Nikita Patel

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Sex...................: Female
Date Of Birth.........: 11:10:1983(Tuesday)
Time Of Birth.........: 20:10:00
City..................: Ahmadabad
State.................: Gujarat
Country...............: India
Main Details Benefic and malefic
Latitude : 023:01:00N Root Number: :2
Longitude : 072:37:00E Destiny Number: :6
Zone : 82:30:00 East Friendly Numbers: : 3, 9
Loc Time Corr : 000:39:31 Enemy Numbers: : 1, 8
War Time Corr : -00:00 Benfic Years: : 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39
Local mean Time : 019:30:28 hrs Favorable Days: : Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday
Sidreal Time : 020:48:56 hrs Favorable Planets: : Jupiter, Sun, Mars
Sunrise : 06:37:15AM Unfavorable Planets: : Venus, Mercury
Sunset : 06:15:43PM Friendly Signs: : Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo
Sun Pos. (Ayan) : Dakshinayana(Yamyayana) Friendly Lagna: : Cancer, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius
Sun Pos. (Gola) : Uttar Favorable Ratna: : Coral
Season : Sharad Favorable UpRatna: : Sangmoongi
Sun Degree : 24:05:06 Virgo Lucky Ratna: : Topaz
Ascendent Degree : 29:09:59 Aries Favorable Deity: : Hanuman
Chaitradi Samvat/Saka : 2040 / 1905 Favorable Metal: : Copper
Mah: : Ashwina Favorable Color: : Brick Red
Paksh: : Shukla Direction: : South
Tithi At Birth: : Shashthi Favorable Time: : After sunrise
Favorable Items: : Molasses, Saffron, Musk, Red Sandal
Avakahada Chakra Favorable Cereals: : Malka
Ascendant-Lord: : Aries-Mars
Favorable Liquid: : Ghee
Rashi-Lord: : Scorpio-Mars
Naksh.-Charan: : Jyestha-4 Ghatak Chakra
Nakshatra Lord: : Mercury Rashi: : Vrisha
Yoga: : Soubhagya Masa: : Ashwin
Karna: : Kaulava Tithi: : 1,6,11
Gana: : Rakshasha Day: : Friday
Yoni: : Hare(M) Nakshatra: : Revati
Nadi: : Adi(Vata)
Prahar: :1
Varan: : Vipra
Lagna: : Vrishchika
Vashya: : Keeta
S S Yoga: : Brahma
Name Alphabet: : Yu
Paya(Rasi-Nak): : Louha Karana: : Garija
Date 11:10:1983 Time 20:10:00 Day Tuesday Place Ahmadabad Lahiri Ayanamsa 023:37:49
Latitude 023:01:00N Longitude 072:37:00E Zone 82:30:00 East Loc Time Corr 000:39:31 Hour

Planets Degree Rasi Nak Pad Lord Sub Dignity Char Sthir Grah Tara
Ascendant 29:09:59 Arie Krit 1 Sun Mars
Sun 24:05:06 Virg Chit 1 Mars Merc Neutral Sign Amatya Pitra Sadhak
Moon 29:10:31 Scor Jyes 4 Merc Mars Debilitated Atma Matra Janma
Mars 13:33:13 Leo Purva 1 Ven Sun Friend's Sign Apatya Bhratri Vipat
Mercury (C) 10:40:07 Virg Hast 1 Moon Merc Exalted Bhratri Gyati Pratyari
Jupiter 14:51:15 Scor Anur 4 Sat Mars Friend's Sign Dara Dhan AtiMitra
Venus 10:15:55 Leo Magh 4 Ketu Sun Enemy Sign Matri Kalatra Sampat
Saturn 11:15:54 Libr Swati 2 Rahu Ven Exalted Jnyati Ayush Nidhan
Rahu (R) 25:12:44 Taur Mrig 1 Mars Ven Exalted -- Gyan Sadhak
Ketu (R) 25:12:44 Scor Jyes 3 Merc Mars Exalted -- Moksh Janma

Lagna Kundali Vimshottari Yogini

Mercury 1.0 y.0.0 m.19 d. Bhadrika 0.0 y.3.0 m.22
30:10:2027 01:02:2020
Moon 30:08:2018 01:02:2026
Mars 31:03:2019 Ulka 01:02:2021
Rahu 29:09:2020 Siddha 03:04:2022
Jupiter 29:01:2022 Sankata 03:08:2023
Saturn 30:08:2023 Mangala 03:10:2023
Mercury 29:01:2025 Pingala 01:02:2024
Ketu 30:08:2025 Dhanya 02:08:2024
Venus 01:05:2027 Bhramari 03:04:2025
Sun 30:10:2027 Bhadrika 01:02:2026

Moon Kundali Navamsha Kundali Sarvashtakvarga


Bhav Sphutas & Kundalis

Bhava Kundali

Lagna Kundali

Bhava-Chalit Kundali

Bhava No. Bhav Mid Bhav Span(From....To)

