Unit 5 Se
Unit 5 Se
Unit 5 Se
Itis the proess of anticipating hurdles in canying out the original p.an and providing alternate plans so that
the impact on the originally anticipated final outcome is minimal.
Q4. What is RMMM?
RMMM stands for risk mitigation, monitoringand management.
Q5. What are objectives of RMMM plan?
Answer :
To identify whether risks that are measured do occur really during the project execution.
2. To confirm, whether steps that are defined to reduce the risk are applied in proper manner.
3 To collect he required information for future risk analysis.
Q6. Define risk refinement?
Answer :
Risk refinement is a process of refining the already stated risk definition and representing it in a more
detailed from.
Q7. Explain risk projection?
Answer :
1. Developameasure using which probability of existence of a risk can beknoum
2 Depict the outcomes of risk.
3 ninct tho ofects which can be observed on both the project as well as the end product which is
being developed.
Finally measured the appropriateness of the risk proiection
V8. Discuss the importance of quality assurance.
Answer :
Ouality Assurance(QA) is the activity wherecertainauditng andreportingfunctions are performod inorder
control activities
Oassess the completeness and effectiveness of
It helps in defining ways in which S/W
quality can beachieved
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2 t helps
development organizations to examine whether the required quality level has been 5.4
It is planned and systematic pattern of activities necessary to provide a high degree of confidence in the
quality of a product. It provides quality assessment of the quality control activities and determines the validity of
the dataor procedures for determining quality.
Q12. What are the activities of SQA.
Answer :
SQA tasks are associated with
(a) Software engineers
(Responsible for developing the product)
(b) SQA group
(Responsible for performing quality assurance planning, oversight, record keepina, analysis and
Q13. What is Six Sigma?
Answer :
Six sigma is widely used statistical SQA strategy. It is a business driven approach to process improvement.
redued costs and increased profit.
3. Business risk
Q19. Define ISO 9000standard
by thrid - party auditors for a compliance to the
In ISO9000 quality system and operations are scrutinized
called registration to ISO 9000,
standard and effectie operation. Thisprocess is
Q20. What are the objectives of
logic, functions.
FTR is useful to uncover errors
meets specified requirement.
2 Pupose of FTR is to ensure that SAW
Questions with Answers
Q Explain the reactive and proactive risk
Answer: strategies.
Definition of Risk
denotes the uncertainty that may occur in the choices due to past actions and risk is
causes heavy losses.
Definition of Risk Management
something whc
It refers to the process of
making decisions based on an evaluation of the factors thatthreats to the
Various activities of risk
management - busines
1. Risk identification
2. Risk projection
3. Risk refinement
4. Risk mitigation, monitoring and
Reactive Risk Strategy
(a) It is risk management is a risk management strategy in which when project gets into trouble then or,
corrective action is taken. But when such risks can not be managed and new risks come up one ater t
other, the software team flies into action in an attempt to
called "firefighting" activities. correct problems rapidly. These activities are
(b) Resources are utilized to manage such risks. And if still the risks do not
danger. get managed then projectsr
(c) In this strategy no preventive care is taken
about the risks. They are handled only on their
(d) This is an older approach of risk management.
Proactive Risk Strategy
(a) Proactive risk management strategy
begins betore the technical acti ity by considering the
(b) In this strategy potential risks are identified first probabie ris
then their probabil1ty and impact is
(c) Theobiective of this strategy is to avoid anakzed
the risks. But it is not pOss ble to avoid all
prepares the risk management plan in such a manner that risk the risks. hence te2
cont1 olling can done efficientu
d) This is an intelligent strategy for risk managenent and
now a day it is used by
Q2. Explain the different categories of risks. mosttof the IT industres
Answer :
There are two chara teristics of the risks
Known risks are those risk that are identified after
Another categorization of risk proposed by Charette is -
evaluating the project plan.
