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Draft No.

2 Rev Page 131

6 December 2000 prEN 1993-1-8 : 20xx
the chords may be considered as continuous beams, with simple supports at panel points.

(4) Moments resulting from eccentricities may be neglected in the design of tension chord members and brace
members. They may also be neglected in the design of connections if the eccentricities are within the following
0,55 d0 # e # 0,25 d0 ... (7.1a)

0,55 h0 # e # 0,25 h0 ... (7.1b)

where: e is the eccentricity defined in figure 7.2;

. d0 is the diameter of the chord;
h0 is the depth of the chord, in the plane of the lattice girder.

(5) When the eccentricities are within the limits given in (4), the moments resulting from the eccentricities
should be taken into account in the design of compression chord members. In this case the eccentricity moments
should be distributed between the compression chord members on each side of the joint, on the basis of their
relative stiffness coefficients I/L , where L is the system length of the member, measured between panel points.

(6) When the eccentricities are outside the limits given in (4), the moments resulting from the eccentricities
should be taken into account in the design of the connections and the compression chord members. In this case
the eccentricity moments should be distributed between all the members meeting at the joint, on the basis of
their relative stiffness coefficients I/L .

(7) The stresses in a chord resulting from moments taken into account in the design of the chord, should also
be taken into account in determining the factors km , kn and kp used in the design of the connections, see tables
7.3 to 7.6, 7.11 and 7.13 to 7.15.

(8) For buckling lengths of hollow sections in lattice structures, see prEN 1993 part 3.
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Figure 7.2: Eccentricity of joints.

(9) The cases where moments should be taken into account are summarized in table 7.1.

Table 7.1: Allowance for bending moments.

Source of the bending moment

Type of component
Secondary effects Transverse loading Eccentricity

Compression chord Yes

Tension chord No
Not if 7.2.2(2)
is satisfied
Brace member No

Not if 7.2.2(4)
is satisfied
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7.2.3 Failure modes for hollow section connections
(1) The design joint resistances of connections between hollow sections and of connections of hollow
sections to open sections, should be based on the following failure modes as applicable:
a) Chord face failure (plastic failure of the chord face) or chord plastification (plastic failure of the
chord cross-section);
b) Chord side wall failure (or chord web failure) by yielding, crushing or instability (crippling or
buckling of the chord side wall or chord web) under the compression brace member;
c) Chord shear failure;
d) Punching shear failure of a hollow section chord wall (crack initiation leading to rupture of the brace
members from the chord member);
e) Brace failure with reduced effective width (cracking in the welds or in the brace members);
f) Local buckling failure of a brace member or of a hollow section chord member.
NOTE: The phrases printed in boldface type in this list are used to describe the various failure modes
in the tables of design resistances given in 7.4 to 7.6.

(2) Figure 7.3 illustrates failure modes (a) to (f) for joints between CHS brace and chord members.

(3) Figure 7.4 illustrates failure modes (a) to (f) for joints between RHS brace and chord members.

(4) Figure 7.5 illustrates failure modes (a) to (f) for joints between CHS or RHS brace members and I or H
section chord members.

(5) Although the resistance of a joint with properly formed welds is generally higher under tension than under
compression, the design resistance of the joint is generally based on the resistance of the brace in compression
to avoid the possible excessive local deformation or reduced rotation capacity or deformation capacity which
might otherwise occur.
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Mode Axial loading Bending moment

Figure 7.3: Failure modes for joints between CHS members.

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Mode Axial loading Bending moment

Figure 7.4: Failure modes for joints between RHS brace members and RHS
chord members.

Draft note: Some drawings need to be improved in Figures 6.3 and 6.4.
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Mode Axial loading Bending moment

a — —

d — —

Figure 7.5: Failure modes for joints between CHS or RHS brace members and
I or H section chord members.
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7.3 Welds
7.3.1 Design resistance
(1) The welds connecting the brace members to the chords should be designed to have sufficient resistance
to allow for non-uniform stress-distributions and sufficient deformation capacity to allow for redistribution of
bending moments.

