RTA-17.1 Circulation Vlve To Fuel Injection Valve

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Service Bulletin RTA–17.

Technical Information to all the Owners (Supersedes Bulletin
of Sulzer RTA – Type Diesel Engines RTA–17 d. 01.08.94)

except RTA38/48/52U/62U/72U and 84T

Circulation Valve to
Fuel Injection Valve

Contents: Page



ON THE CIRCULATION VALVES – Printed in Switzerland

Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd PO Box 414 Tel. +41 52 262 49 22

Wärtsilä NSD Schweiz AG CH-8401 Winterthur Fax +41 52 212 49 17
Wärtsilä NSD Suisse SA Switzerland Tlx 896 659 NSDL CH
This Service Bulletin (RTA–17.1) replaces the Bulletin RTA–17 dated 01.08.94 which did not deal
with the earlier designs of the circulation valves. This lead to misinterpretations and a some
uncertainty about using existing valves of older design for further service.
We therefore decided to add the missing information to the previously published Service Bulletin
RTA-17 and hope they will help to clear-up the various possible misinterpretations and will assist
you in assessing the situation on board or on site.
When ordering new circulation valves it is essential to state the size of the thread of the high
pressure pipe connections on your engine and if they have a flat or spherical seating area!

Circulation Valve Code No. 27215

Execution 1 High pressure
Execution 2
pipe connection
with flat seating area





The original Execution 1 On Execution 2 with the

has a through hardened conical needle seat the
bush with a flat needle total needle stroke (S) is:
seat. The total needle 3.9 mm.
stroke (S) is: 4.2 mm. The through hardened
The normal protrusion of bush 003 is flush with
the through hardened connection piece 001.

bush 002 resting properly The conical seat was

againtst the shoulder introduced to improve
measures 2.0 mm. the sealing.

1/4 Service Bulletin RTA–17.1

Execution 3 Execution 4

Concave seating surface for
high pressure pipe connection

with spherical seating area


> 0.4

Ï Î Î Dislocated bush

Ï 004
(hence reduced
needle stroke S r)




Bush in its proper
position (hence
normal needle
stroke S)

On Execution 3 no through hardened On Execution 4 a through hardened bush

bush is fitted in the upper guide and 004 is fitted in the upper guide and seating
seating area of the connection piece 001 area of the connection piece 001 to improve
which is induction hardened for better the wear resistance of the upper seat.
wear resistance. Regrinding of the seat on this design is
This execution was chosen for easier possible without loss of hardness even
manufacturing. after several overhauls.
The total needle stroke (S) is: 3.9 mm. The above sketch shows a dislocated bush
004 resulting in a reduced needle stroke.
Minimum admissible stroke (S r) = 2.5 mm.
Normal needle stroke (S) = 3.9 mm.

To measure the needle stroke it is necessary to reassemble the valve without the spring and
push the needle with a suitable piece of round bar from one seat to the other whilst measuring
the two end positions. If the total stroke measured is less than 2.5 mm the valve must be
This Service Bulletin informs you about some isolated cases with defects on the circulation valve
which were recently experienced with the Execution 4.
To our knowledge there were no such problems experienced with Executions 1 and Executions 2,
however, they cannot entirely be ruled out.


Recently we have received reports about some through hardened bushes which had come loose in
their seats and in turn influenced the proper functioning of the circulation valve (Execution 4).

2/4 Service Bulletin RTA–17.1

Our investigation into the matter showed that the bush had shifted, the fuel flow passing through the
valve was partly restricted because the valve spindle could not reach its fully open working
This in turn can create increased pressures in the fuel pump block which may, if this situation
remains undiscovered over a prolonged period, lead to fatigue cracks on components which are
exposed to high pressure fuel.
Due to increased pressure in the fuel pump block, the relief valve which is set to 1150 bar opening
pressure may lift.
On an engine with four fuel valves / cylinder, the pressure increase in the fuel pump may not
necessarily be high enough to lift the relief valve if only o n e circulation valve per cylinder
becomes inactive.


Generally the correct functioning of the circulation valves must be checked at regular intervals and
tested according to the instructions referred to in the Maintenance Manual.
For your information we have enclosed the relevant pages dated 10.92 from the Maintenance
For RTA ”-8 Series” engines: Pages 272 / 4 and 272 / 4a (RTA 58, 68, 76, 84 and 84M).
For RTA ”-2 Series” engines: Pages 2722 / 4.1 and 2722 / 4.2 (RTA 52, 62, 72 and 84C).
Please note that normally on the following engine types no circulation valves are fitted:
RTA 38, RTA 48, RTA 52U, RTA 62U, RTA 72U and RTA 84T.