There are two types
1. Predictable risks
2. Unpredictable risks
Q3. Explain about risk
Answer: project plan.
eftorts taken tospecity threats to the
Risk identification can be defined as the predictable risks
identification can be done by identitying the known and
h.ased on two ápproaches
The risk identification is identification to software proiect
Generic risk identification: It includes potential threat
identification: It includes product specific threat identification by
Product-specific risk
and working environment in which the product gets built.
understanding peop.e, technology
managr who follows following steps -
ation is done by the project
Normally therisk identific em check ist
Step 1 : Preparation of risk CW
owing k. cand predictable components
ide. Lied using
The risk items can be
i) Product size
ii) CRIMINAL L t Anyone fo:und guity is JABLE to face LEGAL proceedings
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ii) Customer characteristics
IV) Process definition
v) Development environment
vi) Staff size and experience
vii) Technology to be built
After preparing a risk item checklist a questionnaire is prepared.
Step 2: Creating risk components and drivers list.
The set of risk components and drivers list is prepared along with their probability of occurrence. The.
their impact on the project can be analysed.
Risk Components and Drivers
a) Performance risk : It is the degree of uncer-tainty that the product willsatisty the requirements
b) Cost risk:Itis the degree of uncertainty that the project willmaintain the budget.
c) Support risk : It is thedegree of uncertainty that the software project being developed will be easy to
correct, modify or adapt.
Schedule risk: It is the degree of uncertainty that the software project will maintain the schedule andthe
project will be delivered in time.
Perfomance Cost risk
Support Schedule risk
1 It essential threat to every software project It essential threat that is specific to software project
2 It can be identified easily. It can be identified by examining of project plan
and software slope.
constraints about
3 It occurs due to uncertainties involved in It occurs due to conditions and
accessory or estimating various inputs resources customers and lack of
to the software process. support
4. Are simple to understand. Product specific risks are difficult to
requirements, explicitly
stated functional and performanceprofessionally
It defined as "the conformance to explicitlycharacteristics that are expected of all develc |ed
documented development standards, and implicit
There are two types
1 Quality of design
2 Quality of conformance
1. Quality of design
specified for the designer.
It is the characteristics of the item which is
2. Quality of conformance
specifications are followed during nmanufacturing. If
Quality conformance is the degree to which the design
indicates higher quality.
the degree of conformance is more then it
software field.
According to Robert Glass - an authority in
User satisfication= Complain product + Good + Delivery within budget.
Quality Control aciri.jes
in order to maintain the quality of product. Tnese
It is aprocess in which activities areconducted process.
tests used throughout the software
are series of inspections, reviews and tion
it can be completely manual or itcan t a cumbin
The guality control activities can be fuly automated or
of automated tools and manual
Quality Assurance
necessary to provide a high degree of cunfidence i the
It is planned and systematic pattern of activities
assessment of the quality control activities and terroinE, evaiditu ) the
quality of a product. Itprovides quali
determining quality.
data or procedures for
Cost of Quality ity
the quality in the produc and :T cor uct the qu
It can be defined as the total cost required to obtain
related activities.
comporienrs such as:
The cost of quality has various
fo mal technical reviews test enuinm nt
1 Prevention cost: It required for conducting quality planning,
and training
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2. Appraisal cost: It required for gaining the insight intothe product. It includes the cost
process and inter process inspection, maintenance and testing. required for in:
3. Failure cost: It means the cost required to removethe defects inthe software product before
to customer. delivering it
There are two types
(a) Internal failure cost: It is nothing but the cost of defects occurred in the product before
it to customer.
(b) External failure cost: Defects occurred in the product after delivering it to the customer.
Prevention Failure
cost cost
Cost Internal External
bftware Review
process. Such reviews are applied at various points
Software reviews are filter to software engineering and defects that can
objective of software reviews is to uncover erors
aring softwaredevelopment life cycle. The
In this model the outer box indicates the software development stage. This bOX iS partitioned into two
categories, defects and detection of errors. Under the defect column we list out number of errors. Errors can be
those coming from previous stage or it could be newly generated errors.
The previous errors can be those that are passed through errors as well as the amplified errors. The eor
amplification factor is denoted by x.