(2) In welded joints, the connection should normally be established around the entire perimeter of the hollow
section by means of a butt weld, a fillet weld, or combinations of the two. However in partially overlapping
joints the hidden part of the connection need not be welded, provided that the axial forces in the brace members
are such that their components perpendicular to the axis of the chord do not differ by more than 20%.

(3) Typical weld details are indicated in ENV 1090-4.

(4) The design resistance of the weld, per unit length of perimeter of a brace member, should not normally
be less than the design resistance of the cross-section of that member per unit length of perimeter.

(5) The required throat thickness should be determined from 3.3.

(6) The criterion given in (4) may be waived where a smaller weld size can be justified both with regard to
resistance and with regard to deformation capacity and rotation capacity, taking account of the possibility that
only part of its length is effective.

(7) For rectangular structural hollow sections the design throat thickness of flare-V and flare-bevel-groove
welds is defined in figure 7.6.

Figure 7.6: Effective throat of flare groove welds in rectangular structural

hollow section

(8) Welding in cold-formed zones, see 4.13.

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7.4 Welded joints between CHS members

7.4.1 General
(1) Provided that the geometry of the joints is within the range of validity given in table 7.2, the design
resistances of welded joints between circular hollow section members should be determined using 7.4.2 and

(2) For joints within the range of validity given in table 7.2, only chord face failure and punching shear need
be considered. The design resistance of a connection should be taken as the minimum value for these two

(3) For joints outside the range of validity given in table 7.2, all the criteria given in 7.2.3 should be
considered. In addition, the secondary moments in the joints caused by their bending stiffness should be taken
into account.

Table 7.2: Range of validity for welded joints between CHS brace members
and CHS chords.

0,2# di / d0 # 1,0

Class 2 and 10 # d0 / t0 # 50 generally

but 10 # d0 / t0 # 40 for X joints

Class 2 and 10 # di / ti # 50

ov $ 25%

g $ t1 % t2

7.4.2 Uniplanar joints

(1) In brace member connections subject only to axial forces, the design internal axial force Ni,Sd should not
exceed the design axial resistance of the welded joint Ni,Rd obtained from tables 7.3, 7.4 or 7.5 as appropriate.

(2) Brace member connections subject to combined bending and axial force should satisfy:
Ni,Sd Mip,i,Sd Mop,i,Sd
% % # 1,0 ... (7.2)
Ni,Rd Mip,i,Rd Mop,i,Rd

where: Mip,i,Rd is the design in-plane moment resistance;

. Mip,i,Sd is the design in-plane internal moment;
. Mop,i,Rd is the design out-of-plane moment resistance;
Mop,i,Sd is the design out-of-plane internal moment.
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Table 7.3: Design axial resistances of welded joints between CHS brace
members and CHS chords.

Chord face failure - T and Y joints

kp fy0 t02
N1,Rd ' 2,8 % 14,2 2
sin 1

Chord face failure - X joints

kp fy0 t02 5,2

N1,Rd '
sin 1 1 & 0,81 M5

Chord face failure - K and N gap or overlap joints

kg kp fy0 t02 d1
N1,Rd ' 1,8 % 10,2 M5
sin 1 d0

N2,Rd ' 1
sin 2

Punching shear failure - K, N and KT gap joints and all T, Y and X joints [i ' 1, 2 or 3]

fy0 1 % sin
When di # d0 & 2t0 : Ni,Rd ' t0 d i i
3 2 sin i

Factors kg and kp

0,024 1,2
kg ' 0,2
1 % (see figure 7.7)
1 % exp 0,5 g / t0 & 1,33

For np > 0 (compression): kp ' 1 & 0,3 np (1 % np ) but kp # 1,0

For np # 0 (tension): kp ' 1,0
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Table 7.4: Design resistances of welded joints connecting gusset plates to

CHS members.

