Also, the gains for the government and the economy for legalizing the drug far outweigh the risks of
using the drug. The matter has to be openly debated and perhaps things will change. As a cannabis
drug, is applicable in controlling nausea and vomiting in patients. THE JOINT Photo by
miss.libertine 5. THE BONG Photo by smokershighlife 6. Data Collection and Instruments
Information will be collected via the website survey monkey from the internet. However, the use of
marijuana for medical purposes has come under fire because it is believed that medical marijuana will
simply be misused by the people who hold prescriptions for the drug. Analyzed the various social
costs of prohibition with an eye to teh positive benefits associated with the legalization or at least
decriminalization of marijuana. These direct enforcement costs would be negligible with the
legalization of marijuana use in the country. It is a well known fact that drug dealers make money
and to the youth, money is all they care about. Definitely recommend him to anyone looking for
insurance. Thank You! Persuasive Essay Presentation Against Marijuana Legalization, time: 3:06
Marijuana Legalization Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on Essay About
Marijuana Legalization Marijuana also is known as weed or pot is very old. Another important reason
as to why marijuana ought to be legalized is that it will save a lot of taxpayer dollars spent on
fighting marijuana. The government as well could have the right to restrict a person’s actions,
supposing such actions pose a substantial threat to that person’s wellbeing. From the 1920 prohibition
of alcohol, there was an increase in all areas of crime due to the existence of a black market, all
sparked by the illegalization of alcohol. Banning marijuana has so far been fruitless, as the black
market continues to make money from the American public. This paper tries to discuss the ethical
issues in the issue of legalizing marijuana and propose the justice of legalizing the drug on a federal
level as a controlled drug while taking 2 standpoints the benefits of legalizing the drug is higher than
its risks, and also it looks at the consistencies in our current legal policies governing marijuana in
relation to more treacherous drugs, such as alcohol. It is true that addicts will still need money to buy
the drugs but making it cheaper will decrease the amount of crimes an addict will need to commit.
Legalizing marijuana would have other extensive economic advantages to the country. However, it
does prevent some of the irreparable nerve damage that glaucoma causes, and decelerates the rate of
blindness onset for the patient (Jacob, pp. 75-120). Experts (Jacob, pp. 75-120) often criticize this
use of marijuana as a glaucoma treatment due to two reasons. They point at the related criminal
instances that would be on the increase with the probation of marijuana use.
Third, some categories of people constitute the permanent underclass without any considerable social
opportunities. It also creates mistrust and disrespect for the criminal justice system. My stance on
marijuana is that it should be legalized and regulated for both recreational and medical use. Below is
coverage of some pros of legalizing marijuana with emphasis on taking the side of legalizing
marijuana. Also the money is used by The Office of National Drug Control Policy, which is a
government body to sponsor commercials describing marijuana as a major problem to American
society. However, Marijuana should not be in that category because marijuana has useful functions.
The paper will explain a brief history of how medical marijuana came about; the beneficial impacts
medical marijuana has had on specific medically ill groups; an example of a state where the use of
medical marijuana has been legalized; and finally an explanation on the significant impact the federal
government would have if they passed medical marijuana. These strict marijuana laws drive people
to more dangerous substances that harm them like alcohol. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Partly, the
elevating number of marijuana users emanates from the illegality of its consumption since the
illegality strikes the urge from many people, the youth especially, to try out its use. We use cookies to
create the best experience for you. However, its use may include such purposes as leisure and
recreation, where in such situations it is ingested in large amounts. Cannabis can also reduce the
reaction time in an individual, and this is important in road traffic accidents. PRO ARGUMENT
Scientifically proven to alleviate stress Helpful in treating symptoms and complications It doesnt
weaken the immune system Photo by Carlos Gracia 10. Class A drugs are considered the most
harmful and carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs
are considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. Scientist have found chemicals
in marijuana that can treat a variety of health complication Photo by eggrole 4. This can be
evidenced by the fact that there is a high rate of assaults, increase in deliberate self harm, violence
and domestic accidents which is caused by alcohol that contributes to aggressive and violent
behaviors. The essay looks at both the advantages and disadvantages. However, marijuana is
considered as one of the least toxic drugs which need to be used thousands of times theoretically to
lead to death which rarely happens. Thesis Statement For Legalization Of Marijuana Free Essays
2019-02-04. The matter of the legality of marijuana seems to have been polemic for a long time. SRH
is a combination of multi-super specialty and a team of medical leaders for whom “Work is
Worship”. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. Essay on legalizing marijuana While
legalizing marijuana might help states produce a surplus of tax revenue, it will end up hurting the
economy down the road. If marijuana were to be legalized and regulated, the government would be
able to tax sales, creating a large new source of revenue. This would translate to no effect on the
budgetary expenditure and, therefore, create no constrains on the budget. Task: Legalization of
Marijuana The controversy over the marijuana law in America continues to create argument among
economists, legislatures and health experts. It involves the enforcement of the law that prohibits the
conduct. Another intangible investment used by the government on its War on Drugs is its arrogance.