Erors passed
Prelim.design phase through
from Detailed design phase
previous 10 6
0% 6
stages Testing phase
4 × 1.5 0%
37 10
10 10
25 27 27 x 3 20%
Amplified Errors
erors Newly detected
generated 25
Q12. Explain briefly on the following with respect to FTR.
a) Review Guidelines
b) Sample Driven Reviews
Answer :
Review Guideline
Guidelines for the conducting of formal technical reviews must be establishedin advance Thi gudeine
reviewers, agreed upon, and then followed.
must be distributed |to all
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Sor example -Guideline fo review may include following things
Concentrate on work product onl.
Set an agenda of review and maintain it.
When certain issues are raised thendebate or arquments should be limited
Find out problem areas, but don't attempt to solve everyproblem noted.
Take written notes.
Limit the number of participants and insist upon advance preparation.
Deveiop a checkist for each product that is likeiy to be reviewed.
Allocate resources and time schedule for FTRs in order to maintain time schedule.
Conduct meaningfultrainings for al reviewers in order to make the reviews effective
Review earlier reviews which servers as the base for the current review being conducted.
) Sample - Driven Reviews
In real world situation, for conducting the software projects the resources are limited and time span
this may affect the overall
empletion of project is very short. Hence many times the reviews are skipped. But
ality of software product.
Thelin and his colleagues addressed this issue bysuggesting the sample driven review process.
inspected to determine which
In this process samples of all software engineering work products are
work product are most error prone.
The FTR resources then focus on only those work products that are error-prone.
Statistical between quality assurance is asimple concept which represents that change in the software can
be made in order to improve there elements of the process that introduce error.
It can be performed with the help of following steps.
1. Collect the information about software defect categorize them.
2. Mek an attempt to trace each different to is root case.
3. Isolate thevital few cause of the major source of all errors by using the
80-20 principle (known as pareto
4 Then move to corect the problems that have cause the defects
Consider a well known software trim has collected some
the software product.
intormation about the defects that are occuring
Suppose that some sarple represertative data of detet caues is lected then one can buid a statistical
Airom t The sarr1pie data about the deiect causes is as given beiow.
Causes of defect Numbe of errors Percentage
IES 200 21
EDR 128 14
EDL 45 5
HCI 30 3
IDS 48 5
Thus IES - EDR - EDL ie., 4% of defects cause is removed This will utimately heip in improving the
tware quality
Q15. Explain six sigma strategy for statistical SQA.
An wer :
Six saor na is widely used statistical software quality assurance strategy. It is a business driven approach to
Pres imprwerent, redured costs ad inCrez sed profit.
The word "six sigma is denvec from sa siariard deviatiors 34 defects per million occurrences. Six
siga crgirztud at lMutoro'a in the eary 19805
The existing process and its output is measured in order to determine current qualitu performance
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Software Engineering 5.18
3. Analyze 2. Availability
In this phase defect metrics are analyzed in order It's another measure of software reliability
to determine the few causes.
software availability is defined as the probability that
If an improvement is needed to an existing the program is working according to the requirements
software then there are additional two methods at a given points in time.
in six sigma It is measured as
Improve : By eliminating the root causes of Availability = (MTTF/(MTTF+MTTR))*100 %
defects the process can be improved.
MTBF is equally sensitive to MTTF
Control -The process can be controlled in such
a way that the causes of defects can not be and
MTTR but availablity is more sensitive to MTTR
These steps can sometimes be referred as
DMAIC. Q17. Explain the software safety in terms of
For a newly developing software, some Answer :
organizations are suggesting following two alternating
steps. Software Safety
1. Design Software safety is a quality assurance activity in
In this step avoid root
causes of defects and meet which potential hazards are identified and assessed.
the customer requirements. These hazards may bring the total failure of the system.
If such hazards are identified and specified in eary stage
2. Verify of software development then such hazards can be
To verify the process, avoid defects and meet eliminated or controlled in order to make the software
customer requirements.
These steps can sometimes be referred as Modelingand analysis process is conducted as
DMADV. a part of software safety.
Q16. What is meant bysoftware reliability and Example:
availability? Example it. In acomnputer based automobile system
Answer: hazards are
Software reliability is defined as the probability
Uncontrolled acceleration that can not be
of failure free operation of a computer program in a stopped.
specified environment for a specified time. 2 Does not respond to slow the system when breaks
are applied.
