112 Ex3
112 Ex3
112 Ex3
Exercise 3:
Bacterial Stains
In our laboratory, bacterial morphology (form and structure) may be examined in two ways:
Besides being very small, bacteria are also almost completely transparent, colorless and featureless in
their natural states. However, staining can make the structures of bacteria more pronounced.
A stain (or dye) usually consists of a chromogen and an auxochrome. Reaction of a benzene
derivative with a coloring agent (or chromophore) forms a chromogen. The auxochrome imparts a
positive or negative charge to the chromogen, thus ionizing it. The ionized stain is capable of binding
to cell structures with opposite charges.
Basic stains are cationic; when ionized, the chromogen exhibits a positive charge. Basic stains bind to
negatively charged cell structures like nucleic acids. Methylene blue, crystal violet and carbolfuchsin
are common basic stains.
Acidic stains are anionic; when ionized, the chromogen exhibits a negative charge. Acidic stains bind
to positively charged cell structures like proteins. Picric acid, eosin and nigrosin are common acidic
Negative stains: Dye does not bind to the specimen, but rather around the specimen.
1. Simple stain.
General Microbiology Manual
Exercise 3.1
Simple Stains
In this exercise, we will use simple stains to show the general structures of some bacteria. Usually,
a single basic stain is used in the procedure. Simple stains do not usually provide any data for
identification of the bacterium; they simply make the bacterium easier to see.
To observe basic external structures of cell with bright field scope (cellular morphology).
Each student/team:
Glass slides
Methylene blue
Lab supplies:
Nutrient broth cultures of Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus epidermidis (all 24-
to 48-hour).
1. Obtain broth cultures of the bacteria listed above.
2. Using an inoculating loop, remove a loopful of suspension from one of the tubes.
5. Heat-fix the smear by quickly passing the slide through a Bunsen burner flame three times.
This causes partial melting of the cell walls and membranes of the bacteria, and makes them
stick to the slide. Do not overheat the slide as this will destroy the bacteria.
6. Cover the smear with a few drops of one of the stains. Allow the stain to remain for the
following periods of time:
7. Gently rinse the slide by holding its surface parallel to a gently flowing stream of water.
8. Gently blot the excess water from the slide with bibulous paper. Do not wipe the slide.
Allow the slide to air dry.
9. Observe the slide under the microscope with air and oil lenses. A cover slip is not
required. Repeat this process with the other bacteria and stains. Note the differences
between the various types of stains and their appearances.
General Microbiology Manual
General Microbiology Manual
Laboratory Report
Exercise 3.1
Simple Stains
Discussion of results
General Microbiology Manual
Exercise 3.2:
Gram stains
In the previous, we examined bacteria with the aid of simple stains. In this experiment, we will use a
differential staining method called the Gram stain (named after its inventor). The Gram stain
differentiates bacteria into two broad groups. Gram positive bacteria have thick cell walls. Gram
negative bacteria have thinner cell walls, but also have an outer cell membrane (part of the capsule)
that covers the cell wall. The Gram stain is the most common differential staining procedure. Almost
all bacteria are described by their Gram stain characteristics.
Figure (5): Gram Negative cell wall Figure (10): Gram positive cell wall
The Gram stain, like most differential staining procedures, has at least three components: a
primary stain, a mordant and/or selective treatment, and a counterstain.
The primary stain colors the target cells or cell components in question. Here, the primary stain is
crystal violet, and the target cells are the thick-walled bacterial cells. The mordant reacts with the
primary stain and the target cells so that the target cells retain the stain.
In the Gram stain, a solution of iodine and potassium iodide (collectively called Gram's iodine) is the
A selective treatment is an additional step that causes the target cells to retain the primary stain
while removing the primary stain from the non-target cells. A 95% ethanol rinse is used in the
Gram stain to remove excess crystal violet.
General Microbiology Manual
The counterstain is a contrasting stain, which colors everything that wasn't colored by the
primary stain. Safranin is usually used to counterstain in the Gram stain procedure.
Each student/team:
Glass slides.