This would be a measure of promoting individual liberty.
According to the organization, rights are a fundamental need in life. However they are arrested,
imprisoned and treated like common criminals, merely because they chose to use a drug of their
choice. Legalization of Marijuana There is no shortage of proof in this world that a blatantly harmful
or vile substance can have several revolutionary uses for humankind, if explored properly. THE
JOINT Photo by miss.libertine 5. THE BONG Photo by smokershighlife 6. The debate as to whether
cannabis sativa, commonly referred to as marijuana, should be legalized remains a very controversial
issue in the United States. Through the Congress, marijuana can be legalized by the establishment of
cannabis board to oversee planting, processing, trading, and use of the substance. SRH is a
combination of multi-super specialty and a team of medical leaders for whom “Work is Worship”. It
would turn advantageous to legalize marijuana use given the role it would play in contributing to an
improved economic condition. This paper will shed light on the legalization and decriminalization of
marijuana in Canada with a slight When used in moderation marijuana is undeniably less detrimental
compared to alcohol and tobacco (Joffe and Yancy 636). Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my
paper in record of 72 hours. This essay is much stronger now that it was previously and I have put a
signification amount of effort into tightening up sections and improving the flow of the paper.
According to the Lancet, a European medical journal, smoking marijuana even in the long term is not
dangerous to the health of an individual. Furthermore, legalizing marijuana will save the country
millions wasted on prosecuting the “War on Drugs”, among other positive effects. Chronic bronchitis
symptoms are more prevalent in cannabis smokers than cannabis non-smokers and lung function is
more likely to be impaired later in life if you are a cannabis smoker as opposed to a cannabis non-
smoker. Thus, there is no any particular reason to treat such people like common criminals or deny
them the custody of their children. However, it has also been well established that the heaviest
marijuana smoker hardly ever smokes as much as a normal tobacco smoker. It is the psychotropic
effects of the drug, caused by tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, that has prevented marijuana from
becoming more commonly accepted. Argumentative Essay on Marijuana Legalization Date: Medical
Marijuana Marijuana Legalization. It is also argued that legalizing marijuana would be cost saving.
The paper is excellent and written according to all of my instructions. Responsible and accountable
marijuana smokers are not a threat or a danger to other people or to their children. This paper
presents a strong argument against the Legalization of Marijuana in the United States covering how
its decriminalization will affect individuals and the country as a whole. At times, state agencies
comes in and proclaim that children of parent smoking marijuana are in “danger”, and many children
are taken into foster homes because their parents have been labeled criminals. The change
experienced when the user stands up after sitting can lead to a sensation of faintness and sometimes
nausea. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. The
University of California conducted several studies (California Secretary of State, 2010), which
concluded that marijuana could be a very effective painkiller for patients suffering diseases like
cancer, HIV, and multiple sclerosis (Doheny, pp. 1-3). Cancer patients in the final stages of cancer
experience high levels of pain to which ordinary painkillers are highly ineffective, leading to a high
level of suffering for these dying patients. Many people believe the stigma marijuana ruins lives
when it can be argued that alcohol in fact ruins more lives yet it remains legal. In addition,
prohibition seems ineffective in finding the solution to effects of marijuana use. As someone with a
strong ideological belief in liberty, I am disappointed in the strict measures the law has put in place
against certain substances, most notably the plant Cannabis.