The software reliability can be measured, oirected
and estimated. 3
Slowly gains the speed.
Measure of Reliability and Availability How to handle the systemn level
hazards ?
Normally there are two measures of software
reliability. Following are the steps that can be
applied to
preserve the software safety.
1. MTBF Mean-Time-Between-Failure is a simple Step 1 :
measure of software reliability which can be
calculated by The hazards are
Step 2:
where MTTF means mean-time-to-failure Analysis techniques are used to assign severity
of these hazards. The
and of such hazards is probability of occurren
also analuzed with the
analysis techniques. helpo
MTTR stands for mean-time-to-repair.
Many software researchers feel that MTBF is
fault-tree used analysis techniques are
analysis, real-time logic and Petri-net
more useful measure of software reliability than models. These techniques basically predictthe
KLOCor defects/FP chain of events that can
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cause hazards.
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Step3 :
10. Provide quality personnel
Once hazards are identified, safety related
requirements can be specified for the software.
11. Provide quality infrastructure
Step 4 : 12. Provide quality environment
Finally the role of software in managing 13. Control realization planning
undesirable event is specified.
14. Control customer processes
o18. Discuss about ISO 9000 quality standards. 15. Control product development
Answer :
16. Control purchasing functions
ISO 9000is a family of quality assurance system. 17. Control operational activities
It can be applied to alltypes of organizations. It doesn't
matter what size they are or what they do. It can help 18. Control monitoring devices
both product and service oriented organizations to 19. Control non confirming products
achieve standards of quality. ISO 9000 is maintained
by ISO, the International 20. Analyze quality information
Organization for
Standardization and is administered by accreditation 21. Make quality improvement
and certification bodies. In ISO 900, company's quality
system and operations are scrutinized by third-party Q19. Explain about review metrics and their use
in detail.
auditors for a compliance to the standard and effective
operation. This process is called registration to 1SO Answer:
9000. On successful registration, the company gets a
certification from accreditation bodies of 1SO. Such a Review Metrics
company is then called "ISOcertified company". Are the metrics that are generated after
ISO9001: 2000 is a qualityassurance standard
conducting each review to determine the working of
the quality control activities. These metrics determine
which is applied to software engineering systems. It the efforts needed to conduct the review and types of
focuses on process flows, customer satisfaction, and the errors and their impact, that are not covered diromg
the review. The collected metrics are used to evaluated
continual improvement of quality management systems. the effectiveness of the already conducted reviews.
ISO 9001:2000 specifies requiremernts for a quality
Though many metrics have been defined only few of
system that can be applied to any size or type of them are concrement.
Following are some of the review metrics.
The guidelines steps for ISO 9001: 2000 are
1 Effort in preparation (EP)
1. Establish quality management system - Identify
It is the effort of aperson in house needed to
and manage the processes in the quality
review a work product before the actual review
management system.
2 Document the quality management system 2. Effort Assessment (E)
3 Support the quality It is the etfort ofa erson in house spent
the actual rev iew.
Satisfy the custonmers
3 Error in Rework (Er)
5 Estabish quality policy
It is the effort of an individual (in hours) spend
Conduct quality planning to remove the bugs that are not correct during
the review.
Control quality systems
8 Perform management reviews
ldentification of Major Errors (E_major)
It is the identification of the no. of enors that can
Provide quality resources termed as major.
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5. ldentification of minor errors (E, minor)
errors that can be termed as minor.
It is the identification of the no of
6. Size of the work product (SWP) may be UML
that has been reviewed. The work product modes
It is the measure of work product size of UML models or
measured numerically such as no. docurner
document pages or lines of code that can be
pages or lines of codes.
reliability and software satety?
Q20. What is the difference between software
Answer :
and safety are closely related to each other. However the difference between them
1 Software reliability
in degree and not the type.
reliability uses statistical analysis made to determine the occurrence or software failure. Thes
2 Software ta
requirements in which failure results in conditions
tailures willcause simply dissatisfaction of customer
can lead to hazrds.
But the software safety defects the failures
3. Software reliability does not defect the failures in depth.
contact of an entire computer based system.
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