Script Updated Group 8
Script Updated Group 8
Script Updated Group 8
Scene 1:
Mary wakes up at 8 on Saturday morning, they have no classes since it's the weekend. As the
student picked up his phone and checked his messenger, their teacher gave them an activity to
search for the meaning, the importance, and how the web and internet functions.
Scene 2:
Searching through the phone;
Vlog enters*
Rea: Join us as we drove into the inner workings of this digital world and learn everything
about the web and the internet
The World Wide Web, or simply the web, is a system of interconnected documents and
resources, linked together by hyperlinks and URLs. It was created by Tim Berners-Lee in
1989 as a way for scientists to share information more easily. The web quickly grew to
become the most popular way to access information on the internet.
Together, the internet and the web have revolutionized the way we communicate, do business,
and access information. They have made it possible for people all over the world to connect
with each other instantly and have transformed many industries, from media and
entertainment to education and healthcare.
The Web and Internet Vlog
1. Mary: The Internet: In simplest terms, the Internet is a global network composed of
smaller networks that are interconnected using standardized communication protocols. The
Internet standards describe a framework known as the Internet protocol suite. This model
divides methods into a layered system of protocols.
2. The World Wide Web: The Web is the only way to access information through the
Internet. It’s a system of Internet servers that support specially formatted documents. The
documents are formatted in a markup language called HTML, or “HyperText Markup
Language”, which supports a number of features including links and multimedia. These
documents are interlinked using hypertext links and are accessible via the Internet.
Jojo: Thank you !Ms Navarra, now let's talk about the differences between Web and
What’s the Difference Between the Internet and the Web?
The Internet, linking your computer to other computers around the world, is a way of
transporting content. While The Web is software that lets you use that content…or contribute
your own. The Web, running on the mostly invisible Internet, is what you see and click on in
your computer’s browser.
Jaybee: So much for the definition of the internet and web .Now , let's dig in how the web
works ?
To access webpages, you need a web browser, which is a software program that allows you to
connect to a website's server and display its pages. The web browser downloads, formats, and
displays web pages on your computer.
The web uses protocols such as HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and HTTP (Hypertext
Transfer Protocol) to structure and transfer information between web servers and web
browsers. Web Pages are typically linked together through hyperlinks, which allow you to
navigate from one page to another.
The web has evolved over time, with different versions such as Web 1.0, Web 2.0, and the
upcoming Web 3.0. Each version introduces new features and capabilities, making the web
more interactive and dynamic.
Web 1.0: Also known as the "read-only web," Web 1.0 refers to the early days of the web
when websites were primarily static and provided information in a one-way manner. During
this phase, websites were mainly used for publishing content and did not offer much
Web 2.0: Web 2.0 represents a shift towards a more interactive and user-centered web
experience. It introduced features such as social media, user-generated content, and web
The Web and Internet Vlog
Web 3.0: Web 3.0, also referred to as the "semantic web" or the "intelligent web," is an
upcoming phase that aims to make the web more intelligent and intuitive. It focuses on
enhancing the ability of machines to understand and process information in a meaningful
And you viewer, Where do you think you belong? web 1.0? web 2.0 or web 3.0 comment
down below.
Jc: The Internet pervades our daily lives, from reserving plane tickets to purchasing a pair of
socks. And without it, the rise of some of the world's largest corporations, such as Facebook,
Microsoft, and Amazon, would have been inconceivable.
However, as the saying goes, "With every blessing comes a curse". And the Internet is no
different. It has simplified our lives, yet whether intentionally or not, we have all become its
Let's take a look at some of the Internet's perks and pitfalls here.
A Global Connector
The growth of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, and
other communication forums has paved the way for creating a global social network where
anyone may reach out to resolve their concerns and remain connected to family groups and
friends. Spending time with people they love is no longer dependent on their physical
Online Education
In today's competitive world, relying solely on traditional education may leave you lacking
the critical abilities to compete with your peers. The Internet has enabled us to acquire new
skills through online courses from industry professionals, as well as gather a wealth of
knowledge about various technologies, current events, sports, art, and culture. The greatest
way to illustrate the internet's benefit is to imagine that you're reading about the internet via
the internet.
The Web and Internet Vlog
Abundant Information
The Internet is full of essential information, be it on financial matters, government legislation
and service, market information and economic affairs, technological information, educational
and academic issues, and new ideas. It includes a wide range of topics, from scientific
publications to topics geared toward children.
2. Internet Addiction
No doubt the internet has made people its slave, reducing offline social abilities. This has led
to an adverse impact on people's mental health. Elders and children alike have been impacted.
Mobile phone apps like YouTube allow children as young as two to see online videos. They
are spending more time in front of a computer screen, which has stifled their cerebral
4. Fake News
The spread of fake news is one of the biggest disadvantages of the internet. Since there are
limited to no controls in place on a communication forum, website, or social media platform,
fake news often goes viral - risking the well-being of entire communities.
The Web and Internet Vlog
Reminder: Every existing material has its own pros and cons, and so does the internet.
Especially with the advent of Artificial Intelligence, the internet has made things beyond
imagination come to reality. While it's important to understand its significance in our lives,
using it wisely is also essential. Our lives may be transformed if we utilize it correctly, but if
we misuse it, it can be disastrous.
Segment 6: Online Security and Privacy: Tips on how to protect yourself from
Jojo: Though the internet has many advantages, it can also make users vulnerable to fraud,
identity theft, and other scams. It's crucial to understand the importance of online security and
privacy . According to Symantec, 12 adults become a victim of cybercrime every second.
These are the following tips to keep you safe online:
6. Shop safely.
Before shopping online, make sure the website uses secure technology. When you are at the
checkout screen, verify that the web address begins with https. Also, check to see if a tiny
locked padlock symbol appears on the page.
All: bye!!!