The sales of marijuana with its legalization would increase job opportunities. This is a huge number
of people, many jailed for merely smoking a joint. Again, it is important to note to view the situation
from the patient’s perspective, who would welcome any delay in the onset of such impairing
symptoms. Thus, this should provide some grounds for the consideration of the legalization of
marijuana. Mark is incredibly knowledgeable in all things insurance. The debate on marijuana
legalization or prohibition may rotate around related impacts on the budget of the country. A
document which explores the budgetary issues of the US Federal government and includes a report
on drug related deaths that year in the United States. What are the issues that are currently for and
against the legalization of Marijuana. Many Americans would agree, as according to a poll by Pew
Research Center, 52% are in favor of marijuana being legalized. In several instances, marijuana
consumption helps in reduction of pain and the related condition. Such was the case 90 years ago,
and such is the case today. Marijuana is thought to be a medicinal plant that can act as a remedy for
a wide variety of mental problems including depression, epilepsy, and Alzheimer's disease. Findings
showed that legalizing marijuana did not encourage more drug use among. Neither medical science
nor criminal justice system in America, have any idea about whether legalization of marijuana use is
advisable or not. Over, 2 million were diagnostic as dependant on marijuana. However, the
legalization of marijuana does not directly influence the demand for it. Nothing but the very best
customer service, and it makes supporting a family run business so easy! 100% recommend. I
received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. This results in a lot of
pain, anguish and financial hardship to millions of families. Legalizing marijuana would also reduce
the occurrence of drug wars which normally spills over the border of Mexico since the dealings
related to marijuana would be regulated. However, there are arguments against legalizing marijuana
in that this will increase the rate of crime which makes this a danger to public. CBD is what causes
the alleviating effects that justify marijuana’s use as medicine. Marijuana is proven to be less harmful
than alcohol in many instances. I would highly recommend Mark and Family First team. This paper
tries to avoid discussing legalization of medical marijuana since research show that12 states already
have allowed the use of marijuana in medicinal purposes and today there are over 2000 legal
marijuana dispensaries all over the nation. This is a great example of profound research work.
Certainly, those smoking marijuana in a responsible way cannot be the problem and it is a high time
that they are left alone. In specific it will look at cigarettes and alcohol. Marijuana has its application
as medicine prescribed by medical experts to redress health conditions as low appetite in patients
(Turnlund 1). One of the largest flaws of prohibition is the thriving black markets they create.
According to Kaplan (1990) the government spends an undue amount of energy to inform the
general public that smoking marijuana is bad.
Banning marijuana has so far been fruitless, as the black market continues to make money from the
American public. It majorly contributes to factors that lead to sexual assaults and domestic violence.