Chord face failure

Ni,Rd ' kp fy0 t02 4 % 20 2


Mip,i,Rd ' 0

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

5 kp fy0 t02
Ni,Rd '
1 & 0,81 M5

Mip,i,Rd ' 0

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

Ni,Rd ' 5 kp fy0 t02 1 % 0,25 M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd

Mop,i,Rd ' 0

Ni,Rd ' 5 kp fy0 t02 1 % 0,25 M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd

Mop,i,Rd ' 0

Punching shear failure

max t i ' NSd /A % MSd /WeR t i # 2 t0 fy0 / 3 M5

Range of validity Factor kp

In addition to the limits given in table 7.2: For np > 0 (compression):

$ 0,4 and #4 kp ' 1 & 0,3 np (1 % np) but kp # 1,0

where ' bi /d0 and ' hi /d0 For np # 0 (tension): kp ' 1,0
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Table 7.5: Design resistances of welded joints connecting I, H or RHS

sections to CHS members.

Chord face failure

Ni,Rd ' kp fy0 t02 (4 % 20 2)(1 % 0,25 ) M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd/(1 % 0,25 )

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

5 kp fy0 t02
Ni,Rd ' (1 % 0,25 )
1 & 0,81 M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd/(1 % 0,25 )

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

Ni,Rd ' kp fy0 t02 (4 % 20 2)(1 % 0,25 ) M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

5 kp fy0 t02
Ni,Rd ' (1 % 0,25 )
1 & 0,81 M5

Mip,i,Rd ' hi Ni,Rd

Mop,i,Rd ' 0,5 bi Ni,Rd

Punching shear failure

I or H sections with > 2: max ti ' ( NSd / A % MSd / WeR ) ti # 2 t0 ( fy0 / 3 ) M5

RHS sections and I or H sections with # 2: max ti ' ( NSd / A % MSd / WeR ) ti # t0 ( fy0 / 3 ) M5

Range of validity Factor kp

In addition to the limits given in table 7.2: For np > 0 (compression):

$ 0,4 and #4 kp ' 1 & 0,3 np (1 % np) but kp # 1,0

where ' bi / d0 and ' h i / d0 For np # 0 (tension): kp ' 1,0

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(3) The design internal moment Mi,Sd may be taken as the value at the point where the centreline of the brace
member meets the face of the chord member.

(4) The design in-plane moment resistance and the design out-of-plane moment resistance Mi,Rd should be
obtained from tables 7.4, 7.5 or 7.6 as appropriate.

(5) The special types of welded joints indicated in table 7.7 should satisfy the appropriate design criteria
specified for each type in that table.

(6) Values of the factor kg which is used in table 7.3 for K, N and KT joints are given in figure 7.7. The
factor kg is used to cover both gap type and overlap type joints by adopting g for both the gap and the overlap
and using negative values of g to represent the overlap q as defined in figure 1.2(b).

kg ,
= 25
= 22,5
= 20
= 17,5
= 15
= 12,5
= 10
= 7,5


-12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12
Overlap type joints Gap type joints
( q=- g)

Figure 7.7: Values of the factor kg for use in table 7.3

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Table 7.6: Design resistance moments of welded joints between CHS brace
members and CHS chords.

Chord face failure - T, X, and Y joints [i ' 1 or 2]

fy0 t02 d i
Mip,i,Rd ' 4,85 kp M5
sin i

Chord face failure - K, N, T, X and Y joints [i ' 1 or 2]

fy0 t02 d i 2,7

Mop,i,Rd ' k
sin i 1 & 0,81 p M5

Punching shear failure - K and N gap joints and all T, X and Y joints [i ' 1 or 2]

fy0 t0 d i2 1 % 3 sin
When di # d0 & 2t0 : Mip,i,Rd ' i
3 4 sin i

fy0 t0 d i2 3 % sin
Mop,i,Rd ' i
3 4 sin i

Factor kp

For np > 0 (compression): kp ' 1 & 0,3 np (1 % np ) but kp # 1,0

For np # 0 (tension): kp ' 1,0
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Table 7.7: Design criteria for special types of welded joints between CHS
brace members and CHS chords.