1 Aries 29:09:59 Aries 11:59:57 Taurus 11:59:57
2 Taurus 24:49:54 Taurus 11:59:57 Gemini 07:39:52
3 Gemini 20:29:49 Gemini 07:39:52 Cancer 03:19:47
4 Cancer 16:09:44 Cancer 03:19:47 Leo 03:19:47
5 Leo 20:29:49 Leo 03:19:47 Virgo 07:39:52
6 Virgo 24:49:54 Virgo 07:39:52 Libra 11:59:57
7 Libra 29:09:59 Libra 11:59:57 Scorpio 11:59:57
8 Scorpio 24:49:54 Scorpio 11:59:57 Sagittarius 07:39:52
9 Sagittarius 20:29:49 Sagittarius 07:39:52 Capricorn 03:19:47
10 Capricorn 16:09:44 Capricorn 03:19:47 Aquarius 03:19:47
11 Aquarius 20:29:49 Aquarius 03:19:47 Pisces 07:39:52
12 Pisces 24:49:54 Pisces 07:39:52 Aries 11:59:57

Lal Kitab VarshPhal

Year- 2022 (11:10:2022 - 10:10:2023) Year- 2023 (11:10:2023 - 10:10:2024) Year- 2024 (11:10:2024 - 10:10:2025)

Year- 2025 (11:10:2025 - 10:10:2026) Year- 2026 (11:10:2026 - 10:10:2027) Year- 2027 (11:10:2027 - 10:10:2028)

Year- 2028 (11:10:2028 - 10:10:2029) Year- 2029 (11:10:2029 - 10:10:2030) Year- 2030 (11:10:2030 - 10:10:2031)

Year- 2031 (11:10:2031 - 10:10:2032) Year- 2032 (11:10:2032 - 10:10:2033) Year- 2033 (11:10:2033 - 10:10:2034)

Vimshottari Dasha
Balance of Dasha :Mercury 1.0 y.0.0 m.19 d.
Mercury Dasha Ketu Dasha Venus Dasha Sun Dasha Moon Dasha
11:10:1983 30:10:1984 30:10:1991 30:10:2011 30:10:2017
30:10:1984 30:10:1991 30:10:2011 30:10:2017 30:10:2027
Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From
Mercury Ketu 28:03:1985 Venus 01:03:1995 Sun 17:02:2012 Moon 30:08:2018
Ketu Venus 28:05:1986 Sun 29:02:1996 Moon 18:08:2012 Mars 31:03:2019
Venus Sun 03:10:1986 Moon 30:10:1997 Mars 24:12:2012 Rahu 29:09:2020
Sun Moon 04:05:1987 Mars 30:12:1998 Rahu 17:11:2013 Jupiter 29:01:2022
Moon Mars 30:09:1987 Rahu 30:12:2001 Jupiter 05:09:2014 Saturn 30:08:2023
Mars Rahu 18:10:1988 Jupiter 30:08:2004 Saturn 18:08:2015 Mercury 29:01:2025
Rahu Jupiter 24:09:1989 Saturn 30:10:2007 Mercury 24:06:2016 Ketu 30:08:2025
Jupiter Saturn 02:11:1990 Mercury 30:08:2010 Ketu 30:10:2016 Venus 01:05:2027
Saturn 30:10:1984 Mercury 30:10:1991 Ketu 30:10:2011 Venus 30:10:2017 Sun 30:10:2027

Mars Dasha Rahu Dasha Jupiter Dasha Saturn Dasha

30:10:2027 30:10:2034 30:10:2052 30:10:2068
30:10:2034 30:10:2052 30:10:2068 30:10:2087
Antara From Antara From Antara From Antara From
Mars 27:03:2028 Rahu 13:07:2037 Jupiter 18:12:2054 Saturn 02:11:2071
Rahu 15:04:2029 Jupiter 06:12:2039 Saturn 30:06:2057 Mercury 13:07:2074
Jupiter 22:03:2030 Saturn 12:10:2042 Mercury 06:10:2059 Ketu 21:08:2075
Saturn 01:05:2031 Mercury 01:05:2045 Ketu 11:09:2060 Venus 21:10:2078
Mercury 27:04:2032 Ketu 19:05:2046 Venus 13:05:2063 Sun 03:10:2079
Ketu 23:09:2032 Venus 19:05:2049 Sun 29:02:2064 Moon 04:05:2081
Venus 23:11:2033 Sun 12:04:2050 Moon 30:06:2065 Mars 12:06:2082
Sun 31:03:2034 Moon 12:10:2051 Mars 06:06:2066 Rahu 18:04:2085
Moon 30:10:2034 Mars 30:10:2052 Rahu 30:10:2068 Jupiter 30:10:2087

• The above dasha periods have been computed on the basis of Moon Degree. However, as
per bhayat / bhabhog the balance of dasha is Mercury 1.0 y.0.0 m.19 d.
• The Dates given for dasha periods show their endings.

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub Period

Moon--Mercury Moon--Ketu Moon--Venus Moon--Sun Mars--Mars
30:08:2023 29:01:2025 30:08:2025 01:05:2027 30:10:2027
29:01:2025 30:08:2025 01:05:2027 30:10:2027 27:03:2028
Mercury 11:11:2023 Ketu 11:02:2025 Venus 10:12:2025 Sun 10:05:2027 Mars 08:11:2027

Ketu 12:12:2023 Venus 18:03:2025 Sun 09:01:2026 Moon 25:05:2027 Rahu 30:11:2027

Venus 07:03:2024 Sun 29:03:2025 Moon 01:03:2026 Mars 05:06:2027 Jupiter 20:12:2027

Sun 02:04:2024 Moon 16:04:2025 Mars 05:04:2026 Rahu 02:07:2027 Saturn 13:01:2028

Moon 15:05:2024 Mars 28:04:2025 Rahu 05:07:2026 Jupiter 26:07:2027 Mercury 03:02:2028