Lab supplies:
Nutrient broth cultures of Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli (both 24- to 48-hour).
1. Spread a loopful of each culture onto separate glass slides (dilute very heavy suspensions with
a loopful of water). Allow the slides to air dry.
3. Cover the bacteria with a few drops of crystal violet. Allow it to set for 30-60 seconds.
5. Cover the bacteria with a few drops of Gram's iodine. Allow it to set for 60 seconds.
7. Rinse the slides with 95% ethanol, drop by drop, just until the alcohol rinses clear
(decolorization). Be careful not to over-decolorize.
8. Cover the bacteria with a few drops of safranin. Allow it to set for 30 seconds.
9. Gently rinse the slides with water. Blot (not wipe) excess water with tissue paper. Allow the
slide to air dry.
10. Observe the slides under oil immersion. Gram positive cells are dark purple, while Gram
negative cells are pink. Gram stain characteristics cannot be determined with air lenses. Some
bacteria may appear to be Gram positive with air lenses when they are actually Gram negative.
General Microbiology Manual
General Microbiology Manual
Time of decolorization
Over: G (+) change to G (-).
Time of fixation
Over: G (+) change to G (-).
4. List 2 reasons why a bacterium that should be gram positive might turn out gram
5. Which of the steps in the gram stain is the MOST CRITICAL, and why?
General Microbiology Manual
Laboratory Report
Exercise 3.2:
Gram stains
Discussion of results
General Microbiology Manual
Exercise 3.3
Acid - fast stain
The acid-fast stain is another differential staining method. In this case, the target cells are usually
members of the genus Mycobacterium. The cell walls of these bacteria contain an unusually high
concentration of waxy lipids, thus making conventional simple stains and Gram stains useless.
The genus Mycobacterium contains two important human pathogens, M. tuberculosis and M.
Carbolfuchsin, a phenolic stain, is the primary stain in the acid-fast test. It is soluble in the lipids of
the mycobacterial cell wall.
Heating the specimen, or adding a wetting agent such as Tergitol, increases the penetration of the
carbolfuchsin. Both procedures are described later in methods section of this experiment.
Following application of the carbolfuchsin, the specimen is cooled and decolorized with a
solution of 3% hydrochloric acid and 95% ethanol (acid-alcohol).
Since carbolfuchsin is more soluble in waxy cell lipids than in acid-alcohol, the acid-alcohol
removes the carbolfuchsin from non-acid-fast organisms, but not from acid-fast organisms.
Following decolorization, the sample is counterstained with methylene blue.
Each student/team:
Glass slides.
Lab supplies:
Nutrient broth cultures of Mycobacterium smegmatis and Escherichia coli (both 48- to 72-hour).
General Microbiology Manual
1. Prepare a smear of each organism and a combined smear of both organisms on separate
glass slides. When making the combined smear, be careful not to cross-contaminate the
stock cultures.
2. Allow the slides to air dry, and then heat fix the organisms.
3. Apply enough of carbolfuchsin with Tergitol to cover the bacteria. Allow it to set for five
4. (Alternate) If Tergitol is not available, apply enough carbolfuchsin to cover the bacteria.
Place the slide on a pre-warmed hot plate set on low for five minutes. Do not allow the stain
to evaporate. Add additional stain, if necessary. Remove the slide and allow it to cool.
5. Rinse the slide with acid-alcohol, drop by drop, just until the alcohol runs clear.
7. Apply enough methylene blue to cover the bacteria. Allow it to set for two minutes.
9. Blot (don't wipe) the slide dry with bibulous paper. Allow the slide to air dry.
10. Examine the slide under oil immersion. Positive organisms will appear pink or red;
negative organisms will appear blue.
General Microbiology Manual
Laboratory Report
Exercise 3.3
Acid - fast stain
Discussion of results
General Microbiology Manual
Exercise 3.4
Spore stain
Many species of bacteria can exist in two very different states. In favorable environments, they exist
as metabolically active vegetative cells. When the environment becomes unfavorable, these cells
undergo the process of sporogenesis, and form intracellular endospores. When the vegetative cell
degenerates and dies, the endospore is released as a spore. When conditions become favorable, the
spore germinates to become a vegetative cell again.