Type of joint Design criteria

N1,Sd # N1,Rd

in which N1,Rd is the value of N1,Rd for an X joint

from table 7.3.

The forces may be either tension or

compression but shall act in the same direction
for both members.

Member 1 is always in compression and

N1,Sd sin 1 % N3,Sd sin 3 # N1,Rd sin 1
member 2 is always in tension.
N2,Sd sin 2 # N1,Rd sin 1

in which N1,Rd is the value of N1,Rd for a K joint

from table 7.3 but with 1 replaced by:
d1 % d2 % d3
3 d0

All bracing members shall always be in either

compression or tension.
N1,Sd sin 1 % N2,Sd sin 2 # Nx,Rd sin x

in which Nx,Rd is the value of Nx,Rd for an X joint

from table 7.3, where Nx,Rd sin x is the larger of:

*N1,Rd sin 1* and *N2,Rd sin 2*

Member 1 is always in compression and

member 2 is always in tension. Ni,Sd # Ni,Rd

in which Ni,Rd is the value of Ni,Rd for a K joint from

table 7.3, provided that, in a gap-type joint, at section
1-1 the chord satisfies:

2 2
N0,Sd V0,Sd
% # 1,0
N0,pR,Rd V0,pR,Rd
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7.4.3 Multiplanar joints
(1) In each relevant plane of a multiplanar joint, the design criteria given in 7.4.2 should be satisfied using
the reduced design resistances obtained from (2).

(2) The design resistances for each relevant plane of a multiplanar joint should be determined by applying
the appropriate reduction factor µ given in table 7.8 to the resistance of the corresponding uniplanar joint
calculated using 7.4.2.

Table 7.8: Reduction factors for multiplanar joints.

Type of joint Reduction factor µ

TT joint 60E # # 90E

Member 1 may be either tension or compression.

µ ' 1,0

XX joint

Members 1 and 2 can be either in compression or

tension. N2,Sd/N1,Sd is negative if one member is in
tension and one in compression.

µ ' 1 % 0,33 N2,Sd /N1,Sd

taking account of the sign of N1,Sd and N2,Sd

where *N2,Sd* # *N1,Sd*

KK joint 60E # # 90E

Member 1 is always in compression and member 2 is

always in tension.
µ ' 0,9

provided that, in a gap-type joint, at section 1-1

the chord satisfies:

2 2
N0,Sd V0,Sd
% # 1,0
NpR,0,Rd VpR,0,Rd
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7.5 Welded joints between CHS or RHS brace members and RHS chord
7.5.1 General
(1) Provided that the geometry of the joints is within the range of validity given in table 7.9, the design
resistances of welded joints between hollow section brace members and rectangular or square hollow section
chord members may be determined using 7.5.2 and 7.5.3.

Table 7.9: Range of validity for welded joints between CHS or RHS brace
members and RHS chord members.

Joint parameters [ i ' 1 or 2, j ' overlapped brace ]

Type of bi /b0 bi /ti and hi /ti or di /ti h0 /b0 b0 /t0 Gap or overlap
joint or and and
di /b0 Compression Tension hi /bi h0 /t0 bi /bj

# 35
bi /ti # 35
T, Y or X bi /b0 $ 0,25 and
bi /ti Class 2
hi /ti # 35 # 35
# 35
$ 0,5 g /b0 $ 0,5(1 & )
K gap bi /b0 $ 0,35 and and but but # 1,5(1 & ) 1)
and and
# 2,0
N gap $ 0,1 + 0,01 b0 /t0 Class 2 hi /ti and g $ t1 % t2
Class 2
# 35
ov$ 25%
K overlap
ov # 100%
bi /b0 $ 0,25 Class 1 Class 2
N overlap
and bi /bj $ 0,75
Circular di /b0 $ 0,4
di /ti As above but with di replacing bi
brace Class 1
# 50 and dj replacing bj .
member but # 0,8
When g /b0 > 1,5(1 & ) treat the joint as two separate T or Y joints.
The overlap may be increased to enable the toe of the overlapped brace to be welded to the chord.

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