Mars 14:06:2024 Rahu 30:05:2025 Jupiter 25:09:2026 Saturn 24:08:2027 Ketu 11:02:2028

Rahu 31:08:2024 Jupiter 27:06:2025 Saturn 30:12:2026 Mercury 19:09:2027 Venus 07:03:2028

Jupiter 08:11:2024 Saturn 31:07:2025 Mercury 26:03:2027 Ketu 30:09:2027 Sun 15:03:2028

Saturn 29:01:2025 Mercury 30:08:2025 Ketu 01:05:2027 Venus 30:10:2027 Moon 27:03:2028

Mars--Rahu Mars--Jupiter Mars--Saturn Mars--Mercury Mars--Ketu

27:03:2028 15:04:2029 22:03:2030 01:05:2031 27:04:2032
15:04:2029 22:03:2030 01:05:2031 27:04:2032 23:09:2032
Rahu 24:05:2028 Jupiter 31:05:2029 Saturn 25:05:2030 Mercury 21:06:2031 Ketu 06:05:2032

Jupiter 14:07:2028 Saturn 24:07:2029 Mercury 21:07:2030 Ketu 12:07:2031 Venus 30:05:2032

Saturn 13:09:2028 Mercury 10:09:2029 Ketu 14:08:2030 Venus 10:09:2031 Sun 07:06:2032

Mercury 06:11:2028 Ketu 30:09:2029 Venus 20:10:2030 Sun 28:09:2031 Moon 19:06:2032

Ketu 29:11:2028 Venus 26:11:2029 Sun 10:11:2030 Moon 29:10:2031 Mars 28:06:2032

Venus 01:02:2029 Sun 13:12:2029 Moon 13:12:2030 Mars 19:11:2031 Rahu 20:07:2032

Sun 20:02:2029 Moon 10:01:2030 Mars 06:01:2031 Rahu 12:01:2032 Jupiter 09:08:2032

Moon 24:03:2029 Mars 30:01:2030 Rahu 08:03:2031 Jupiter 29:02:2032 Saturn 02:09:2032

Mars 15:04:2029 Rahu 22:03:2030 Jupiter 01:05:2031 Saturn 27:04:2032 Mercury 23:09:2032

Mars--Venus Mars--Sun Mars--Moon Rahu--Rahu Rahu--Jupiter

23:09:2032 23:11:2033 31:03:2034 30:10:2034 13:07:2037
23:11:2033 31:03:2034 30:10:2034 13:07:2037 06:12:2039
Venus 03:12:2032 Sun 30:11:2033 Moon 18:04:2034 Rahu 27:03:2035 Jupiter 06:11:2037

Sun 25:12:2032 Moon 10:12:2033 Mars 30:04:2034 Jupiter 05:08:2035 Saturn 25:03:2038

Moon 29:01:2033 Mars 18:12:2033 Rahu 01:06:2034 Saturn 08:01:2036 Mercury 27:07:2038

Mars 23:02:2033 Rahu 06:01:2034 Jupiter 30:06:2034 Mercury 27:05:2036 Ketu 16:09:2038

Rahu 28:04:2033 Jupiter 23:01:2034 Saturn 02:08:2034 Ketu 24:07:2036 Venus 09:02:2039

Jupiter 24:06:2033 Saturn 12:02:2034 Mercury 01:09:2034 Venus 05:01:2037 Sun 25:03:2039

Saturn 30:08:2033 Mercury 02:03:2034 Ketu 14:09:2034 Sun 23:02:2037 Moon 06:06:2039

Mercury 30:10:2033 Ketu 10:03:2034 Venus 19:10:2034 Moon 16:05:2037 Mars 27:07:2039

Ketu 23:11:2033 Venus 31:03:2034 Sun 30:10:2034 Mars 13:07:2037 Rahu 06:12:2039

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub-Sub Period

Mo-Me-Ke Mo-Me-Ve Mo-Me-Su Mo-Me-Mo Mo-Me-Ma
11:11:2023 12:12:2023 07:03:2024 02:04:2024 15:05:2024
12:12:2023 07:03:2024 02:04:2024 15:05:2024 14:06:2024
Ketu 13:11:2023 Venus 26:12:2023 Sun 08:03:2024 Moon 05:04:2024 Mars 17:05:2024

Venus 18:11:2023 Sun 30:12:2023 Moon 10:03:2024 Mars 08:04:2024 Rahu 21:05:2024

Sun 20:11:2023 Moon 06:01:2024 Mars 12:03:2024 Rahu 15:04:2024 Jupiter 25:05:2024

Moon 22:11:2023 Mars 12:01:2024 Rahu 16:03:2024 Jupiter 20:04:2024 Saturn 30:05:2024

Mars 24:11:2023 Rahu 24:01:2024 Jupiter 19:03:2024 Saturn 27:04:2024 Mercury 04:06:2024

Rahu 29:11:2023 Jupiter 05:02:2024 Saturn 23:03:2024 Mercury 03:05:2024 Ketu 05:06:2024

Jupiter 03:12:2023 Saturn 19:02:2024 Mercury 27:03:2024 Ketu 06:05:2024 Venus 10:06:2024

Saturn 07:12:2023 Mercury 02:03:2024 Ketu 29:03:2024 Venus 13:05:2024 Sun 12:06:2024