The endospore is highly resistant differentiated bacterial cells that are highly resistant to heat,
boiling and drying out and are difficult to destroy, Stable for years.
Do not confuse bacterial spores with fungal spores, which are very different structures.
Several thick spore coats surround bacterial spores, making the spores very resistant to heat,
cold, desiccation, radiation and a variety of chemical agents (including many
microbiological stains). Special staining procedures must be used to visualize spores with
the compound microscope.
General Microbiology Manual
Malachite green is the primary stain. In addition, the stain must be heated to penetrate the spore coat.
The bacteria are decolorized with water. Malachite green is soluble in water unless it is bound to the
spore coats. Safranin is the counterstain. When describing spore-forming bacteria, the location of the
endospore is usually stated as central, terminal, or subterminal (Figure 11).
Each student/team:
Lab supplies:
Nutrient broth cultures of Bacillus subtilis (or Clostridium tetani) and Escherichia coli (24 to 72-
1. Make smears of each organism on separate slides.
2. Allow the slides to air dry, and then heat fix.
3. Apply a few drops of malachite green to the bacteria. Place the slides directly on a pre-
warmed hot plate set on low for 2-3 minutes. Do not allow the stain to evaporate.
Apply additional stain, if necessary.
4. Remove the slides from the hot plate and allow them to cool.
5. Gently rinse the slides with water.
6. Apply enough safranin to the slides to cover the bacteria. Allow it to set for 30
7. Gently rinse the slides with water.
8. Blot (don't wipe) the slides with bibulous paper. Allow the slides to air dry.
9. Examine the slides under oil immersion. The bacteria should appear pink; the spores
should appear green.
General Microbiology Manual
Laboratory Report
Exercise 3.4
Spore stain
Discussion of results
General Microbiology Manual
Exercise 3.5
When a stain, such as an acid dye, cannot penetrate the outer layers of a microbe, the cell will
appear transparent on a colored background. This stain is called a negative or background stain. It is
performed by mixing the dye with a suspension of bacteria on a slide and spreading the mixture into
a thin layer for viewing.
Capsules are structures composed of carbohydrate or glycoprotein that lay outside of an organism's
cell wall and thus are in direct contact with the environment. Many bacteria produce capsules under
the right conditions.
Functions of a capsule
1. Protect the cell from desiccation (drying)
2. Protect the cell from phagocytes (being engulfed by white blood cells)
3. Provide a food reserve when certain organic compounds are in excess.
4. A virulence determinant of pathogenic microbes
5. They serve as binding or adhesion agents for sticking cells together and/or to a surface
such as a rock in flowing stream or a tooth
Capsules are not readily stained and therefore are visualized by negative stain techniques. The
organisms are prepared as a smear in the presence of an acid dye and allowed to air dry because heat
will cause the capsule to shrink. Usually the negative stain (which colors the background) is followed
by a simple stain to color the bacterium. The capsule appears as a colorless layer between the
bacterium and the background.
Each student/team:
1. India Ink
2. Methylene blue
3. Microscope slides
Lab supplies:
General Microbiology Manual
1. Use an inoculating needle to suspend the organism in a drop of India Ink at one end of the
2. Place the short end of a clean microscope slide into the suspension and spread the
mixture across the slide to form a thin layer.
4. Cover the smear with methylene blue for 2-3 minutes. Rinse gently with water and allow to
air dry.
General Microbiology Manual
Capsules appear as clear zones (halos) around the refractile organism.
1. Older cultures are more likely to exhibit capsule production.
2. When performing a capsule stain on your unknown, be sure the culture you take your
sample from is at least five days old.
3. This stain is used for direct microscopic examination of capsules of microorganisms.
4. The India ink gives a semi opaque background against which the clear capsules can be
easily visualized.
General Microbiology Manual
Laboratory Report
Exercise 3.5
Discussion of results