Indeed, the medicinal use of marijuana dates back to 2700BC as reported in ancient Chinese
documents. This can be evidenced by the fact that there is a high rate of assaults, increase in
deliberate self harm, violence and domestic accidents which is caused by alcohol that contributes to
aggressive and violent behaviors. Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its
legalization should not be questioned. This will also give room for researcher to try to look for other
medical values of the substance because its production and availability will increase in the society. As
for the use of tobacco, people get clinically dependent due to illnesses like effects of tobacco to the
lungs. However, a large sum of people nationwide chooses to participate in a certain recreational
activity to find their relaxation: smoking Marijuana. Legalization of Marijuana There is no shortage
of proof in this world that a blatantly harmful or vile substance can have several revolutionary uses
for humankind, if explored properly. Enlightening the public of the effects of marijuana is a possible
avenue to address the issue. In America, the federal government, state authorities and even local
authorities spend millions of dollars prosecuting the “War on Drugs”. Lori Weech Aug 5, 2022 by
Lori Weech We have been using Mark for 9 years now. This saving can also be in the judicial,
prosecutorial or incarceration expenses as there will be a minimal number of cases of drug related
prosecutions. The legalization of drugs in the United States could cause an immense reduction in
crime for a couple of main reasons. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. This is a potential financial gain from legalizing marijuana. In the 21st century
marijuana is illegal in the United States due to concerns over violence, health related issues and
crimes that are associated with marijuana. The same cannot be said for marijuana use (Earleywine
24-88). Specifically, the paper will compare benefits and risks of legalizing marijuana against those
of the most common legal recreational drug that are currently being used today. Legalizing marijuana
would also reduce the occurrence of drug wars which normally spills over the border of Mexico since
the dealings related to marijuana would be regulated. The second reason why the use of marijuana is
criticized is that it does not actually cure the patient’s glaucoma, but only delays the onset of the
severe symptoms (Jacob, pp. 75-120). That is, there is no real cure attached with this treatment; it
only controls them enough to cause a delay in the patient becoming blind or incurring nerve damage.
Among those in the 12th grade, almost 50% had attempted to used marijuana at least once when
they were in 8th grade; of that percentage 22% continued to use marijuana (Witmer, 2009). One of
the largest flaws of prohibition is the thriving black markets they create. This free prison space
created by this decrease can be used in imprisoning those with serious offences. University of
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important to seriously consider the legalization of marijuana despite people and groups who claim
that marijuana is a dangerous drug which will increase criminal activity and will lead those using it to
more harmful substances. With a modern legalization policy in place in the United States, the
government could monitor who was buying the drug and at what age, just as they have done with
alcohol or tobacco. Free Haiku Deck for PowerPoint Add-In legalization of medical cannabis Share
Copy Download 2 1690 Published on Nov 18, 2015 No Description View Outline MORE DECKS
TO EXPLORE PRESENTATION OUTLINE 1. These expenses save the budget, contrary to when
marijuana was illegal where the country would incur such costs. Such was the case 90 years ago, and
such is the case today.
Independent and rational choice making is part of basic rights of human beings given that their
actions are not harmful to the society and the people themselves (Rosenthal and Kubby 2). This
paper will shed light on the legalization and decriminalization of marijuana in Canada with a slight
When used in moderation marijuana is undeniably less detrimental compared to alcohol and tobacco
(Joffe and Yancy 636). Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage
cookies. Accordingly there is no conclusive study to about the numbers of marijuana users who later
use other drugs; the only observation made is that using marijuana increases the risk of using other
drugs. Since its prohibition, related cases of marijuana consumption continue to dominate the law
enforcement sector and victims who break the law face the justice system. Nicole Luesink Dec 15,
2018 by Nicole Luesink Mark gives prompt and efficient service. History of marijuana laws in
AmericaApart from initial introduction of marijuana in America in 1545 by Spanish, marijuana laws
began to exist as early as 1920s. Gimlin, J. S. (1967): Legalization of marijuana. Washington.
California, Cannabis, Decriminalization 1157 Words 4 Pages 12 July 2009 The Legalization of
Marijuana Marijuana should be legalized not only for the medical benefits, it could also be taxed
such as alcohol, and cigarettes to produce revenue that our country needs, it also could be utilized as
many resources. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Back
in 1999, over 220,000 people seeking treatment programs for drug abuse reported that marijuana was
their main drug of abuse (Witmer, 2009). Drug and substance abuse is detrimental to the health of the
population that the government has the mandate to protect. In several instances, marijuana
consumption helps in reduction of pain and the related condition. The resource used in enforcing the
policy that prohibits marijuana use is a waste of taxpayers’ resources since the business seems to exist
despite efforts to end it. Mood defects, such as paranoia and depression, can be worsened by the use
of cannabis and short-term memory is also adversely affected. THE JOINT Photo by miss.libertine 5.