Mercury 12:12:2023 Ketu 07:03:2024 Venus 02:04:2024 Sun 15:05:2024 Moon 14:06:2024

Mo-Me-Ra Mo-Me-Ju Mo-Me-Sa Mo-Ke-Ke Mo-Ke-Ve

14:06:2024 31:08:2024 08:11:2024 29:01:2025 11:02:2025
31:08:2024 08:11:2024 29:01:2025 11:02:2025 18:03:2025
Rahu 26:06:2024 Jupiter 09:09:2024 Saturn 21:11:2024 Ketu 30:01:2025 Venus 17:02:2025

Jupiter 06:07:2024 Saturn 20:09:2024 Mercury 03:12:2024 Venus 01:02:2025 Sun 18:02:2025

Saturn 19:07:2024 Mercury 30:09:2024 Ketu 08:12:2024 Sun 02:02:2025 Moon 21:02:2025

Mercury 30:07:2024 Ketu 04:10:2024 Venus 21:12:2024 Moon 03:02:2025 Mars 23:02:2025

Ketu 03:08:2024 Venus 16:10:2024 Sun 25:12:2024 Mars 03:02:2025 Rahu 01:03:2025

Venus 16:08:2024 Sun 19:10:2024 Moon 01:01:2025 Rahu 05:02:2025 Jupiter 05:03:2025

Sun 20:08:2024 Moon 25:10:2024 Mars 06:01:2025 Jupiter 07:02:2025 Saturn 11:03:2025

Moon 27:08:2024 Mars 29:10:2024 Rahu 18:01:2025 Saturn 09:02:2025 Mercury 16:03:2025

Mars 31:08:2024 Rahu 08:11:2024 Jupiter 29:01:2025 Mercury 11:02:2025 Ketu 18:03:2025

Mo-Ke-Su Mo-Ke-Mo Mo-Ke-Ma Mo-Ke-Ra Mo-Ke-Ju

18:03:2025 29:03:2025 16:04:2025 28:04:2025 30:05:2025
29:03:2025 16:04:2025 28:04:2025 30:05:2025 27:06:2025
Sun 19:03:2025 Moon 30:03:2025 Mars 16:04:2025 Rahu 03:05:2025 Jupiter 03:06:2025

Moon 20:03:2025 Mars 31:03:2025 Rahu 18:04:2025 Jupiter 07:05:2025 Saturn 07:06:2025

Mars 20:03:2025 Rahu 03:04:2025 Jupiter 20:04:2025 Saturn 12:05:2025 Mercury 11:06:2025

Rahu 22:03:2025 Jupiter 05:04:2025 Saturn 22:04:2025 Mercury 17:05:2025 Ketu 13:06:2025

Jupiter 23:03:2025 Saturn 08:04:2025 Mercury 24:04:2025 Ketu 18:05:2025 Venus 18:06:2025

Saturn 25:03:2025 Mercury 11:04:2025 Ketu 24:04:2025 Venus 24:05:2025 Sun 19:06:2025

Mercury 26:03:2025 Ketu 12:04:2025 Venus 26:04:2025 Sun 25:05:2025 Moon 21:06:2025

Ketu 27:03:2025 Venus 15:04:2025 Sun 27:04:2025 Moon 28:05:2025 Mars 23:06:2025

Venus 29:03:2025 Sun 16:04:2025 Moon 28:04:2025 Mars 30:05:2025 Rahu 27:06:2025

Vimshottari Dasha - Sub-Sub-Sub-Sub Period

Mo-Me-Ke-Ju Mo-Me-Ke-Sa Mo-Me-Ke-Me
29:11:2023 03:12:2023 07:12:2023
03:12:2023 07:12:2023 12:12:2023
Jupiter 29:11:2023;01:46:06PM Saturn 03:12:2023;07:34:09PM Mercury 08:12:2023;10:34:11AM

Saturn 30:11:2023;05:03:04AM Mercury 04:12:2023;11:48:25AM Ketu 08:12:2023;04:33:07PM

Mercury 30:11:2023;06:43:30PM Ketu 04:12:2023;06:29:35PM Venus 09:12:2023;09:38:40AM

Ketu 01:12:2023;00:21:20AM Venus 05:12:2023;01:35:47PM Sun 09:12:2023;02:46:20PM

Venus 01:12:2023;04:26:33PM Sun 05:12:2023;07:19:39PM Moon 09:12:2023;11:19:06PM

Sun 01:12:2023;09:16:07PM Moon 06:12:2023;04:52:45AM Mars 10:12:2023;05:18:03AM

Moon 02:12:2023;05:18:44AM Mars 06:12:2023;11:33:55AM Rahu 10:12:2023;08:41:03PM

Mars 02:12:2023;10:56:33AM Rahu 07:12:2023;04:45:30AM Jupiter 11:12:2023;10:21:29AM

Rahu 03:12:2023;01:25:15AM Jupiter 07:12:2023;08:02:28PM Saturn 12:12:2023;02:35:45AM

Mo-Me-Ve-Ve Mo-Me-Ve-Su Mo-Me-Ve-Mo

12:12:2023 26:12:2023 30:12:2023
26:12:2023 30:12:2023 06:01:2024
Venus 14:12:2023;00:02:59PM Sun 26:12:2023;04:29:20PM Moon 31:12:2023;09:07:23AM