To avoid problems due to an inoperative circulation valve it is necessary that all the circulation
valves with bushes, especially Execution 4, including the on-board spares which were previously
used in the engine are checked for bushes which might be dislocated.
To assess whether a bush has moved it is necessary to dismantle the circulation valve and measure
the protrusion of the bush with the aid of a depth gauge and to check the needle stroke after the valve
is reassembled without the spring (please refer to instruction on page 2).
Criterion for checking the bushes of Execution 1, 2 and 4
(Design figure for the protrusion of the bushes)
Execution 1 Execution 2 Execution 4

2 mm

Bush flush
with housing
0.4 mm

Circulation valves with bushes which have moved

must no longer be used in the engine!

3/4 Service Bulletin RTA–17.1

To guarantee that the design features of the circulation valves are fulfilled, it is essential, that with
the engine in stand-by the hot fuel is properly circulated through the circulation valve. It is therefore
important that the small fuel circulation bore in the valve spindle is not obstructed, for example by a
bush which has shifted. If the total needle stroke (S) is less than 2.5 mm, then the bush has moved
far enough to partly obstruct the circulation bore in the spindle and the whole circulation valve
assembly must be taken out of service. Defects should be reported to the supplier / maker, or if
obtained from us to Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd.
Please also inform us of any irregularities observed when checking the ciculation valves.
It is recommended to first check all the spare circulation valves on board, which have been used in
the engine before, whether they are in good working order and none of the bushes have moved.
All the spare circulation valves can be used now to interchange as many valves as possible at the
next opportunity.
This modus should be repeated until all the circulation valves are checked for loose bushes.

This Service Bulletin should be kept in a separate file in the control room. The respective pages
or tables of the Service Bulletin with modifications to the Operating Manual, Maintenance
Manual or Code Book should be copied and filed in the respective Manual or Book.

Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd has issued this Service Bulletin with their best knowledge and
ability. However, Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd can not take any liability for any or all
information contained in this or any other Service Bulletin.
Changes of any nature to the form and or to the content of this or any other Service Bulletin as
published by Wärtsilä NSD Switzerland Ltd, are not permitted.

4/4 Service Bulletin RTA–17.1

Fuel Injection Valve Group: 272
RTA Testing of a Circulation Valve
”-8 Series” Sheet: 4
Key to Illustrations:
1 Mounting 7 Spring
2 Circulating pipes 8 Connecting piece
3 Cylinder cover 9 Seat piece
4 Needle G Tightening surface
5 Non return valve H Needle clearance
6 Fuel injection valves S Seat surfaces
The correct function of the circulation valves, mounted on the fuel injection valves 6 (Illustr. ’A’) must be checked at
regular intervals. In any case should during the overhaul of the fuel injection valve the circulation valve also be checked,
for defects or damage. In order to be assured that a circulation valve functions correctly, make the below mentioned

Testing of a circulation valve

1.) Engine at standstill

– All fuel injection valves with circulation valves are correctly fitted in the cylinder cover.
– All fuel pressure pipes to the fuel injection valves are fitted.
– Check non return valves 5 for correct flow direction.
– Set fuel to the specified operating pressure and temperature.
– Loosen mountings 1 to circulating pipes 2 and move the circulating pipes a little off cylinder cover 3, to keep the
heat transfer from cylinder cover to circulating pipes as low as possible.
– Feel by hand all circulating pipes directly after the circulation valves.
All pipes of the circulation valves should normally be of about the same temperature i.e. to correspond approximately to
the temperature of the circulating heavy fuel oil. Should on one or more circulating pipes 2 the temperature be either cold
or rather different from the fuel temperature, then it points to jamming of needle 4 (Illustr. ’B’) in one or more circulation
valves, allowing no or insufficient fuel to pass through the respective circulating pipes.
In such cases the circulation valve has to be removed and its needle 4 re–lapped or possible formation of laquer on the
needle shaft be removed by fine steel wool.
Should needle 4 show signs of seizure, then it is recommended to have the complete circulation valve overhauled by a
specialist company or by the engine manufacturer.