THE BONG Photo by smokershighlife 6. Prosecutorial, judicial as well as expenses related to
incarceration of marijuana offense cases would reduce to a minimum when marijuana is legal.
McLean Hospital. If you are the original author of this essay and no longer wish to have it published
on the ProEssays website, please click below to request its removal. From the 1920 prohibition of
alcohol, there was an increase in all areas of crime due to the existence of a black market, all sparked
by the illegalization of alcohol. University of colorado mfa creative writing jobs why you want to
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essay high school student. The long-proven therapeutic use of marijuana was not made known to the
public. Certainly, this cannot be a reason to prohibit marijuana since it is not automatic that a
marijuana user will automatically use other illicit drugs. These expenses save the budget, contrary to
when marijuana was illegal where the country would incur such costs. However, they did not use the
Marijuana plant to get high, they used it as a healing factor. Today cannabis is used in the medical
industry for patients who may suffer from cancer, seizures, migraines, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis,
among others. There have been some milestones in the enforcement of marijuana in the United States
history. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a single chance to do it by myself. If
marijuana were to be legalized and regulated, the government would be able to tax sales, creating a
large new source of revenue. This crime rate is argued to be due to, for example, theft to buy
marijuana. This is because of the fear that the drug will cause harm to the people and also so as to
avoid the drug running out as it is used as medicine, meaning that this drug was being sold as a man
made drug.
As compared to marijuana, alcohol is more addictive as per the research done. These characteristics
are plentiful, and thus reinforce the idea that marijuana should be legalized. Marijuana also serves as
a safe therapeutically active substance when consumed in its natural form. A document which
explores the budgetary issues of the US Federal government and includes a report on drug related
deaths that year in the United States. This course has also made me a better writer and more patient
at the writing craft. This will also reduce one major problems faced by the country which is the illegal
immigration through the Mexican border. Thank You! Persuasive Essay Presentation Against
Marijuana Legalization, time: 3:06 Marijuana Legalization Essay Examples - Free Research Papers on Essay About Marijuana Legalization Marijuana also is known as weed or pot is very
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method how to write an essay high school student. The provisions of such legislation should also
provide for the recommended form of marijuana for consumption would be beneficial to people who
need to take it for medical purposes. Last Name Last name should have at least 2 letters. The essay
looks at both the advantages and disadvantages. Class A drugs are considered the most harmful and
carry the most severe sentences for both possession and trafficking while Class C drugs are
considered the least dangerous and carry much lighter sentences. I am very much aware of the
negative side of my stand. This will also give room for researcher to try to look for other medical
values of the substance because its production and availability will increase in the society. However,
marijuana is considered as one of the least toxic drugs which need to be used thousands of times
theoretically to lead to death which rarely happens. SRH is a combination of multi-super specialty
and a team of medical leaders for whom “Work is Worship”. Secondly, its value as a medicinal plant
outweighs its possible abuse. The essay will then go on to discuss the perceptions and opinions of the
general public regarding the use of cannabis in a recreational sense and as a treatment for pain relief
in many medical conditions. Definitely recommend him to anyone looking for insurance. Among
those in the 12th grade, almost 50% had attempted to used marijuana at least once when they were
in 8th grade; of that percentage 22% continued to use marijuana (Witmer, 2009). More so, marijuana
has been proven to be effective in treating glaucoma since its use reduces pressure suffered by the
eye. It is true that addicts will still need money to buy the drugs but making it cheaper will decrease
the amount of crimes an addict will need to commit. This will improve the health of the population
by ensuring that marijuana sold to the population conforms to the health standards set in the
provisions. Report this Document Download now Save Save 164084880-Final-Research-Paper-
Marijuana-Legalizat. These direct enforcement costs would be negligible with the legalization of
marijuana use in the country. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. With time,
demand for its use in recreation purposes and, consequently, for its legalization has risen. Today,
billions of dollars are being spent each year chasing those who smoke marijuana and putting them
behind bars; more money is spent to keep them behind bars. If you're looking to be treated like
family, call Mark at Family First Insurance.