Sun 15:12:2023;05:17:09AM Moon 27:12:2023;01:06:25AM Mars 31:12:2023;07:12:18PM

Moon 16:12:2023;10:00:45AM Mars 27:12:2023;07:08:23AM Rahu 01:01:2024;09:07:48PM

Mars 17:12:2023;06:07:17AM Rahu 27:12:2023;10:39:08PM Jupiter 02:01:2024;08:10:28PM

Rahu 19:12:2023;09:49:47AM Jupiter 28:12:2023;00:26:28PM Saturn 03:01:2024;11:32:23PM

Jupiter 21:12:2023;07:47:34AM Saturn 29:12:2023;04:48:55AM Mercury 05:01:2024;00:01:28AM

Saturn 23:12:2023;02:22:25PM Mercury 29:12:2023;07:27:58PM Ketu 05:01:2024;10:06:23AM

Mercury 25:12:2023;03:12:34PM Ketu 30:12:2023;01:29:55AM Venus 06:01:2024;02:54:43PM

Ketu 26:12:2023;11:19:05AM Venus 30:12:2023;06:44:05PM Sun 06:01:2024;11:33:13PM

Mo-Me-Ve-Ma Mo-Me-Ve-Ra Mo-Me-Ve-Ju

06:01:2024 12:01:2024 24:01:2024
12:01:2024 24:01:2024 05:02:2024
Mars 07:01:2024;06:36:40AM Rahu 13:01:2024;11:12:07PM Jupiter 26:01:2024;00:30:29PM

Rahu 08:01:2024;00:45:31AM Jupiter 15:01:2024;04:40:55PM Saturn 28:01:2024;08:17:33AM

Jupiter 08:01:2024;04:53:23PM Saturn 17:01:2024;05:56:22PM Mercury 29:01:2024;11:28:05PM

Saturn 09:01:2024;00:02:43PM Mercury 19:01:2024;02:00:43PM Ketu 30:01:2024;03:35:57PM

Mercury 10:01:2024;05:11:05AM Ketu 20:01:2024;08:09:34AM Venus 01:02:2024;01:41:17PM

Ketu 10:01:2024;00:14:31PM Venus 22:01:2024;00:00:34PM Sun 02:02:2024;03:30:53AM

Venus 11:01:2024;08:24:21AM Sun 23:01:2024;03:33:52AM Moon 03:02:2024;02:33:33AM

Sun 11:01:2024;02:27:18PM Moon 24:01:2024;05:29:22AM Mars 03:02:2024;06:41:25PM

Moon 12:01:2024;00:32:13AM Mars 24:01:2024;11:38:13PM Rahu 05:02:2024;00:10:13PM


Ashtak Varga Tables

Sarvashtak Varga
Sun's Ashtak Varga Moon's Ashtak Varga

Mar's Ashtak Varga Mercury's Ashtak Varga Jupiter's Ashtak Varga

Venus's Ashtak Varga Saturn's Ashtak Varga Ascendent's Ashtak Varga


Shodash Varga Charts

Sun Charts Moon Chart

For Self For Aptitude and Likina

Lagna Chart Hora Chart

For Body Structure and Health Prosperity, Wealth

Drekkana Chaturthamsha

Siblings, their lives and well being Luck and Residence


Saptamamsha Navamsha

Children, Grand Children Spouce, General overall with Rashi

Dashamamsha Dwadashamamsha

Profession, Success of all matters Parents, their lives and well being

Shodashamsha Vimshamsha

Ones relationship to Vehicles Spiritual undertakings


Chaturvimshamsha Saptvimshamsha

Education, Learning, Brains Strenths and Weaknesses

Trimshamsha Khavedamsha

Miseries, Troubles, Disasters Auspicious/Inauspicious Events

Akshvedamsha Shashtiamsha - D60

All things-Everythings-Overall All things-Everythings-Overall


Shodashvarga Table
Shodashvarga Table
Charts Asc Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat Rahu Ketu
Lagna Ari Vir Sco Leo Vir Sco Leo Lib Tau Sco
Hora Can Leo Leo Leo Can Can Leo Leo Leo Leo
Drekkana Sag Tau Can Sag Cap Pis Sag Aqu Cap Can
Chaturthamsha Cap Gem Leo Sco Sag Aqu Sco Cap Aqu Leo
Saptamamsha Lib Leo Sco Sco Tau Leo Lib Sag Ari Lib
Navamsha Sag Leo Pis Leo Ari Sco Can Cap Leo Aqu
Dashamamsha Cap Cap Ari Sag Leo Sco Sco Cap Vir Pis
Dwadashamamsha Pis Gem Lib Cap Cap Ari Sag Aqu Pis Vir
Shodashamsha Can Sag Sco Pis Tau Pis Cap Lib Vir Vir
Vimshamsha Sco Sag Can Vir Pis Vir Gem Sco Ari Ari
Chaturvimshamsha Can Aqu Gem Gem Pis Gem Ari Tau Pis Pis
Saptvimshamsha Gem Ari Pis Ari Ari Aqu Cap Leo Tau Sco
Trimshamsha Lib Cap Sco Sag Vir Pis Sag Sag Sco Sco
Khavedamsha Gem Gem Sag Lib Sag Tau Tau Can Can Can
Akshvedamsha Sco Sag Pis Ari Ari Gem Sco Leo Vir Vir
Shashtiamsha Aqu Vir Vir Sco Gem Ari Ari Leo Can Cap