2.) Engine in operation

Feel all circulating return pipes slightly above non return valve 5 by hand. Should one or more circulating return pipes be
hot (corresponding approximately to the temperature of the heavy fuel oil) or should big differences be noticed between
the circulating return pipes of the individual cylinders, then this points to non function or incorrect function of the
respective circulation valve or valves.
In such a case loosen mountings 1 of circulating pipes 2 at the respective cylinder the purpose being as stated in paragraph
Feel again all circulating pipes of one cylinder just after the circulation valves by hand. Should one or more circulating
pipes of one cylinder be hot, or should big temperature differences be noticed, then this points to a defect of the circulation
valve with the hot circulating pipe.
The following causes may be responsible:
– Leaking seat surfaces ’S’ (Illustr. ’B’).
– Excessive needle clearance ’H’.
– Leaky tightening surface ’G’ between nozzle holder and circulation valve.
– Leaking tightening surface between nozzzle holder and nozzle body.
Minor defects of seat surface ’S’ may be remedied by lapping–in with fine lapping paste. Should the needle clearance be
too big, then the circulation valve must be overhauled by a specialist company or by the engine manufacturer.
Remark: With the above mentioned defects of a circulation valve an undesirable fuel circulation can occur in
operation. This may cause the stagnation pressure to drop, as a result of which a drop in the fuel injection
pressure and therefor a smaller, injected fuel quantity into the cylinder. The after effect being lower exhaust
gas temperatures and possibly also lower ignition pressures on individual cylinders.

L.B. 10.92
272/4a RT

L.B. 10.92
RTA ”–2 Series” Maintenance 2722/4.1

Fuel Injection Valve

Testing of a Circulation Valve

Key to Illustrations:

1 Mounting 7 Spring
2 Circulating pipes 8 Connecting piece
3 Cylinder cover 9 Seat piece
4 Needle G Tightening surface
5 Non return valve H Needle clearance
6 Fuel injection valves S Seat surfaces

The correct function of the circulation valves, mounted on the fuel injection valves 6 (Illustr. ’A’) must be checked at regu-
lar intervals. In any case should during the overhaul of the fuel injection valve the circulation valve also be checked, for
defects or damage. In order to be assured that a circulation valve functions correctly, make the below mentioned checks.

Testing of a circulation valve

1.) Engine at standstill

– All fuel injection valves with circulation valves are correctly fitted in the cylinder cover.
– All fuel pressure pipes to the fuel injection valves are fitted.
– Check non return valves 5 for correct flow direction.
– Set fuel to the specified operating pressure and temperature.
– Loosen mountings 1 to circulating pipes 2 and move the circulating pipes a little off cylinder cover 3, to keep the
heat transfer from cylinder cover to circulating pipes as low as possible.
– Feel by hand all circulating pipes directly after the circulation valves.

All pipes of the circulation valves should normally be of about the same temperature i.e. to correspond approximately to
the temperature of the circulating heavy fuel oil. Should on one or more circulating pipes 2 the temperature be either cold or
rather different from the fuel temperature, then it points to jamming of needle 4 (Illustr. ’B’) in one or more circulation
valves, allowing no or insufficient fuel to pass through the respective circulating pipes.
In such cases the circulation valve has to be removed and its needle 4 re–lapped or possible formation of laquer on the
needle shaft be removed by fine steel wool.
Should needle 4 show signs of seizure, then it is recommended to have the complete circulation valve overhauled by a
specialist company or by the engine manufacturer.

2.) Engine in operation

Feel all circulating return pipes slightly above non return valve 5 by hand. Should one or more circulating return pipes be
hot (corresponding approximately to the temperature of the heavy fuel oil) or should big differences be noticed between
the circulating return pipes of the individual cylinders, then this points to non function or incorrect function of the
respective circulation valve or valves.
In such a case loosen mountings 1 of circulating pipes 2 at the respective cylinder the purpose being as stated in paragraph
Feel again all circulating pipes of one cylinder just after the circulation valves by hand. Should one or more circulating
pipes of one cylinder be hot, or should big temperature differences be noticed, then this points to a defect of the circulation
valve with the hot circulating pipe.

The following causes may be responsible:

– Leaking seat surfaces ’S’ (Illustr. ’B’).
– Excessive needle clearance ’H’.
– Leaky tightening surface ’G’ between nozzle holder and circulation valve.
– Leaking tightening surface between nozzzle holder and nozzle body.

Minor defects of seat surface ’S’ may be remedied by lapping–in with fine lapping paste. Should the needle clearance be
too big, then the circulation valve must be overhauled by a specialist company or by the engine manufacturer.

Remark: With the above mentioned defects of a circulation valve an undesirable fuel circulation can occur in
operation. This may cause the stagnation pressure to drop, as a result of which a drop in the fuel injection
pressure and therefor a smaller, injected fuel quantity into the cylinder. The after effect being lower exhaust
gas temperatures and possibly also lower ignition pressures on individual cylinders.

2722/4.2 Maintenance RTA ”–2 Series”


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