Planets ShadVarga SaptVarga DasaVarga ShodashVarga
Sun -- -- Parijata Bhedaka
Moon Kimsuka Banjan Gopura Nagpushpa
Mars Banjan Banjan Uttama Kusuma
Mercury Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Bhedaka
Jupiter Kimsuka Kimsuka Uttama Kusuma
Venus Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Bhedaka
Saturn -- -- Parijata Bhedaka
Rahu -- -- -- Bhedaka
Ketu Kimsuka Kimsuka Parijata Kusuma

ShadaBala And BhavBala

Strength Sun Mo Mar Mer Jup Ven Sat
Uchcha Bala 5.3 8.73 5.18 58.56 16.72 15.58 57.09
Sapta-Varga Bala 112.5 116.25 157.5 135 157.5 97.5 150
Yugma-Ayugma Bala 15 30 30 15 0 15 15
Kendradi Bala 15 30 30 15 30 30 60
Drekkana Bala 0 15 0 15 0 0 15
Sthana Bala 147.8 199.98 222.68 238.56 204.22 158.08 297.09
Dig Bala 22.64 15.66 9.13 16.17 5.23 51.97 54.03
Natonnata Bala 38.58 16.33 16.33 38.58 60 38.58 16.33
Paksha Bala 38.3 21.7 38.3 38.3 21.7 21.7 38.3
Tribhaga Bala 0 0 60 0 60 0 0
Varsh Bala 0 15 0 0 0 0 0
Masa Bala 0 0 0 30 0 0 0
Dina Bala 0 0 45 0 0 0 0
Hora Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
Ayana Bala 20.83 58.53 40.58 31.65 2.4 42.12 45.93
Yuddha Bala 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Kaal Bala 97.72 111.56 200.22 138.53 144.1 102.4 160.57
Chesta Bala 20.83 21.7 30 0 30 30 45
Naisargika Bala 60 51.43 17.14 25.71 34.29 42.86 8.57
Drik Bala 1.05 -3.05 17.12 2.89 -2.41 6.56 0.61
Total Shadbala 350.05 397.28 496.29 421.86 415.42 391.86 565.87
Shadbal in Rupas 5.83 6.62 8.27 7.03 6.92 6.53 9.43
Minimum Required 390 360 300 420 390 330 300
Relative Ranking 7 5 2 3 4 6 1
Ishta Phala 11.31 13.76 12.47 0 22.39 21.62 50.69
Kashta Phala 48.69 46.24 47.53 60 37.61 38.38 9.31

Bhava No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Bhava Rashi Ari Tau Gem Cnc Leo Vir Lib Sco Sag Cpc Aqu Pis
Bhavadhipati Bala 496.2 391.8 421.8 397.2 350.0 421.8 391.8 496.2 415.4 565.8 565.8 415.4
9 6 6 8 5 6 6 9 2 7 7 2
Bhava Dik-Bala 30 20 40 60 10 10 0 50 50 0 40 20
Bhava Drishti-Bala -0.49 10.72 0.14 - 22.12 14.87 2.5 -2.5 - - 33.86 4.6
16.08 17.76 12.66
Total Bhava Bala 525.8 422.58 462 441.19 382.17 446.73 394.36 543.79 447.66 553.22 639.73 440.02
Bhava Bala in 8.76 7.04 7.7 7.35 6.37 7.45 6.57 9.06 7.46 9.22 10.66 7.33
Bhava Rank 4 10 5 8 12 7 11 3 6 2 1 9

Parashari Aspects
Planets Main Aspects to Special Aspects to
Su ------ ------
Mo Ra ------
Ma ------ Mo, Ju, Ke
Me ------ ------
Ju Ra ------
Ve ------ ------
Sa As ------
Ra Mo, Ju, Ke ------
Ke Ra ------
Jaimini Aspects
Sign( Planets ) Frontal Aspect to Lateral Aspects to
Aries Scorpio(Mo, Ju, Ke) Leo(Ma, Ve)] Aquarius
Taurus(Ra) Libra(Sa) Cancer] Capricorn
Gemini Virgo(Su, Me) Sagittarius] Pisces
Cancer Aquarius Taurus(Ra)] Scorpio(Mo, Ju, Ke)
Leo(Ma, Ve) Capricorn Aries] Libra(Sa)
Virgo(Su, Me) Gemini Sagittarius] Pisces
Libra(Sa) Taurus(Ra) Leo(Ma, Ve)] Aquarius
Scorpio(Mo, Ju, Ke) Aries Cancer] Capricorn
Sagittarius Pisces Gemini] Virgo(Su, Me)
Capricorn Leo(Ma, Ve) Taurus(Ra)] Scorpio(Mo, Ju, Ke)
Aquarius Cancer Aries] Libra(Sa)
Pisces Sagittarius Gemini] Virgo(Su, Me)
Tajaka Aspects
Planets As Su Mo Ma Me Ju Ve Sa Ra Ke
As ---
Su 6/8(+) ---
Mo 6/8(+) 3/11(+) ---
Ma 5/9(-) 2/12(+) 4/10(-) ---
Me 6/8(-) 1/1(-) 3/11(-) 2/12(+) ---
Ju 6/8(-) 3/11(+) 1/1(-) 4/10(+) 3/11(+) ---
Ve 5/9(-) 2/12(-) 4/10(-) 1/1(+) 2/12(+) 4/10(+) ---
Sa 7/7(-) 2/12(-) 2/12(-) 3/11(+) 2/12(+) 2/12(+) 3/11(+) ---
Ra 2/12(-) 5/9(+) 7/7(+) 4/10(-) 5/9(-) 7/7(-) 4/10(-) 6/8(-) ---
Ke 6/8(-) 3/11(+) 1/1(+) 4/10(-) 3/11(-) 1/1(-) 4/10(-) 2/12(-) 7/7 (+) ---
Legend :- 1/ 1 : Conjunction; 2/ 12 : Semi-Sextile; 3/ 11 : Sextile; 4/ 10 : Square; 5/ 9 : Trine; 6/ 8 : Quincunx; 7/ 7 :
Opposition. ... (+) stands for intermingling of planetary orbs; (-) stands for no intermingling of planetary orbs.
Note : For planetary aspects, the mean value of the orbs as per Tajaka recommendation has been taken. For Rahu and
Ketu, the value of orb has been taken as 6*; but no orb has been taken for Ascendant.

Planet Nirayana Bhava

Planets Sign Degree RL NL SB SS Hse Sign Degree RL NL SB SS
Sun Vir 24:10:54 Me Ma Ra Ra 1 Ari 29:15:47 Ma Su Ra Ra
Moon Sco 29:16:19 Ma Me Sa Mo 2 Tau 26:31:32 Ve Ma Ju Sa
Mars Leo 13:39:01 Su Ve Ve Ve 3 Gem 20:52:22 Me Ju Ju Ke
Merc Vir 10:45:55 Me Mo Mo Me 4 Can 16:15:32 Mo Sa Ju Mo
Jup Sco 14:57:02 Ma Sa Ju Ju 5 Leo 15:59:48 Su Ve Su Me
Ven Leo 10:21:42 Su Ke Sa Ve 6 Vir 21:35:40 Me Mo Ve Ju
Sat Lib 11:21:42 Ve Ra Sa Ve 7 Lib 29:15:47 Ve Ju Su Me
Rahu (R) Tau 25:18:31 Ve Ma Ra Ke 8 Sco 26:31:32 Ma Me Ju Sa
Ketu (R) Sco 25:18:31 Ma Me Ra Ke 9 Sag 20:52:22 Ju Ve Ju Me
Urn Sco 12:56:29 Ma Sa Ra Ra 10 Cap 16:15:32 Sa Mo Sa Me
Nep Sag 03:14:02 Ju Ke Su Ju 11 Aqu 15:59:48 Sa Ra Ve Ma
Plu Lib 05:27:27 Ve Ma Su Ve 12 Pis 21:35:40 Ju Me Su Mo

Fortuna : Cancer 04:21:12

Aynamsha Krishnamurti (023:32:01)

Lagna Kundali Cusp Chart


Significations of the Houses

House Planets in Occupant's Stars Occupant of Cusp Planets in Owner's Stars Cusp Owner Cusp SubLord
I Sa Ra Su,Ra MA RA
IV Su,Ra, Ma Ma, Ve Me MO JU$
V Mo,Ke Me SU SU$
VI Ju Su, Sa Mo,Ke ME VE
VII Ve Ju, Ke Ma VE SU$

(+) These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

Houses Signified by Planets
Plts A B C D E
Sun 4 6 1, 8 5 5, 7, 12
Mo 5 8 3, 6 4
Mar 4 4 2, 7 1, 8
Mer 8 5 4 3, 6
Jup 6 7 10, 11 9, 12 2, 3, 4, 8, 9
Ven 7 4 2, 7 6, 11
Sat 1 6 10, 11 10
Rah 4 1 1, 8 1
Ket 5 7 3, 6

(+) These planets do not have any planets in their stars.

(A) Represents the most strongest significator and (E) Represents the most weakest significator for
given house., Rahu acts as agent for : Moon,Jupiter,Venus/Ketu acts as agent for :
Birth Time RP Current Time RP
Date/Time: 11:10:1983 / 20:10:00 Date/Time: 02:12:2023 / 10:27:24
RPs Lagna Moon RPs Lagna Moon
Sign Lord Mars Mars Sign Lord Saturn Moon
Star Lord Sun Mercury Star Lord Sun Saturn
Sub Lord Rahu Saturn Sub Lord Jupiter Mars
SS lord Rahu Moon SS lord Venus Saturn
SSS Lord Rahu Sun SSS Lord Saturn Jupiter
Day Lord Saturn

Day Lord Mars


General Predictions Related to Native

General Characteristics :-
Your Ascendant falls in the Aries sign. This sign has been classified as a fiery, cardinal (movable or
acute) and equinoctial sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to
it: this sign is masculine, sterile, fruitful, bestial, and violent by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will become very courageous, and have a somewhat rash,
impulsive, and intemperate nature; you will be dauntless, bold, and fearless. You will be endowed with
an ever-optimistic outlook, the 'never-learnt-to-admit-defeat' attitude, and high ambition - as you will
nurture a deep-rooted desire for gaining prominence at your earliest. For being highly ambitious, you
may reach to the highest position in your profession. Your unique qualities will give you recognition in
sphere of your profession or business, whatever case it may be. You may become the head of any
department or office or organization. If you are unable to enjoy peculiar rights at your work place, you
will be able to find new ways for yourself very soon.
You will be determined and very active, with a positive attitude. You will not be averse to make
proper use of energy and force - you will be assertive, positive, and can be extremely aggressive at
times. You will not put down your work incomplete. You will be endowed with distinctive vitality.
You will be logical and genius. For this reason, you will accomplish your job in a systemic way, with a
scientific approach, by using all available facts and data. At times, you may become quite audacious,
may even appear rough or rude; and if someone ever antagonizes you, you may even resort to outright
violence. In spite of these all, you will possess some invaluable and unique qualities; like
ingeniousness and very enterprising nature.
You will admire beauty & art. In your own walk of life, your contemporaries will surely adore you,
always treat you to be one of their very own, and consider you as a veritable source of inspiration. You
will be inclined towards males. You may succeed to tie a nuptial knot with the boy whom you have
liked at your early age. You will love children and your first child will be the apple of your eyes. You
may suffer from bilious disorder.
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Scorpio - which is ruled by Mars, and symbolized by a
poisonous insect ready to sting! It is a fixed, negative, and watery sign; the Moon becomes debilitated
here. You will be a highly energetic person with a forceful nature - having indomitable courage, and

gifted with much endurance. You will be endowed with a high ambition and strong spirit of conquest.
In strife, you will be dauntless and implacable, having absolutely no regard to the danger of defeat or
facing reversal. You will be replete with leadership qualities and masterful manners. You will be in
fortunate and comfortable circumstances, and may secure a commanding position, and you are likely
to have many devoted and faithful employees or followers.
If Moon exerts malefic influence, then you may become proud and haughty, and acquire a tyrannical
disposition, and may even resort to extremely cruel means for achieving your objectives. But, If Moon
exerts benefic influence instead; it will make your mind fruitful - as your passions will turn devotional.
You can look forward to attaining a higher spiritual level by judicious utilization of your superior
qualities. However, your passion could be very volatile and strong as well - if it is not bridled in time,
then it may even lead to dire consequences or even total disaster - as there are chances that you may
become very impulsive, and get entangled into strange love-affairs.
The Moon in Scorpio will impart in you a self-reliant attitude and determined nature. You will be able
to defend your interests independently. You will be very unassuming, plain spoken, and sometimes can
abruptly frown for cutting a long story short. For being conservative by nature and averse to forced
changes, you may at times refuse to mend your ways or change your views; for this, some people may
brand you as obstinate. If anyone ever antagonizes you, you may become extremely angry, refuse to
forgive, and develop an avenging attitude in mad fury.
If Moon exerts benefic influence, then your marriage will be fruitful and happy; but If Moon exerts
malefic influence instead, then your married life may not be very harmonious, and you may become
unhappy owing to-, or on account of-, one of your children - probably the first-born. You may have
gross interest in the occult and mystic subjects; and in the event of premature demise of a close family
relation at a fairly early age-period, you might be drawn to religion.

Physical Appearance :-
Your complexion is likely to be pinkish and you will be of medium height. You are likely to have a
well shaped build with strong limbs, and will posses a strong resistance to diseases. Your face is likely
to be bony or angular with broad temples and narrow chin. Your eyes are likely to be rounded. You
may have curly hair and well arranged teeth. You may have a cut or scar as a distinctive mark on your

Qualities :-
You will be original, enterprising and full of zip. You will averse any restraint or control and would
love free flight. You will be endowed with self-confidence. Your will-power will be very strong. You
will love and accept challenges, and fight against harsh conditions and impediments. You will be an
ultimate conqueror.

Negative Traits :-
You may be impatient and reckless. You may loose your self control very soon and might be
quarrelsome. Your attitude may be adamant. You may not accept the advice of others easily. You may
be very hasty in your decisions.

Special Characteristics :-
1. You will be endowed with a very sharp intellectual power. Your receptivity will be very good.
2. You will not be a glutton and have will posses less appetite.
3. Physically, as well as mentally, you will be very strong.
4. You will not tolerate any kind of non-cooperation or antagonism in your work, and stand firm
against it.
5. Your pace, while walking, will be very fast.

Profession :-
You will be famous in the society. You will also receive respect from people. You may gain through
the jobs related with fire, like bakery, brick kiln, metal casting, wielding etc. You may be successful
by joining and working in the Police force or the army. You may also become a doctor, engineer, fire
fighting officer or a labour leader.
1. Sun, lord of the 5th house, Mars, lord of the 1st & 8th house and Jupiter, lord of the 9th house, are
benefic planets.
2. Mercury, Venus and Saturn are malefic.
3. Moon is neutral.

Important personalities belonging to Aries Ascendant :-

Prithvi Raj Chauhan - King , Subhash Chandra Bose - Freedom Fighter and Chief of Azad Hind Fauz,

Sardar Vallabh bhai Patel - Politician, Smita Patil, Nargis - Film Stars, Ajay Jadeja - Cricketer, R. P.
Goenka- Industrialist, Ramanujam - Philosopher.

This is a "SOFTWARE GENERATED REPORT" with a generalised prediction and is
absolutely free for your reference. Personal Consultations by Astrologer Dr Prem Kumar
Sharma (Ph. D) can only be availed personally. Personal Consultations would be

The current report that you are accessing through this link is completely software
generated and we do not vouch for its accuracy (which may be due to any technical
glitches at any stage) and should not be treated as a substitute to any other advice that you
would avail from a professional otherwise.

Wishing the very best – prosperity and happiness.

Prepared by on 02 December 2023, 10:27:24AM

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